Some tough gristle to chew on... if you don't want to know the truth, don't read any further

A people who are a tiny minority, represent 95% of the owners of the media, finance, medicine, education, the law profession, and even infiltrated once-Christian universities, churches, and seminaries, book publishing companies.  This is no coincidence; it is taught in the Talmud and the Protocols.  They call the protocols a "forgery" (which I give the history of de-bunk the forgery claim in my Fearless and Godly Pioneers for the truth), but the protocols were first exposed in the late 1800s.  They have been

White Sugar = poison

While NO sugar, even healthy sugars, should be over-consumed (even the Bible says too much honey is not good; man shall not live by bread alone... and the same goes for honey... God gave us a wide assortment of permissible food because we need a varied diet to get all the nutrients, starch, fiber, protein, good fats, etc., that the body needs), white sugar is poison...