— The Story of the Light that Never Went Out


The Story of the Light That Never Went Out:

A History of English Protestantism For Young Readers

(written in 1903; reprinted 2012)

While written in early 1900s on a youth level, today it is the average noncollegiate adult level.  One older person, an avid reader, after reading this wrote to us, "This is one of the 5 most important books that I have ever read... in fact, it has 'ruined me' (or rather fixed me), in that I cannot tolerate reading any secular, godless, evolutionist history books any more.  Every Christian needs to read this book!"


Augusta Cook & W. Stanley Martin
586pp., 8.5x11, paperback;
a large and exquisite book,
hundreds of illustrations,
65.00 + P&H (inquire for bulk rates) - LIMITED TIME SPECIAL 45.00 + P&H.

Printed by the modern publisher as a companion volume to Stories From Foxe's Book of Martyrs, adapted from John' Foxe's work by W. Stanley Martin; both volumes for 95.00 + P&H.  LIMITED TIME SPECIAL - 75.00 + P&H.



Contents of Story of the Light that Never Went Out:

How The Light Came;
How the Darkness Came;
Parting of the Ways;
The Venerable Bede and Other Famous Men;
England’s Greatest King;
William the Conqueror and the Norman Period;
Gathering Shadows;
Midnight; England’s Bulwark,
Or The Foundation of Liberty Laid;
Monks and Friars With Shaven Crowns;
How Lamp Was Kept Buring;
Thomas Bradwardine, Man Who Trimmed the Lamp;
Robert Longland, Man Who Dreamed A Dream;
John Wycliffe;
The Lollards;
Chariots of Fire;
The Fifteenth Century;
Preparation For Reformation;
How English Reformation Began;
Two Great Discoveries & What Came of Them;
Much-Married Monarch;
William Tyndale;
Martyr’s Prayer Answered;
English Josiah; Dark Days;
"Latimer’s Light Shall Never Go Out";
England’s Greatest Archbishop;
"Of Whome World Was Not Worthy";
Daughters of The King;
Lambs In Flock Of Slaughter;
Why Martyrs Suffered;
Martyr’s Memorials;
John Foxe;
What Might Have Been;
Brighter Days;
"Bonnie Queen Bess";
Invincible Armada;
Martyrs or Murderers—Which?;
Gunpowder, Treason & Plot;
Old Time Ritualist; King & Parliament;
"Old Noll";
Puritan England;
"Merry Monarch";
Tinker Of Bedford;
Stuart Schemer;
Bishops Of Right Sort;
Glorious Revolution;
Protestantism Ascends The Throne;
Light In Eighteenth Century;
Victorian Era—World’s Greatest Empire;
"Thy Kingdom Come."

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