—Holiness — Self-Sacrifice — Abraham — Martin Luther — Alien Immigration — End Time Survival of the Remnant (revised)

Until true Christians with each breath pray with me, “God send a pestilence!  Send a pestilence on the wicked and on those who hate You and on those who are trying to destroy Christendom” and “Pour out Your Holy Spirit on Your people and convict them of their sins (especially those who think that they don’t sin, because they don’t even know what sin is) and bring them to repentance so that You can hear our prayers and deliver us!”... He is just going to send more evil.

—Thought for the Day - The Rule of Law in Church and State (revised)

Below are some profound thoughts to consider.  True Christianity—Doctrine—is not a “good feeling” or “humanistic notions of how deluded man thinks things (including God) should be”.  The carnal mind is at war with God, whether carnal minds think so or not.  God has declared it.  So it is.  All those who disagree with what God decreed are enemies of God.  The only way to correct this is to forsake your own faulty ideas and carnal will and submit, and declare allegia

—Curious Thoughts - Inquiring Minds Want to Know — Ruminations, Thoughts, and Ponderings on Inerrancy and Sacrifice - with Final Thought (revised)

I believe the Word of God to be 100% inspired and without error in the original manuscripts.  God declared that blindness would come upon His people (which actually started when they rejected Him as their Sovereign and lusted after having a king like the wicked, polluted enemy nations around them).  Losing touch with our ancient mother-tongue is part of that blindness.  Having minor (mostly insignificant, as doctrine is concerned) error creep into the manuscripts by copyist error