— Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on The Gospel of John Chapter 3

Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on The Gospel of John, Chapter 3

— Including Nicodemus’ Secret, Night-time Meeting with Christ


a Discussion whether the Passage means,

"Ye must be born again" or "Ye must be born from above"

— and — What is the ‘World’ that "God so Loved"...?






lively and enlightening commentary that ties together many portions of Scripture; this could also be in the "Apologetic Exposition" series, since it greatly shows the Promises of God were not "spiritualized" or given to any people other than Israel; but that is not the main thrust of the book, though it contains a good amount of very convincing information in that area; also, it contains some important information on baptism, exposing doctrinal error and the Scriptural position on this subject; also, an explanation of why Christ was symbolized as the raised serpent on the pole in the wilderness; some insight into the feasts and sacrificial system, and more.

88pp., stapleback booklet.

6.00 donation + P&H.