— Races in Chaos / Kind Unto Kind & The Role of the Mixed Multitude
These will be 2 of the most powerful books on race from a Biblical perspective (see also my Ten Commandments For You(th). Both of the below original books and the additional booklet contained significant error, but served as an excellent springboard to introduce Biblical truth and to show how to recognize truth from error and BIBLICALLY DEFEND the truth through the addition of my very detailed corrective notes. My notes comprise about 60% or more of each book.
Races in Chaos (1959) by W. G. Finlay (South Africa) 74 pages., with Notes Corrective and Complementary by Robert Alan Balaicius, total of 214pp, 6x9 pb., 16.50 + P&H.
Kind Unto Kind: Race Mixing from God's Viewpoint
(c.1977) Researched by Mrs. Idris W. Howard, 140pp., published by the Thunderbolt, Marietta, GA. Goes through the Bible from Gen. to Rev. quoting passages with her comments in between and sometimes Introductory; also included is a bonus rare title, The Role of the Mixed Multitude (1976) by Mrs. E.G. Lake (Edna G. Gainer), 25pp.; with Notes Corrective and Complementary by Robert Alan Balaicius, paperback, 6x9, total 524 pages. 27.50 + P&H.
These will be 2 of the most powerful books on race from a Biblical perspective (see also my Ten Commandments For You(th). Both of the below original books and the additional booklet contained significant error, but served as an excellent springboard to introduce Biblical truth and to show how to recognize truth from error and BIBLICALLY DEFEND the truth through the addition of my very detailed corrective notes. My notes comprise about 60% or more of each book.