Un-kosher UN-coincidences

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1517 - Beginning of the Protestant Reformation

1917 - 400th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Bolsheviks begin the extermination of 180 million white Christians.


[I was informed by a correspondent who lives in California, that a holocaust museum here in the US, in California, on the INSIDE of the building where untold thousands of school children are herded through each year to brainwash them, on the inside of the "Museum" on a wall in big letters is something to the effect "Martin Luther was responsible for the Holocaust."  HOW IS THAT NOT DEFAMATION...?  Hate speech?  Child abuse?  Young children believe what they are told.]


1967 - halfway anniversary from 1917 to 2017.

2017 (last year) was the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution and 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.

I published this book a memorial edition for the anniversary

The Last Days of the Romanovs: From 15th March, 1917—100th Anniversary Memorial Edition (1920) Part I—The Narrative by Robert Wilton (Special Correspondent of The Times in Petrograd) and Part II—The Depositions of the Eye-Witnesses by Nikolai Sokolov (translated by George Gustav Telberg), and Part III; with many extra added illustrations of the entire Royal family... and Bible verses under each calling for God's Righteous Vengeance... and additional information, very moving presentation... photo and short bio of the author, and Preface and Final Thoughts by modern publisher; 405pp. total pb., 22.00 + P&H.  Author clearly pointed the finger at the true criminals and noted that it was not the Russians who were behind Bolshevism, the Revolution, or the murders. If you are unaware of this, one of the greatest crimes of the modern era and how an entire mega-super-power was stolen, order this.


1948 of course was the year in which after WWII the land of Palestine (named for the Philistines) was given to the Jews (who are not the descendants of the Israelites, but are the descendants of the Edomite Canaanites who infiltrated Israel en masse in 126 B.C. when Maccabee leader John Hyrcanus conquered Edom and foolishly against God's Law, "force converted" them; it was then that they entered true Israelite society and adopted Hebrew customs, circumcision, passover, sabbath, dietary laws, etc.)... yet though a war was allegedly fought to give them a "homeland" more Jews leave each year than enter, and they want to steal all our nations from us, one nation is not enough, they want the whole world.

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” (You Gentiles, by Jewish author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).


In 1967 the Jews took even more territory from the Arabs in the 6-days' War.

2017 (last year; according to my Chronology chart*), is possibly the 7 year mark (the beginning of the 7 years Great-Tribulation, if it is actually 7 years long, which does not seem to be documentable from Scripture) from the 120th Jubilee from Creation, the year 2024 / 2025 which is possibly when Christ will return and destroy the wicked from off the earth and Satan will be bound in Hell for 1,000 years during the Millennial Kingdom of Peace.  He knows that His time is short.  God's true people are the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Norse, Baltic, Slavic peoples of Christendom (those who have not polluted their blood with all the peoples of the earth and become Babylon, "confusion by mixing").  God promised to preserve a remnant of His True people.  Satan thinks that if he can utterly genocide or mongrelize the people's of Christendom, God's True people, the Bride of Christ, that Christ will not only have no bride to which to return, but it will also prove God to not be the God of the Bible.  If He can only fail even (to preserve a remnant) then God is not Omnipotent, Perfect, Omniscient, True, etc.  Thus Satan will renew his efforts thinking that he can eventually overthrow God completely.

We are the battle ground.  The nonwhite, nonchristian world wants to exterminate us.  They don't know why... Satan has inspired them with uncommon, irrational hatred.  This is the fulfillment of the book of Revelation in which the Dragon / Serpent vomits forth a flood (3rd world) to drown the woman and her child (God's people).  God also put this pictorial history in the constellations. 

See my book, Are Celestial Mysteries, History, and Prophecy Revealed in the Orion Nebula, the Stars, the Constellations, and the Zodiac...?, 82pp., 8.5” x 7”, pb., 58 illustrations, 2 full page color illustrations; 12.00 + P&H. completely different perspective / conclusions than authorities on topic (Rolleston, Seiss, Bullinger, Capt); using Bible numerics as decipher card, reveals / explains Gods Plan for Ages by correctly identifying identity / interpretation of each of 12 constellations in light of prophecy--which I wrote before this current invasion of Europe began; but when it began, I began pointing out that this was the fulfillment of prophecy.


* A Coordinated Chronological Table of the Patriarchs: From Adam to the 12 Tribes of Israel and the death of Moses... From Creation to the Exodus... [Covering 26 generations and 2,553 years of history, with around 3,000 co-ordinated dates.] — a 10-year project - 38” x 50” full-color wall chart showing all patriarchs from Adam to Moses; how old each was at time of all other patriarchs (living and dead) age in relation to Flood, Call of Abraham, Tower of Babel, Sodom & Gomorrah, Exodus; dates in terms of age from Adam, and B.C. dates by 8 different methods / chronologists; incorporates 2 other small charts: calander of events of the Flood & difference between Masoretic and Septuagint chronologies; clears up numerous chronological mysteries, 2 dozen pictures. Most details, comprehensive work of this kind ever attempted. A wealth of info. Easily see who was alive and when and in relation to everyone else and certain key events. 27.50 + 6.00 P&H within the US.


This invasion is also the fulfillment of the Book of Daniel in the dream-image of Nebuchadnezzar's statue representing the kingdoms of the earth.  The feet were of iron mingled with clay... this represents INTEGRATION, which is what has destroyed every great kingdom.  Christ, in disgust will strike those feet, they will shatter; clay and iron are not cohesive--that is why they have imported the third world... divide and conquer.  The Protestant Reformation and the American Revolution (which are inseparable, so said Leopold von Rankin,* Pres. John Adams, and Sec. of the Navy Bancroft**) were only possible because were were one people welded together by a common faith and a common race--GOD'S PEOPLE.  The internationalist destroyers learned their lesson* (the have the subtlety of their father the Devil); they have fragmented our society our nations; after Katrina (a test operative) they learned they did not have to send all the savages to the big cities, but to every small town in the US.  Since not enough people resisted, that has been the model ever since, as I explain in my A Bolshevik Primer: the planned extermination of Christendom--a plan hatched around 100 years ago (Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan) has now finally been put in place.  Society is fragmented by integration (and brainwashing in the media, education, and churches) and cannot be cohesive; it cannot stand together against a common enemy because the enemy is among us as untempered mortar and the enemy is consider our best friend... to whom FOOLS have married their sons and daughters thinking it is our just penance for all those horrible years of slavery (less than 3% of southerners owned slaves and the US received less than 3% of the slave market; the nonwhite nations are 1000x more guilty of slavery, yet because we are the only nation with a conscience, it is easily manipulated by lies).

[* Renown German historian

** A Plea For The Constitution of the United States: Wounded in the House of its Guardians (1886), George Bancroft (Secretary of the Navy), 88pp., Preface by F. Tupper Saussey, 6.00 + P&H.  Saussey endorsed my book Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance.]


Christ, in DISGUST will strike those feet and they will crumble; the statue will fall and 6,000 years of history and civilization will come to an end.  Christ will return (not for a "rapture", which is Jesuit-Zionist counter-Reformation propaganda to lull God's people into irresponsible complacency) He will return to destroy the wicked and the set up the 1000 year Kingdom of Peace--those who are alive and remain, and those who were beheaded for the testimony of Christ, they alone will share in the first resurrection to live for 1000 years.

It will become so bad, Christ declared, "When the Son of man returneth, will He find faith yet upon the earth?"  Faith is not a free-floating phenomena; it exists only within the elect of God's people who have confessed Christ and who have received the Holy Spirit, who imparts unto them faith wherewith they believe unto salvation.  Christ said unless God drew those final days of evil short NO FLESH of the elect of God's people would survive.  We are the last generation.  Christ's command to the remnant is to SURVIVE while seeking out the lost sheep, our blind kinsmen.

Adam is the only creature that God made as His very son: made after His Likeness and Image with God’s Very Spirit being breathed into Him.  That is why Satan wants to destroy the peoples of Christendom.

The goal is to mongrelize us and murder us out of existence.  The desecration of our monuments is the first step toward genocide.  If our war dead don't matter, we don't matter.  Now, I am not a southerner.  I descend from 11 of the 13 founding families of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  William Penn was a cousin of mine, as was Gen. George Armstrong Custer--as was Daniel Boone--but Boone's family (Normans from England) came first to Pennsylvania before coming to North Carolina.  My heart in is Philadelphia (shamefully a "savage sanctuary") and the suburbs of s.e. Penna, n.w. of Philly.  But the north was wrong.  The north was lied to.  We all were lied to.  Now, the south is no better than the north--it is maybe even worse, because the south intermarried with the american indians and polluted the Scots and Irish blood that founded it and made it such a success that the carpbet-bagger Canaanites who subverted the North wanted it for their own... the war was not about slavery.  The proof is overwhelming... the war was not to free the black slaves, but to make us all slaves of the Federal Zionist Plantation.  Well has it worked.  The past 3 or 4 generations even of true Americans (not imported aliens completely ignorant of our history) don't even know what liberty actually is (most think freedom is being able to choose McDonald's or Burger King for dinner).  In fact, the Public Schools do not even teach true American History--they begin teaching at the Civil War to indoctrinate them as good slaves on the Federal Plantation.  The only mention they hear of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, or the Pilgrims and Puritans etc., is defamatory hate speech.  The State can't have their slaves learning of what the nation was like, or concepts such as Freedom.  They only know the socialist bureaucracy in which they are marinated from childhood.

If you want to know what God hates, but are too lazy to read the Bible, or can't understand it... all you need to do is look and see what the WORLD LOVES and GLORIFIES and CELEBRATES.  If you want to see what God loves and commands, (etc...) all you need to do is look and see what the world DESPISES and DEMONIZES and considers the most vile crimes ever committed.  There are only 2 and they are directly solely against white Christians: 1. Racism.  2. Homophobia.  1. Racism is not a sin (amazing how it existed for millennia but was never considered a "Crime" until about the last 40 years); it is not a crime; it is not evil; those who want to destroy us will call evil anything that will prevent that destruction.  It is what God commanded: separation and purity.   Everything after its own kind.  God set the bounds of the nations; He commanded the people to disperse; He commanded His people to be separate.  It is perfectly fine for other races to love and want to preserve their race (those few that are actually races and not hybrids)... it is absurd that whites are the only ones considered capable of this crime.  2.  Homoperversion is another putrid crime against nature.  God forbade it even as He forbade race mixing.  Both race-mixing and homoperversion are crimes against God and they are also the last stages of the destruction of any empire or civilization.

To those who may be offended at my words, I again quote my cousin (by possibly 3 different lines) Martin Luther, founder of the Protestant Reformation: This is a literal translation of the blunt German.

"Let me be called and counted proud, mad, anything, everything that naught is, so that I be not found guilty of sinful silence, and of betraying the trust committed unto me, by a dastardly deserting the cause of God."

Less literally but more true in spirit and better English:

"Let me be called and considered proud, a madman—whatever spurious defamatory label you like—but be that at is may, I shall not be found guilty before God of the sin of silence (or inactivity or complacence), or the sin of betraying the most sacred trust that He committed to me; and I shall not be found guilty before His Tribunal of being a dastardly coward who deserted God's Calling refusing to stand up for the truth."

In simple language...

"Call me crazy but at least I am doing something to not let the sacred banner of Truth and Holiness be drug in the mud."

-- What are YOU doing?


The below story of the shrieks resulting from Putin making a statement that is common knowledge



This is truly amazing... these perverters of nations and destroyers of Christendom cry like elementary school sissies and need to have everyone jump when they say jump and go for the juggular and suck the life out of anyone who dares suggest anything that may be true... of course, he did not speak up for the Ukrainians, or the Tatars, how rude of Groanblotch and Rumen-stall  and Jewlia Davits to think that these other people whom Putin mentioned are insignificant and how immoral it is to hide behind a magic incantation thinking that the truth does not matter.  The Jews indeed were behind the Bolshevik Revolution and the Protocols are not a forgery, as I demonstrate in my Fearless and Godly...  "Reverted to the Blame-game"  REALLY?  the democrats and Jews NEEEVEERRR do that, do they?  No, they revert to the Anti-blame game by accusing of being an Anti-Semite (even though the jews are not semites) whoever dares expose any crime they are involved in.  The HOLOCA$HT is practically found mentioned on every city block and an endless barrage of propaganda on practically every tv show, every movie, every book, schoolbook, etc.  But hardly anyone knows about the 66 to 180 million white Christians exterminated by Jewish Bolshevism.


Human Cost of Soviet Communism, Prepared at Request of Sen. Dodd for Subcom. to Investigate Administration of Internal Security Act & other Internal Security Laws of Comm. on Judiciary US Senate, 1971, 40pp., 4.00 + P&H.


The Secret Holocaust, Mullins, 34pp., 400 + P&H. (against white European Christians).


See also:

Soviet Evidence at Katyn: Document USSR-54 at Nuremberg, 48pp., 7.00 + P&H.


Death at Katyn (1944) 48pp., 5.00 + P&H. 22,000 Polish/Lithuanian) officers murdered by Soviets WWII, buried mass grave in forest—at Nuremberg War Crimes trials Soviets blamed Germans; now proven Soviets did it, recently, Russian government confessed.



- A Bolshevik Primer — and the Planned Extermination of Christendom; exposes those behind Bolshevism and Communism and details the long-planned mongrelization of Christendom; 176 pages, pb., with 145 Illustrations, 14.50 + P&H.


- The Communist Manifesto (1848) [Originally titled: “Manifest of the Communist Party”] by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (56pp.) — with Illustrated Historical Introduction — & A Comparison of the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto, “Democracy,” and Marxist, Unconstitutional U.S. Law, with the Bill of Rights / the 10 Amendments to the Constitution and the 10 Commandments - also containing the Declaration of Independence, Common Law Citations, Court Rulings and Quotes on Freedom, added by Robert Alan Balaicius; Including photos, background information, and photos of these and more: Karl Marx, Philips Corporation family, Adam Weishaupt, Bernard Lazare, Winston Churchill, Dr. Oscar Levy, Maurice Samuel, Marcus Eli Ravage, Samuel Roth, Vladimir Lenin, David Ben-Gurion, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Harry Waton, Friedrich Engels, Moses Hess, Theodore Herzl, Jacob Schiff, Judah P. Benjamin, Albert Pike, John Wilkes Booth, Charles Booth, William Booth, Rabbi Isadore Loeb, Dimitry Manuilsky, 132pp. total, pb., 12.50 + P&H.  Also exposes the Marxist roots of the modern banking conspiracy, and those who opposed it: quotes by Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, as well as several U.S. Presidents who spoke out against it and tried to stop it and were assassinated (Lincoln, Garrison, Kennedy).


- Fearless and Godly Pioneers for the Truth:  An Illustrated Short History of Some Patriotic Christian Teachers, Preachers, Evangelists, Lecturers, Publishers, Soldiers, and Statesmen, Modern Era —and a Background History of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and an Introduction to the Jewish Bolshevik War against the Christian Romanov Tsars and Imperial Russia. & A Word About God’s True Covenant People; Including (but not limited to) histories, bibliographies, and pictures of: Luke Rader, Daniel Rader, F.F. Bosworth, Rev. William Bell Riley, James M. Gray, Rev. Captain Merton Smith, Rev. William Pascoe Goard, Dr. Henry W(ellington). Stough, Harold Stough, Henry W. Stough, Jr., Dr. Mordecai Fowler Ham, Henry Ford, William J. Cameron, Arno Clemons Gaebelein, Sergei Nilus, Dr. Martin Luther, J.B. Pranaitis, Osman Bey, Victor Marsden, H.A. Gwynne, Leslie Fry, Lady Queenborough, Nesta Webster, Princess Radziwill, R.A. Torrey, Rev. William Herrstrom, Rev. William L. Blessing, Kenneth Goff, Rev. Gerald B. Winrod, Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith, Alfred P. Sloan, Charles Coughlin, Leonard Feeney, Dennis Fahey, Ezra Pound, Sen. Charles Lindbergh, Commander William Guy Carr, Serge Monast, Robert O’Driscoll, Viscount Leon de Poncins, Howard Rand, Lieut. Prof. Charles Totten, Elizabeth Dilling, John T. Flynn, Sen. Joeseph McCarthy, Sen. Jack B. Tenney, Liet.-Col. Jack Mohr, Congressman Larry MacDonald, Congressman Paul Findley, Eustace Mullins, George Stimpson, John Swinton, Mayor John Francis Hylan, H. L. Hunt, Lyrl Clark Van Hyning John Stormer, Gary Allen, Col. E.N. Sanctuary, Robert Edmondson, Clem Davies, Texe Marrs, and the Jewish: Dr. Alexander Schiffner, Benjamin Freedman, Henry Klein, Jacob Brafman, Myron Fagan, Elieser Bassin, Dr. Emanuel Josephson, and Henry Makow. 224pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.


- The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians [Memorial Edition to Honor a Great Lithuanian.] (1892), Rev. I.B. Pranaitis (Lithuanian Priest murdered for this book), translated by & with intro by Col. Sancutary; 144pp., pb. (94 page original + 30 page Illustrated Biographical and Historical Introduction by Robert Alan Balaicius, 11.50 + P&H.


See also: The Iron Curtain Over America (1951), Col., Professor John Owen Beaty, 268pp., pb., + his treatise, “How to capture a University” + photo and brief biography, c.300pp. total. 18.00 + P&H.


What I find disturbing is that Jews think they have the right to destroy our nations, blatantly; as demonic head-bobbing (Torrets Syndrome?) Barbara Lerner Spectre (truly an evil spirit) who brazenly declares that whites do not have the right to their nations and the jews are the ones forcing multiculturalism on them--and they brag about it feeling untouchable, and then whine like a stuck pig when someone actually accuses them of what they are in fact guilty of and have bragged about.  What I find disturbing is that they invade other people's nations and then though tolerated, think that any nation has to do what they say. 

Barbara Spectre - en-Rightpedia

Sep 3, 2016 - Barbara Lerner Spectre✡ (born ca. 1942) is a US-born Jewish woman living in Stockholm who is famous for saying on camera that Jews are at the center of causing white genocide. It's unknown why she said this. The spreading of what she said helped red-pill many people. Most of her family lives in Israel, ...

What I find disturbing is that the Jews who own hollywood defame Christ and Christianity freely on tv and movies and purposely do all they can to pervert our moral society--and that Christians do and say nothing about it, though it is destroying us--but then the Jews deny what they know to be true if anyone dares mention it (as I clearly portray in my Confessions of an Anesthetized Person known as Jewish, 60pp., 5.00 + P&H. (humorous, lively, hard-to-put-down dialogue, reveals history of the long planned extermination of Christians and Christendom / overall conspiracy, explains vividly what will happen if US gives up guns...)  all titles mentioned in my emails are available from me directly; inquire.  RAB.


Guinness brewing co scandal & other interesting info

Aliens go unconvicted, if Jews commit crimes then smokescreen accusations of "antisemitism" (which are an insult to anyone with a brain*) are all that matters (despite that it was another guilty Jew who testified against the others yet somehow antisemitism just had to be shrieked by someone... a little black magic goes a long way)...

[* Even as were the mindless accusations of the black now Justice Clarence Thomas during the accusations that came out during his confirmation hearing... he defiantly threw down the race card, claiming that whites didn't want some uppity negro on the bench—even though it was a BLACK woman who made the accusations against him.  And just like slick willy, the ultimate "Teflon" president, Thomas came through unscathed, was nominated to the Supreme Court, and has lived like a king over the past quarter century with salary and benefits that he does not deserve; how someone can be trusted to rule by the Constitution and not pervert justice, who so shamelessly and dishonestly played the race card, is unfathomable.  It should be noted, humorously, that while some presidents have been referred to as "Teflon presidents" (actually Obama should probably be referred to as "the Kevlar [that is, bulletproof] anti-president") Nixon was referred to as "the Velcro president".]

I wonder if this got Guinness into the Guinness Book of World Records?

Guinness Shares Fraud
See: Introduction

at: http://www.essay.uk.com/free-essays/finance/guiness-shares-fraud.php

One of the persons "Lyons was charged in 1987 along with the other defendants but he escaped prison because he was suffering from ill health."*

[* Yet alleged nazi war criminals, in aged health, in poor health on bottled oxygen, were wheel-chaired into court to be convicted; while jewish communists guilty of war crimes who lived a life of ease after the war, when Lithuania tried to extradite them from Russia or the US to face war crimes, they were told they are too old and infirmed to stand trial, and they have already paid their debt to society... how? by growing old and living a life of ease at taxpayer expense? something like 200,000 russian jews entered the US under Bill Clinton and were given Social Security since they were "allies" with us in WWII.  Note mine.]


The below is from the book A Greater Miracle Than the Lost Ten Tribes Discovered—the Dead Six Million Uncovered...! (554pp., 30.00 + P&H; inquire)

"Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir (whose real name was Yezernitsky) was one of the most ruthless leaders of the terrorist group Lehi and took part in the successful assassination plot of Lord Walter Guinness Moyne (11/6/44), the Colonial Secretary of Palestine (and member of the Guinness brewing family). Lord Moyne, before the House of Lords, had opposed (pro-“jewish”) Lord Wedgewood’s proposition (6/9/42) of taking Palestine from the Arabs and giving it to the “jews.” Moyne proposed that the “jews” form a homeland on the underpopulated island of Madagascar.

"Lord Moyne and his military aid were both murdered.  The 2 Israeli terrorists were caught, tried, and hanged. But, in 1982 the state of Israeli issued 2 postage stamps honoring these assassins as “heroes.”  When in 1977 British (“jewish”?) historian Nicholas Bethel interviewed Shamir and asked about the assassination of Lord Walter Guinness Moyne (1880-1944) Prime Minister Shamir stated,

“I think killing Lord Moyne helped the Jewish cause. Governments don’t give attention to any problem until such methods are used.”

[Clearly, those darling Israeli Prime Ministers whom the U.S. “government” adores—are no different than al-Qa’eda or La Raza or any other terrorist organization. They take money from traitors in the U.S., British, and other “governments”—and then use this money to destroy those very nations which gave them the money.]

"Shamir later headed the Mossad, directing a squad of assassins: for which actions he harbors “no regrets.” (The Globe and Mail 8/6/94)  Shamir also gave the order for the assassination of the British police sergeant T.G. Martin who had identified him for complicity in the bombing of the King David Hotel (for which Shamir was imprisoned in Eritrea on the northern Horn of Africa).  Shamir was also leader of the most ruthless terrorist group, Stern, which planned and assassinated [Franco-] Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte of Wisborg (1895-1948), who was President of The Swedish Red Cross.  On September 9, 1948 the Count and his aid Colonel Sérot were both assassinated. Bernadotte’s crime? He was appointed Middle East Mediator, and planned on giving half of “Palestinian” land to the Palestinians. (Truth At Last; #431, pp.4-7) ....

"Another prestigious person who was a member of the [Simon Wiesenthal] Center’s board of directors was (“jewish”) Ivan Boesky.  He became (in)famous after having made $200 million through insider trading on Wall Street.  However, because he “cooperated” with the prosecution (by testifying against bigger criminals than himself (most notably, “jewish” Michael Milken), he received a reduced sentence of 3.5 years (of which he only served 2) and a fine of $100 million. Thus, he got to keep $100 million and served 2 years in prison."

[Who says crime doesn’t pay...?]