— Just One More Chance


Just One More Chance




Lorne J. Shields (Ireland, born in South Africa)

with Robert Alan Balaicius,

564pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H. 


The story begins in Ireland and progresses like a whirlwind, which, to explain more would give away the suspense of the story.  A gripping read you will not be able to put down and one of those rare books that you wish would never end. 

One rash decision, a regrettable mistake, can snowball and cause a chain-reaction like an avalanche; so-far reaching one may wonder if it can be outrun even if he flees to the other side of the world.  When such a brief mistake is made, as Tom McCauley finds out, it can carry you about like a beach-ball in the ocean, and all you can do is hang on for dear life and pray to God that you land safely, somewhere, eventually. 

Here begins a touching story of down-to-earth people (well... most of them), often real life stories from an earlier era.  A story of love and romance interwoven with cultures spanning several nations of a bye-gone era, hard work, drama, intrigue, foul-play, good versus evil, faithfulness, respect, devotion, desperation, and hope combined with real historical events.  The epic story of all creation is presented in a whirl: a momentary fall from grace followed by repeated attempts at restoration, while battling a myriad of unforeseen obstacles to that goal which creep out of the past into the present like vipers from a pit that just won’t die.  You will not be the same after reading this book; you may become a part of the drama itself: your heart knit with those of this story, as if they were family or dear friends.  At least, that is how it affected me.  Step back into the 1800s and enjoy an amazing story. . .

I cannot help but think of a paragraph penned by the eminent Charles Dickens, which shares similar sentiments with this moving, gripping, lively, fascinating story: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way — in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” (A Tale of Two Cities)   —the Editor, Adapter, and Publisher, R.A.B.  A must read.  This could be the next Hallmark t.v. miniseries or motion picture.  First edition, limited printing of 150 (numbered) copies (which may become collector's items).

— Documents of Anglo-American Freedom


Documents of Anglo-American Freedom



532 pages, plastic comb-bound, retype-set and

edited by Robert Alan Balaicius

includes 28 color reproduction pages on photographic paper of some of the originals.

Contains the entire texts of:

- The Magna Charta (1215),

- The Declaration of Arboath (1320),

- The Dutch Declaration of Independence (1581),

- For The Colony in Virginea Britannia Lavves Diuine, Morall and Martiall, &c. (1612),

- The Mayflower Compact (1620),

- The Petition of Right (1628),

- The Scottish National Covenant (1638) and The Solemn League and Covenant (1643),

- The Body of Liberties (1641),

- Governor John Winthrop’s "Little Speech" on Liberty (1645),

- The Agreement of the People (1649),

- The Instrument of Government (1653),

- The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (1669),

- The Charlestown, Massachusetts Thanksgiving Proclamation (1676),

- The Frame of Government of Pennsylvania (1682),

- The [English] Bill of Rights (1689),

- An Essay Towards Present and Future Peace of Europe, William Penn (1693),

- The Law of Nature in Government [excerpts] (1717),

- The Virginia Resolves (1765),

- George Washington’s General Orders to the Continental Army (1756-1775), - The Declaration of Rights of the Stamp Act Congress (1765),

- The Rights of the Colonists (1772),

- The Fairfax County Resolves (1774),

- The Prayer of Congress (1774),

- The Declaration of the First Continental Congress (1774),

- Fast Day Proclamation (1776),

- The Constitution of Virginia, Bill of Rights,

- The Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776),

- The Declaration of Independence (1776),

- The Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1777),

- The Articles of the Confederation and Perpetual Union (1778),

- Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1782),

- The Northwest Ordinance (1784),

- Benjamin Franklin’s Constitutional Convention Address on Prayer (1787),

- The United States Constitution (1787),

- Letter of Transmittal (of the Continental Congress) (1787),

- Letter of Transmittal (of the Continental Congress to the President of Congress) (1787),

- The Amendments to the U.S. Constitution (1-10, a.k.a. the Bill of Rights) (1789),

- George Washington’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1789),

- John Adam’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1798),

- Jonathan Trumbull’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (1807),

- James Madison’s Humiliation and Prayer Fast Proclamation (1812),

- James Buchanan’s Humiliation and Prayer Fast Proclamation (1860);

25.00 donation + P&H.

These documents are important for understanding our historical freedom as well as our future prospects of freedom.

— Some Collected Works of Conrad Gaard

Some Collected Works of Conrad Gaard

(c.1950) retype-set and Edited by Robert Alan Balaicius

328pp. plastic comb bound


- The Abomination of Desecration,

- God’s Kingdom Plan (Revealed In The Scriptures),

- He Hath Prospered Our Beginnings,

- National Israel In The World Today,

- Some of the Reasons Why The Israel Identity is Important,

- Studies in Genesis 

16.00 donation + P&H. 

Gaard, like Swift, had many blind spots and his work contained significant error.  I do not believe his work was that good.  However, to preserve the fruit of his faithfulness—and provide it with doctrinal or other corrections—to those still interested in older works, I make it available.

— The Collected Shorter Works of Isabel Hill-Elder

The Collected Shorter Works of Isabel Hill-Elder

by Isabel Hill-Elder

Edited by Robert Alan Balaicius 

328pp., plastic comb-bound

(originally pamphlet size 8.5x4.25, these works have been re-type-set in standard book size)

16.00 donation + P&H.


This collection includes:

- Britain the Fruitful Bough;

- Buddha the Israelite;

- The Cup of the Last Supper;

- The House of Levi;

- In Former Times;

- Joseph of Arimathea;

- St. James: First Bishop of Jerusalem;

- The Story of Glastonbury;

- Truth Never Dies;

- The Uplifted Red Right Hand 

— The Stalin Death — A Bolshevik Primer

The Stalin Death


by Kenneth Goff;

Edited, With Copious Notes Constituting "A Bolshevik Primer" and Illustrations

by Robert Alan Balaicius 

(25% Goff's original / 75% R.A.B.)

88 pages, stapleback booklet


In-depth info (and photos) on the "jewish" origins and identities of the majority of all those persons responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution.

6.00 donation + P&H.

[This was an early version and this booklet is still available; however, it has been expanded and polished into a much finer work: A Bolshevik Primer and the Planned Extermination of Christendom.]