General Notice: This free service is provided to hopefully give people important information that they might not readily find elsewhere.  It is very time consuming to research and distill, write and upload this information (especially since I have dial-up, which can be maddening).  For those who appreciate this information and benefit from it, I would greatly appreciate any small donation (pocket change) you may feel led to offer (see Paypal button).  Christ healed 10 lepers, but only one returned to say, "Thank you."  Obviously, I am not healing anyone; though it would be nice, I don't have that power.  But knowledge is power and I try to provide self-empowerment ("ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"), which, with seeking God and what He requires ("be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap"), may bring healing and blessing.  Regardless, having been in full-time ministry for 23 years, I minister regardless of whether one person expresses his appreciation or whether none do.  I faithfully sow the seed, God controls the harvest.  As Christ did, so also do I endeavor to seek out even the one lost sheep that may be in need.  Thank you for your consideration.

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