—Does Hillary Have the Human Form of Mad Cow Disease or Is She Just a Mad Cow...? “True Beef or not True Beef...?” — That Is the Question

Here are two links to some odd information.  I certainly don’t know if it is true or not, I am not a bovine veterinarian.

Hillary has KURU Disease from Child Cannibalism

—“Red Elephants” CRASH “White Privilege” Seminar

Someone emailed this link and said, “Great job Red Elephants”—but it was not a great job.  It was embarrassing and juvenile and ignorant.  I admire they had the courage to do what they did; but as the Bible says, “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge” (Proverbs 19:2—the one rare verse that the NIV actually does a good job on).  This has some bad language, but it is still very interesting how the Jews are exposed in the 30 minute video of this meeting.