—Whisky Lips Sink Papal Ships

Part of the real reason, it would seem to me, why the priests, even as the Jews, and Masons, even as corrupt politicians, cops, lawyers, and judges, protect each other, is because the majority are guilty of similar or other crimes, and if they attempt to prosecute one of their own, then as Hillary reportedly threatened, “If I go down everyone goes down”.  I guess like Hillary, the Catholic / politician logic is, “They were molested; that was years ago; what difference does it make?”

—Inconvenient Truths

The truth is not popular with antichrists.  They can take that up with Christ, the Judge of the World, on the Day of Judgment.

While “ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” applies to those who honor the truth, it could also be said of the rest, “ye who hate the truth—the truth will damn all ye!”

—Who Were the Nethinim?

It seems impossible to determine who these servants, singers, the Nethinim (“temple servants”) were.  Other passages in Ezra speak of singers of the House of Asaph [a Levite descended from Kohath] (Ezra 2:41), porters of the house of Shallum (v.42), singers, porters, Nethinim (v.70).