—VICTORY—WE NEED TO REALIZE THE POWER WE HAVE IF WE STAND TOGETHER...!—Christian German Homeschooling Family Deported by B-HO Administration & Imprecatory Prayers - AND Newly Persecuted Homeschool Families in Germany and Elsewhere

[update: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/03/04/christians-vow-civil-disobedience-if-home-school-family-is-deported/?cmpid=NL_tadspth

praise God and keep praying and STAND UP for what is right or NO ONE will stand up for you when you find yourself attacked.  God says we reap what we sow.  EVERY TIME a Christian does not stand up for what is right and oppose evil we DENY JESUS CHRIST.]

—yet mexicans can enter illegally and get food stamps and medical care, and haitians and cubans wash up on shore; how disgraceful. 

May God judge those evil persons involved. Everyone please pray imprecatory prayers (and if you don't take the 30 seconds to do so then maybe something like this will happen to your family).

Proverbs 21:13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

Psalm 97:10 Ye that love the LORD, hate evil

I John 3:17 But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

Proverbs 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.



We need to pray imprecatory prayers on such evil people all day long, and upon all the traitors who have conspired with them, that if they are of God, that God brings them to repentance and causes them to turn from their wicked ways, but that if they are not of God that God has them fall into the pit they have dug for the righteous—and that God throws at them all the evil at His disposal (fires, floods, tornadoes, earthquake, lightening, disease, crime, accidents, disasters, self-betrayal, exposure and criminal prosecution, etc) that He may cleanse the earth just a little bit for the sake of His elect remnant, before He returns to obliterate their memory from the land of the living, and we need to pray that God opens the eyes of His people to the truth while there is time.

Psalm 139:21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

139:22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

139:24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

David was "a man after the Lord's own heart"


Psalm 7:11 God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

7:12 If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready.

7:13 He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.

7:14 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.

7:15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.

7:16 His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate.

7:17 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.


Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil

Psalm 97:10 Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

Those who do not hate evil do not understand the holiness of God and cannot love God ... they may think they do, but they cannot, if they cherish, coddle, or protect things He hates; if they do not hate what God hates, His spirit and nature is not in them... Christ said, I would that ye were hot (spiritually alive) or cold (spiritually dead), but because ye are lukewarm I will spue you out of my mouth. If you are not for Me, ye are against Me, if you do not gather with Me, you scatter abroad (work against My work).

As long as we are willing to tolerate evil, immorality, corruption, perversion, etc., God will not deliver us from it. God commanded His people to PUT OUT sin from among them by stoning the offenders to death.  That was not pleasant, it was brutal.  But it delivered the nation from all the pain and sorrow and injustice and mayhem with which we are now assaulted.  Why do people no longer put evil out from among us; ostracize and excommunicate those who are in sin, or obey God and have the civil authorities put to death those worthy of it...? because the enemy slithered in, took control of the schools and churches, caused a theological shift, and people no longer hate evil... in fact, most kinda like it... and the media has perverted the minds of the people; everything in Hollywood is straight from the Talmud—and eventually, all such evil is even legislatively protected... while everything that God has commanded is outlawed, vilified, mocked, everything God had forbidden is put on a pedestal as the ideal. Woe unto those who call good evil and evil good.  Those guilty of this are also those, who by their silence, give consent.


See also the new story (August 2013) at this link:




If people don't stand up and do something all of Christendom will find itself in a full-blown communist dictatorship which will make the Bolshevik Revolution look like summer camp.


—Christian German Homeschooling Family Deported by B-HO Administration

—yet mexicans can enter illegally and get food stamps and medical care, and haitians and cubans wash up on shore; how disgraceful. 

May God judge those evil persons involved. Everyone please pray imprecatory prayers (and if you don't take the 30 seconds to do so then maybe something like this will happen to your family).

Proverbs 21:13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

Psalm 97:10 Ye that love the LORD, hate evil

I John 3:17 But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth
the love of God in him?

Proverbs 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap.


— What Are The Biblical Consequences of Suicide...? —or What Does The Bible Say About Suicide...?

What are the Biblical consequences of suicide...? 

What Does the Bible Say About Suicide..?

by Robert Alan Balaicius


[I have recently completely re-written / refined / proofread this, added new information, and a 19-page section "The Meaning of Life" which precedes it, and it is available in booklet form, The Meaning of Life & What Does the Bible Say About Suicide?, 60pp., 5.00 + P&H.]

While suicide is certainly not recommended, Scripture says that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the only unpardonable sin. Catholics believe that you damn yourself to hell if you commit suicide; I don’t see anything in Scripture to support that notion. Killing yourself is no different (in terms of God’s Judgment on you), as far as I can see, than killing someone else (either way, if you have killed another human being, you have destroyed the Image of God in which Adamkind was created).

The penalty for killing someone else is being put to death yourself; so the penalty for the crime of killing yourself is already administered when someone kills himself (sort of a "neat and tidy" crime for the judge and executioner). 

Scripture says no murderer has eternal life dwelling in him or no murderer shall inherit the Kingdom; but this refers, I believe, not to someone who once killed someone (and repented of it), but someone who made a life-time occupation of being a murder, or someone who murdered someone who never repented of his crime, confessed it, and delivered himself up for jugment or mercy.  One can "be sorry" for a crime and not face the music; but one cannot truly repent before God (against Whom all sin is ultimately committed) without delivering oneself up for judgment, confessing his crime/sin, and making restitution.

[Note also, I am referring to true acts of murder: murdering someone to steal his wife, property, because he insulted you, etc.  I am not referring to the Biblical Law of the Blood Avenger, in which someone may have executed someone worthy of death, since the civil and ecclesiatical authorities are usually godless and don't punish crimes as God commands.  Note also: I am not saying that anyone should do such a thing.  I am merely drawing a line of distinction in this matter, because God's Word does.  In Biblical times God established certain cities of refuge.  If somone had killed someone, he could flee to one of the cities of refuge; he would then be judged there by the priest of the city and if found worthy of death (guilty of premeditated murder, not mere accident), he would be delivered up to the blood avenger/nearest of kin to be put to death.  If he was found innocent of intentional slaying, he would be safe from the blood avenger ONLY if he lived in that city and never left it; until the death of the priest of that city; then he was free to leave and the blood avenger could not take his life without himself being guilty of murder.  Of course there are spiritual parallels here; and Christ is our city of refuge (as well as the avenger of blood) and we are safe in Him for He will never die.  But simply because there are spiritual parallels does not negate the literal truth.  God established this because it is righteous; life is holy.  Those who reject God's ways as being barbaric or antiquated HATE God.]

It could be argued that one can never repent from his own suicide* (being dead and therefore having no opportunity to do so—one can only repent from the deeds committed in the body while he is still in the body; after that, the chance for repetance is withdrawn and all that exists for him is judgment); however, I don't see that as being valid, but circular and faulty logic.  While technically true, the act of suicide is one of despair or self-inflicted mercy not necessarily rebellion. 

[* However, there may be some rare instances in which a person truly repents of his suicide, if he has done something that does not produce immediate, but slow and imminent death (I would surmise the penitent thief on the cross would fall into this category).  Technically, someone could possibly repent of suicide, if he takes pills / poison or hangs himself or slits his wrists or such, he certainly may have some time to repent before his life slips away (if he is conscious or still in possession of his faculties to have 30 seconds to cry out "God be merciful to me a sinner" before he passes out and before his spirit bids adieu to his mortal body.  But whether such repentance would truly be sincere, is highly argueable; though of course, unproveable.    It should also be pointed out in that in most cases, someone may not truly repent, but merely regret.  Repentance entails turning from what is wrong to do what is right, so in most cases, a person having no opportunity to do what is right, has no opportunity for repentance.  While this is not clear-cut, it does seem to be a valid point.  Talk is cheap.  To claim repentance knowing there is no opportunity to do the opposite of what was done, cannot be proved.  Faith without works is dead.  I am not saying it is impossible to truly repent at death's door, for clearly Christ informed us the penitent thief truly repented.  It is a dangerous fine line to attempt to tight-rope walk.  Similarly, one cannot "repent" of a sin before he commits it.  Such as, "God forgive me for what I am about to do."  That is really getting the cart before the horse and the very definition of repentance or conversion is an about face, a 180 degree turn about, and one cannot repent before hand and then go immediately into sin.  One can regret what he is going to do, but he cannot repent of it before he does it.  It is also debateable whether in many such cases that someone can truly repent after he does it (like impotently going to confessional after committing a sin he knew he should not commit, yet which he committed anyway, thinking, "No worries, I can sin and then just say 'I'm sorry,' and that will cover it).  This is not to say that people in despair or under great temptation or weakness will not give in to sin.  I am referring to those who sin flippantly, as if it is a non-issue, "It's not a big deal, just shut up and let me pay the fine."  Such an attitude demostrates an utter unregeneracy of mind and spirit.  Scripture clearly tells us, "26For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries." (Hebrews 10)  If one truly repents of his sin, he will be pained in his soul and not run right back out to do it again.]


King Saul and his armor bearer killed themselves; being wounded, about to be overcome, the enemy would have tortured them mercilessly.  Was it wrong for Saul to so do?  That is an peripheral matter outside the scope of this short article.  Similarly, we could talk about Kevork-icide: if one has a life-threatening, debilitating, degenerative, irremedial disease or injury in which there is no hope of a cure or recovery, and only a lingering, meaningless, slow death with excruciating pain and suffering, some may opt to go out in a more peaceful and dignified style.  Similarly, in times of war, there have no doubt been innumerable (most-often unreported) cases in which someone has had half of his body blown away, his guts hanging out, no hope of any semblence of life even if he survives the excrucitating pain, blood loss, infection, and he either commits suicide or asks his buddy to end his suffering.  Is such suicide or murder?  Probably not; however, the ONLY people who, I believe, have ANY RIGHT to judge in such a situation are those poor souls who have had to suffer, finding themselves in such a situation.

Samson himself, in a final act of repentance, vengeance and deliverance for his people (for he was a deliverer-judge, as carnal as he was) committed suicide by bringing the palace of the Philistines down upon himself, while at the same time taking out a few thousand of the enemy.  Similarly, there are numerous incidents of some gallant soul throwing himself on a grenade to save his buddies.  Is this truly suicide?  Is self-sacrifice suicide?  No.  Suicide is a selfish sin of despair; while it can be spur of the moment, it is usually planned.  Self-sacrifice is often spur of the moment, though it can be thought out; but it is the most self-less act that a person can commit.

[Of course, one can think up an example which may be an exception to the rule.  If somone was in such despair and wanted to commit suicide, being tired of living, and he sees the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, save someone else or others and earning himself eternal honor, while committing suicide, which he wanted to do anyway.  Some such cases may not truly be self-sacrifice, though a bit different than run-of-the-mill suicide out of despair, self-hatred, or as a terribly deluded way of lashing out at others; however, "altruistic suicide," technically, is suicide itself.  If a person did not have to die, or at least did not want to die, yet chooses to die, such heroism is not suicide, but self-sacrifice.  However, if a person wanted to die anyway, and possibly did not have to, yet chose to go out under the guise of saving others, he, in essence, has killed himself.  Of couse, God is the only one who knows the heart and can discern such matters.]

If you think about it, Christ did the same thing; by throwing Himself on the sin-bomb of His people, bearing the brunt of the exploding Wrath of a Holy and Just God on our behalf.  Scripture itself also declares, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend."  Such was not suicide, but self-sacrifice.

Sometimes someone like Judas kills himself out of remorse for what he did; but Judas' fate is not in killing himself, but for being a child of the Devil and betraying Christ. 

[People need to realize that people do what is in their nature to do.  An animal barking does not make it a dog (parrots can learn to bark); a dog barks because it is a dog.  Likewise people do what is within their nature; what they do does not make them what they are; they do because of what they are.  That which cometh out of a man defileth a man, revealing his true nature.  Every tree is known by its fruit.  If one is truly of God, his life will bear appropriate fruit, reflecting the Divine Light of his Creator, Father, and God.  Any goodness in us is only a result of God's Grace.  Whether that Grace blooms and flourishes, or is stunted, or dies in infancy, is a matter of God's Sovereignty.  Scripture clearly tells us that there is none that doeth good, we are all vile, none even on their own incline toward God.  It is God's Grace that draws us to Him.  Anything else is delusion and humanism.]


Further, there are other forms of suicide that are not suicide, but suicide by tricking somone else into homicide; such as "suicide by cop" (purposely doing something to create the situation in which someone else actually kills you in presumed self-defense; which seems to become easier and easier in today's police state: If you go to scratch your nose too fast some trigger-happy marine psychopath cop or federal agent may blow your head off; and never face charges for murder).  Bonafide suicide by cop is a coward's way out and is twice as immoral as pure suicide, since it besmears someone else's mind and conscience for the rest of his life.  Morally, such is suicide, even if technically one did not pull the trigger of the gun pointed at his own head, he pulled the trigger of the person who would pull the trigger of the gun.  Some of these examples may seem like hair splitting, but I believe it has to do with the intent of the person who sets up the elaborate maze of dominoes ending on his own head; rather than the hapless soul who is fooled into triggering the lethal event into motion.

Actually, if you think about it, certain crimes like murder, kidnapping, idolatry, whoredom, etc., that were punishable by death according to God's Law, were actually suicide on top of the other crime; for if you know that God declared the death penalty on anyone who commits such crimes, and you choose to commit those crimes anyway, then isn't that really suicide if you know you will be put to death if you are caught?  While technically, it may not be suicide, since the person does not want to die, and since he is hoping he will not be caught.  However, it is Russian Roulette and most people who commit heinous crimes do so with little thought, operating on the base level of animals; though some do calculate their crimes with great care.  However, if one truly believes in God, then it is indeed suicide, even if one does not want to die; for if one does something for which he knows the death penalty is warranted, and he knows God is watching and has promised Judgment, then such a person clearly is committing suicide (he subconsciously wants to die and has no regard for his own life or the lives of others, or he would not commit such crimes); he is just hoping that it will not result in his death right away.

Further, those who abuse food (the wrong kinds of food, too much food, etc.), alcohol beyond moderation, the majority of pharmaceutical drugs (which are abused more than so-called "recreational" drugs, which violate God's Laws), as well as "recreational" drugs at all.... those who casually abuse such things on a routine basis, even daily, are they not committing suicide, slowly?  While denial is a powerful factor, there is some point in time (before, during, or after denial) that a person realizes that what he is doing is wrong.  Maybe he is not wanting to kill himself, maybe he is insulating himself against the unpleasantries of life (which itself is denial), but the toll that it takes on the body, cutting years off ones life, is indeed suicide... even if immediate death is not the intended result.  If someone dies playing Russian Roulette, is it suicide? —of course it is.  Someone who would take the chance of dying does not revere life and does not want to live, so it is suicide.  Someone who plays Russian Roulette with food, alcohol, drugs, or any other at risk behaviour, does the same thing.  They just are not honest enough to admit it; or are in such a state of denial and ignorance that they don't consciously recognize the ultimate ramifications of their actions.

Finally, it is Catholic doctrine that any little sin will damn you to Hell or Purgatory (which I call "Hell on a Timer"—in which you allegedly, painfully count the minutes until you are out of the penalty box).  However, the Bible clearly shows that it is not individual sins which will damn a person to Hell, but rejecting Christ and His sacrifice for ALL YOUR COMBINED SIN on your behalf.  If one has confessed Christ and come under the blood of His sacrifice by repentance and asking forgiveness, all of his sins (past, present, and future) are forgiven as pertaining to Final Judgment; however, any unconfessed sin after the point of salvation does NOT effect his eternal destiny in Heaven or Hell, but his fellowship with God while on earth.  Once a person has confessed his sin to God and asked for forgiveness through Christ, he cannot lose his salvation, and sin does not effect his terminal destiny, but his blessing in this life and his position or status in the Kingdom. 

However, if one allegedly confesses his sin to God, yet his life never shows true, lasting* fruit of any change; most probably he was never truly converted to begin with (it was only an emotional, "quick fix" that was never intended to be a way of life; so no actual forgiveness or salvation was ever attained.  As I have written in several books of mine: Where no fruit is evident, the Holy Spirit is not resident.  If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, all things are passed away, behold, all things are become new."  The wicked often prosper, but their day (of God's retribution and Justice, their due rewards) is coming (so says Psalm 37 and other passages).  The righteous often suffer for God's glory; but also for our own sins; because: God chastens every son whom He loves and if ye be without chastisement, then ye are bastards and not sons. 

[* Christ said, that He ordained us that we should bring forth fruit and that our fruit should remain (John 15:16).  This is the discriminating factor between counterfeit fruit and true fruit.]

Thus God's chastening of His children in this life (discipline) if ignored, may lead to death by some sickness or accident or "act of God" if a believer does not repent (that though the body be destroyed the soul may be saved).  However, it does not have to be that way.  Most people do not realize it (not seeing the forest for the trees) but the purpose of ALL spankings (if they are godly) is... [get this, mind-blowing concept]...—to prevent all future spankings.  The spanking has to really hurt in order to do its job.  The spanking is not retributive, but reformative; it is to get our attention to prevent future spankings; even terminal ones if we refuse to heed the first few warning shots fired over our bow.

But God does not want to spank us.  He wants us to do what is right so that He can bless us beyond our imagination.  That is the meaning of "22And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 23For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry." (I Samuel 15).  God at times in the Old Testament told His people that He abhorred their sacrifices, their festivals, sabbaths, new moons.  Most people who are spiritually mentally challenged think this means God hated His own Law (and such people do not know the true God and all we can do is hope that God has mercy on those who are spiritually profoundly retarded).  Such is an impossibility and God never abolished His Law, which is an impossibility.  What such passages mean is that God detested their PRETENSE in GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS of offering sacrifice, or tithe, or worship, when THEIR HEARTS WERE FAR FROM HIM; when they did not want to do it, were unrepentance, insincere, and dead hearted.  God expresses a similar thing in the passage in I Samuel quoted above.   God does not delight in burnt sacrifices—but when they were offered from a truly repentant heart, God received them as temporary payment of the sin-debt until Christ paid it in full, for those who come under Covenant through His Blood.  God did not want innocent animal victims to be slain, for that itself meant that someone had sinned and the penalty for sin is death.  HOWEVER, in lieu of the death of His beloved children, God accepted the temporary atonement of the blood of innocent animals and the burnt sacrifice which was a "smell of apeasement" (not "sweet smelling, which is a poor translation*), satisfying the Divine Holy demand for Justice.  God did not want innocent animals to be slain and burned; but it was what He commanded when sins were inevitably committed.  He desires obedience so that no death is necessary.

[* Cooking animal flesh smells wonderful.  But the carcases of sheep and cattle and goats and dove were not bar-b-qued.  They started out smelling good, but were then burned to a crisp which produces a hideous, hellish, acrid, offensive stench.  So it is with our sin; it starts out seeming nice, but ends in vileness.  There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death.  Sweet-smelling is a misunderstanding and a mistranslation.  The sacrifices for sin was not throwing God a bar-b-que; it was not sweet-smelling... sin is not sweet smelling; the results of sin, the senseless tragedy, suffering and death are not sweet smelling; they are a stench in His nostrils; but the sacrifice of innocent victims was a smell of appeasement; satisfying Divine Judgment which God's Holiness demanded.  Sin has to be covered.  This sacrificial system pointed toward God, Who in His Longsuffering, waited until the time was ripe for Christ to be born to take away the sins of His people who actually turn from their sin, and follow Christ in obedience on the road to the Kingdom.] 

God prefers for His children to be honorable and obedient and to reflect His Image of Holiness.  Being that we all suffer from the curse of the fall, we are imperfect and none of us can be sinless in this life; but that does not mean we should not resist temptation.  Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.  Those who hang around a burning garbage dump will stink.  It is inevitable.  The cherubim and serephim, the highest order of angels, shine as brightly as burning copper—due to their proximity to the nearness of God's Throne.  They shine bright because they are close to God and absorb and reflect His Light.  So should we who were made in His Image.  If we walk in the Spirit, having our mind daily washed in His Word, we will sin less.  If we hang out around a burning garbage dump, well, that is what we will smell like. 

Though we will all sin from time to time, the goal is to sin as little as possible, which is only possible when we walk in the light, not in the darkness (men prefer darkness to light because their deeds are evil; but we are not children of the night, but of the day, of the light; unless we walk in the light, we cannot have fellowship with God the Father or Christ the Son; without fellowship with God, we will gravitate toward sin).  When sin it committed, it cannot be ignored; it must be dealt with.  God cannot hear the prayers of one with unconfessed sin (except a sin of confession); and sin after salvation also effects ones placement / reward in the kingdom; whether one will have a place of honor, or whether one will be a heavenly janitor. 

[In fact, God hears no prayer of any human until he prays the prayer of confession for sin and acceptance of the Sacrifice of Christ on his behalf.  Before that initial prayer is prayed, it is like trying to post a comment at most any website; you receive an automated response: "I am sorry, you are not allowed to post comments; you are not a member."]

Therefore, in a sense all sin is suicide (and also "career suicide" in the afterlife, since our performance in this life determines our placement and status in the Kingdom of God).  While one does not have to live with the results of suicide in this life (since he will no longer be in this life), he will have to deal with the results of not only suicide, but an entire life of irresponsibility before God, for all eternity.  Those who trust in Christ for salvation, yet never live as they should, will be serfs and knaves and lackeys (I am being facetious) in the Kingdom for all eternity; rather than having a place of distinguished honor and authority and blessing.  Those who die without Christ, will have irremediable Judgment; the most horrifying thought the human mind can ever entertain.  God declared, "I have set before thee this day, life and death: Choose life, that thou and thy seed may live!"


Finally, I quote from the eminent Dr. Gordon H. Clark,* from his, A Christian View of Men and Things, (p.183), quoting German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), from his Lectures on Ethics:

 "But as soon as we examine suicide from the standpoint of religion [i.e. Christianity, the Bible] we immediately see it in its true light.  We have been placed in this world under certain conditions and for specific purposes.  But a suicide opposes the purpose of his Creator; he arrives in the other world as one who has deserted his post; he must be looked upon as a rebel against God.  So long as we remember the truth that it is God's intention to preserve life, we are bound to regulate our activities in conformity with it."


[* Clark was the greatest philosopher, theologian, thinker, logician of our era.  I stock all his books and recommend them to anyone who wants to understand the Bible, God, truth.  Email for a list of his titles.  Clark is relatively unknown, because of his giant genius, his Biblical argument, his philosophic  logic was unanswerable by atheists, agnostics, humanists, and humanistic Arminianist "Christians" and since he could not be refuted, he is simply ignored so that no one knows about him and reads him and comes to a knowledge of the truth.  It is not too extreme to say if you have never read Clark, you have never truly thought; or at least you have never thought truly.  He was a consummate scholar; without equal.  I highly recommend his works; email me for a list and I will also recommend which would be best to start with.]


Pondering Kant's quotation, also begs the question... if suicide is a Christian going A.W.O.L, dereliction of duty, deserting his post, do not the majority of Christians do the very thing without committing suicide...?  If they live for themselves, if they go through their daily routine without giving God a thought... are they also not derelict in their duty, have they not also deserted their post...?  As I explain in my book, Void of Offense to God and Man:  We are here as God's ambassadors.  Does the average Christian truly, ever represent Him...?  An ambassador speaks the words of the one he represents.  He carries out the business of the one He represents.  Yet the average Christian behaves day in and day out as if he is on a perpetual sight-seeing tour. 

The average Christian has been deluded and hypnotized by the cosmic rat race he thinks is life; and forgets God in the process; giving God a few half-hearted thoughts (intermittant thoughts, in among day-dreaming) for an hour on Sunday (which day itself is not the day God commanded, which is insult and disobedience on top of insult).  We are God's children, and as Christ, we are supposed to be about our Father's Business.  We are God's ambassadors and servants.  WHO would keep their job very long, if on a daily basis they never consulted with their boss concerning WHAT IT IS that he wanted them to do that day...? 

Christ said, "Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say...?"  The converse of that statement is the revealed truth that is supposed to be deduced from Christ's rhetorical question: "Because ye do not do the things I say, I am not your Lord."  Lord means Sovereign.  God means Creator and Ruler and Judge of all.  Most Christians live their lives daily as if they themselves are their own god and lord.  They consider Christ and God to be a little puppy dog that is supposed to follow them around; or a nice little idol they put on the mantle of the fireplace, which they look at casually from time to time, which fills them with the warm fuzzies.  If they had a Buddha statue, they would rub his belly.  Lord means Sovereign, King, Emperor, Master.  Christ Jesus is not the Lord of the majority of Christians, for they do not do what Christ commanded.  Most are not even of Christ's sheep.  Christ said "My sheep hear My Voice and follow (obey) Me."  Those who do not obey Christ, do not hear His True Voice, and are not His sheep.  By their fruit ye shall know them. 

Christ said, "I am the True Vine."  The existence of a true vine presupposes a false vine.  Most Christians are plugged into, grafted into the false vine; otherwise, they would bear the fruit of Christ.  These comments are not meant to be condemnational or insulting; but reformative, sobering, quickening.  He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  If someone informs you that you are on the path of destruction, and your reponse is to be offended, and pout, or attack, then you are a fool.  If your response is to search your heart, and the Scriptures, to examine yourself whether you be in the true faith, and then get off the path to destruction and get on the path to life everlasting, then it would seem that God has truly called you and you have heard (heeded) His Voice.  Rebuke a wise man and he will thank you, but fools take offense at everything. 

Thus, which is the greater sin, suicide, or continuing a life of dereliction before God?  Please do not misunderstand my query.  I am in no way suggesting anyone to commit suicide.  I am suggesting that those who would never think about suicide, consider whether a life of continual dereliction and disobedience to God is more honorable than actually opting out, after which one would no longer have the opportunity to submit to and truly serve (worship) God; or continue on in a lifetime of selfish delusion and rebellion, having every opportunity to do what is right, and yet never doing it.  Which, I question, will have the greater condemnation on the Day of Judgment? 

Those who are deluded into thinking they are serving God need to re-read the Scriptures.  If our nation, our world, all of former-Christendom, was full of such "fine specimens of Christians" then darkness would not be winning, the gates of Hell would not be prevailing (actually setting their new boundaries within our land); perverts and pagans and God-haters and God deniers would not be proliferating our lands; corruption, war, debt and inflation would not be rampant; rape and murder and every form of perversion would not be considered "normal" and "honorable" "lifestyle choices."  The world is full of such "fine" Christians and for this reason, Christendom is on the verge of collapse.  Most Christians are deluded about what God's Word actually says, for they have never read it competently on their own; without the indoctrination of their favorite pastors and teachers and authors who cannot "think outside the seminary" (which seminaries, for the most part, have been subverted even as have been the universties of our nation which were all founded as devout Christian institutions of learning and now are utterly reprobate).  God is Immutable.  He cannot change.  His Word, His Law, is an expression, and extension of His Nature and it cannot change.  God's Word cannot change, it cannot contradict itself.  That which God says first stands and sets the standard by which all subsequent Scripture is to be interpreted.  These are the foundational principles of Biblical Interpretation.  However, the average preacher, teacher, author (who cannot truly think, or who does not want to think the thoughts of God), makes Swiss cheese of God's Word; rather than expounding it as the harmonious masterpiece that it is. 

Christ declared in Matthew 7:

"22Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in Thy Name have cast out devils? and in Thy Name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity."

This is a sobering thought to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.  These are not people who are living immoral, wicked lives.  These are not people who are living secular lives.  These are people who were clearly under some great delusion, thinking they were actually serving God... prophesying in His Name, casting out devils in His Name, doing many wonderful works in His Name.  Christ does not declare that there will be a few sporadic peoples in this deluded state, but MANY. 

Does it not the behoove each Christian to actually, as the Bereans, search the Scriptures whether what they hear their preacher, teacher, or author claim is what God's Word says...?  Does it not behoove each Christian to examine himself whether he be in the faith...?  Christ elsewhere said, "He that is not for Me is against Me," but also "He that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad."  The average Christian thinks they are for Christ; but Christ said, "Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord and do not the things I say...?" 

Most Christians, like Cain, offer to God what they are willing to offer, with the attitude: "That's what I am willing to offer, take it or leave it."  God left it.  He will always leave it.  He is Holy.  He has decreed and declared what is acceptable and what He has commanded.  Most Christians, not understanding God's Word, do the very opposite of what He commanded, and yet are deluded into thinking that God is just tickled pink and so lucky to have them on His side.  If the average Christian were obeying God we would not live in a cesspool, a garbage dump, in what was once a city set on a hill—a truly Christian nation (and those who doubt or despute that we were ever a Christian nation flaunt their ignorance or are liars). 

Christ said those who do not gather with Him—those who do not do the VERY work that He commanded (My sheep hear My Voice and follow/obey Me; Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say?, If you love Me, keep My Commandments)... those who do not do the VERY work that Christ commanded actually WORK AGAINST HIM. 

Good intentions are meaningless when one has all the facts wrong.  If someone hired 2 people to transport bricks from point A to point B and both persons were to take separate routes to prevent running into each other, if one person misunderstood the instructions and is taking bricks from point B back to point A, he is undoing the work the other worker is doing, the very work he was called to do, regardless of his intentions or the very fine job he thinks he is doing.


[For those truly interested in their soul, the truth, truly understanding God's Word (not merely maintaining the corrupt but comfortable tradition of their elders), who truly love and want to obey and serve God, order my, God and Evil, The Sovereignty of God, Predestination, "Free Will" and the Protestant Reformation, and What's Keeping God From Delivering America, Britain, and Europe From Destruction...?  Email also for a list of books by Dr. Gordon H. Clark, and those first recommended.]

— Repentance & Imprecatory Prayers or Tolerance...?

Repentance, Obedience & Imprecatory Prayers - or - Tolerance and More Judgment...?

It's Your Choice Christedom...

—Wake up or Perish...!

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)

Islam is just as much a threat to Christendom as Zionism is.

They both want all Christians dead or slaves on their plantation. 

The Zionists are actually the ones who have broken down all the moral barriers of Christendom (in fulfillment of Prophecy: God warned us if we turned from His Ways and made any treaty with the Canaanites, that the enemy among us would become the head and we the tail and that God would be upon us to do us evil in payment for our sins against Him, even as He formerly had been upon us to do us good when we repented and obeyed Him).
The antichrist Zionists are the ones who have broken up all our Christian Republics and swamped our nations with enemies—including Islam, which they control at the highest levels...

They have demoralized our nations with liberal antichrist philosophy, false doctrine, and then, after having played the role of "good foreigner" and feigned Americanism and acceptance of their second-class place status in our society, honoring our way of life and institutions; they then, often even pretending to have converted to Christianity, pressed for legislation to allow more of their own into our nation; then they pressed for "equal right" (something they do not offer to foreigners in their nations); then, once they had sufficient numbers, they then were able to have themselves voted into office, to the point the mask eventually came off and they undertook the mass dismantling of our nation and passing of endless legislation that would completely subvert our nation into the very nations they fled from to come to ours.

Through corrupt politicians and bankers and Big Business, they have ruined our economies and degenerated our nations into "first rate banana republics"; the nations of Christendom (as I have written for 2 decades now) are "Third World Nations with pockets of civilization here and there."

They have destroyed our education system; which used to be the best in the world; illiteracy in the 1700s and 1800s was virtually unknown.  They have subverted our Christian institutions of learning (which PUBLIC institutions were established so that all Americans could read the Bible and therefore be better Christians, husbands, fathers, wives, children, and citizens.  Our schools and government now act as if Christianity was never meant to be a part of public institution—when in reality it was the very first and most important public institution.  Laws have been re-written even as history has been rewritten, even as morality has been rewritten—but it is all perverse fiction!

The enemy among us that has subverted the government and taken over education and the media has lobotomized several whole generations of what once were Americans  (the majority today are no more Americans than a German living in Arabia would be an Arab; a German may degenerate to live like an Arab, but that does not make him an Arab; he can intermarry with Arabs, and his descendents may then be Arabs; but if a whole army of Germans moved to Arabia and took over one entire region to make it their home—that still would not make them Arabs; changing the name of something—even if the majority adopt that new name, associating it with it is now called—does not change the nature of that entity, nor does it change reality; it merely is an indicator of delusion).  They "experts" have strung the illiterate youth out on Ritalin and other drugs, taught them it was their right to just sit around and play games and thus they have no trade, no skill, and no ambition—on top of being lobotomized.

They have perverted  the morals of our nations, bankrupted us, filled our nations with an immoral "free love" antichrist philosophy which has bred homos and all sorts of sexual perverts who think it is normal and perfectly fine to violate all the laws and boundaries that God established in His Word; the government penalizes white families and gives free rides to all the nonwhites (utterly foreign or newly "domesticated") to produce bevys children, all to be a drain on society financially, criminally, morally. 

The antichrist Zionists and Muslims are the scourge of God for the 20th and 21st century; even as the Huns were in the first half of the first century. 

THE ONLY solution is for all true Christians to repent, and fast (go without food or drink other than water for a significant period of time, whether a day or several days—each week, while praying earnestly), and pray that God would grant ALL of our people the gift of repentance (imparted by His Holy Spirit) so that He will then hear our prayers for Him to deliver us.  Otherwise, the movie Planet of the Apes will become a reality—and you won't be watching it from a comfortable seat with a box of popcorn, it will be the Ultimate "reality show"—with YOU will be smack dab in the middle of it, with no intermission; no script; no director; no editing... it will just play out to the last man standing (you having been conveniently disarmed)...

—until God's people repent—and ONLY AFTER we repent, will God hear our prayers and will Christ return to put down all illegitimate power, everything that exalts itself above the Mind of God, all who do evil, and then uproot all those things that offend, every plant His Heavenly Father has not planted, separating the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats and dogs and pigs, and commands the angels to slay all those His enemies who would not that He rule over them...!

The enemy in control of all levels of government is blatant, pampers real criminals, murderers, illegal aliens, drug lords, corrupt politicians and financial criminals (so-called, "white-collar" crime) who rob the people of TRILLIONS of dollars; the government steals from you and then counterfeits more fake money... they commit acts of High Treason like 911 (knowing about it, allowing it, being complicit in it, even as in the bombing of Pearl Harbor)... they set up drug lords and terrorist groups and fund them... and then they send in a SWAT teams to assault, arrest, raid, and shut down peaceful farmers selling raw milk, take children from parents who teach them traditional Christian values; the corrupt politicians live like kings (the new aristocrasy; even though our Constitution outlawed aristocrasy, that part of the Constitution has been quietly ignored; or even removed) while robbing the people; the corrupt politicians and their co-conspirators in the "Law Enforcement Growth Industry" (quickly becoming a Police State) lock up middle class Americans who don't pay taxes of a merely a few thousand dollars (which according to the Constitution they do not even owe) while many current politicians haven't paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDs of dollars in taxes and they get away scot free.  Corrupt politicians continue to raise taxes, state, local, and federal, not just on income, but sales and other exise taxes (even corruptly calling some "fines" or "entitlements"), so the people are probably being taxed on 90% of their income (sales tax, property tax, personal property tax, business licenses, building permits, fines, tax each time you buy something, each time you sell it, often for every year that you own it, etc., etc. etc.), but most people don't even realize it, having been slowly conditioned to think that it is "normal" and merely just "the cost of doing business" or just the normal "cost of living"--when it is treason, theft, and communism—when will the people stand up and say NO and defend their neighbors when they are attacked by the gestapo thugs...?  Why not...? because THAT is why they have imported tens of millions of foreigners (in a sort of "catch and release, breeding program), because it FRAGMENTS our society which then is no longer cohesive and will not stand up to corrupt government in their attempt for a hostile socialist takeover all our nations of Christendom.  Watch Mel Gibson's "The Patriot."  In the late 1700s, our society was homogeneous; we had the same God, values, laws, hopes, dreams, and ancestors, and we bonded and welded together to stand up to tyranny and defend each other.  That no longer is possible.  Our nation having been corrupted, the people don't stand up, while the overblown, immoral military has become the agressor all over the world, and an over-blown corrupt police force intimidates and assaults and robs innocent, law abiding citizens, while real criminals flourish unhindered.

The corrupt politicians are blantant in their criminal activity and it seems the whole world knows who did 911 except the stupid American people who only believe what they see on NBC/CBS/NBC or the New York Times or other such State propaganda sources; that is, if half even keep up with anything going on, being more interested in the NFL/NBA/porn/going to rock concerts/sitting in a tree "hunting"/playing video games/getting high, etc.  Our nation has become impoverished because the occupation of the majority of Americans is no longer distinguishable from leisure; those on welfare are reaching staggering proportions and few even who work have true hobbies (one cannot expect to better himself if his main goal is leisure, rather than being productive even when he is not at work.  Hobbies used to be productive pastimes that demonstrated industry and honed a skill or craft (like pottery, wood-working, coin collecting, gardening); now the majority of "pastimes" and "hobbies" are mere leisure and mindless, unproductive activity that rots the brain, leads to general sloth and immorality, and the "herd mentality"; such as the mind-numbing effect of watching professional or college sports, in which people sit around and watch and root for a bunch of over-paid foreign criminals running around fighting over a ball, and when those athletes are not "playing" they are committing crimes (rape, drugs, violence, even murder) since they are too stupid to know how good they have it, and are only able to self-destruct with the incredible sums of money they are given, as they demoralize the nation's youth and defile as many simple-minded girls and women (or ever-increasingly, boys) who foolishly look up to them as something special, rather than the degenerate foreign garbage that they are.

Being an American was once something that carried pride—but since there are very few Americans left (the nation having been swamped 90% with nonwhite, antichristian foreigners), most of whom are brainwashed or cowards, there is no pride in being an American any more—in fact, it is an indictment...!  We have allowed a corrupt evil government to act as the world's aggressive police storm troopers—and now our nation is 1 click away from a full blown police state. 

You reap what you sow.  The curse causeless shall not come.  Be sure your sin will find you out. 

God's people (the original peoples of Christendom, not the hateful hordes who have swamped our nations) need to repent.  All true Christians need to repent.  Those who don't think they have done anything that needs repenting ARE THE LARGEST PART OF THE PROBLEM.  WE ALL SIN; WE ALL need to TURN from our sin in REPENTANCE and DO WHAT IS RIGHT... ONLY THEN will God hear our prayers.  If you don't care about yourself and your own family, then do it for the millions of decent Christians still left... because if you don't, you are guilt of mass murder of your own kinsmen (our people). 

WE ARE ALL watchmen on the walls.  No only is it our DUTY to watch and warn of the enemy, it is OUR DUTY to look into our OWN HEARTS to see the subtile work of the enemy who has crept in unawares over decades of false biblical teaching.  IF GOD'S PEOPLE have nothing to repent of, then God does not exist... because He PROMISED to bless us when we obeyed and JUDGE us when we rebelled and adopted the immorality of the heathen aliens around us.  But our nations are all tottering on the brink of extinction while even Christian pastors are more concerned with who is going to make it to the superbowl...!  We are suffering Judgment from God, yet the average person does not recognize it; not even knowing what true freedom and blessing and prosperity is.  Judgment begins with the House of God (God's people)—because we should know better; He has given us His Word and commanded that we meditate upon it day and night.

EACH TRUE CHRISTIAN needs to FALL ON HIS FACE before GOD, RIGHT NOW... (I WILL MYSELF RIGHT AFTER I PRESS THE SEND BUTTON)... each Christian needs to fall on his face—don't sit there casually in your chair—prostrate yourself before your God (have you ever even done that?) and ask God to search your heart, reveal hidden, ignorant, and willful sin, and pour His Holy Spirit out upon ALL HIS PEOPLE to bring us ALL to repentance, to deliver us ALL from delusion, selfishness, sin, false doctrine, confusion, error, immorality... and empower us to do what is right... ONLY THEN will He hear our prayers on a NATIONAL level and deliver us. 

HOW MUCH LONGER DO WE WANT TO SUFFER...?  HOW MUCH GREATER do we want the suffering to increase?  If on a submarine in the middle of the deepest ocean, you realize the sub has sprung a leak... HOW LONG DO YOU WAIT until you fix the leak...?  Once the level of water passes a very modest level, you are going to the bottom in a watery grave and never rising again.  We are at that critical point.  You can't abandon ship when you are already underwater.  God save us.  God save your people.  Save your Heritage.  Forgive us.

Read these words by someone who lived through the Bolshevik Gulags.

"To defend oneself, one must always be ready to die. There is little such readiness in a society raised in the cult of material well-being. Nothing is left, then, but concessions, attempts to gain time, and betrayal. Western thinking has become conservative: the world situation should stay as it is at any cost, there should be no changes. This debilitating dream of a status quo is the symptom of a society which has come to an end of its own development. The two so-called world wars have meant internal self-destruction of the small, progressive West, which has thus prepared its own end. The next war--which does not have to be an atomic one, and I do not believe it will--may well bury Western civilization for ever." Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Russian writer, former political prisoner; from a Commencement Address at Harvard University, 6/8/78)

"At what exact point, then, should one resist...How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every [Soviet] Security Operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive? Or during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs and at every step on the staircase, but had understood that they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs' hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers or whatever else was at hand...the Organs [Police] would very quickly suffered a shortage of officers...and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed Machine [Police] would have ground to a halt." Alexander Solzhenitsyn; The Gulag Archipelago

“The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s spiritual energies be exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.” --Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the falsehood. One word of truth outweighs the world.”  --Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“To destroy a people you must first sever their roots... A tree that’s rotten to its core cannot stand in a storm.”                     —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“And how we burned in the labor camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive, and had to say good-bye to his family?  Or if people had not simply sat there, palling with terror, but had understood that they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up an ambush of a half-dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?  The cursed machine would have ground to a halt.  If, if, if!  We didn't love freedom enough.  We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”                                                                  —Aleksandr Solzhenitzen

"Truth seldom is pleasant; it is almost invariably bitter. A loss of courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days....Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling groups and the intellectual elite, causing an impression of loss of courage by the entire society. Of course, there are many courageous individuals, but they have no determining influence on public life."  Alexander Solzhenitsyn (from a Commencement Address given at Harvard University 6/8/78)

Paying taxes not only supports an antichrist terrorist regime completely without constitutional authority, it also furnishes them with the weapons and power that will eventually execute those who paid their taxes.  There is no valid taxation if there is no constututional money (and since we were taken off the gold standard and gold and silver are not the mediums of exchange—paper is worthless and hard cash has relatively no silver, or copper, or nickle in them any more—the money that exists is "government" counterfeit money; and they print more and more of it every year, with nothing to back it; and it becomes twice as worthless).  When politicians tax the citizens unconstitutionally and pad their own pockets with that money, and give the rest of it away to foreigners, foreign nations and for 1001 unconstitutional purposes, the taxes are not only 100% unconstitutional, but they are 100% treason.  The Social Security Number was PROMISED NEVER to be used for identification purposes; yet that is its primary function, and ties people to the income tax.  NO ACTION CAN ARISE OUT OF FRAUD.  A FRAUD is not a fraud when people discover and recognize it to be a fraud; it is a fraud from its very beginning.  Politicians are our public servants.  It is time for politicians to stop taxing and oppressing the citizens (the true government); it is time for the people to start taxing the politicians (and prosecuting them for their crimes).

The magic words (voodoo spell) of so-called "antisemitism" "antijewish"  or "racist" are smokescreens to cause the peoples of Christendom to cower in fear (because we are the only people with consciences).  Try using the magic words "anti-christian" "anti-german" "anti-irish" in  Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, China, Africa, Mexico and see how magical they are.  Tolerance and equality is a one-way street and intended only to destroy the nations of Christedom.   Jews and Muslims in Sweden and Ireland don't even try to hide their contempt or hatred or plans to destroy us—in our own nations.  They declare their sin as Sodom.  They have no shame.  Historically the Jews have done this for millennia and that is why they were kicked out of every nation in Europe at least once, and why they were barred from the early US, from holding any political office, or even being in the military (under orders by Generals Washington and later Grant). Since we have bowed down to them the US and all the nations of Christendom have become antichristian, immoral, indebted, corrupt.  Pagans have not become Christianized; the Christian churches have become paganized (and they have strayed so far from the Standard of God's Word and know it so little, they do not even realize it—they are worshiping false gods; and are more upset with someone who points it out than they are with the possibility that they may be guilty of worshiping false gods). 

It is no coincidence. We are the true people of God.  We bear the fruit, but as we have allowed the Serpent to deceive us into thinking God's very
enemies are His people, God is again judging us, even though before we began helping His sworn enemies, we were the most prosperous and safe nations on earth.  The Jews in our governments (in accordance with the Protocols of Zion, which have been followed to the "t") have subverted and demoralized and infected our nations in every possible way... it is they who opened the floodgates of our nation and turned it into a third world war zone.  Only by repenting before God and STOPPING supporting all evil and SPEAKING out against it, and praying for deliverance will God deliver us.

I sent out an email yesterday (above) calling for all who profess to love the Lord and know the truth and see the evil to fall on their faces with me in repentance for our individual sins, and confess and pray for God to forgive the sins of our family and our extended family, all the remaining true peoples of Christendom, and that God might grant His Holy Spirit in His Fulness, to convict us all of our sin, and give us a heart inclined toward Him, and grant us the Spirit of repentance.  After I sent the email, I fell on my face and cried out to God.  Sadly, not a single person of the 100 or so people I email to even answered.  Do people not realize the seriousness of the situation or not even read the emails?  Christ said, "IF TWO of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask it shall be done of My Father which is in heaven."  It doesn't matter how busy people are.  It takes all of 15 seconds to type, "Amen, I agree with you in prayer" (how many reading this now that it is posted at my website will do so...?) and it only takes a few moments if you are busy, to humble yourself before God, fall on your knees and your face before Him and beg forgiveness for all our people, and cry out for deliverance (again, how many reading this now that it is posted at my website will do this?). 

Those who don't do this, especially when called to, apparently don't want deliverance.  I hope many (if not ALL) actually seriously prayed yesterday after reading that email... even if no one replied... however, part of prayer and part of confession is sharing with other believers and prayer warriors.  Please take the few seconds it takes to reply in agreement to such emails and pass them on to everyone you know.  This is serious.  The enemy is about to come in and overtake us as a flood.  There is nowhere left to move to and the corrupt US government does not let assets freely leave the country (except those of the corrupt politicians); the economy is in shambles so even if you wanted to sell your house, you prob. could not; and if your house isn't "up to code," (an unconstitutional concept) you have to spend $20,000 or however much to install all new windows, retrofit it to current "standards" or you cannot sell it.  We are prisoners.  The problem is serious.  We need to take it seriously... We need to all pray DAILY WITH EACH OTHER that God shows us where we have sinned and gives us the Spirit of repentance so He can deliver us.  How many more of our people do we want to be robbed, beat up, raped, murdered, dispossessed of their property, thrown in jail for no crime other than opposing the government...?  How many more of our people do we want to be evicted from their homes, have to live in fear behind locked doors due to the third world jungle that has taken over their neighborhoods...? 

It seems most "Christians" think they  have done nothing requiring repentance.  Take a look at our cities, our "government" (public servants), our schools, our communities, the news—all this evil, immorality, perversion, corruption, oppression, injustice, debt, crime, propaganda, conspiracies, antichristian movement did not just "happen" all by itself overnight (we let it happen, by looking the other way) and it would not have permeated society to the point it is 95%, if God was not judging us.  We used to be the most prosperous and safe nations on earth; now we are third world war zones where perverts and professional criminals flaunt their immorality and crimes in our faces. Most Christians obviously think they have done nothing that deserves repentance (because they don't know God's Word and don't know what God requires); the average
Christian must think just "everyone else" is to blame.  We are ALL to blame.  Why are Christians, millions of us, not rising up all over our nation, all throughout our sister nations, like young David, opposing the giant that has reproached the Living God...?!  Every Christian (if you actually believe what I say is true and important) should be emailing these emails to every single Christian he knows... if they won't listen, well then, your hands are clean as watchman on the wall; but if you don't their blood (and all of ours) shall be required of you.  

People foolishly believe the incapacitating lie that "I am just one person, what good can the little that I can do possibly accomplish...?"  Well, if 10
million people stopped believing that lie don't you think things would change overnight?  However, Christians are caught up in the delusion of entertainment, leisure, tv, movies, socializing, football or other sports games, concerts, etc.—while our nation is going to Hell (as are their very children; and they just twiddle  their thumbs thinking, "there is nothing I can do" as they flip through the channels on the tv with their remote).

As in the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking and making merry and they knew not when the floods came and took them away.  Wake up and help wake up our people.  I don't want to die in a prison camp or go out at the hands of a SWAT team... —do you...?  If we don't stand up we will.  If we don't stand up for God He will not stand up for us. 

Read the prayer of Nehemiah... one of the most righteous and holy men in Scripture—he confessed his own sin, that of his family, and the entire nation; even though his heart and hands were probably cleanest of everyone.  We need to follow his example, cleanse our own heart, rend our hearts not our garments, and fall on our faces—truly humbled before God, not merely on our knees, but on our faces, and cry out to God daily. 

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He shall exalt you in due season. 

If My people, shall humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and seek My Face, then will I hear their prayers, forgive their sins, and heal their land.

Humbling oneself... it is essential... don't do it half-heartedly, flat on the ground is humbling oneself... realizing we deserve nothing but judgment, but crying out for mercy.  How many ever fast...? deny themselves daily pleasures...? or even miss one meal, let alone fast for several days...?  Are we willing to trade a few meals for life itself...? or are most willing to carelessly trade true life for death (disguised as "life on sale at a better price; buy now, don't worry about paying later")...? —even as Esau sold his irreplaceable, priceless birthright for a bowl of beans (immediate, temporary, temporal, gratification)...?

Here is what Nehemiah did and left for us an example:

1:4 And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven,
1:5 And said, I beseech thee, O LORD God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and
observe his commandments:

1:6 Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day
and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and
my father’s house have sinned.
1:7 We have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the commandments, nor the statutes, nor the judgments, which thou
commandedst thy servant Moses.
1:8 Remember, I beseech thee, the word that thou commandedst thy servant Moses, saying, If ye transgress, I will scatter you abroad among the
1:9 But if ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments, and do them; though there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the heaven,
yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there.
1:10 Now these are thy servants and thy people, whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power, and by thy strong hand.
1:11 O LORD, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king’s cupbearer.
Who is on the Lord's side...?  Choose you this day.  God is still looking for those who will stand in the gap.  There are MANY gaps.  Where are His people...?  What are they doing?  Pray that God awakens His people while there is time—and get serious yourself.

Whenever you see sin, evil people in society, in your neighborhood, in the news, politicians, criminals, perverts—EVERY SINGLE TIME, don't mask your disgust; don't turn a blind eye; show your contempt—and at that very moment and whenever you remember them, or see others like them, pray imprecatory prayers upon them.  You can never go wrong with this prayer, if it comes from your heart:

Father, Lord, God of the universe, God of my father's Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, if these people in this gross perversion, corruption, sin, immorality, and wickedness are Your people, please convict them with the irresistable convicion of your Holy Spirit, and bring them to repentance quickly so that they do not have to suffer Judgment.  However, if they are not Your people (or if they are Your people who refuse to repent) then PLEASE DESTROY THEM...!  Throw everything their way that is at Your disposal: floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, lightning, heart-attacks, strokes, cancer, AIDS, car accidents, random acts of violence, nonrandom acts of violence and every other possible means to destroy them and remove them from the land of the living so that they can no longer be a reproach to You and so that they can no longer violate, rob, oppress, and destroy Your people.  Please to do it swiftly, mightily, and unmistakeably.  I pray this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ—Yehoshua the Righteous.  Amen!  Let it be done.

Remember this.  Until God's People humble themselves and repent, He is not going to deliver us.  Christ is not going to return to a rebellious bride unwilling to submit herself to His Headship—a rebellious bride more interested in pursuing her other lovers than her own lawful husband. 

Remember this: Why should God deliver us from something (evil) we are willing to tolerate?  He won't!  Tolerance is NOT a concept found ANYWHERE in God's Word.  Tolerance is a lie of the enemy to destroy us.  Those who scream for tolerance the loudest are the most intolerant people in the world.  God did not tell us to be tolerant, but "THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS."  All these pagan temples and peoples in our lands are ABOMINATIONS to God.  We have allowed it.  God cannot bless us as long as we smile and hold hands with His enemies.

Scripture tells us, "Ye that love the Lord, hate evil" and "to love the Lord is to have evil."

If you don't hate evil; you don't love the Lord; you are only fooling yourself.  If you don't live your life the way God commands in His Word, neither God nor Christ is your Lord.  Jesus said, If you love Me, keep My Commandments (all of them).  If you do not, then you do not love Christ; you only have a fondness for Him and are fooling yourself; but God is not fooled.  God declared, "I have set before you life and death—choose LIFE that thou and thy seed may live."

Return to the standard.  Turn the TV off.  Stop believing the false doctrine spewed by the mainstream churches and book authors (propaganda mills).  Read the Word for yourself: Old and New Testament—the Old was never done away with or abolished; that is one of the greatest lies of Satan of the modern era.  God's Law is His Standard of Morality for His people (the Father's "House Rules" for His children).  The Law was never for salvation, but was our standard of Holiness, to keep us healthy, pure, free of debt, etc.  Only the blood sacrifices of atonement were for temporary salvation (for those who in faith offered them) until Christ came and replaced that one portion of the Law with His Eternal Sacrifice of Himself.  The rest of the Law (not merely the 10 Commandments—which are 10 categories under which the whole Law is organized; not merely 10 individual laws) is still in effect.  If we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear our prayers.  If God's people think the Law was done away with, they are in sin, but cannot repent, because they think they have nothing to repent of.  God help us!  Save Your people.  Open our eyes; soften our hearts and necks.  Convict us by Your Holy Spirit of our sins that we may turn from them, repent, and cry out to You in repentance, be saved and live.