—A Vote for ANYONE other than Trump is a Vote for HILLARY

I don't have star-dust in my eyes for Trump... but the others are all so vile and foul and not even claiming to want to restore the nation to the people; who do you trust if you have to trust someone? those who make no pretense about their plan to disarm the populace, continue to sell off our nation to the highest bidder, continue to swamp the nation with illegals, give our economy to china, pass more draconian laws stripping the people of their rights, giving rights to perverts, aliens, politicians, destroy the nation with Obamacare, let BLM and others act as the Mafia for the Clintons and others to sell the wealth to other nations, etc?  A vote for anyone other than Trump is a vote for Hillary.

I don't believe that Trump "dumbs down" his speech for the average person.  I believe he is simply ineloquent and speaks what is on his mind, which is not that well organized, a bit arrogant, not too well thought out; it is a PLUS that he is not reading a teleprompter and hopefully no one is writing his speeches or telling him what to say; I don't doubt that he is intelligent, but I don't think he dumbs down his speeches... he talk on his own level.  His speech is not refined... he's used to barking orders, not engaging in philosophical argumentation or intellectual discussion... just spit the facts out, it doesn't matter how good the English is or how refined the speech, time is of the essence, just spit it out.  That's how I see it; I could be wrong.

This is not the best presentation by Jones.  Lots of pauses... looking away from camera... also, seems to be begging the audience to believe him by saying, "REALLY" with emphasis over and over as if that will convince the audience that Trump is "REALLY' real.

Also, since Jones has an ego nearly as big as Trump's, and Jones went through a costly divorce, then was begging to his audience for money the next week, it is not outside the realm of possibility that the elite figured, "we can use Jones, we know he needs (or wants) money"... and it was Trump's people who contacted Jones to "sell" Trump to them.

Jones talks about all these "former" insiders, players, etc., Corsezi, etc.  Who is to say they are not STILL insiders / players...?

Bottom line, it is worth a watch, especially for the media clip interview in which a talking head admits that the elections are not decided by the people...

what Jones says is true concerning the state of the nation and that we need someone honest who cares about America

is Trump that person?  well, i doubt his sincerity.  Jones talks Trump up saying that Trump knows everything that Jones knows, everything Corsezi knows, etc. (yet in an interview a few weeks ago Trump claimed he didn't know anything about David Duke).

In an interview months ago, Trump clearly declared that he thought Arabs alone were guilty of 9-11, whereas, Jones knows the arabs were the mere patsies who were hired, whereas the brains were the US govt elite and Mossad, and Jones did not call Trump on the issue.

Also, Trump is not merely for the US and the people of the US, but he is clearly a zionist and says he is a big supporter of the state of Israeli (which is responsible for dragging us into all wars and destroying out economy, legal system, education, Christian faith, swamping us with aliens, and is behind drugs and pornography and prostitution.  If Trump knows all about the elite WHY ON EARTH would Trump allow his daughter to marry a billionaire Jew who himself is connected?... why would Trump be "PROUD" his daughter converted to Judaism (which has nothing to do with the Bible, that is merely the "cover story" / front operation, but is Talmudism)...?

I find it hard to believe that if Trump knows all the inside info, that he was stupid/gullible/naive to believe/hope things would "magically get better"but when they did not, he now steps up to the plate.  He operates within the law declaring bankruptcy, but when thelaw is corrupt, that is not saying anything, but that he himself is corrupt, but within thelimits of what is not prosecutable by a corrupt govt.

again, I don't really trust him, but he is the ONLY candidate who claims he will do what is right... NONE of the others even claim to want to do what is right, but they will continue the Clinton-Obama agenda of globalism, BIG GOVERNMENT enriching BIG BUSINESS, continuing to swamp us with aliens, ruin the economy, send jobs and factories overseas while they send immigrants and terrorists to us, stop the homo-terrorism, stop the stacking of the Supreme court with  leftist alien antichrists etc.

[see article at the end of this email.]

If he will close the borders, deport illegals, stop the corrupt welfare to illegals, ban all Chinese imports, and do anything else he promised, that is more important than ANYTHING any other candidate is lying about doing... it makes no difference what the other candidates say they will do.  A lifeboat can only hold so many people before it sinks.  It does not good to say they will do anything if they will no control the borders; they want to take away the citizens' ability to defend themselves while importing more and more hateful aliens who will outbreed us and kill us and drain the resources of the nation.

Jones also mentions what I said in an email a few weeks ago. Trump's ego may be to our benefit, if he does not want to be known as a person who failed, or who helped destroy the US, but who helped save it.

Also, though a long-shot, it is remotely possible that Trump could be like a "break away" republic off the soviet juggernaut.  Why would Trump do this?  As a billionaire, he is "small potatoes" compared to the real players.  Trump may realize that once the middle and lower-upper class is gone, who will be left to frequent his hotels, casinoes, resorts?  As I have said, once the parasites eat all the hosts, they begin to parasitize each other.  Once all that is left is billionaires, who will they feed off next?  --The TINY billionaires.  Without a truly free market, unmanipulated, there will be no US and there will be no Christendom... the world will tumble into socialist one-world dictatorship and guys like trump will be the next expendable elite with a short life expectancy.

While this is a long-shot, it may be a possibility; but none of the others are viable; they are all traitors and players and frauds... Cruz is a Cuban and not even eligible, his wife is Goldman Sachs and CFR.


Again, I state I am under no delusion that I think Trump is a real or dedicated Christian; but unfortunately, you don't hire a plumber, electrician, carpenter, etc., to preach to you.  While it would be ideal to have a political and economic leader who was also a true Christian and a moral leader, how many situations in life are "ideal".  NONE of the others could have a change of heart.  God did not determine to "change" Judas' heart or Herod's or Jezebel's; but He did change Nebuchadnezzar's and Cyrus' and Darius'; they were pure in their generations from Abraham.  Judas, Herod, and Jezebel were Canaanites.

Trump is the only chance... the others are aliens, antichrists, socialists.  God may convict Trump to actually do what is right to buy the elect a little time and a little respite before the world collapses at the end of this age..., the others will simply full throttle the titanic over niagara falls.

-------- Forwarded Message ------


Alex Jones discusses a new scandal surrounding Republican frontrunner Donald Trump that will severely damage the establishment. Help us spread the word about...
Community Preparedness & Neighborhood Security Projects
... and when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably
the same object evinces a design to reduce us under absolute Despotism,
it is OUR right, it is OUR duty, to throw off such Government...' 
Declaration of Independence.
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately,
nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." (Patrick Henry)



Changes to the US Supreme Court - predictions


I just want to put something into perspective:


Justice Scalia's seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, and Thomas is 67. Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court Justice retirement or death occurs after 75.


These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.


Think about that ... 7-2. If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are deemed to be lacking in mandate.


Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision and that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms.  Period.


Everyone declaring that they won't vote for a particular candidate, if he turns out to be the GOP nominee, please realize this: If Hillary Clinton wins and thus gets to make these appointments, you surely will never see another conservative victory at the Supreme Court for the rest of your life. Ever.


— Though Arrogant Fools Mock God, God Shall Have the Last Laugh & Why Can't I Own A Canadian? (with Rebuttal)

At the end of these my comments I will list an email, that is a “letter to the editor” (dating back to at least 2002) that has been posted at many websites, written and circulated by people who hate God and who are spiritually blind and by those who have no comprehension of holiness or morality.  God is SOVEREIGN.  He is Creator and Lord and King.  He is the Lawgiver.  The Lawgiver determines the Law; His subjects do not determine for themselves which laws they want to recog

— Parable of the Unjust Steward, The

Someone emailed and asked:

Can you explain the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16?  Thanks.


My reply/comment:

Hi, let’s first look at the passage:

“1And He said also unto His disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods.  2And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward.  3Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed.  4I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.  5So he called every one of his lord’s debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord?  6And he said, An hundred measures of oil.  And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty.  7Then said he to another, And how much owest thou?  And he said, An hundred measures of wheat.  And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore.  8And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.  9And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.  10He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.  11If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?  12And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?   13No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

It seems clear that Christ is speaking in part, tongue in cheek (even as he did in the parable of the stewards and talents in which after being accused of being austere and reaping where he had not sown (theft at worst, or taking unfair advantage at best), that the talent should have been put out to the money lenders to collect usury and add another charge to the false accusations against master).  I believe the point is that a wicked person admires someone who is shrewd (he even learns from such devious ingenuity), even if he loses money in the deal... a sort of “professional courtesy” and admiration is like “honorable mention”—he fires the steward for being a thief, but inwardly smiles and does not fully prosecute him because he admires his creativity (which also shows the nature of this rich man, who was more like the unjust judge).  Even as we are to “covet” the greater gifts and “provoke” one another to good works (as I believe I explain in my S.T.E. Commentary on John 18-21), words that are usually only used with a negative connotation, so also, it seems, Christ (speaking in parable) implied that we ought to be as concerned about our soul and pleasing God, as a wicked steward is about saving his own skin.  Elsewhere we are commanded to be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.  This does not mean (as most spurious, liberal, modernist false interpretations might claim), that we are to let the godless rape and murder us and we are just supposed to smile and say, “thank you”.  Good in God’s Eyes is not good in the world’s eyes.  The good is not bestowed upon the wicked in return for their evil; the good is obedience to God in doing what is right even if there is more worldly advantage to doing what is wrong because “everyone else is doing it”.   

Christ spoke tongue in cheek, about making friends with unrighteous mammon—to cause the hearer to stop and truly analyze and dissect the discourse, knowing that the manifest or surface meaning cannot be the true meaning, so it should cause the hearer to ruminate, meditate, and truly seek the latent or deeper, hidden meaning.  The only “friends” who would have “everlasting habitations” (or tabernacles) would be that friend who sticketh closer than a brother, the Ancient of days, the Eternal Godhead.  “It is appointed unto men once to die and after that the Judgment.”  God will call the accounting books to be reconciled, therefore, the most important issue is having our hearts right with God and not being in sin-debt due to lascivious and deceitful living, fooling our own selves into thinking that we are in the faith when we are not: because every tree is known by its fruit.  

We are to be wise as serpents harmless as doves, “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation” (Philippians 2:15).  Similarly, David said, Psalm 2:12: “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His Wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.”  

If some crooks (like those in bank robbing "heist" movies) applied themselves as diligently, and invested their time and resources into doing good as doing evil, they could be just as successful--even more so.  But evil people want to do evil; Scripture says the wicked go astray from the womb and that the wicked are like the troubled sea and cannot rest unless they be devising mischief and preying on the innocent.  To the wicked, honest gain is an embarrassment.  Therefore, if a person is truly of God, he will apply himself to pleasing God honestly, in the manner God commanded, with equal gusto and desperation as the unjust steward thought to rob his master further, in order to save his own skin through further dishonesty; while the wealthy lord himself was dishonest and just had to smile and admire the wicked steward's cleverness.  Likewise, Christ told us that God cares for us so much more than an unjust judge cared for the woman before him, whom he just wanted to be free of so he granted her request; therefore, the comparison here of God to the wicked wealthy lord and to unrighteous wealth is only a comparison of different lords (one righteous, one wicked) and likewise, we are to be as pure-hearted to God as wicked stewards are deceitful to unjust lords.

But more importantly,

Luke 16 is a continuation of Luke 15, which begins:

“1Then drew near unto Him all the publicans and sinners for to hear Him.  2And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, ‘This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them’.  3And He spake this parable unto them, saying...”

Then, in chapter 16 after Christ’s Parable of the Unjust Steward, Scripture records

“14And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided Him.”

Christ then begins to rebuke and expose them,

“15And He said unto them, ‘Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the Sight of God’.”

Christ then exposes their wicked hearts even more with the real-life story (not merely a “parable”*) of Lazarus and the rich man, to the end of the chapter.

[* See my detailed analysis of the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in my, What the Devil? — What the Hell?]

So, we see, the Parable of the Unjust Steward was not a lesson to the people of how they should be, but an exposure of how the Pharisees were and how the people should not be like them.  Other times Christ spoke parables against the wicked scribes and Pharisees and Saduccees, and they, perceiving that He was talking about them, even wanted to lay hands on Him and kill Him (Matthew 21:45,46; Luke 20:19,20)—and in such cases, neither were those parables of Christ given to encourage the people to so act; but those parables were meant to expose the wickedness of the tares.

Hope that helps.  Robert

— David Jeremiah... the Antichrist's mouthpiece...?

Someone emailed me and wrote:

Hello, Robert, Here is today’s quote by Pastor David Jeremiah to remember:

“The early church had to be scattered by persecution because they would not obey the command to go to the ends of the earth to reach the lost.  (They remained at Jerusalem.)  Today, we are going through something similar...only this time God is bringing the world to us!”

I get really angry when I hear such nonsense from so-called “responsible, respected ‘Christian’ leaders”.  Does David Jeremiah live in a racially mixed neighborhood?  (I am not talking about his possibly living near “professionals” who are not white!)  Yet he wants other people to live in constant danger, noise, strife, and tension, so as to “bring the message of salvation” to those who have come here to destroy those whom they see as their enemies!  This is the bitter fruit of the idea that all human beings are part of the “brotherhood of man”, under the “Fatherhood of God”—an indoctrination program that was well established when I began first grade in the fall of 1952.  In New York, by 1955, my fourth-grade teacher was telling us about how we must support “integration” and oppose “segregation”.  And yet I am sure that she lived in a nice, safe neighborhood.  I think I am beginning to understand a different dimension of what Paul meant when he included being “without natural affection” as a sign of the last days.  Usually this is taken to refer to parents who do not love or care for their children, and / or children who do not love or care for their parents.  No doubt the above are PART of what Paul meant, but it has occurred to me, that, since the Bible was written to true Israel, Paul was also talking about the fact that there would be traitors of the chosen line who would actually seek to harm their own people, and give higher priority to the interests of their enemies than to those of their own kind.  This goes far beyond “loving ones enemies”.  It is a form of mass suicide.  I know...I am preaching to the choir—actually, in your case, preaching to the pastor!  May the Jeremiah family soon have some Somali neighbors!  Let them set the example by witnessing to them.


My reply/comment:

O MY GOODNESS!  HOW BLIND.  How arrogant.  How godless!  This is not merely the blind leading the blind—it is the blind BLINDING those with poor vision so they have to follow the blind into the canyon.

The early church was not struck with persecution to scatter them into the world.  They were being obedient.  The early church was struck with persecution, to test the faithfulness of the believers and to strengthen them—and to purge the true Church of the unconverted wicked, those in unrepentant sin, those not of the elect who did not belong in the Church.  For the same reason Christ spoke hard words so that some would stop following Him (John 6:60-66).  The leaders of the Church were centered at Jerusalem because that is what God established.  Where does DJ have any Biblical evidence that 1. the disciples did not obey God to go into all the world and seek out the lost sheep and 2. that God was punishing them for not doing so?  It is blasphemous false doctrine—Antichrist doctrine!

Yes, the Greek astorgos [AHS-tor-gos] “without natural affection” is the negation of “to cherish affectionately”.  Cold, aloof, distant, apathetic, and hard hearted could all possibly be synonyms.  Psychopathic / without conscience and insensate could be extended meanings (as I shall soon explain).  This can apply to most any familial individual (“ice queen” wives with a Jezebel spirit unless they get their own way, pleasure-seeking absentee husbands and fathers, hedonistic self-centered siblings, unappreciative, selfish children).  Romans 1:28ff. and II Timothy 3:1ff. both mention astorgos and both mention a lot of the same other vices, along with disobedience to parents and Covenant-breakers.  The underlying theme of the entire Scriptures, which is seldom understood, is that the Scriptures were written to one people and God commanded those people to be separate from alien peoples—and therefore, the context of true society is actually an “extended family”—kin.  We are one body and when one body part is in pain all should be in pain.  Anyone who has ever had a severe injury or illness should realize that.  

However, that is not how the true Church actually is, because in violation of God’s Law, it has been polluted with those who cannot be part of the body;* and the learned behaviour of those who do not understand such things, is often to granulate the abscess (wall off around the infection) and be dead to it; but in so doing, they are often dead to true parts of the body, because they then become hedonistic and focus solely on themselves.  Thus, a body part that does not feel pain of other body parts could be referred to as “insensate”; and to take it to a psychological / emotional level, it could be signs of “psychopathology”.

[* To continue to analogy, even in organ transplants, organs have to be matched by blood type and other factors and the organ recipients even have to be put on immune-system suppressing drugs for the rest of their lives to keep the body’s natural defense system from rejecting the alien tissue.  Anyone in the know realizes that the best match for organ transplants is not merely of the same blood type, but within the same race and even the same family.]

According to God’s Primary Law of “everything after its own kind”, the Body of Christ is not a Frankensteinish monster put together with spare parts from whatever Emma Lazarus Statue of Liberty motto garbage* that can be gathered together and “salvaged”.

[* That conspiratorial motto (1903), which was written by a Jewish activist, was added to the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island long after the Statue was placed there (1886)—and it was the “bulls-eye target” for the conspirators to aim toward in order to destroy the U.S.—to turn the City on a Hill into a garbage dump; to turn the Kingdom of Heaven into New Babylon (“confusion by mixing”).  The plaque was installed a decade and a half after Lazarus’ death.  The Jewish composer Irving Berlin also put part of the stanza to music for the musical “Miss Liberty”,* in 1949, to help steer the ship of state toward the bullseye of oblivion.  Lazarus founded the Society for the Improvement and Colonization of East European Jews in 1883, which was a forerunner of the Zionist movement.  Well has it worked, just as if some Aunt Jemima working in the master’s kitchen on a plantation were inviting the entire Third World to be guests in a house that is not hers!  She wrote the socialistic poem “The New Collosus” specifically for the Statue of Liberty, to help raise funds for the Statue project.  It is no coincidence that Collosus was the Greek “sun-god”; the Statue of Liberty herself is a representation of the Roman godess of freedom, Libertas.  It should also be pointed out that even for a project such as this, the politicians were more-obedient servants back then and the people were not taxed to erect this statue—it took 4 years of private fundraising (honest politicians shooting down every attempted bill to use taxpayer money), during which, at times, the project was at a standstill.  A statue of Lazarus is actually on Ellis Island (along with statues of others responsible for its completion)...!  The poem was not originally intended to be part of the Statue, but Lazarus’ friend Georgina Schuyler (descendant of Alexander Hamilton through her mother) spearheaded Lazarus being so honored.

* —which probably would have been more appropriately titled, “Madame Liberty” since it corrupted the Kingdom of Heaven into a Brothel (Babylon) and “Miss” is a term given to an unmarried woman (more properly, a respectable virgin).

Modern subverters of our faith, people, government, and nation (as well as the first blight on the U.S. Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall) claim that our system of government was faulty from the start.  No.  That is an outsider’s jaded opinion.  If a farmer builds a “coyote-proof” henhouse, the coyote certainly imagines the henhouse to be “faulty” from the start.  When disease cannot enter a body, the disease considers it a “faulty” environment... but the body does not.  Our Founders NEVER would have consented to a multicultural, multifaith, gender perverse, Marxist society.  They studied THOUSANDS of years of history and they KNEW that mongrelization and homosexuality was the downfall of every great civilization; but they did not speak of such things, because in the 1700s in the Christian Colonies in America, to even think of such happening to their society was sheer fantasy—a bad nightmare that could never materialize (sort of like that sequel to Back to the Future movie, or other movies, in which someone goes forward in time to find that the whole world has turned into a dark evil crime-ridden ghetto).]

Furthermore, how kind of DJ, just like the hypocritical politicians, who live in their gated communities, security high rises, with their high-tech security and their armed body guards; while the masses—their “flock” who has made them so incredibly weathy are left to defend themselves from the wolves whom they breed and release back into the wild!

GOD DID NOT have the Assyrians and Babylonians invade and conquer and deport Israel so that they Assyrians and Babylonians would have missionary exposure and so that the Israelites could “witness to them”...!*  IT WAS JUDGMENT FROM GOD FOR the FAILURE [rebellion] of His people TO SEPARATE from the heathen and not learn their ways, for their REFUSAL TO OBEY GOD’S COMMANDMENTS WHICH SETS God’s people APART as HIS PEOPLE.  Even today, we are following the same sin of our ancestors and thus, we are incurring their same Judgment.  INSTEAD of separating as God commanedd, we absorb the aliens causing those branches of the family tree polluted by them to be destroyed forever; and our society adopts their culture, their “religion”, their immorality.  Instead of the heathen being “Christianized” we are paganized.  It is a one-way street because that is what God ordained.  GOD determines who His people are.  God determines the elect.  Anyone who believes anything less has a weak god and they will lose when their god is revealed to be their imagination when they stand in Judgment before the true God.

[* My most-recent major book, S.T.E. Commentary on Jonah dispels such humanistic nonsense with which blind Christian leaders have been brainwashing Christendom for a century!]

It is truly amazing that such prominent Christian “leaders” can consistently misinterpret the Bible and believe that it says the very opposite of what it actually says.  Just like the politicians who cannot do anything right, who violate the Constitution, violate common sense, violate morality, who can’t even operate within a budget and in order to continue their profession of self-enrichment they rob the people and even future generations to keep the charade going (and preserve and build their own bank account and benefits).  When these people are “supposedly”* the best and brightest that society has to offer, how they can fail miserably at everything they do cannot be a mistake—it is a planned implosion / demolition of our nation which mirrors the Trade Towers.  In no other “profession” could they perform so terribly (and even illegally) and not be fired and even prosecuted.

[* With people like Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein, and others that are being elected, not are they not the best or the brightest, it is blatantly clear that they are even below the bottom of the barrel—from sub-basement 666 of the sewer.  It is clear that they have all been raised above their station and put in positions in which they don’t have a clue—and that is the purpose: by their very nature of ignorance and lack of talent and their inordinate hatred of Christendom, they are the “demolition team” with the “Anti-Midas Touch”: Anything they touch turns to crap; they destroy everything.  Why it is put up with can only be explained by God sending His people a spirit of delusion and a spirit of cowardice, because of their sins in even allowing them into the country in the first place, let alone allowing them to be installed in positions of power.]

God save Your people from BLIND SHEPHERDS as well as wolves in sheeps clothing as well as all other savage predators!  Save Your people from their own sinfulness and their own stupidity and grant them the gift of the spirit of understanding, conviction, repentance, and obedience.
Yes, let’s see how well they can remember Bible verses to witness to their rapists and murderers while they are being raped and murdered!  Show me one Bible verse that says the sheep should lay down their lives for the dogs, pigs, or wolves!

Yes, he is quite insulated from the invading Flood himself, in his gated, guarded ivory tower and with the wealth he has amassed being a “pop” preacher, preaching mostly only things that “tickle” the ears and please the world, “smooth sayings” which only fluff people’s auras... living in his exclusive, secluded neighborhood.  Why doesn’t he sell his house(s) and all that he owns and give to the poor and follow Christ, as Christ suggested that the rich young ruler do...?  He can then move into the ghetto and witness to these people first-hand... and serve the soup himself in the soup kitchen, instead of expecting those being raped and having their neighborhoods destroyed to suffer alone at ground zero.  

Email this to him and ask him to show us where in the book of Revelation that “the woman and her child” were supposed to “witness” to the “flood spewed forth out of the Dragon / Serpent’s mouth” or surrender their nations to them, or lay down their lives for them...!  Christ commanded “give not that which is holy to the dogs and cast not pearls before swine”—don’t you think that applies to serpents / dragons too..?  
Ask him also: WHY does God promise to have the earth help the woman to (open and) receive the Flood” if the purpose of the Flood was for God’s people to “witness to it”.  Ask him if he knows what it means to be a “watchman on the wall” and if he ever read those passages of Scripture—and ask him if he knows what God declared to be the penalty of those who don’t sound the alarm...!

God did not tell His people to “witness to” the Babylonians / Persians  (or the Assyrians or Egyptians)—but to SEPARATE themselves from them and to DIVORCE ALL ALIEN WIVES and SEND THEM AND ALL CHILDREN BY THEM AWAY.  Even when the tiny remenant returned and the mingled people of the land wanted to help build the Lord’s Temple, the elders with boldness and sterling godliness that is lacking in “leaders” like Pastor Jeremiah, told the aliens, “YE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH US TO HELP BUILD A TEMPLE TO OUR GOD!”  God’s Plan hasn’t changed—apostate Bible teachers and pastors have adopted the world’s plan!

HOW DEPLORABLY BLIND.  HOW BLASPHEMOUS!  Is he the Antichrist’s Mouthpiece?

If he actually cares about the seriousness of such an indictment, he needs to get on his knees and ask God to have His Holy Spirit reveal truth to him, for he certainly does not know it—and he needs to repent in shame and tears for his participation of the destruction of Christendom—the murder of God’s children and the rape of Christ’s bride through exhorting God’s people to do the very opposite of what Christ commanded.  This would be like a “wanna be” herbalist prescribing herbs being in utter ignorance... giving POISON HEMLOCK to someone that need a purgative! and like giving POISON IVY to someone that need an emollient / balm.

Another person added:

I once heard David Jeremiah wondering how King David could be red headed and of fair complexion when he was a “JEW”.  He could be just a bit spiritually nearsighted. . . or blind.


My reply/comment:

Nearsighted would be a gross understatement, based upon many of the things that he has said.  How can someone who spends so much time in the Word of God be blind...? —because his concepts of God are perverted.  He thinks God is required to conform Himself to the ever-changing polluted “standard” of society—rather than people conforming themselves to God’s unchanging Standard.  “Who is blind by My people” and “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” rings as true as ever.

David Jeremiah's father, James T. Jeremiah, was Chancellor at my Christian college when I first started in 1982, and though aging, he spoke frequently in the daily chapels (which I miss; chapels at Cedarville College—now university—were wonderful times of “usually” (not always) good teaching and wonderful congregational singing of the student body and faculty of around 2,000—except when they “slummed it” and invited the all-black choir from the secular, mostly black Ohio State University, and turned our chapel service into an inner-city bunny hop; and then our cafeteria sounded more like the watering hole where the hippo and buffalo and wildebeest congregate in the Serengeti; or when they had student body “aspiring” preachers speak, who thought it was “chic” to spout the humanist, politically correct rhetoric they learned; or other hack-preachers who spewed a one-world, integrationist, unbiblical agenda.  That culture is destroying that once-great college.  They continue, like lemmings, leap over the cliff in their lust to be pleasing to and like the world, and integrate their faculty and the student body; and even plaster the front cover of the Almuni magazine with white parents who have adopted African children (perverting the Biblical concept of “adoption”*), or white students playing “big brother” or “big sister” to inner-city African children.

[* —which means “son-placing”; which does not refer to bringing an alien into the family—which God forbade!—but a disgraced family member being re-instated to a place of honor (exemplified in the Parable of the Prodigal) or the rightful heir coming of age; or the nearest of kin assuming the role of Redeemer in the event that his kinsman passed away without siring a male heir, leaving behind a widow or aged parents without support.  However, what they are spuriously teaching as adoption is the murder of God’s Family and the rape of Christ’s Bride.  God commanded separation.  God commanded alien wives and all children by them to be sent away.  It is anti-intellectual mindlessness to then claim that adoption is referring to that which God FORBADE!  The grafting in (or more properly BACK in) is the restoration of the Israelites of the dispersion through conversion by Christ.  It is a wild [lawless] olive branch being grafted BACK into the cultivated olive tree—not a mango, banana, or coconut branch being grafted into an olive tree which would violate God’s Primary Law of “everything after its own kind”.  Indeed, God said if we forgot His Law He would forget our children—and having aliens inherit the wealth that many generations of ancestors built up and that family name dying out is indeed the sign of a curse—God forgetting the childreno of those who ignore and violate His Law, and those children and all who descend from them are outside of God’s Family.  For in-depth information, see my S.T.E. Commentary on Romans, as well as my, S.T.E. Commentary on Hebrews.]

Eventually James T. Jeremiah passed away and they named the then-new auditorium after him (I imagine they have built or expanded the chapel at least twice since then, 28 year ago).  Later, when I returned to the college in 1988 to complete my degree (after having taken off about 8 years to work) David Jeremiah was president of what was referred to as our “sister” school—then called Heritage Christian College in El Cajon / San Diego.  They since re-named the school “San Diego Christian College”; being ashamed of “heritage”...? —even despising it, like Esau, and throwing it away to join with God’s enemies...?  That’s how it seems.

At Cedarville they talked David J. up big (maybe just because his father had been our chancellor), but I always thought David J. was overrated.

However, everyone talked about John MacArthur as if the Apostle Paul was coming.  Having never heard MacArthur, I was skeptical.

[Where I grew up in South Florida, MacArthur, at that time, was not on the local Christian radio programs, which time slots were filled with the likes of Chuck Swindoll, James Dobson, Charles Stanley, and others, and also my father.  My dad was not syndicated and did not make a penny off his thousands of radio programs (which took an incredible amount of time to prepare and then record in a studio) played twice daily—which ran for about 20 years.  Paul Freed, owner of Transworld Radio, which reached 3/4 of the globe, heard my dad speak at a conference, and aired my dad for 10 years for free; then the next 10 years my dad paid for the program himself, which was played on local stations in Ft. Lauderdale and Miami and maybe West Palm.  My dad also had a shorter-running tv-program on the local Christian UHF t.v. station (tv-45, I think, which at that time was already gravitating toward being a Cuban charismatic station, which may explain why my dad did not continue the program for very long).  He had filled in a few times as a guest host for some other local preacher who had his own t.v. show, I can’t remember for whom, and then my dad started his own show for a year or two and paid for it himself (my dad had his own Christian counselling office, and was for a time considered the best Christian counseller in South Florida.  My dad was a genius: chemist, MD, psychiatrist, minister—and also could have been a classical pianist.  My grandmother said that my dad’s piano instructor in Philadelphia was personal friends with the composer Rachmaninoff and said that my dad played some pieces better than Rachmaninoff himself.  My dad ran his counselling office based 100% on the Word of God (not false notions of psychology; there are many valid psychological principles, but only those harmonious with the Word of God; the rest being illogical humanism).  He based his fee on a sliding scale and the client only paid what he could afford.  If they could afford the full $150 fee (or whatever it was over those 25 years), they paid it; if they could afford $5, that is all they paid.  I still have the reel-to-reel tv and radio programs on hundreds of reels; I would like some day to transfer all the reels to computer files and possibly re-air them, but I don’t know how to transfer them and don’t have time to research it.  Maybe one day.]

So I was ignorant of and skeptical about John MacArthur... but when I heard him I realized that he was a cut above the rest and fantastic!  I went back to college in 1989 when I was 27, so I could actually think and was not merely an impressionable young freshman mind that was wowed with and bowed to whatever he “was told” was exceptional (like the Emperor’s Magnificent Suit of Invisible Clothes).  I was also a psychology major—having already gotten my BA in theology from Word of Life Bible Institute in 1981—and being raised by my father with an analytical mind, I scrutinized truth and did not merely swallow everything that was doled out; like so many, sadly, with stars in their eyes did (either out of ignorance or fear and wanting to be accepted as “normal”).  MacArthur came twice a year to Cedarville and spoke each time for a week daily in chapel and at night.  He was a joy to listen to.  Intelligent, insightful, interesting, at ease in the pulpit.

David Jeremiah, Erwin Lutzer, and Norman Geisler, and others who also came and spoke for a week, day and night, were just “okay” (the latter two, despite having higher degrees, even in Philosophy, are often illogical and often atrociously cannot formulate valid thought, and I dissect detailed selections of each of their illogic in 2 different books of mine; Geisler in my Does God Repent...? and Lutzer in my Who Was the Serpent...?).  These speakers and others were hit or miss; sometimes “good” other times not.  

Though I take no pleasure in saying it, Renald Showers,* who also came once and spoke for a week, was AWFUL—a terrible speaker and an even-worse thinker / Bible “scholar”.  He is an ultra-Dispensationalist “Christian Zionist”, graduate of and former instructor at the “Philadelphia College of the Bible” (co-founded by the fraud, C.I. Scofield; now called Cairn University) and has served with “Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry” for many years.  

However, he wrote a very good book (if you can overlook its glaring faults) called, What On Earth Is God Doing?  This may be his only book of value, the rest are on Bible prophecy of which he is utterly ignorant.  Though he is entirely clueless that the Jews / Israelis are not the Israelites of the Bible,* and as most who are thus ignorant, irrationally, usually refer to the Biblical Hebrews and Israelites as “Jews” (I’ve even heard some call Abraham a Jew!).  Of course, if you don’t know who God’s people are and who God’s enemies are, there is no way that you can understand Bible Prophecy (which he thinks is one of his fortés).  Additionally, if you think that God abolished His Law (on top of the other errors) there is no way that you can understand God’s Plan.  

[* See my, Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, God’s Chosen People: Who Is? Who Isn't and Why, and Are You An Anti-Semite?]

Clearly, if someone thought that the Founding Fathers of the United States, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, etc., were Africans and Muslims—he is going to be pretty much wrong concerning just about anything that he is going to attempt to “teach”.  I had read Showers’ book a decade before I returned to college and I had enjoyed the book, so I was actually excited to hear that he was going to be speaking; so not only was I not prejudiced against him, I was actually prejudiced in his favor—until he began to open his mouth and speak.  

Of course, if you are a Christian teacher and you don’t understand Theology (God’s Nature) or Doctrine, or God’s Law, Who is Who, or Prophecy, what can you teach but an emotional feel-goodism about a pseudo-spiritual science-fiction fantasy?  But that as it may, he was difficult to listen to speak, regardless of the topic.

At the time that I attended, though the college was a GARB (General Association of Regular Baptists) school, it was originally Covenant Presbyterian in its roots / founding, many of the instructors (for a time) held more to Reformed and Covenant theology than to Dispensationalism.  However, now, I would imagine, the older professors have been put out to pasture and the majority are probably Dallas Theological Seminary cookie-cutter stamp outs, who—though sometimes entertaining—are mindless, spiritless, world-pleasing sycophants who cannot (and don’t want to) think outside the denominational trough / casket.  DTS is the “Mothership” of Dispensationalism and modernist theology that is passed off as “conservative”.  

[See my, The Futurist and Rapture Conspiracy.]

I remember sitting in chapel when Showers was trying to deliver his message one evening, and several of the school’s professors were in the pew in front of me, and they folded their arms over their chests and sat back in the pew and whispered under their breath to each other something to the effect, “This guy doesn’t know what he is talking about”.  

— US Politicians Guilty of WAR CRIMES—against the US as well as foreign nations

Control the food supply, medicine and so called “health” care, the media, the economy, education, and the churches, and what is left to resist even a foreign invasion if “sanctioned” by the so-called “government”...?

Inject disease into people (which is what vaccines do) and you secure for yourself a steady flow of business and a neutered populace throwing away their freedom begging the government to give them free health care, even though the stupid cattle don’t realize that once the “government” has all the power all of the sickly, unproductive cattle (those on welfare) will just be slaughtered (but for now, ironically the sickly, unproductive people freely reproduce at public expense, and serve only to weaken the nation so that it can be overthrown from within by the traitors in power working toward this end).  

The politicians’ lives are considered sacred and the death penalty is considered a terrible, terrible crime against humanity—EXCEPT if “a commoner” kills “a politician” (the greatest blasphemy in the mind of the secular State), then the death penalty itself is considered sacrosanct: the gods have been offended and must have their sacrifice!  However, to the foolish masses who grovelled for “national health care” (a form of socialism, and itself a massive ponzi scheme)—unless you are a Third World alien invader helping to weaken the system, your health and well being really does not matter—so keep paying your taxes and your health care premiums so that all those Third World aliens can have their every need met.  The common man is sent away saying that he does not need new knee replacements (such as my neighbor informed me)—a pair of crutches and velcro-knee braces are good enough for you and you can just deal with the pain.  However, public tax money will pay the entire hospital fee (and pre- and post-natal care; and food and money for the next 18 years) for every baby they can pop out.  And the the politicians themselves are given Royal Health Care in which “the sky’s the limit” and “spare no expense”—just put it on the people’s tab!  

The average American’s salary is paltry, his benefits nonexistent, and his social security rarely even raised to keep up with the rise in inflation (the government manipulated devaluation of the currency as the result of government misspending, fraud, embezlement, and federal counterfeiting).  But the politicians give themselves pay raise after pay raise (and the Hollywood-Hills Mariot benefit package that the average person does not even realize the politicians have)—and as a result of decades of “faithful public service” the majority of politicians are millionaires.  Despite their grotesque wealth derived from feeding off the people they are supposed to serve, they will still get Royal pensions and Royal health care for the rest of their lives.  Far-higher than what the average American even makes in a year, the politicians will receive as their pension.  THIS IS COMMUNISM in its actual form: Oligarchyism.  As Orwell pointed out in his classic book Animal Farm,* in the beginning all animals are considered equal, but once the pigs take over, all animals are considered equal, but the pigs are “a little more than equal”.  The praises of equality are sung from the barntop, but that is not what is practiced once the pigs begin to secure their monopoly on how the barnyard is run (after they have slaughtered the farmer and his family and farm hands).  The bald-faced lying swine soon show their true colors and any barnyard animal that has the gall to notice and express his opinion, just “disappears” and is never seen again.

[* Animal Farm (1946) George Orwell, a classic; 114p., pb. 10.00 + P&H; ; DVD cartoon, 24.00; DVD 2-in-1, Animal Farm movie [& bonus Moby Dick movie] 13.00 + P&H; skillfully reveals the duplicity and corruption of socialism/communism through an allegory in which animals take over a farm, then the pigs begin to change the established rules to be in favor of the pigs at all the other animals’ expense.  A must for children and adults.]

There is always an INCREASE in flu around "flu shot season” — which is used as an excuse that the flu shot is needed; but in reality, the flu shot causes a good percentage of the flu cases.  Nice little racket.  The flu shots are even offered free (because it will drum up business for the doctors and drug companies, not just for the flu, but for all the degenerative disease it will cause many years down the road).  The government just tacks it on to the people’s taxes and the doctors and drug comapanies make a killing (in more ways than one).  The corrupt doctors and drug salesmen even have the gall to say that if the shot doesn’t work the first time, get it 2 or 3 times!  Patient death in nursing homes rises around “flu shot season”—not from the flu, but from the flu-shot; an easy way to get rid of old people: It’s more honestly called euthanasia, but “they were old and weak and it was their time to go” sounds much nicer.  Childhood vaccines CAUSE childhood disease, including autism, which further destroys the nation and the economy by the “rise in health care” and billions more to spend on “the war against disease”.  This is little different than firemen who start fires so they can get paid for being the hero to put the fires out.  Modern medicine is merely a “licensed”, “professional” form of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, now renamed, Fictitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA).

These are crimes against humanity and they are WAR crimes—it is an unspoken war, but it is war nonetheless.  What is it called when one group of people, who wants to impose its will on another group of people, and undertakes a systematic plan over an extended period of time to kill those people who will not submit?*  I do believe WAR is the appropriate term.  

[* This of course includes importing massive numbers of aliens (which constitutes a foreign army, to undertake a silent war of attrition) and putting them on a tax-payer-funded breeding program.  Guns don’t kill people in our once-safe inner citys: negroes, muslims, asians, and hispanics do (and all their endless hybrids).  Chicago (with the strictest of gun legislation) has about 500 murders a year.  It ain’t white people doing it.  Chicago has been in top 3 murder rate of US cities since 1985!  It’s not the white population doing it.   It’s not the guns jumping off the shelves chasing people down in the streets and “going off” on them.  It is similar in most all large U.S. cities.  But that is not enough.   Now the criminal politicians are busing the aliens to small town America and crime rates are rising there too.  In my small town of 3,000 (which already has more small restaurants / fast food than is really needed) they are as I speak building a Taco Bell and Kentucky Friend Chicken.  Criminals need to be well fed to be able to go out and commit crime.  This tells me that they are going to begin sending droves of aliens here, in addition to the 150 or so Mexicans already here, bussed in from Indiana I hear, to work in the local factory.  Roughly 1.2 million violent crimes are committed in the U.S. per year—and it is due to a situation that the corrupt politicians have created and which they fund.  They have misused their power to create the Perfect Storm to destroy the United States; to turn it into the Mulatto States.  1.2 million violent crimes a year.  THAT IS WAR.]

See also:
I knew that the doctors were being murdered were killed because of vaccines; but I didn’t know that they found cancer in the vaccines.


The most brilliant scientists working for the U.S. government do NOT vaccinate their own kids.


Excellent excellent presentation... listen to the very, very end.  A bit over 10 minute video that you need to watch for some understanding of a major  part of our “health” troubles.  Quite a few of us have known this to be the case for a long time.  



—Condamned if we do - Condamned if we don't... we're to blame for everything, and if we are not to blame, well, it's our fault we are not to blame, so we are still to blame... get it...?

Condamned if we do — Condamned if we don’t... we’re to blame for everything, and if we are not to blame, well, it’s our fault we are not to blame, so we are still to blame... get it...?

Someone emailed me this email and link:

No surprise here: