_______Bible History - Anglo-Saxon / Brythonic / Celtic / Baltic / Gothic / Scandinavian / Slavic - general race and language NEW PAPERBACKS

See also The Story of the Nation series that follows the individual groups below.


Anglo-Saxon / British / Brythonic







- Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Reader (1889) Stephen Carpenter, 212pp., paperback, 16.50 + P&H.

[See many other similar titles on languages farther down on this page.]

- The Dooms of King Alfred, (laws of England based upon the Bible established c.890 A.D.) 58pp., computer-enhanced reprint, 6.00 donation + P&H.

- The History of the Anglo-Saxons (1841) Sharon Turner ( he was a London attorney) complete set in 2 volumes, 1,284pp., pb., 80.00 + P&H; Excellent Book! the classic/definitive work on topic.

Hebrews in East Anglia (1870), Dr. Moses Margoliouth, very rare book. 112 pages, computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 12.00 donation + P&H. author gives proofs concerning "jews" in England; however, undoubtedly many of these instances were early Hebrews, and not "jews."  Contains some interesting info. 



Celtic / Goidelic



- The Celtic Church in Britain and Ireland (1902), Heinrich Zimmer (Prof. of Celtic philology at the University of Berlin, translated by A. Meyer), Translated by A. Meyer, xv/131pp., paperback, 14.00 + P&H.

- The General History of Ireland (translated in 1841 from the original Irish Language; written in early 1600's), Jeoffry Keating D.D., 600pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound in 2 volumes, 45.00 donation + P&H. 

- The History of Ancient Caledonia [Scotland] (1870) MacLaren, 128pp., pb., 12 50 + P&H.

- The History of Ireland from the Earliest Period to the Present Time (1867; 1885 ed.), Martin Haverty, computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound in 2 volumes, this took over 500 hours to scan and reprint. 8.5x11 (original size), 1,162pp., including many nice illustrations, and some additional chapters on Celtic literature and the geography of the major counties of Ireland (which were not in the 1867 ed.).  Note: This is not itself The Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters which is contained in 7 volumes and is over 4,000 pages. [A reprint of the entire Annals... is available for 1500.00 + P&H, or an original for 6,500.00 + P&H.] Haverty drew his material directly from the Annals..., gleaning the most relevant information; he drew further from the modern editors of the Annals... (Dr. O’Donovan, Professor Eugene Curry, The Rev C.P. Meehan, Dr. R.R. Madden, and Other Eminent Scholars), through extended, personal communication with them. This book by Haverty was considered the finest work on Irish History at the time he wrote it and no other modern work has come close to it. A Massive and Very Rare Book. Most respected and thorough book on early Irish History. The entire text is in tact, however, the last 6 pages of the index in the back are missing, as are 1 or 2 minor pages of illustrations that are not pertinent to the text. It also contains a short history of "The Annals of Ireland by the Four Masters" and a brief biography of the Four Masters, their editors and translators (and their photos when possible), Haverty, and others who wrote classic works on the history of Ireland (such as Geoffrey Keating, Villanueva, etc.) written and compiled by R.A.B./S.T.M., 115.00 donation + P&H.  Excellent book!

- Phoenician Ireland (1837, 2nd edition), Doctor Joachimo Laurentio Villanueva, translated by Henry O’Brien, (with biographical intro. by O’Brien’s brother); 361pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 35.00 donation + P&H. very rare book.






- The British Constitution (1893), Amos Dean, 104pp., paperback 14.00 donation + P&H.

The History of Normandy and of England (1857), Sir Francis Palgrave, 4 Volumes total 3,248 pages; 8.5x11 (2x2),* 55.00 donation + P&H each or 180.00 donation + P&H for set] Very rare book. Definitive history of the Normans. Vol. 1 covers: Medieval Europe, Carlovingian Empire, Danish expeditions into Gaul, Establishment of Rollo; Vol 2: Rollo, William Long Sword, Richard Fearless, Carlovingian line replaced by Capet; Vol 3: Richard Fearless, Richard Good, Richard III, Robert Devil, William Conqueror; Vol IV: William Rufus, Ascession of Henry Beauclerc. 

* This title has not been computer scanned and laid out as a normal sized book; it is xerox format, 8.5x11 with 2 pages per 8.5x11 page.  It has not been scanned and laid out due to its massive size and due to the fact few people would order it.  It is a very rare book and we make it available since it is one of the only sources for this information.

History of Puritans & Pilgrim Fathers (1888): The Puritans in England (1849) W.H. Stowell, & The Pilgrim Fathers (1849) D. Wilson, 508pp.; w/ 230pp. by Robert Alan Balaicius (500 hours of research /writing) of Illustrated Historical & Theological Introduction to Reformers, Puritans, Pilgrims, Nonconformists, Covenanters, Westminster Assembly, history of Anglican Church & Presbyterian Church in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales; Anglican Church & monarchs of Britain in persecution of Protestants who disagreed w/ Anglican Church’s Catholic ritual; insightful look at Great Awakening & revivals in England, Ireland, Scotland (& its Isle of Lewis) Wales, New England; 800+ short biographies & 250+ illustrations added; total c.740pp.; 7x8.5, 35.00 + P&H.

- Our British Ancestors: Who & What They Were (1865), Canon Sam. Lysons, 555pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 35.00 donation + P&H. (very rare book)

Rights of The Kingdom or Customs of Our Ancestors: Touching the Duty, Power, Election, or Succession of our Kings and Parliaments: Our True Liberty, Due Allegiance, three Estates, their Legislative Power, Original, Judicial, and Executive; with the Militia. Freely Discussed through the British, Saxon, Norman Laws and Histories with an Occasional Discourse of Great Changes yet Expected in the World (writtten 1649; 1682 edition), John Sadler, M.P. 319pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound (1st book in print known that mentions the Anglo-Israel Truth) (Old English type print where s’s look like f’s. Note: this is from a manuscript that is 325 years old. Due to acid from the ink, some pages bled through the other side; the worst of the pages I painstakingly cleaned up and reconstructed; however, there is a lot of "noise" or spots; some text is faint; some dark. It is all readable; but will not be an easy read. This may be only for die-hard enthusiasts, collectors, researchers. 100 hours have been invested in preparing this for printing. The reprint quality is poor to fair. It is probably 99.5% readable; but may take some concerted effort in some places. Do not order it if you do not think you will be able to handle the care required to read it. One original copy was available on the used market for around $800 a few years ago. It has since disappeared. While I am disappointed with the quality, I am glad to be able to present such a rare title available nowhere else on earth. 30.00 donation + P&H. extremely rare book

Six Old English Chronicles (Ethewerd’s Chronicle, Asser’s Life of Alfred, Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History, Gildas, Nennius, and Richard of Cirencester) (1848), J.A. Giles, editor; 512pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 40.00 donation + P&H.






- Cambria Triumphans or Brittain In Its Perfect Luster: Shevving The Origin and Antiquity of That Illustrious Nation, The Succession of Their Kings and Princes, From the First to King Charles (1661 / 1810 Edition) Percy Enderbie, 8.5x11, Hardback, c.400 pages; very rare book, high quality; no yellowed / aged / shadowed background on text; 150.00 + P&H.

- The Welsh Triads and Laws of Howell the Good [Extracted from Welsh Medieval Law (1909) Arthur W. Wade Evans & an appendix of The Text of the Mabinogion and Other Welsh Tales (1887) John Rhys / J. Gwenogyrvan Evan, with 48-page historical intro. (ancient Celtic / Saxon / Brythonic Law and God’s Law concerning crime, word etymology, etc.) by Modern Publisher / RAB; 390pp. total, 6x9., pb., 22.00 + P&H.







- Guthones (The Goths): Kinsmen of Lithuanian People (1929) Alexander Rackus, M.D.; 432pp., plastic comb-bound; the left-hand (even) pages in the book are English; the right-hand (odd) pages are in Lithuanian. The author gives lists of words in Gothic and Lithuanian (and English) to show relation; 24.00 + P&H.

- Historical Outlines on Lithuania (1921) Joseph J. Hertmanowicz, 43pp., stapleback, computer-enhanced reprint copy of this rare book (I have added extra photos of famous Lithuanians on a few blank pages), for the "wrap around" cover I have used a B&W copy of the famous painting, The Battle of Zalgiris" by the "Czech Rembrandt" Jan Matejko. 6.00 donation + P&H. excellent brief history

- Lithuania: The Awakening of a Nation (1924) Age Meyer Benedictsen, translated from the Danish, 248pp.; facsimile reprint, 8.5 x 7, paperback, 32.00 donation + P&H.  Rare book.  Excellent history and a beautiful book.

- Lithuania: European Adam (from German into English in 1979) Swiss scholar Dr. J. Ehret, 51pp., 5.00 + P&H.







- Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goths: Being an Introduction to the Ancient and Modern History of Europe (1787), John Pinkerton, xxvipp./209pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, quality near perfect. very rare book 25.00 + P&H.

- Genseric King Of The Vandals And First Prussian Kaiser (1918) Poultney Bigelow, c.230pp.,pb., 17.00 + P&H.-

- The Gothic History of Jordanes (1915; w/ Intr. & Commentary by Charles C.Mierow, Ph.D.) or De origine actibusque Getarum [Of the Origin and Deeds of the Goths] a.k.a Getica [Goths] [ A . D . c.550], vipp./188pp., paperback, 16.50 + P&H.

- The History of the The Langobards (Lombards) (1907) by Paul the Deacon [a.d.700s], translated by William Dudley Foulke, 437pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 40.00 + P&H. rare

- History of the Wars (1919), Procopius [attache to (Germanic) Roman General Belisarius], written A . D . c.460; (Books III & IV): The Vandalic War, c.245pp., paperback, re-typeset, 17.00 + P&H; (Books V. & VI.): The Gothic War, 245pp., paperback, re-typeset, 17.00 + P&H; 32.00 + P&H for the set.


[Gothic Bible and Gothic language titles farther down in this list.]




- The History of the Northmen or Danes and Normans, From Earliest Times to Conquest of England by William of Normandy (1831), Henry Wheaton, 367pp, computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 35.00 donation + P&H. very rare book




- Norway (1889) Sigvart Sörensen, 353pp., plastic comb-bound, facsimile reprint; 22.00 + P&H. Very good history, divided according to the rules of its kings.




History of the Swedes (1832-36 in Swedish), Eric Gustave Geijer; translated from Swedish by G. H. Turner, ESQ., M.A. (c.1845); originally 5 volumes in Swedish; English translation contains the first 3 books which covers from earliest times to 1654 the ascension of Charles X., xvipp.,/348pp., 8.5x11, computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 40.00 donation + P&H. Very rare book.




History of Scandinavia: Denmark, Sweden, Norway (1839), S. A. Dunham, Vol. 1, xxivpp./328pp computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, (covers earliest times to A.D. 1020), 28.00 donation + P&H. Rare book


Russo-Slavo-Scandinavian History


- Relations Between Ancient Russia and Scandinavia & Origin of Russian State (1877) Vilhem Thomsen, 150pp., 15.00 + P&H.

- The Russian Primary Chronicle (written in 12th century by Nestor(ius); translated 1930 by Samuel H. Cross; also called the Chronicle of Nestor/Nestorius or the Laurentian Text), 245pp. computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound (reprinted from Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, Volume XII); 26.00 donation + P&H. very rare book



South African History


 - The Boer Fight For Freedom (1902), Michael Davitt, 600+pp., computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound 40.00 donation + P&H. Member of Parliament witnessed the Anglo-Boer War first hand; Britain behaved shamefully and dishonorably and he resigned from Parliament in protest and wrote this book.

- Hear the Other Side: The Afrikaner Side and the German Side; Johan Schoeman, 76 pages, stapleback booklet, 5.00 donation + P&H.

- The History of Great Boer Trek and Origin of South African Republics (1899), Hon. Henry Cloete, LL.D., plastic comb-bound, xxiv/196pp. 20.00 donation + P&H.

- The Jews and South Africa: The Jewish Role in South Africa’s Political Unrest (unknown author or date) South Africa’s Kosher Press (c.1950) by H.H. Beamish, The Boer War: How the Jew Seized South Africa (unknown author or date) & The Jewish Problem in South Africa (Hon. Eric Louw, M.P., 1939) & Why Pick On Us? (Hon. Eric Louw, M.P., 1959) all re-typeset, annotated, illustrations added by RAB, 157pp., 2020 edition; pb., 14.00 + P&H.

- Bulala: A True Story of South Africa, Cuan Elgin, [Balaicius, Editor, contributor] 392pp., pb., 18 38 + P&H [1838 = Day of Covenant, most special day in Afrikaner history.] gripping tale of small, brave, Christian nation born of conflict, turmoil, tragedy; love, dedication, hard work—exciting account, history of South Africa (earliest times to end of 2nd Anglo-Boer War) woven as rich tapestry into novel; exciting: cross between Shaka Zulu & Little House on Prairie.  [Sequel: Return to the Covenant, avaiable early 2023.]

- Just One More Chance, Lorne J. Shields / Robert Alan Balaicius, 564pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H. The story begins in Ireland and progresses like a whirlwind, which, to explain more would give away the suspense of the story. A gripping read you will not be able to put down and one of those rare books that you wish would never end. · One rash decision, a regrettable mistake, can snowball and cause a chain-reaction like an avalanche; so-far reaching one may wonder if it can be outrun even if he flees to the other side of the world. When such a brief mistake is made, as Tom McCauley finds out, it can carry you about like a beach-ball in the ocean, and all you can do is hang on for dear life and pray to God that you land safely, somewhere, eventually. · Here begins a touching story of down-to-earth people (well... most of them) often real life stories from an earlier era. A story of love and romance interwoven with cultures spanning several nations of a bye-gone era, hard work, drama, intrigue, foul-play, good versus evil, faithfulness, respect, devotion, desperation, and hope combined with real historical events. The epic story of all creation is presented in a whirl: a momentary fall from grace followed by repeated attempts at restoration, while battling a myriad of unforeseen obstacles to that goal which creep out of the past into the present like vipers from a pit that just won’t die. You will not be the same after reading this book; you may become a part of the drama itself: your heart knit with those of this story, as if they were family or dear friends. At least, that is how it affected me. Step back into the 1800s and enjoy an amazing story. . . · I cannot help but think of a paragraph penned by the eminent Charles Dickens, which shares similar sentiments with this moving, gripping, lively, fascinating story: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way — in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” (A Tale of Two Cities) —Editor, Adapter, Publisher, R.A.B. must read. could be next Hallmark movie / miniseries

- A Rhino Crying a Nation Dying, Jans Rautenbach (South Africa) edited by RAB, 606pp., 6.75”x9.75”, pb., gripping historical novel similar in plot to “Turner Diaries” and “Hunter”; though set in S. Africa & much more elaborate; hard to put down; limited edition of 200 copies printed; may become valuable collector’s items. 32.00 + P&H.

- The Founders of New South Africa, Background to the Recent Developments in South Africa, Rise of South Africa in the ‘Sixies, Assassination of Dr. H. F. Verwoerd & British-American Scheming (1994) by Jan Marais, Leader of H.N.P. of S.A., 28pp., 3.50 + P&H.

- A Thousand Million Pounds for us or Germany? The Gold of the Far East Rand (1917) A. E. O’Flaherty / W. E. Bleloch; very rare; how Jews infiltrated Germany / England; how Jews used England to seize So. Africa; 333pp., 6 1/8 x 9.25, pb., 28.00 + P&H.

- Undermine Their Culture and A People Perishes—in South Africa, Everywhere, Schoeman, 19pp., 2.00 + P&H.


- Historians’ History of the World: Scandinavia (1904) H. S. Williams, 519pp.+, paperback, 7.3x9.25; excellent; illustrated; 45.00 + P&H. Norway, Denmark, Sweden, (with brief info on Iceland, Greenland, and Finland).

- Historians’ History of the World: Switzerland (1904) Henry Smith Williams, 248pp., paperback, 7.3 x 9.25; excellent; illustrated; 24.00 + P&H.


Story of the Nations Series / Heroes of the Nations Series

Heroes of the Nations: Alfred the Great: Maker of England: 848-899 (1915) Beatrice A. Lees, 493pp. + 50+ pp. of photos, pb., 26.00 + P&H.

- Heroes of the Nations: The Cid Campeador and the Waning of the Crescent in the West (1897) Henry Butler Clarke, 382pp., pb. 23.00 + P&H. If you have never watched Charlton Heston in El Cid (pronounced Sid) it i s in stock for 14.00 + P&H on DVD] Campeador is Spanish for “Champion” or “Conqueror”; El Cid (meaning “Lord”; arabic al-sayyid, i pronounced like a long i or “ee”) was Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (1040-1099) a Castilian Nobleman, military leader, and fighter against Islamic attacks by the Moors.

- Heroes of the Nations: Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy 1807-1870 (1898) Henry Alexander White, Ph.D., 42 illustrations / maps on unnumbered pages; blank on back side; (thus, 84 book pp.); extra / better quality illustrations added by modern publisher onto the blank side of those pages; + info added by Modern Publisher on Lee’s & Lee’s wife’s genealogies; photo and brief bio. of author; c.578pp. total; pb., 26.00 + P&H.

- Heroes of the Nations: Theodoric the Goth: Barbarian Champion of Civilization (1891) Thomas Hodgkin, 442pp., pb., (Theodoric Great, Ostrogoth conqueror / king of Italy, bringing Italy’s Golden Age)] 24.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Australian Commonwealth & New Zealand (1893) Grenville Tregarthen, 444pp., photos / names of Prime Ministers / Colonial Governors added, 24.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Austria (1911) Whitman / McIlraith, 407pp., detailed 22pp., genealogical chart of rulers of Austria: earliest times to 1918, & pictures of most of rulers added by RAB; pb; 25.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: The Balkans: Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro (1896) Miller, 506pp., pb., 2600 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Canada (1896) Sir John G. Bourinot, 463pp.; + list and photos of Prime Ministers of Canada, photo / bio of author, and other additions, 26.00 + P&H.

- Story of the Nations: Denmark and Sweden [and Iceland] (1917) Jon Stefansson, Ph.D., 382pp., + detailed genealogical charts / photos added, total around 565pp., 28.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Early Britain (1889) Church, 382pp. + many dozen pages of genealogical charts and illustrations added by modern publisher, (80 hours spent developing detailed genealogical charts, the kings of East Anglia, Wessex, Sussex, Northumberland, Mercia, etc., and other historical information and added illustrations) 450pp. total, 24.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: The Franks (1898) Lewis Sergeant, 343pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Germany (1887) Sabine Baring-Gould, 437pp., pb., 24.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: The Goths (1891) Bradley, 376pp., pb., 24.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Holland (1889) Rogers, 396pp., + 27pp., + genealogy of rulers of Netherlands from earliest times to present, with photos added by RAB; + 19pp., the full text of the Dutch Declaration of Independence from Spain, Plakkaat van Verlatinghe (1581), pb., 25.00 + P&H. pb., 25.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Hungary (1887) Vambéry, 453pp., pb., with added coats of arms, 26.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Ireland (1891) Lawless, 434pp., pb., 24.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: The Normans (1886) Jewett, xvpp./373pp., Norse origins to settlement in Normandie, conquest of England, Italy, Sicily; pb., 24.00 + P&H.

- Story of the Nations: Norway (1895) Hjalmar H. Boyeson, xxvpp.,/556pp.,/ivpp., pb. 28.00 + P&H; + photos & genealogical charts of Kings of Norway, illlustrations, short bio., and photo of author prepared by RAB.

- The Story of the Nations: Poland (1893) Morfill, 389pp., pb., + 34pp., by modern publ. about author; detailed genealogies of rulers of Poland from A.D. 550-1815, 76 illustrations, 450pp. total; 24.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Russia (1893) Morfill, 394pp., + 28pp., of genealogical charts of rulers of Russia from Rurik “Great” to execution of Romanov Family, + photos; pb.; 25.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Scotland (1893) Mackintosh, 336pp., pb., +many illustrations of kings of Scotland; 22.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: South Africa (1894) George M’Call Theal, D.Litt., LL.D., 452pp., + 23 added pages and photos, about the author and rulers of South Africa from Earliest times until its fall; pb., 25.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Switzerland (1890) Hug / Stead, 430pp. pb., 25.00 + P&H.

- The Story of the Nations: Wales (1902) Owen M. Edwards, 421pp., + dozens of pages of illustrations and genealogical charts added by modern publisher, 478pp., total, 24.00 + P&H.

[These are being considered; inquire : Bohemia, Thirteen Colonies, Tuscan Republics (Florence, Sienna, Pisa, Lucca) with Genoa, Robert the Bruce. Inquire if interested.]


General Bible History / Race



- Adam and the Adamite; or, the Harmony of Scripture and Ethnology (1882) Dominick McCausland, Perhaps the best book on the who Pre-Adamic question by, ironically, a dispensationalist; Adam was not the first man, existence of non-white Pre-Adamic races, local flood theory, dispersion of the Adamites, a book of archaeology, history, ethnology, and language. 328pp., paperback, 6x9, 20.00 + P&H.  Very rare book. Though I disagree with the local flood theory, and the old earth theory, and that the Serpent was a beast of the field, this is a rare book and I offer it for any value it may have.

Anthropology for the People: A Refutation of the Theory of the Adamic Origin of All Races (1891), by “Caucasian” (Rev. William H. Campbell), Refutes theories of monogenism & evolution, Bible deals only with Adamic race, strong Southern viewpoint, 334pp., pb., 6x9, 20.00 + P&H.

- The Builders of Babel (1874) Dominick McCausland, Discusses the migrations and dispersion of Noah’s three sons Ham, Shem, and Japhet; discusses the Vedic times in India, the role of the Adamite, plurality of races. Valuable information and rare perspective on Biblical anthropology. 303pp., 6x9 paperback, 20.00 donation + P&H.  Very rare book.  Though I disagre with the local flood theory, and the old earth theory, and that the Serpent was a beast of the field, this is a rare book and I offer it for any value it may have. 

The Cult of Equality (1945) Landry; dangers / fallacies of racial equality doctrine, unfavorable effect of race mixing on nations, racial integrity consonant w/ Christianity, civil & polite, So. viewpoint; 359pp., 6x9 pb., 22.00 + P&H.

- The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races (Lippincott, Phila, PA, 1856) by Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, with Addendum by Dr. Josiah C. Nott, M.D. (famous for medical research) refuting on scientific & Biblical grounds Gobineau’s notion all races descend from Adam (pages 461-512); Gobineau mistakenly believed all came from Adam, but clearly did not believe they were equal. Gobineau’s work later retitled, “Inequality of Human Races” (1915) reprinted by various publishers, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, etc. 512pp., pb., 28.00 + P&H.

- The Negroes in Negroland; The Negroes in America; and the Negroes Generally; Also, the Several Races of White Men, Considered as the Involuntary and Predestined Supplanters of the Black Races. A Compilation (1868) H. R. Helper, 250pp., 6x9 pb., 16.00 + P&H.

- Negro-Mania: Examination of Falsely Assumed Equality of the Various Races of Men (1851) John Campbell, 551 pages, considered by the left as “one of the most virulent racist hate books ever written”—a foolish accusation, for there is nothing hateful in it, only anthropological facts. 6x9 pb., 35.00 + P&H.

The Origin of the Aryans (1889), Sir Isaac Taylor, 350 pages, computer-enhanced reprint, plastic comb-bound, 20.00 donation + P&H.

Our Aryan Ancestors: The World’s Historical People (1935) Howell, 421pp., pb., 30.00 + P&H. (Celts, Cymri, Teutons, Slavs, Afghans, Hindoos, Medes, Persians).

- Pre-Adamite Man; or, The Story of our Old Planet & Its Inhabitants, told by Scripture & Science (1860) Isabella Duncan; Old Earth Creationist, speculation on angels, rare material. 319pp., 6x9 pb., 20.00 + P&H; though I disagree with the local flood theory (which is but briefly alluded to), and the old earth theory (that is, presumably several creations, at least the false notion that Gen. 1 and 2 refer to two different creations of man / possible gap theory / day-age theory); she also believed that the angels were pre-adamites, which is nonsense; but I have reprinted it because the book contained interesting geological information it was fairly well received by scientists who believed the Bible.

- PreAdamites (1880) Prof. Winchell, 6x9 pb., 526pp., 32.00 + P&H. though contains error, it has useful info.



Race or Mongrel - A Brief History of the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Races of Earth: a Theory That the Fall of Nations is Due to Intermarriage with Alien Stocks: a Demonstration that a Nation’s Strength is Due to Racial Purity: A Prophecy that America Will Sink to Early Decay Unless Immigration is Rigorously Restricted (1908) Also Including: The End of Darwinism - Not Change, But Persistence is Characteristic of Life, Every Change is Essentially A Persistence, Only What Persists Can Change (an Essay) Alfred P. Schultz, M.D., 414pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H.

- Racial Contrasts: Distinguishing Traits of Graeco-Latins and Teutons (1908) Albert Gehring, 237pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.

- Western Origin of Early Chinese Civilisation (1894) Albert Étienne Terrien de Lacouperie, 442pp., 24.00 + P&H.

- Where Black Rules White: A Journey Across and About Hayti (1910) H. Hesketh Prichard, 384pp., 6x9 pb., 22.00 + P&H.  Interesting history and experience, anecdotal.


Titles written or highly annotated by Robert Alan Balaicius

- The Creation of Man in Genesis 1 and 2: Are They Separate Creations —or the Same Event? [With An In-depth Discussion Concerning the “Beast of the Field”], 88pp., 7.00 + P&H.

- Difficulties (and Alleged Errors and Contraditions) in the Bible [—Examined and Re-Examined] (1907) Dr. R.A. Torry, originally 126 pages; it was small print, enlarged and expanded to 9x6, and 520 pages of complementary and corrective notes by R.A.B. and added Biblical illustrations, pb., 650pp., 32.50 + P&H. Detailed exegesis, apologetics (defense of the faith), presentation of Sound Doctrine firmly documented, answering many difficult issues in Scripture. 

- God’s Chosen People: Who Is - Who Isn’t - and Why —Who’s Trying to Destroy Whom and Is There Any Hope?, new improved paperback edition, 120pp., 9 50 + P&H.

- Going Ape Over Political, Academic, Journalistic, and Ecumenical “Monkeybusiness”: A Swiss Tale, 84pp., 7.00 + P&H. Satirical short story; exposé / explanation of invasion of Christendom by Third World; and the only solution.

- Kind Unto Kind: Race Mixing from God’s Viewpoint (c.1977) Researched by Mrs. Idris W. Howard, 140pp., published by the Thunderbolt, Marietta, GA. Goes through the Bible from Gen. to Rev. quoting passages with her comments in between and sometimes Introductory; also included is a bonus rare title, The Role of the Mixed Multitude (1976) by Mrs. E.G. Lake (Edna G. Gainer) 25pp.; with Notes Corrective and Complementary by RAB, pb., 6x9, total 524 pages. 27.50 + P&H.

- Races in Chaos (1959) by W. G. Finlay (South Africa) 74pp., with Notes Corrective and Complementary by RAB, total of 214pp, 6x9 pb., 16.50 + P&H.

- Racial Streams of Mankind (1946) 192pp., & Pre-Adamic Races: Questions and Answers, Clem Davies, 27pp., and detailed corrective notes by RAB of both titles (+ photo of Davies and a brief biography of him and his family compiled by RAB), 538pp., total, 6x9 pb., 27.50 + P&H.? (Davies’ book is replete with error, but since some people still show interest in his works, I spent over 500 hours to correct all the error in these, and they serve as a good teaching tool to recognize illogic, error, and false doctrine.

- Some Astute Observations Concerning the Peoples Encountered on an African Expedition while in Search of the Source of the Nile River — Excerpted from “The Albert N’Yanza: The Great Basin of the Nile and Exploration of the Nile Sources” (c.1866) by Sir Samuel White Baker, edited by RAB, superbly shows the nature and character of the blacks, turks, and arabs, 88pp., 7.00 + P&H. excellent! very eye-opening, highly recommended; fascinating info.

- Some Collected Works of Earnest Sevier Cox [Let My People Go (1925) Virginia Racial Integrity Legislation (c.1925) The South’s Part in Mongrelizing the Nation (1926) The Virginia Memorial to Congress (c.1934) The Price of Failure, Three Million Negroes Thank The State of Virginia (1940) Monument to Herman (1959); with extensive notes by RAB, illustrations added, and photos and brief biography of Cox, 232pp., pb., 18.50 + P&H.

- Subgenation: Theory of Normal Relation of the Races, an Answer to Miscegenation (1864) van Evrie, 74pp., pb., with detailed corrective notes by R.A.B.; this really was a terrible book, but it is a good springboard for truth with my notes; 177pp., pb., 16.50 + P&H.


Other Titles

- The Affinity Between the Hebrew Language and the Celtic: Being a Comparison Between Hebrew and the Gaelic Language or the Celtic of Scotland (1872) Thomas Stratton, M.D., R.N., 75pp., stapleback, 8.00 + P&H.

- Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible (1902) Bates, 132pp., pb., 12.00 + P&H.

- Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible (1874) Haley, 452pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H. [See also: Difficulties in the Bible, under Balaicius.]

- Ancient Pillar Stones of Scotland Their Significance and Bearing on Ethnology (1856) Dr. George Moore, 179pp., pb., 21.00 (reg. 25.00); Hb., 35 00 (reg. 40 00 ) + P&H.

- The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Holy Gospels or Tha Halgan Godspel on Englisc (1842) edited by Benjamin Thorpe, 240pp., pb., 16.50 + P&H.

- Anglo-Saxon Primer (1890) Henry Sweet, 116pp., 15.00 + P&H; reading from A-S Bible & A-S literature.

- Assyrian Invasions and Deportations of Israel (1937) J. Llewellyn Thomas, F. R. C. S., 47pp., 5.50 + P&H.

- The Bible and Archaeology (c.1940) Sir Frederick Kenyon (head of the British Museum) 310pp., pb., + dozens of photos, 22.00 + P&H. (very rare) - firm believer in the veracity of the Bible.

- The Bible, the Scholar, and the Spade: A Summary of the Results of Modern Excavation and Discovery (1932) C. H. Irwin, M.A., D.D. (Irish minister, scholar, of Australia), 251pp., + added photographs and brief bio. info of the many eminent archaeologists and scholars referenced in this work, 18.50 + P&H.

- The Bible Verified (1890) Rev. Andrew W. Archibald, 256pp., 18.00 + P&H.

- The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or the Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions (1851) Archibald Alexander, D.D., 359pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H.

- The Celts and Druids and Their Story From Earliest Times (1894) Rev. A. Scott, 140pp., [the Celts and Druids were not guilty of paganism or idolatry, but merely practicing the ancient form of the true faith] together with On the Antiquity of the Gaelic Language Shewing its Affinity to Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, Superseding the Masoretic Points and Furnishing a Key to the Hebrew Vowel Sounds (1865) & Of the Antiquity of the Gaelic Language Showing the Identity of the Present Vernacular of the Highlands with the Gaelic of Ancient Times (1866) by the Rev. Donald M’Intyre, 50pp., 199pp., total, 6x9 pb., 18.50 + P&H.

- The Chronology of The Bible (1922) Philip Mauro, 124pp., pb., 10 50 + P&H. (a.k.a. Marvels of Bible Prophecy);
condensing / correction of Anstey’s Romance of Bible Chronology (see).

- A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary (1855) Bosworth, 278pp., 6.375 x 9.313, pb., 18.00 + P&H.

- Diggers For Facts: The Bible in the Light of Archaeology (1940) Kinnaman, Ph.D., 239pp., pb., 20 00 + P&H.

- Egypt and Israel (1923) Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie, 150pp., + 50 pages of photos; plastic comb-bound 20.00 + P&H.

- English Derived from Hebrew (1869) R. Govett, 130pp., pb., 12.00 + P&H.

- An Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language; Being a Collation of Irish with Punic Language. With Preface Proving Ireland to be the Thule of the Ancients (1772) Lt.-Col. Char. Vallencey, LL.D., 123pp., comb-bound, 12.50 + P&H. rare. 

- Evidences of the Authenticity, Inspiration, and Canonical Authority of the Holy Scriptures (1836) Archibald Alexander, D.D. (Prof. of Theology, Princeton University) 308pp., 6x9 pb., the text was very small, and I have enlarged to make it normal sized print. 19.00 + P&H.

- The First Germanic Bible (1891) G.H. Balg, 469pp. 8.5x11 (original size); Gothic N.T. of Wulfila (c. a.d. 350); with Gothic-English lexicon & grammar; Hardback, 8.5x11, 65.00 + P&H; first-known translation of Bible into Germanic / English tongue; helps establish validity of some passages “critics” claim were later interpolations (preceded Vulgate & Septuagint, not tainted by either); sadly, its only N.T. (fragmentary) with a few paragraphs of O.T. which survived. 

- God Counts: Amazing Discoveries in Bible Numbers (1947) W.E. Filmer, 86pp., comb-bound 9.00 + P&H.

- Greeks and Goths: A Study on the Runes (1879) Isaac Taylor, 150pp., 6x9 pb., 16.50 + P&H. (Runes = ancient pre-alphabet)

- Grammar of the Gothic Language (1910) Wright, 383pp., 8.5x11 pb., 6x9, 20.00 + P&H.

- The Great Pyramid: In Light of Latest Archaeological Research (c.1943) Kinnaman, 50pp., published by Winrod/ Defender Magazine ; 5.00 + P&H; very rare. [see Diggers For Facts.]

- Hebrew and English Some Likenesses Psychic and Linguistic (c.1920) James, 134pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H.

- Hermes Scythicus: Or, the Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin Languages to the Gothic: Illustrated from the Moeso-Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Francic, Alemannic, Suio Gothic, Islandic &c. A Dissertation On the Historical Proofs of the Scythian Origin of the Greeks (1814) John Jamieson, D.D., 394pp., 6x9 pb., 22.00 + P&H.

- Heritage of Evidence: In British Museum, Masters, 127pp., 6x9 pb., 12.00 + P&H, glossy full color photos throughout, a bargain at this price; evidence of Christian faith in British Museum.

- How We Got Our Bible (1912) J. Paterson Smyth, 152pp., & And God Spake These Words: How We Got Our Bible and Why We Believe It Is God’s Word (1926) Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D.D., 127pp., 305pp., 6x9 pb., 18.50 + P&H.

- Ivan Panin Collection #1: [4 booklets in 1], containting: An Introduction to the Principles of Bible Numerics (1920?) & Verbal Inspiration Demonstrated (1923) & The Inspiration of the Greek Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated (1934) & Inspiration of the Hebrew Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated (1928) 152pp., pb., 12 00 + P&H.

- Ivan Panin Collection #2: [4 booklets in 1], 240pp., 8.5 x 7, pb., 20.00 + P&H. containing: Bible Numerics, The Last 12 Verses of Mark, The Shorter Works of Ivan Panin, and The Structure and authorship of the New Testament (retypeset).

- Lancelot Andrewes (1952) Florence Higham, 128pp., pb., 14 00 + P&H. [Bishop Andrewes (1555-1626) Bible and language scholar, headed the translation of the King James Bible.]

- Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance (1894) E. W. Bullinger, 305pp., 16.50 + P&H.

- Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts: A History of The Text and It’s Translations (1895) Sir F. Kenyon, 255pp., + 50pp. photos, 20.00 + P&H. Former head of British Museum (see his, The Bible and Archaeology - firm believer in veracity of the Bible.)

- The Romance of Bible Chronology: An Exposition of the Meaning, and a Demonstration of the Truth, of Every Chronological Statement Contained in the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament (1913) Volume I, “The Treatise” Anstey, 305pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H; Vol. II, “The Chart” 56pp., 8.5 x 12, pb., 14.00 + P&H.

- Palestine and Israel: Historical Notes (1934) Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie, 115pp., plastic comb-bound 12.00 + P&H.

- The Pillar of Witness: A Scriptural View of the Great Pyramid (1876) Commander B. W. Tracey, R.N., 84pp., 8.00 + P&H.

- The Post-Captivity Names of Israel (1934) Goard, 128p., pb., 12 00 + P&H.

- Prehistoric Antiquities of Aryan Peoples: A Manual of Comparative Philology and Earliest Culture (1890) Dr. Schrader [English transl], 487pp., 6x9 paperback, 487pp. 25.00 + P&H.

- Seventy Years in Archaeology (1932) Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie, 307pp. (+ 35pp. of photos), pb., 22.00 + P&H.

- The Signature of God, Grant Jeffrey, 354pp., pb., 14.00 + P&H; Outstanding! Conclusive proof from dozen different
angles that Word of God is true; could not have been written by man (w/ or w/o world’s most sophisticated computer)—
men wrote what God led them to; author terribly confused concerning identity God’s people (thus utterly confused about
prophecy) completely in error concerning God’s Law being abolished—superb book; so focus on what the book is about
and not his auxilliary error.

- There Is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, Prof.Antony Flew / Varghese, 256pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H. “one of biggest religion news stories of new millennium, Flew, the worlds leading atheist, announced he now believes in God. A brilliant mind and reasoned thinker reveals lifelong intellectual pursuit eventually led him: belief in God as designer.”

- Translators Revived: A Biographical Memoir of the Authors of the English Version of the Holy Bible (1853) & The Conversion of Northern Europe (1853) Alex. W. M’Clure, D.D., 250pp. + 40pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H.