—Science falsely so called and the Age of the Earth & Truth, “Proof”, Faith & Understanding

Someone emailed:

Hello Robert: I would like to get your opinion regarding the information presented in this article (I do believe you have a scientific background).  And if not a scientific background then I definitely think you have an interest in science.  Thanks.

—Mental Rape—the OTHER Rape - Bible Law on Rape - the Pathology of Perverse Society - More from the "Ford Theater" & an article by Don Boys, Ph.D.: "Rapacious Rape Requires Resistance!"

The minds of the majority in subverted Christendom have been raped by the godless, Antichrist Marxist State.  They are lobotomized against understanding truth—their consciences (those who have one) are INNOCULATED against the truth, and they are brainwashed with immoral perverse notions which skew their understanding of anything.  Imagine a person going to a psychiatrist and the psychiatrist says, “Okay, let us free associate.  I will mention something and you say the first thing

—Spreading Evil—WHAT will YOU do about it...? Problem + God's SOLUTION = Deliverance


Each time I go into town I see more freaks and aliens, half-aliens ... fluorescent-dyed hair, piercings, tattooes, OBESE (many 400 pounders*), genetically underprivileged locals (multiple generationally), most on welfare (living the good life at the taxpayer's expense, enjoying all the luxuries of life, without doing anything to earn them, living a life of leisure).