AOC on Labor Day

You have to wonder about someone

whose congressional district

includes Riker’s Island (New York City's Prison)

(which includes Bellevue Hospital Mental Ward).

There is no pandemic... CDC FINALLY ADMITS....!!!!! (Updated) but what they have not admitted are the details of the CRIME

CDC admits less than 6% of covid death are due to covid, only a little over 9,000 people have died FROM covid in the US.  (Dying "with" a cold, a burn, a broken bone, a splinter, a hang-nail does not mean that you died FROM it.)


Embrace Covid...! Praise Evolution and Pass the Pathogens...! — & awaiting the Perfect Storm (UPDATED)

It is truly amazing how utterly mindless and hypocritical are those who worship evolution (including most “Christians”, who either believe evolution outright, or who believe in a form of evolution in their polluted unbiblical notions of anthropology—most “Christians” are actually superstitious agnostics and atheists: if they truly believed in the God of the Bible they would not live as they do in violation of all He commanded and forbade; your god / lord is the one whom you obey).&nb