see also full PDF under "uncategorized"

— Who Was the Serpent in the Garden? and The Waters that Covered the Earth

Who Was the Serpent in the Garden?

A Case of Reptilian Rebellion or Angelic Anarchy...?

[Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Genesis 3]

Charming and Smashing the Serpentile Myth Concerning Original Sin in the Garden that Makes Nonsense of the Scriptures


“The Waters That Covered the Earth:”

A Flood of Questions / A Deluge of Controversy

[Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Genesis 6-9]





Limited Time: Special Internet Offer: 10% off if ordering Who Was the Serpent? and What Was the Mark that God Placed on Cain? at the same time.








Robert Alan Balaicius, 778pp., pb., 40.00 + P&H. 

Some of the most original and enlightening information on these and many other topics; also an in-depth refutation, exposing the doctrinal and logical errors of Erwin Lutzer's book, The Serpent of Paradise.

— Why Christendom is on the Verge of Extinction & The Cause of and Solution to All Our Problems

Why Christendom is on the Verge of Extinction


The Cause of and Solution to All Our Problems



Robert Alan Balaicius

88pp., stapleback booklet,

donation of 6.00 + P&H.

[the 2 unpolished separate articles can be read under "Robert's Ruminations"; they have been rewritten, corrected, refined, and expanded in this booklet.]


— Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Zechariah 4

Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Zechariah 4,        



Robert Alan Balaicius,

378pp., paperback, 20.00 + P&H. 

This very deep, historical and spiritual study covers the entire chapter of Zechariah 4 with extensive commentary & detailed exegesis; clearly shows God’s Law was not abolished, gives insight into overall prophecy & God’s Plan; gives an overview of all the visions in entire book of Zechariah and cross-references with the books of Nehemiah, Ezra, Haggai, Daniel, Revelation, in conjuntion with the return of captives and rebuilding of Walls and Temple in Jerusalem. VERY deep spiritual and historical study also touching many controversial topics and many other areas of Biblical truth, prophetic, spiritual, historical, concerning God's Law, God's Nature, and much more.

— True Caucasian Christianity Corrupted Into Well-Intentioned Nordic Paganism

True Caucasian Christianity Corrupted Into Well-Intentioned Nordic Paganism


Robert Alan Balaicius,

64pp., 5.50 + P&H.

This was the 40-page introduction that I wrote for a rare Odinist book I reprinted for the sole purpose of trying to reach these terribly misled people, with my 40-page introduction and a 20-page list of other books important to our heritage and true faith. The introduction is a good overview of the true origin of Christianity, and how our faith and nation and all its institutions, the Christian church included, have been infiltrated, Judaized, and paganized. I also show rather detailed, how Nordic myth was a corruption of the history, law, teaching, and prophecy of the Bible.  Several who read the intro thought it would be a good booklet in general, which is what I was thinking myself. I had only planned on writing a page or two of introduction for the book, but inspiration commandeered me.