Rare Books Printed by Sacred Truth Publishing
Philosophy / Political Science / Law / Economics
Exposing Conspiracies
Titles by Arnold Leese:
— Arnold Leese Anthology Volume 1 [4 booklets in 1] containing: (1)Bolshevism is Jewish, (2)Devilry in the Holy Land, (3)Our Jewish Aristocracy, (4)Chinese Communism: Yes, But It Was Jewish When it Started, 40pp., facsimile reprint, stapleback booklet, 4.00 donation + P&H.
— Arnold Leese Anthology Volume 2 [6 booklets in 1] containing: (1)Destruction of India By Race Mixing: Cause & Prevention (1935), (2)Disraeli: The Destroyer, (3)Era of World Ruin, (4)Money No Mystery, (5)Race and Politics, (6)Rex vs. Leese, 72pp., facsimile reprint, booklet, (6.00 donation + P&H.
— Arnold Leese Anthology Volume 3 [5 booklets in 1] containing: (1)Gambetta the Jew (1939), 3pp.; (2)The Illuminati and the French Revolution, 13pp.; (3)Jewish Press Control, 18pp.; (4)The Legalized Cruelty of Shechita: The Jewish Method of Cattle Slaughter (c.1951), 14pp.; (5)P. E. P. (Political and Economic Planning) Britons Shall be Slaves! or Sovietism by Stealth Prevention (1935), 22pp.; 72pp., re-typeset, stapleback booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H.
— Arnold Leese Anthology Volume 4 [6 booklets in 1] containing: (1)Freemasonry, 27pp.; (2)The Growing Menace of Freemasonry, 23pp.; (3)The Masonic Abdication of King George VI., 3pp., (4)Psychology and Jews, 3pp.; (5)The Real Jew: A Lesson From Turkey, 3pp.; (6)Our Seditious Cartoon Book, 19pp.; 84pp., re-typeset, stapleback booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H.
— Gentile Folly: The Rothschilds, 68pp., stapleback booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H.
— The Great Jewish Masque (1936), unkown author (possibly by Leese), 40pp., stapleback booklet, 4.00 donation + P&H.
— Jewish Ritual Murder (My Irrelevant Defense) (c.1950), 80pp., stapleback booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H.
— Jewish War of Survival (1945) 124pp. computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound, 11.00 donation + P&H. (masterfully shows how Poland and the Arabs were betrayed by the “Allies”)
— Out of Step: Events in the Two Lives of an Anti-Jewish Camel Doctor (1946), 88pp., stapleback booklet 6.00 donation + P&H.
A Collection of “The Dilling Bulletin” and other Shorter Miscellaneous Works of Elizabeth Dilling , 8.5x11 (original size), computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound; 414pp., 32.00 donation + P&H. very rare
- Dilling Bulletin (May-June 1963),
- “Jewish Nazism,”
- “Goldwater Mirage,”
- “Sham Battle Against the U.N.”
- “correspondence,” (July/Aug ‘63),
- Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 1964, and Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Sept-Dec 1965, and
- An Open Letter from Elizabeth Dililng (1945),
- Goldwater 1313,
- Protocols Killed Again, and
- various shorter and miscellaneous letters and reports.
The Day of the Saxon (1912), Homer Lea, 249pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 18.00 donation + P&H. Brilliant mind warns whites about absorbing nonwhites.
Forty Years of Roosevelt (1944) T.W. Hughes, 48pp., computer-enhanced reprint, staple-back booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H; very rare booklet
From Major Jordan’s Diaries (1952), Maj. George Racey Jordan, 124pp., computer enhanced, expanded to 8.5x11 due to small print; plastic comb-bound, photos, Maj. Jordan, following orders, gave our Atomic secrets to the Soviets; his diaries expose the subversive element in our nation. 12.00 + P&H.
Marxism and Judaism (1947 English translation from La Revue de Paris, July-Aug. 1928), Salluste, 50pp., stapleback booklet, computer-enhanced reprint, 6.00 + P&H.
Murder to Order (1967), Anders, 127pp., computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound, standard book size, 14.00 + P&H. classic on Soviet methods and history of assassination.
My Answer (1946), Sir Oswald Mosley, 124pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, 14.00 donation + P&H. rare
The Myth of a Guilty Nation (1922), Albert Jay Nock, 114pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, 11.00 donation + P&H. rare
Some Collected Shorter Works of Gerald L. K. Smith, Volume One - several dozen 8.5x11 articles and issue of his periodical computer-enhanced and plastic comb-bound, c.520pp. 8.5x11, 50.00 donation + P&H.
This price may seem high, but it is bargain basement price. If you copied this at a copy center @ .10 cents a page and had them bind it, it would cost about $55; that is, if you even had access to all these articles and the several hours it would take you to photocopy them; further, it took me about 40 hours or so to scan all of these on the computer and then place and straighten them (or retype those of poor quality), to offer better quality. Copies of some of these articles can be found for sale on the internet, but you may pay $10-$20 each + shipping instead of $1.50-$3 each as offered herein. Many are very rare titles which cannot be found elsewhere.
- Addressed to the Members of the U.S. Senate: Special Attention Foreign Affairs Committee, 6pp.,
- America Is In Danger: Here Are the Facts, 14pp.,
- America Kidnapped, 22pp.,
- Brotherhood Racket, 1pp.,
- Buried Testimony: Unpublished Statement by Major General Edwin A. Walker, 17pp.,
- Crime: Jewish Super Criminals: The Real Underworld, 7pp.,
- A Deadly Document, 7pp.,
- Diary (his account of his experience in traveling across the nation and interviewing 33 nationalities in a few months), 20pp.,
- FDR’s Adulterous Life: White House Blackmailed, 5pp.,
- FDR Secret Letters: Stalin & Roosevelt Plotted with Jew Zionists to Divide the World, 4pp.,
- Gerald L.K. Smith and the Jews (not by GLKS, but included in collection), 8pp.,
- Hidden Hand Behind: Defamers, Assassins, Destroyers, Smear Machine, 6pp.,
- Highlights, 13pp.,
- If I Were President, 16pp.,
- The Jew and Communism, 9pp.,
- Kennedy Assassination, 10pp.,
- Kennedy Complex (vices and possible crimes of JFK), 16pp.,
- Kennedy Dynasty Libertines in Power (Kennedy Family), 10pp.,
- The Kingmakers: Who Are the Puppets? (including supplement, "The Most Powerful Jew in America"), 22pp.,
- Martin Luther King: Myth of the Century, 4pp.,
- Massacre Propaganda, 7pp.,
- Men and Issues: The Hidden Hand Revealed, 5pp.,
- Murder Suggested: Fiction Writer’s Book on Sale in Thousands of Drugstores, Newsstands, and Bookstores, Suggests that Gerald L.K. Smith to be Murdered, 1pp.,
- Mysterious Facts Behind the Death of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, 15pp.,
- New York Jungle (Integration, Mongrelization), 5pp.,
- Open Letter to the U.S. Senate: David Lilienthal, Atomic Bomb Commission, Walter Winchell, Drew Pearson, National Security, Bipartisan Policy, Government by Blackmail, 6pp.,
- Senator Eastland Speaks, 6pp.,
- Sex, Politics, Subversion, Blackmail, The Washington Story, 11pp.,
- Soviet Cosmonaut Hoax, Smokescreen for Treason, 6pp.,
- Story of Tyler Kent, 6pp.,
- Super-Secret Document Exposed Dual Government, 17pp.,
- Treason Treaty, 2pp.,
- U.S. Senator Kuchel Accuses G.L.K.S., 14pp.,
- Wallace Struck Down, 26pp.,
- Warren Report: Dealing with the Assassination of President Kennedy: The Fraud of the Century, 6pp.,
- Watergate: Smokescreen for Revolution, 17pp.,
- What About the U2 Mystery?, 8pp.
- Miscellaneous Shorter Letters and Reports (After San Francisco--What Next?; Back to the Wall: Formula For Escape; Black Revolutionary Apexes - Moscow Plan Unfolds - Bloodshed and Guerrilla Warfare Next; Danger Ahead: Know It! Fight It! Stop It!; The Enemy Invades - Stop the Invader; Fight! Fight! Fight! Never Give Up!; From Dallas, Texas; The Full Story - How Treason Works - SOS; Help Me!; Hope! Victories! The Worm Turns! Now It Can Be Told; This Could be the Most Important Message You Have Ever Received...etc.; Mysterious Facts Behind Terrible Realities; The Newsletter (1959); The Newsletter (1961); Our Revolution; A Person to Person Visit; The Price of Defeat; the Life and Death Necessity for Victory; This Election is a Battle for Survival...etc.; Sentenced to Die! Wanted For Prison! The High Price of Crusading!; Stand Up and Be Counted; The Issues; They Call Us To Action! The Demand Intelligent Sacrifice; These Issues Must Be Faced; Tyranny is Upon Us - The Travesty Has Been Committed - Treason Stalks the Land - Prison For the Patriots - The Fight is On - Defeat Means Bondage; The Ultimate in Corruption; Victories and Tragedies; War and Politics - Here Goes My Neck).
Some Collected Shorter Works of Gerald L. K. Smith, Volume Two - 236pp., 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound 28.00 + P&H; rare
- The Assassination: Background, Details, Interpretations, Prognostications, and Unpublished Facts (Kennedy);
- Confessions of an Extremist;
- Dictatorship Threatens America;
- The Gang Takes Over, Thieves and Grafters Glorified, Political Cannibals Take Command, Mongrelizers Rise to Power, Moscow’s Pattern Fulfilled, Character Assassins Reign;
- The Ghost Walks!! Super Conspiracy Revealed!! America In Danger!!;
- Governor George C. Wallance: A New Star on the Horizen of Statesmanship;
- The Hidden Tyranny: The Issue that Dwarfs All Others; Jane Fonda, Mark Lane, Edward Kennedy;
- Jews Eradicating Christianity from the Holy Land;
- The Mysterious and Unpublicized Facts Behind the Assassination of JFK;
- New York City Diary;
- 1965???;
- The Plot (an Outline) to Undermine the Republic;
- San Francisco: the Enigma;
- Stand Up For America! Vote Gov. George C. Wallace President;
- Textbook for Anarchy, review of book;
- These Things Must Be Done! - Neglect is Treason! - What Are the Facts Concerning the Wars? - The Black Revolutionists Must Be Investigated!;
- Twenty Years of Treason, speech by Sen. Jos. McCarthy;
- 250,000 Revolutionists March on Washington D.C., 40,000 Men Mobilized with Arms to Protect City, Communist Flags Outnumber Old Glory Three-to-One, Arsonists Fail to Burn City, Killers Thwarted, Reds Manipulate Strategy;
- Victories Are Being Won, Hopes Are Being Revived, Dangers Are Being Confronted, Projects in Process, Challenges Which Must Be Accepted;
- Watergate Indictments, Weapon of the Traitors and the Demagogues, Patriots on the Cross;
- What About Gerald L.K. Smith?
Some Collected Issues of Gerald L. K. Smith’s Christian, Patriotic Magazine-Newsletter "The Cross & the Flag"; those issues available for each year have been collected into their own volume; All issues have been computer scanned and enhanced and are 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound with 10mm. clear protective covers. While this price may seem high, it has taken hundreds of hours to scan, place, straighten, and print these; these newsletters are rare (they start at $20 per issue on the used market, thus, a year of 12 originals would be $240); even if you had access to these issues, to merely photocopy (@ .10 cents a copy) them and have them bound would cost more than we are offering them for (and the quality would not be as good); in fact, subscribing to a year’s worth of modern (let alone, a "rare" one like Smith’s) newsletter would cost about the same price for which we offer 11 issues:
1976 (4 issues) Ja-F-Mc-Jn (Memorial issue) = c.140pp., 13.00 donation + P&H;
1975 (1 issue) Jn = c.36pp., 4.00 donation + P&H;
1974 (9 issues) Ja, F, M, Jn, Jy, Au, S, O, N = c.324pp., 30.00 donation + P&H;
1973 (10 issues) F, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, Au, S, O, N, D = c.360pp., 33.00 donation + P&H;
1972 (5 issues) Ja, Mc, Ap, My, Jn = c.180pp., 16.00 donation + P&H; ;
1971 (1 issue) Ap = c.36pp., 4.00 donation + P&H;
1970 (5 issues) Ja, F, Ap, My, Jn = c.180pp., 16.00 donation + P&H;
1969 (10 issues) Ja, F, Mc, Ap, My, Jy, Au, S, O, N = c.360pp., 33.00 donation + P&H;
1968 (10 issues) Ja, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, Au, S, O, N, D = c.360pp., 33.00 donation + P&H;
1967 (8 issues) Ja, F, Mc, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, S = c.288pp., 26.00 donation + P&H;
1966 (10 issues) Mc, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, Au, S, O, N, D = c.360pp., 33.00 donation + P&H;
1965 (7 issues) F, Mc, Ap, My, Jy, N, D = c.252pp., 23.00 donation + P&H;
1964 (9) Ja, F, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, Au, O, N = c.324pp., 30.00 donation + P&H;
1963 (11 issues) Ja, F, Mc, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, S, O, N, D = c.396pp., 35.00 donation + P&H;
1962 (4 issues) Ap, O, N, D = c.144pp., 13.00 donation + P&H;
1961 (2 issues) Jy, Au = c.72pp., 8.00 donation + P&H;
1960 (2 issues) F, D = c.72pp., 8.00 donation + P&H;
1959 (2 issues) Jy, S = c.72pp., 8.00 donation + P&H;
1958 (1 issue) Ja = c.36pp., 4.00 donation + P&H;
1954 (1 issues) N = c.36pp., 4.00 donation + P&H.
Several Volumes have already been completed (1965, 1966, 1967, 1974, 1975, 1976), other volumes with many issues may take a week or two to prepare, for the first person who orders them. Inquire if interested.
World Significance of the Russian Revolution (1920), George Pitt-Rivers, preface by the respected "jew" Dr. Oscar Levy, 60pp., computer-enhanced reprint, staple-back booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H; very rare book showing those behind the Bolshevik terror that descended upon the world.
The World’s Trouble Makers (1961), Rev. Bruce H. Brown (Methodist in Australia), 144pp., computer-enhanced, plastic-comb-bound, 16.00 donation + P&H; very rare book.
Philosophy / Political Science / Law / Economics
Exposing Conspiracies
Titles by Arnold Leese:
— Arnold Leese Anthology Volume 1 [4 booklets in 1] containing: (1)Bolshevism is Jewish, (2)Devilry in the Holy Land, (3)Our Jewish Aristocracy, (4)Chinese Communism: Yes, But It Was Jewish When it Started, 40pp., facsimile reprint, stapleback booklet, 4.00 donation + P&H.
— Arnold Leese Anthology Volume 2 [6 booklets in 1] containing: (1)Destruction of India By Race Mixing: Cause & Prevention (1935), (2)Disraeli: The Destroyer, (3)Era of World Ruin, (4)Money No Mystery, (5)Race and Politics, (6)Rex vs. Leese, 72pp., facsimile reprint, booklet, (6.00 donation + P&H.
— Arnold Leese Anthology Volume 3 [5 booklets in 1] containing: (1)Gambetta the Jew (1939), 3pp.; (2)The Illuminati and the French Revolution, 13pp.; (3)Jewish Press Control, 18pp.; (4)The Legalized Cruelty of Shechita: The Jewish Method of Cattle Slaughter (c.1951), 14pp.; (5)P. E. P. (Political and Economic Planning) Britons Shall be Slaves! or Sovietism by Stealth Prevention (1935), 22pp.; 72pp., re-typeset, stapleback booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H.
— Arnold Leese Anthology Volume 4 [6 booklets in 1] containing: (1)Freemasonry, 27pp.; (2)The Growing Menace of Freemasonry, 23pp.; (3)The Masonic Abdication of King George VI., 3pp., (4)Psychology and Jews, 3pp.; (5)The Real Jew: A Lesson From Turkey, 3pp.; (6)Our Seditious Cartoon Book, 19pp.; 84pp., re-typeset, stapleback booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H.
— Gentile Folly: The Rothschilds, 68pp., stapleback booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H.
— The Great Jewish Masque (1936), unkown author (possibly by Leese), 40pp., stapleback booklet, 4.00 donation + P&H.
— Jewish Ritual Murder (My Irrelevant Defense) (c.1950), 80pp., stapleback booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H.
— Jewish War of Survival (1945) 124pp. computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound, 11.00 donation + P&H. (masterfully shows how Poland and the Arabs were betrayed by the “Allies”)
— Out of Step: Events in the Two Lives of an Anti-Jewish Camel Doctor (1946), 88pp., stapleback booklet 6.00 donation + P&H.
A Collection of “The Dilling Bulletin” and other Shorter Miscellaneous Works of Elizabeth Dilling , 8.5x11 (original size), computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound; 414pp., 32.00 donation + P&H. very rare
- Dilling Bulletin (May-June 1963),
- “Jewish Nazism,”
- “Goldwater Mirage,”
- “Sham Battle Against the U.N.”
- “correspondence,” (July/Aug ‘63),
- Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 1964, and Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Sept-Dec 1965, and
- An Open Letter from Elizabeth Dililng (1945),
- Goldwater 1313,
- Protocols Killed Again, and
- various shorter and miscellaneous letters and reports.
The Day of the Saxon (1912), Homer Lea, 249pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 18.00 donation + P&H. Brilliant mind warns whites about absorbing nonwhites.
Forty Years of Roosevelt (1944) T.W. Hughes, 48pp., computer-enhanced reprint, staple-back booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H; very rare booklet
From Major Jordan’s Diaries (1952), Maj. George Racey Jordan, 124pp., computer enhanced, expanded to 8.5x11 due to small print; plastic comb-bound, photos, Maj. Jordan, following orders, gave our Atomic secrets to the Soviets; his diaries expose the subversive element in our nation. 12.00 + P&H.
Marxism and Judaism (1947 English translation from La Revue de Paris, July-Aug. 1928), Salluste, 50pp., stapleback booklet, computer-enhanced reprint, 6.00 + P&H.
Murder to Order (1967), Anders, 127pp., computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound, standard book size, 14.00 + P&H. classic on Soviet methods and history of assassination.
My Answer (1946), Sir Oswald Mosley, 124pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, 14.00 donation + P&H. rare
The Myth of a Guilty Nation (1922), Albert Jay Nock, 114pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, 11.00 donation + P&H. rare
Some Collected Shorter Works of Gerald L. K. Smith, Volume One - several dozen 8.5x11 articles and issue of his periodical computer-enhanced and plastic comb-bound, c.520pp. 8.5x11, 50.00 donation + P&H.
This price may seem high, but it is bargain basement price. If you copied this at a copy center @ .10 cents a page and had them bind it, it would cost about $55; that is, if you even had access to all these articles and the several hours it would take you to photocopy them; further, it took me about 40 hours or so to scan all of these on the computer and then place and straighten them (or retype those of poor quality), to offer better quality. Copies of some of these articles can be found for sale on the internet, but you may pay $10-$20 each + shipping instead of $1.50-$3 each as offered herein. Many are very rare titles which cannot be found elsewhere.
- Addressed to the Members of the U.S. Senate: Special Attention Foreign Affairs Committee, 6pp.,
- America Is In Danger: Here Are the Facts, 14pp.,
- America Kidnapped, 22pp.,
- Brotherhood Racket, 1pp.,
- Buried Testimony: Unpublished Statement by Major General Edwin A. Walker, 17pp.,
- Crime: Jewish Super Criminals: The Real Underworld, 7pp.,
- A Deadly Document, 7pp.,
- Diary (his account of his experience in traveling across the nation and interviewing 33 nationalities in a few months), 20pp.,
- FDR’s Adulterous Life: White House Blackmailed, 5pp.,
- FDR Secret Letters: Stalin & Roosevelt Plotted with Jew Zionists to Divide the World, 4pp.,
- Gerald L.K. Smith and the Jews (not by GLKS, but included in collection), 8pp.,
- Hidden Hand Behind: Defamers, Assassins, Destroyers, Smear Machine, 6pp.,
- Highlights, 13pp.,
- If I Were President, 16pp.,
- The Jew and Communism, 9pp.,
- Kennedy Assassination, 10pp.,
- Kennedy Complex (vices and possible crimes of JFK), 16pp.,
- Kennedy Dynasty Libertines in Power (Kennedy Family), 10pp.,
- The Kingmakers: Who Are the Puppets? (including supplement, "The Most Powerful Jew in America"), 22pp.,
- Martin Luther King: Myth of the Century, 4pp.,
- Massacre Propaganda, 7pp.,
- Men and Issues: The Hidden Hand Revealed, 5pp.,
- Murder Suggested: Fiction Writer’s Book on Sale in Thousands of Drugstores, Newsstands, and Bookstores, Suggests that Gerald L.K. Smith to be Murdered, 1pp.,
- Mysterious Facts Behind the Death of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, 15pp.,
- New York Jungle (Integration, Mongrelization), 5pp.,
- Open Letter to the U.S. Senate: David Lilienthal, Atomic Bomb Commission, Walter Winchell, Drew Pearson, National Security, Bipartisan Policy, Government by Blackmail, 6pp.,
- Senator Eastland Speaks, 6pp.,
- Sex, Politics, Subversion, Blackmail, The Washington Story, 11pp.,
- Soviet Cosmonaut Hoax, Smokescreen for Treason, 6pp.,
- Story of Tyler Kent, 6pp.,
- Super-Secret Document Exposed Dual Government, 17pp.,
- Treason Treaty, 2pp.,
- U.S. Senator Kuchel Accuses G.L.K.S., 14pp.,
- Wallace Struck Down, 26pp.,
- Warren Report: Dealing with the Assassination of President Kennedy: The Fraud of the Century, 6pp.,
- Watergate: Smokescreen for Revolution, 17pp.,
- What About the U2 Mystery?, 8pp.
- Miscellaneous Shorter Letters and Reports (After San Francisco--What Next?; Back to the Wall: Formula For Escape; Black Revolutionary Apexes - Moscow Plan Unfolds - Bloodshed and Guerrilla Warfare Next; Danger Ahead: Know It! Fight It! Stop It!; The Enemy Invades - Stop the Invader; Fight! Fight! Fight! Never Give Up!; From Dallas, Texas; The Full Story - How Treason Works - SOS; Help Me!; Hope! Victories! The Worm Turns! Now It Can Be Told; This Could be the Most Important Message You Have Ever Received...etc.; Mysterious Facts Behind Terrible Realities; The Newsletter (1959); The Newsletter (1961); Our Revolution; A Person to Person Visit; The Price of Defeat; the Life and Death Necessity for Victory; This Election is a Battle for Survival...etc.; Sentenced to Die! Wanted For Prison! The High Price of Crusading!; Stand Up and Be Counted; The Issues; They Call Us To Action! The Demand Intelligent Sacrifice; These Issues Must Be Faced; Tyranny is Upon Us - The Travesty Has Been Committed - Treason Stalks the Land - Prison For the Patriots - The Fight is On - Defeat Means Bondage; The Ultimate in Corruption; Victories and Tragedies; War and Politics - Here Goes My Neck).
Some Collected Shorter Works of Gerald L. K. Smith, Volume Two - 236pp., 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound 28.00 + P&H; rare
- The Assassination: Background, Details, Interpretations, Prognostications, and Unpublished Facts (Kennedy);
- Confessions of an Extremist;
- Dictatorship Threatens America;
- The Gang Takes Over, Thieves and Grafters Glorified, Political Cannibals Take Command, Mongrelizers Rise to Power, Moscow’s Pattern Fulfilled, Character Assassins Reign;
- The Ghost Walks!! Super Conspiracy Revealed!! America In Danger!!;
- Governor George C. Wallance: A New Star on the Horizen of Statesmanship;
- The Hidden Tyranny: The Issue that Dwarfs All Others; Jane Fonda, Mark Lane, Edward Kennedy;
- Jews Eradicating Christianity from the Holy Land;
- The Mysterious and Unpublicized Facts Behind the Assassination of JFK;
- New York City Diary;
- 1965???;
- The Plot (an Outline) to Undermine the Republic;
- San Francisco: the Enigma;
- Stand Up For America! Vote Gov. George C. Wallace President;
- Textbook for Anarchy, review of book;
- These Things Must Be Done! - Neglect is Treason! - What Are the Facts Concerning the Wars? - The Black Revolutionists Must Be Investigated!;
- Twenty Years of Treason, speech by Sen. Jos. McCarthy;
- 250,000 Revolutionists March on Washington D.C., 40,000 Men Mobilized with Arms to Protect City, Communist Flags Outnumber Old Glory Three-to-One, Arsonists Fail to Burn City, Killers Thwarted, Reds Manipulate Strategy;
- Victories Are Being Won, Hopes Are Being Revived, Dangers Are Being Confronted, Projects in Process, Challenges Which Must Be Accepted;
- Watergate Indictments, Weapon of the Traitors and the Demagogues, Patriots on the Cross;
- What About Gerald L.K. Smith?
Some Collected Issues of Gerald L. K. Smith’s Christian, Patriotic Magazine-Newsletter "The Cross & the Flag"; those issues available for each year have been collected into their own volume; All issues have been computer scanned and enhanced and are 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound with 10mm. clear protective covers. While this price may seem high, it has taken hundreds of hours to scan, place, straighten, and print these; these newsletters are rare (they start at $20 per issue on the used market, thus, a year of 12 originals would be $240); even if you had access to these issues, to merely photocopy (@ .10 cents a copy) them and have them bound would cost more than we are offering them for (and the quality would not be as good); in fact, subscribing to a year’s worth of modern (let alone, a "rare" one like Smith’s) newsletter would cost about the same price for which we offer 11 issues:
1976 (4 issues) Ja-F-Mc-Jn (Memorial issue) = c.140pp., 13.00 donation + P&H;
1975 (1 issue) Jn = c.36pp., 4.00 donation + P&H;
1974 (9 issues) Ja, F, M, Jn, Jy, Au, S, O, N = c.324pp., 30.00 donation + P&H;
1973 (10 issues) F, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, Au, S, O, N, D = c.360pp., 33.00 donation + P&H;
1972 (5 issues) Ja, Mc, Ap, My, Jn = c.180pp., 16.00 donation + P&H; ;
1971 (1 issue) Ap = c.36pp., 4.00 donation + P&H;
1970 (5 issues) Ja, F, Ap, My, Jn = c.180pp., 16.00 donation + P&H;
1969 (10 issues) Ja, F, Mc, Ap, My, Jy, Au, S, O, N = c.360pp., 33.00 donation + P&H;
1968 (10 issues) Ja, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, Au, S, O, N, D = c.360pp., 33.00 donation + P&H;
1967 (8 issues) Ja, F, Mc, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, S = c.288pp., 26.00 donation + P&H;
1966 (10 issues) Mc, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, Au, S, O, N, D = c.360pp., 33.00 donation + P&H;
1965 (7 issues) F, Mc, Ap, My, Jy, N, D = c.252pp., 23.00 donation + P&H;
1964 (9) Ja, F, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, Au, O, N = c.324pp., 30.00 donation + P&H;
1963 (11 issues) Ja, F, Mc, Ap, My, Jn, Jy, S, O, N, D = c.396pp., 35.00 donation + P&H;
1962 (4 issues) Ap, O, N, D = c.144pp., 13.00 donation + P&H;
1961 (2 issues) Jy, Au = c.72pp., 8.00 donation + P&H;
1960 (2 issues) F, D = c.72pp., 8.00 donation + P&H;
1959 (2 issues) Jy, S = c.72pp., 8.00 donation + P&H;
1958 (1 issue) Ja = c.36pp., 4.00 donation + P&H;
1954 (1 issues) N = c.36pp., 4.00 donation + P&H.
Several Volumes have already been completed (1965, 1966, 1967, 1974, 1975, 1976), other volumes with many issues may take a week or two to prepare, for the first person who orders them. Inquire if interested.
World Significance of the Russian Revolution (1920), George Pitt-Rivers, preface by the respected "jew" Dr. Oscar Levy, 60pp., computer-enhanced reprint, staple-back booklet, 6.00 donation + P&H; very rare book showing those behind the Bolshevik terror that descended upon the world.
The World’s Trouble Makers (1961), Rev. Bruce H. Brown (Methodist in Australia), 144pp., computer-enhanced, plastic-comb-bound, 16.00 donation + P&H; very rare book.
This section is still under construction.
This web-page was started around the 2nd week of July, 2009.
[See Large list of New Titles below
More titles will be added periodically.]
Rare Reprints by Sacred Truth Publishing
Back In Print
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P&H = 10% (4.00 minimum)
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These titles will eventually be merged into the appropriate categories, but with dial up it takes a long time to make changes, so for now, these newer titles will remain below uncategorized.
My apologies that these lists are a bit out of order at times, and some lists may overlap. However, this is the majority of all the books we have reprinted (though some of the hardback and paperback titles below are not ones we have reprinted, they are ones we offer).
Note, some of the prices on these lists may have been listed in superscript rather than with a decimal point, as in the first list below; however, the formatting did not transfer to this data dump, and thus prices will appear without the decimal point, but it should be easy to determine that, as with the first title below, 1600 + P&H is actually 16.00 + P&H.
Newest additions
- America Use Your Head! (1932) Henry H. Klein, 192pp., plastic comb-bound, 16.00 (will prepare upon first order), constitutional government, exposes Col. Mandell House, Rockfellers, NYC corruption, etc.
- Am I An Anti-Semite? 9 Addresses on Various “-isms” Answering the Question (1939) Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, 202pp., plastic comb-bound; 18.00 + P&H.
- An American Warns His Countrymen [a.k.a. A Jewish Defector Warns America] (1961) & Benjamin Freedman’s Address to The US Marine Cadets in 1974, Benjamin H. Freedman, [Edited, with bracketed notes and illustrations by Robert Alan Balaicius] 88pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- The Crime of our Age: A Call to the Clergy and All Christians of the United States (1949) Dr. Ludwig Adolphus Fritsch, Ph.D., D.D., O.J.S., 88pp., he was a history professor in Romania before coming to the United States in 1921; Fritsch was pastor of the Honterus Lutheran Church in Youngstown, Ohio. In 1945 he resigned from the ministry and later moved to Chicago. Dr. Fritsch was married to Baroness Edith Gerlinde Brosig von Schwartzwasse.
- Defender magazine, Gerald Winrod (which at one time had 130,000 subscribers). Oct 1951, vol. 26 #6; 36pp., 8.5x11, 5.50 + P&H. Rare
- Eight Discourses on the Gold Standard and Other Kindred Subjects (1933) 80pp., enlarged to 8.5x11 (due to odd size or original and fine print), comb-bound (from Radio broadcast) 12.00 + P&H.
- Galilee of the Nations, H.J. Sterling and J.C. Cooke, 17pp., 1.50 + P&H.
- Henry H. Klein, Shorter Works Collection #1: A Jew Exposes the Jewish World Conspiracy (1946) 24pp., (also titled, “The 4 in 1” containing: 1: Sanheidrin Produced World Destruction; 2: The Old Testament Versus the Talmud and the Protocols; 3: The Poison in the Jews Cup; 4: The United States of the U.N.O.) & My 40 Year Fight for Justice; the Story of the Judicial Framing and Execution (Murder) of Police Lieutenant Charles Becker of New York City (1953) 16pp.; & Roosevelt’s Impeachment Demanded by Klein (1943) 4pp.; Roosevelt’s Impeachment Blocked by Congressmen Who Ignore Grave Accusations: Newspapers, Columnists and Radio Commentators Suppress the Facts: Read the Charges (1943) 8pp.; Zionism Rules the World (1948) 12pp., 5 in 1, 5.50 + P&H.
- The High Cost of Hate (1939) Ralph Townsend (US consul to Japan, arrested and tried by FDR in sedition trial for trying to expose the warmongers), 61pp., very rare, how FDR and his jews used the situation in the Pacific to start a war to draw in Germany and Italy; 7.00 + P&H [also available by the same author - Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China (1933; 1999 printing), Ralph Townsend, 336pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H; nasty, filthy, drug-ridden culture China was and remains.]
- John T. Flynn Replies to His Critics (c.1955), 31pp., 3.50 + P&H.
- Occultism: A Natural Danger (1944) W. B. Grant, 32pp., 3.00 + P&H. (author of "We have a guardian" also available, inquire)
- Pacifism Examined (1945) W. Graham, 39pp., 4.00 + P&H.
- The Revolutionary Movement in Russia (1881) Ivan Panin, 23pp., enlarged to 8.5x11 due to oversized original and small print; 5.00 + P&H. (this was written and published over a decade before he was converted to Christ, and since he had been an atheist and a nihilist, this will probably contain a certain amount of error as he had probably been misled with Bolshevik propaganda; whether or not he eventually realized the Jewish Bolsheviks were behind the attack against the Tsars and Imperial Russia, I do not know; but this should at least give a partial glimpse into how his thinking was converted.
- Rockefeller or God: Who Will Rule? (1938), Henry H. Klein, 77pp., 8.00 + P&H. very rare.
- The Smear Terror (1947), John T. Flynn, 30pp., 3.50 + P&H.
- The Story of the Aitken Bible: The Bible of the Revolution & a Brief Biography of Rev. Francis Allison, 24pp., 2.50 + P&H.
- The Two Sticks: or the Lost Tribes of Israel Discovered - The Jew and the Israelite Not the Same (1887; published by Brethren’s Publishing Co., Mount Morris, Illinois) by M.M. Eshelman, V.D.M., 265pp., plastic comb-bound, 25.00 + P&H; very rare.
- The United States in Prophecy and Other Messages (c.1936) Jay C. Kellogg, “America's Cowboy Preacher,” 54pp., rare booklet shows he believed we are Israel. (3 other of his titles also being prepared)
- If A Man Die Shall He Live Again? (1977) Clem Davies, 102pp., comb-bound, 12.00 + P&H. (will be prepared upon first request)
- The Story of the Nations: The Balkans: Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro (1896), Miller, 506pp., comb-bound, 26.00 + P&H.
- TNT (1932) [“The Naked Truth”], Col. Edwin M. Hadley, 106pp., comb-bound; 14.00 + P&H. rare (author of the Cahilla Unmasked)
- Why Leave Our Own?: 13 Messages on Christianity and Americanism (1939) Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, 176pp., comb-bound, 16.00 + P&H. (will be prepared upon first request)
- An Alliance With the Devil (1947), Rev. Harvey H. Springer, D.D., 64pp., 5.50 + P&H.
- Americanism Betrayed: Fact vs. Fiction (1952) A. O. Tittmann, 79pp., stapleback, very rare, expose of jews, race-mixing, etc. 6.50 + P&H.
- An American Warns His Countrymen [a.k.a. A Jewish Defector Warns America] (1961) & Benjamin Freedman’s Address to The US Marine Cadets in 1974, Benjamin H. Freedman, [Edited, with bracketed notes and illustrations by Robert Alan Balaicius] 88pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- The Brand of Hell - 666 - What Is It? - The Mark of the Beast - The Great Sign of the End of the Age (1932), Jay C. Kellogg (America’s “Cowboy Evangelist”), 54pp., 5.50 + P&H.
- A Case of Conspiracy (Communist Party in Colorado) (c.1950), Rev. Harvey H. Springer, D.D., 8.5x11, 44pp., 8.00 + P&H (oddly put together book; the original was 8.5x11 sideways, with 2 book size columns per page, with only one of the 2 on each page being numbered. So it is actually an 88 page book; but, since some of the pages are full length 8.5x11 charts or exhibits, I could not turn into a standard size booklet, but leave it in its current format, though face stapling it on the left hand side.)
- Communism Out to Take America and other sermons (1949), Rev. Harvey H. Springer, D.D., 80pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- Crush These Vipers (1947), Rev. Harvey H. Springer, D.D., pp., + P&H
- Facing the Facts (c.1933), 29pp., by "Earnest Sincere" [Col. Edwin Hadley] (very rare) & The Cahilla Unmasked (originally titled “The Plan in Action”) (1934), 20pp., Col. Edwin M. Hadley (originally using the pen name, “Earnest Sincere”), both were very small print and 6x9 so I expanded them to 8.5x11, 2 booklets in 1, 8.5x11, 54pp., 8.00 + P&H.
- Gentile Folly: The Rothschilds, Arnold Leese, 68pp., 6.50 + P&H.
- How The Greatest The White Nations Were Mongrelized Then Negroized (1965), Myron C. Fagan, 31pp., 3.00 + P&H.
- How Our Patriots Die Mysteriously (1971) Myron C. Fagan, 21pp., 2.50 + P&H.
- How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit, A. W. Tozer, 30pp., stapleback booklet, 5.5x8.5, facsimile reprint. NOT a book about tongues or charismatic experience, but about cultivating a relationship with God and having our thoughts and actions dictated by the Holy Spirit not the flesh. 2.50 + P&H.
- How To Capture A University - The Meaning of the Southwest Review Attack Upon (Col. /Prof.) John Beaty (1954), 8.pp., 8.5x11, 1.25 + P&H. (former military intelligence, author of books used in 800 schools and universities in the U.S., and author of Iron Curtain Over America, which exposed the Jewish involvement in Communism, their Khazar origins, and their plan for world conquest and subversion of the U.S. (will be contained, retypeset, in upcoming printing of Beaty’s Iron Curtain Over America).
- Is Capitalism Doomed? Will the Rapid Spread of Communism Soon Overthrow the Present Capitalistic System of Government? A Keen Prophetic Analysis of this Important Question (1932), Jay C. Kellogg, 59pp., 5.50 + P&H.
- The Jewish World Problem (1921) Right Hon. Lord Sydenham of Combe, 15pp., 1.75 + P&H
- The Jews and South Africa: The Jewish Role in South Africa’s Political Unrest (unknown author or date), South Africa’s Kosher Press (c.1950) by H.H. Beamish, The Boer War: How the Jew Seized South Africa (unknown author or date) & The Jewish Problem in South Africa (Hon. Eric Louw, M.P., 1939) all re-typeset, annotated, illustrations added by Robert Alan Balaicius, total combined - 124pp., plastic comb-bound, 12.50 + P&H. (the highlighted title was recently added to this collection).
- Life Imprisonment for Exposing Communists! [William Dudley Pelley] (c.1948), 30pp., 3.00 + P&H.
- The Menace of Russian Communism — and the necessity to prevent it developing and using the Atomic Bomb for World Conquest (1946), Sir Oswald Mosely, 8pp., 1.00 + P&H.
- The Midnight Cry: Do We Face the Golden Age, or the World’s Darkest Midnight? (1932) Jay C. Kellogg (America’s “Cowboy Evangelist”), 54pp., 5.50 + P&H.
- The Only Way Out & Our Statue of Liberty (c.1952), Marilyn R. Allen, 20pp., pamphlet; 2.00 + P&H.
- Red Stars In Hollywood: Their Helpers, Fellow Travelers, and Co-Conspirators - 100 names Referred to by Jimmy Fidler Newspapers Afraid to Publish - transcript of the speech made by Myron C. Fagan from the stage of the El Patio Theater after the opening night performance of his play “Thieves Paradise” on Monday, April 12, 1948, 8pp., booklet, 1.25 + P&H
- The Republic Reclaimed (1938) Newton Jenkins, 157pp., comb-bound, 16.50 + P&H, exposes foreign jews taking over business, industry,
- Searching For the Jews Who Murder Gentile Babies and How These Jews Use the Babies’ Blood, Printed by the order of the Minister of Domestic Affairs (Russia) 1844, Dr. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, (Author of Russia’s famous Dal Living Dictionary), 116pp., re-type-set, 10.00 + P&H. rare research on “jewish” ritual murder.
- Secret Government of U.S. (1962), Mary M. Davison (Secretary, Council on Amer. Relations), 124pp., 8.5x11, comb-bound, 16.00 + P&H.
- The Secret Holocaust, 34pp., Eustace Mullins, (against white Christians by “jews”) 3.50 + P&H.
- Secret Oath of Lawyers, 32pp., booklet, 3.00 + P&H.
- Sedition Case: Story of America’s Greatest Legal Battle - Infamous War Time Mass Sedition Trial (1953) 123pp., comb-bound 12.00 + P&H.
- Segregation or Integration—Which?? "With the Negro in Our Midst" (1956), Pastor Gerald O. Fleming, 40pp., 4.00 + P&H.
- Termites (1940), Rev. Harvey H. Springer (Intro by Rev. Gerald B. Winrod), 56pp., 5.50 + P&H. Against Federal Council of Churches (and its parallels with Judaism) and other antichrist conspiracies.
- Thank God the Constitution Still Gives us the Right to Bear Arms (Speech before National Defense Meeting at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, March 28, 1939), 30pp., & An Army General Exposes the Jews (June 1, 1939, Testimony before the Congressional Committee for the Investigation of Un-american Activities), 28pp., [the cowardly, traitorous politicians voted on and decided not to even enter it officially into the record), 2 booklets in 1, 58pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- The United States in Prophecy and Other Messages (c.1936) Jay C. Kellogg, “America’s Cowboy Preacher,” 54pp., (he believed the Anglo-Saxon peoples were Israel)
- The United States of Europe in Prophecy - Will The Antichrist be the President? - A Startling Question With a Still More Startling Answer (1932) Jay C. Kellogg (America’s “Cowboy Evangelist”), 54pp., 5.50 + P&H.
- Up From the Red Mirey Clay (1963) Dorothy Goff [wife of Kenneth Goff], 54pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- Zionism: The Terrible Secret of the Cold War, 27pp., stapleback 2.50 + P&H.
- A Brief Biography and Some Collected Works of Reverends Luke and Paul Rader, 724 pages, plastic comb-bound; 40.00 + P&H; Modern Publisher’s Preface A Short Biography of Luke and Paul Rader; Luke Rader’s— “Mystery Babylon from which comes The Anti-Christ - An Exposé from authoritative Documents of the Most Fearful Menace Ever Known” (c.1935); “How Did We Get This Way? - An Examination and Exposé of Fruedism, Evolution, Communism, and Modernism, Tracing Their Lineage to Babylon Mysteries” [The Sequel to Mystery Babylon] (c.1935); “The Zodiac: The Ancient Gospel” (c.1935); The Lost Key to the Old Testament Found (1936); “The Symbols of the Book of Revelation” (c.1935); Paul Rader’s— - Paul Rader’s Stories of His Early Life: Interspersed by Spiritual Messages of Priceless Value; - Paul Rader’s Sermons (1916) The Blessed Hope; On the Warpath; “Wild Oats”; “Planting and Planning”; “Border Battles”; Out of the Cave; Kingdom Recruiting; - Beating Baal and Other Sermons (c.1916) Beating Baal; Wanted! A Head; Border Battles; - How To Win and Other Victory Messages (1919) How To Win, The High Cost of Ignorance, Two Kinds of Stubbornness, The Banquet, Habitation, The Told Life, Fire Also, Come To Dinner; - Looking Through the Knot-Hole of Time or Seeing the Program of God, Man, and Satan: Past—Present—Future (c.1936) [3 years to find, scan, retypset, layout.]
- Three Years Among the Indians and Mexicans (1846) General Thomas James (of Monroe County, Illinois), 130pp,. the original was small print, so I have expanded to legal-half size (7x8.5); which enlarged it by 23%, plastic comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H or modern, re-typeset, 196pp., pb., by another publisher for 13.00 + P&H.
List 1
Other RARE Titles Exposing Political Corruption and Conspiracies
[email protected]">[email protected] - P&H = 10% (400 minimum) - email for more info
(Titles by) Judge George W. Armstrong:
- The March of Bolshevism (1945), 100pp., plastic comb-bound, 12.00 + P&H.
- Our Constitution (c.1950), 92pp., plastic comb-bound, 11.50 + P&H.
- The Rothschild Money Trust, 229pp. pb., 16.00 + P&H.
- The Truth About My Alleged $50,000,000 Donation, 20pp., 2.00 + P&H.
- Truth: The Story of the Dynasty of the Money Trust in America - Part I (1923), 124pp., plastic comb-bound; 14.00 + P&H.
- Truth: The Federal “Bunking” System in Action - Part II (1923) 151pp., comb, 16.00 + P&H.
- World Empire (1947), 148pp., plastic comb-bound, 15.00 + P&H.
- The Zionists (1950), 134p., pb., 12.00 + P&H.
(Titles by) Elizabeth Dilling:
- Authorities on The Jews (Christ, Popes, Luther, etc), 12pp., 8.5x11 stapled, 2.00 + P&H.
- The Dilling Bulletin (May-June 1963), “Jewish Nazism,” “Goldwater Mirage,” “Sham Battle Against the U.N.” “correspondence,” (July/Aug ‘63), Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 1964, and Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Sept-Dec 1965, and An Open Letter from Elizabeth Dilling (1945), Goldwater 1313, Protocols Killed Again, and various shorter and miscellaneous letters and reports; 8.5x11 (original size), computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound; very rare.; c.400pp., 32.00 + P&H.
- The Octopus, 256pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H.
- Plot Against Christianity, 8½x11, 261pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H. classic exposes Talmud;
- The Protocols “Killed” Again?, 29pp., stapleback booklet, 3.00 + P&H.
- The Red Network: Who’s Who and Handbook of Radicalism for Patriots (1934), 352pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H.
- Roosevelt Red Record & Its Background (1936) 439pp., 16.00 + P&H.
(Titles by) A(rthur). N(elson). Field: (New Zealand)
- All These Things (1936) 288pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H. various zionist conspiracies/crimes exposed in U.S., Britain, New Zealand, murder of the Romanovs, Rulers of Russia, etc.
- The Evolution Hoax Exposed (originally: Why Colleges Breed Communists, 1941), 104pp., pb., 10.00 + P&H.
- Socialism Unmasked: Who Propagated it--How and Why (1938) 36pp., 4.25 + P&H.
- The Truth About The Slump: What the News Never Tells (1931) 210pp., comb-bound, 16.00 + P&H; Great Depression artificially created; conspiracies exposed, Federal Reserve, protocols, alien menace, freemasonry, etc.
- Why Are The Jews Hated? (1936), Britons Publishing Society, 16pp., 1.75 + P&H.
(Titles by) John T. Flynn:
- As We Go Marching (1944), 182pp., Inquire.
- Decline of American Republic - and How to Rebuild It (1955) 212pp., comb, 17.00 + P&H.
- God’s Gold : the Story of Rockefeller and His Times (1932), 552pp., 8.5x11 (Inquire)
- The Lattimore Story: The Full Story of the Most Incredible Conspiracy of Our Time (1953), 118pp., comb-bound, 12.00 + P&H. conspiracy, group of powerful men forcing US State Department’s betrayal of China & Korea into hands of the Communists.
- McCarthy: His War on American Reds and Those Who Opposed Him, 15pp., 1.50 + P&H.
- Militarism: The New Slavery of America (1955), 15pp., 1.50 + P&H.
- Road Ahead (to Socialism): America’s Creeping Revolution (1932) 160pp, comb, 14.00 + P&H.
- Town Meeting Bulletin, published by American Education Press, Columbus, Ohio, vol. 9; no. 42 (1944): Is A World Federation Goverment Desirable and Possible Now?, Culbertson & Flynn, 24pp.,
- The Truth About Pearl Harbor (1944), 32pp., 3.00 + P&H.
- While You Slept: Our Tragedy in Asia and Who Made It (1951), 192pp., [inquire]
- Why Korea? Story of Blackest Intrigue & Betrayal in America’s History (1952), 24pp., pamphlet, 2.00 + P&H.
(Titles by) Lieut.Col. A(rthur). H(enry). Lane:
- The Alien Menace: A Statement of the Case (1932, 3rd ed.) 238pp., comb-bound, 18.00 + P&H. Immigrant problems in Britain.
- The Hidden Hand: A Plain Statement for the Man in the Street (1938), 36pp., 4.00 + P&H.
(Titles by) Dr. Emanuel M(ann). Josephson, M.D.:
- Roosevelt’s Communist Manifesto & Science of Government Founded on Natural Law: Illuminati Origins (1955) 128pp., 14.00 + P&H.
- Rockefeller “Internationalist”: Man Who Misrules World (1952) 440pp., pb., 30.00 + P&H.
- Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt: History of Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty: America’s Royal Family (1948) 288pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H.
(booklets by) Alexander Ratcliffe:
- Evolution: Hell With the Lid Off (1928), 15pp., 2.00 + P&H.
- Horrible Lives of the Popes (1929), retypeset, 24pp., 2.50 + P&H.
- The Salvation Army: Its Jewish Origin, Methods, and Tyranny (1945), 47pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- The Truth About the Jews (1943), 21pp., 2.00 + P&H.
- The Truth About Democracy (1944), 23pp., 2.25 + P&H.
- The Truth About Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church (1943), 16pp., 1.75 + P&H.
(Titles by) Col. E. N. Sanctuary:
- “Are These Things So?” Being a Reply to this Question Propounded by a Jewish High Priest of the First Christian Martyr 1900 Years Ago: A Study in Modern Termites of the Homo Sapiens Type (1934), 426pp., pb., 40.00 + P&H.
- Communism: Its Heart and Its Goal (1936), 12pp., 1.50 + P&H.
- Litvinoff: Foreign Commissar of the U.S.S.R. (1935), 24pp., very rare, 3.00 + P&H.
- Revolution and the Real Fifth Column (1940), 20pp., 2.00 + P&H.
- The Roosevelt Saga: The Roosevelt Mind One Hundred Years Ago (1940) Martin Morgan (Col. Sanctuary), 17pp., rare, 2.50 + P&H (later retitled “Roosevelt & the Illuminati”)
- Roosevelt Warming the Serpent: Facts You Should Know About the League of Nations and the Bolsheviks (1935), 24pp., very rare booklet 3.50 + P&H.
- Tainted Contacts Being a Compilation of Facts of the Personnel and Activities of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America (1931) 112pp., comb-bound, 11.00 + P&H.
- The Talmud Unmasked (1892) Rev. I.B. Pranaitis (Lithuanian Priest murdered by Jews for writing this book), 111pp., pb., 9.00 + P&H. (translated w/ intro. by Col. Sanctuary)
- Tearing Away Veils: Financiers Who Control World, (L’Ami du Peuple, 1932, by Francois Coty) translated by Col. E.N. Sanctuary 54pp., with added photo and biography of Coty and Sanctuary by RAB/STM; 7.00 + P&H.
- War Guilt and Warmongers (1941), 70pp., very rare book, 10.00 + P&H.
(Titles by) Senator Jack B. Tenney:
- The Anti-Defamation League (15pp.) & The Fight To Save America (12pp.), 32pp., 3.50 + P&H.
- Jews & Russian Revolution, 8 1/2 x 11, 18pp., 3.50 + P&H.
- Red Fascism: Boring from Within by the Subversive Forces of Communism (1947), 748pp., pb., 42.00 + P&H. (reg. 52.00); Hb., 52.00 + P&H. (reg. 67.00)
- Zion’s Fifth Column (c.1947) 93pp., plastic comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H.
- Zionist Network (c.1947) 96pp., plastic comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H.
- Zion’s Trojan Horse (c.1947) 90pp., plastic comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H.
(Titles by) Wycliffe B. Vennard, Sr.:
- Chronological History of Money Since Babylon, 60pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- The Enemy Within (1964) 29pp., booklet, 3.50 + P&H.
- 50 Years of Treason in 100 Acts (1964) 32pp., booklet, 3.00 + P&H.
- The Solution to the Federal Reserve Fraud (1966) 48pp., booklet, 5.00 + P&H.
- What’s Wrong in Washington? What’s Your Answer - U.S. Senate Clobbered by Hidden Government (1964) 76pp., booklet, 8.50 + P&H.
(Titles by) Nesta H(elen). Webster:
- Boche & Bolshevik, Webster/Kurt Kerlen, 82pp., pb., 8.00 + P&H.
- The French Revolution, 519pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.
- Germany and England (reprinted from The Patriot; 1938) 38pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- Germany and the Jews (reprinted from The Patriot, 1932) 14pp., 2.50 + P&H.
- The Socialist Network, 163pp., pb., 12.00 + P&H.
- Spacious Days (1914) autobiography of Nesta Webster, 192pp., 6.38 x 9 pb., 22.00 + P&H.
- Surrender Of An Empire, 398pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.
- World Revolution (1921) 332pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.
(Titles by) Gerald B. Winrod:
- Adam Weishaupt: A Human Devil (1935), 51pp., 5.00 + P&H. Founder of Illuminati.
- Communism In Prophecy, History, America (1946), 88pp., comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H.
- Great Religions of the World (1943) 52pp., 5.50 + P&H
- Jewish Assault on Christianity (1935), 49pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- The Truth About The Protocols, 56pp. 5.00 + P&H.
- Talks on Sound Government (1938) 66pp., 5.00 + P&H.
(Titles by) Pelly Publications — William Dudley Pelley of the Silvershirts, North Carolina
- The Dupes of Judah: Inside Story of Why the World War was Fought (1938), Pelley 80pp., 7.50 + P&H
- What A Cultured Chinese Things of the Jew (c.1938) H. Sing Woo, Ph.D., 25pp., 3.00 + P&H
- What Every Congressman Should Know (c.1938) 64pp., 5.50 + P&H
- What Fifty Famous Men Have Had to Say About the Jews (c.1938), 32pp., 3.00 + P&H.
By Various Authors:
- The Age of Treason: The Carefully and Deliberately Planned Methods Developed by the Vicious Element of Humanity for the Mental Deterioration and Moral Debasement of the Mass as a Means to Their Enslavement, Based on Their Own Writings and Means Already Confessedly Employed (1957) Dr. Clymer, 276pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H.
- Alien Minorities and Mongrelization (1949) Marilyn B. Allen, 474pp., xerox, plastic comb-bound 16.00 + P&H (if anyone would prefer a computer-enhanced, book-size comb-bound reprint, it will be 28.00 and take a week or two to prepare)
- America, Christianity, Liberty & Truth: What Famous Men Had To Say, Balaicius, powerful quotes: America founded Christian nation; Bible, Freedom, Heritage, Self-Defense, Property, Constitution, debunking Evolution, “Discrimination,” etc. World’s greatest minds believed Liberty & Truth inseperable from Jesus Christ & Bible. Supreme Court & Common Law citations. Vol. 1, 54pp. 5.00 + P&H; Vol. 2, 80pp. 6.00 + P&H; Vol. 3, 92pp., 6.00 + P&H; Vol. 4 (final vol.), 440pp., comb-bound (20); All 4 Vols., 33.00 + P&H. Illustrated, Indexed.
- Americanism Betrayed: Fact vs. Fiction (1952) A. O. Tittmann, 79pp., stapleback, very rare, expose of jews, race-mixing, etc. 6.50 + P&H.
- Am I An Anti-Semite? 9 Addresses on Various “-isms” Answering the Question (1939) Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, 202pp., plastic comb-bound; 18.00 + P&H.
- Architects Behind World Communist Conspiracy (1951) Gostick, Canadian Intelligence Service & Bolshevists of Ancient History (1924) by “Apionus”, Britons Publishing Society, 60pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- Are You An Anti-Semite...?, Robert Alan Balaicius, 12pp., booklet, 1.75 + P&H.
- Behind Communism (c.1951) Frank L. Britton, 97pp., stapleback, 8.00 + P&H.
- Behind Communism in Africa (1975) Ivor Benson, 24pp., stapleback 2.50 + P&H.
- A Bill of Grievances (1950), National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (Washington, D.C.) 56pp., 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound, 8.00 + P&H, exposes / challenges communism, liberalism, humanism of that era.
- A Blue Book for Patriots: Also Being an Index on Subversion in the U.S.A. (1950) Illustrated, indexed. 110pp., 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound. 15.00 + P&H
- Bolshevism, Communism, Judaism & Zionism: What Eminent American and European Statesmen Had To Say About the “jews”; revealing statements highly respected leaders, 88pp., Balaicius, illustrated, 6.00 + P&H.
- Bulala: (Kill the Wizard!): A True Story of South Africa, Cuan Elgin, [Robert Alan Balaicius, Editor, contributor] 392pp., pb., 18.38 + P&H [1838 = Day of Covenant, most special day in Boer history.] gripping tale of small, brave, Christian nation born of conflict, turmoil, and tragedy as well as love, dedication, and hard work—this exciting account of history of S. Africa (earliest times - end of 2nd Anglo-Boer War) woven as rich tapestry into novel. exciting book: cross between Shaka Zulu and Little House on Prairie.
- The Cahilla Unmasked (1934), Col. Edwin M. Hadley, 20pp., 2.00 + P&H.
- The Cause of World Unrest (1920), Gwynne, editior of London, Morning Post) truthful book resulted in his ruin; exposes “jewish” role in Bolshevism, 269pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H.
- Christ is No Pacifist: The Religious and Secular Case Against Pacifism (1938) Dorothy Crisp, 100pp., plastic comb-bound, 11.00 + P&H; rare title.
- The Clash of The Cymbals: The Secret History of the Revolt in the Salvation Army (1929) F.A. MacKenzie, 223pp., plastic comb-bound, 18.00 + P&H.
- The Colonel House Report (1919), Col. Edward M. House, conspiratorial document entered into Congress. Record, 20pp., [mcg = (2)]
- The Coming War (1931), General Ludendorff, 176pp., pb., 18.00. (very rare)
- Confessions of an Anesthetized Person known as Jewish, Balaicius, 60pp., 5.00 + P&H. (humorous, lively dialog, reveals history of extermination of Christians / overall conspiracy, explains vividly what will happen if US gives up guns... millions of Christians will be murdered ... see chilling details).
- The Conquest of the World by the Jews (German 1870, English 1878) Maj. Osman Bey, 12-page Modern Publisher's Preface to Reader on history/nature of book & mysterious controversial author; book has come under great attack, 1st book in English to claim world-wide Jewish conspiracy (predating English translation of Protocols by quarter-century, pre-dating Russian translation of Protocols by decades), 88pp., 8.00 + P&H.
- “Constitutions Be Damned!” Say the Internationalists (1962) Dr. B. Bruce, 125pp., comb-bound 12.00 + P&H.
- The Crime of our Age: A Call to the Clergy and All Christians of the United States (1949) Dr. Ludwig Adolphus Fritsch, Ph.D., D.D., O.J.S., 88pp., he was a history professor in Romania before coming to the United States in 1921; Fritsch was pastor of the Honterus Lutheran Church in Youngstown, Ohio. In 1945 he resigned from the ministry and later moved to Chicago. Dr. Fritsch was married to Baroness Edith Gerlinde Brosig von Schwartzwasse.
- Crimes and Mercies, James Bacque, (Eisenhower/allies starved to death 9 million Germans); pb., 2500 + P&H.
- The Curse of Anti-Anti-Semitism: Making Pontius Pilots Out of Politicians, Dr. Austin App (famous people persecuted for comments on the “jews”), 66pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- The Czech Conspiracy: A Phase in the World-War Plot (1938), [1st edition called "Czecho-Slovakia: The Naked Truth About the World-War Plot"; this is expanded version.] George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers (Late Captain The Royal Dragoons, formerly Fellow Commoner, Worchester College, Oxford; First General Secretary of the International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population; author of The World Significance of the Russian Revolution); 93pp. + photos, plastic comb-bound, 12.00 + P&H.
- Dealing in Hate: The Development of Anti-German Propaganda (undated, prob. 1962), Dr. Michael Connors, 85+pp., pb., 12.00 + P&H.
- Death at Katyn (1944) 48pp., 5.00 + P&H. Thousands Polish/Lithuanian) officers murdered by Soviets WWII, buried mass grave in forest—at Nuremberg War Crimes trials Soviets blamed Germans; now proven Soviets did it, recently, Russian government confessed.
- The Downfall of Russia: Bolshevism and Judaism (1934), Captain Victor de Kayville, 24pp., [mcg = (2.50)]
- Drama of the European Jews (1964), Rassinier, 150pp., plastic comb-bound, 16.00 + P&H.
- Empire of a City (Rothschild Empire), Knuth, 111pp., pb., 10.00 + P&H.
- Essays on Segregation (1960) T. Robert Ingram (editor); 108pp., plastic comb-bound 11.00 + P&H; nontechnical, by several Episcopal ministers.
- Essays on The Death Penalty (1963) edited by T. Robert Ingram (with essays by leading Christian thinkers of the day), 138pp., plastic comb-bound 12.00 + P&H.
- The European Situation: The Third Force (1950) Oswald Mosley, 18pp., 2.00 + P&H
- Falsehood in War-Time (1928) Sir Arthur Ponsonby, 192pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.
- “The Fascist” & “Gothic Ripples” - Select Issues and Excerpts from Arnold Leese’s Nationalist, Patriotic Bulletins (c.1934-1949) re-type-set sample issues of/excerpts from Leese’s newsletters/bulletins, photos of Leese, his two publications and brief history of them; list of the many Nationalist publications (and their organizations) over the past decades; book list of many important political and historical titles available; 64pp., booklet, 6.00 + P&H.
- The Firebrand of Bolshevism: True Story of the Bolsheviki and Forces That Directed Them (1919) Princess Catherine Radziwill, 318pp., pb., 10.00 + P&H. born Countess Ekaterina Adamovna Rzewuska, she married into noble Lithuanian-Polish Ravila/Radziwill (in 1500s or so Lithuanian and Poland merged. Lithuania did away with nobility status, so Lithuanian nobles moved to Poland, and Polonized their names. Many of the leaders of the Polish Renaissance in art, science, philosophy, etc., were Lithuanians; in time, those Lithuanian families that spent their lives in Poland, became Polanized and married into Polish families); daughter of Polish General, Count Adam Adamovitch Rzewuski and Anna Dmitrievna Voronztev-Dashkova. She married (1873) Prince Wilhelm Radziwill (1845-1911; in Lithuanian, Kunigaikštis Vilhelmas Radvila) when she was 15, and moved with him to Berlin (divorcing in 1906). The Radvilas were staunch defenders of the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s and 1600s but the family seems to have become utterly Polonized in modern era. After her divorce she spent time in S. Africa becoming a satellite, around Cecil Rhodes; it seems he desired her company to throw off suspicion of his not being straight; he kept her around, though she was expensive, but he had no interest in her or any woman. She left in cloud of scandal, he claimed she forged a check after he cut her allowance off. She received infamy, due to her efforts to expose the Jewis plot of world domination as outlined in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in New York in 1921, where she gave a lecture on them.
- For All Things Are Yours (1935) Clive Hendrick, 16pp., exposes economic conspiracy, 1.75 + P&H.
- Forty Years of Roosevelt (1944) T.W. Hughes, 48pp., 6.00 + P&H; very rare
- Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (1563) Foxe, 409pp., small pb., 900 + P&H; Larger-size pb., 1500 + P&H; Hb., 2000 + P&H. A MUST; Catholic murders of Protestants 1st century to 1500s.
- From Major Jordan’s Diaries (1952) Maj. George Racey Jordan, 124pp., 8.5x11; plastic comb-bound, Maj. Jordan, following orders, gave our Atomic secrets to Soviets; his diaries expose subversive element in our nation; 16.00 + P&H.
- The Futurist and Rapture Conspiracy: A Brief Exposé of the History of these Subversive Doctrines—and Their Biblical Refutation, Balaicius, 164pp., pb., 14.50 + P&H. exposes new new-age false doctrines, not held by Reformers or Bible leaders of early modern era.
- The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy Against Russia: Sisson Report; 32pp., 8 ½ x 11; 5.00 + P&H.
- Germany Must Perish! (1941), Kaufman, 97pp., pb., 12.50 + P&H; (with intro./background/photo of the author prepared by STM). This book called for the extermination of the German people long before the time of the war in which the Germans are accused of genocide against the jews.
- God’s Chosen People: Who Is - Who Isn’t - and Why —Who’se trying to Destroy Whom and Is There Any Hope?, Balaicius, 88pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- A Greater Miracle Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered—The Dead Six Million Uncovered...!, Clèraubat, 544pp., pb.; exposes Holocaust lie, multi-billion dollar Holocaust Industry, exposes Holocaust Mafia/those behind it; Hall of Fame: those who spoke out/had lives ruined—100s photos). Very compelling compilation of evidence/insight, 6 million not murdered (“jewish” experts, population data, chemistry, math & science, history); indexed. photocopies from original census data (compiled by “jewish” sources) from “World Almanac and Book Facts” 1934, 1945, 1946, 1950; Illustrated; 30.00 + P&H.
- The Great Red Dragon: The Foreign Money Power in the United States — or the London Money Power (1890) by Rev. L.B. Woolfolk, D.D., 328pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H.
- Heroes of the Reformation (1951), Hagstotz, Ph.D., 310pp. pb., + photos added by modern publisher (me) of each of the 43 different reformers, 18.00 + P& amp;H.
- The High Cost of Hate (1939) Ralph Townsend (US consul to Japan, arrested / tried by FDR in sedition trial for trying to expose warmongers), 61pp., very rare, how FDR and jews used situation in Pacific to start a war to draw in Germany and Italy; 7.00 + P&H.
- Historical Outlines on Lithuania (1921) Joseph J. Hertmanowicz, 43pp., stapleback, rare book; modern publisher added extra photos of famous Lithuanians, 6.00 + P&H.
- History of the Anglo-Saxons (1841), Sharon Turner, 2 Vol 1284pp., comb-bound, 70.00 + P&H.
- Human Cost of Communism in China, Prepared at Request of Sen. T. Dodd for Subcom. to Investigate Admin. of Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of Committee on Judiciary US Senate, 1971, 44pp., 4.00 + P&H.
- Human Cost of Soviet Communism, Prepared at Request of Sen. Dodd for Subcom. to Investigate Administration of Internal Security Act & other Internal Security Laws of Comm. on Judiciary US Senate, 1971, 40pp., 4.00 + P&H.
- Israel’s $5 Trillion Secret, Col. Curtis B. Dall, 78pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- Is There a “Subversive” Movement in the Public Schools? (1952) Paul W. Shafer (Mich. House of Rep.), 56pp., 8.5x7, rare, 7.00 + P&H.
- The Jew Comes To America: An Expose of His Career (c.1950; originally published by The Thunderbolt) 219pp., plastic comb-bound, 20.00 + P&H.
- Jewish Masonic Occult Connection, Neal, 45pp., 4.50 + P&H.
- Jewish Protocols: and Their Application to Present Times (1946), M. Allen, 24pp. (pamphlet) 1.50 + P&H.
- Jewish Ritual Murder (My Irrelevant Defense) (c.1950) Arnold Leese, 80pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- The Jews and South Africa: The Jewish Role in South Africa’s Political Unrest (unknown author or date), South Africa’s Kosher Press (c.1950) by H.H. Beamish, The Boer War: How the Jew Seized South Africa (unknown author or date) & The Jewish Problem in South Africa (Hon. Eric Louw, M.P., 1939) all re-typeset, annotated, illustrations added by Robert Alan Balaicius, 124pp., plastic comb-bound, 12.50 + P&H.
- Jewish War of Survival (1945) Arnold Leese, 124pp., pb., 12.50 + P&H; masterfully shows Poland and Arabs were betrayed by “Allies.”
- The Jews and Their Lies, Martin Luther, 64pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- Jews Must Live (1934), Roth, 163pp., pb., Jewish author exposes Jews, 14.00 + P&H.
- Jews Rule America: A Plot To Rule The World: We Are In Bondage: Can We Escape? (c.1950) G.L.K. Smith, 9pp., & The Jewish Problem in the United States (c.1920?) Rev. Sam H. Campbell, 11pp., 2 pamphlets in 1; 2.00 + P&H.
- The Jew’s Who’s Who: Israelite Finance - Its Sinister Influence (1920), H. H. Beamish, very rare, 255pp., 6.38x9 pb., 22.00 + P&H.
- Judaic-Communism versus Christian-Americanism (1946) Marilyn B. Allen, 80pp., (pamphlet reproduced in 8.5x11, corner stapled; 2 pamphlet pages per page) 6.00 + P&H. rare
- The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920) George Gustav Telberg and Robert Wilton, 428pp., pb., 28.00 (reg. 37.00); Hb., 41.00 (reg. 52.00) + P&H.
- Last Words of Saints and Sinners: 700 Final Quotes from the Famous, the Infamous, and the Inspiring Figures of History, Lockyer, 240pp., pb., 1400 + P&H. (stark difference how famous believers & nonchristians slipped into eternity to meet their Maker.)
- Leaders of the Lutheran Reformation (1917) Rev., Albert T. W. Steinhaeuser, D.D., Editor, contributor; 172pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.
- Lithuania: The Awakening of a Nation (1924) Benedictsen, translated from the Danish, 248pp., 8.5 x 7, pb., 32.00 + P&H; Rare Excellent history.
- Marxism and Judaism (1947) transl. from Revue de Paris, 1928), 50pp., pb., 6.00 + P&H.
- Memoirs of A British Agent (1934) Lockhart, 355pp., pb., British agent’s 1st-hand account, what it was like during Russian Revolution, 15.00 + P&H.
- Money Manipulation and Social Order (1944), Fahey, 107pp., pb., 10.00 + P&H.
- Nazi Terror: Short Autobiography of Jewish National Socialist, Weichardt, 54pp., 6.00 + P&H
- New Light On The Protocols, Creutz, 16pp., booklet, 1.50 + P&H.
- The 1905 Revolution in Russia (reprinted from National Geographic of 1907) 14p. 1.50 + P&H.
- Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials, 70pp., 8.5x11, comb-bound 12.00 + P&H.
- Nuremberg Martyr’s Memorial Edition - Julius Streicher, 28pp., 3.00 + P&H.
- Occultism: A Natural Danger (1944) W. B. Grant (same author as “We Have a Guardian” God’s Divine intervention on behalf of Britain in war, 8.00 + P&H), 32pp., 3.00 + P&H.
- Occult Theocracy (1933), Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller; 1887-1933), 741pp., pb., 32.00 (reg. 35.00) + P&H. (exposes worldwide conspiracy)
- Oswald Mosley: Portrait of A Leader (c.1937), A. K. Chesterton, 168pp., plastic comb-bound, 16.50 + P&H.
- Other Losses, James Bacque 290p., pb., 25.00 + P&H. (Eisenhower purposely starved to death over 11 million German civilians after WWII during occupation of Germany).
- Our Aryan Ancestors: The World’s Historical People (1935) Howell, 421pp., pb., 30.00 + P&H. (Aryans in general, Celts, Cymri, Teutons, Slavs, Afghans, Hindoos, Medes, Persians).
- Our Blood on the Altar: Freedom and Civilization Hang in the Balance [A Final Call to the Nations of Christendom...], Robert Alan Balaicius, 88pp., illustrated, 6.00 + P&H.
- The Overman Report: Brewing and Liquor Interest and German and Bolshevik Propaganda (1919), Volume 3 (Vol. 3 constitutes Overman Report); 157pp., comb-bound, testimony before Senate sub-hearing committee on Bolshevism, very rare , 14.00 + P&H.
- Pacifism Examined (1945) W. Graham, 39pp., 4.00 + P&H.
- The Pamphleteer - No. 1.: Sir Uncle Sam: Knight of the British Empire (1940), John J. Whiteford, 21pp., 2.00 + P&H.
- Plans of the Synogogue of Satan (c.1930) British Israel Association of Greater Vancouever, 34pp., with chart, 3.50 + P&H.
- A Plea For The Constitution of the United States: Wounded in the House of its Guardians (1886), George Bancroft (Secretary of the Navy, historian), 88pp., Preface by F. Tupper Saussey, 6.00 + P&H.
- The Post-Christian Era and the New Dark Ages; Robert Alan Balaicius, white Christian civilization nearly extinct, 112pp., pb., 10.50 + P&H; important info.: survival of Christendom; Christian roots of Germany, now nearly extinct, U.S., England, & Europe in same position.
- The Problem of Spiritism (1926), P.W. Thompson, 112pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, 12.00 + P&H.
- Proofs of A Conspiracy Against All Religions and Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons and Illuminati... (1798) John Robison, 304pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H.
- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (w/ history of origin & proof of authenticity; outline “jewish” plan to destroy white Christian civilization) regular edition, 72pp., stapleback, 6.00 + P&H; expanded ed. w/ supplementary material, 299pp., 15.00 + P&H.
- The Republic Reclaimed (1938) Newton Jenkins, 157pp., plastic comb-bound, 16.50 + P&H, exposes foreign jews taking over business, industry, etc.
- Revolution and Freemasonry (1935) Prof. Bernard Marie Louis Faÿ (1893-1978) French educator, historian, author, 349pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H.
- The Riddle of the Jew’s Success (1927) by “F. Roderich-Stoltheim” (Emil Theodor Fritsch), translated from German, 288pp., 32.00 + P&H.
- Roman Catholicism - Un-American (1956) O. C. Lambert, 32pp., 3.50 + P&H
- The Rulers of Russia (1938), Rev. Fahey, 100pp., stapleback, 8.50 + P&H.
- The Rulers of Russia and the Russian Farmers (1948), Rev. Fahey, 57pp., 5.50 + P&H.
- Russian Jews and Gentiles (From a Russian Point of View) Madame Z. Ragozin (A Russian journalist) November 1881; 16pp., 8.5x11; 4.00 + P&H.
- Russian Volunteers in Hitler’s Army, Lt.-General Wladyslaw Anders, 32pp., 3.00 + P&H.
- The Sanctity of Private Property (1932) Anthony M. Ludovici, 48pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- Searching For the Jews Who Murder Gentile Babies and How These Jews Use the Babies’ Blood, Printed by order of Minister of Domestic Affairs, Russia (1844), Dr. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, (Author of Russia’s famous Dal Living Dictionary), 116pp., comb-bound, re-type-set, 10.00 + P&H; rare research on “jewish” ritual murder.
- Secret Gov’t of U.S. (1962), Mary Davison (Secr., Council on Amer. Relations), 8.5x11, comb- 124pp., 16.00 + P&H.
- The Secret Driving Force of Communism (1962) Maurice Pinay, 70pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- The Secret Holocaust, Mullins, 34pp., 4.00 + P&H (against white European Christians)
- Secret Oath of Lawyers, 32pp., booklet, 3.00 + P&H.
- The Secret World Government: or, “The Hidden Hand”: The Unrevealed in History: 100 Historical “Mysteries” Explained (1926), 203pp., 16.00 + P&H.
- 67 Subjects: Eyewitness Account: A Diary/Survey/Interpretation, G.L.K. Smith, 117pp., comb-bound, 12.00 + P&H
- Some Collected Shorter Works of A. K. Chesterton: Creed of a Fascist Revolutionary (1935), 28pp. (foreward by Sir Oswald Mosley), Learned Elders and the BBC (1961), 24pp., The Menace of the Money-Power: An Analysis of World Government (1946), 15pp., The Menace of World Government (1955) 14pp., and Tomorrow: A Plan for the British Future (1961) 24pp., Apotheosis of the Jew: From Ghetto to Park Lane (c.1950) 8pp., Britain’s Graveyard: Dangers of the Common Market (1957) 15pp., and Sound the Alarm, Volumes 1-3: 1: A Warning to the British Nations (1954), 20pp., 2: Stand By the Empire (1954) 21pp., 3: Beware the Money Power (1954) 22pp.; also including: What You Should Know About the United Nations (c.1960), by The League of Empire Loyalists, 16pp., c.240pp., plastic comb-bound, 20.00 + P&H.
- Soviet Evidence at Katyn: Document USSR-54 at Nuremberg, 48pp., 7.00 + P&H (imported)
- The Stalin Death (c.1953) Kenneth Goff; Edited by Robert Balaicius With Copious Notes Constituting “A Bolshevik Primer” and Illustrations, 88pp., 8.00 + P&H.
- The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler (A Jew proves most “jews”/Israelis not Biblical Israelites, but Khazars/Turko-Mongoloid) 255pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H.
- Twelve Reformation Heroes (1960) Neilson, 96pp., pb., 12.00 + P&H; we can never read enough about the Reformers... they are our greatest heroes.
- Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, Robert Alan Balaicius, 192pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H; Hb., 26.00 + P&H; documented, illustrated; hiding of this truth is at the root of the conspiracy.
- Undermining the Constitution: A History of Lawless Government (1950) Thomas James Norton (Member of the Bars of the Supreme Court of the United States), 351pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H.
- U. S. War Department, 1919: The Power & Aims of International Jewry - A U. S. War Department investigation and evaluation of issues generated by Jewish power (1919) Secret classified until 1973; 36pp., 3.50 + P&H. re-typeset.
- War Is A Racket (1933) Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler (who profits from war?) 36pp., retype-set w/ photos and brief biography of Butler, 4.00 + P&H.
- Waters Flowing Eastward: War Against Kingship of Christ (1933) L. Fry, 289pp., 16.00 + P&H. (expose of Zionist plot against Christendom)
- Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China, Ralph Townsend, 336pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H; nasty, filthy, drug-ridden culture China was and remains.
- What Is Communism? (c.1950) K. Goff, 295pp., 15.00, 8.5x11 xerox, comb-bound + P&H.
- What’s Keeping God from Delivering America, Britain and Europe from Destruction...?, Robert Alan Balaicius, 112pp., pb., 10.50 + P&H.
- Who Owns The T.V. Networks?, Eustace Mullins, (8½x11, 5pp.), Who Rules America? (8½x11, 4pp.), Who Rules and Programs America? (8½x11, 5pp.), Who Runs The Media? (12pp., booklet), 4 short reports; all 4 for 3.00 + P&H.
- Who’s Who In the World Zionist Conspiracy, James Combs, 102pp., 12.00 + P&H.
- World Conquerors (1958), Louis Marschalko (translated from Hungarian), c.300pp., pb. 18.00 + P&H.
- World Significance of the Russian Revolution (1920) George Pitt-Rivers, preface Dr. Oscar Levy, 60pp., 6.00 + P&H, role of “jews” in Bolshevik terror.
- The World’s Trouble Makers (1961), Rev. Bruce H. Brown (Methodist, Australia), 144pp., plastic-comb-bound, very rare, 16.00 + P&H.
- You Gentiles, Maurice Samuel (1924) Jewish author exposes Jews, 221pp., 16.00 + P&H.
[We will publish in paperback, any comb-bound title with order of 25 copies. Inquire.]
Sacred Truth Ministries (founded 1990)
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P&H = 10% (400 minimum)
List 2
Health, History, Christianity, Exposing Evolution Book List
[email protected]">[email protected] - P&H = 10% (400 minimum)
- Abandoned to Christ (1955), L.E. Maxwell, 248pp., comb-bound, 1600 + P&H.
- Absolute Predestination, Jerome Zanchius (1516-1590), Italian Reformer; English pastor/hymnist Augustus Toplady challenged John Wesley to refute Zancius on matter of predestination. Wesley never responded. 130pp., pb., 1200 + P&H; Hb., 1800 + P&H.
- The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide: Quick Reference to Foods & Their Effect on pH Levels, Brown/Trivieri, 194pp., pb., 800 + P&H.
- Acidophilus and Your Health, Murray, 48pp., 600 + P&H.
- The Acts and Monuments of the Church Containing the History and Sufferings of the Martyrs (1563), John Foxe, originally 8-vol.; complete reprint, 2-vol., 1,172pp., pb., 7500 (reg. 8600) + P&H.; now popularly known, in its abridged version as, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (see herein).
- About Fasting (1961) Otto Buchinger, M.D., 64pp., 650 + P&H. rare
- Adverse Influence of Pork on Health, Professor Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, M.D., 24pp., 250 + P&H.
- The Age of Charlemagne (1898) C. L. Wells, pp., 492pp., pb., 3400 + P&H (reg. 3900); Hb., 4800 + P&H (reg. 5400).
- The Age Of The Renaissance: An Outline Sketch Of The History Of The Papacy From The Return From Avignon To The Sack Of Rome 1377-1527 (1897) Paul van Dyke, 420pp., pb., 3100 + P&H (reg. 3500); Hb., 4500 + P&H (reg. 5000).
- Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible (1902), W.H. Bates, 132pp., comb-bound., 1500 + P&H.
- All Roads Lead To Rome?: The Ecumenical Movement, Michael De Semlyen (Out of print; good used copies available; inquire).
- Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure?: The Story of Ketones (2011) Dr. Mary Newport, coconut oil, a high-energy fuel nourishes brain, helps prevent & some to recover from Parkinson’s/Alzheimer’s; 398 pages, pb., 1700 + P&H. (reg. 1900)
- Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar: The Medicinal Miracle, plus Curative, Cleaning and Cooking Virtues of Vinegars from around the World, Mindell 48pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Amazing Story How Archaeology Proves Bible is True (1943), Sabiers, 89pp., comb-bound, 1150 + P&H.
- America: A Christian Nation (1905), Assistant Supreme Court Justice, David J. Brewer, 124pp., notes by RAB/STM, pb., 1400 + P&H.
- America, Christianity, Liberty & Truth: What Famous Men Had To Say, Balaicius, Full of powerful quotes on these & related topics: proof America founded as Christian nation; quotes on Bible, Freedom, Race, Heritage, Self-Defense, Property, Constitution, debunking Evolution, Discrimination, etc. World’s greatest minds believed Liberty & Truth inseperable from Jesus Christ & Bible. Contain Supreme Court and Common Law citations.Vol. 1, 54pp., 500 + P&H; Vol. 2, 80pp., 600 + P&H; Vol. 3, 92pp., 600 + P&H; Vol. 4 (the final vol.), 440pp., comb-bound, 2000 + P&H; Incredible information! Indexed. All 4 Vols. 3300 + P&H;
- American Christian Rulers (1890), Rev. Edward J. Giddings, 650pp., Hb., 3000 + P&H - Reprinted for first time since 1890, this newly typeset edition of biographies of nearly 200 American statesmen.
- American Political Writing During the Founding Era: 1760-1805, 2 vol., c.730p./ea. pb., set 2200 + P&H; Hb., set 3000 + P&H (reg. 3500) (See also: Political Sermons...)
- The Ancient Laws of Cambria: containing the institutional triads of Dyvnwal Moelmud, the laws of Howel the Good, triadical commentaries, code of education, and the hunting laws of Wales: to which are added the historical triads of Britain (1823) William Probert, 426pp., pb., 3000 (reg. 3575) + P&H.
- Ancient Pillar Stones of Scotland Their Significance and Bearing on Ethnology (1856), Dr. George Moore, 179pp., pb., 2100 (reg. 2500); Hb., 3500 (reg. 4000) + P&H.
- The Ancient Prussians (1932) Erich Wiese, translated by Elise Deckner, 40pp., very rare Old/Ancient Prussians were Lithuanian tribe exterminated by Teutonic knights. 500 + P&H.
- And God Spake These Words: How We Got Our Bible and Why We Believe It Is God’s Word (1926) Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D.D., 127pp., 11.00 + P&H.
- The Anglican Reformation (1897) Clark, large print, pb., 502pp., 3400 + P&H (reg. 3900).
- Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Reader (1889), Stephen Carpenter, 212pp., comb 2000 + P&H.
- Anglo-Saxon Primer (1890), Henry Sweet,12pp./116pp./8pp., [CEE SBS] [mcg = (1500 + P&H; has some reading from Anglo-Saxon Bible, as well as A-S literature.
- Annals of the English Bible (1845) Christopher Anderson, 2 vols., 1430pp., 8500 + P&H (10200).
- Are You An Anti-Semite...?, Robert Alan Balaicius, 12pp., booklet, 1.75 + P&H.
- Astounding New Discoveries: Thousands of Amazing FACTS Discovered Beneath the Very Surface of the Original Bible Text (1941), Karl G. Sabiers, 80pp., stapleback booklet, 800 + P&H.
- The Anti-Federalist: An Abridgment of the Complete Anti-Federalist: writings of the opponents of the U.S. Constitution (because it gave too much Federal Power), Storing, 382pp., pb., 1700 + P&H (reg. 1900) Unabridged still available, 3 volumes, (unprecidented, exhaustive collection of nearly all the published opposition of the era), 1863pp., Hb. 45000 + P&H.
- At The Sign of the Pelican (c.1901), Brida Walker, 100pp., comb-bound, 1200 + P&H. Very rare. [Reformation in France; novel originally on a youth level.]
- Autobiography of George Mueller, 237pp., pb., 900 + P&H (abridged) A MUST!
- The Belgic Confession: Its History and Sources, Grootjes, 229pp., pb., 3000 + P&H; oldest and most important doctrinal statement in Reformed Church, written 1561, it became Protestant confession in Netherlands/Belgium during catholic inquisition.
- Belorussia: The Making of a Nation (1954), Vakar, 300pp., (Inquire)
- The Best Book of All and How It Came To Us (c.1901), Rev. F. J. Hamilton, D.D., 100pp., plastic comb-bound, 1200 + P&H. (originally on a youth level)
- Beware of the Coming Food Apocalypse!: GMOs, Ciola, pb., 900 + P&H.
- Beyond Antibiotics: 50 Ways To Boost Your Immune System, Schmidt/Smith, 1900 + P&H.
- Beyond Evolution: Genetically Altered Future of Plants, Animals, & Humans, Fox, 256pp. pb. 1700 + P&H; Hb., 2100 + P&H (reg. 2500).
- The Bible and Archaeology (c.1940), Sir Frederick Kenyon (head of the British Museum), 310pp. + dozens of photos, 22.00 + P&H. (very rare) - firm believer in the veracity of the Bible.
- The Bible Comes Alive (c.1924), Sir Charles Marston, xix/303/40pp., comb-bound, 2500 + P&H. (Bible & archaeology)
- Biblical Doctrine of Man, Dr. Gordon H. Clark, 127pp., 1000 + P&H.
- The Bible Is True: The Lessons of the 1925-1934 Excavations in Bible Lands Summarized and Explained (1934), Sir C. Marston, 300pp., comb-bound, 2100 + P&H.
- The Bible Verified (1890), Rev. Andrew W. Archibald, 256pp., 2200 + P&H.
- Blackstrap (Crude Black) Molasses (1950), Marc Dixon, 68pp., stapleback, 700 + P&H. (amazing health benefits, high mineral content)
- The Book of Revelation: Parts 1 & 2 (1936), A.J. Ferris, 185pp., comb-bound, 1800 + P&H. [View of Revelation held by Reformers/early modern pillars of faith.]
- Born Crucified: Cross in the Life of the Believer (1945), Maxwell, 280pp., comb-bound, 1600 + P&H.
- Brave Deeds of Confederate Soldiers (1916), Philip Alexander Bruce (renown historian) Hb., 370pp. 2600 (reg. 3000) + P&H; written for Youth but enjoyable for all.
- Brave Little Holland and What She Taught Us (1894) W.E.Griffis, 252pp., pb., 1750 + P&H. Excellent work we can learn from today.
- Bread from Stones: A New and Rational System of Land Fertilization and Physical Regeneration (1923), Hensel, 138pp., pb., old German method of farming: granite dust/pulverized rock powders provide trace minerals loosen clay soils. 1600 + P&H; plastic comb-bound, 1200 + P&H.
- Brewer’s Yeast: The Wonder Food of Vitamins and Amino Acids (1950) Dixon, 68pp., 550 + P&H; best source B-vitamins & other nutrients/ micro-nutrients; doesn’t contribute to candida; by-product of brewing; not active yeast. 50% protein (8g. per Tablespoon)
- The British Constitution (1893), Amos Dean, 104pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- British History and Papal Claims: From the Norman Conquest to the Present Day A.D. 1760-1892, James Paton, 2 volume-set, 1184pp., pb., 8200 + P&H (reg. 9000); Hb., 10500 + P&H (reg. 12000).
- Bromelain, Cichoke, 48pp., 600 + P&H; pineapple enzyme, good for digestion, inflammation, cancer, angina.
- Bulala: A True Story of South Africa, Cuan Elgin, [Robert Alan Balaicius, Editor, contributor] 392pp., pb., 1838 + P&H [1838 = Day of Covenant, most special day in Afrikaner history.] gripping tale of small, brave, Christian nation born of conflict, turmoil, tragedy; love, dedication, hard work—exciting account, history of South Africa (earliest times to end of 2nd Anglo-Boer War) woven as rich tapestry into novel; exciting: cross between Shaka Zulu & Little House on Prairie.
- Calvin as a Theologian & Calvinism Today, B.B. Warfield, 32pp., 3.25 + P&H.
- Cancer Is A Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy, Dr. T. Simoncelli (oncologist), imported from Italy, 6x9 pb., 244pp. (check out cancerisafungus.com)
- The Candida-Yeast Syndrome: The spreading epidemic of yeast-connected diseases - how to recognize and deal with them, Wunderlich, /Kalita, 48pp., 400 + P&H.
- Capsicum (Cayenne), Dr. John Christopher, 166pp., pb., excellent book; Out of Print; may eventually be available online at: http://www.dr-christopher.info/books.html
- Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider’s Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage, Dr. George Carlo/ Dr. Martin Schram, 320pp., pb., 1600 + P&H.
- The Celtic Church in Britain and Ireland (1902), Heinrich Zimmer (Prof. of Celtic philology at the University of Berlin), Translated by A. Meyer, xv/131pp. 1400 + P&H.
- Champion of the Kingdom: The Story of Philip Mauro (1961), Gardiner, 79pp., plastic comb-bound, 1100 + P&H.
- The Chaplains & Clergy of the Revolution, Headley, 112p. 8½x11, stapleback book 1200 + P&H.
- Chaplains in Grey (1957), Charles Frank Pitts, Hb., 240pp., 2000 + P&H
- Charles Beard and the Constitution: A Critical Analysis, Robert Brown, 228pp., pb., 1700 + P&H. (reg. 1900); Some claim the claim that the Constitution was written by a small group of rich people to favor their own. Part of conspiracy theory is they were supposed to amend Articles of Confederation, but made whole new system, tricked people into approving it, during an undemocratic period in our history; claim is theory of Charles Beard, progressive historian who wrote “Economic Interpretation of Constitution.” Brown dismantles Beard’s thesis chapter by chapter in very readable, even-handed book. Brown disagrees with much of Beard’s methods, evidence, conclusions, but does not attack Beard; he is graceful/reasonable; uses Beard’s outline with chapters surveying economic interests, property safeguards, political doctrines, economics of vote & ratification process, etc.; must read for anyone who has heard “economic conspiracy” myth of the constitution, or who is interested in the founding of our form of government.
- Charles W. Quantrell: A History of His Guerrilla Warfare on the Missouri and Kansas Border During the Civil War (1923), Burch, 268pp., pb., 2400 (reg. 2800); Hb., 3600 (reg. 4300) + P&H.
- Chemtrails, Thomas, 336pp., pb. 1700 + P&H; “govt” conspiracy of poisoning our clean skies with toxic chemicals/aerosal vaccines in nationwide high altitude spraying in jet contrails
- Children’s Edition of Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer (1895) S. B. Shaw, 128pp., plastic comb-bound, 1200 + P&H.
- Christian History of American Revolution: Consider & Ponder, Hall, Hb., 8½x11, 736pp., 3600 (reg. 4000 )+ P&H.
- Christian History of Constitution Un. States of Amer.: Vol 1: Christian Self-Government, Hall, Hb., 8½x11, 545pp., 3600 (reg. 4000 )+ P&H.
- Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America: Vol 2: Christian Self-Government w/ Union, Hall, Hb., 8½x11 660pp., 3800 (reg. 4200 )+ P&H.
- Christianity in the United States (1888), Daniel Dorchester, 800pp., Hb., 4500 (reg. 5000) + P&H.
- Christian Leaders of the 18th Century (1885) Bishop J. C. Ryle, 432p. pb., 1400 + P&H.
- Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States: Developed in the Official and Historical Annals of the Republic (1864) Benjamin Franklin Morris, 834pp., large pb., 4000 (reg. 5700) + P&H; one of most powerful books on topic; feared by enemies of Christianity in the US.
- The Chronology of The Bible (1922) Philip Mauro, 124pp., pb., 1400 + P&H. (printed later as Marvels of Bible Prophecy).
- Cider Vinegar: Nature’s Great Health Promoter & Safest Treatment for Obesity (1948), Cyril Scott, 38pp. (56pp., total, incl. intro. & advertisements), 450 + P&H.
- Cimmerians and Scythians, Brig.-Gen W.H. Fasken, C.B., 26pp., 300 + P&H.
- The Civil Magistrates’ Power (1653 edition, modernly retype-set), Thomas Cobbett (introduction by Pastor John Weaver, who states, “Cobbett deals with the civil magistrate’s power based upon the bounds and grounds of Scripture. He lays down the Scriptural limitation of government and their authority.”); 170pp., Hb., 2500 + P&H (this & Lex Rex were 2 of main books used by our founding fathers in establishing our nation.)
- A Cloud of Witnesses (late 1800’s), Thomson, 612pp., Hb., 2600 + P&H. (last speeches/testimonies of martyred Scottish Covenanters)
- The Coconut Oil Miracle, Fife/Kabara, 256pp., pb., 1600 + P&H. (VERY important)
- Coenzyme Q10 and the Heart, Sinatra, M.D., 56pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Coming Events and Present Duties: Being Miscellaneous Sermons on Prophetical Subjects (1867), Bishop John Charles Ryle, xvi/208pp., computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound 2000 + P&H. (once reprinted as, “Are You Ready For The End Of Time?”).
- Company Aytch (“H”) or A Side Show of the Big Show (1881), Sam Watkins, first hand account of various different incidents from the journal of soldier and his experiences, 274pp., pb., 1400; Hb. 1800 (reg. 2000) + P&H.
- Confederate Lives: Soldiers and Statesmen, Gamaliel Bradford, 291pp., pb. 1400 + P&H.
- The Confederate Reader: How the South Saw the War (1864-1865) edited by Harwell, 416pp., pb. 1300 + P&H.
- Confederate Trilogy for Young Readers (Lee, Jackson, Stuart), Williamson, 628pp., Hb., 2500 + P&H.
- Confessions of an Anesthetized Person known as Jewish, Balaicius, 48pp., 450 + P&H. (humorous, lively dialog, reveals secret history of extermination of Christians & overall conspiracy, vividly explains what will happen if US gives up guns... millions of Christians will probably be murdered overnight... read chilling details). Is this hype? fear mongering? Can we risk it...? Life gives no “do-overs.”
- The Conflict of Science and Religion: There is None, 60pp., A.J. Ferris, 550 + P&H.
- The Covenant Oath of Jehovah (1919) Augusta Cook, 332pp., comb-bound, intro. by Bible giant, Dr. Dinsdale T. Young, 2200 + P&H.
- Crimes and Mercies, James Bacque, (Eisenhower / allies starved to death 9 million Germans); pb., 2500 + P&H.
- Cromwell: The Protector: A Vindication (1847), J. H. Merle D’Aubigne, 281pp. Hb., 1800 + P&H.
- The Cross of Christ: Throne of God (1935) F. J. Huegel, 143pp., pb., 1500 + P&H.
- Crowded to Christ (1951) L.E. Maxwell, 354pp., comb-bound, 1800 + P&H.
- Crude Black Molasses: A Natural “Wonder Food” (1949), Cyril Scott, 48pp., 500 + P&H. (+ my own chart comparing mineral/nutrient contents of 7 major brands); growths, stroke, arthritis, ulcers, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, high blood pressure, etc.
- Darwinism Under the Microscope: How Recent Scientific Evidence Points to Divine Design, Gills, 236pp., pb., 1500 + P&H.
- Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, Behe, environmental biologist proves even lowest forms life designed Hb. 2200 + P&H; (reg 2500); pb. 1400 + P&H.
- Darwin’s Mistake: Antediluvian Discoveries Prove Dinosaurs and Humans Co-Existed, Hans-Joachim Zillmer, 292pp., pb., 1800 + P&H (reg 2000).
- Death at Katyn (1933), 48pp., 500 + P&H. (soviets murder thousands of Polish officers and blame it on the Germans)
- Deliverance or Delusion...? —Which Do We Want...?, Balaicius, 68pp., 5.50 + P&H.
- DHEA: The Youth and Health Hormone, Shealy, 48pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Did Charles Darwin Become A Christian?, Rusch/Klotz, 38pp., 2.75 + P&H
- Did the Catholic Church Give Us The Bible?, Daniel; w/ illustrations by Jack Chick, 159pp., pb., 900 + P&H; lively synopsis of history portrayed with comic book type illustrations.
- Dietary Fiber, Lorenzani, 48pp., 400 + P&H.
- Diggers For Facts: The Bible in the Light of Archaeology (1940), J.O. Kinnaman, Ph.D., 239pp., plastic comb-bound, 2000 + P&H.
- Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization, Milham, 120pp., pb., 1300 + P&H. “Edison’s” DC power opened pandora’s box of health risks; Milham 1st scientist to alert world of health risks of electromagnetic fields: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, suicide.; we’re facing epidemic of radiation exposure w/ all new technology: cell phones, Wi-Fi, broadband, etc.
- Discovery of the Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla: Ireland’s Famous Monarch and Lawmaker Upwards of 3,000 years ago (1873) Conwell, (Irish Royal Academy), 69pp., 600 + P&H.
- DMSO: Nature’s Healer, Walker, D.P.M., 352pp., pb., 1600 + P&H. DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) natural by-product of paper industry, incredible healing properties (bruises, broken bones, cancer, much more); used on million dollar race horses, outlawed by FDA for humans. But inexpensive and easily found. A must for homesteaders/those who don’t buy into AMA doctor-god syndrome.
- The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, William Kelley Eidem, [Paperback], 402pp., 2500 + P&H (reg. 2700); simple cure in a few weeks with things you can get at your grocery store.
- Documents of Anglo-American Freedom (retype-set, entire text of: Magna Charta (1215), Declaration of Arboath (1320), The Dutch Declaration of Independence (1581), 20pp.; For The Colony in Virginea Britannia Lavves Diuine, Morall and Martiall, &c. (1612), Mayflower Compact (1620), Petition of Right (1628), Scottish National Covenant (1638) and the Solemn League and Covenant (1643), Body of Liberties (1641), Governor John Winthrop’s “Little Speech” on Liberty (1645), Agreement of the People (1649), Instrument of Government (1653), Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (1669), Charlestown, Massachusetts Thanksgiving Proclamation (1676), Frame of Government of Pennsylvania (1682), [English] Bill of Rights (1689), An Essay Towards Present and Future Peace of Europe, William Penn (1693), The Law of Nature in Government [excerpts] (1717), The Virginia Resolves (1765), George Washington’s General Orders to the Continental Army (1756-1775), Declaration of Rights of the Stamp Act Congress (1765), Rights of the Colonists (1772), Fairfax County Resolves (1774), Prayer of Congress (1774), Declaration of the First Continental Congress (1774), Fast Day Proclamation (1776), Constitution of Virginia, Bill of Rights, Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776), Declaration of Independence (1776), Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1777), Articles of the Confederation and Perpetual Union (1778), Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1782), Northwest Ordinance (1784), Benjamin Franklin’s Constitutional Convention Address on Prayer (1787), United States Constitution (1787), Letter of Transmittal (of the Continental Congress) (1787), Letter of Transmittal (of the Continental Congress to the President of Congress) (1787), Amendments to the U.S. Constitution (1-10, a.k.a. the Bill of Rights) (1789), George Washington’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1789), John Adam’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1798), Jonathan Trumbull’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1807), James Madison’s Humiliation and Prayer Fast Proclamation (1812), James Buchanan’s Humiliation and Prayer Fast Proclamation (1860); includes 28 color reproduction pages on photographic paper of some of the originals. plastic comb-bound, 532pp., 2500 + P&H These documents are important for understanding our historical freedom as well as our future prospects of freedom.
- The Dooms of King Alfred (laws of England established c.890 A.D. based upon Bible/God’s Law) 58pp., 600 + P&H; bilinearAnglo-Saxon (Old English) and English translation.
- Drama of the Lost Disciples, Jowett, 253pp., pb., 2000 + P&H; excellent by incredible man—historians from 1st century on: Christ visited England & founded Church there, many of disciples & Mary, etc. went to Britain after Resurrection. Well documented, scholarly. A MUST!
- The Early Britons and The Early British Church Being the Substance of Two lectures given at Glastonbury, 14th July, 1925, Capt./Rev. G. H. Lancaster, 64pp., 600 + P&H.
- Eat Safe: The Truth About Food Additives from Aspartame to Xanthan Gum, Statham, 305pp., small-sized pb. 10.00 + P&H The Encyclopedia of Country Living, Emery, (10th edition), 8.5x11, 922pp., pb., 2600 + P&H (reg 3000) excellent how-to/resouorce manual.
- Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation (written in 800’s A.D.), Venerable Bede, 382pp., pb., 1600 + P&H; Hb., 2000 + P&H.
- An Emerging Civilization (1952), C.R. Dickey, 214pp., plastic comb-bound, 2000 + P&H; ancient to modern history in light of Bible/history.
- The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments: Health Secrets and Little-Known Therapies For Specific Health Conditions From A-to-Z, Medical Research Associates, 319pp., 8.5x11, pb., (contains German Dr. Johanna Budwig’s flax-seed oil/cottage cheese cancer cure). Good used copies, 3500 + P&H.
- The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants (a DK book), Chevalliers, 8.5x11, 336pp., Hb., thick glossy paper, full color illustrations, sadly out of print; best overall herbal, in my opinion. [inquire for used.]
- Endless Punishment (1885), Shedd, 212pp., comb-bound, 1400 + P&H.
- The Enthroned Christian (c.1955) & John Looks at the Cross (1957), F.J. Huegel, 190pp., pb., 2 books in 1; 1600 + P&H. excellent, much needed, our position in Christ.
- Enzymes: Nature’s Energizers, Cichoke, 48pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy, Olsen, 144pp., pb., 1250 + P&H.
- Evening Primrose Oil: How Its Amazing Nutrients Promote Health Relief from problems including Acne, Arthritis, and Heart Disease, Passwater, 48pp., 600 + P&H.
- Evolution or Creation? (c.1930) Fleming (English physicist), 114pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- Evolution: Reductio Ad Absurdum, and Its Meaning for Public Education, Mike Pincher, 372pp., pb., 3000 + P&H Jefferson said if he had to choose between government and free press, he would pick the latter—compelling statement from architect of Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the United States. Pincher proves iti s Constitutional to teach evolution and Intelligent Design side by side in public schools—and unconstitutional NOT to. Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and other historical evidence show our Founding Fathers considered uncensored public dissemination of information backbone of a free society. Its absence is tyranny, which now threatens us. Darwin’s evolutionary theory is exposed as deeply flawed logically and scientifically, making its comparison to Intelligent Design necessary to fulfill educational & secular purposes of presenting science in its fullest perspective. Civil Trial Lawyer proves Founders intent for Intelligent Design manditorily presented alongside modern theory of evolution... shows how evolutionists attempt to suppress truth... author offers solution.
- Evolution: Science Falsely So-Called (1970), Inter’l Christian Crusade, 112pp., comb-bound, 1200 + P&H.
- Execution By Hunger, Dolot, 231pp., pb., 1700 + P&H. (systematic soviet starvation of Ukrainians in the “Bread Basket of Europe”)
- Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Blaylock, M.D., 296pp. pb., 1600 + P&H (reg. 1800) deadly ingredients added to your foods such as Nutrasweet, MSG, etc., their serious dangers and how they are cleverly disguised without being listed in the ingredients.
- The Existence and Attributes of God (1682; 1853 ed.), Stephen Charnock (a Puritan), c.1150pp., Hb., 4000 + P&H.
- Fair Sunshine: Character Studies of Scotch Covenanters (1957), Purves, 203pp., pb., (martyrs) 1200 + P&H.
- Faith & Freedom: Christian Roots of American Liberty, Hart, 384pp. excellent; one best books on Christian roots of U.S.; out of print, good used pb.,/Hb. copies; inquire.
- Far From Rome, Near to God: Testimonies of 50 Converted Roman Catholic Priests, Bennett/Buckingham, 362pp., pb., 1600 + P&H.
- Father Abraham’s Children (1949) Perry Edwards Powell, Ph.D., 157pp., plastic comb-bound, 1600 + P&H.
- The Federalist Papers, Andrew Jackson, m-m. pb., (Signet), 648pp., 800 + P&H; quality pb., 528pp. (Penguin) 1400 + P&H.
- Fiber Facts: Get the Truth Concerning Dietary Fiber, Elkins, 32pp., 5.00 + P&H.
- 50 Years in the Church of Rome: the Conversion of a Priest, Chiniquy, 366pp., pb., 1500 + P&H.
- The First Germanic Bible (1891) G.H. Balg, 469pp. 8.5x11 (original size); Gothic N.T. of Wulfila (a.d. 350); w/ Gothic-English lexicon/grammar; plastic comb-bound, 3200 + P&H.; 1st known translation of any Bible into German/English; helps establish validity of some passages “critics” claim were later interpolations (additions); sadly, only N.T. (and that fragmentary) with 1 or 2 passages of O.T. which have survived.
- Fish Oil Update: Latest Research on Marine Lipids & Newly Discovered Health Roles, Passwater, 48pp., 600 + P&H.
- Five English Reformers (1890) J. C. Ryle 160p. pb., 800 + P&H.
- 5 Htp: The Real Serotonin Story, Passwater, 48pp., 600 + P&H.
- The Fluoride Deception, Bryson, 379pp., pb., 1700 + P&H (reg. 1900).
- Fluoride Disproved and God’s Answer To Communism, 57pp.; Fluoridation Unmasked, Battelle, 24pp.; 75 Reasons Why Community Water Should Not Be Fluorinated, Herrstrom, 23pp., (retype-set), & Fluoridation of our Drinking Water, 4pp., 8 1/2 x 11 (3 booklets & 1 paper) 1000 + P&H.
- Folk Medicine: A New England almanac of natural health care from a noted Vermont country doctor (1958), 192pp., pb., 700 + P&H; shows how to use raw apple cider vinegar, honey, kelp, corn oil to burn fat, improve sleep, overcome chronic fatigue, etc.
- The Footsteps of Divine Providence: or, The Bountiful Hand of Heaven Defraying the Expenses of Faith: Wonderfully Displayed in Erecting and Managing the Hospital at Glaucha without [outside] Halle, in the Prussian Dominions For the Education of Students in Divinity; and for the Reception, Cloathing, Feeding, and Educating of Poor Children Carried on by the instrumentality of that humble, and blessed servant of God, Augustus Herman Franck (1787) partial translation Franck’s, Segensvolle Fußstapfen (1709), 180pp., plastic comb-bound, 2500 + P&H.
- Food, Inc., 25.00 (reg. 27.00) + P&H; DVD Food, Inc. lifts the veil on our nation’s food industry, exposing how our nation’s food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc. reveals surprising and often shocking truths about what we eat, how it’s produced. Excellent, revealing, professional
- For Those Still At Sea (1978), Simas Kudirka, 226pp., Hb. out of print, a few good used copies [Inquire]. [Contains some vulgar language.] Incredible story, Lithuanian seaman literally jumped ship, to defect onto US Coast Guard cutter; bureaucratic incompetence, given back; spent 15 years hard labor Siberia, never gave up hope. A must. [made into tv movie, “The Defection of Simas Kudirka” (1978) Alan Arkin.]
- The Forgotten Secret (Prayer) (1906) Dawson, with Notes on Prayer, by R. A. Balaicius, 112pp., pb., 11.00 + P&H.
- Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (1563), John Foxe, 409pp., small pb., 900 + P&H; Larger-size pb., 1500 + P&H; Hb., 2000 + P&H. A MUST; history of murders of Protestants from 1st century to 1500s. [abridged “Acts & Monuments”]
- The Fraudulent Gospel, Smith, 168p., pb., 2000 + P&H Exposes World Council of Churches with ties to communism, catholic church, terrorism, etc.
- From Chocolate To Morphine, Weil, drugs=anything causing a chemical change in body, 240pp., pb., 1500 + P&H.
- The Futurist and Rapture Conspiracy: A Brief Exposé of the History of these Subversive Doctrines—and Their Biblical Refutation, Balaicius, 164pp., pb., 1450 + P&H. Exposes new-age false doctrines not held by Reformers/great Bible leaders of early modern era.
- Garlic: The Miracle Nutrient, Mindell, 48pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- The Gate and the Cross or Pilgrim’s Progess in Romans (and Excursus and Parallelism) (1889), Rev. George B. Peck, , 182pp., plastic comb-bound, 18.00 + P&H.
- The General History of Ireland (translated in 1841 from original Irish Language; written early 1600's), Jeoffry Keating D.D., 600pp. in 2 vol., plastic comb-bound; 7000 + P&H. (very rare)
- Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature: What You Need To Know to Protect Yourself, Your Family and Our Planet, Teitel, Ph.D., 206pp., pb., 1700 + P&H.
- Genetically Engineered Foods, Ticciati, 84pp., pb. 600 + P&H.
- Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 277pp., pb., 1600 + P&H.
- Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, Jeffrey M. Smith, 312pp., Hb., 2400 + P&H (reg. 2800).
- Glastonbury: The Mother of Saints: Her Saints from A.D. 37 to 1539 (1927), Rev. L.S. Lewis, Vicar of Glastonbury, 108pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- God and Evil: The Problem Solved, Dr. Gordon H. Clark, 60pp., large pb., 600 + P&H.
- God, Man, and The Universe: How Everything Came To Be — The Ancient History of the Earth as Related in the 7 Days of Creation [Genesis Chapters 1 and 2] — A Youth Curriculum Including Practical Information that Relates to Many Important Areas of Modern Life, Balaicius (also intro. to logical thinking, Reformers, U.S. Founded as Christian Nation, exposing medical & economic conspiracy, debunking evolution, much more.] Q. & A., challenging, enlightening, 1,000 illustrations, unique insight, graspable by younger youth, not condescending for older youth or adults; fascinating presentation. 8.5”x7” pb., 428pp., 2500 + P&H INQUIRE
- God’s Chosen People: Who Is - Who Isn’t - and Why —Who’se trying to Destroy Whom and Is There Any Hope?, Balaicius, 88pp., 600 + P&H.
- God’s Perfect Will (1901) G. Campbell Morgan, 108pp., plastic comb-bound, 1000 + P&H.
- God’s Rebels (powerful influence of Confederate Pastors Civil War), Henry Lee Curry [out of print/only few left], 132pp., Hb., 22.00 + P&H.
- The Golden Pollen: Nature’s Unique Force of Life (1960) Marjorie McCormick, 160pp., comb-bound; 1400 + P&H. (Bee Pollen)
- Good-Bye America! Farewell Addresses, Inaugural Speeches, and Other Words of Wisdom From the Founders of Our Republic and Sterling Patriots of Freedom ( George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, James Madison, John Quincey Adams, Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett, Douglas MacArthur), 84pp., compiled by R.A.B./S.T.M., what these men had to say about government, taxation, government spending, foreign policy, etc., also includes some common law citations showing unconstitutional laws are void and need not be observed (theoretically, from a legal perspective of natural, constitutional, and common law) 600 + P&H.
- The Gothic History of Jordanes (1915; with Intr. & Commentary by Charles Christopher Mierow, Ph.D.) or De origine actibusque Getarum [Of the Origin and Deeds of the Goths] or [as abbreviated] Getica [Goths] [written c. a.d.550], vipp./188pp., plastic comb-bound, 2000 + P&H.
- Great Religions of the World (1943), Gerald B. Winrod, 52pp., 5.50 + P&H
- Green Barley Essence, Hagiwara, 400 + P&H.
- The Guardians of the Gate: The Serbe (1917), Rev., Maj. Laffan (Englishman of Irish or French descent), 300pp., plastic comb-bound, 1800 + P&H.
- Guess What Came To Dinner: Parasites and Your Health, Gittleman, 194pp., pb., 1500 + P&H.
- Guthones (The Goths): Kinsmen of Lithuanian People (1929) Alexander Rackus, M.D.; 432pp., left page is in English/right page is in Lithuanian; also gives list of words in Gothic and Lithuanian (and English) to show relation; plastic comb-bound, 2800 + P&H.
- Harvest of Sorrow, Conquest (attempted extermination of the Ukrainians; film censored by tv. media) 411pp., pb., 1400 + P&H; Hb., 3700 + P&H.
- The Healing Powers of Olive Oil: A Complete Guide to Nature’s Liquid Gold, Cal Orey, 262pp., quality pb., 1400 + P&H; 326pp., mass-market pocket pb., 700 + P&H.
- The Healing Powers of Vinegar: A Complete Guide to Nature’s Most Remarkable Remedy, Cal Orey, 332pp., quality pb., 1400 + P&H; 402pp., mass-market pocket pb., 700 + P&H.
- Health and Nutritional Secrets that Can Save Your Life, Blaylock, 520pp., Hb., 2600 + P&H. (reg 3000).
- The Health Benefits of Cayenne, Heinerman, 48pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Health Hazards Of Electromagnetic Radiation, A Startling Look At The Effects Of Electropollution On Your Health, Bruce Fife, 108pp., pb., 1500 + P&H.
- Heroes of the Reformation (1951), Hagstotz, Ph.D., 310pp. pb., + photos added by modern publisher (me) of each of the 43 different reformers, 18.00 + P&H.
- His Side vs. Our Side: Galatians, God’s Great Antithesis (1940), Norman B. Harrison, 130pp., pb., 1400 + P&H. excellent book on spiritual grown
- Historians History of the World: Scandinavia (1904) Henry Smith Williams, 519pp., plastic comb-bound, 8.5x11 (original size); excellent overall coverage; illustrated; 5000 + P&H.
- Historical Outlines on Lithuania (1921) Hertmanowicz, 43pp., stapleback, rare book; modern publisher added extra photos of famous Lithuanians, 6.00 + P&H.
- Historic Background and Annals of The Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and of Their Remote Ancestors, From the Middle of the Dark Ages, Down to the Time of the Revolutionary War (1917), H. Frank Eshleman, 392pp., pb., 2900 (reg. 3400) + P&H.
- Historical Traditions and facts Relating to Ancient Gwent or Siluria: Part 1: Prehistoric and Roman Periods (1897) W. N. Johns, 166pp., plastic comb-bound. Very rare. 1600 + P&H; Part 2: The Saxon Period, 1600 + P&H; Part 3: Norman and Early English Period, 1600 + P&H. [This was a total of in 6 Parts, the other 3 being: Part 4: Edward III. To Mary; Part 5: Temp. Elizabeth To Charles I; Part 6: The Church During the Puritan Period.] [part 1 is done; others will be prepared upon first order.]
- The History of Ancient Caledonia (1870) MacLaren, 128pp., pb., 1600 + P&H.
- The History of the Anglo-Saxons (1841) Sharon Turner (he was a London attorney), complete set in 3 volumes, paperback, c.1,700 pages, 11500 + P&H (reg. 14000); Hardback., 15500 + P&H (17500); complete set in 2 volumes, 1,284pp., plastic comb-bound, 7000 + P&H; Excellent Book! the classic/definitive work on topic.
- The History of the Bible of the American Revolution: The Aitken Bible, 24pp., 2.50 + P&H
- The History of Ireland from the Earliest Period to the Present Time (1867; 1885 ed.), Martin Haverty; plastic comb bound in 2 vol., 8.5x11 (original size), 1,162pp., many nice illustrations, additional chapters on Celtic literature & geography of major counties of Ireland (not in 1867 ed.) 12500 + P&H;)] This is not “The Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters” (7 vols./4,000pp. rare & very expensive). Haverty drew directly from The Annals..., gleaning most relevant; and from modern editors of The Annals... (Dr. O’Donovan, Professor Eugene Curry, The Rev C.P. Meehan, Dr. R.R. Madden, and other eminent scholars). Haverty’s is considered finest work on Irish History. The entire text is in tact, however, the last 6 pages of the index in the back are missing, as are 1 or 2 minor pages of illustrations that are not pertinent to the text; also contains a short history of “The Annals...” & brief biography of The Four Masters, editors & translators (& photos), Haverty, & others who wrote classic works on the history of Ireland (such as Geoffrey Keating, Villanueva, etc.) written and compiled by modern publisher.
- History of Latvia (1951) Bilmanis, 450+pp., (Inquire)
- History of the Church of England: Pre-Reformation Period (1879) Thomas Pownall Boultbee, 478pp., pb., 3400 + P&H (reg. 3800); Hb., 4800 + P&H (reg. 5300).
- A History of the Moravian Church (1909) Hutton, 524pp., pb., 3600 (reg. 4100) + P&H.
- History of the Moravian Church in Philadelphia: From Its Foundation in 1742 to the Present Time (1857) Abraham Ritter, 332pp., pb., 2800 (reg. 3100) + P&H.
- The History of Normandy and of England (1857), Sir Francis Palgrave, 4 volume set, 3,248pp., Definitive history of the Normans. Vol. 1 covers: Medieval Europe, Carlovingian Empire, Danish expeditions into Gaul, Establishment of Rollo; Vol 2: Rollo, William Long Sword, Richard Fearless, Carlovingian line replaced by Capet; Vol 3: Richard Fearless, Richard Good, Richard III, Robert Devil, William Conqueror; Vol IV: William Rufus, Ascession of Henry Beauclerc; plastic comb-bound, 8.5x11 2x2 xerox, 11000 + P&H; paperback, 17800 + P&H (reg. 22300).
- The History of the Northmen or Danes and Normans, From the Earliest Times to the Conquest of England by William of Normandy (1831), H. Wheaton, 367pp,. plastic comb-bound, 28.00 + P&H.
- The History of Providence: As Manifested in Scripture (c.1888) Alexander Carson, (c. 1776-1849; Ireland), 242pp., 1700 + P&H.
- History of the Reformation in Europe at the Time of Calvin, J.H. Merle D’Aubigne, (1880) (originally in 8 volumes, now in 4-volume set): vol. 1: Geneva & France; vol. 2: France, Switz., Germany, Italy, England; vol. 3: England, Scotland, Geneva, Switz., Ferrara; vol. 4: Geneva, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Netherlands. c.600-800pp. each; 4 vol. Hb., set, 18000 + P&H (reg 22000); 4 vol., pb., set, 13000 + P&H; or 8-volume, 8.5x11 (2x2 xerox), plastic comb-bound, 10000 + P&H; 1) Geneva And France (466pp.); 2) Geneva And France (493pp.); 3) France, Switzerland, Geneva (492pp.); 4) England, Geneva, France, Germany, and Italy (522pp.); 5) England, Geneva, Ferrara (498pp.); 6) Scotland, Switzerland, Geneva (546pp.); 7) Geneva, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, the Netherlands (605pp.); 8) Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Netherlands, Geneva, Denmark, Sweden, Norway (484pp.); 4106p., 93pp. index.
- History of the Reformed Church, Dutch; The Reformed Church, German and the Moravian Church in the United States (1895) Corwin/Dubbs/Hamilton, 548pp., pb., 3700 (reg. 4300) + P&H.
- History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France (1895), Henry Baird, 2 volumes, 1127pp., with 26pp. of index; 2 volume set plastic comb-bound 8.5x11 2x2 xerox, 6000 + P&H; pb., 8600 (reg. 9600) + P&H; Hb., 10600 (reg. 12600) + P&H.
- History of Scandinavia: Denmark, Sweden, and Norway (1839), S. A. Dunham, Vol. 1, 328pp., (covers from earliest times to c. a.d.1020.), comb-bound, 28.00 + P&H.
- The History of the Swedes (1832-36 in Swedish), E. G. Geijer; from Swedish by G. H. Turner, ESQ., M.A. (c.1845); earliest times to 1654 ascension of Charles X.; xvi.pp.,/348pp., 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound, 40.00 + P&H; landmark text on the topic.
- History of the Waldenses of Italy, from Their Origin to the Reformation (1889) Emilio Comba, 372pp., pb., 2800 (reg. 3275) + P&H.
- Honey and Your Health: A Nutrimental, Medicinal, and Historical Commentary (1944) Beck/Smedley (many recipes/uses); 246pp., comb-bound; 20.00 + P&H. definitive book on honey.
- Honey: Food For Life and Health (1950), Marc Dixon, 47pp., 550 + P&H.
- Horae Apocalypticae;* or, A Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical; Including Also An Examination of the Chief Prophecies of Daniel (1837; 1862 ed.); Rev. Edward Bishop Elliot (1793-1875); [* “Hours with the Apocalypse”] Counter Reformation considered to have three parts: Jesuits, Inquisition & amp; Council of Trent.... it seems justifiable to suggest a fourth aspect, namely the praeteristic and futuristic interpretations launched by Catholic expositors as a counterattack (p. 47). The most invaluable work ever produced on the Apocalypse, it contains around 10,000 references to ancient and modern works. The author was a premillenialist, however, this does not invalidate all the valuable information contained herein. Spurgeon wrote that it was the “standard work on the subject.” 2611pp., with 29pp. index.] 4-volume set: 8.5x11, 2x2 xerox, plastic comb-bound, 10000 + P&H; 4-volume paperback set, 16500 + P&H (reg. 17500).
- Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated: Petition to the President to Abolish Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy (1920), C. M. Higgins, 240pp., pb., 2500 + P&H. (reg. 2700).
- Hosea: The Heart & Holiness of God (1934), G. Campbell Morgan, 159pp., plastic comb bound, 1200 + P&H
- How Life Began, Heinze, 158pp., pb., 850 + P&H. good, easy to understand, easily refutes evolution.
- How To Cure Almost Any Cancer At Home For $5.15 a Day, Henderson & Scholberg $27.00 - 8.5x11, 41pp., comb-bound, check out description/testimonials/order @ http://www.amazon.com/Cure-Almost-Cancer-Home-5-15/dp/1615399526
- How to Effectively Use Honey as Medicine: What Doctors Don’t Tell You, Ruth Tan, 108pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- How We Got Our Bible (1912), J. Paterson Smyth, 152pp., comb, 1400 + P&H.
- The Huguenots or Reformed French Church (1870), Foote 627pp., Hb., 4000 + P&H (reg 4500).
- Human Cost of Soviet Communism, Prepared at Request of Sen. T. Dodd for Subcom. to Investigate Administration of Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of Committee on Judiciary U.S. Senate, 1971, 40pp., 500 + P&H.
- Hus the Heretick, by Poggius the Papist, 124pp., pb., rare letters from 1400’s; eyewitness/papal juror at Bohemian reformer Jan Hus’ trial; converted through listing to Hus; 1300 + P&H. very moving.
- I Found God In Soviet Russia (1959) 192pp., and I Was A Slave In Russia (1958), 192pp., John Noble; 2 incredible books, on Christian faith through persecution. When “allies” (USSR) took over after bombing of Dresden, German-born U.S. citizen & his family were arrested, their business stolen by USSR, and they were imprisoned for nearly 15 years under torture. Incredible. A must. out of print; good used copies [Inquire.]
- Immunization: Theory vs Reality, Miller, 160pp., pb., 1300 + P&H.
- Inflammation Nation: The First Clinically Proven Eating Plan to End Our Nation’s Secret Epidemic, Chilton, 302pp., pb., 1500 + P&H.
- In Search of Quetzalcoatl: The Mysterious Heritage of American Civilization [originally published in German, 1963, then English in 1964 under the title, In Quest of the White God by Pierre Honoré, pseud.; Oliver Coburn; Ursula Lehrburger (translator), 228pp., pb., 17.00 (reg. 19.00) + P&H. ancient indian legends, huge ships w/ “swan wings” brought fair-skinned, bearded and blue-eyed men who brought a higher level of civilization, sharing their knowledge of science and engineering, and establishing social order and laws.
- In the Day of Thy Power: The Scriptural Principles of Revival, Arthur Wallis, 297pp., pb., 1500 + P&H. This is a book on God moving in His Spirit to bring them to repentance, not a book about “revival meetings.” An incredible book.
- Ivan Panin Collection #1: [2 booklets in 1], “Inspiration of Scriptures Scientifically Proven” (1934) & “Inspiration of Hebrew Scriptures Scientifically Proven” (1928), 76pp., 600 + P&H.
- Ivan Panin Collection #2: [3 booklets in 1], 172pp., 8.5x7, plastic comb-bound, 1800 + P&H. containing: Bible Numerics, The Last 12 Verses of Mark, and The Shorter Works of Ivan Panin.
- The Jesuits in Great Britain: A Historical Inquiry Into Their Political Influence (1903) Walter Walsh 370pp., pb., 3000 + P&H (reg. 3400); Hb., 4300 + P&H (reg. 4900).
- John Randolph of Roanoke: Study in American Politics, Russell Kirk, 594pp., pb., 1200 + P&H; Hb., 2000 + P&H.
- John Wycliffe and His English Precursors (1890), Gothard Victor Lechler, 540pp., 3900 + P&H (reg. 4100); Hb., 5000 + P&H (reg. 5800).
- Josyp Terelya: Witness To Apparitions and Persecution in the USSR: An Autobiography, 344pp., pb. [Inquire.] Despite Catholicism, an excellent picture of the Soviet takeover of Ukraine & plan of dechristianizing the nation & corrupting the people, especially youth.
- Kelp, the Health Giver: Life From the Sea (1957) Powell, 28pp., 300 + P&H.
- Killer Clothes: How Seemingly Innocent Clothing Choices Endanger Your Health... and How to Protect Yourself!, Clement, 191pp., pb., 1500 + P&H. toxic fabrics
- Lancelot Andrewes (1952) Florence Higham, 128pp., pb., 1400 + P&H. [Bishop Andrewes (1555-1626), Bible and lanugage scholar, headed the translation of the King James Bible.]
- Last Words of Saints and Sinners: 700 Final Quotes from the Famous, the Infamous, and the Inspiring Figures of History, Lockyer, 240pp., pb., 1400 + P&H. (stark difference how famous believers & nonchristians slipped into eternity to meet their Maker.)
- Latvia (1951) Alfred Bilmanis, 450+pp., [Inquire]
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life (1910), Evan H. Hopkins (one of founders of Keswick Convention & 1st editor of Life of Faith), 128pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- The Law of the Lord: The Common Law (1928), Goard, 130pp. 1000 + P&H.
- L-Carnitine and the Heart, Sinatra, 64pp., 600 + P&H.
- Leaders of the Lutheran Reformation (1917), Rev., A.T.W. Steinhaeuser, D.D., 172pp., pb., 1850 + P&H.
- Lecithin and Health ( 1959) Edward R. Hewitt, 20pp., 200 + P&H.
- Lex Rex (1644), Rutherford, 340p., Hb., (framers of Constitution drew idea “consent of governed” from here; rulers have authority from God, through people, only when rulers obey God), 2000 + P&H.
- The Life of General Francis Marion,: A Celebrated Partisan Officer, in the Revolutionary War, Against the British and Tories in South Carolina and Georgia (1814), Horry/Weems, 254pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H; The main character from Mel Gibson’s movie “The Patriot”
- The Life of Mr. J(ohn). Cennick, with an Account of the Trials and Temptations, Which He Endured Till It Pleased Our Saviour to Shew Him His Love, and Send Him Into His Vineyard. Written by Him Self, (c.1900; 3rd Edition) 40pp., pb. 1575 + P&H.
- The Life of Prayer (1915) A. B. Simpson (1 of America’s greatest evangelists), 162pp., 1400 + P&H.
- Lipoic Acid: The Metabolic Antioxidant: The Unique Nutrient that Recharges Energy Levels and the Body’s Defenses, Passwater, Ph.D., 47pp., 600 + P&H.
- Lithuania: Awakening of a Nation (1924) Age Meyer Benedictsen, translated from the Danish, 248pp., 8.5 x 7, pb., 2800 + P&H. Rare book.
- Living Foods for Optimum Health : Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World, Clement, 288pp., pb., 1700 + P&H. What you eat could be making you sick? Some foods clog your body with energy-depleting fats, toxins, chemicals. Where can you find optimum nourishment your body needs to stay strong, healthy, vigorous? in health/healing properties of living foods—foods that are eaten raw and produced without dangerous, nutrient-robbing chemicals or additives.
- The Lost Little Princess, Balaicius, 8½x11 stapleback, 60pp., color, laminated cover, thick, light blue paper; touching allegory, metered rhyme, beautifully illustrated, original art; each sees a story according to spiritual plane he is on; more you know, more you see; 12.00 + P&H. (children’s book)
- Mad Cow and Milk Gate, Hulse, M.D., 338pp. pb., 2000 + P&H.
- Mad Cow USA: Could The Nightmare Happen Here?, Stauber, 224pp., Hb., 2200 + P&H (reg 2500)
- Make Your Own Wine (1950) Alex Appleyard, 64pp., 6.50 + P&H. Many recipies for wines and healthy fermented beverages from fruit, vegetables, flowers, and herbs (includes lacto-fermented/nonalcoholic healthy beverages such as kvas).
- Martin Luther and the Reformation (1935), Gerald B. Winrod 53pp., 600 + P&H.
- Martin Luther the Hero of the Reformation Which Changed the World (c.1920) J. J. Ellis & The Story of the Man Who Fought the Giants: The Childrens’ Life of Luther (c.1900) W. Stanley Martin, (2 books in 1), 228pp., pb., 18.50 + P&H.
- Martyr of the Catacombs: A Tale of Ancient Rome (exciting novel about 1st century persecution) 144pp., 1000 + P&H.
- Martyrs’ Mirror: Story of Seventeen Centuries of Christian Martyrdom from Time of Christ to persecutions of Anabaptists in a.d. 1660 (1660), van Braght, 8x11, Hb., 1156pp., 4500 + P&H; major book of Christian faith (second to Bible) among German Christian groups (Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, etc.); it is to Dutch & German peoples what Foxe’s Book of Martyers is to English speaking peoples.
- Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence (Southern Classics Series), Heros von Borcke (a huge Prussian who carried a large broadsword and struck fear into the hearts of the enemy), 464pp., pb., 2200 + P&H.
- The Memorial-Days of the Renewed Church of the Brethren (1895), 232pp., pb., 2575 + P&H. [Moravian Brethen, not to be confused with Plymouth Brethren.]
- Merry Antichrist-mas...? Is Christmas Christian or Pagan...? —Is it Pagan even if Christ is in it...?, Balaicius, 24pp., 2.50 + P&H. Are a Christian? be prepared to be challenged. Do you love the Lord God / Christ Jesus more than Christmas...? If you won’t even take the challenge, I guess that answers the question.
- The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century, Jim Humble, Dr. Hector Remero and Dr. Tom Hesselink (2009), 328pp., pb., 2100 + P&H. (reg. 2500)
- The Miso Book: The Art of Cooking with Miso, Belleme, 192pp., pb., 1600 + P&H. ancient process, soybeans & grains fermented into wondrous, healthy, flavorful “live-food” paste (studies show people who eat 1 serving of miso/day have 40% less cancer). Scientific research shows miso effective prevention & treatment of many health problems. Basics types and uses; Miso Medicine. Easy directions for making miso at home. 140 healthy recipes in which miso is used in dips, spreads, soups, and much more. Store-bought miso if it is in a sealed pouch/unrefrigerated is probably dead/no live culture. Kept in refrigeration, it will last for decades. One great source online: Southrivermiso.com. The dark barley is most flavorful.
- Miso Cookery, Hagler, 104pp., pb., 1100 + P&H. Asian salty, fermented soy-based paste, gaining popularity in US. Excellent for recreating flavors of meats and cheeses in vegetarian foods, also digestion aid & reputed to protect against cancer and heart disease. Soyfoods specialist Hagler explores nutritional benefits of enzyme-rich miso; describes many varieties of miso available today. Discover how to use miso to enhance main dishes, sauces, soups, salads and salad dressings, spreads, vegetables, and even sweet treats.
- The Moravians (2nd Ed., 1913), Rt. Rev. Bishop E.R. Hasse, 142pp., pb., 1600 + P&H; rare (illustrations + notes by modern publ.); outflow/result of Czech/Bohemian/Moravian Reformation.
- Mosby and His Men: Record of Adventures of Renowned Partisan Ranger, John S. Mosby, Colonel C.S.A. (1867), J. Marshall Crawford of Company B., 209pp., pb., 1500 + P&H; Most colorful, daring, accomplished Civil War Confed. Cavalry officer
- Miracle Superfood: Wild Blue-Green Algae: The Nutrient Powerhouse That Stimulates the Immune System, Boosts Brain Power and Guards Against Disease, McKeith, 48pp., 400 + P&H.
- Moses: The Economist (1947) C. F. Parker, 93pp., comb-bound, 1100 + P&H.
- The MSM Miracle: Enhance Your Health With Organic Sulfur, Mindell, Ph.D., 48pp., 600 + P&H.
- My Escape From the Auto De Fe at Valladolid, October, 1559, Don Fernando De La Mina, 111pp., pb., 1300 + P&H; rare letters of noble family of Spain’s incredible survival of Catholic’s attempts to murder him and wife for Protestantism; very moving.
- Nadh: The Energizing Coenzyme, Birkmayer, 48pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Narrative of A Revolutionary Soldier: Some of the Adventures, Dangers, and Suffering of Joseph Plumb Martin (Previously titled Private Yankee Doodle), 260pp., mm-pb. (Signet) 700 + P&H.
- Narratives of America by Allan Eckert; gripping historical novels, reconstructed from the facts: gripping novels, based wholly on fact; they depict how savage the indians really were, and extol some great Americans usually overlooked in history. There are 6 books in the series. The Frontiersman, (conqust of America’s Northwest Territory [today’s northern mid-west]; Wars against British & indians, centered around Simon Kenton); life of greatest frontiersman/pioneer Simon Kenton, greater than Daniel Boone (saved Boone’s life few times), great man, God watched over him even as Washington in battle. Little taught nowadays, incredible man - a true legend. One of only 2 men who could fire and reload and fire musket while running full speed. I highly recommend this book. One of best I have ever read. Shows indians for what they are, savages. One of only men in history to have survived any (let alone numerous times the) running of the Indian gauntlet. 626p.,historically accurate account of what indians were really like, British/French treachery, frontier-life, Indian Wars, American independence, etc. pb., 1700 + P&H (reg. 1900); Hb., 2600 + P&H (reg. 3000); incredible book! A must! Inquire for the others in the series.
- Natural Antibiotics: Safe Remedies that Work with your Body to Fight Illness, Wunderlich, 47pp., 400 + P&H.
- The Natural Approach to Attention Deficit Disorder (Add), Hoffman, 48pp., 600 + P&H.
- Natural Progesterone Cream, Shealy, 53pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Natural Relief from Tinnitus, Yanick, 48pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Nature’s Antiseptics: Tea Tree Oil and Grapefruit Seed Extract: Using them to treat 30 Health Problems from Abrasions to Warts, Puotinen, 48pp., 600 + P&H. (tea tree oil also effective against rattlesnake and spider bites including the most deadly spider in the world, funnel web spider)
- Nature’s Antiseptics: Tea Tree Oil & Grapefruit Seed Extract, Puotinen, 48pp., 400 + P&H.
- New Knowledge About Old Testament (1933) Marston, 182pp., comb-bound, 1800 + P&H.
- The New Life: Talks With Christians on Practical Victory (1932) Captain Reginald Wallis, & The New Life Clarified (complementary and corrective supplemental notes), R. A. Balaicius; 140pp, comb-bound, 13.00 + P&H.
- The New Superantioxidant-Plus: The Amazing Story of Pycnogenol, Free-Radical Antagonist and Vitamin C Potentiator, Passwater, Ph.D., 46pp., 600 + P&H.
- The New Walk (1939) Captain Reginald Wallis, & The New Walk Clarified (complementary and corrective supplemental notes), Robert Alan Balaicius; 120pp, comb-bound, 11.00 + P&H.
- Norway (1889) Sigvart Sörensen, 353pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, facsimile reprint; 20.00 + P&H. Very good history, divided according to the rules of its kings.
- Nourishing Traditions: Cookbook Challanges Politically-Correct Nutrition & Diet Dictocrats, Fallon, 668p. 7½x10, pb., 2200 + P&H (reg. 2500) wealth of info., recipes, in-depth health information, nutrition, exposing food additives, ideas on making your own saurkraut, fermented pickles, other fermented vegetables which are no longer available in U.S., but used around world full health healthy flora (most yogurt in U.S. is pasturized/processed/dead); seed sprouting, Author ignorant concerning God’s dietary laws, so just ignore/substitute anything to the contrary. Overall excellent & important.
- Ogygia, or, A chronological account of Irish events: collected from very ancient documents, faithfully compared with each other, and supported by the genealogical and chronological aid of the sacred and prophane writings of the first nations of the globe (1793), Roderick O'Flaherty, 394pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H (reg. 29.00).
- Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing, Bruce Fife, 189pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H. bad breath, bleeding gums, cavities, tooth pain, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, migraine headaches, any chronic illness. All disease starts in the mouth!
- Olive Oil Miracle, Barilla, 48pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- 100,000,000 Guinea Pigs Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (1930s) Arthur Kallet and F. J. Schlink, 312pp., Hb. [out of print, good used copies; inquire.] Very good info, despite the age; some things never change.
- Origines Anglicanae, or, A History of the English Church from the Conversion of the English Saxons till the Death of King John (1855) John Inett, 2-volume set, 872pp., pb., 4800 + P&H (reg. 5300); Hb., 9500 + P&H (reg. 10300).
- The Origin of Mankind Viewed from the Standpoint of Revelation and Research (1935) 160pp., Sir Ambrose Fleming (eminent physicist), pb., 1600 + P&H.
- Other Losses, Bacque, 290p., pb., 2500 + P&H. (Eisenhower purposely starved to death 11 million+ German civilians after WWII during occupation of Germany).
- Our Aryan Ancestors: The World’s Historical People (1935), Fleming Howell, M.D., 421pp., pb.,, 3000 + P&H; very rare book, (covers: Aryans in general, Celts, Cymri, Teutons, Slavs, as well as Afghans, Hindoos, Medes, Persians) very detailed study.
- Our Celtic Heritage, Brig.-Gen. Sir Standish Crauford, 16pp., 175 + P&H.
- Our Nationalities: Who Are the Irish?; Who Are the Scotch?; Who Are the Welsh?; Who Are the English? (c.1880), James Bonwick, 532pp., (Stonebuilders; Crannog Race; Iberian Irish; Nemedian Irish; Fomorian Irish; Firbolg Irish; Tuath-De-Danaan Irish; Milesian Irish; Fenian Irish; Phoenician Irish; Celtic Irish; Picts and Scots; Ancient Names of Ireland; Tara and Dublin Past; Stone of Destiny; Irish Round Towers; Romans, Britons, Danish, Saxons; Irish Women; Irish Literature; Ancient Irish Religion; Old Irish Laws; English; Norman; Ulster), pb., 3500 + P&H. (reg. 4100) or Hb., 4600 + P&H. (reg. 5600).
- Our Scythian Ancestors (1875), Col. J.C. Gawler, 44pp., 475 + P&H.
- Pagano-papismvs, or, An exact parallel between Rome-pagan, and Rome-Christian, in their doctrines and ceremonies by Joshua Stopford ... (1675), 362pp., pb., 2800 + P&H (reg. 3300).
- Pastor Blumhardt: A Record of the Wonderful Spiritual and Physical Manifestations of God’s Power in Healing Souls and Bodies, Through the Prayers of His Servant, Christoph Blumhardt (1883) Capt. R. K. Carter, 100pp., comb-bound; 1200 + P&H; life of German pastor who through prayer unleashed healing, deliverance, revival in his area of Germany. [contains photo/short biography of author; Kelso, author of famous hymn, “Standing on the Promises.”]
- Pennsylvania Dutch and Other Essays (1882) Gibbons (Quaker of Lancaster County), lifestyle/customs of Penna. Dutch, Amish, Mennonites, Moravians, Schwenkfelders, English Quakers, & Welsh/Irish miners of Scranton, farmers in Ireland/England; 427pp., 22.00 + P&H; very interesting; early faith/morals of our people; would we could return to simpler, purer times. “Progress” not always good thing.
- The Persecutor (1973), Sergei Kourdakov; Russian Secret Police Officer; job was to beat & torture Christians; he was converted to Christ, jumped ship off North American Coast, defected to America, began speaking against communism; he later died “while cleaning his gun” (assassinated). Out of print, good used copies available. A must. [Inquire]
- Predestination, Dr. Gordon H. Clark (eminent Reformed Theologian), 176pp., pb., 1600 + P&H. [combining of Clark’s Biblical Predestination (1960), 157pp., & Predestination in the Old Testament (1978), 43pp., in a larger pb. format.]
- Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 (1897) Rev. George Wilson, 166pp., pb., 1400 + P&H. (Luther’s right-hand man, 3rd most important reformer)
- The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God, Dr. Gordon H. Clark, 138pp., 1000 + P&H.
- Phoenician Ireland (1837, 2nd edition), Doctor Joachimo Laurentio Villanueva, translated by Henry O’Brien, (biographical intro. O’Brien’s brother); 361pp., plastic comb-bound, 3500 + P&H. rare
- Phosphatidylserine (PS): Number-One Brain Booster: The Nutrient Building Block That Accelerates All Brain Functions and Counters Alzheimer’s Kidd, , 46pp., 600 + P&H.
- The Poisoned Needle (1957), McBean, 243pp., pb., 2400 + P&H. (dangers of vaccinations) or a short except from the book 15pp., 150 + P&H.
- The Poisons Around Us, Schroeder M.D., 156pp., pb., 1300 + P&H.
- Poisons in Your Food, Winter, 1300 + P&H.
- Poisons in Your Medicine Chest, Dr. W.C.Douglass, 900 + P&H.
- Political Sermons of the American Founding Era, 1730-1805, 2-vol., 1779pp., Hb., set 3000 + P&H. (reg. 3500); pb., set 2200 + P&H. (See also: American Political Writings...)
- The Post-Captivity Names of Israel, (1934) Goard, 128p., pb., 1000 + P&H.
- The Post-Christian Era and the New Dark Ages; Robert Alan Balaicius, white Christian civilization nearly extinct, 112pp., pb., 10.50 + P&H; survival of Christendom; Christian roots of Germany, now nearly extinct, U.S., England, & Europe in same position.
- Potatoes not Prozac, Dr. DesMaisons, 252pp., pb., 1300 + P&H; sugar-sensitive people people may suffer from overweight, fatigue, depression, etc.
- Prescription For Herbal Healing, Balch, 545pp., 8.5x11 pb., 2100 + P&H (reg 2400)
- Prescription For Nutritional Healing, Balch/Balch, 8 1/2 x 11, 368pp., pb., 1700 + P&H
- Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation (2007) by Gardeners and Farmers of Centre Terre Vivante, Deborah Madison / Eliot Coleman, pb., 2100 + P&H (reg. 2500)
- Prevailing Prayer: What Hinders It? (1884), D.L. Moody, 126pp., plastic comb-bound, 1100 + P&H.
- Prisoned Chickens - Poisoned Eggs, Davis, 175pp., 1500 + P&H
- Probiotic Foods for Good Health: Yogurt, Sauerkraut, and Other Beneficial Fermented Foods (2010) Beatrice Trum Hunter, 404pp., large-print pb., 2200 + P&H.
- The Probiotics Revolution: The Definitive Guide to Safe, Natural Health Solutions Using Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods and Supplements, Huffnagle, 412pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- The Problem of Spiritsm (1926) P. W. Thompson, 112pp., plastic comb-bound, 1200 + P&H.
- Proven Remedies (1949) J. H. Oliver, 92pp., plastic comb-bound, 1000 + P&H.
- The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights, David Gumpert, 254pp., pb., 2000 + P&H.
- Record of the Hon. C.L. Vallandigham on Abolition, the Union, and Civil War (1863), 256pp., pb., (speeches of the honorable Democratic Congressman from Ohio whom Lincoln illegally and treasonously persecuted, having him arrested, court martialed, and censored for his agreement that the South had the right to secede. 1800 + P&H.
- Reformed Doctrine of Predestination (1932) Dr. Loraine Boettner (eminent Reformed Theologian), 440pp., pb., 1600 + P&H. a classic
- Relations Between Ancient Russia and Scandinavia & Origin of Russian State (1877), Vilhem Thomsen, 150pp., comb-bound, 1500 + P&H.
- The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved: Inside America’s Underground Food Movements, Sandor E Katz, 378pp., 9" x 6" pb., 2000 + P&H.
- Robert Murray McCheyne (1913) Alexander Smellie, D.D., 232pp., plastic comb-bound, 2200 + P&H. (very rare original/unabridged edition)
- Roman Catholicism, Dr. Loraine Boettner, 466pp., pb., (currently out of print); plastic comb-bound (8.5x11 2x2 xerox) for 1600 + P&H or good original used Hb. for 2500 + P&H.
- Romance of the Wheat: How to Make Good Wholesome Whole Wheat Bread as your Great-Grandmother Did It, Carole Collins, 8.5x11, 40pp., stapled. 500 + P&H.
- The Russian Primary Chronicle (12th Cent. by Nestor(ius)/Chronicle of Nestor/Nestorius/Laurentian Text); transl. 1930 by Cross; 245pp., comb-bound, 2400 + P&H.
- St. Paul in Britain (1860), Morgan, 128pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- St. Paul & Britain (1910), Edwin Wilmshurts, 18pp., 200 + P&H.
- Sauerkraut: How Sauerkraut Regulates Digestion, Prolongs Youth, The Natural Way (1950) Miklos Worth, 54pp., 500 + P&H.
- Science: Behind Closed Doors (Fraud, Genetically-Modified Foods & Animals, Human Cloning, Cold Fusion, HAARP), 6 videos, 1 hour each 9000 + P&H (reg 10000)
- Scientists Under Attack: Genetic Engineering in Magnetic Field of Money (A Film About Courage, Secrecy and Danger), Bertram Verhaag; 60 min. + 30 min. bonus documentary: Monster Salmon; 2000 + P&H.
- The Scots Worthies, Howie (Scottish martyrs, 1520-1680’s), 672pp., Hb., 3400 + P&H.
- The Secret History of the Oxford Movement (1898), Walter Walsh, 480pp., pb., 3400 + P&H (reg. 3800); Hb., 4700 + P&H (reg. 5300) The Oxford Movement was a ‘scholarly” confederation at Oxford University, a method by which the Catholic church infiltrated the Protestant Church and sought to undermine the work of the Reformation.
- The Secret Holocaust, Mullins, 34pp., 400 + P&H. (against white European Christians).
- The Secret Miracle of Xylitol, Fran Gore, 84pp., pb., 6.00 + P&H; natural sugar discovered in 1800s by German scientist, implemented by Finns in WWII; becoming popular in U.S. chemical process from Birch tree, com cob fibers, all natural, 40% less calories, 75% less carbs, + health benefits: does not cause change in insulin or blood sugar, clears up sinus and ear infections, helps remineralize teeth & bones, much more (will not ferment or carmelize, but otherwise replaces sugar 1:1 ration in every other way).
- Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention, 1787 (1838), Yates/Martin, 335pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- Secret of the Universe (1932) [once reprinted as “Trinity in the Universe”] Nathan R. Wood, Pres., Gordon College of Theology, Boston, Mass., 223pp., pb., 1800 + P&H.
- Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’ re Eating, Jeffrey M. Smith, pb., 304pp. 1800 + P&H; Hb., 240pp., 2400 + P&H (reg. 2800)
- Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, William F. Engdahl, 341pp., pb., 2200 + P&H (reg. 2500)
- Serotonin, Baumel, 48pp., 600 + P&H.
- The Serotonin Power Diet: Use Your Brain’s Natural Chemistry to Cut Cravings, Curb Emotional Overeating, and Lose Weight, Wurtman, 290pp., Hb., 2200 + P&H (reg. 2500)
- Sketches From Slovak History (1930) Skulteny, 229pp., comb-bound, 2000 + P&H.
- The Slovaks: Their History and Traditions (1947) Yurchak, 299pp., comb, 2400 + P&H.
- The Slovenes: A Social History: From the Earliest Times to 1910 (1911) Dragotin Loncar, transl. Anthony Klancar (1939), 77pp.; very rare; 700 + P&H.
- The Slow Poisoning of America, J.E. Erb/T.M. Erb, c.250pp., pb. 2200 + P&H (reg. 2500) Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Obesity, Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Headaches, Migraines, Epilepsy and Schizophrenia --dramatic increase jeopardize health of entire country.
- The Sovereignty of God, Arthur Pink, 324pp., pb., 1400 + P&H; Hb., 3000 + P&H (reg 3500).
- Soviet Evidence at Katyn: Document USSR-54 at Nuremberg, 48pp., stapleback, 700 + P&H. (see Death at Katyn, herein) imported
- Soyabeans: The Fabulous Food that Supplies Meat, Cheese, Proteins, Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals (1950) Miklos Worth, 62pp., booklet, 500 + P&H.
- So, You Call Yourself A Christian...; Balaicius, What makes a Christian a Christian? What makes God God? Proof that Peter’s Vision (and all other N.T. passages average person thinks “did away with” the dietary laws) did not abolish God’s Dietary Laws in slighest. 76pp., 500 + P&H. illustrated. Very profound. God designed our bodies; knows what fuel run best on. When man has health problems he often (not realizing it) begins to observe God’s dietary laws. when someone goes to doctor for heart problems, allergies, etc., first thing, doctor gives list of all foods to avoid: pork, shellfish top list.
- The Sovereignty of God, Predestination, “Free” Will, and the Protestant Reformation; Balaicius, 88pp., 6.00 + P&H.
- The Spirit Man: The Hidden Man of the Heart -- A Work on Pneumatology and Psychology Showing the Biblical Distinctions Between The Soul and the Spirit of Man, and the Harmony of These with the Objective and the Subjective of Man of Science (1915), J. H. Allen (author of Judah’s Scepter...), 232pp., plastic comb-bound 20.00 + P&H; Very rare book. Chapters are: Man’s Future Possibilities, Trinity of Man, All Men Have a Spirit Nature, What Then is the Pneuma or Spirit Man?, Psychic or Soul Nature of Man, Origin of Body, Soul, and Spirit, Formation of the Human Spirit, Some Attributes of the Human Spirit, The Difference Between Soul and Spirit, Facts Concerning Pneumatology, Other Attributes of the Human Spirit, A Scientific Breakdown, Psychic Responsibility, Psychic Functioning with Body and Spirit, Redeption of Spirit, Soul, and Body, The Black Arts, The Atonement.
- The Stalin Death (c.1953), Kenneth Goff; Edited, With Copious Notes Constituting “A Bolshevik Primer” and Illustrations added by Robert Alan Balaicius (25% Goff original/75% R.A.B.) 88pp., 600 + P&H.
- Steps and Studies - an Inquiry Concerning the Gift of the Holy Spirit (1884), Rev. George B. Peck, 186pp., plastic-comb-bound, 18.00 + P&H.
- Stop Alzheimer’s Now!: How to Prevent & Reverse Dementia, Parkinson's, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis & Other Neurodegenerative Disorders, Bruce Fife / RBlaylock, 352pp., pb., 1800 (reg. 2000).
- Stop Inflammation Now!, Richard M. Fleming, M.D./Tom Monte, 298pp., pb., 1500 + P&H; major cause of heart disease can be prevented.
- Stories From Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (1903), Foxe/W. S. Martin, 8.5x11, 440pp., paperback, well-illustrated (companion vol. to Story of Light), 4500 + P&H.
- Stories of Great Revivals with Contributions on Revival Work (1906) Henry Johnson, Canon Aitken, F.B. Meyer, Stuart Holden, Gipsy Smith; c.420pp., pb., 4000 + P&H. Chapters: Evangelical Revival of 18th Century England; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Scotland; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Wales; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Ireland; Awakenings of 1858-1862 England, of 1858-1862 Scotland, of 1858-1862 Wales, of 1858-1862 North of Ireland; Work of Moody & Sankey 1873 - 1875; 1881-1884; Revival in Wales, 1904-1905; Torry-Alexander Mission, 1903-1905.
- Stories of the Covenanters in Scotland (1859), Robert Pollok, 328pp., Hb., 2800 + P&H. written on a youth level and probably average non-collegiate adult level today
- Stories of the Huguenots in France and Italy, various authors; foreward by D’Aubinge, 300pp., Hb., 2800 + P&H. written on youth level; probably average non-collegiate adult level today
- Stories of the Reformation in Germany and England with a Child’s Life of Luther (1860) Johns, 350pp., Hb., 2800 + P&H. written on a youth level and are probably average non-collegiate adult level today
- The Story of Ireland (1905) Condensed Ed., Prof. C.A.L. Totten, 71pp., retype-set, 500 + P&H.
- The Story of the Light That Never Went Out: A History of English Protestantism For Young Readers (1903) W. Stanley Martin and Augusta Cook; 8.5x11, 586pp., paperback, 6000 + P&H. Incredible book (written on a youth level in 1903, it is on average non-collegiate adult level today) One person who ordered this book, who is an older gentleman who has long been an avid reader, said this was one of the best and most important 5 books he has ever read. Contents: How The Light Came; How the Darkness Came; Parting of the Ways; The Venerable Bede, and Other Famous Men; England’s Greatest King; William the Conqueror and the Norman Period; Gathering Shadows; Midnight; England’s Bulwark, Or The Foundation of Liberty Laid; Monks and Friars With Shaven Crowns; How Lamp Was Kept Buring; Thomas Bradwardine, Man Who Trimmed the Lamp; Robert Longland, Man Who Dreamed A Dream; John Wycliffe; The Lollards; Chariots of Fire; The Fifteenth Century; Preparation For Reformation; How English Reformation Began; Two Great Discoveries & What Came of Them; Much- Married Monarch; William Tyndale; Martyr’s Prayer Answered; English Josiah; Dark Days; “Latimer’s Light Shall Never Go Out”; England’s Greatest Archbishop; “Of Whome World Was Not Worthy”; Daughters of The King; Lambs In Flock Of Slaughter; Why Martyrs Suffered; Martyr’s Memorials; John Foxe; What Might Have Been; Brighter Days; Jesuits; “Bonnie Queen Bess”; Invincible Armada; Martyrs or Murderers—Which?; Gunpowder, Treason & Plot; Old Time Ritualist; King & Parliament; “Old Noll”; Puritan England; “Merry Monarch”; Tinker Of Bedford; Stuart Schemer; Bishops Of Right Sort; Glorious Revolution; Protestantism Ascends The Throne; Light In Eighteenth Century; Victorian Era—World’s Greatest Empire; “Thy Kingdom Come.”
- The Story of the Nations: The Balkans: Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro (1896), Miller, 506pp., comb-bound, 3200 + P&H.
- The Story of The Nations: Bohemia: from the Earliest Times to the Fall of National Independence in 1620; (1896), Maurice, 565pp., (Inquire).
- The Story of the Nations: The Goths (1891) Bradley, 376pp, pb., 2400 + P&H.
- The Story of the Nations: The Normans (1886), Jewett, xvpp./373pp., Norse origins to settlement in Normandie, conquest of England, Italy, Sicily; pb., 2400 + P&H.
- The Story of the Nations: Norway (1895), Hjalmar H. Boyeson, xxvpp.,/556pp.,/ivpp., plastic comb bound, 4000 + P&H; illustrated
- The Story of the Nations: Poland (1893), Morfill, 389pp., pb., 2000 + P&H.
- Sugar Blues, Dufty, 255pp., pocket pb. (dangers of sugar on heath) 700 + P&H.
- The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That is Making You Fat and Sick, Johnson, M.D., 336pp., mass-market pb., 800 + P&H; quality 288pp., pb., 1500 + P&H; 304pp., Hb. 2100 + P&H (reg. 2500) Most foods are laced w/ HFCS; unlike other sugers, HFCS does not tell brain it has been eaten, so appetite never satisfied. Direct links between obesity, illness and HFCS.
- The Sugar Solution: Your Symptoms are Real and the Solution is Here, Editors of Prevention Magazine, 390pp., Hb., 2100 + P&H (reg 2500); pb. 1600 + P&H; lose weight, regain health, important information.
- Supplements Exposed: The Truth They Dont Want You to Know about Vitamins, Minerals, and Their Effects on Your Health, Brian R. Clement, 223pp., pb., 1600 + P&H; synthetic supplements are toxic!
- Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, Cori Brackett, 95 minute DVD, expose of serious health problems caused by MSG / Aspartame (Equal, Nutrasweet, etc.)--political corruption in FDA (Rumsfeld) pass product (which now laces so many foods/drinks) causes alarming numbers of brain tumors, holes in brain tissue, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, cancers, etc. much more. Very important, I will not drink diet (or nondiet) soda ever again or eat anything with these artificial sweeteners. 2000 + P&H.
- Sweet Remedy: The World Reacts to an Adulterated Food Supply, Cori Brackett, DVD, 134 min., 2500 + P&H.
- The Testosterone Edge: The Power to Boost Energy, Fight Disease, Improve Mood, and Increase Sexual Vitality for Men and Women, O’Neill, .By Brian E. O’Neill. Discover secrets of dynamic sex drive, toned muscles, high energy, with latest info. on testosterone pills, injections, gel patches; simple diet/exercise program help combat heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, Alzheimer’s and other diseases linked to low testosterone. 190pp., Hb., 2300 + P&H.
- That Old Serpent: The Devil (1954), Huegel, 123pp., pb., 11.50 + P&H.
- 365 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism: Everyday Tips to Achieve Your Maximum Fat-Burning Potential, Koehler, 224pp., pb., 900 + P&H.
- Throne Life or The Highest Christian Life (1888), Rev. George B. Peck, M.D., 235pp., Peck was an associate and supporter of pastor/evangelist A.B. Simpson; 18.00 + P&H.
- To Heal A Nation, 186pp. plastic comb-bound, 1600 + P&H. Repentence for our sins and obedience to God’s Ways is the only answer for our nation.
- Torchbearers Amid Alpine Snows [History of Vaudois/ Waldensians] (c.1938), C. C. Dobson, 192pp., combbound, 1600 + P&H. written on a youth level, probably average non-collegiate adult level today.
- Torchbearers of France and the Netherlands — Torchbearers of Truth (1933) 184pp., plastic comb-bound, 1550 + P&H. containing 2 books: The Story of William the Silent and Holland’s Fight for Freedom (1907) W. Stanley Martin, 88pp.; The Fights and Flights of the Huguenots, by Ebenezer Wilmhurst (c.1910); 72pp.
- Tortured For His Faith, Popov (Roumanian pastor suffered 18 years imprisonment/torture behind iron curtain) 146pp., pb., 800 + P&H.
- Toxic Sludge is Good For You, Stauber, 1700 + P&H. (big business / media spin on health risks hides truth)
- A Translation of the Old Testament From the Original Hebrew (1885), Helen Spurrell (not original, “paleo-Hebrew,” but unpointed Hebrew; the first and one of the only translations undertaken by a woman; vey scholarly; VERY rare) 7.38” x 9.25”, 850pp., Hb., 12500 + P&H.
- Translators Revived: Biographical Notes of KJV Bible Translators (c.1870), McClure, 250pp., pb., 1700 + P&H.; Hb., 2200 + P&H.
- Triads of Britain, Iolo Morganwg, translated by Probert, William, 48pp., pb. (prob. an excerpt of Ancient Laws of Cambria). 1300 + P&H.
- The True Story of the Babylonian Captivity: A Challenge to Commentators (1904) “Lumen” (Major Jonathan Samuels), 171pp.; 1800 + P&H. very rare [E. W. Bullinger consulted the works of Samuels for material in numerous appendices in his Companion Bible.]
- Turmeric and the Healing Curcuminoids: Their Amazing Antioxidant Properties and Protective Powers, Majeed/Badmaev/Murray, 47pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Twelve Reformation Heroes (1960), Neilson, 96pp., pb., 1250 + P&H.
- Two Babylons (c.1880), Alex. Hislop, 327pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- The Ukraine: A History (1940), Allen, 404pp., ( Inquire)
- Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, Robert Balaicius, 192pp., pb., 1600 + P&H; Hb., 2600 + P&H; illustrated. (ancient history & Bible, relation to modern history, fascinating revelation; key to understanding conspiracy, God’s Plan, history, prophecy, why things are the way they are)
- User’s Guide to Propolis, Royal Jelly, Honey, and Bee Pollen: Learn How to Use “Bee Foods” to Enhance Your Health and Immunity (Large Print), Broadhurst, 132pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H
- User’s Guide to Probiotics, Mindell, 92pp., pb., 600 + P&H.
- Ultra-Metabolism: The Simple Plan For Automatic Weight Loss, Mark Hyman, M.D., 354pp., Hb., 2200 + P&H (reg 2500) Excellent
- The Untold Story of Milk: Green Pastures, Contented Cows and Raw Dairy Products, Ron Schmid & Sally Fallon; 480pp., pb., 2400 + P&H. role of milk in rise of civilization & early America, distillery dairies, compulsory pasteurization, politics of milk, traditional dairying cultures, modern dairy industry, betrayal of public trust by gov’t health officials, modern myths concerning cholesterol, animal fats, heart disease & myriad health benefits of raw milk. [May be going out of print; few copies available.]
- Vaccinations Do Not Protect and Court Violates Federal Law in Vaccination Case (c.1950) Eleanor McBean, Ph.D., 48pp., 500 + P&H.
- Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers and Why GI’s Are Only the First Victims, Matsumoto, 384pp., Hb., 2200 + P&H (reg 2500).
- Vaccine and Serum Evils (1960), Shelton, 72pp., retypeset, afterword by modern publ. 600 + P&H.
- Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?, Miller, 127pp., pb., 1300 + P&H.
- Vaccines, Autism and Childhood Disorders: Crucial Data That Could Save Your Child’s Life, Miller, 128pp., pb., 1300 + P&H.
- Vanishing Proofs of Evolution, Heinze, 94pp., pb., 600 + P&H. easy to understand, easily refutes evolution.
- The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success, Stark, Hb. 281pp., 2200 (reg. 2600) + P&H; pb., 304pp., 1600 + P&H. excellent book...
- Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, a Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants, Or, of the Lawful Power of the Prince Over the People, and of the People Over the Prince (retypset 1679 ed.), Stephanus Junius Brutus, Hubert Languet; Arlette Jouanna; Henri Weber; Philippe de Mornay, seigneur du Plessis-Marly; et al, 8.5x11, 201pp., plastic comb-bound 18.00 + P&H; pb., 176pp., pb., 22.75
- The Waldensian Church in the Valleys of Piedmont: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time (1878) Jane Louisa Willyams, 324pp., pb., 2600 (reg. 3100) + P&H.
- Waldo and the Waldensians Before the Reformation (1881) Comba, 69pp., 800 + P&H.
- Warning: Vaccinations Are Dangerous, Peters, 20pp. booklet, 200 + P&H.
- War Is A Racket (1933) Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler (who profits from war?) 36pp., retype-set w/ photos and brief biography of Butler, 4.00 + P&H.
The Weaver Of Naumburg; Or, A City Saved By Children (1888) [Translation of Die Hussiten Vor Naumburg (1933)], Carl Gustav Nieritz, 166pp., 9x7 pb., 18.00 (reg. 22.00) + P&H.
- Westward Ho! or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight, of Burrough, in the County of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious Majesty, Queen Elizabeth (1855) Charles Kingsley, 2 volumes, 976pp., pb., 4000 + P&H (reg. 4300); Hb., 4300 + P&H (reg. 7000).
- What Darwin Didn’t Know: A Doctor Dissects the Theory of Evolution, Geoffrey Simmons, MD, 320pp., 1500 + P&H.
- What Is Man...? (1939) T. Austin-Sparks, 131pp., plastic comb-bound, 1150 + P&H. (Bible view of man)
- What is Wrong with the Churches? - and the Remedy (1946) A. J. Ferris, 128pp., comb-bound, 1400 + P&H.
- What’s Keeping God from Delivering America, Britain and Europe from Destruction...? (2010), Robert Alan Balaicius, 112pp., pb., 1050 + P&H.
- What the Devil...? A Brief but Detailed Study Identifying Satan and the Devil, Evil Spirits, Demons, and Fallen Angels and Hell, Balaicius, 76pp., 5.50 + P&H.
- What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Vaccinations, Cave, M.D., 315pp., pb., 1400 + P&H.
- Wheat Germ (1950) Christopher Johnson, 48pp., booklet, 500 + P&H.
- Wherein Have We Robbed God? Malachi's Message to the Men of Today (1898), G. Campbell Morgan, 131pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, 1200 + P&H.
- Who Are We and What Is Our Mission? (1887) J. Thornhill Harrison, 201pp., plastic comb-bound, Christian-Anglo Israel, numerous maps; 17.00 + P&H.
- The Whole Tithe: A Study in Systematic Giving, Historical and Practical (1920) & All Thine Increase (1935) P. W. Thompson, 412pp. (2 books in 1), plastic comb-bound, 2400 + P&H
- Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods, Sandor Katz & Sally Fallon, 7x10, pb., 275pp., 2200 (reg. 2500) + P&H.
- William the Conqueror (1888) Edward Augustus Freeman, 148pp., pb., 1500 + P&H.
- The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption, and the Control of the World's Food Supply, Robin, Marie-Monique, 352pp., Hb., 2250 (reg. 2700) + P&H.
- World Significance of the Russian Revolution (1920), George Pitt-Rivers, preface by Dr. Oscar Levy, 60pp., stapleback, 600 + P&H.
- Worthies Of The World: A Series Of Historical And Critical Sketches Of The Lives, Actions And Characters Of Great And Eminent Men Of All Countries And Times (1883) H. W. Dulcken, 2 volumes, 852pp., pb., 6500 + P&H (reg. 7200); Hb., 9200 + P&H (reg. 11200).
- Yogurt Spells Health: Rediscovery of an Ancient Therapy (1950) Worth, 64pp., 500 + P&H.
- Young Folks’ History of The Netherlands (Holland and Belgium), (1878) Alex. Young, 672pp., pb., 3600 + P&H; excellent; must for all students of our history... tied to Reformation & eventually American Revolution. Highly recommended. Not on child’s level by any means; collegiate level by today’s standards.
- (Young People’s) History of Scotland (1874) Margaret MacArthur, 199pp., comb, 1600 + P&H.
- Your Church Their Target (1966), by Kenneth W. Ingwalson (editor) being a collection of treatises by Harry R. Butman, Irving E. Howard, Kenneth Ingwalson, Howard E Kershner, James DeForest Murch, Edmund A. Opitz, Herman Otten, Herbert A Philbeck, Charles S Poling, G. Aiken Taylor, Wilbur G Williams, Rousas John Rushdoony, T. Robert Ingram, etc. 275pp, 2x2 xerox, comb-bound 1200 + P&H.
- Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food [With Pocket Shopper’s Guide] Kimbrell, 151pp., pb., 2000 (reg. 2500) + P&H.
Every single church, sunday school, christian high school, christian college, seminary, homeschool room should have one of each of these. P&H = 7.50 within the U.S., in protective mailing tube. Up to 10 copies total of any of the below for only 7.50 total to 1 address in the U.S. in 1 tube. All on heavy, glossy, poster paper; suitable for framing; works of art; beautiful; one of a kind / nothing else like them.
A Coordinated Chronological Table of the Patriarchs: From Adam to the 12 Tribes of Israel and the death of Moses... From Creation to the Exodus... [Covering 26 generations and 2,553 years of history, with around 3,000 co-ordinated dates.] — a 10-year project - 38” x 50” full-color wall chart showing all patriarchs from Adam to Moses; how old each was at time of all other patriarchs (living and dead), age in relation to Flood, Call of Abraham, Tower of Babel, Sodom & Gomorrah, Exodus; dates in terms of age from Adam, and B.C. dates by 8 different methods / chronologists; incorporates 2 other small charts: calander of events of the Flood & difference between Masoretic and Septuagint chronologies; clears up numerous chronological mysteries, 2 dozen pictures. Most details, comprehensive work of this kind ever attempted. A wealth of info. Easily see who was alive and when and in relation to everyone else and certain key events. 27.50 + P&H (see above).
Coming Soon: A Coordinated Chronological Table of the Judges, Prophets, High Priests, and Kings of Israel (Together with the Contemporary Kings of Pagan Nations) From The Exodus to the Return of the Exiles and the Rebuilding of the Temple (and beyond) (spanning over 1016 years of history) 37” x 42” [inquire].
Coordinated Chronology of the Reformers - 95+ Protestant Reformers and Pre-Reformers - A.D. 1125-1700 — 42” x 33” full-color wall chart; color coded by country, 24 countries; 95 reformers on a time-line, 85 others not on the time line, showing dates of birth, death, how they died, what denominations they founded, etc.; over 100 pictures. 22.50 + P&H.
Note: Publisher will print in paperback, any comb-bound title with order of 25 copies. Inquire.
This is just a short list on these topics. For other titles on a specific topic, inquire.
For a separate list of titles on Race, Civilization, and Exposing Conspiracies/Evil, inquire.
See stm.christogenea.org “Health Bulletin Board” for wealth of health info.
Our Lord's Parables of the Kingdom in the Light of the British-Israel Truth (1921) John H. Tench, 235pp., comb-bound comb-bound, 22.00 + P&H; extremely rare.
Some Collected Works of Alexander Schiffner: Anglo-Israelism: True or False? (1943) 93pp.; The Five Sons of Judah (1944) 12pp., retypeset; The Three Frogs of Revelation Sixteen (1938) 58pp.; True Israel and True Judah: The Jews Are Not Israel — Fifty Reasons Why, 7pp, retypeset; The Valley of Dry Bones (1943) 10pp., retypeset; with brief biography and photo of Schiffner; plastic comb-bound; 16.50 + P&H. If anyone has any other titles by him please contact me, thank you.
Reprinted by STM
Titles by Pastor William Lester Blessing
Blessing was one of the first British-Israel ministers to move in a consciously Christian Identity direction. His books deal with the mystery of True Israel, the origin of the races, restoration of the Church, health advise, and prosperity teachings; he has a unique slant of some issues, truth mixed with error (he is wrong in many areas); his works are for the curious, but discerning reader. Blessing, like Swift, Gale, and Gaard, had some good ideas, but also some crazy ideas, speculation, and outright theological error. Most of his books cover a broad range of topics, not merely the subject matter of the title. While much of what he writes is in error, I reprint these because some people still seek out his works (as well as those of Swift, Gaard, Hale, etc.) and therefore I get a "foot in the door" so they can learn of other, far-better books.
The Broken Brotherhood (1953) 77pp., 8.50 + P&H.
Divine Seal (1958) 146pp., plastic comb-bound, 14.00 + P&H.
Faith Hope Love (1953) 50pp., 6.00 + P&H.
Fountain of Youth (1958) 123pp., plastic comb-bound, 12.50 + P&H.
Freedom (1953) 117pp., plastic comb-bound, 11.00 + P&H.
Hallowed Be Thy Name (1955), 111pp. plastic comb-bound, 12.00 + P&H.
The Key of Knowledge (1953), 150pp., plastic comb-bound, 14.00 + P&H.
More About Jesus (1952) 53pp., 6.00 + P&H.
Outer Space People and Inner Earth People (1965), 219pp., 8.5x11 (original size) (not computer scanned; only xerox; a good copy but not 100% straight, centered, and a little shadows in the margins but not effecting the text), plastic comb-bound, 22.00 + P&H.
Prosperity (1953) 62pp., stapleback, 7.00 + P&H.
Restoration (1953) 73pp., stapleback, 7.50 + P&H.
The Semitic Race (1946), 76pp., 6.00 + P&H.
Showers of Blessing, 3 issues of the newsletter of Pastor William L. Blessing, (Dec. ‘73, Feb. ‘77, Dec. ‘77), and What Is Adultery and What is Fornication? and the Seed Line, 8.5x11, (CEE) plastic comb-bound, 74pp., 11.00 + P&H.
Survival (1953) 114pp., plastic comb-bound, 11.00 + P&H.
The Trial of Jesus (1955) 83pp., 9.50 + P&H.
VOTSA or The Voice of the Seventh Angel - Revelation 10:7; Revelation 11:15 (1965), 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound; 224pp., 30.00 + P&H.
White Supremacy (1952) 99pp., 11.00 + P&H.
Marshal Law Over America, James Hazel, 100pp., plastic comb-bound, 12.00 + P&H.
Outline Studies in the Covenants of the Bible (c.1940) (extremely rare, available nowhere else) and Suppose We are Israel... —What Difference Does It Make...? (re-typeset) both by Rev. Dr., James S. McGaw, Scottish Covenant Presbyterian minister and denominational representative; including my Publisher's Preface to the Reader, intro background on and photo of the author and intro on the Christian Anglo-Israel message in general, 7" x 8.5" 100 pages, paperback, 14.00 + P&H.
The Original Life and Adventures of Tom Quick, The Indian Slayer, asPublished at Monticello in 1851: And the Pioneers of Minisink and Wawarsink (1894 ed.), James E. Quinlan and T. G. Cutler, 123pp., PAPERBACK, very rare book, 14 (reg. 16.00) .00 + P&H. The true story of a son avenging the death of his father during the French and Indian Wars, devoted his life to exterminating the few remaining Indians in northeast Pennsylvania. Settling in Milford, Pennsylvania, the family had previously enjoyed a peaceful relationship with the Indians. At the outbreak of the French and Indian Wars, the relationship with the small group of settlers became strained and there was a dispute about the land referred to as Minisink. Quick’s father was killed and scalped during a sudden attack, which led Quick to a long and vengeful campaign to kill as many Indians as he could. In fact, he killed nearly a hundred of them over many years, and eventually died of old age.At the time this book was written, he was one of the great icons of American folklore and his exploits were the common fare of fireside storytellers and cracker-barrel old-timers. Today, Tom Quick is virtually forgotten. Political correctness recently motivated his hometown of Milford, PA to dismantle the handsome monument over his remains and replace it with an apologetic plaque. References to him have been eliminated from almost every local history. This book is the original biography of Tom Quick, published in 1851. It contains virtually every tale associated with the craft and cunning of Tom Quick, as well as many narratives relating to the early settlers of the upper Delaware Valley. Of special interest to historians are the chapters devoted to the Battle of Minisink during the American Revolution. The abridged version, published in 1894, lacks several key chapters, footnotes and the Appendix.
other future new books (inquire if interested or they will remain back-burner projects)
The Eighth Crusade: Uncensored Disclosures of a British Staff Officer (1940) Lt. Col. Waters Taylor, 205pp., plastic comb-bound; 16.50 + P&H.
Fraudulent Conversion: The Myth of Moscow's Change of Heart (1955) Colin Jordan, 143pp., plastic comb-bound, 12.50 + P&H
Left Wings Over Europe or How To Make A War About Nothing (1936) Wyndham Lewis, 333pp., [inquire.] Contents: Part I: 1. As the "extremist of the right" sees it. 2. As the plain, blunt, democratic statesman sees it. 3. Power-politics at a funeral. 4. The press of a modern democracy -- as seen by Lord Bryce. 5. The truth regarding the "German menace." 6. After Hitler -- what? Part II: 1. Abyssinia: not a war but a revolution. 2. Abyssinia: dress rehearsal for a world war. 3. Great Britain grows unpopular. Part III: 1. The religious factor, the churches and the "left" wing. 2. The god of justice and the god of love. 3. Are you for the super state or are you for the sovereign state? 4. "Democracy" and "imperialism." 5. The "haves" and the "have-nots." 6. Conclusion.
Modern Secret Societies (1903) Dr. Charles A. Blanchard (2nd president of Wheaton College, author of Getting Things From God, a book on prayer, also available; inquire) 314pp., will be computer scanned and made book-size comb-bound, 22.00 + P&H.
List 3
mcg = minimum cash gift
SBS = Standard-Book Size (8½x5½); all with attractive covers, and extra 10 mm. protective clear plastic covers. One large company is reproducing a lot of books (including many we do), in pb. and Hb., but they are pricey; some titles we offer in R-1 may also be available in other sections in pb., and Hb. (and are so indicated).
(2x2) = 8½x11 xerox bound at top (2 book pages side-by-side, per 8½x11 sheet of paper; all with attractive covers, and extra 10 mm. protective clear plastic covers.
OSB = Over-sized book; the original document was 8½x11.
stplbk = stapleback booklet, standard (8½x5½) unless otherwise stated.
CEE = Computer Enhanced Edition; final product usually 2-4x better than the original we worked with. Most books are also enlarged when room allows for it, since many older books were printed in much smaller format/smaller print.
AIP = book comes from the Anglo-Israel Perspective. [For those not familiar with this topic, please order my book, Uncovering The Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, 13.00 + P&H.]
An Asterick preceding a title* = book is early Pilgrim/Puritan/Colonial writing
NOTE: As far as we know, the copyrights on all the books we reproduce or order from others to stock herein are copyright expired and public domain. If we are misinformed, we will immediately cease printing/ordering unauthorized titles.
——> SECTION R-1: SBS, 8½x11, All titles here are plastic comb-bound or if under 90pp. then they are stapleback booklets [See also many titles in Section C]
Sec R
The First Germanic Bible (1891) G.H. Balg, 469pp. 8.5x11 (original size); The Gothic N.T. of Wulfila (c. a.d. 350); with Gothic-English lexicon and grammar; plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (32); by another company (10”x7”): paperback (39); Hb., (54)] I may print in paperback if there is enough interest. This is the first known translation of any Bible into the Germanic/English tongue. It helps establish the validity of many passages newer “critics” claim were later interpolations (additions); however, sadly, it only the N.T. (and that fragmentary) with a few passages of the O.T. which have survived.
Horae Apocalypticae;* or, A Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical; Including Also An Examination of the Chief Prophecies of Daniel (1837; 1862 ed.); Rev. Edward Bishop Elliot (1793-1875); [* “Hours with the Apocalypse”] Counter Reformation considered to have three parts: Jesuits, Inquisition & Council of Trent.... it seems justifiable to suggest a fourth aspect, namely the praeteristic and futuristic interpretations launched by Catholic expositors as a counterattack (p. 47). The most invaluable work ever produced on the Apocalypse, it contains around 10,000 references to ancient and modern works. The author was a premillenialist, however, this does not invalidate all the valuable information contained herein. Spurgeon wrote that it was the “standard work on the subject.” 2611pp., with 29pp. index.] 4-volume set: 8.5x11, 2x2 xerox, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (100)]; by another publisher: 4-vol. pb., set, [mcg = (165) (reg. 175)]
The Great Tribulation — Past, Present or Future? (1941) A. J. Ferris, 1941, 72pp.; 30 illustrations; [mcg = (8)] [Inquire]
The Researches in the East; or, An Important Account of the Ten Tribes of Israel: Giving an Authentic Detail of Their Religion, Customs, and Manners, From Their First Being Driven From the Land of Judea, until the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century, also, the Very Singular Proceedings of that Extraordinary Impostor Shabtha Tzevi: with the Truly Interesting Letters Sent by the Samaritans to the Jews of England, in the Year 1903, the Greater Part Translated from an Original Manuscript (1818), Rev. M. Sailman, 145pp (164pp., counting introduction and the list of names Sailman offers in the back of his book); plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, facsimile reprint of this very rare title. [mcg = (16.50)]
What Happened to Our Children?, Col. Jack Mohr, 49pp, [mcg = (5)]
The Baptist Catechism commonly called Keach’s Catechism or a Brief Instruction in the Principles of the Christian Religion Agreeable to the Confession of Faith, put forth by upwards of an hundred congregations in Great Britain, July 3, 1689 and adopted by the Philadelphia Baptist Association, Sept. 22, 1742 being the edition published in London in 1794 by the Rev. John Rippon and newly Revised by Paul King Jewett, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy of Religion at Gordon Divinity School, 48pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (4)]
Cleansing or Surgery? Pastor Paul Revere, Embassy of Heaven, Sublimity, Oregon, 49pp., booklet [mcg = (4)]
Enduring Empire of the British (1927), Rev. P. H. Pritchett, basic BI material, 79pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (6)]
The Fifth Weapon: Notes on the Kremlin’s concept of total coordination of all weapons (1954), Byfield, 68pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (6)]
Giants, by Pastor Herbert Robinson (c.1950?), Th.D., Litt.D., 16pp., [mcg = (1.50)]
Library of Political Secrets: #8 - Jews Want to Dominate Negroes, Itsvan Bakony, 68pp., computer-enhanced (6)
Our Flags—and Their Significance (1920), K. C. Byrde, (preface by Commander/Rev. L.G.A. Roberts) 40pp., booklet, very rare [mcg = (4)]
The Philadelphia Confession of Faith with Catechism (1869/1720), 120pp., comb-bound [mcg = (10)]
Things Most Surely Believed Among Us: Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689: 32 Articles of Christian Faith and Practice, signed by the ministers of 100 Baptized Chuches in England and Wales Denying Arminianism, 60pp., [mcg = (5)]
The Coming of Christ and Israel-Britain’s Identity (1937), Rupert C. Thomas, D.Litt., 78pp., computer-enhanced [mcg = (6)]
God and Your Neighbor (1936) Rupert C. Thomas, D.Litt., 62pp., computer-enhanced [mcg = (5)]
The Heraldry of Our Race (c.1950), Rev. Philip E. J. Monson, 24pp., very rare title (author of Origin and Destiny of the Jews), w/ photo of author/brief biographical info. [mcg = (3)] original was a bit light. I have darkened it up some. It is all readable, very rare.
Jewish Question in Poland (1919), Professor Franciszek Bujak (Cracow University), 52pp., stapleback, computer-enhanced and enlarged to 8.5x7 because of small print and column notes. [mcg = (6)]
Life in the Third Reich and the Political Situation in the World at that time and today, from speech given to a group of truth seekers by Friedrich Kurrek, translated by Frank Schmidt, Heimat Publishers, Toronto, 16pp., [mcg = (2)]
The Main Cause of the Great Depression, J. Richard Niemela, 14pp., 8.5x11 [mcg = (2)]
What is His Name, John Charles Green, 82pp., [mcg = (6)] AIP
What is His Name: The Name of the Most High (brief sequel), John Charles Green, 15pp. with photo and 2pp. biography, [mcg = (1.50)]
A Few, and New Observations upon the Booke of Genesis (1642) & An Handful of Gleanings out of the Book of Exodus (1643) Bishop John Lightfoote, 20pp., and 59pp., respectively, in one 7" x 8.5" plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced booklet, short puritan commentaries on the first 2 books of the Bible; 8.00 + P&H. Note this is from a book that is 369 years old. It is in older-style script and some of the letters are not 100% dark, though not an easy read, it is all perfectly discernible.
The Roosevelt Death: A Super-Mystery—Suicide? Assassination? Natural Death? (1947), “Mr. X” (possibly G.L.K. Smith?), 32pp., [mcg = (3.50)]
Some Collected Short Works of Pastor William B. Record (1886 - 1971) & Pastor Robert B. Record (1910 - 2005) of the National Message Ministry - Retype-set, Edited and Annotated by Robert Alan Balaicius, c.300pp., plastic comb-bound, 16.00 + P&H; [Containing: Biography of Robert Bruce Record (and photos of William and Robert) Brief Testimony of Robert Bruce Record; America! Destiny, and the Kingdom of God; The Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church — Biblical or False?; Because the Jews Rejected Christ; Because Thou Hast Rejected Knowledge; Biblical Understanding of the Book of Genesis; The Birthplace of the Antichrist...!; “The Chosen People” — Who Are They and Where?; A Chosen Race and An Holy Nation; The Difference it Makes Whether We Be Israel or Not; The Emerging Kingdom; An Exposition of Romans; The Gates of Hell and the Kingdom of God; Giving All Diligence, Add...; Here and Hereafter; Is Discrimination Biblical...?; Is the Light From Our Churches Dispelling the Darkness...?; Is There Such A Thing As A Serpent Race?; The Key To History and the Bible; The Kingdom—God’s Objective Always; The Misuse of the “Church” and “Gentile”; Money, Credit and Wealth; The Night Cometh When No Man Can Work; Our Mounting Problems and the Stranger Within; Palestine, Prophecy, and the Jew; Republicans Have the Football, But; Seven Years of Tribulation: Fact or Fiction?; Three Evils That Plague America; “The Times of the Gentiles and the City of Jerusalem”; The Truth About The Race Question; Was Jesus A Jew?; What’s The Name of Your God?; When Christ Returns as a Thief—Who Shall Be Taken and Who Shall Be Left?; When Christ Returns to Reign; Why Confusion Reigns in America!; Why Did Christ Say He Had Come?; Why Must A Man Be Born Again?; Why Our Political and Economic Machinery Are Fast Grinding to a Halt!; A Few Issues of The National Message newsletter: [March-April 1999] — The City That Abraham Awaited / Resurrection Life—A Present Possession / What Goes On Here on Planet Earth?; [May-June 1999] — Christians Without Vision / The Only Way to Abide in Divine Love / The Price of Ignorance and Disobedience / The Great Deception; [July-August 1999] — The Marriage Supper of the Lamb / How Sacred Is Human Life? / Can We Trust Our Conscience?; [September-October 1999] — Ye Are My Witnesses / A Prophecy Described in Terms of the Past; [November-December 1999] — Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord / Not By Might Nor By Power / Sin Invites Divine Judgment; [January-February 2003] — The New Testament—Israel or Gentile? / A Deceived and Erring People; [November-December 2005] — Whom Do We Worship, A Babe in Swaddling Clothes or a Coming King?] NOTE: The title "Here and Hereafter" is missing a few pages in the middle.
Father Leonard Feeney on the Jews - Excerpts from his news-bulletin - “The Point” [July 1957 (“Judaizing of Christians by Jews”); September 1958 (“How the Jews Invaded the Holy Land”); April 1957 (“The Fight For the Holy City: Efforts of the Jews to Control Jerusalem”); June 1958 (“ANTI-CHRISTIANS in Capital Letters”); October 1958 (“Catholics, the Bible, and the Jews”); April 1958 (“Newspapers and the New York Times”), 26pp., [mcg = (3)]
The Future of Britain (1912), Col. Garnier, 76pp., computer enhanced [mcg = (8)]
Glastonbury (1937), P.W. Thompson, 94pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (10)]
God Counts: Amazing Discoveries in Bible Numbers (1947), W.E. Filmer, 86pp., computer-enhanced, stapleback [mcg = (8)]
God In British History (1917), Rev. Arthur Pritchard, M.A., computer-enhanced, 92pp., + fold-out chart plastic comb-bound [mcg = (8.50)]
God’s Plan for World Order (1960), W. E. Filmer, 96pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (11)]
The Kingdom of God: The Fifth and Last World Empire (1917), Charles Wesley Eakley, 111pp., comb-bound, computer-enhanced, [mcg = (12)] (Christian Anglo-Israel perspective... doesn’t seem that greart, thinks jews are Judah, but I make it available to preserve it and for collectors)
Links In Chain of Evidence Connecting Israel With England (1876), J. L. Feilden, 130pp., plastic comb-bound computer-enhanced [mcg = (14)]
Lost Israel Found in the Anglo-Saxon Race (1886), E.P. Ingersoll, 84pp., computer enhanced [mcg = (8)]
The Modern Canaanites or the Enemies of Jesus Christ, Perkins, 54pp. computer enhanced [mcg = (5.50)]
National Number and Heraldry of the United States of America (1919) Rev. John Harden Allen (author of Judah's Scepter and Joseph's Birthright), 84pp., very rare, computer enhanced [mcg = (8)]
The Restoration of Israel (1922), J. Llewellyn Thomas, 84pp., computer enhanced, [mcg = (6)]
Tolerance: Jewry's War on Whites, James Combs, 50pp. [mcg = (5)]
Brainwashing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics, compiled by Kenneth Goff, 68pp., computer-enhanced, 6.00 + P&H.
Dr. Jozef Tiso and Modern Slovakia (1978), Anthony X. Sutherland, 141pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound 15.00 + P&H
Gleanings From the Apocrypha (1946), Dorsett & Scott, computer-enhanced, 76pp., 6.00 + P&H.
God's Perfect Will (1901), G. Campbell Morgan, 108pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound 12.00 + P&H
Relations Between Arabs and Israelites Prior to the Rise of Islam (1924), Dr. David S. Margoliouth (nephew of Moses Margoliouth, "jewish" family that "converted" to Christianity, David was professor at Oxford and an Anglican priest), computer-enhanced, standard-book size, plastic comb-bound, 92pp., 14.00 + P&H; very rare book. No doubt this will contain error, in that the modern Jews/Israelis are not the Israelites of Bible times, but it may have some interesting info pertaining to the general peace in that area before the rise of Islam (and, of course, before the rise of Zionism).
The Secret Driving Force of Communism (Library of Political Secrets #1) (c.1962), Maurice Pinay, 72pp., computer-enhanced, 6.00 + P&H. (Maurice Pinay was a 'pen name' for a consortium of high ranking Cardinals & Archbishops) (This is an excerpt from the 710pp. book, The Plot Against the Church, 25.00).
The Spirit Man: The Hidden Man of the Heart -- A Work on Pneumatology and Psychology Showing the Biblical Distinctions Between The Soul and the Spirit of Man, and the Harmony of These with the Objective and the Subjective of Man of Science (1915), J. H. Allen (author of Judah's Scepter), 232pp., computer-enhanced, standard-book size, plastic comb-bound 20.00 + P&H; Very rare book. I have not had a chance to read this book myself yet, so I cannot state whether the book contains more truth than error (either doctrinally or from the viewpoint of philosophy/psychology); however it is very rare. Chapters are: Man’s Future Possibilities, Trinity of Man, All Men Have a Spirit Nature, What Then is the Pneuma or Spirit Man?, Psychic or Soul Nature of Man, Origin of Body, Soul, and Spirit, Formation of the Human Spirit, Some Attributes of the Human Spirit, The Difference Between Soul and Spirit, Facts Concerning Pneumatology, Other Attributes of the Human Spirit, A Scientific Breakdown, Psychic Responsibility, Psychic Functioning with Body and Spirit, Redeption of Spirit, Soul, and Body, The Black Arts, The Atonement.
The Battle of Blood River and Other Victories, compiled by Robert Alan Balaicius, 28pp., with full color insert, [mcg = (3)]
The Bible Answers Racial Questions (1974) E.S. ("Gene") Hall, 26pp., [mcg = (3)]
Climax of The Ages: The Startling Drama of Man from Eden to Hell and Back, Lottye Kilgo Keech (seedline view of Revelation), 124pp., plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (15)]
The Covenant Oath of Jehovah: It's Beginning, Meaning, and End (1919), Augusta Cook, foreward by Dr. Dinsdale Young; 332pp., plastic comb-bound; [mcg = (22)] an Israel believer and wrote numerous books and a book I am also trying to secure, she co-authored with W. Stanley Martin (a 586pp., overview of Reformation). Inquire concerning her other titles.
Free Money: What It Means to Industry and Agriculture - A New System of Finance under a Co-Operative Government (1936), W. E. De Witt and Keen Polk, 159pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (16)] Chapters include: 1-Free Money; 2-Money Changers Get Another Bank Law, the Rothschild’s—More Money; 3-Must Have Permanent Medium of Exchange; 4-Thomas A. Edison’s “Sound Idea”; 5-Who Owns the Nation?; 6-Some Congressional Records; 7-Senator Vanderpoel’s Theory; 8-Facts and An Interesting Fable; 9-A Monetary Snowfall; 10-The Answer Is Organization.
Is There A Difference Between A Khazar Jew and A Palestinian Jew?, Lottye Kilgo Keech 16pp., pamphlet, [mcg = (1.50)]
The Origin of Love, “Racism” and “Hate”, Lottye Kilgo Keech, 16pp., pamphlet [mcg = (1.50)]
The Patriot (1938), Vol. 1, No. 2, Were the Germans justified in their attack against the Jews? Why have the Jews encountered trouble in every nation?, 56pp., [mcg = (5)]
The Present Attempt to Dissolve the American Union: A British Aristocratic Plot (1862), by Samuel F. B. Morse and Sidney E. Morse, 42pp., booklet, [mcg = (4.50)]
The “Purim” Massacre in Korea (1949) Marilyn B. Allen, 16pp., pamphlet, [mcg = (1.50)]
The Racial History of Scandinavia: An Outline (1962) Lundman, 16pp., [mcg = (1.50)]
The Riband of Blue and the Lace of Blue (c.1885), Charles Stanley (not to be confused with modern preacher from Georgia), 54pp., booklet by mainstream minister, really not that good, but I added equal amount of my own corrective notes, which I believe, may make it a good tool to help reach others with the truth. [mcg = (4)]
The Right To Work Versus Slavery (1944) Milo Blish Pinkerton, 96pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (12)] Chapters: Rights Defined; Free World Market vs. Slavery/Roosevelt & Free World Market; Churchill & Imperial Preferences; Republican National Platform (tariffs); Democratic National Platform (tariffs); Peace Proposal: How to Get Out of War; Slavery Analyzed; Pearl Harbor: How We Got Into War; Sketch of Anne Robert Jacques Turgot/Turgotism & Nazism/Nazi Platform; Work Defined: Collective Bargaining vs. Scientific Distribution; Atlantic Charter/Letter of Turgot/Roosevelt-Hitler Correspondence.
Seizing the Lord’s Inheritance, Rev. Herbert L. Brown, 30pp., [mcg = (3)]
At the Sign of the Pelican: A Tale of the Reformation in France (Founded on Fact) (1900) Brida Walker, 105pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound; in same series as books by W. Martin Stanley; originally written on a youth level in 1900, prob. on average non-collegiate adult level today. very rare, [mcg = (11)]
The Battle Axe of Jehovah (1928) Charles H. Porter, 224pp., very rare, Christian Anglo-Israel perspective 18.00 + P&H.
Beraysheeth: or In the Beginning (1901) Rev. George O. Barnes, 140pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound; very rare title by Anglo-Israel believer, but not necessarily overtly B.I.; [mcg = (14)]
The Best Book of All and How It Came To Us (c.1901), Rev. F. J. Hamilton, D.D., 100pp., plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (12)] Youth level in 1901, prob. average non-collegiate adult level today; how the Bible was written/preserved and how it came down to us.
The Brave Boys of Derry, or, No Surrender! (1901) W. Stanley Martin, 100pp., plastic-comb-bound [conflict between Catholics & Protestants in Irish town of Londonderry] [mcg = (10)] Originally written on youth level (now prob. average non-collegiate adult level)
British Israel: How I Came To Believe It (1928 reprinting of The Anglo-Israel Post-Bag... see below in next section), Titcomb, comb-bound, 212pp., plastic comb-bound; [mcg = (15)]
Cardinal Mindszenty, Lieut. Hilary Cotter, R.N., with brief biography/photos added by R.A.B./S.T.M., 16pp., [mcg = (2)] Patriotic Hungarian R.C. Priest who suffered for his stand for freedom.
The Covenant Oath of Jehovah (1919), Augusta Cook, 332pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, intro. by Bible giant, Dr. Dinsdale T. Young [mcg = (22)] Comprehensive book by respected Christian Anglo-Israel believer.
I Will Maintain: The Story of the Glorious Revolution (c.1900), W. Stanley Martin, re-typeset, 88pp., [mcg = (7.50)] (originally written on a youth's level, probably average adult level today)
Light from the Book of Daniel: On History, Past, Present and Future (1927) Augusta Cook, 237pp., very rare, [mcg = (20)]
The Red Shield or Know Your Enemy - With a Preface Consisting of Extracts from the Official Report of the U.S.A. Intelligence on the Russian Communist Revolution of 1917 - Giving names of those financiers who financed it, and those who engineered it in Russia (1925); British-Israel Association of Greater Vancouver; 20pp., + genealogical chart of Judah to Queen Elizabeth; originally small 3”x5” small print pamphlet; reprinted in standard booklet size; 24pp., [mcg = (3)]
Rome Underground or The Testimony of the Catacombs Against the Errors of Romanism (1897) W. Stanley Martin, 63pp., [mcg = (7)] Originally written on a youth level (now prob. average non-collegiate adult level)
The Tinker of Bedford and the Book that He Wrote (1901) W. Stanley Martin; 106pp., [mcg = (11.50)] [John Bunyan/Pilgrim’s Progress] Youth level in 1901, prob. average non-collegiate adult level today.
Torchbearers of France and the Netherlands - Torchbearers of Truth (c.1910) 160pp. + illustrations; containing 2 books: The Story of William the Silent and Holland’s Fight for Freedom (1907) W. Stanley Martin, 88pp.; and The Fights and Flights of the Huguenots, by Ebenezer Wilmhurst; 70pp.; plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (17.50)] (originally written on a youth's level, probably average adult level today)
Turn or Burn: The Lewes Protestant Martyrs’ Memorial Volume (1901) W. Stanley Martin with Rev. F. J. Hamilton; 33pp.; 8.5x11, plastic-comb-bound, [mcg = (7.50)] (this was not on a youth level)
Verse By Verse, From Genesis To Malachi: An Examination Of The Old Testament Scriptures Bearing On The Discovery Of Israel (1901) Rev. W(alter). M(etcalfe). H(olmes). Milner, 196pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (15)] or paperback by another publisher [mcg = (20) (reg. 23)]
The Visions of Isaiah (1950) Augusta Cook, 160pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (12)] very rare; author was an Israel believer and a very respected lecturer (Founder and President of Protestant British-Israel League).
Wheat Germ (1950) Christopher Johnson, 48pp., computer enhanced (by same publisher as the books by Marc Dixon, Molasses, Honey, Brewer's Yeast), [mcg = (5)]
Yogurt Spells Health: Rediscovery of an Ancient Therapy (1950) Miklos Worth, 64pp., [mcg = (5)]
Abraham: Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins (1935), Sir Charles Leonard Woolley, Litt.D., dedicated to Rudyard Kipling, 299pp. (SBS) 20.00 + P&H; NOTE: THIS BOOK IS REALLY NOT RECOMMENDED. The author reveals himself to not be a christian and he is deceived by paganism in his interpretation of archaeology. However, in case someone wants to read it, it is available. Very disappointed when I learned what it actually contains, for he was revered as an exceptional archaeologist and his discoveries and conclusions are mentioned in numerous respected books.
Adam and the Adamite; or, the Harmony of Scripture and Ethnology (1882) Dominick McCausland, Perhaps the best book on the who Pre-Adamic question by, ironically, a dispensationalist; Adam was not the first man, existence of non-white Pre-Adamic races, local flood theory, dispersion of the Adamites, a book of archaeology, history, ethnology, and language. 328pp., computer-enhanced, regular book size, plastic comb-bound 25.00 + P&H very rare book. [see also Builders of Babel.] Though I disagree with the local flood theory, and the old earth theory, and that the Serpent was a beast of the field, this is a rare book and I offer it for any value it may have.
Addresses Delivered To British-Israel Congress (1920) Brit-Isr World Federation, 290pp. (SBS, AIP, CEE) [mcg = (22)]
Addresses Delivered To British-Israel Congress (1923) Brit-Isr World Federation, 230pp. (SBS, AIP, CEE) [mcg = (18)]
Albert Schweitzer Collection (an incredible man: Ph.D. in theology, Ph.D. in philosophy, Medical Doctor, world’s best organist of his day, foremost authority on the works of J.S. Bach, missionary, he wrote many other books on theology and philosphy (though liberal). I have read these books below and they are fascinating.)
Albert Schweizer Collection, #1 (4 books in 1) 2x2, 8.5x11 comb bound: 1. On the Edge of the Primeval Forest (1922) & 2. More From the Primeval Forest (1931), 222pp.; 3. From My African Notebook (1938), 132pp.; 4. Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography (1933), 288pp. [mcg = (32)] [“The Forest Hospital at Lambarene” is the same book as “More from the Primeval Forest” and therefore, is not included in this collection as it would be redundant.]
Albert Schweizer Collection, #2 (2 books in 1) 2x2, 8.5x11 comb bound: 1. The Wit and Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer (1949), 112pp.; 2. Albert Schweitzer: An Anthology (1947), 324pp.; [mcg = (16)] very interesting and light reading, salient excerpts from #1 and #2 and others
American Police State, Serge Monast, 278p (OSB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (30)] [author died under mysterious circumstances; his materials were not the best assembled & may not be best for the money for average person; his work must have merit, or he wouldn't have received “gov’t” harassment (kidnapping his children) and ultimate “heart attacks" he & his collaborator (Prof. Robert O’Driscoll) both “received.”]
American Race Theorists: A Critique of Their Thoughts and Methods (1952), Byram Campbell, 159pp., plastic comb-bound, computer enhanced, book sized, [mcg = (16)]
American War Songs (1925), National Committee for te Preservation of Existing Records of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America (covers Revol. War, W. of 1812, Mex. W., Civil W., Span.-Amer. W., WWI), 240p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (20)]
Ancient America (1872), John D. Baldwin, 300pp., [mcg = (20)] [See Section D] [OSB]
Ancient and Modern Israel (1922): an address given by Rev. S. R. Gordon, D.D., LL.D. (President Emeritus, Tulsa University; former President, Tulsa University; former Director of Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh; former Dean and Professor of Bible at Kendall College at the Presbyterian Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma; 40p. booklet [mcg = (4)] Re-type-set
The Ancient Egyptians and the Origin of Civilization (1923), G. Elliot Smith, 240p. (2x2) [mcg = (18)] [See Section G]
Ancient History (1730-1738) Charles Rollin, 4 vol, c.780p./each, (2x2), Vol 1 (from 1855 London ed. with intro. & biog. from 1829 ed.) Vol 2,3,4 (from latest London ed. c.1900) [mcg = (55 each) or (180) for set)] EXCELLENT! Christian perspective. Extensively quotes Herodotus, Pliny, etc. Quoted extensively by later historians. [See Section G]
Anglo-Israel and His First Prince for the Holy Land: Shown From Scripture Prophecy; with Strains for Palestine and Notes on the Enemy (1900), Rev. Hibbert Newton, Vicar of Michael’s, Southwark 166pp., standard book size, plastic comb bound, computer enhanced edition [mcg = (10)] (the book is 2/3 in poetic form; prob not of interest to anyone except someone who likes to read or collect any old Israel titles) (same author who wrote Israel Discovered in the A-S Protestant Nations, 50pp., [mcg = (4)])
Anglo-Israel or The Saxon Race (1880), W.H. Poole, 688p. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (40)]
Anglo-Saxon Israel or Israel Britain: An Explanation of the Origin, Function and Destiny of the Norse-Anglo-Celto- Saxon Race in the British Empire, U.S.A., Holland, Scandinavia and Iceland (1934), Adam Rutherford, 825 pages (including 200pp. of chronological tables) + 5 maps, plastic comb-bound and bound in 2 volumes [SBS AIP] [mcg = (65)] [See Section D for abbreviated pb., ed.]
The Anglo-Saxon World (c.1944), Supplementary Number (Vancouver B.C.) (OSB, CEE, AIP), 48p. [mcg = (8)]
Anthropology (1878), Dr. Paul Topinard, 548p. + xvi, (SBS) [mcg = (36)]
Anthropology for the People: A Refutation of the Theory of the Adamic Origin of All Races (1891), by “Caucasian” (Rev. William H. Campbell), Refutes both the theories of monogenism and evolution, local flood viewpoint, Bible deals only with the Adamic race, strong Southern viewpoint, 334pp., (2x2, xerox format), plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (18)] Though I disagree with the local flood theory, and the old earth theory, and that the Serpent was a beast of the field, this is a rare book and I offer it for any value it may have. Also available in [mcg = paperback (28) (reg. 31) or Hb., (40) (reg. 46)]
Apostolic Faith Missions and the So-Called Second Pentecost, H. A. Ironside, 16pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (1.25)]
Are All White Men Israelites? (c.1960?), Theodore Fitch, 72pp., computer-enhanced edition; early American book on Christian Anglo-Israel and origin of the races, though it contains error it is rare and has some good material; [mcg = (6)]
Atlantis: Antideluvian World (1908), Ignatius Donnelly, [mcg = 500pp., plastic comb-bound (SBS) (28); pb. (34) (reg. 39); Hb. (48) (reg. 54)]
(1) Are We Israel? or British-Israel Truth: Being Reply to “Anglo-Israelism” (1897), H. Aldersmith, M.B., F.R.C.S./Rev. Chancellor Hanan, M.A., D.D.; (2) The Great Distinction between “House of Judah” (Jews) and “House of Israel” in these “Latter Days” (1896), Aldersmith; (3) The Second Advent (1897), Aldersmith; 64p (stpbk., CEE, AIP). (3 booklets in 1) [mcg = (6)]
The Aryans: A Study Of Indo-European Origins (1926), Childe, 221p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (15)]
The Assassination of Joe McCarthy, Medford Evans, 303pp., [CEE SBS] [mcg = (25)]
The Beast of the Field in the World (previously titled: The Negro: Serpent, Beast & Devil; 1979), 120pp., [SBS CEE]; though I do not agree with the author on numerous points (confusing the Negro with the Serpent in the Garden, that there are only 2 primary races, that there is no literal Satan, etc.) there is some very interesting information to be gleaned from this book for those who are discerning. [mcg = (12)]
Bed-rock (1948), Coffin, (companion vol. to Brass Tacks), 100p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = 10)]
Behold The Dawn (1961, 1967 ed.), Gilbert Saddler (South Africa) 202pp. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]
The Bible Answers the Race Question (1945), F. R. Ackley, 24pp., (CEE) [mcg = (2.50)]
Bible Arch of British Israel Truth From Gen. To Rev. (1910), L. Sapsworth, 88pp., [SBS CEE] [mcg = (10)]
The Bible Speaks to America (1947), William Kulgren, 95pp., plastic comb-bound (CEE) [mcg = (12)] rare book on various topics by early Anglo-Israel believer and patriot.
Birth of A Nation (1932), D. Bayley and L. Furze-Morrish, 230p. (2x2, AIP) [mcg = (16)]
Bishop Strossmayer’s Speech [Vatican 1870] (Bishop testifies Papacy not found in Scripture) 23pp., (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (2.50)]
The Boer Fight For Freedom (1902), Michael Davitt, 600+p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (40)]
The Book of the Princes of Wales: Heirs to the Crown of England (1860), Dr. John Doran, 555p. [reprinted from #10 in a deluxe edition limited to 1000 copies) [Chancellor-Bishop Houghton of St. David’s in 1377 (see p. 138 of Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, Balaicius/STM) in speech given on p.204 declared that England was Israel.] (2x2) [mcg = (35)]
The Bounds of the Nation (1962), W.G. Findlay (So. Africa), 36pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (4)]
The Bostonian Ebenezer (1698), Cotton Mather, sermon on the deliverance of Boston and Boston’s Christian roots, 32pp., [mcg = (3)]
Brass Tacks (1944), Coffin, 48p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP [mcg = (5)]
Brief History of the First Church in Plymouth, from 1601-1901, Cuckson, 117pp., plastic comb bound (does not contain the 15 pages of introduction which were missing from the copy I found) [mcg = (15)]
Britain & America: Lost Israelites or 10 Tribes Identified in Anglo-Celtic Race (1902) Rev. Mckillop, 520p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (35)]
The British Empire in the Light of Prophecy and National Regeneration (1950), Bernard L. Bateson, F.Ph.S., M.R.S.L., (2 booklets in 1) 68p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (7)]
British History, A Challenge to Reason (1946), F. Wallace Connon, 64pp. (CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]
British-Israel: How I Came to Believe It (1875), Bishop Titcomb (1st Anglican Bishop to Rangoon, Burma) 212p. (2x2, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (16)]
British Israelites: Evidences of Our Hebrew Origin (1885), Lt.-Col. H.W.J. Senior, 178pp., [CEE] [mcg = (18)]
British-Israel, the Plain Argument (1935), P.W. Thompson, 20pp. [mcg = (2)] [CEE]
British-Israel Truth (1926), ed. by Hanan/Aldersmith, 274p. (2x2, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (17)] [See Section Q]
British Nation Identified With Lost Israel (47 identifications) (1874), Edward Hine, 297p (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]
The British Nation: The Lost Ten Tribes (1878), Canon Brownrigg, Incumbant of St. John’s Church, Tasmania, 32pp [mcg = (3)] [CEE]
The Builders of Babel (1874) Dominick McCausland, Discusses the migrations and dispersion of Noah’s three sons Ham, Shem, and Japhet; discusses the Vedic times in India, the role of the Adamite, plurality of races. Valuable information and rare perspective on Biblical anthropology. 303pp., computer-enhanced, regular book size 25.00 + P&H; very rare book. [See Adam and the Adamite.] Though I disagree with the local flood theory, and the old earth theory, and that the Serpent was a beast of the field, this is a rare book and I offer it for any value it may have.
Case Against Integration (1974), M.L. Moser, Jr., (Pastor, Central Bapt. Ch., Little Rock, Ark.), 74pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (7)]
The Catholic Church and the Jews, Maj-Gen. Count Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich, 20pp., booklet [mcg = (1.75)]
Caveat Against Injustice or An Inquiry Into the Evils of a Fluctuating Medium of Exchange (1752), Roger Sherman, 58p, (stpbk., CEE) forward by F. Tupper Saussey [mcg = (6)]
Celestial Cycles and the ‘Even Times’ Prophecy (1951), C.F. Parker, 36pp., computer-enhanced, stapleback [mcg = (3.50)] rare
The Celtic Druids or an attempt to shew that the Druids were the Priests of Oriental colonies who emigrated from India (1829) Goddfrey Higgins, 96p. introduction + 324p. of main text (OSB) [mcg = (40)] [See Section D]
Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876), Smith, 335p. (SBS) [mcg = (20)] also available in pb. [mcg = (29) (reg. 31)]
Champion of the Kingdom: The Story of Philip Mauro (1961), Gardiner, 79pp., (main text, 100pp., total), plastic-comb-bound, rare, computer-enhanced [mcg = (10)]
Children of Laughter (1942), Major Fred T. Foort (Indian Army), only chapter IV (10 pages), author apparently published each chapter by itself; has some interesting info, though he believed Anglo-Saxons are Israel, he is in error thinking the modern day Germans descended from Ishmael. (stplbk, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (1.50)]
Christ and His Brethren: Anglo-Saxons and Their King (1930), Fuller-Good, 320pp., (2x2 xerox format) plastic comb-bound [mcg = (22)] rare
Christian Education and Anglo Israel (1906), Rev. A. M. Hills, D.D. (President of Texas Holiness University, 90pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (10)]
Chronicles of Eri; Being a History of Gael Sciot Iber: The Irish People; Translated From Original Manucripts In Phoenician Dialect of Scythian Language (1822), Roger O'Conner, 453p. (2x2, CEE) [mcg = (26)] (author anti-catholic Irishman, political prisoner wrote history of Ireland; even though it was taken from him & destroyed several times, he finally completed it. He also stated that the Irish were descended from Israel.)
Coincidence or Treason? (1962), Rose, 8pp., exposes Chief Justice Earl Warren as communist. [mcg = (1)]
The Collected Shorter Works of Isabel Hill Elder (originally pamphlet size 8.5x4.25, re-type-set in standard book size, plastic comb-bound; includes: Britain the Fruitful Bough; Buddha the Israelite; The Cup of the Last Supper; The House of Levi; In Former Times; Joseph of Arimathea; St. James: First Bishop of Jerusalem; The Story of Glastonbury; Truth Never Dies; The Uplifted Red Right Hand c. 328pp., plastic comb-bound [mcg = (18)]
Collected Works of Joan Hofmeyr: (South Africa); 1 title was 8.5x11; the others were off-size w/ small print, I enlarged all to 8.5x11 & comb-bound all in 1 vol.: Land In The Shadows, 9pp., The Book of Hebrews and Its Promises, 29pp., O Captive Daughter of Zion, 39pp., Raising An Ensign, 57pp., and South Africa: The Mount Zion He Loved?, c.220pp. [mcg = (20)]
A Collection of Curious Discourses written by Eminent Antiquaries upon Several Heads in our English Antiquities Together with Mr. Thomas Hearne’s Preface and Appendix to the Former Edition. To which are added A Great Number of Antiquary Discourses Written by the Same Authors (c.1771); 2 vol., c.825pp., total (2x2), 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (45)] very rare (used copies in any condition start around $300) During the Reign of Edward VI (Son of Henry VIII) the King commissioned a group of (what we would call) historians to collect histories and historic information from ancient records and to publish these findings so that the information would not be lost. During the reign of Bloody Mary this work was abandoned but once Queen Elizabeth took the throne the project was picked up again. The results of this project are published in these two volumes. The content is wide. Subjects include matters of law, duties of heralds, money, religion, arms and others. Of interest to ME were, the history of Brutus (the Trojan) coming to Britain, Joseph of Arimathea and Apostles coming to Britain, the history of good king Lucius proclaiming Britain a “Christian” nation, How King Lucius received a copy of the Old and New Testaments from Elutherius Bishop of Rome (around the year 167 AD) - Thus showing that the Bible had been canonized long before the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The section on religion in volume II confirms most of the information in “St. Paul in Britain” by Morgan, “Drama of the Lost Disciples” by Jowett, and other such books. This set will also be of value to those who are researching the beginnings of our English Common Law. All of the information in these two volumes were gathered from records which were “ancient” in the 1500’s. Many of these records are now lost but their contents are preserved in these two volumes.
A Collection of Tracts, Containing: Banders Disbanded (a discourse on the Licensing of Ministers); The Poor Man’s Cup of Cold Water... (words of Encouragement to the suffering saints in Scotland); and A Testimony Against Paying of Cess (Tax) to an Unjust and Unlawful Government or Wicked Rulers (1697, 1805 Edition), Mr. Robert M’Ward, 288p. (2x2, CEE) [mcg = (15)] (older print, s’s look like f’s)
Color, Communism and Common Sense (1963), Johnson (black man exposes Communist infiltration of black churches and the black people, 84pp., [mcg = (6)]
The Coming of Christ and Israel-Britain’s Identity (1937), Rupert C. Thomas, 80pp., computer-enhanced, stapleback [mcg = (7)] rare
Commentaries on the Laws of Ancient Hebrews (1853) E.C. Wines 640p. (SBS) [mcg = (40)]
Commentary on Whole Epistle of Hebrews (1655, 1866 edition, 3 vol.) William Gouge; 1162p.; (2x2, CEE) [mcg = (75)]
Common Sense #472, May 1, 1966 (21st year), 4pp., 11x17; reprint of this patriotic newsletter issue in which the names of many “jews” are given--“jews” who changed their name to try to hide their identity. [mcg = (1.25)]
Conquest of A Continent (1934), Madison Grant, 395p. (SBS) [mcg = (25)] [See Section D]
Conquest of Civilization (1926), Breasted, c.700pp. (SBS) [mcg = (45)]
Constitutional History of England (1921), Adams, 518p. (2x2) [mcg = (28)]
The Covenant People, Journal of the Imperial British-Israel Assoc., Sept., 1918, c.50p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]
The Covenant People, Journal of the Imperial British-Israel Assoc., June, 1920, c.50p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]
(War) Crimes Discreetly Veiled (1958), F.J.P. Veale, 240pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound, [mcg = (12)]
Crossing the River (1930) Goard, 85+p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]
The Cult of Equality (1945), Stuart Omer Landry, Exposes the dangers and fallacies of the racial equality doctrine, unfavorable effect of race mixing on various nations, argues that racial integrity is not at odds with the Christian faith, civil and polite tone, Southern viewpoint. 359pp., (2x2, xerox format), plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (18)]
Culture and Kulture Race-Origins: The Past Unveiled (1919), Herbert Bruce Hannay, 160pp., [CEE SBS] [mcg=(20)]
Cyrus I. Scofield: Pope of Premillenialism, transcribed from a talk given by Nord Davis, Jr., 16pp., booklet [mcg = (1.50)]
Daniel’s Forecast (1964), Maynard James, 23pp., stapleback, computer enhanced edition, [mcg = (1.50)]
Dawn of European Civilization (1958), Childe, 368p. (8½x11) [mcg = (22)]
Day of the Saxon (1912), Homer Lea, 249pp. [SBS CEE] [mcg = (18)] Brilliant mind warns whites about absorbing nonwhites
Dealing In Hate: The Development of Anti-German Propaganda, Conners, 40p. [mcg = (4)]
Death at Katyn (1944), computer-enhanced, 48pp. [mcg = (4)] Thousands of Polish (and Lithuanian) officers were massacred by the Soviets during WWII and buried in mass grave in a forest--and during the Nuremberg War Crimes trials the Soviet Judges blamed it on the Germans. It has been proven that the Soviets did it, and recently, the Russian government confessed.
The Death of James Forrestal (1966), Cornell Simpson, 200p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (18)]
Destiny of British Empire and U.S.A. (1921; 12th ed. 1940), The Roadbuilder (Lt.-Col. Wm. Gordon MacKendrick, D.S.O.), vx/204p. (SBS, AIP), [mcg=(15)]
Diggers For Facts: The Bible in the Light of Archaeology (1940), J.O. Kinnaman, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., D.D., M.V.I., 239pp., computer-enhanced, standard-book size, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (20)]
The Disasters of Miscegenation, Stough, 28p. (OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg=(4)]
Discoveries Among the Ruins of Ninevah and Babylon (1853) Sir Austen Henry Layard, M.P., xvi/586pp. (very rare book) (SBS) [mcg = (40)] [see also Section G]
Discovery of the Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla: Ireland’s Famous Monarch and Lawmaker Upwards of 3,000 years ago (1873) Conwell, (presented to the Irish Royal Academy), 69pp., computer-enhanced edition, [mcg = (6)]
Dispensationalism Justifies the Crucifixion, excerpted from his book, “God’s Present Kingdom” (1919) & A Few Thoughts on Dispensationalism and Zionism excerpted from “Gospel of the Kingdom” (1927), Philip Mauro, 28pp., (CEE) [mcg = (3)]
Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goths: Being an Introduction to the Ancient and Modern History of Europe (1787), John Pinkerton, xxvipp./209pp., [CEE SBS] quality near perfect. very rare book [mcg = (25)]
Divine Diet, Dr. Clem Davies, 49p. stpbk. [mcg = (5)] [CEE] [AIP]
The Divine Directive For Our Time (1953), Coley, 64p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]
Divine Programme of World History (1892), Dr. and Mrs, H. Grattan Guinness, 455pp., plastic-comb-bound, [mcg = (28)] also available 1888 ed. 468pp., [mcg = pb., (36) (reg. 38); Hb. (48) (53)]
Divine Time-Measures (1933) Nicklin, (2x2 AIP) 206p. [mcg = (14)] [See Section K]
Documents of Destiny (or Father Time KC) (1958), F. Wallace Connon, 158p. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (14)]
Does Jerusalem Belong to the Jews?: The Bible Truth About the Origin of the Jews, Jonathan Elsworth Perkins, 48pp., [mcg = (5)] very rare booklet [the text of parts of some pages are a little light] (shows “jews” are Canaanites)
Dominion (c.1960), George F. Jowett (author of Drama of the Lost Disciples), 72pp., [mcg = (5)] (Israel identity of Canada)
The Dooms of King Alfred, (the laws of England established c.890 A.D. were based upon the Bible and God’s Law) 58p, (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (6)] (bilinear; one page is the Anglo-Saxon/Old English original, the other page is the English translation)
The Downfall of Russia: Bolshevism and Judaism (1934), Captain Victor de Kayville, 24pp., [mcg = (2.50)]
The Dutch Declaration of Independence (1581), 16pp., [mcg = (1.50)] (this title is included in Documents of Anglo-Aamerican Freedom) (Old South Leaflet #72)
Duty to Civilization (1923), Francis Nielson, 140pp., [SBS CEE] comb-bound [mcg = (12)]
Early Civilizations of the Nordic Peoples (1965), Roger Pearson, 36pp., [mcg = (4)]
Early Egypt, Babylonia and Central Asia (1927) David Davidson (rare book; with dozens of 11x17 fold-out maps, charts, etc.), over 150p. (OSB, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (45)]
The Early Kings of Norway (c.1850), Thomas Carlyle, 107pp., [CEE SBS] [mcg = (10)] (covers Harald Haarfagre to Hakon the Old: c.850-1250) [though short and inexpensive, it is not the best on the topic; any others are better.]
The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations: Proved by a Comparison of their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages (1857) James Cowles Prichard, edited by Robert Gordon Latham, xx./387pp., [mcg = 8.5x11 (2x2) plastic comb-bound xerox (18); pb., (25)]
Edison Interview on the Money Question/The Ford Interview on Muscle Shoals (1921) 12pp., (CEE) [mcg = (1.50)]
Early Scottish Church (1864), Rev. Thom. M’Lauchlan, x/450p. [SBS] [mcg = (30)]
Earth’s Annular System (1912), Vail (earth originally had ring like Saturn) (2x2) 406p. [mcg = (24)]
Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the Cymry: or the Ancient British Church; Its History, Doctrine, and Rites (1844), Rev., John Williams, 412pp. total, 2x2, comb-bound, [mcg = (20)]
Elementary Spelling Book, Noah Webster (1st edition 1829, enlarged facsmile 1992), 174p. (SBS, wire bound CEE) [mcg = (10)]
Elements of Hebrew: An Inductive Method (1886; 1894 ed.), William R. Harper, Ph.D., 204p. (SBS) [mcg = (15)]
An Emerging Civilization (1952), C.R. Dickey (author of One Man’s Destiny; 214pp., [CEE SBS] [mcg = (20)] excellent
Endless Punishment (1885), Shedd, 212pp., computer-enhanced, standard book size, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (14)]
Enduring Empire of the British (1927), Rev. P. H. Pritchett, basic BI material, 79pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (6)]
The Enemy Within (1964), Wycliffe B. Vennard, 29pp., pb., [mcg = (3.50)]
England and Europe (1943), John Amery, 31pp., [mcg = (3)] Amery and Joyce (author of Twilight Over England) were both hanged by their own country, Britain, for ‘treason”. Other patriots like Mosley were “interred” under orders of Winston Churchill (who himeself was part “jewish”). The famous writer Exra Pound barely escaped death himself. All for daring to oppose the “jewish” powers that be.
England: Remnant of Judah and Israel of Ephraim (1860; 2nd ed. 1881), F.R.A. Glover, c.200p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]
England Under The Heel of The Jew (c.1918) [being Extracts and Summaries from “A Thousand Million Pounds”* by W. E. Bleloch and A. E. O’Flaherty,] by Dr. John Henry Clarke, reprinted in 1921 (from the works of Clarke) by Gen. Raymond Rudman (Provincial Leader [Natal], South Africa National Party),16pp., computer-enhanced [mcg = (1.75)] briefly covers how the Jew infiltrated Germany and England and how the Jew used England to seize South Africa. [*A Thousand Million Pounds for us or Germany? The Gold of the Far East Rand (1917), 333pp., William Edwin O’Flaherty and Alfred Ernest Bleloch. This complete rare book is also available in 2x2 xerox, comb-bound format; inquire for details.]
The English Bible: History of the Translation of the Holy Scriptures into the English Tongue (with specimens of the Od English Versions) (1856); Mrs. H. C. Conant, 466pp., 2x2 8.5x11 plastic comb-bound [mcg = (23)]
English Hexapla (1841) 6 early versions, side by side columns: Wiclif (1380), Tyndal (1534), Cranmer (1539), Geneva (1557), Rheims (1582). King James (1611), including 160 p. history of English translations; also includes original Greek text of Scholz with various readings of Textus Receptus and principle Constantinopolitan and Alexandrian manuscripts, & complete collation of Sholz’s text w/Griesbach’s 1805 ed. [mcg = (100)] c.1200pp., (2x2) [See Section B-1]
Englishmen Israelites, Turks Edomites, Politics and Prophecy (1896) H. Herbert Pain, 168p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (15)]
Equality: Can Man Improve on God? (1912), Thomas E. Watson, 6pp (CEE) [mcg = (1)]
European and Other Race Origins (1914), Prof. H.B. Hannay, 492pp. (SBS CEE AIP) [mcg = (45)]
Essays on Segregation (1960). T. Robert Ingram (editor); 108pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (11)] (produced from a copy owned by Larry Lent (with her signature), secretary of Sen. Joseph McCarthy) nontechnical, by several Episcopal ministers.
Essays on The Death Penalty (1963), edited by T. Robert Ingram (with essays by leading Christian thinkers of the day, such as C.S. Lewis, Ingram, E.L.H. Taylor, William A. Barnett, G. Aiken Taylor, Jacob J. Vellenga, Gervas A. Carey), 138pp., computer enhanced, standard book size, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (12)]
Ethnos or the Problem of Race (1931), Sir Arthur Keith, 92pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (14)] (being prepared, may be an extra week or two to ship)
Evolution of Israel: Story of English Race from 721 B.C. To Present Day (c.1900) Captain De Weldon, 405p. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (25)]
Evolution or Creation? (c.1930), Sir Ambrose Fleming, 114pp., computer-enhanced, book sized, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (12)] English physicist who participated in the early beginnings in Britain of the telephone, electric lighting, and electric telagraphy; he invented the first thermionic valve or vacuum tube, the diode (then called the kenotron), 1904; and he invented the right hand rule, used in mathematics and electronics. Amazingly, Fleming states, (p.118,119 Origin of Mankind), “Hence, the conclusion that the fundamental species of Man—Caucasian, Mongolian, and Negroid, must be regarded as originally separate Divine Creations, not simultaneous. In an excellent book by Mr. Dominick M’Causland, now out of print,* called Adam and the Adamite,* the above view is strongly held, namely, that of the three apparently distinct fundamental races of mankind inhabiting different parts of the earth’s surface now and in long time past, the Caucasian was the last to make its appearance and the other two were previous to it, whilst the Caucasian cam not by evolution from the others, but by separate creation and endowed with higher faculties than the other two.” [See Adam and Adamite and Builders of Babel in this section). See Fleming’s other book, The Origin of Mankind Viewed from the Standpoint of Revelation and Research.]
Explain: Why Has Britain Chosen For Her National Coat of Arms the Lion of Judah and the Unicorn of Manasseh?, F. Wallace Connon, 30p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (3.50)]
Ezekiel’s Temple and Sacrifices (c.1940), Rev. T.H. Whitehouse, M.A., D.LITT., 22pp. stplbk [mcg = (2.50)]
Facets of the Great Story (1954), H. Robin Tourtel (South Africa), 174p. (2x2, CEE) [mcg = (12)] very good
Faith of Our Fathers (c.1955), Col. William Potter Gale, 54pp. booklet [CEE AIP] [mcg = (5)]
Faith of Our Fathers (c.1935), Kenworthy, 36pp., [mcg = (3.50)]
The Family of Fasken (1931), by Brig.-Gen. W.H. Fasken, C.B., (author of Israel’s Racial Origins and Migrations), 8.5x11, plastic comb bound; 33pp., + 3pp. of genealogical chart of Fasken Family. I have added a picture of Gen. Fasken to the cover and the book contains one of his parents and a detailed family history. very rare book. [mcg = (10)] [OSB CEE]
Father Abraham’s Children (1949), Perry Edwards Powell, Ph.D., 157pp., book-sized, computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (16)] establishes the Hebrew/Israelite origins of European royalty, Normans, Anglo-Saxons, Irish, Scots, Danes, the Trojan Welsh, the Trojan French, the Trojan Roman, Druidism and Christianity, not a rehash of other British-Israel books, unique material. rare
The Federal Reserve Bank: Greatest Steal in American History (1934), Congressman Shoemaker, 11pp., [mcg = (1)]
Federal Reserve System: Legal or Illegal? (1966), Warren Jefferson Davis, 28pp., (CEE) [mcg = (3)]
The Fifth Monarchy (1913), Waddington, 52p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)] (on prophecies of Daniel)
50 Years of Treason in 100 Acts (1964), W. B. Vennard, Sr., 32pp., booklet, [CEE], [mcg = (3)]
The First Germanic Bible (1891) G.H. Balg, 469pp. 8.5x11 (original size); The Gothic N.T. of Wulfila (c. a.d. 350); with Gothic-English lexicon and grammar; 3200 + P&H; by another company (10”x7”): paperback 39.00; Hb., 54.00
Five Collected Works of Pastor William Lester Blessing: 1. The Key of Knowledge; 2. Survival; 3. Freedom; 4. Prosperity; 5. Restoration (1953), Five separate books in 1 collection. Blessing was one of the first BI ministers to move in a consciously Christian Identity direction. His books deal with the mystery of True Israel, the origin of the races, restoration of the Church, health advise, and prosperity teachings, unique slant of some issues., truth mixed with error; for the discerning reader; c.400-500pp., 8.5x11, xerox format (2x2), plastic comb-bound [mcg = (32)] very rare book.
Footsteps of Israel: From Eden to the City of God (1930) Samuel Greenwood, [CEE SBS] 346pp., rare book [mcg = (28)]
The Ford Sunday Evening Hour Talks - Fourth Series (1937-1938), W.J. Cameron, 135pp. computer-enhanced, regular book sized, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (10)] (Series 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 also available and will be prepared upon the first request).
Foreign Entanglements Through United Nations (1952) Congress. Record, Hon. John Wood, 4p. 8.5x11 paper [mcg = (.50)]
46 Angry Men: 46 Civilian Doctors of Elisabethville Denounce UNO Violations in Katanga (of Its Own Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Geneva Convention), Preface by Mr. Paul Struye, President of Belgian Senate. 96pp., comb bound. [mcg = (10)]
Foundations of Nineteenth Century (1914), Houston Chamberlain, 2 vol., c.1280pp. total, (2x2) [mcg = (60)] (rare book)
Four Essays by Francis Parker Yockey: Tragedy of Youth (1939), What is Behind the Hanging of 11 Jews in Prague? (1952), Destiny of America (1955), and World in Flames (1961), 44pp., [mcg = (5)]
Forty Years of Roosevelt (1944) T.W. Hughes, 48pp., [mcg = (6)] very rare booklet
Francis Daniel Pastorius’ Description of Pennsylvania (1700), 20p. [mcg = (1.25)]
The Franks: A Critical Study in Christianisation and Imperialism (written in 1940 in Dutch; this is the English translation), F.J. Los, 112pp., [mcg = (10)] [CEE SBS] (author sadly knocks Christianity, however, more properly he saw many of the evil influence of Catholic religion, including de-Germanization and weakening of Germanic peoples. He presents quite a different view of Charles the Great (original Dutch title of his book was “Charles the Frank: “the Great”?). Regardless of its flaws, it offers a unique perspective with good information.
Free Money: What It Means to Industry and Agriculture: A New System of National Finance Under a Co-operative Government (1936), W.E. De Witt and Keen Polk (author of The Way Out and Everything After Its Kind), 159pp., [CEE SBS] very rare [mcg = (13)] Biblical solution to money and expose of modern money (in 1936).
French and Belgians (1879), Phebe Earle Gibbons, 416pp., (author of Pennsylvania Dutch and Other Essays--a fascinating book; this is written in similar style, her observations of the French and Belgian people during her extended visit there) [mcg = 8.5x11 (2x2) plastic comb-bound (17); pb. (31 (reg. 35); Hb. (44) (reg. 50)]
From Major Jordan’s Diaries (1952), Maj. George Racey Jordan, 124pp., computer enhanced, expanded to 8.5x11 due to small print; plastic comb-bound, photos, Maj. Jordan, following orders, gave our Atomic secrets to the Soviets; his diaries expose the subversive element in our nation. [mcg = (16)]
From Troy to Britain (c.1900), William James, 30pp., booklet, computer-enhanced, [mcg = (4)]
The Fulness of Nations (1889), Dr. Alder Smith, xixpp./350pp. + foldout chart, (2x2 AIP) [mcg = (30)]
The Future of Britain (1912), Col. Garnier, 76p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg=(8)]
The Future of Israel and Judah (1880) Dr. Joseph Wild, 128p. (2x2, AIP) [mcg = (10)]
The General History of Ireland (translated in 1841 from the original Irish Language; written in early 1600's), Jeoffry Keating D.D., 600p. in 2 vol (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (70)] (very rare book)
Genesis Disclosed Being The Discovery of a Stupendous Error Which Changes the Entire Nature of the Account of the Creation of Mankind Also Showing A Divine Law, Plainly Laid Down, Proving The Error That All Men Have Descended From Adam and Eve (1874), Thomas A. Davies, retypeset [mcg = CEE, plastic comb-bound, 128pp., (13); or pb., 224pp., (21) (reg. 25)]
Genesis Vindicated (1941) George McCready Price, 313pp., 2x2, 8.5x11 [mcg = (16)]
Gentiles Have Slips of Paper, Jews Have Gold & Lawful Money (1933) Congressional Record, McFadden, 4p. booklet [mcg=(.25)]
Geography of the Gates (1880), Philo-Israel (Edward W. Bird, C.S.I., Esq.), 192p. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (14)]
(George Washington’s) Rules of Civility and Behavior in Company and Conversation (110 rules Washington followed his whole life even from his youth, 24pp., stapleback, (2.50)]
George Washington’s Vision and Prophecy for America, Grady, 24pp., stapleback [mcg = (2)]
Germany and Peace: A Soldier’s Message (1934), Rudolf Hess, 20pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (1.50)]
Germany Must Perish (1941), Kaufman, 97pp., pb., [mcg = (12.50)]
Getting to Enforce the Real Constitution (1983), Norman Crowhurst, 33pp., [mcg = (3)]
Glastonbury: The Mother of Saints: Her Saints from A.D. 37 to 1539 (1927), Rev. Lionel Smithett Lewis, Vicar of Glastonbury, 108p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]
God Counts: Amazing Discoveries in Bible Numbers, W.E. Filmer, 86p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (8)]
God’s Commonwealths: British and American (With A Chapter on Christ’s Visit to Britain (1928), The Roadbuilder (Lt-Col. William Gordon MacKendrick, D.S.O.), xv/286pp., (SBS, AIP) author not the best writer, or his style is of a different era, as well as being very folksy and casual. [mcg = (18)]
God’s Covenant Man: British Israel (1927), Odlum, 310p. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (22)] [See Section Q]
God’s Great Plan: A Guide To the Bible (1939), R. Llewelyn Williams, 179pp. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (14)] [See Section Q]
God’s Promise to His Plantations (1630), John Cotton, 16pp., [mcg = (1.50)] (Old South Leaflet #53)
The Gothic History of Jordanes (1915 edition; English edition with Introduction and Commentary by C.C. Mierow) or De origine actibusque Getarum [Of the Origin and Deeds of the Goths] or [as abbreviated] Getica [Goths] [written c. a.d.550], Charles Christopher Mierow, Ph.D., vipp./188pp., [CEE SBS] quality near perfect. rare book [mcg = (20)]
Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language (1870), F.A. March, 253pp., [regular book sized, computer enhanced, [mcg = (22)] will produce upon first order] or available in now 8.5x11 (2x2) xerox format [mcg = (14)]. Specify which
Grammar of the Gothic Language (1910), Joseph Wright, 383pp., [regular book sized, computer enhanced, [mcg = (30)}—will produce upon first order] or available in now 8.5x11 (2x2) xerox format [mcg = (22)]
The Great Awakening: God’s Call To Great Britain (From Genesis to Revelation) (1929), Fuller-Good, 460pp., [CEE SBS] [mcg = (35)]
Great Britain Great (1927), Prof. Odlum, 50p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]
Greatest Subversive Plot in History: Report To Amererican People on UNESCO (1951), Congressional Record, Hon. John Wood, 2pp., 8.5x11 [mcg = (.30)]
Greatness & Decline of the Celts (1934) Henri Hubert, 330p. (SBS) [mcg = (22)]
The Grim Truth About Fluoridation (1964), Robert M. Buck, 128pp., [mcg = (14)]
Guthones (The Goths): Kinsmen of The Lithuanian People (1929) Alexander Rackus, M.D.; 432pp., [CEE SBS] very rare book, left side of page is English/left side is Lithuanian. Gives a list of words in Gothic and Lithuanian (and English) to show relation [mcg = (28)]
The Hand of God in History or Divine Providence (1864), Hollis Read, 335pp. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (25)]
Healing By Obedience (c.1938), Smith, 48p (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]
Hear the Other Side: The Afrikaner Side and the German Side; Schoeman, 76pp. stapleback [mcg = (5)]
Hebrew and English Some Likenesses Psychic and Linguistic (.c1920), J. J. Courtenay, 134pp. [CEE SBS AIP] [mcg = (12)] rare book
Hebrews in East Anglia (1870), Dr. Moses Margoliouth, very rare book. 112pp., (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (12)] author gives proofs concerning “jews” in England, undoubtedly early Hebrews, not “jews.” Contains some interesting info.
The Heir of the World or the Nations of Europe as Descended from Abraham: The Cymry and Gael (1876), by “A.S.” [Col. John Cox Gawler, Keeper of the Crown Jewels] 164pp. [CEE SBS AIP] [mcg = (16)] rare book
Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race (1928), M.H. Gayer, O.B.E., 95p. (OSB, CEE, AIP) book with a very detailed chart (2½’x3½’) [mcg = (22)] (chart is currently rolled. Note: P&H = 500 extra to be mailed in a tube, otherwise, it will be folded and placed in the back of the book, as the original was).
A Hind Let Loose: Testimonies of Church of Scotland (1687; 1797 ed.), Alex. Shields, 750+p. (2x2, CEE) [mcg= (40)]
His Side vs. Our Side: Galatians - God’s Great Antithesis (1940), Norman B. Harrison, 130pp., computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (12)]
Historians’ History of the World: (Vol. XVI.) Scandinavia (1907) Henry Smith Williams, D.D., 530pp., 8.5x11 (original size), available for a donation of 4500 + P&H. The writing style is a little less smooth than others, but it contains an incredible amount of information and is well worth it. [will produce upon first order]
Historical Outlines on Lithuania (1921) Joseph J. Hertmanowicz, 43pp., stapleback, [CEE] copy of this rare book which I have re-done, adding extra photos of famous Lithuanians, for the cover I have used a copy of the famous painting, The Battle of Zalgiris” by the “Czech Rembrandt” Jan Matejko. [mcg = (6)]
History of Ancient World (For High Schools and Academies) (1904) G.S.Goodspeed, 482pp. (SBS) [mcg = (32)]
The History of Ancient Caledonia (c.1870) John MacLaren, 128p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) (very rare book) [mcg = (16)]
History of the Anglo-Saxons (1841), Sharon Turner, 2 Vol 1284p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg=(70)] RARE FIND, Excellent Book! [See Section D]
History of the Carlock Family and Adventures of Pioneer Americans Including the Kimbrough, Goodpasture, Hoyle, Fite, Fancher, Lee, Wells, Judy, Tracy, Settles, Rowell, Moore, Cornelison, Harrold, Brown, and Other Connecting Families (1929); Compiled and Published by Marion Pomeroy Carlock, 655pp., 8.5x11 (original size); interesting history, genealogy, biographies (with many photos) of these families; plastic comb-bound, probably only interesting to those whose families it covers; but interesting history overall. [mcg = (35)]
History of Great Boer Trek and Origin of South African Republics (1899), Hon. Henry Cloete, LL.D., (SBS), xxiv/196pp. (SBS, [mcg = (20)]
The History of Ireland from the Earliest Period to the Present Time (1867; 1885 ed.), Martin Haverty. Plastic comb bound in 2 volumes, Computer enhanced edition which took over 500 hours to produce. 8.5x11 (original size), 1,162pp., including many nice illustrations, and some additional chapters on Celtic literature and the geography of the major counties of Ireland (which were not in the 1867 ed.). [mcg = (12500)] Note: This is not itself The Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters which is contained in 7 volumes and is over 4,000 pages. [A reprint of the entire Annals... is available for 150000 + P&H, or an original for 6,50000 + P&H.] Haverty drew his material directly from the Annals..., gleaning the most relevant information; he drew further from the modern editors of the Annals... (Dr. O’Donovan, Professor Eugene Curry, The Rev C.P. Meehan, Dr. R.R. Madden, and Other Eminent Scholars), through extended, personal communication with them. This book by Haverty was considered the finest work on Irish History at the time he wrote it and no other modern work has come close to it. A Massive and Very Rare Book. Most respected and thorough book on early Irish History. The entire text is in tact, however, the last 6 pages of the index in the back are missing, as are 1 or 2 minor pages of illustrations that are not pertinent to the text. It also contains a short history of “The Annals of Ireland by the Four Masters” and a brief biography of the Four Masters, their editors and translators (and their photos when possible), Haverty, and others who wrote classic works on the history of Ireland (such as Geoffrey Keating, Villanueva, etc.) written and compiled by R.A.B./S.T.M.
[See Section D, “Annals of Ireland”]
History of the The Langobards (Lombards) (1907) by Paul the Deacon [a.d.700s], 437pp., 4000 + P&H. [computer enhanced] rare
History of Latvia (1951), Alfred Bilmanis, 450+pp., (2x2) [mcg = (23)]
A History of Marranos (1932), Cecil Roth, 422pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound, [mcg = (21)] (Sephardic/Spanish jews and “converts”)
The History of Normandy and of England (1857), Sir Francis Palgrave, 4 Volumes total 3,248 pages; 8.5x11 (2x2) [mcg = (32 each) or (110) for set] Very rare book. Definitive history of the Normans. Vol. 1 covers: Medieval Europe, Carlovingian Empire, Danish expeditions into Gaul, Establishment of Rollo; Vol 2: Rollo, William Long Sword, Richard Fearless, Carlovingian line replaced by Capet; Vol 3: Richard Fearless, Richard Good, Richard III, Robert Devil, William Conqueror; Vol IV: William Rufus, Ascession of Henry Beauclerc. Also available in more costly paperback printing, see section D.
The History of the Northmen or Danes and Normans, From the Earliest Times to the Conquest of England by William of Normandy (1831), Henry Wheaton, 367pp,. [mcg = (28)]. Very rare book. Excellent [computer enhanced] [also available in pb., (34) Hb., (44) (reg. 49)]
History of Puritans & Pilgrim Fathers (1888): Puritans in England, W.H. Stowell, & Pilgrim Fathers, D. Wilson, 508pp., (SBS) [mcg=(30)]
History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin (8 vol., 1880 edition) J.H. Merle D’Aubigne, 1) Geneva And France (466p.); 2) Geneva And France (493p.); 3) France, Switzerland, Geneva (492p.); 4) England, Geneva, France, Germany, and Italy (522p.); 5) England, Geneva, Ferrara (498p.); 6) Scotland, Switzerland, Geneva (546p.); 7) Geneva, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, the Netherlands (605p.); 8) Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Netherlands, Geneva, Denmark, Sweden, Norway (484p.); 4106p., 93p. indx. 8 vol. set, (2x2) [mcg = (200)] [See Section B-2]
History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France (2 vol., 1886, 1895) Henry Baird, 1127p., with 26p. index; 2 vol. set (2x2) [mcg = (60)]
History of Scandinavia: Denmark, Sweden, and Norway (1839), S. A. Dunham, Vol. 1, xxivpp./328pp [CEE SBS] quality near perfect. (covers from earliest times to c. a.d.1020.; eventually vol. 2 and 3 will also be available). Rare book [mcg = (28)]
The History of the Rediscovery of Israel (1946) & The Father of the Rediscovery of Israel: John Wilson (1950), A.B. Grimaldi, (2 booklets in 1) 32pp., [mcg = (3)]
The History of the Swedes (1832-36 in Swedish), Eric Gustave Geijer; translated from the Swedish by G. H. Turner, ESQ., M.A. (c.1845); originally 5 volumes written and printed in Swedish; the English translation contains the first 3 books which covers from earliest times to 1654 the ascension of Charles X. [CEE OSB] quality near perfect. xvi.pp.,/348pp., [mcg = (40)] Very rare book. Considered a landmark text on the topic.
History of the Wars (Books V. & VI.): The Gothic War, Procopius, written c. a.d. 460. by Procopius,an attache of (Germanic) Roman General Belisarius. Re-typeset, c.230pp., [mcg = (16)] very interesting for students who enjoy Viking and/or Roman histories. [both for (30)]
History of the Wars (Books III & IV): The Vandalic War, Procopius, written c. a.d. 460. by Procopius,an attache of (Germanic) Roman General Belisarius. Re-typeset, c.230pp., [mcg = (16)] very interesting for students who enjoy Viking and/or Roman histories.
A History of Ulster County [New York] Under the Dominion of the Dutch (1923), Augustus H. Van Buren, 168pp., computer-enhanced, pb., very rare book [mcg = (18)]
Holiness: The False and the True (1912), H.A. Ironside, 142p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (12)]
Hon. Thurlow Weed on Morgan Abduction (1882) 16p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (1.50)] (Capt. Morgan murdered for exposing Masonry)
Horae Apocalypticae;* or, A Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical; Including Also An Examination of the Chief Prophecies of Daniel (1837; 1862 ed.); Rev. Edward Bishop Elliot (1793-1875); [* “Hours with the Apocalypse”] Counter Reformation considered to have three parts: Jesuits, Inquisition & Council of Trent.... it seems justifiable to suggest a fourth aspect, namely the praeteristic and futuristic interpretations launched by Catholic expositors as a counterattack (p. 47). The most invaluable work ever produced on the Apocalypse, it contains around 10,000 references to ancient and modern works. The author was a premillenialist, however, this does not invalidate all the valuable information contained herein. Spurgeon wrote that it was the “standard work on the subject.” 2611pp., with 29pp. index.] 4-volume set: 8.5x11, 2x2 xerox, plastic comb-bound, 10000 + P&H; 4-volume paperback set, 16500 + P&H (reg. 17500).
How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves (1906), Kingston, 460pp., (2x2) (20)] [See also Section D]
How Diplomats Make War (1915), Francis Nielson, 382pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound, [mcg = (19)]
Human Cost of Communism in China, Prepared at Request of Sen. Tomas Dodd for Subcom. to Investigate Admin. of Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate, 1971, 44p [mcg = (4)]
Human Cost of Soviet Communism, Prepared at Request of Sen. Tomas Dodd for Subcom. to Investigate Administration of Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of Committee on Judiciary United States Senate, 1971, 40p [mcg = (4)]
The Identity: Elements in the “Britain is Israel” Thesis: A Juror Looks At Evidence (1978), Watson, 61pp., booklet [mcg = (5)]
Identity of Religions Called Druidical & Hebrew (Demonstr. from Nature & Objects of Worship...) (1829), 125p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (15)]
Identity of Lost Ten Tribes of Israel with Anglo-Celto-Saxons, E.Hine, 64p (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]
If You Calmly Listen (1943), L. Buxton Gresty, 241pp., 2x2 xerox, 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (15)] an early apologetic treatment of questions and anwers proving the Israel origin of the Celto-Saxon peoples (originally published serially in Destiny Magazine in a column titled, “Blind Is My Servant”—and also published in book for in England under that same title.)
The Importance of Race In Civilization, Macleod (1968) 100p. (SBS CEE) [mcg = (10)] excellent!
Indian Atrocities! Affecting and Thrilling Anecdotes Respecting the Hardships and Sufferings of the Brave and Venerable Forefathers, in their Bloody and Heart-Rending Skirmishes and Constests with the Ferocious Savages; Containing Numerous Engravings Illustrating the Most General Traits of Indian Character, Their Customs and Deeds of Cruelty, with Interesting Accounts of the Captivity, Sufferings, and Heroic Conduct of Many Who Have Fallen Into Their Hands. (1846); 32pp., staple-back booklet, computer-enhanced rare reprint, [mcg = (3.50)]
In Former Times (c.1950), Isabel Hill Elder, 44pp., computer enhanced, enlarged, pamphlet size [mcg = (4.50)] (this is just one of her titles in pamphlet form; it has been reproduced in retypeset collection of all her smaller titles. See Collected Shorter Works of Isabel Hill Elder)
Intelligence Work and the Bible: Digest of Kingdom Truth (1960), Lt-Col. J.A. McQueen, D.S.O., M.C., 104p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (8)]
Introduction to Genesis (1936), C. F. Parker, 128pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (14)] (Christian Anglo-Israel author, covers Genesis 1-10, attempts to reconcile Assyrian, Babylonian & other myths, legends, and histories with Scripture; leans toward belief in local flood) (being prepared, may be an extra week or two to ship)
In Quest of White God: Mysterious Heritage of S. Amer. Civilizations (1961, from German) Honorè, 230p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg=(18)]
Ireland and the Celtic Church: A History of Ireland from St. Patrick to the English Conquest in 1172 (1888), George T. Stokes, 400pp., [mcg = plastic comb-bound (non-computer enhanced, book size) by STM (22); or not by STM: pb. (30) (reg. 35); Hb., (44) (reg. 50)]
Israel and Orthodoxy (1932) Rev. R.G.F. Waddington, 226p. (8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (15)]
Israel Discovered in Anglo-Saxon, Protestant Kindred Nations: Joseph and Ephraim in England and Her Colonies (1874), H. Newton, 50p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]
Israel: Her Racial Divisions and Geographical Wanderings (1926), Rev., Capt. Merton Smith, 16p. booklet [mcg = (2)] CEE [very rare book
Israel in Britain (1940), by John Leech, M.A., LL.B., K.C. [Point by Point Refutation of W.F.P. Burton’s “Why I Do Not Believe the British Israel Theory”], respected King’s Counsellor and Barrister at Law listed in the “Who’s Who” of his day who quit his job in 1926 to preach the British Israel message. 48 page booklet, computer enhanced. [mcg = (5) very rare
Israel’s Hope Encouraged (c.1680), John Bunyan, 126pp. (SBS, CEE), [mcg = (10)]
Israel’s Task and Her Silent Partner (1933), Rev. Alban Heath, 64p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]
Israelites Found in the Anglo-Saxons (1874) William Carpenter, 300p. (8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (18)]
Israel, Judah & the Jew (1962), Olive A. Brake, 36p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (3)]
Israel Redivivus (1905), F.C. Danvers, 315p (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (22)]
Israel’s Migrations or An Attack Answered (1947), C.F. Parker, 32p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (3)]
Israel’s Racial Origins and Migrations (c1920), Brig.-Gen. Fasken, 100pp., plastic comb-bound., computer-enhanced (forward by Rev. Pascoe Goard) [mcg = (12)]
Israel’s Wanderings (1900), “Oxonian,” (Rev. Milner) 175p (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (16)]
Ivan Panin Collection #1: [2 booklets in 1], 76pp., [mcg = (6)] containing: The Inspiration of the Scriptures Scientifically Proven (1934) and The Inspiration of the Hebrew Scriptures Scientifically Proven (1928), computer enhanced
Ivan Panin Collection #2: [3 booklets in 1], 172pp., 8.5x7, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (18)] containing: Bible Numerics, The Last 12 Verses of Mark, and The Shorter Works of Ivan Panin., computer enhanced.
Jackson and the Bankers, Kenneth Johns, 8pp., booklet [mcg = (1)]
Jehovah’s Truth versus Satan’s Lies (c.1940?), British-Israel Association of Greater Vancouver (Canada), 12pp., (CEE) [mcg = (1.50)]
The Jew Among the Thorns, short tale ommitted from most editions of Grimm’s Fairy Tales after 1935. 8pp. booklet [mcg = (.50)]
The Jew Comes To America: An Expose of His Career (c.1950; no author, originally published by the Thunderbolt), 219pp., computer enhanced, book sized, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (20)]
The Jewish Question (c.1930?), R. H. Sawyer, 16pp., (CEE) [mcg = (2)] rare
Jewish Question in Poland (1919), Bujak (prof. of Cracow Univ.), 50p. (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (4)]
Jewish Crimes Exposed, The National Socialist #6 (Phoenix Publishers, London) (c.1963), 6p. (11x17 tabloid) [mcg = (2)]
The Jew of Malta, Chrisopher Marlowe (born 1564), his play (on Jewish Ritual Murder) and introduction from Plays of Christopher Marlowe (1909), 88pp. booklet, [CEE] [mcg = (7)]
The Jew, The Gypsie, and El Islam (1898), Sir Richard Burton (appndx on ritual murder mysteriously “disappeared,” and has been “lost” for over 100 years) 351p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (18)] [See Section J]
The Jews In America (1923), Burton Hendrick, 171pp., (2x2); interesting book; not written “against” them, but in the attempts to understand and explain them; nontheless, some very interesting info [mcg = (10)]
Judaic-Communism versus Christian-Americanism (1946), Marilyn B. Allen, 80pp., (was a pamphlet but reproduced in 8.5x11 manuscript, corner stapled (2 pamphlet pages per 8.5x11 page) [mcg = (6)] rare
Kingdom Law of Divine Healing (1953), W. Pascoe Goard, 47pp., (CEE) [mcg = (5)]
Kings and Quakers: A Dialogue Between King Charles II and William Penn, 12p. booklet [mcg = (1)]
Lancelot Andrews (1952), Florence Higham, 128pp. (SBS, CEE) [mcg=(12)]
Land of Unwalled Villages (c.1950), Halliwell, 20pp., (CEE) [mcg = (2)]
Land Patent (Will America rediscover the safeguards the Founding Fathers constructed to save the nation from a landed aristocracy?), 28pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (2.50)]
The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life (c.1910), Evan H. Hopkins (one of the founders of the Keswick Convention and first editor of The Life of Faith), 128pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, [mcg = (12)] One of the best handlings of the believer’s relation to the Law of God from a mainstream perspective; an excellent book and highly recommended.
Leaders of the Lutheran Reformation (1917) Board of Publication of the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, 146pp., [SBS] [mcg = (15)]
Lectures on Theology (1850), Dr. John Dick, 2 vol., 1100+p. (2x2) [mcg = (55)] [See Section Q]
Legacy of an Assassination, Pastor Norbert Murray (1964), 479pp., (2x2) Kennedy Assassination [mcg = (25)]
Legal, Psychological & Political Warfare (1965), George Lincoln Rockwell, 60p. (OS-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (8)]
Legends of the Shawangunk (Shon Gum) and Its Environs, Including historical sketches, biographical notices, and thrilling border incidents and adventures relating to those portions of the counties of Orange, Ulster and Sullivan lying in the Shawangunk Region (1887), Philip Henry Smith (born 1842), 200pp., pb., [mcg = (22) (reg. 25)] Also briefly mentions a few stories of Tom Quick.
Life From the Dead: Being a National Journal Associated with Identity of the British Being Lost Isael, Edward Hine, (previously available volumes) Vol. I. (c.1873-4), 444pp., [mcg = (25)]; Vol. II. (1874-5), 380pp., [mcg = (22)]; Vol. III. (c.1876), 380pp., [mcg = (22)] Vol. IV. (1877), 380pp., [mcg = (22)] Vol. V. (1878), 380pp., [mcg = (22)] Vol. VI. (1879), 380pp., [mcg = (22)] Vol. VII. (1880), 380pp., [mcg = (22)] annual volumes of Hine’s monthly magazine (Many articles frequently written by Col. Gawler, Piazzi Smyth, Philo-Israel, Major Nickle, Bishop Titcomb, Rev. Glover, etc.) (2x2 xerox), 8.5x11, plastic comb bound. These are extremely rare. (if ordering more than 1 volume, take an extra $2 off per volume. If ordering the complete set, take $25 off.
Lightbearers of Darkness, “Inquire Within” (Carol Stoddard) 215p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (16)] [See Section S]
Light For the Last Days (1918), Grattan Guinness, 360pp., 2x2 [mcg = (15)] [see Section Q]
Lincoln’s Negro Policy (1938), Ernest Sevier Cox, 64pp., [mcg = (5)]
Links In Chain of Evidence Connecting Israel With England (1876), J. L. Feilden, 130p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (14)]
Lithuania: The Awakening of a Nation (1924) Age Meyer Benedictsen, translated from the Danish, 248pp., 8.5 x 7 [mcg = (28)] Rare book. This is one of the best books I have read on Lithuania (the Lithuanians, of which I am descended, are descended directly from the Scythians and philologists agree that Lithuanian is the most ancient living language (having the best claim to being the original Indo-European parent tongue--the language Adam spoke) and is related to the Germanic, Slavic, Scandinavian, as well as the Latin, Greek, and even Sanskrit, yet being distinct in its own Baltic language family. Rare book. The author, a Dane, is therefore an objective recorder of Lithuania, its people, language, and history. Excellent history overall.
Lost Israel Found in the Anglo-Saxon Race (1886), E.P. Ingersoll, 84p (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]
The Lost Tribes of Israel (1907; 1908 ed.), Reader Harris, 85pp., (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (8)] (very rare book)
The Lost Tribes Found in Assyrian Archives, Our Scythian Ancestors, & Who Were The Scots?, (3 booklets in 1) 24p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) W.E. Filmer [mcg = (2.50)]
Lost Ten Tribes: Anglo-Israel by a Jew (1884), Elieser Bassin, 32p. stapleback., [mcg = (4)] computer-enhanced edition, facsimile reprint from a rare copy produced by Clem Davies Ministries c.1940.
Lost Tribes & the Saxons of the East & the Saxons of the West (1861), Dr. George Moore, M.D., 440p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, book sized (25); pb., (32) (reg. 39); Hb., (48) (reg. 54)]
Books by: Lumen (Major Jonathan Samuels): Samuels was an incredible scholar and Israel believer. He used a pen name and people did not know who he was but praised his works. Bullinger used Lumen’s works for the dates Bullinger gives in the notes and appendices in the Companion Bible for Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Those crossed out are being prepared
- The British Church, 33pp. [We have not located a copy yet to reprint.]
- The Fullness of the Time: The Key To Bible Dates (1908), 502pp. [CEE SBS AIP] very rare book [mcg = (50)]
- Far Hence Unto the Gentiles: St. Paul in a New Light (1915), 348pp. [CEE SBS AIP], very rare book [mcg = (35)]
- Master of the Magicians: The Story of Daniel Re-told (1906), 460pp. [CEE SBS AIP] very rare book [mcg = (45)]
- The Prince of Judah: The Days of Nehemiah Re-dated (1907), pp.; [This appears to merely be the same as True Story of Babylonian Captivity printed under different name...?]
- Some Collected Shorter Works of “Lumen” - Major Jonathan Samuels, V.D., R.G.A.; with Photos of Major Samuels, and the following writings: The Date of Malachi, Assyriology and Its Bearing on the Biblical Narrative, Scholars At Variance, and Chro- nological Coincidences, published between the dates 1911-1916 in numerous publications; 64pp., [mcg = (5)] very rare [CEE AIP]
- The True Story of the Babylonian Captivity: A Challenge to Commentators (1904), 171pp.; [mcg = (18)] very rare [CEE Christian Israel perspective]
Magna Charta (1215), picture of document & retypeset English translation of Latin document, 24pp. booklet [mcg = (2)]
Martial Law Rule (1991), Robert W. Wangrud, Edited by Randy L. Geiszler, c.200pp., computer-enhanced edition, plastic comb-bound, rare [mcg = (20)] (will prepare upon first order, so be patient, may take a week or two extra)
Martin Luther King Jr.: His Three-Pronged Attack On: I. Christ and the Bible; 2. The United States of America; III. Law and Order (1968), by Church League of America, Wheaton, Illinois, c.56pp. [CEE OSB] [mcg = (7)]
The Marvels of Bible Prophecy (1938) Maj.-Gen. H.N. Sargent, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., 340+p. (8½x11, CEE, AIP) [mcg=(20)]
Marxism and Judaism (1947 English translation from La Revue de Paris, July-Aug. 1928), 50pp., pb. [mcg = (6)] [CEE]
Masons Control the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church, Rev. Ragelis (Lithuanian), 8pp., booklet [mcg = (1)]
The Master Plan (1968), Rev. A.S. Gaunt, 56p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]
Memoirs (1950, 1953 ed.), Franz von Papen, 634pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound, [mcg = (26)] [von Papen = Franz Joseph Hermann Michael Maria von Papen zu Köningen (1879-1969), German nobleman, 22nd Chancellor of the German Reich (1932) and Vice-Chancellor (1933-1934), 13th Chancellor of Weimar Republic.] I don’t know if it contains anything important but I am making it available.
Message To The Church From The 19th Century (1887), Bishop J.H. Titcomb, D.D. 142pp., (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (12)]
Migrations and the Kingdom, N. Nielson, (printed by Stough in Anglo-Israel Message, 1936), 72p, (OSB, AIP) [mcg=(8)]
Mirror of Egypt In The Old Testament (c.1920) Liet.-Com. Victor L. Trumper, R.N.R., M.R.A.S., 174pp., (SBS) [mcg=(25)]
Miscellaneous Writings on the Lost Ten Tribes by Surgeon-General Dr. J.M. Grant, M.D., excerpted from The Banner of Israel, Volume XIII, 1889, [CEE AIP] 58pp., stapleback booklet [mcg = (4.50)]
The Missing Links: or The Anglo-Saxons, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel (1901) Rev. Morton W. Spencer, 2 vol. c.950pp. total (2x2 xerox format) plastic comb-bound [mcg = (60)] very rare
The Modern Hebrew and Hebrew Christianity (1882), Rev. Elieser Bassin, C.M., Ph.B., 275pp., [mcg = (22)] [CEE SBS AIP] very rare book. Author, a “jew” and former rabbi, who wrote “Ten Lost Tribes...” and believed Anglo-Saxons/Britain were Israel, gives his life story and how the “jews” tried to kill him when he converted to Christianity after having studied the New Testament --having eschewed the Talmud. May contain some enlightening info, though of course some degree of error.
Modern World & Its Delusions (1944), Maj,-Gen. H.N. Sargent, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., 127p., (SBS, CEE AIP) [mcg=(11)]
Monumental Facts versus Historical Fictions (1909), Henry Marchant, 82pp., computer-enhanced, stapled, very rare book with detailed information: Classics Unreliable; Monumental Evidence; Who Were The Ghomri?; Did Gomer Come Down?: Where and Why Ghomri Went Up; Shomeron, Samaria, Kimmeria; From Gozan to Cappadocia; Yasubi-Galleans; The Median Kings; Kastarita of Kar-Kassi, the Original Kyaxares; Esarhaddon and Te-uspa; Occupation of the Crimea by the Kimmeri; The Twelve Patriarchs of the Kimmerians; The Scythian Invasion of Asia; The Umman-Manda; Destruction of Assyria; Huvackshatara and “the Good Kingdom”; Cyrus the Hebrew; Teispes; The Hakhamani; Sennacherib’s 200,150 Captives; Zoroaster; The Lion and Unicorn; From Medo-Persia to the British Isles; Kimmeria of Homer; Kemarim; What Startled Sayce?; Cyrus and Darius. [mcg = (7)]
More Than A Tax Revolt!: Learn Revive, and Preserve Our Constitution (1982), Dean Allen, Sr., 20pp., [mcg = (2)]
Murder to Order (1967), Anders, 127pp., computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound, standard book size, [mcg = (12)] classic on Soviet methods and history of assassination.
My Answer (1946), Sir Oswald Mosley, 122pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, [mcg = (14)] rare; contains: 1. Preface in answer to Home Secretary (England), 2. Essay in Foreward, 3. Quotations from his speeches from articles in “Action” with quotations of famous statesmen who also opposed the war, 4. Statement written from prison ans sent to Prime Minister/Parliament, and 5. the 7th edition of Mosley’s Tomorrow We Live and “Objections of British Union.”
My Father’s Kingdom (prev. titled, Kingdom of God on Earth) (1933; 1947 ed.), Alban Heath, 208pp. (SBS, AIP) [mcg=(16)]
Mystery Manuscript: A Chronology of the Zionist Master Plan for World Domination (c.1960), 30pp., [mcg = (4)] very rare, computer-enhanced booklet
The Myth of a Guilty Nation (1922), Albert Jay Nock (“Historicus), 114pp., [mcg = computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound (12); pb. (20); Hb. (30) (reg. 35)] Germany was no more guilty than any other nation for WW I.
National Rebirth of Judah (1920), J.H. Allen (Author of Judah’s Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright), 125pp., [CEE SBS AIP] rare book. [mcg = (12)] (Allen terribly confuses the “jews” with Judah and this book is replete with err--but may contain some worthwhile material)
The National Significance of the Book of Common Prayer, Lt.-Col. J.G Wright, 21pp., booklet [mcg = (3)]
Nation’s Glory Leader, Vol. 6 (1878-79) collection of magazine issues by Ed. Hine, 630p. (2x2 CEE, AIP) [mcg= (35)]
Native Races of The Russian Empires (1854), Professor R.G. Latham, 340p. (SBS) [mcg = (24)]
Natural History of Human Races, with primitive form and origin, primeval distribution, distinguishing peculiarities; antiquity, works of art, physical structure, mental endowments, and moral bearing (1869) J.P. Jeffries, 380p. (2x2, CEE) [mcg=(24)]
The Negro: A Beast, or in the Image of God (1900), Professor Charles Carroll, 338 pages, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (30)] very rare and controversial book; certainly not offered to insult any group of people, but offered for its historical value, in addition to any truth it contains. While we certainly do not agree with every concept in this book, he does offer some unique perspective, valid or not. This book is considered by liberals the be “the most virulent and notorious book ever written.” Though I disagree with the local flood theory, and the old earth theory, and that the Serpent was a beast of the field, this is a rare book and I offer it for any value it may have.
The Negroe’s Gift to Portugal (1977), R. I. Peterson, 10pp., [mcg = (1.25)]
Negro-Mania: Examination of Falsely Assumed Equality of the Various Races of Men (1851), John Campbell, 551 pages, [CEE SBS], considered by the left as “one of the most virulent racist hate books ever written”--a foolish label, for there is nothing hateful in it, only anthropological facts. very rare book [mcg = compurter-enhanced plastic comb-bound (35); pb., (43); Hb., (58)]
The New Coming World (1930), Henry D. Houghton, x., 208, viii., pp. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (22)]
New Liturgy: Old Heresy (1981), T. Robert Ingram, 115pp., plastic comb-bound (CEE) [mcg = (11)]
No Liberty Without Law, Federation of the Covenant People (South Africa), 8½x11, CEE, AIP) 190p. [mcg = (12)]
None is So Blind but He that Will Not See, Congressional Record speech of Hon. James Utt (1962), 6pp. booklet [mcg = (1)]
Norway (1899), Sigvart Sorensen, 353pp., computer enhanced, standard book size, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (30)] excellent history, rare.
Notes & Queries on the Origin of British Israel (1920), Helen, Countess of Radnor, 48pp., stapleback, [CEE AIP] with brief biography and photo; rare book [mcg = (5.00)] She wrote this to answer questions by her son and grandsons about their heritage.
Not Guilty At Nuremburg, Porter, 24pp., 8.5x 11 [mcg = (5)]
No Time For Silence, App, 161p. (SBS, CEE) (collection of classic revisionist treatises) [mcg = (13)]
Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials, Richard Harwood, 70pp., [OSB CEE] [mcg = (12)]
Objections to British Israel Teaching Examined (1951) J. Llewellyn Thomas, 64pp. booklet [mcg = (5)]
The Oldest Trial in All of Recorded History, Gordon C. Peterson, 60pp., stapleback, retype-set, successful trial lawyer and member of Minnesota Legislature shows who the Beast of the Field is [mcg = (6)]
Old Testament Chronology (1933) G.W. Gayer, 126pp. (SBS, CEE, AIP) with 3 large folded charts (rare book) [mcg=(25)]
Oliver Cromwell (1892) Frederic Harrison, 228p. (8½x11) [mcg = (14)]
101 Evidences Proving The Divine Origin and Destiny of The English-Speaking Peoples: Questions and Answers* (1946), Charles Benham, 122pp.+10pp., with photo, introductory and biographical information; [CEE AIP SBS] [mcg = (12)]
100 Reasons and More Why the British are Israelites (1933), Rev. R.G.F. Waddington, 60pp., [CEE AIP] [mcg = (6)]
100,000,000 Guinea Pigs: Dangers In Everyday Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (1935), Kallet/Schlink, 312pp., though a lot has changed, a lot is still the same and this book has great info. [mcg = good used hb. original (20); 8.5x11 (2x2) comb-bound photocopy (16)]
Only One Road (1949), Hon. L. H. Hollins (Australian Statesman), 221pp., (SBS, AIP) well-researched and balanced presentation on what’s wrong in the world, history, money, politics [mcg = (20)]
The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints For A World Revolution (1928), H.G. Wells, 271pp., 8.5x11, (2x2), comb bound [mcg = (14)]
The Origin and Destiny of the Jews (c.1950?), Rev. Philip E.J. Monson & F.E. Rogers, preface by William Kullgren, 32pp. [mcg = (3.50)]
The Original Mr. Jew (c.1887), author unknown [later published by J.B. Stoner/The Thunderbolt] (CEE), 308pp., plastic comb-bound [mcg = (25)] (good early expose of the “jews”)
Origin and History of British Nation and its Connection with Lost Ten Tribes of Israel (1878), by “Meni”, 76pp., [mcg = (6)] [CEE AIP]
Origin of the Aryans (1889), Isaac Taylor, 350p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (24)] [See Section G]
The Origin of the English (early 1900’s), Major B. De W. Weldon, 286p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (22)]
Our British Ancestors: Who & What They Were (1865), Canon Sam. Lysons, 555pp. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg=(35)] (very rare book)
Our Descent From Israel Proved By Cumulative Evidence (1931), Colquhoun, 262p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (20)]
Our Great Heritage: With Its Responsibilities (1927; 1937 ed.), W.T.F. Jarrold, (2x2, CEE, AIP) xxviiip./378p [mcg=(19)] [See Section L for paperback version]
Our Scythian Ancestors (1875), Col. J.C. Gawler, 44p. (stplbk-OSB-CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4.50)]
The Painted Savages of England (1934), Rev. Alban Heath, 48p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]
The Panama Canal, interesting general info from a pamphlet c.1978, 8pp. 8.5x11 [mcg = (.50)]
A Panorama of the World’s Legal Systems (1928), John Henry Wigmore, 3 vols., 1,237pp., 8.8x11 (original size) [mcg = (125)] Well illustrated; an incredible summary of Anglo-Saxon/Celtic (and other) law.
The Passing of The Great Race (1916), Madison Grant, 248p., (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (20)] a classic! [see Section G]
The Pattern of History (1942), Destiny Publishers, 26pp., (CEE) [mcg = (3)]
Paul Revere’s Own Account of His Midnight Ride (1775), w/ short account of his life, 12pp. booklet, computer-enhanced [mcg= (1.25)]
The Paul Wilcher Document, 105p. 8 1/2 x 11, Wash D.C. attorney who did independent investigation on Waco, who uncovered evidence of illegal government activity, sent a copy to Attorney Janet Reno, and an hour or so later was found dead, ruled a suicide, Vince Foster died the next day or so. [mcg = (15)]
The Pedigree and History of the Washington Family - Derived from Odin, Founder of Scandinavia, B.C. 70, involving a period of 18 centuries and Fifty-five generation Down to General George Washington (1879), Albert Welles, 370pp.+ 37pp. introduction + several dozen illustrations, [CEE SBS 8.5x5.5] [mcg = (28)]
The Pennsylvania Dutch (1951), Frederic Klees, 451pp., standard book sized, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (24)] (best book on the topic written since Gibbon’s book) covers Penna Dutch, Amish, Mennonites, Schwenkfelders, Brethren, the Church People, Moravians, and others.
The Philadelphia Confession of Faith with Catechism (1869/1720), 120pp. (SBS) [mcg = (10)]
Phoenician Ireland (1837, 2nd edition), Doctor Joachimo Laurentio Villanueva, translated by Henry O’Brien, (with biographical intro. by O’Brien’s brother); 361pp. regular book size Plastic comb-bound, computer enhanced edition [mcg = (35)] + P&H. very rare book
Photos From Racial Elements of European History (1927) Günther, 68 page booklet, [CEE] [mcg = (7)] shows different racial types.
Photos From Races of Europe (1899) Ripley, 47p. booklet, [CEE] [mcg = (5)] shows different racial types.
Place of Prejudice in Modern Civilization (c.1950), Sir Arthur Keith (MacPherson) (1866-1955), 64pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (6)]
A Plea For The Constitution of the United States: Wounded in the House of its Guardians (1886), George Bancroft, 88p., (stpbk., CEE) Preface by F. Tupper Saussey [mcg = (6)]
Poor Richard’s Almanack (1733) (Ben Franklin), 26pp., [CEE] [mcg = (2)]
A Popular History of France From the Earliest Times (1888), François Pierre Guillaume Guizot. Originally in 6 volumes (with 340 illustrations by famous artists); c.800 pages, re-typeset edition, plastic comb bound. Vol 1 (containing the original volumes 1-2) is available now. [mcg = (55)] Truly an excellent history...! Vol 1 covers from the early peoples of Gaul (c.600 b.c.) to the death of Charles V. (1380). Ancient history is the most important. If anyone requests the other 2 volumes I will prepare them also; otherwise just this 1.
Pre-Adamite Man; or, The Story of our Old Planet & its Inhabitants, told by Scripture & Science (1860), James Forbes Young (possibly Isabelle Duncan), Old Earth Creationist arguments, argues for existence of Pre-Adamite non-white races, local flood theory,
speculation on angels, rare material. 319pp., (2x2, xerox format), plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (17)] Though I disagree with the local flood theory, and the old earth theory, and that the Serpent was a beast of the field, this is a rare book and I offer it for any value it may have.
PreAdamites (1880), Prof. Winchell 526p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (35)] also available by different publisher [mcg = pb., (41); Hb., (reg. 56)]
Pre-Adamic Races: Questions and Answers, Clem Davies, 27pp., [mcg = (3)] Also includes a photo of Davies and a brief biography of him and his family compiled by Robert Alan Balaicius.
Predestination: As Taught in the Bible and Verified in History, A Compilation Shewing the Fulfillment of God’s Promises to Israel in the British Race (1895) A.K. Robinson, 151pp., + 16pp., [mcg = (15)] [CEE SBS AIP]
Predestination: Short Account of History of Judah and Israel (1930) Rev. R.G.F. Waddington, 140+p. (2x2, AIP) [mcg = (12)]
The Predicament of Evolution (1925), George McCready Price, M.A., Professor of Geology (Union College, Nebraska), 128pp., standard book size, computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, very rare [mcg = (14)] (author of Genesis Vindicated).
Prehistoric Antiquities of the Aryan Peoples: A Manual of Comparative Philology and the Earliest Culture (1890), Dr. O. Schrader [being an English translation of the Second Revised and Enlarged German Edition], 487p. (2x2) [mcg = (25)] [See Section G]
Pre-Historic Nations: Or, Inquiries Concerning Some of the Great Peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity, and Their Probable Relation to a Still Older Civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia (1892 edition), John D. Baldwin, 414pp., (OSB) [mcg = (28)] Egyptians/Cuthites were white [See Section G]
President Theodore Roosevelt on Race, Riots, Reds, & Crime 101p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (8)]
Primer on Assyriology (1894/1925), Prof. A. H. Sayce, 126pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (15)]
Prioress’ Tale from Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400) from Canterbury Tales Rendered Into Modern English by J. U. Nicolson With Illustrations by Rockwell Kent (1934), 12pp. booklet, [CEE] [mcg = (1.50)] (“jewish ritual murder)
The Problem of Race (1964), “Americanus”, 176pp., plastic comb-bound [mcg = (18)]
Project Blue Beam, Serge Monast, 130p. (OSB, CEE) [mcg = (12)]
Proofs of Conspiracy to Build Total Managed Global Society (1972), Don Bell Reports, c.60pp 8.5x11 [mcg = (7)]
Prophecies of Daniel (1941), Rev. Alban Heath, xxxi/144pp. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (16)]
The “Purim” Massacre in Korea, Marilyn B. Allen, 16pp., pamphlet, [mcg = (1.50)]
Race or Mongrel - A Brief History of the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Races of Earth: a Theory That the Fall of Nations is Due to Intermarriage with Alien Stocks: a Demonstration that a Nation’s Strength is Due to Racial Purity: A Prophecy that America Will Sink to Early Decay Unless Immigration is Rigorously Restricted. (1908) Alfred P. Schultz, 363pp., plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (20)]
Races In Chaos (1960) Rev. W.G. Findlay (South Africa), [CEE AIP SBS] 74pp./ 22pp.,of extensive notes by RAB/STM, [mcg = (8)]
The Races of Britain (1885), Beddoe, 274p. (2x2) [mcg = (22)]
Races of Europe (1899), Prof. Ripley, 624p. (SBS) (pictures of racial types) [mcg = (40)]
The Races of Mankind: A Review (1944), Earnest Sevier Cox, 27pp., computer-enhanced [mcg = (3)]
Racial and National Identity (c.1955), Col. William Potter Gale, 24pp. booklet [mcg = (2)] (CEE)
Racial Chaos and Criminal Anarchy (c.1957) [foreward by Myron C. Fagan], W. Jefferson Davis, 20pp., (CEE) [mcg = (2)]
Racial Contrasts: Distinguishing Traits of Graeco-Latins and Teutons (1908), Albert Gehring, 340p. (SBS) [mcg = (24)]
Racial Difference in Mental Growth and School Achievement (1966), R. Travis Osborne, 36pp., computer-enhanced [mcg = (4)]
The Racial Elements of European History (English translation 1927), Prof. Hans F.K. Gunther, 279p (SBS) [mcg = (20)]
Racial Streams of Mankind (1946), Dr. Clem Davies, 192p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]
The Rape of the Masses: Psychology of Totalitarian Political Propaganda (1940), Chakotin, 310pp., 8.5x11 (2x2) plastic comb-bound xerox [mcg = (16)]
Real Cause of the War by Robert L. Dabney D.D. (Chief of staff to Maj.-Gen. T.J. “Stonewall” Jackson, 7p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg=(.50)]
The Regeneration (1975) R. Collier (Clem Davies Ministries; Davies author of Divine Diet, Racial Streams), 76pp. CEE [mcg=(6)]
Relations Between Ancient Russia and Scandinavia & Origin of Russian State (1877), Vilhem Thomsen, 150pp., (CEE) [mcg = (15)]
Republic vs. Democracy: Communism in America—Do You Live Under Communist Rule in U.S.S.A.?, Randy L. Geiszler, 48pp., [mcg = (5)]
Republic vs. Democracy: Preamble U.S. Constitution—Who are Posterity?, Robert W. Wangrud, Randy L. Geiszler, et al., 24pp., [mcg = (2.50)]
Republic vs Democracy: Triune Republic (c.1980), Robert W. Wangrud and Edward J. Arlt (of now defunct Behold! Newsletter, Oregon City, Oregon), 64pp., stapleback, computer-enhanced reprint, rare [mcg = (7)]
Researches into the Ethnic Origins of Israel (c.1960) C. F. Parker, 83pp., 8.5x7, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (11)]
The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets: In the Catholic Apostolic Church* (1861), Robert Norton, 192pp., (CEE), plastic comb-bound [mcg = (25)] very rare book. [gives true origin of the “Rapture” doctrine, young Scots teenager, Miss Margaret MacDonald, in a “prophetic trance” uttered this revelation (but in reality, she was probably in a tuburcular fever delirium, dying a few years later)--see my book, The Futurist and Rapture Conspiracy.]
Revelation Fulfilled in History (1934), B. Stewart, 174+pp., good presentation from Historicist View that majority of Revelation was fullfilled in European history (not to be confused with the Praeterist View that ALL was fulfilled in 70 A.D.), not from Anglo-Israel perspective, but very good detailed historical analysis. [mcg = (20)] (CEE SBS AIP)
Riddle of Prehistoric Britain, Comyns Beaumont, 208p. (OSB, CEE) [mcg = (24)]
Rights of The Kingdom or Customs of Our Ancestors: Touching the Duty, Power, Election, or Succession of our Kings and Parliaments: Our True Liberty, Due Allegiance, three Estates, their Legislative Power, Original, Judicial, and Executive; with the Militia. Freely Discussed through the British, Saxon, Norman Laws and Histories with an Occasional Discourse of Great Changes yet Expected in the World (writtten 1649; 1682 edition), John Sadler, M.P. (1st book in print known that mentions the Anglo-Israel Truth) (Old English type print where s’s look like f’s. Note: this is from a manuscript that is 325 years old. Due to acid from the ink, some pages bled through the other side; the worst of the pages I painstakingly cleaned up and reconstructed; however, there is a lot of “noise” or spots; some text is faint; some dark. It is all readable; but will not be an easy read. This may be only for die-hard enthusiasts, collectors, researchers. 100 hours have been invested in preparing this for printing. The reprint quality is poor to fair. It is probably 99.5% readable; but may take some concerted effort in some places. Do not order it if you do not think you will be able to handle the care required to read it. One original copy was available on the used market for around $800 a few years ago. It has since disappeared. While I am disappointed with the quality, I am glad to be able to present such a rare title available nowhere else on earth. 319pp. [mcg = (30)] [extremely rare book] [CEE SBS AIP]
The Rise and Progress of the People Called the Quakers [86pp.,] & A Key, Opening the Way to Every Capacity How to Distinguish the Religion Professed by the People Called Quakers from the Perversions and Misrepresentations of their Adversaries; a Brief Exhortation to All Sorts of People to Examine their Ways and Their Hearts, and Turn Speedily to the Lord [40pp.] (1870), William Penn, originally printed in the same book, but numbered separately; computer-enhanced edition, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (12)]
Rise of the Celts (1934) Henri Hubert, 350p. (SBS) [mcg = (24)]
The Robber Barons: Great American Capitalists 1861-1901 (1934), Matthew Josephson, 480p. (Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Morgan, Rockefeller, Astor, Rothschild, etc. (OSB) [mcg = (28)] [See Section J]
Romance of the Wheat: How to Make Good Wholesome Whole Wheat Braed as your Great-Grandmother Did it, Carole Collins (originally published by Nord Davis), 8.5x11, 40pp., stapled. [mcg = (5)]
Russia Cannot Win (1953), Charles Fowler, (Christian-Israel perspective) 193pp. [CEE SBS AIP] [mcg = (14)]
Sabbath To Sunday (from Catholic Mirror of 1893, Archdioc. of Baltimore newspaper under famous Cardinal Gibbons). Amazing confession: change of Sabbath to Sunday solely due to Roman Church. 6p. (11x17 tabloid) [mcg = (2)]
Sacred History of World As Displayed in Creation & Subsequent Events To The Deluge (1834) Sharon Turner, (SBS) [mcg = 2 vol., 1154pp., (70)]
Saint Joseph of Arimathea of Glastonbury or Apostolic Church of Britain (1927), Rev. Lionel Smithett Lewis, 54p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (8)] computer-enhanced
Samuel Untermeyer’s “Sacred War” Speech (1933) with Coughlin’s Comments (1942), 12p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (1.25)]
Satan Fights for Muscovy (1952), L. Buxton Gresty, 128pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (14)] rare
The Saxon Chronicle: A.D. 1 to 1154 (1823), Ingram, 8.5x11 (original size), 463pp., Anglo-Saxon and English translation in separate columns, contains short Anglo-Saxon Alphabet and primer; rare reprint, plastic comb bound, [mcg = (46)] [will produce upon first order]
Scientific Confirmation of Old Testament History (1907), G.F.Wright, 432p. (SBS) [mcg = (28)]
Secret Societies Unveiled: The Evil Purpose Behind Them Exposed (c.1950), 23pp,. computer-enhanced, [mcg = (2.50)]
The Seed of Isaac (c.1880), J.D. Granger, xiv/283pp. (SBS, AIP) [mcg = (25)] (very rare book)
The Separatist Movement in Quebec: Who are the French Canadians? Canadian-British Israel, 12pp., [mcg = (.75)]
The Serbs: Guardians of the Gate (1917), Laffan, 299pp., 8.5x11, (2x2) plastic comb bound [mcg = (15)]
The Shemetic Origin of the Nations of Western Europe (1879), John Pym Yeatman, 292pp., 8.5x11 (2x2, xerox format), plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (16)] Early racial history of the British Isles and Northern Europe, Phoenician origins, Cymry, Anglo-Saxons, Scythians, Tuatha de Dananns, Genesis X, (anti-German error).
A Short History of the Ancient Israelites: with an account of their Manners, Customs, Laws, Polity, Religion, Sects, Arts, and Trades, Division of Time, Wars, Captivities, etc. (translated from the 1808 French edition), Claude Fleury, introduction/forward by Dr. Adam Clarke.; c. 300pp.,; very rare book; not currently available but we can prepare if anyone is interested [mcg = (35)]
A Short Study of Esau-Edom in Jewry (1949), C. F. Parker, 80pp., computer-enhanced, stapleback [mcg = (7)] rare
Showers of Blessing, 3 issues of the newsletter of Pastor William L. Blessing, (Dec. ‘73, Feb. ‘77, Dec. ‘77), and What Is Adultery and What is Fornication? and the Seed Line, 8.5x11, (CEE) plastic comb-bound, 74pp., [mcg = (11)] rare
The Significance in the Name, (Covenant Truth Series, Honeydew, So. Africa), 14pp., computer-enhanced, [mcg = (1.25)]
Sikkim: With Hints on Mountain and Jungle Warfare (1873, Calcutta), Col. Gawler’s (Keeper of the Crown Jewels) experiences in command of the 73rd Regiment, Deputy Adjutant General of the Queen’s Troops in India, 110pp., computer-enhanced edition, quality is good, (a few pictures, quality is poor), [CEE SBS] [mcg = (12)] nothing spectacular or important about this book, I reprint it solely because it was by Col. Gawler (though the book was in its day considered the best of its kind).
Six Old English Chronicles (Ethewerd’s Chronicle, Asser’s Life of Alfred, Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History, Gildas, Nennius, and Richard of Cirencester) (1848), J.A. Giles, editor; 512pp., [CEE SBS] [mcg = (40)]
Sixteen Shorter Works of eminent Rev. A.B. Grimaldi, M.A., F.S.A.: “An Ancient Stone;” “Anglo-Israelitish Roll;” “Are We Israelites?;” “British and Eastern Connections;” “The Castle of Dunstaffnage;” “Cenotaphs of the Hebrew Patriarchs: The Cave of Machpelah;” “The Coronation Chair;” “The Harp of Ireland;” “Hebraic Connections in Ossian’s Poems;” “Israel and the Solar System;” “Jacob’s Stone;” “The Mithraic Tablets;” “The Stone of Scone;” “Succession of Witnessing Israelites” (1 excerpt); “The Twelve Zodiacal Signs of the Twelve Hebrew Tribes;” “Typical and Prophetical Israelitish Dates;” (with a short biography and picture of Rev. Grimaldi). Initially, I had planned on a larger biography of the Grimaldi Family, genealogical chart back to the Kings of Judah, and a comprehensive history of Monaco, Genoa, and all other surrounding powers from ancient times; however, the work will be so large that it will have to be a book of its own; and will still not be available for a year or so. So I have split these two books apart. plastic comb bound, 136pp., plus 2-page genealogy [SBS CEE] [mcg = (11)]
Sketches of the Covenanters (1913) J.C. McFeeters, (2x2, CEE), 412 pages. [mcg = (25)]
Sketches of Creation: Popular View of Some of Grand Conclusions of Sciences in Reference to The History of Matter and of Life (1870), Alexander Winchell, 460p. (SBS) [mcg = (24)] also available by different publisher [mcg = pb., (30); Hb., (53)]
Solution to the Federal Reserve Fraud (1969), Wycliffe B. Vennard, 50pp., [mcg = (5)]
Some Collected Works of Conrad Gaard (c.1950) (Abomination of Desecration, God’s Kingdom Plan (Revealed In Scriptures), He Hath Prospered Our Beginnings, National Israel In World Today, Some of the Reasons Why The Israel Identity is Important, Studies in Genesis) retype-set with corrective notes by RAB/STM. (SBS) 328pp. plastic comb bound [mcg = (18)] Gaard, like Swift, had many blind spots and was full of error. I do not believe his work was really that great. However, to preserve fruit of his faithfulness and provide it with corrections to those still interested in older works, I make it available. This re-typeset collection contains extensive corrective notes by RAB/STM
The Song of Deborah (reduced to meter with a new translation and commentary to which are added notes etc. (1753), William Green, 50p. (stplbk.) [CEE] [mcg = (5)]
The Spanish People: Their Origin, Growth, and Influence (1901), Martin A.S. Hume, xix./535pp. [mcg = (30)] also available in pb (38) (reg. 43) and Hb. (51) (reg. 58)]
Sparks From a Geologist’s Hammer (1882), Winchell, 404pp., [mcg = pb., (31) (reg. 35); Hb., (45) (reg. 50)]
Spirit Manifestations and the “Gift of Tongues,” (c.1955), Sir Robert Anderson, 31pp., [mcg = (3)]
Spiritual Law in the Natural World (1938), Rev. Rupert, C. Thomas, D.Litt. 64p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]
Stalin or Hitler, Who is Worse?, T Angelaitis (Lithuania, 1950), 48p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (4)]
Stone of Destiny (or Stone that Binds the Commonwealth) (1951), F. Wallace Connon, 90p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]
The Stones Cry Out: A Small Compendium of Biblical Archaeology, the Spade Confirms the Word (1937) Rev. T. W. Fawthrop, 326pp., 2x2, 8.5x11 [mcg = (17)] (not to be confused with book of same title by Bonnie Gaunt.)
The Story of Our Money (1946), Olive Cushing Dwinell, foreward by Calif. Rep. Jerry Voorhis 208pp., 2x2 xerox format, 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (12)]
The Story of the Nations Series: These books are highly recommended for students of our heritage/history and for all home-schooled children. A must. Those in italics are not in the Story of the Nations series, but are excellent and may be included for the discounts since they complete/supplement the nations each section. The Young Folks... and Young Peoples History Series are also recommended 2x2 = xerox format, the book is copied on the copy machine, 2 book pages per xerox, not computer enhanced, 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound
Section A (Brythonic-Celtic) [order any 4 titles (from any section) 10% off; order all 6 titles in this section get 25% off!]
1. Australian Commonwealths (1924), Greville Tregarthen, 456pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (23)] (this title may take a little longer as it is not yet prepared, while the others below are)
2. Early Britain (1889), Alfred J. Church, M.A., 382pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (19)]
3. Canada (1924), Sir John G. Bourinot, 463pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (23)]
4. Ireland (1891), Hon. Emily Lawless, 434pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (22)]
5. Scotland (1893), John MacIntosh, LL.D., 336pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (17)]
6. Wales (1902), Owen M. Edwards, 421pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (21)]
Section B (N. Germanic (Scandinavian), E. Germanic, Baltic)
These following are not in the Story of the Nations series, but fill the section out and are highly recommended:
8. Guthones (The Goths): Kinsmen of Lithuanian People (1929) Alexander Rackus, M.D.; 432pp., [CEE SBS] very rare book, left page is English/right side is Lithuanian; also gives list of words in Gothic and Lithuanian (and English) to show relation [mcg = (28)]
Section C (West Germanic) [order any 4 titles (from any section) get 10% off; order all 7 (or 8) in this section and get 25% off!]
1. Austria (1911), Whitman/McIlraith, 407pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (20)]
2. The Franks (1898), Sergeant, 343pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (17)]
3. Germany (1886), Baring-Gould, 437pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (22)]
4. Holland (1889), Rogers, 388pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (19)]
5. Medieval France (1889), Masson, 354pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (17)]
6. South Africa (1894), George M’call Theal, D.Litt., LL.D., 452pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (22.50)]
7. Switzerland (1890), Hug/Stead, 430pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound [mcg = (22)]
Other sections or single titles to be added if there is interest: Section D (Slavic, Hungary, Greece):
3. Poland (1893), Morfill, 389pp., [mcg = (18)] 4. Russia (1904), Morfill, 394pp., [mcg = (18)]
Also: 5. Greece, 6. Hungary,
Section E (Mediterranean Europe, Crusades, Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantia): 1. Byzantine Empire, 2. Crusades, 3. Portugal, 4. Rome: Earliest Times to the End of the Republic, 5. Sicily: Phoenician, Greek & Roman, 6. Spain, 7. The Tuscan Republics (Florence, Sienna, Pisa, Lucca), with Genoa (1892), Bella Duffy 456pp., [mcg = (20)] 8. Venice; Section F (Other Ancient Empires): 1. Carthage, 2. Chaldea, 3. Assyria, 4. Persia, 5. Turkey, 6. Veddic India, 7. Media, 8. Parthia, 9. Ancient Egypt, 10. Phoenicia. Also South American Republics. Send SASE with request if interested.
Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization (1947), Sen. (former Govr. of Miss.) Theod. Bilbo, 330p [mcg=(28)] [CEE]
Tamar Tephi: or the Maid of Destiny (1918) John Dunham-Massey, Fascinating volume of English, Irish, and Scottish history from a BI perspective, makes the strongest case yet for the alleged trip of Princess Tea Tephi, daughter of the last king of Judah, who sailed with Jeremiah the Prophet to Spain and on to Ireland, 195pp., 8.5x11 (2x2, xerox format), plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (10)]
The Tempter of Eve (1902) Charles Carroll (sequel to The Negro: A Beast or in the Image of God? [see catalog]) 505pp., very rare, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (35)] Though I disagree with the local flood theory, and the old earth theory, and that the Serpent was a beast of the field, this is a rare book and I offer it for any value it may have.
Teutonic Unity (1951), Earnest Sevier Cox, 304pp., [CEE SBS] [mcg = (25)]
Theologico-Geology Or, Teachings of Scripture, Illustrated by Conformation of Earth’s Crust (c.1875),Winchell, 48pp., pb., [mcg = (16)]
The Theory of Evolution and the Facts of Science (1945), Harry Rimmer, 5 separate booklets combined in 1 written between 1929-1935: The Theories of Evolution and the Facts of Human Antiquity (35pp.,); The Facts of Biology and the Theories of Evolution (29pp.,); Embryology and the Recapitulation Theory (23pp.,); The Theories of Evoultion and the Facts of Paleontology (35pp.,); Monkeyshines—Fakes, Fables, Facts—Concerning Evolution (48pp.,); computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (18)]
This Time The World (1963), Com. George Lincoln Rockwell, 264p. (SBS) [mcg = (20)]
Thomas Hutchinson’s Strictures Upon Declaration of Congress of Phila.: Letter to Noble Lord (1776) 30pp. [mcg = (2)]
Through World Chaos to Cosmic Christ (1944), David Davidson, 197pp. [SBS] [mcg = (20)] (few hardback unused, originals, in mint condition, still available)
Title Deed to “Penns Woods” (Pennsylvania) given to William Penn by King of England. (Facsimilie of Original; also contains 2 pictures of Penn, and smaller print modern type-face text of the title deed) 11”x17” folded [mcg = (2)]
Trail of the Serpent, “Inquire Within” (Carol Stoddard), 332p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (20)] [See Section S]
The Treason Series: Vol. 1: The Great Conspiracy (1968), Norbert Murray (an Anglo-Israel Minister), very detailed. [SBS CEE] 288pp. [mcg = (25)]
Treatise of St. Bernard Abbat of Clairvaux Concerning Grace and Free Will (1920 English translation), Bernard de Clairvoux (1090-1153), 118pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (10)]
The Triumph of British-Israel (1930), Rev. James Mountain, D.D. viii./336/xiv.pp. [mcg = (25)]
The True Ecclesia (1954), Cmdr D.H. MacMillan, M.B.E., R.N.R., 36p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (3.50)]
Truth About the Jews: Told by A Gentile (1922), Walter Hurt, 343pp., 8.5x11 (2x2), comb-bound, [mcg = (15)] Author has some good info and some stupid ideas, book was even supported by intellectual jewish leaders, some wrong conclusions but some good info.
Twelve Baskets: Study in Colossians (1935), Rev. Rupert C. Thomas, 48pp. (stplbk., AIP) [mcg = (4)]
Two Addresses by the Rev. Dr. James S(tewart). McGaw, D.D.; one, having been published in: “The World’s Moral Problems” Addresses at the Third World’s Christian Citizenship Conference Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 9-16, 1919, Published by The National Reform Association (1920); the other, having been published in: “Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives Sixty-Sixth Congress Second Session on H.R. 3404 To Provide for the Salaries of a Minister and Consuls of the Republic of Ireland,” Friday, December 12, 1919.; Including a photo and brief biography, 48pp., re-typeset, booklet [mcg = (5)] (Note: there is nothing earth-shattering in this booklet and his addresses do not mention the Christian Anglo-Israel message, however, these are some of the only records which testify to his existence and prominence.)
Two Miscellaneous Rare Tracts by an Early Christian-Anglo Israel Group in Dayton Ohio around 1940. [Church of the Covenants Introduction Tract by Pastor Millard Joseph Flenner and There Shall Be Signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars], 30pp. (originally tract size, but enlarged to standard booklet size) [mcg = (2)] (prob. only of interest to colletors of old B-I materials)
The Two Worlds, E.T. Tennyson (possibly a relative of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Alfred’s Brother, F. Tennyson, Esq. was an Anglo-Israel believer), 28pp., retype-set booklet from of an older article. [mcg = (2)] some interesting ideas on the nature of the earth’s geography before the Flood, and how it will be restored in the Kingdom
Unending Hate (1955), Earnest Sevier Cox (Author of White America), 47pp., stapleback, [CEE] [mcg = (4.50)]
United Nations Concentration Camps Program in America, Serge Monast, 128pp. (OSB, CEE) [mcg = (16)]
United States In Bible Prophecy: 3-Headed Eagle & George Washington’s Vision (1935) M. Wyatt, 122p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg=(12)]
Unsound Doctrine Exposed: Explanation of Bible’s Teachings on Hell and refutation of false doctrine taught by “Jehovah’s” Witnesses, 27pp., booklet, computer-enhanced [mcg = (2.50)]
The USA In Bible Prophecy (1857) by F.E. Pits (Preached before Congress on anniversary of Washington’s Birthday) and excerpts from E. Raymond Capt’s books The Great Seal of the USA and Abrahamic’s Covenant, 88pp., pb [mcg = (8)] or the plain stapleback edition without Capt’s additions, 57pp. [mcg = (4)]
Verse By Verse: From Genesis to Malachi (1901) W.M.H. Milner (Oxonian), 185p. (SBS CEE, AIP) [mcg = (16)]
Visions of Heaven and Hell (1600's) John Bunyan, 63p. (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (4.50)]
Was Jesus A Jew?, Parker/Was Our Lord A Jew? Together With A Discussion of the Jewish Question, Armitage (1925) / Was Our Lord Jesus Christ A Jew?, Harbour, 3 booklets in one, 86p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]
The Way Out: God’s All Wise Plan For Deliverance of the United States of America and the Associated British Nations, Keen Polk (c.1930), (includes his “Everything After Its Kind”), 99pp., [CEE SBS AIP] rare book, [mcg = (10)]
We Europeans: Survey of Racial Problems (1935), J.S.Huxley/A.D.Haddon, 300p, (2x2) [mcg = (22)]
Welsh Triads and Laws of Howel the Good (from Welsh Medieval Law (1909), Wade-Evans, 270p. (2x2, CEE) [mcg=(18)]
The Westminster Annotations and Commentary on the Whole Bible (1657) Westminster Divines and Other Puritans (Gouge, Gataker, et al.), 6 Vol., 2383pp. (2x2) [mcg = (150)]
Were the Jews the First Nazis? (1941), Masson & Jensen, 24pp. booklet [mcg = (2)]
Western Origin of Early Chinese Civilisation (1894) Terrien de Lacouperie, Argues ancient Chinese civilization had Caucasian roots, 418pp., (2x2, xerox format), plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (22)]
What Famous Men Said About the Jews, Dr. Edward Fields, 40pp., [mcg = (4)]
What Is Anglo-Israel? (c.1950?), Clem Davies, 32pp., (CEE) [mcg = (4)] very rare
White America (1923, 1937), Earnest Sevier Cox, 220p. (SBS, CEE) [mcg = (20)]
A White Man Finds His God (1933) George Benwood, 96pp. [AIP SBS CEE] [mcg = (10)] rare book
White Supremacy and Negro Subordination or Negroes A Subordinate Race and (so-called) Slavery Its Normal Condition (1870) J.H. Van Evrie, M.D., 389pp., + 60pp. (2x2 8.5x11 xerox, comb-bound) 20.00 + P&H or pb., 35.00 + P&H; Hb., 50.00 + P&H.
Who And Where Are The Lost Ten Tribes, Rev. J.Heslip, 31p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (2.50)]
Who Are the Japanese: Some Israelites? (1932) Professor Odlum, 56p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]
Who Was Melchizedek?, Dr. James S. McGaw, 24pp. [mcg = (3)]
Why Jews Promote Mogrelization of the White Race (1969), 16pp., (CEE) [mcg = (1.50)]
William Penn’s Plan For the Peace of Europe (1694), 20pp., booklet [mcg = (1.50)]
Works of John Knox, John Knox (written c.1550-1560; from 1895 printing) 6 Vol., c.3600pp. (2x2) [mcg = (200)]
World Government: The Drama of the Ages (1946) F. Wallace Connon, 152p. (SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (12)]
World Reconstruction, Christianity & Israel, Orthodoxy or Israel, Latter Day Phases of God’s Kingdom (c.1936), Rev. Claud Coffin, (4 booklets in 1), 50p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]
Would Jesus Register With Caesar?, Pastor Paul Revere/Embassey of Heaven, 16pp., [mcg = (1.75)]
Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth: Ultra-Dispensationalism Examined in the Light of the Holy Scripture (c.1940), Rev. H.A. Ironside, Litt. D., 66pp., stplbk; [CEE] [mcg = (5)]
The Yellow Peril (1983), 50pp., pb., Revilo P. Oliver, [mcg = (5)]
The Yellow Peril: The Orient vs. The Occindent (1911), G.G. Rupert, 525pp., [2x2] [mcg = (35)]
You & Segregation (1955), Herman Talmadge, 79p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg=(10)]
[The below “children’s” books were written for public schools c.1874. However, since our schools have been “dumbed down” most likely they are on a college entrance level now. Much good pre-liberal, pre-pseudo-revisionist info.]
History For Young Readers: Canada (1899), McIlwraith, 253pp., [mcg = (14)] (D. Appleton & Co.) 2x2
Young Folks’ History of England, (1879) Charlotte Yonge, 415pp. [mcg = (20)] (Illustrated) (Estes & Lauriat Co.) 2x2
Young Folks’ History of Germany, (1878) Charlotte Yonge, 474pp. [mcg = (24.50)] (Illustrated) (D. Lothrop & Co.) 2x2
Young Folks’ History of Greece (1879) Charlotte Yonge, 427+p. [mcg = (20)] (Illustrated) (D. Lothrop & Co.) 2x2
Young Folks’ History of Netherlands (Holland/Belgium), (1878) Alex. Young, 672pp. [mcg=(34)] (Illustr.) (D. Lothrop & Co.) 2x2
Young Folks’ History of Russia: Earliest Times to 1880, (1878) Gossip, 254pp. [mcg=(14)] (John W. Lovell & Co.) 2x2
Young Folks’ History of Russia (1895) Nathan Haskell Dole, 552pp. [mcg = (28)] (Illustrated) (Werner & Co.) 2x2
Young Folks’ History of Switzerland (1895), Harriet Mackenzie, 605pp. [mcg = (31)] (Illustrated) (Werner & Co.) 2x2
[Edward A. Freeman’s Historical Course for Schools Series:] unless otherwise listed, all (2x2) 8.5x11 comb bound
(Young People’s) History of England (1873) Edith Thompson, 252+p. [mcg = (18)] (Illustrated)
(Young People’s) History of France (1874) Charlotte Yonge, 190+p. [mcg = (10)] (Illustrated)
(Young People’s) History of Germany (1874), James Sime, 282+p. [mcg = (15)] (Illustrated)
Young People’s History of Ireland (1890), Towle, 314pp., plastic comb bound [mcg = (15)]
(Young People’s) History of Italy (1874) William Hunt, 273+p. [mcg = (15)] (Illustrated)
(Young People’s) History of Scotland (1874) Margaret MacArthur, 199+p. [mcg = (16)] (Illustrated) standard book size
Your Church Their Target (1966), by Kenneth W. Ingwalson (editor) being a collection of treatises by Harry R. Butman, Irving E. Howard, Kenneth Ingwalson, Howard E Kershner, James DeForest Murch, Edmund A. Opitz, Herman Otten, Herbert A Philbeck, Charles S Poling, G. Aiken Taylor, Wilbur G Williams, Rousas John Rushdoony, T. Robert Ingram, etc. 275pp, 2x2 xerox, comb-bound [mcg = (14)]
(books and booklets by) Ivan Panin: (athiest Russian mathematician who came to Christ after trying to disprove Bible Numerics. He then became its greatest champion.)
- Ivan Panin Collection #1: [2 booklets in 1], 76pp., 6.00 + P&H. containing: The Inspiration of the Scriptures Scientifically Proven (1934) and The Inspiration of the Hebrew Scriptures Scientifically Proven (1928), computer enhanced
- Ivan Panin Collection #2: [3 booklets in 1], 172pp., 8.5x7, plastic comb-bound 18.00 + P&H. containing: Bible Numerics, The Last 12 Verses of Mark, and The Shorter Works of Ivan Panin., computer enhanced
- Bible Chronology, 192pp., pb. 16.00 + P&H.
The enemies of the truth will attack and smear-terrorize (defame) those who speak the truth, throwing up smokescreens of diversion (“anti-semitism,” “racism,” etc.—anything to distract from the evidence). When the populace has been dumbed down and brainwashed from youth in the schools and in the media/movies, when the truth is heard, it seems outlandish... when the truth is outlawed, freedom is nearly dead. These books may help prevent that, if people will read.
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