Trumperverter Swan Song


This man is no man and a coward, a man with no principles, no morality, no conscience other than his god money.  He is a bought and paid for traitor... will say anything to anyone for a vote.  I've suspected this from the start, but Hillary was not an option, nor Shandlers, or the Hispanics Rubio or Crudz. 

—True Conversion

Someone asked: Pastor Robert, Could you please explain the conversion process and how the Holy Spirit draws the sinner to Himself?  Thank you.  I have thoroughly enjoyed your writings.  I know what Thomas Hooker and Thomas Shepard and the Puritans believed but I would like to know what you believe.


Barilla Antichrista — Your Time Has Pasta You Buy...! No More Pasta Fagioli for Me...!

[UPDATE: I've been to the grocery store probably 50 times since I wrote this.  Every time I see the Barilla pasta, I turn my head as if there was a rotting carcase there.  It is an offensive stench.  I would not buy it if it were the only pasta available.  I would not take it if it were given to me for free.  The only thing that would change my mind is the owners of Barilla firing the pervert in charge who decided to ruin the company's name and contribute to the destruc