10 - RARE - New - Used - Damaged - Inventory Reduction - dinged books —UPDATED JUNE 5 2023

See Attached PDF for thousands of titles.

I am posting this to see if anyone is interested.  Most people today seem to be too lazy and only interested in convenience and ordering off Amazon with a single click, instead of the laborious task of writing a check and putting a stamp on an envelope.  I hope those who read my website do not fall into this category, and hope people stop supporting antichrist antiamerican subversive megacorporations for convenience and begin supporting true ministries, authors, publishers, who do all the work.

It will take me hundreds of hours to list the thousands of titles I could place on this page... and would be glad to start doing this if ENOUGH people are interested... which means if you are interested you need to email me and let me know that you are interested.

see contact page for email adress.

Put “STM rare books offer” in the SUBJECT of the email in case it goes to spam folder.

thanks, Robert

I have THOUSANDS of titles I can add here... 

IF anyone inquires I will list more titles... 


June 2023 updates


- The Futurist and Rapture Conspiracy: A Brief Exposé of the History of these Subversive Doctrines—and Their Biblical Refutation, 164pp., pb. illustrated. revealing; shady characters behind false doctrines of Futurism, Dispensationalism, “any moment” “two-stage” “Rapture” Return of Christ. Christ is returning; but not according to modern Antichrist heresy; new new-age false doctrines, not held by Reformers or great Bible leaders of early modern era.  NORMALLY 13.00 + P&H.  Copy with slight water damage stain to cover (no mildew), 10.00 + P&H.


Numerous copies

The Story of the Nations: The Balkans: Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro (1896) Miller, 506pp., pb., 26.00 + P&H.  Several copies with the lamination on the cover starting to separate from the cover; the printed must have not had the specs right; other than that, books in perfect shape.  SPECIAL PRICE while copies last, 14.00 + P&H.



May 2023

- The Hand of God in History or Divine Providence (1864) Hollis Read, 335pp., 6x9 pb., 18.50 + P&H - ONE COPY printer error,  the clear laminated coating on the front cover has some creases / scratches in it; the only issue is it does not feel smooth and looks like scratches, SPECIAL PRICE 16.00 + P&H.


- What Was the “Mark” that God Placed on Cain...? —Including: “The Cain-Canaan Connection,” “What Was Ham’s Sin?”, “Why Was Canaan Cursed?” “Where Was Eden?” “Where Did Cain Get His Wife?” “How Did the Descendants of Cain Survive the Flood?” ...and other curious things in Scripture considered, 584pp., pb. Dispels many myths, fascinating, deep detailed analysis & exegesis; in-depth commentary on Genesis 4 (also covers Genesis 3,5,6,9,10). Unique study of Patriarchs, compares 2 Seedlines, touches on race, angelology. 27.50 + P&H.  ONE copy that received a bump / dent to the bottom binding due to mishandling of the shipper... special price 24.00 + P&H.


March 2023 additions


- The Watchman of Israel (Vol. IV, 1922), 8.5x11 annual collection of a Christian Anglo-Israel newsletter out of Boston, Mass., published by A.A. Beauchamp, with articles by Milner, Totten, Sawyer, Wild, etc., c.250pp., Hardback, rare; 200.00 + P&H.

- With A Poem in My Pocket: Autobiography of Patience Strong (pen name of Winifred Emma May; 1907-1990); One of Britain’s most-beloved modern poets, she was a firm Christian-Anglo-Israel believer. This, her biography, is an amazing and endearing story, very interesting reading. Out of Print; Only a few good copies left; 258pp., large print pb., 30.00 + P&H; Hardback, 40.00 + P&H.

- Someone Had To Say It (1986) Patience Strong, 136pp., pb., rare; out of print, good used copies for 200.00 + P&H. Patience Strong talks about British-Israel faith.

- Suicide of Europe: Memoirs of Prince Michel Sturdza, Former Foreign Minister of Rumania (1968), few remaining hardbacks in good condition, 75.00 + P&H.

- The Truth About New Zealand (1939) by A.N. Field, 189pp., original pb., first edition, used 200.00 + P&H

This book was a collection and revision of articles that Field wrote and published in his periodical the Examiner in May of 1939.  

It discusses:
Revisionist history of New Zealand. History of the Bank of New Zealand and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Banking history. Reserve Bank Act. Sir George Grey; Sir Julius Vogel; Messrs. Rothschild; Socialism in New Zealand.  “Mastery of Money”. 

The Preface explains:
“The matter herein is the story of how New Zealand came to jump from the frying-pan of Capitalism into the fire of Socialism." 

A Flaw in the Foundations; The Power Behind the Throne; Fruits of Victory; Millions While You Wait; Paying the Piper; Our Friend the Enemy; A Tangled Web; Unkindest Cut of All; What History Shows; A Turn in the Tide; The Bank Comes Back for More; The Soldiers’ Reward; After Us The Deluge;
International Finance Moves In; Socialism’s Way In; Labour’s Money System; New Model Legislation; The Servile State; Socialists and Socialism; The Great Marxian Hoax; Democracy in Action; Land and People; Money and Goods; More About Money; A Solvent Banking System; Freedom versus Monopoly; King Charles’ Head Goes Off; The Road to Prosperity;
Debt and Other Things; Planning’s Bedfellows]



 - The Eighth Crusade: Uncensored Disclosures of a British Staff Officer (1940) Lt. Col. Waters Taylor, 205pp.; pb., 500.00 + P&H. very rare; original paperback of Sons of Liberty 1973 (?) printing; Like new, except the top right corner of the title page is clipped / a small rectangle was cut out; presumably removing an old price or sticker.




Jan 2023 additions


- The World’s Trouble Makers (1961) Bruce H. Brown (Methodist, Australia) 144pp., plastic-comb-bound, very rare, 11.00 + P&H.

- Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization (1947) Sen. (former Gov. of Miss.) Bilbo, 330pp., plastic-comb-bound, 12.00 + P&H.

- The Jews and South Africa: The Jewish Role in South Africa’s Political Unrest (unknown author or date) South Africa’s Kosher Press (c.1950) by H.H. Beamish, The Boer War: How the Jew Seized South Africa (unknown author or date) & The Jewish Problem in South Africa (Hon. Eric Louw, M.P., 1939) & Why Pick On Us? (Hon. Eric Louw, M.P., 1959) all re-typeset, annotated, illustrations added by RAB, 157pp., plastic comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H.

- The Beast System, Rev. Frank Dowsett (Australia) 164pp., comb-bound, 10.00 + P&H. (new, but slight blemishes, imperfectly bound by the publisher).

One new copy, of Spurrell OT (see below for new) with very minor blemish to the material on the front cover.  70.00 + 8.00 P&H. first come first serve.

 A Translation of the Old Testament From the Original Hebrew (1885) Helen Spurrell (not original, “paleo-Hebrew,” but unpointed Hebrew; 1st & 1 of only translations undertaken by individual woman; very scholarly/ rare) 7.38” x 9.25”, 850pp., Hb., on sale price 90.00 (reg. 125.00 ) + P&H.



OCT 2022 additions

I have a single copy of numerous different books that received minor dings in shipping, and will offer these at a reduced price


P&H = 10% (6.00 minimum P&H) within the U.S. via Media Mail.  More for Priority and / or insurance.


- Alpha and Omega or the Birth and Death of the World The Science of the Creation: The Coming of Crisis and the Golden Age (1894) Captain R. Kelso Carter, C.E., (author of the hymn, Standing on the Promises) 615pp., 6x9 pb., 40.00 + P&H; very rare title (see his other rare volume, The Tree of Knowledge). SPECIAL 36.00 + P&H.


- Are We Keeping God’s Law Yet? in-depth discussion many Laws of Scripture, reveals  spiritual meaning behind laws of God,  physical reason why given; detailed, practical, insightful study; what it means to “meditate” upon God’s Law, which also explains how God’s Law will be prominent in the lives of those who are the elect. 500pp., 6x9, pb., 25.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 21.00


- Bittersweet Impressions & Inspirations, poems and a few short stories, Balaicius, 310+pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 18.00 + P&H.


- Eternity Beckons, Balaicius, 58pp., short-story / novella set in Scotland in the late 1800s, 5.00 + P&H. 4.00 + P&H.


- Fearless and Godly Pioneers for the Truth: An Illustrated Short History of Some Patriotic Christian Teachers, Preachers, Evangelists,
Lecturers, Publishers, Soldiers, and Statesmen, Modern Era —and a Background History of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion and an Introduction to the Jewish Bolshevik War against the Christian Romanov Tsars and Imperial Russia. & A Word About
God’s True Covenant People; Balaicius Including (not limited to) histories, bibliographies, pictures of: Luke Rader, Daniel Rader, F.F. Bosworth,
Rev. William Bell Riley, James M. Gray, Rev. Captain Merton Smith, Rev. William Pascoe Goard, Dr. Henry W(ellington). Stough,
Harold Stough, Henry W. Stough, Jr., Dr. Mordecai Fowler Ham, Henry Ford, William J. Cameron, Arno Clemons Gaebelein, Sergei
Nilus, Dr. Martin Luther, J.B. Pranaitis, Osman Bey, Victor Marsden, H.A. Gwynne, Leslie Fry, Lady Queenborough, Nesta Webster,
Princess Radziwill, R.A. Torrey, Rev. William Herrstrom, Rev. William L. Blessing, Kenneth Goff, Rev. Gerald B. Winrod, Rev.
Gerald L.K. Smith, Alfred P. Sloan, Charles Coughlin, Leonard Feeney, Dennis Fahey, Ezra Pound, Sen. Charles Lindbergh, Com-
mander William Guy Carr, Serge Monast, Robert O’Driscoll, Viscount Leon de Poncins, Howard Rand, Lieut. Prof. Charles Totten,
Elizabeth Dilling, John T. Flynn, Sen. Joeseph McCarthy, Sen. Jack B. Tenney, Liet.-Col. Jack Mohr, Congressman Larry MacDonald,
Congressman Paul Findley, Eustace Mullins, George Stimpson, John Swinton, Mayor John Francis Hylan, H. L. Hunt, Lyrl Clark Van
Hyning John Stormer, Gary Allen, Col. E.N. Sanctuary, Robert Edmondson, Clem Davies, Texe Marrs, and the Jewish: Dr. Alexander
Schiffner, Benjamin Freedman, Henry Klein, Jacob Brafman, Myron Fagan, Elieser Bassin, Dr. Emanuel Josephson, and Henry
Makow. 224pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 16.00 + P&H


- Foxe’s Christian Heroes and Martyrs of the World, a.k.a. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs: Being a History of the Persecution of the Protestants from the first century onward, by John Foxe and other Eminent Authorities, abbreviated edition, Newly Revised and Updated (1907) [originally published as “The Acts and Monuments of the Church Containing the History and Sufferings of the Martyrs” in 1564 in 1,800 pages by John Foxe] 60 full-page illustrations + Memoir of the author from an earlier edition by Walter Scott Publ. Co.; c.620pp., 6x9, quality pb., 24.00 + P&H. 22.00 + P&H.


- Going Ape Over Political, Academic, Journalistic, and Ecumenical “Monkeybusiness”: A Swiss Tale, 84pp., 7.00 + P&H. Satirical short story; exposé / explanation of invasion of Christendom by Third World; and the only solution. SPECIAL 6.00 + P&H


- The High Cost of Hate (1939) Ralph Townsend (US consul to Japan, arrested / tried by FDR in sedition trial for trying to expose warmongers) 61pp., very rare, how FDR and jews used situation in Pacific to start a war to draw in Germany and Italy; 7.00 + P&H. SPECIAL 6.00 + P&H.


- Historic Background and Annals of Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and of Their
Remote Ancestors, From Middle of the Dark Ages, Down to the Time of Revolutionary War (1917) Eshleman, back-
ground history on Mennonites, Waldensians, etc., persecution in Europe; print small, book over 6x9, so expanded to
8.5x11 to normal 12 point; 392pp., pb. 30.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 25.00 + P&H


- Historical and Biographical Sketches [The Settlement of Germantown and other early history of Pennsylvania] (1883)
Samuel W. Pennypacker (23rd Gov. of Penna.) pp., 416pp. (founders of Penna. / Op Den Graeff’s ancestors of mine, and
many others mentioned in book: van Bebber, Gottschalk, Ziegler, Kolb, Kassel, Van Sintern, Schumacher, Pletjes
[grandmother of William Penn, who was a cousin of mine], Linderman (relatives of Martin Luther) Kuster, Jansen, etc.).
Founding of Germantown, Mennonite Migration and the Martyr's Mirror, and a dozen or so short biograpahies of
various individuals, to which I have added Daniel Pastorius’ “Description of Pennsylvania” (1700) and a brief bio and
photos of the author, 20pp., 450 total pages, pb., 24.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 21.00 + P&H


- History of Puritans & Pilgrim Fathers (1888): The Puritans in England (1849) W.H. Stowell, & The Pilgrim Fathers
(1849) D. Wilson, 508pp.; w/ 230pp. by R.A.B. (500 hours of research /writing) of historical & theological introduction
to Reformers, Puritans, Pilgrims, Nonconformists, Covenanters, Westminster Assembly, history of Anglican Church &
Presbyterian Church in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales; Anglican Church & monarchs of Britain in persecution of
Protestants who disagreed w/ Anglican Church’s Catholic ritual; insightful look at Great Awakening & revivals in En-
gland, Ireland, Scotland (& its Isle of Lewis) Wales, New England; 800+ short biographies & 250+ illustrations added;
total c.740pp.; 7x8.5, 35.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 30.00 + P&H.


- History of the Reformed Church, Dutch; The Reformed Church, German and the Moravian Church in the United States (1895) Corwin/Dubbs/Hamilton, 548pp., pb., 22.50 + P&H; the Reformed Church was separate from the Lutheran, the work of Swiss Reformer Zwingli, later refined by Calvin. SPECIAL 20.00 + P&H


- Israel’s Five Trillion Dollar Secret, Col. Curtis B. Dall (son-in-law to FDR) 78pp., with detailed corrective notes by R.A.B., pb., total
c.200pp., 16.50 + P&H. SPECIAL 15.00 + P&H.


- Jewish War of Survival (1945) 124pp., pb., 12.50 + P&H; masterful: how Poland & Arabs betrayed by “Allies.” SPECIAL 11.00 + P&H


- Just One More Chance, Lorne J. Shields / Robert Alan Balaicius, 564pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H. The story begins in Ireland
and progresses like a whirlwind, which, to explain more would give away the suspense of the story. A gripping read you
will not be able to put down and one of those rare books that you wish would never end. · One rash decision, a regrettable
mistake, can snowball and cause a chain-reaction like an avalanche; so-far reaching one may wonder if it can be outrun
even if he flees to the other side of the world. When such a brief mistake is made, as Tom McCauley finds out, it can carry
you about like a beach-ball in the ocean, and all you can do is hang on for dear life and pray to God that you land safely,
somewhere, eventually. · Here begins a touching story of down-to-earth people (well... most of them) often real life
stories from an earlier era. A story of love and romance interwoven with cultures spanning several nations of a bye-gone
era, hard work, drama, intrigue, foul-play, good versus evil, faithfulness, respect, devotion, desperation, and hope com-
bined with real historical events. The epic story of all creation is presented in a whirl: a momentary fall from grace
followed by repeated attempts at restoration, while battling a myriad of unforeseen obstacles to that goal which creep out
of the past into the present like vipers from a pit that just won’t die. You will not be the same after reading this book; you
may become a part of the drama itself: your heart knit with those of this story, as if they were family or dear friends. At
least, that is how it affected me. Step back into the 1800s and enjoy an amazing story. . . · I cannot help but think of a
paragraph penned by the eminent Charles Dickens, which shares similar sentiments with this moving, gripping, lively,
fascinating story: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the
spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct
to heaven, we were all going direct the other way — in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its
noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” (A Tale
of Two Cities) —Editor, Adapter, Publisher, R.A.B. must read. could be next Hallmark movie / miniseries  SPECIAL 21.00 + P&H


- Lithuania: Awakening of a Nation (1924) Age Meyer Benedictsen, translated from the Danish, 248pp., 8.5 x 7, pb., 24.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 20.00


- “The Massacre of the Innocents” — a collection, containing: The Jews and Ritual Murders of Christian Babies: A Theological and Legal Study, by I. I. Lyutostansky (translated into English for the first time from the third Russian edition of 1911) modern introduction by Carlos Whitlock Porter, Edited with Annotations and Supplementary Material by RAB (including U.S. Consulate report from Odessa, Russia on Ritual Murder, information concerning Sir Richard Burton’s and his book, The Jew, Gypsie, and El Islam, and the long-lost, controversial appendix on Ritual Murder, information on Blood Ritual from many other sources: Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Prioress’ Tale” from The Canterbury Tales, Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta, Eustace Mullins, Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s One Hundred Years Together, Ariel Toaff’s Blood Passover, and other notes and information) 316 pages, 20.00 + P&H SPECIAL 18.00 + P&H


- On the Edge of the Primeval Forest (1922) & More From the Primeval Forest (1931) & From My African Notebook (1938) Albert Schweitzer, 426pp., 3-in-1 pb., w/ Biogr. intro., photos, 26.00 + P&H. fascinating books, glimpses into courage, patience of this great man (his poor theology / misguided altruism notwithstanding) glimpses into minds, natures of those he tried to help. SPECIAL 21.00 + P&H.


- The Plot Against Christianity (1963) 8½x11, Intro by R.A.B., c.300pp., pb., 24.00 + P&H. exposes Talmud (w/ xeroxes from
Talmud—my father and I personally double-checked against actual set of Talmud housed in a “special” area, “official personel only” at
Univ. of Miami, Fla, in 1982).  SPECIAL 20.00 + P&H


- The Power of Prayer: The New York Revival of 1858 (1858) Samuel Prime, 237pp., pb,. retypset, notes by R.A. Balaicius; excellent shows moving of God’s Spirit upon His people when they truly seek Him; 16.50 + P&H. SPECIAL 14.00 + P&H


- Puritan Pronaos: Intellectual Life of new England in the Seventeeth Century (1936) Morison, 281pp., to which has been added Paul Revere’s Own Account of His Midnight Ride - April 18-19, 1775, with a Short Account of His Life by Morison, 12pp., 6x9, pb., 18.50 + P&H. SPECIAL 17.00 + P&H.


- A Rhino Crying a Nation Dying, Jans Rautenbach (South Africa) edited by RAB, 606pp., 6.75”x9.75”, pb., gripping historical novel
similar in plot to “Turner Diaries” and “Hunter”; though set in S. Africa & much more elaborate; hard to put down; limited edition of
200 copies printed; may become valuable collector’s items. 32.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 28.00 + P&H


- The Secret World Government: or, “The Hidden Hand”: The Unrevealed in History: 100 Historical “Mysteries” Explained (1926) Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, 203pp., 16.00 + P&H SPECIAL 14.00 + P&H


- Sober & Sacred Reflections, Balaicius, poems, Volume II, 262pp., 18.00 + P&H. SPECIAL 16.00 + P&H.


- Spacious Days (1914) Nesta Webster, autobiography, 192pp., 6.38 x 9 pb., 22.00 + P&H; unpublished manuscript of sequel “Crowded Hours” “disappeared” from publisher’s office. SPECIAL 19.00 + P&H.


- Stories From Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (1903) Foxe/W. S. Martin, 8.5x11, 440pp., paperback, well-illustrated (companion vol. to Story of Light) 30.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 26.00 + P&H


- Stories of Great Revivals with Contributions on Revival Work (1906) H. Johnson, Canon Aitken, F.B. Meyer, Stuart
Holden, Gipsy Smith; c.420pp., pb., 2500 + P&H. Chapters: Evangel. Revival of 18th Century England; Evangel. Revival
of 18th Century Scotland; Evangel. Revival of 18th Century Wales; Evangel. Revival of 18th Cent. Ireland; Awakenings
of 1858-1862 England, of 1858-1862 Scotland, of 1858-1862 Wales, of 1858-1862 North of Ireland; Work of Moody &
Sankey 1873 - 1875; 1881-1884; Revival in Wales, 1904-1905; Torry-Alexander Mission, 1903-1905.  SPECIAL 21.00 + P&H.


- The Story of the Light That Never Went Out: A History of English Protestantism For Young Readers (1903) W.S.M. and
Augusta Cook; 586pp., 8.5x11, hundreds of illustrations, excellent; pb., 45.00 + P&H. One person who ordered this
book, who is an older gentleman who has long been an avid reader, said this was one of the best and most important 5
books he has ever read. Another person saw an original at the library of Bob Jones University and was impressed with the
book and ordered a copy from me, and could not believe the quality, being far better than the original; he took his new
copy to BJU and showed it to them, and they ordered a copy so they could "retire" to the archives the original.  SPECIAL 40.00 + P&H


- The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt: History of Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty: America’s Royal Family (1948) Josephson, 288pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H. SPECIAL 22.00 + P&H


- That Not One of These Little Ones Should Perish; first-time English translation of his The Jewish Blood Secret: An Expert Opinion (St. Petersb., 1913) 76pp., by Lithuanian Roman Catholic Priest Justinas B. Pranaitis (author of Talmud Unmasked, who was murdered by the Bolsheviks) + detailed annotations by RAB 230pp., total, pb., 17.00 + P&H. Deals with other Talmudic perversions of the Scriptures, Noahide Laws, etc. SPECIAL 15.00 + P&H.


- The Tree of Knowledge: A Startling Scientific Study of the Original Sin, and the Sin of the Angels, with a History of Spiritism in All Ages (1894) Capt. R. Kelso Carter, C.E., 423pp., pb., 30.00 + P&H. See Alpha and Omega. SPECIAL 26.00 + P&H.


- True Stories of Our Pioneers: The Heroic Deeds and Devoted Lives of the Fathers and Mothers of America, Embracing the Principle Episodes of the White Race with the Red Men for the Possession of the New World; a True and Vivid Account of the Dark Captivities and the Unconquerable Courage of the Men and Women Who Wrested the American Forests from the Aborigines and gave them to the plow and the sickle (1904) Augustus Lynch Mason, LL.D. / John Clark Ridpath, LL.D. / Trumbull White, 694pp., 6x9 pb., 40.00 + P&H.  SPECIAL 36.00 + P&H


- The Visions of Daniel and Revelation Explained [on the Continuous-Historic System in XXVI Present Day Papers on Prophecy (1918) Rev. E. P. Cachemaille, 692 pages. 6x9 pb., 40.00 + P&H. Very rare book  SPECIAL 35.00 + P&H


- The War Against Whites: The Racial Psychology Behind the Anti-White Hatred Sweeping the West, Arthur Kemp, 290pp., pb. 15.00 + P&H. SPECIAL 13.00 + P&H


- Why Leave Our Own? 13 Addresses on Christianity and Americanism (1939) Coughlin, 176pp., 6x9 pb., 16.50 + P&H. Very Rare SPECIAL 15.00 + P&H


- Young Folks’ History of The Netherlands (Holland and Belgium) (1878) Alex. Young, 672pp., pb., 36.00 + P&H; excellent; must for all students of our history... tied to Reformation & eventually American Revolution. Highly recommended. Not on child’s level by any means; collegiate level by today’s standards. SPECIAL 30.00 + P&H




For the below, inquire for special price for the entire set; otherwise, SPECIAL price is 3.00 off per title + P&H


The Karl Gustav Nieritz Library


Fantastic German author [with detailed corrective, complementary, explanatory, and augmentative historical, etymological,
theological, and other notes, illustrations, maps, by R.A.B.] - 2 or 3 more volumes to come


Volume #1 - The Shepherd’s Family [a.k.a. The Little Shepherd Boy and His Dog] (1894) 111pp., & The Little Shoemaker
or Where the Truth Takes Root, God Will Make of it a Goodly Tree (1850) 143pp., & The Little Miner or Honesty is
the Best Policy (1887) 130pp., [a.k.a. Gottlieb Frey... (1871, 226pp.,]; These are excellent. Touching. If you are not
moved by each of them (as well as most all others in other volumes) you have a heart of stone. 3 books in 1, c.384pp. total.
pb., 24.00 + P&H.


Volume #2 - The Noble Wife or Faithful unto Death (1871) 287pp., conflict between Sweden and Norway under King
Charles XII. of Sweden in late 1600s early 1700s. & Gustavus Vasa or King and Peasant [a.k.a. The Faithful Servant]
(1873) 258pp., (founding of the Royal house of Vasa of Sweden, defender of the Reformation, freeing Sweden from the
evil Christian II. of Denmark). 2 in 1, c.545pp. total pb. Both Excellent. 26.00 + P&H.


Volume #3 - The Weaver of Naumburg or A City Saved By Children (c.1929) 121pp. & Gutenberg and the Lost Child
(c.1850) 167pp., (first printed Bible) [+ my Post-script on Gutenberg & illustrations] & The Rich Man and the Poor Man
or Help in Need (1875) 120pp., c.408pp. total pb. Excellent. Touching. 24.00 + P&H.


Volume #4 - Duty and Affection (a.k.a. The Little Drummer or, Filial Affection / Young Recruit: Adventures of a Drum-
mer-boy: A Story of the Russian Campaign / Augustus the Young Drummer) (1850) 162pp., [excellent!] & Alexander
Menzikoff or the Danger of Wealth [a.k.a. The Perils of Greatness (1853) / Alexander Menschikoff: The Founder of a
Family / The Touchstone of Life: a True Story of the Russian Peerage] 130pp., & The Rat Catcher or Magic Fife (1854)
166pp., (source of famous “Pied Piper of Hamlin” written by Robert Browning in 1888); 554pp. total, pb., 26.00 +


Volume #5 - The Foundling or the School of Life (1850) 136pp., & The Plum-Woman or The Child With Three Mothers:
A Tale of High Life and Low Life (c.1856) 201pp., (orphan / adoption) & Driven Out (1893) 156pp., (2 children of a
woman with leprosy who is cast out of the city) 558pp. total, pb., 26.00 + P&H.


Volume #6 - Busy Hands & Patient Hearts or, The Blind Boy of Dresden and His Friends (1875) 181pp., [a.k.a. Lenchen’s
Brother (1887) 156pp., by another translator / publisher] & The Dumb Boy of Fribourg or, the Pilgrim and the Dragon,
a Tale of the Discovery of Gunpowder (1873) 166pp., & The Cobbler, the Clerk, and the Lawyer of Liebstein (1868)
123pp.; 586pp. total, pb., 26.00 + P&H.


Volume #7 - The Bears of Augustusburg: An Episode in Saxon History (1855) 216pp., & The Smuggler’s Revenge or the
Lost Child of Lanemarken (1897) 200pp., & The Siege of Magdeburg: A Tale of 1631 (1855) 83pp.; 604pp. total, pb.,
26.00 + P&H.


Volume #8 - The Exiles of Salzburg and Other Stories (1880) [also including The King of Prussia’s Tall Soldier (a.k.a. The Tall
Man) & The Belfry of Dresden], 256pp., & (Life) In Fair Silesia (1894) 156pp., & The Siberian Exile (1894) 122pp.,
574pp. total, pb., 26.00 + P&H.


Volume #9 - The School on Luneburg Heath (1895) 148pp., & Patient Henry or the Dangerous Wager (1865) 188pp., &
The Pilgrim Kings or the Star of Bethlehem (1881) 223pp., [a.k.a. Erna the Forest Princess, or, Pilgrimage of the Three
Wise Men to Bethlehem: a Legend of Germany of Olden Time / The Three Kings or Magi: A Tale (1856)] (1881 ed.)
223pp., 531pp. total, paperback, 25.00 + P&H.


Volume #10 - The Jailer of Norwich; or, the Eighth Commandment (1863) 186pp., & Christian Beck’s Grandson (1894)
232pp. & Stolen for Ransom (1901) 138pp.; 558pp. total, 26.00 + P&H.
Volume #11 - One Offence Punished: A Swiss Tale (1859) 48pp.; & Truth and Falsehood or The Adventures of a Prince
(1866) 188pp., [a.k.a. The Crown Prince and his Scapegoat or Truth and Falsehood] (1877) The Platzbäcker of Plauen
(1887) 157pp., 431pp. total, pb. 24.00 + P&H.


Volume #12 - The Coal-Burner’s Sons: or Filial Love Rewarded (1878), 252pp., Seppel or the Burning of the Synagogue At
Munich (1879) 129pp. (retypeset), & Benjamin Franklin: The Printer Boy (1875) 120pp.; 589pp. total, pb., 26.00 +


German Catholic author - The Annotated William Herchenbach Library


superb stories - [with detailed corrective, complementary, explanatory, and augmentative historical, etymological, theologi-
cal, and other notes, illustrations, maps, by R.A.B.] - I believe this is all of his works translated into English


- Volume 1 - The Waffle Woman; Angel Hilda; Falsely Accused; 406pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H.


- Volume 2 - Armorer of Solingen; Voyage of the Veronica; 308pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.


Superb English Protestant author - The Annotated Emily Sarah Holt Library


superb stories - [with detailed corrective, complementary, explanatory, and augmentative historical, etymological, theologi-
cal, and other notes, illustrations, maps, by R.A.B.] - several more volumes to come.


- Volume 1 - Mistress Margery: A Tale of the Lollards —  A . D . 1400 (1868); King Alfred: The Truth Teller —  A . D . 847-899
(1896); Sir John Oldcastle —  A . D . 1370-1417 (1896); 482pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H.


- Volume 2 - Well in the Desert —  A . D . c.1350 (1872) [Bishop of Arundel & noble Houses of Arundel & Despenser],
185pp., & Our Little Lady or, Six Hundred Years Ago (1887) 187pp., 514pp., pb. 22.00 + P&H.


- Volume 3 - Imogen: A Story of the Mission of Augustine or A Tale of the Early British Church —  A . D . 587 (1876, 1890
edition), 344pp., 400pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H. SUPERB! A MUST!




This book I printed in paperback and realized I still had 6 new comb-bound copies in stock, so I will offer these comb-bound copies for 10.00 each + P&H


- Geography of the Gates (1880), Philo-Israel (Edward W. Bird, C.S.I., Esq.), 192pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.


[I have numerous other titles that I have printed in paperback, that I still have new comb-bound copies left, inquire if interested in titles and special prices).



Books recently banned / scrubbed / removed / sanitized by the Antichrist's sweeper team / censors of Amazon

Inquire if interested


ASIN: 8887241082, SKU: Office Fungus, Title: Cancer is a Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy

ASIN: 0906879221, SKU: Office-Pendel, Title: Why Civilizations Self-Destruct


ASIN: 0937944165, SKU: Office-Simpson-Which-Way, Title: Which Way Western Man?


ASIN: 0970378408, SKU: Office-Hoffman-Judaism-first edition, Title: Judaism's Strange Gods


ASIN: 1588404110, SKU: Office-Pranaitis-STP, Title: The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians - [Memorial Edition to Honor a Great Lithuanian.]


ASIN: 1892796007, SKU: A-11-Duke-My, Title: My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding


ASIN: B0006W44F4, SKU: HF-AUBA-UWKC, Title: A straight look at the Third Reich: Hitler and National Socialism, how right? how wrong?


ASIN: B0007ETKD2, SKU: A-11-Race, Title: The biology of the race problem


ASIN: B001TYUM7W, SKU: A-15-App-Straight, Title: a straight look at the third reich: hitler and national socialism, how right? how wrong?


ASIN: B001TYUM7W, SKU: A-15-App-Straight-used, Title: a straight look at the third reich: hitler and national socialism, how right? how wrong?


ASIN: B004S11Q7I, SKU: Office-Mullins-My-Life-dinged, Title: My Life in Christ


ASIN: B004S11Q7I, SKU: Office My lIfe, Title: My Life in Christ


ASIN: B004S11Q7I, SKU: Office Mullins, Title: My Life in Christ


ASIN: B0099Z3V94, SKU: Office-Bey-new, Title: The Conquest of the World by the Jews: An Historical and Ethnical Essay - with a Historical & Biographical Introduction by the Modern Publisher


ASIN: B0099Z3V94, SKU: Office-Bey-like new, Title: The Conquest of the World by the Jews: An Historical and Ethnical Essay - with a Historical & Biographical Introduction by the Modern Publisher



In most cases there are only one of the minorly damaged/imperfect titles, so first come first serve.

 New Items June 2021

Box S-1

One title the printer messed up on the layout, all odd numbered pages are off center, but all is readable.


The Indians or Narratives of Massacres and Depredations on the Frontier, in the Wawasink and its Vicinity, during the American Revolution (1846) by A Descendent of the Huguenots [Abraham G. Bevier], designed to commemorate the noble deeds of our ancestors, and inculcate principles of patriotism and piety, 80pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H;

special price for this one copy off center, 10.00 + P&H; brand new paperback.


On the Side of the Angels: The Story of the Angels at Mons; A Reply to Arthur Machen’s “The Bowmen” (1915) Begbie, 126pp., 4th edition original, pb., yellowed thick newspaper print paper, binding cracked.  Clean text, some pencil lines in margin, some dogeared, chipped corners.  45.00 + P&H.

Tortured for Christ: 50th Anniversary Edition (2017) Wurmbrandt, 208pp., pb., 15.00 (reg 17.00) + P&H.  2 copies, new

Difficulties in the Bible (1907) R. A. Torrey, 192pp., pocket pb., 5.00 (retail 7.00) + P&H. 4 copies, new

Truth in a Culture of Doubt (engaging Skeptical Challenges to the Bible) 2014, Kostenberger, Bock, Chatraw, 6x9, pb., 194pp., new one copy, 16.00 (reg. 20.00) + P&H.


The History of Ancient Caledonia (c.1870) John MacLaren, 128pp., pb., 12.00 + P&H, new, 9 copies

Iron Curtain Over America (1951), Col., Professor John Owen Beaty, 268pp., 7th printing, 1952 Hardback edition, good condition, clean text, good binding, 100.00 + P&H.

  The Bible and Archaeology (c.1940) Sir Frederick Kenyon (head of the British Museum) 310pp., pb., + dozens of photos, original first edition, Hb., excellent condition, $75.00 + P&H.


The Story of the Nations: Holland (1889) Rogers, 396pp., Hb. original, very good, clean, 75.00 + P&H.




Box S-2

- True Stories of Our Pioneers: The Heroic Deeds and Devoted Lives of the Fathers and Mothers of America, Embracing the Principle Episodes of the White Race with the Red Men for the Possession of the New World; a True and Vivid Account of the Dark Captivities and the Unconquerable Courage of the Men and Women Who Wrested the American Forests from the
Aborigines and gave them to the plow and the sickle (1904) Augustus Lynch Mason, LL.D. / John Clark Ridpath, LL.D. / Trumbull White, 694pp., 8x10 Hb., used First edition, good condition, good binding, clean text, $100 + P&H.

Historical Collections Relating to Remarkable Periods of the Success of the Gospel / Historical Collections of Accounts of Revival (1754/revised 1845, updated by Horatius Bonar) Gillies, pb., 8.5x11, 600+pp., NEW unread original 1981 Banner of Truth Trust printing, $250.00 + P&H.

Theological Compend (1972) William Lester Blessing, 191pp., 8.5x11 pb., excellent condition, very rare, $250.00 + P&H.

I Want To Be Left Behind: An In Depth Look Into The Rapture, Pastor Ron Poch, 130pp., pb., 12.00 (reg. 14) + P&H, new

The Rapture: A Dangerous Deception (an expanded revision of "Rapture: Prophecy or Heresy"), by Col. H. Speed Wilson, USMC, Ret., 255pp., pb., 14.00 (reg. 16.00) + P&H., new

The Restoration of reason: The Eclipse and Recovery of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Montague Brown, 261pp., 6x9 pb., new 10.00 + P&H.

Revelation and the End Times Participant's Guide: Unraveling God's Message of Hope, Ben Witherington III, 112pp., pb., new 10.00 + P&H.


Collector’s Items

- Not Guilty At Nuremberg (1988) Carlos Porter, 24pp., 8.5x11, stapleback booklet; original in mint condition, 30.00 + P&H.

- The Dallas Conspiracy, Nord Davis, Jr., 40pp., stapleback 8½x11, new original in mint condition, 30.00 + P&H.


- Star Wars [political, racial, spiritual history of the children of darkness (symbolized by the 6-pointed star) vs. the children of light (symbolized by the 5-pointed star)], Nord Davis, Jr, 80 pp., 8½x11, new original in mint condition, 50.00 + P&H.

- Sui Juris, Nord Davis, Jr., 40pp., stapleback 8½x11, new original in mint condition, 30.00 + P&H. [important info on claiming your constitutional rights; exposes IRS code] 



Here are some the titles with dings or bend in cover, etc., 20% off. I will gather more titles as I have time.


- A Defence of Conservatism - A Further Text-book for Tories (1927) Ludovici, 276pp., pb., (rare book) 26.00 + P&H.

- Eight Lectures on Labor, Capital, and Justice (1934) Coughlin, 132pp., pb., 12.50 + P&H. 

- Evidences of the Authenticity, Inspiration, and Canonical Authority of the Holy Scriptures (1836) Archibald Alexander, D.D. (Prof. of Theology, Princeton University) 308pp., 6x9 pb., the text was very small, and I have enlarged to make it normal sized print. 19.00 + P&H.

- A Greater Miracle Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered—The Dead Six Million Uncovered...!, Clèraubat, 544pp., pb.; exposes Holocaust lie, multi-billion dollar Holocaust Industry, exposes Holocaust Mafia/those behind it; Hall of Fame: those who spoke out/had lives ruined—100s photos). Very compelling compilation of evidence/insight, 6 million not murdered (“jewish” experts, population data, chemistry, math & science, history); indexed. photocopies from original census data (compiled by “jewish” sources) from “World Almanac and Book Facts” 1934, 1945, 1946, 1950; Illustrated; 30.00 + P&H. There may be a few of these, some may have dings / crease in the cover, or may have had a printing error and printed with a few blank pages, but those pages I will print out, cut, and insert into place.

- The Great Red Dragon: The Foreign Money Power in the United States — or the London Money Power (1890) by Rev. L.B. Woolfolk, D.D., 328pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H.

- Heroes of the Nations: Alfred the Great: Maker of England: 848-899 (1915) by Beatrice A. Lees, 493pp. + 50+ pp. of photos, pb., 26.00 + P&H.

- Historic Background and Annals of Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and of Their Remote Ancestors, From Middle of the Dark Ages, Down to the Time of Revolutionary War (1917) Eshleman, including background history on Mennonites, Waldensians, etc., persecution in Europe;? the print was quite small in the original, which was over 6x9, so I have expanded to an 8.5x11 paperback to get the print, up to normal 12 point; 392pp., 30.00 + P&H.

- History of the Wars (1919), Procopius [attache to (Germanic) Roman General Belisarius], written A . D . c.460; (Books III & IV): The Vandalic War, c.245pp., pb., re-typeset, 17.00 + P&H; (Books V. & VI.): The Gothic War, 245pp., pb., re-typeset, 17.00 + P&H; 32.00 + P&H for the set.

 - I Was A Slave In Russia (1958) & I Found God In Soviet Russia (1959) 192pp. [intro. by Billy Graham], 192pp., John Noble; 2 incredible books, on Christian faith through persecution. When “allies” (USSR) took over after bombing of Dresden, German-born U.S. citizen & his family were arrested, their business stolen by USSR, and they were imprisoned for nearly 15 years under torture. Incredible. A must. new printing, 2-in-1, pb., 24.00 + P&H.


- Jewish War of Survival (1945) 124pp., pb., 12.50 + P&H; masterfully shows Poland and Arabs were betrayed by “Allies.”

- The Last Days of the Romanovs: From 15th March, 1917—100th Anniversary Memorial Edition (1920) Part I— The Narrative by Robert Wilton (Special Correspondent of The Times in Petrograd) and Part II—The Depositions of Eye-Witnesses by Nikolai Sokolov (translated by George Gustav Telberg) and Part III; w/ many extra added illustrations of entire Royal family... additional info., very moving presentation... photo and short bio of author, Preface and Final Thoughts by modern publisher / RAB/STP; 405pp. total pb., 22.00 + P&H Author clearly pointed the finger at the Jews and noted that it was not the Russians behind Bolshevism, the Revolution, or the murders.] If you are unaware of this, one of the greatest crimes of modern era, how entire super-power was stolen, order this.

- The Lost Ten Tribes (1883), Rev. Joseph Wild, 200pp., pb. 16.50 + P&H.

- Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance (1894) E. W. Bullinger, 305pp., 16.50 + P&H.

- Our Aryan Ancestors: The World’s Historical People (1935) Fleming Howell, M.D., 421pp., pb., 30 00 + P&H; (covers: Aryans in general, Celts, Cymri, Teutons, Slavs, & Afghans, Hindoos, Medes, Persians) detailed study.

- A Rhino Crying a Nation Dying, Jans Rautenbach (South Africa) edited by RAB, 606pp., 6.75”x9.75”, pb., gripping historical novel similar in plot to “The Turner Diaries” and “The Hunter”; though set in South Africa and much more elaborate; hard to put down; very limited edition of 200 copies printed; which may become valuable collector’s items as a major actor/publisher in South Africa was interested in the book for a movie. 32.00 + P&H.

- Rockefeller “Internationalist”: Man Who Misrules World (1952) Josephson, 440pp., pb., 30.00 + P&H.


- Secret of the Universe (1932) [once reprinted as “Trinity in the Universe”] Nathan R. Wood, Pres., Gordon College of Theology, Boston, Mass., 223pp., pb., 18 00 + P&H.

- Selections from the Latter Testimonies and Dying Words of Saints and Sinners: Being the Closing Expressions of Nearly Seventeen Hundred Persons, Believers and Unbelievers (1898; 1900 edition) compiled by Amos Haverstick Gottschall, 220pp., + 6 pages of family biography of the author; pb., 14.00 + P&H.

 - A Thousand Million Pounds for us or Germany? The Gold of the Far East Rand (1917) Alfred Ernest O’Flaherty / William Edwin Bleloch; very rare book covers how Jews infiltrated Germany / England and how Jews used England to seize South Africa; 333pp., 6 1/8 x 9.25, pb., 28.00 + P&H (rare book). See also “England Under the Heel of the Jew.”

- The Truth About The Slump: What the News Never Tells (1931) Field, 210pp., pb., 16.00 + P&H; Great Depression

- Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, a Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants, Or, of the Lawful Power of the Prince Over the People, and of the People Over the Prince (1579 Latin; 1689 English transl.; 1924 ed. modern type-face w/ hist. intro. by Laski) “Stephanus Junius Brutus,” pen name for Huguenot Reformer Hubert Languet; 229pp., original + Modern Publisher’s 18-page illustr. Hist. Intro. & Note Concerning author of 1924 Historical Intro., by R.A.B., pb., 18.00 + P&H.

- What’s Keeping God from Delivering America, Britain and Europe from Destruction...?, Balaicius, 112pp., pb., 10.50 + P&H.


- Are Celestial Mysteries, History, and Prophecy Revealed in the Orion Nebula, the Stars, the Constellations, and the Zodiac...?, Balaicius, 82pp., 8.5” x 7”, pb., 58 illustrations, 2 full page color; 12 00 + P&H. completely different perspective / conclusions than authorities (Rolleston, Seiss, Bullinger, Capt); using Bible numerics as decipher card, reveals / explains God’s Plan for Ages by correctly identifying / interpretation of each of 12 constellations in light of prophecy.

Driving Out the Money Changers (1933) Coughlin, 115pp., & Eight Discourses on the Gold Standard and Other Kindred Subjects (1933) 80pp., enlarged to 7x10, pb., (due to oversize and fine print) (from Radio broadcasta) 20.00 + P&H.

- Historians’ History of the World: Switzerland (1904) Henry Smith Williams, 248pp., 7.3 x 9.25; excellent; illustrated;
24.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Germany (1887) Sabine Baring-Gould, 437pp., pb., 24 00 + P&H.

- Ten Commandments For You th —For Everyone! For Youth and Young-minded* Adults - An Explanation of the Ten Commandments and A Memory System using Bible Numerics; c.440pp., 6.25 x 9.25, pb., 25.00 + P&H; not on a child’s level, but for older youth and adults [* young minded, of course, refers to the opposite of “you can’t teach an old dog a new trick” and also Christ taught that if one wanted to see/enter the Kingdom he had to become as a little child, that is child-like faith and obedience.] My exposition shows that the 10 Commandments are not 10 individual laws, but 10 Categories of Law under which the entire Law of God is organized. I show how other laws are so categorized and also show how breaking any one is tantamount to breaking all; and that all 10 categories if violated are sins against God and all 10 categories if violated are sins against our kinsmen. Very detailed, enlightening, instructional; profound new thought and clear teaching that will be hard for antinomians to refute, if they will read. Also a detailed exposition of Matthew 5:38-40 concerning loving our “enemies”, “turning the other cheek”, “giving thy coat and cloak”, etc. These were not general, broad-based, universal statements, but only referred to accepting just punishment in court if one had truly sinned and damaged a kinsman and thus to accept the punishment gracefully, showing your true remorse for having damaged a brother; and “going the extra mile” likewise had specific (not universal) application; but modern “Christianity” has perverted this Sermon on the Mount teaching to mean we should just bend over and accept abuse and lie down and die. Christ taught Occupy till I come (not surrender or blend in with the world), and Paul wrote, have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but REBUKE them... this is not consonant with “turning the other cheek” to GOD’S enemies, the enemies of Christendom: immoral people, aliens, perverts, criminals, antichrists, etc., which is not what Christ was teaching.] 

New condition; nothing wrong, just wanting to move inventory

- Plot Against Christianity, Elizabeth Dilling, 8½x11, 261pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H. exposes Talmud; 20% off, 16.00 + P&H.

Also, rare original new Hardbacks from 1963 or 1964 in mint condition... only a few left; rare collector's items, $500 each + $10 P&H / insurance.  (all P&H prices are within the US only; inquire for outside the US)