— Apologetic Expositions ... II Corinthians 3


Apologetic Expositions

[Thorough, Consistent, Logical Studies Concerning the Exclusive, Irrevocable  Promises which God Gave to His People Israel: Proving God’s Word Does Not Change or Contradict Itself; Refuting Popular, Modernist Interpretations of Seemingly-Isolated Passages of Scripture that are Grossly Taken Out of Context or “Spiritualized” into Inefficacy]

II Corinthians 3


by Robert Alan Balaicius

88pp., 6.00 + P&H. 

Overview of the entire book to show internal consistency and focus and detailed exegesis of chapter 3 to show that the Law / Covenant replaced by a better one is ONLY referring to the sacrificial system; not the entire Law of God and not the Abrahamic Covenant; ties in with many other passages from O & N T.

4th in the series.  See the others:

Isaiah 56

Acts 15

Acts 13

[and the 5th in the series, Galatians 3]