— Fearless and Godly Pioneers for the Truth
Fearless and Godly Pioneers for the Truth:
An Illustrated Short History of Some Patriotic Christian Teachers, Preachers, Evangelists, Lecturers, Publishers, Soldiers, and Statesmen, Modern Era
—and a Background History of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
an Introduction to the Jewish Bolshevik War against the Christian Romanov Tsars and Imperial Russia
A Word About God’s True Covenant People
Including (but not limited to):
Luke Rader, Daniel Rader, F.F. Bosworth, Rev. William Bell Riley, James M. Gray, Rev. Captain Merton Smith, Rev. William Pascoe Goard, Dr. Henry W(ellington). Stough, Harold Stough, Henry W. Stough, Jr., Dr. Mordecai Fowler Ham, Henry Ford, William J. Cameron, Arno Clemons Gaebelein, Sergei Nilus, Dr. Martin Luther, J.B. Pranaitis, Osman Bey, Victor Marsden, H.A. Gwynne, Leslie Fry, Lady Queenborough, Nesta Webster, Princess Radziwiùù, Louis Marshalko, R.A. Torrey, Rev. William Herrstrom, Rev. William L. Blessing, Kenneth Goff, Rev. Gerald B. Winrod, Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith, Alfred P. Sloan, Charles Coughlin, Leonard Feeney, Dennis Fahey, Ezra Pound, Sen. Charles Lindbergh, Commander William Guy Carr, Serge Monast, Robert O’Driscoll, Col. John Beatty, Viscount Leon de Poncins, Howard Rand, Lieut. Prof. Charles Totten, Elizabeth Dilling, John T. Flynn, Gen. G. Van Horn Moseley, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Sen. Jack B. Tenney, Lieut.-Col. Jack Mohr, Congressman Larry MacDonald, Congressman Paul Findley, Eustace Mullins, George Stimpson, John Swinton, Mayor John Francis Hylan, H. L. Hunt, Lyrl Clark Van Hyning, John Stormer, Gary Allen, Col. E.N. Sanctuary, Robert Edmondson, Clem Davies, Willis Carto, Texe Marrs, and the Jewish: Dr. Alexander Schiffner, Benjamin Freedman, Henry Klein, Jacob Brafman, Myron Fagan, Elieser Bassin, Dr. Emanuel Josephson, Henry Makow.
around 100 photos/illustrations
Robert Alan Balaicius
280pp., paperback
20.00 + P&H.