—Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews
Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, Robert Alan Balaicius, 632pp., pb., 30.00 + P&H.
I truly believe this is one of my best books yet.
My, Does God Repent, John 18-21, Romans, and now Hebrews I would have to consider to be my best work of those books that I have actually published (my book on Prayer, Faith, and Deliverance would also rank in that list, however, it is still in a "holding pattern" with "no clearance to land", though I have rewritten and refined it 19 times over the past 6 years (and that's not counting the initial writing when it was merely in its embryonic stage 26 years ago, under the same circumstances!)--and it is over 600 pages 6x9, but cannot be published without the deliverance/victory). Deliverance would be nice before my mind and body wear out.
Limited Time: Special Internet Offer: 10% off if ordering S.T.E.C. on Romans and S.T.E.C. on Hebrews at the same time.