—False Prophets — Serpents and Swine in Sheep’s Clothing: Disciples of Degeneracy, Apostles of Apostasy

Tony Campolo is considered by many to be an evangelical leader on the same level with Billy Graham; yet a far-more sinister "minister" / “evangelist” / “pastor” and one with far-more liberal “doctrine” and motley followers.  Liberal journalist Cathline Farsani calls him, “one of the most influential leaders of the EVANGELICAL LEFT”.  Wikipedia reveals that Tony Campolo once said that he believes that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but that practice is; yet his wife, with whom he

—The Virgin Birth — False Prophet Attacking Christ

Beloved Georgian Baptist preacher Charles Stanley’s son Andy, who is pastor of one of the largest congregations in the U.S. (33,000), continues to reveal his modernist doctrine (and I believe Charles has broken ties with him) and denial of key Bible doctrine (and pretty much the whole of the Old Testament).  False prophets continue to arise and gather massive followings.

—The Fatal Flaw in All Arguments — Reality or Delusion: It's Your Choice (but don't expect me to join you if you choose the latter)

At the bottom of this Rumination are some links to youtubes by Ben Shapiro.*  Someone emailed me a few of his links and asked my opinion.  I have for a long time, when at youtube, seen in the sidebar on the right, links to Shapiro's youtubes, but never viewed any.  With dial up I have to be choosy since it takes about 5 times longer to view any video; I download one slowly as I work on other things at my computer, then when a minute or two have downloaded, I watc