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Robert’s Ruminations - Important Thoughts Rarely Discussed in the Mainstream
25 New Booklets (Updated November 18, 2024)
New Titles Printed in late 2022 and early 2023, and more to be printed (UPDATED May 30 2023)
Books Edited by Robert Alan Balaicius
Rare Books Reprinted by Sacred Truth Publishing — 2018
Reformation Books reprinted by STP/STM
Books Written by Robert Alan Balaicius (over 185 written and edited; see also full PDF under “Uncategorized”)
RARE - New - Used - Damaged - Inventory Reduction - dinged books —UPDATED JUNE 5 2023
Rare Books Reprinted by Sacred Truth Publishing
Rare Books Reprinted by Sacred Truth Publishing — 2017 and earlier
Uncategorized (and PDFs of complete catalogs)
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Books from Sacred Truth Publishi...
— Rare Books Reprinted by Sacred Truth Publishing — 2017 and earlier
Are You Prepared to Survive the Wrath To Come...? New Booklet... one of the only to understand Bible Prophecy - What Do Pestilence, “Dog Poop” and “End-Time Deliverance” Have in Common? & The Dragon Vomits forth a Flood and Nebuchadnezzar’s Image...
Evolution or Creation? & The Origin of Mankind Viewed from the Standpoint of Revelation and Research
Heroes of the Nations: Theodoric the Goth: Barbarian Champion of Civilization
History of the Anglo-Saxons by Sharon Turner (A Classic; The authoratative work on the Topic)
Legends of the Shawangunk (Shon Gum) and Its Environs, Including historical sketches, biographical notices, and thrilling border incidents and adventures relating to those portions of the counties of Orange, Ulster and Sullivan lying in the Shawangunk ...
Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Ecclesiastes
Story of the Nations, The: Poland
Story of the Nations, The: The Balkans: Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro
The Crime of ‘20: The Unpardonable Sin of “Frenzied Finance,” — The Calamity of ‘30: Its Cause and the Remedy — The Corruption of America
The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races
True Story of the Babylonian Captivity, The: A Challenge to Commentators
What the Devil? - What the Hell? A Comprehensive Study Identifying Angels, Satan, the Devil, Evil Spirits, Demons, Fallen Angels, and Hell
Z - RARE Books Reprinted in PAPERBACK - 2015
Z - RARE books reprinted in STAPLEBACK and COMB-BOUND - 2017
Z - RARE books reprinted in STAPLEBACK and COMB-BOUND - 2105 and 2016
Z - RARE Titles BEING CONSIDERED for printing NEXT
— 11 New Charts / Posters
— Apologetic Expositions ... II Corinthians 3
— Apologetic Expostions on Galatians 3
— Bible Lessons To Nourish Growing Minds: Lessons From Nature & The Lost Little Princess
— Buddhism in Pre-Christian Britain
— Calvinism: Pure and Mixed —Re-loaded: False Doctrine Exposed: Subtle and Blatant
— Fearless and Godly Pioneers for the Truth
— History of the Carlock Family and Adventures of Pioneer Americans Including the Kimbrough, Goodpasture, Hoyle, Fite, Fancher, Lee, Wells, Judy, Tracy, Settles, Rowell, Moore, Cornelison, Harrold, Brown, and Other Connecting Families
— Makers of Civilization in Race & History: Showing the Rise of the Aryans or Sumerians... etc.
— Races in Chaos / Kind Unto Kind & The Role of the Mixed Multitude
— Rebutting a Limp 'Refutation': Christian Anglo-Israel Defended
— Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Jonah
— Some Collected Works of Earnest Sevier Cox
— Ten Commandments For You(th) —For Everyone! For Youth and Young-minded Adults An Explanation of the Ten Commandments and A Memory System using Bible Numerics
— “The Jukes” — A Study in Crime, Pauperism, Disease, and Heredity and Further Studies of Criminals (1877)
—Alpha and Omega or the Birth and Death of the World The Science of the Creation: The Coming of Crisis and the Golden Age
—America's Appointed Destiny
—Apologetic Expositions: John 4 - The Samaritan Woman at the Well and the Samaritan Leper —Israelites Living in Samaria
—Bolshevik Primer, A — and the Planned Extermination of Christendom
—Book of Revelation, The
—Calling the Remnant of Christendom: Come Out From Among Them and Be Ye Separate...!
—Communist Manifesto, The
—Heresies Exposed: A Brief, Critical Examination in the Light of the Holy Scriptures of some of the Prevailing Heresies and False Teachings of Today
—Historical and Biographical Sketches [The Settlement of Germantown and other early history of Pennsylvania] & Daniel Pastorius’ “Description of Pennsylvania”
—History of the Mennonites: Historically and Biographically Arranged from the Time of the Reformation, More Particularly from the Time of Their Emigration to America
—Hus the Heretick & My Escape From the Auto De Fe
—Last Days of the Romanovs, The: From 15th March, 1917—100th Anniversary Memorial Edition
—Last Days of the Romanovs: From 15th March, 1917—100th Anniversary Memorial Edition - Parts I, II, and III
—Martyrdom of a People, The; or the Vaudois of Piedmont... & The Huguenot Galley Slave...
—Newest books printed in paperback, plastic comb-bound, and stapleback
—Phoenician Origin of the Britons, Scots, & Anglo-SaxonsThe Phoenician Origin of the Britons, Scots, & Anglo-Saxons, The
—Romance of the Rothschilds, The
—Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews
—Sacred Truth Expository Commentary: The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans
—Story of the Nations, The: Early Britain
—Story of the Nations, The: Germany
—Story of The Nations, The: Ireland
—Story of the Nations, The: Scotland
—Story of the Nations, The: The Franks: From their Origin as a Confederacy to the Establishment of the Kingdom of France and their German Empire
—Story of the Nations, The: Wales
—Tree of Knowledge: A Startling Scientific Study of the Original Sin, and the Sin of the Angels, With a History of Spiritism in All Ages, The
—True Stories of Our Pioneers: The Heroic Deeds and Devoted Lives of the Fathers and Mothers of America, Embracing the Principle Episodes of the White Race with the Red Men for the Possession of the New World...
—Weymouth New Testament — The New Testament in Modern Speech...
—When Russia Attacks America - The Bible Says: Russia Will Invade America (And Be Defeated) - The Russian Chapters of Ezekiel - Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye My People
—Zionists, The & Zionist Wall Street
Main Menu Block
Robert’s Ruminations - Important Thoughts Rarely Discussed in the Mainstream
25 New Booklets (Updated November 18, 2024)
New Titles Printed in late 2022 and early 2023, and more to be printed (UPDATED May 30 2023)
Books Edited by Robert Alan Balaicius
Rare Books Reprinted by Sacred Truth Publishing — 2018
Reformation Books reprinted by STP/STM
Books Written by Robert Alan Balaicius (over 185 written and edited; see also full PDF under “Uncategorized”)
RARE - New - Used - Damaged - Inventory Reduction - dinged books —UPDATED JUNE 5 2023
Rare Books Reprinted by Sacred Truth Publishing
Rare Books Reprinted by Sacred Truth Publishing — 2017 and earlier
Uncategorized (and PDFs of complete catalogs)
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