—Thoughts Concerning Donald Trump Interview by Alex Jones on Infowars.

Thoughts Concerning Donald Trump Interview by Alex Jones on Infowars.

This was a good presentation, except for his flaws.  However, surveillance in general is not what is needed, but deportation of aliens.  He leaves the door open for the same fiasco of the Patriot Act: we all need to be surveilled to be safe.  No, you eliminate the terrorists.  His militaristic attitude is alarming because of its vaguety.  I agree, if we have the need to go war we destroy any antichrist enemy from off the face of the earth and take whatever resources to pay for the war.  Yet we not only don’t do that, but then we pay to build them back up and turn our investment of hundreds of billions of dollars (in addition to the cost of the war and “policing” the “liberated” [conquered] nation over to the enemy himself.  We don’t need a huge military if it is not spread across the planet in 140 countries—where we have no business being.  The U.S. has been subverted into an oppressive international corporation that uses strong arm tactics and unethic and immoral business practices.  The only place the U.S. military belongs is in the U.S. guarding our borders, unless there is a valid war.  If we left other nations alone we would not need a large military unless we were attacked and all aliens must be deported to prevent an attack from within.  Furthermore, if we did not sell or give our technology to our enemies, we would not have to later defend ourselves against them.  But this is the mobster-style corrupt government that has subverted the true government of the U.S. and is illegitmate.  Their unspoken M.O. is summed up in the old saying: “Q. Why does your government give your money to your enemies?  A. To have someone to protect you from.”  It is job security (their own) as well as “busy-work” (and of course, treason).  Like “taxes” it only goes one way: up.  By slow means they plan to eventally own all the wealth and have total dictatorial control.  The U.S. is a communist nation.  We follow the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifest, not the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.  See my detailed illustrated historical introduction and supplementary information (also comparing the 10 Planks to the 10 Amendments) of my reprinting of the Communist Manifesto.  Also, Trump did not define what he would consider to be a viable reason to be invading Afghanistan.  He only mentioned invading them and taking their mineral wealth pay for the war.

Also, his reply about not impeaching Obama is WEAK.  First, B-HO [very best name for him, for “he be a ho”] can’t be impeached because he is not president; he is a usurper of the nation’s highest office and every single member of Congress who has not called for hearings in an accomplice to the Highest Treason.  Regardless, to not seek impeachment (or its equivalent) “because there is only a year left”... is asinine!  Either he is playing ball with the conspirators or he does not realize the importance of it (which is very, very hard to believe).  Do you really think that if one of Trump’s managers was ruining one of his companies—destroying it from within, stealing the wealth, selling out the company from underneath Trump, that Trump would “just let him serve another year until his contract was up”...?  I don’t believe it for a moment.  So then why would Trump not be in favor of prosecuting?  Is that the Promise he made to the Republican National Convention before they would let him run as an official Republican?  That’s what I have heard.  If such is true, no such promise has to be kept once he becomes president (politicians break promises to the “people” all the time, so breaking a promise to a corporation should be no problem).  Such a promise is itself Treason and therefore, since it is a crime, it cannot be considered to be part of any lawful agreement or contract.  Furthermore, the very first time any politician violates a single campaign promise or does anything to subvert the Constitution, he should be arrested, imprisoned, and tried and sentenced for High Treason.  When a politician violates a single campaign promise, that constitutes fraud: because he was elected specifically based upon what he promised.  To reneg on anything is a violation of the contract and fraud and therefore, the contract is void and the politician no longer legally holds office.
Furthermore, to not try B-HO for his crimes, sends the message that crime pages—it pays well.  It sends the message that the Constitution and High Treason are trifling matters.  It also forces the taxpayers of the U.S. to pay retirement benefits to the imposter / traitor and his illegitimate family* for the rest of their lives, pension, travel, secret service, millions of dollars in book deals, speeches, all for his High Treason.  It also leaves untouched every bill he has signed into law and every illegal executive order.

[* —who already owe the nation hundreds of millions of dollars for their various thefts in abusing vacation and travel and reportedly giving jobs and government contracts to friends and family.  Furthermore, as I explain in my book The Liberty Document, the so-called “U.S. National Debt” of $18+ trillion is not a national debt.  It is the personal debt of corrupt politicians who illegally borrowed and spent money unconstitutionally.  What is illegal in private practice is illegal in government because public servants are to be held to a higher standard.  What private business or individual could spend and borrow and embezzle and steal from the stockholders more money than they could ever pay back in a thousand years and not be prosecuted for crime?  What employee could give himself pay raises, bonuses, vacations, and change the by-laws of the company and forge the business papers, charter, and deeds of all assets and properties and put them in his own name, stealing the entire company from the true owners?  This is what the corrupt, renegade, treasonous politicians have all done.  The debt is not national.  The debt is the personal debt of every single politician who voted to misappropriate even one penny of taxpayer funds on things that are unconstitutional (which is 95% of modern government).  Jefferson said the only legitimate purpose of government it to keep men from injuring (real, not imaginary) one another.  Jefferson said when a man assumes a public trust (office) he should consider himself public property.  It is an unconstitutional use of taxpayer money for politicians to raise their own salaries, and vote themselves holidays, benefits, pensions all under the auspices of having “served” their country.  They served themselves and they did so illegally.  It is unconstitutional to use taxpayer money for any charitable purpose, whether in the U.S. or around the world.  It is an unconstitutional use of taxpayer money to fund loans (personal, corportate, or international), pay subsidies or welfare so people are paid money for not working.  Expensive government buildings, flowers along the highways, trees and shrubs for landscaping, and endless government waste is unconstitional.  The only lawful expenditure of taxpayer money (and taxes should only be 1/100 of what they are and the government needs to stop counterfeiting which purposely causes inflation and the devaluation of the dollar, which is a hidden tax; in addition to their having stolen all the real metal from hundreds of billions of dollars of the nation’s cash and replaced it with painted lead)... the only lawful expenditure of taxpayer money is to provide services that the people need but cannot provide for themselves and there are very, very few such things, primarily, the nation’s roads and military defense.  Therefore, to see who owes the so-called “National Debt” the Congressional voting records should be consulted, and each politician who voted to fund all these unconstitutional causes, owes that percentage of the debt individually.  The politician, his family, and all people who received these stolen goods (corporations, bail-out money, tax breaks, subsdies, government contracts, and every person who has received welfare in any form) owe the percentage of the debt that they benefitted from.]

However, contrary to Donald’s grand political Trump-eting the U.S. cannot be made “greater” than it was before, unless all aliens and antichrists are deported and the nation is restored to the pure Constitution and the pure doctrine of the Word of God, 95% of the government abolished, public schools and universities completely overhauled, pornography, prostitution, perversion, drug dealers, murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and treasonous politicians given the death sentence; the property and true wealth restored to the people, the fraudulent currency restored to real and pure gold, silver, copper, and nickle, all pagan temples demolished, the perversion, socialism, and antichristian philosophy of Hollywood and book publishing censored, the Sabbath restored, banking, economics, the legal “profession”, and the courts, completely reformed... (and that is just for starters)...  

This cannot be done without a time machine any more than a 90-year old, former Olympic athlete can ever again so perform.  But that does not mean that all these wrongs should not be righted and worked toward correcting.  However, people are not willing to do what God requires and that is why it cannot be so-restored and those like Jones and Trump who think that it can be done think so because they are humanists and not converted—or, if Trump is converted, he is carnal minded and does not understand the Word of God or really care to.  I didn’t hear God mentioned anywhere.  Even Benjamin Franklin realized and expressed that no nation can arise without God’s blessing.  So, how does Trump propose to make the U.S. “greater” than it was when he entirely left out the key ingredient of success?  Our nation was founded as a Christian nation from its very beginnings.  The antichrist subverters claim that is was not, but they don’t tell anyone about the tens of thousands of pages of information that document it.  It is irrefutable, but such communist, antichrist subverters hide the truth, and if it surfaces they ignore it and even claim, “the truth is not a defence”.  This is High Treason.  Now they are swamping our nation with more and more antichrist Third World aliens—and all of Europe—to steal all of Christendom from us.  It is war, genocide, a hate crime, and High Treason. 

[For irrefutable proof that the U.S. was founded as a Christian nation, see my 220 page introduction to my reprinting of The Puritan and Pilgrim Fathers and the other books mentioned therein, or email for a list of titles.]

Why did Jones and Trump leave God out of their entire discussion? —because God is not in their minds.  They don’t know Him.  Unless the Lord build the house the laborers labor in vain.  Not only do not they not consider Him Lord, then merely consider him some vestigual folkway, a merely footnote in the history of the universe.  They must think of Him as a myth or a “nice idea”.  If they truly knew God, they would recognize Him as Creator, Owner of the entire universe (including their owner) and Lord and Master.  But they don’t.  If they recognize Him at all, it is like a person on the street flipping a quarter to an organ grinder with his monkey (and then only if he gets a tax-receipt for his “donation”).

It was also a weak interview because it seemed more like Jones was “coaching the witness” rather than asking penetrating questions.  It was an infomercial.  I hope Trump is genuine and telling the truth, but if he could “act” in order to be friendly with Clinton, Reid, etc., play golf, “play nice” because he had to do “business” with those “Democrats” (from whom he now seems to claim to disassociate himself) when it was to his benefit, then how can we know that he is not “acting” now to be “against” them and “for us” if it is now to his benefit to so “act”...?  Fixed fights put on a good show.  Just because someone throws a “dirty” punch in a fight and the two “combatants” act in the ring and in public appearances as if they hate each other, does not mean that they are not friends or that after the “show” they don’t go out and have a beer and laugh about it.  Fights, as political debates and intrigue, can be orchestrated to be a very entertaining circus, but that does not mean that what you see is real.  Actors on tv or movies play very convincing roles, but they are not those people in those roles they are playing.  However, most people, caught up in a movie are not in their minds consciously thinking that the person on the screen is merely playing a role and that he is merely hollywood actor with an entirely different real name, personality, and life, who plays tennis and drives a Ferrari, insults people at hotels if the service is slow, donates to socialist causes, etc.  The average person during a movie imagines that it is real.  It is a form of hypnosis, depending how good the actor and the entire production is.  
Thus Jones appears a bit naive—or is wanting the people to be naive in thinking that because this is how it appears that therefore, that is how it is.  That is myopic and pseudo-intellectual.  I would like to believe that Trump is no longer “establishment” wealthy elite only looking out for himself.  I would like to believe Putin is a good guy.  I would like to believe a lot of things—but unfortunately, reality exists regardless of what people want to believe.  The bottom line is, politicians are our servants and they are supposed to obey us and the original Constitution—and if they function otherwise, they are guilty of Treason.  They were elected to defend the Constitution and preserve our God-given, inalienable rights—not subvert the Constitution making themselves the new nobility and rape and pillage and plunder the nation for their own benefit and enslave everyone else.  The very first time that an elected politician violates a campaign promise or changes his M.O. he should be arrested because he is no longer an elected official since the election was based on fraud (lies and false promises).  It is the height of stupidity for the people to think that their “chance” for “change” and to fix the nation and end corruption is always (like the horizon or a mirage, ever in sight but never reachable) a mythical “4 years” later—after irreparable damage has been done and when the “golden opportunity” never materializes.  When politicians violate the Constitution, try to alter it, break their campaign promises, regulate the people, diminish their rights, tax them like slaves—they have committed High Treason and fraud and are no longer in office and should be tried for their crimes including treason.  When a politician or any elected or appointed official acts outside of the narrow constitutional limits of his job desription, he has stepped outside of his authority and his immunity and has perpetrated an individual (not official) criminal act and is personally responsible.

Donald Trump Tells All on the Alex Jones Show

[Some of the comments here are enlightening also; though you have to weed through the brain-dead, gung-ho, blind-faith supporters and moral degenerates’ comments.

— Falwell, Graham, and a False Prophet walk into a bar...

An email was sent to me of a new post at some forum.  I was so repulsed by the article written by someone passing himself off as a “Christian”, I prepared an in-depth response and rebuke.  The original article was titled,

“Jerry Falwell Jr., Franklin Graham and the Sad Effects of Terrorism on Christianity”

See the below link for my comments interspersed among this pseudo-christian article (for as long as it may appear, who knows, it may be removed?); but it is a bit difficult to follow since the poor format of the posting there removed all spaces between paragraphs and removed all indentation and does not allow for editing, so I could not fix it to better offset my comments from the original article). [I just re-posted it, adding spaces, not sure if it will be improved or not, or if they will accept a second-posting and remove the first as I requested.]


or see the original article here by the author of this piece, the African-American university chaplain of the University of Pennsyvania.

When I wrote these comments, I had no clue that the author of this piece was a “chaplain” or that he was “African-American”.  After I wrote my comments, I thought to look online and that is when I saw who he was.

[Was it not also the University of Pennsylvania in which some tenured black woman professor was spewing anti-white “hate speech”...?
I just checked and yes, Anthea Butler, “professor” of “religious studies” (voodoo?) who was practically foaming at the mouth in her anti-white racist rant, boasting that she can say what she wants because she has tenure and can’t be fired.  What an abomination to have this creature teaching anything at Benjamin Franklin’s university, let alone teaching “religion”.  She wrote:

“God ain’t good all of the time.  In fact, sometimes, God is not for us.  As a black woman in a nation that has taken too many pains to remind me that I am not a white man, and am not capable of taking care of my reproductive rights, or my voting rights, I know that this American god ain’t my god.  As a matter of fact, I think he’s a white racist god with a problem.  More importantly, he is carrying a gun and stalking young black men.”

She also called fellow-black, Presidential Candidate Ben Carson a “coon” for claiming that people have the right to display Confederate flags on their own private property.]

I suggest you visit one of the above sites in a separate window and read the original paragraph and then my comments.  The gist of the original article was that the author expressed that he was shocked at Jerry Falwell Jr., and Franklin Graham suggesting people buy guns to protect themselves.  The rest of the article was pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-Christianity, suggesting that anyone who buys a gun is “fearful” and “hateful” and that Jesus would never endorse such, Jesus chose to break the cycle of terrorism.  To get the full impact, it would be best to go to one of the two above-mentioned sites and follow along with the website and the book here.

The original article paragraph starts:
“My prayer for Christians this Christmas season ....” [the gist was we need to be more like Christ and less like Herod, the goal of terrorism is to incapacitate us with fear or change us.]

My comments:
[—and by gradual means, desensitize people into slowly surrendering their rights in order to be “protected” by the very people who have brought the terrorists in.  People then become accustomed to more regulation, fewer rights, totalitarian legislation, dictatorial decrees, no personal liberty or say in any matter, basically full-blown communism under the pseudonym of “democracy” (when in reality, it is Shylocracy).  People are desensitized into accepting terrorism simply as “a natural part of life”.  This has already been done to us by slow means in the form of crime, nationwide, throughout all of Christendom.  Whereas crime always has existed, when we were a white, Christian nation, crime was negligible.  Now it is a full-blown “part of life” off which the corrupt state and select business make hundreds of billions of dollars a year: what would the media have to report about? fewer locks, lesser security, police, courts, jails, prisons, lawyers, probation officers, etc.  Just the warehousing alone of the 2.2 million prisoners—1/4 of which are illegal aliens which should have been executed—costs the taxpayers a minimum of $110 billion EACH YEAR and only about 5 in 100 criminals who would be locked up are ever caught and / or eventually prosecuted; and the recidivism rate is 75% (see my book The Other Side for more detailed statistics and info); that is, once released—usually early due to overcrowding—only 25% won’t commit crime again, but in reality, they either probably die first, or just are not caught; having shared “tricks of the trade” with other “professionals”, over the many years of their incarceration).  People think that crime is “just a normal, inescapable part of life”... and they will soon think this way of terrorism.  It is socialist programming to control the people and steal the wealth of the entire nation and reduce everyone to a slave.  R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“The most upsetting thing for me....” [Jerry Falwell Jr., speaking to Liberty University after the San Bernadino shooting encouraged all to get a conceal carry permit—which is unconstitutional, we have the RIGHT to own and BEAR arms, and don’t need a “permit”—and he said if everyone did then if any Muslims showed up at Liberty U. that would be the end of them.]

My comment:


The original article paragraph starts:
“Of this my brother Shane Claiborne said... “ [shocked at Falwell’s comments wondered if they worshiped the same Jesus.]

My comment:

[NO, you are not.  You are clearly following a FALSE CHRIST.  The world’s pseudo-Christ.  “He who would be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”  Also, you don’t worship Christ.  If you are like the average “Christian” you give Him maybe 2 hours on Sunday and violate the rest of what you think is the “Christian Sabbath” (a myth) doing what you want, making it indistinguishable from any other day.  Christ is not your LORD.  LORD means MASTER and that means that you OBEY Him—yet you don’t even know what He said, so how can you obey Him? especially when you do the exact opposite of what He commanded.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“I recently spoke with a friend....” [and they both were internally conflicted about whether they should speak out concerning the comment that Falwell’s comments.]

My comment:

[It is a good thing that you did.  Now we all know that you follow a FALSE CHRIST and that you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, trying to convince all the other sheep to simply bend over and let the wolves rape them.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“I held similar questions after hateful ....” [comments that Franklin Graham made and other “Islamaphobic” comments made by Christian presidential candidates.]

My comments:

[“Hateful” and “fearful” — of course, he does not provide a quote from Franklin Graham to substantiate this, but these are typical “code words” of socialist agitators.  “Phobia” is likewise an antichristian code word.  It is not “fear”, it is not “aversion”.  WHAT PART OF NO OTHER GODS don’t you understand you idolator?  If you have Muslim friends and tolerate their muslim religion and have no problem with them invading our land, having muslim temples worshipping false gods, and teaching a muslim faith in schools and impregnating our christian white women, you are not a Christian and you are an enemy of Christendom, and you will be one of the first ones they kill if you don’t convert to Islam.  You may be perfectly content to lay down your life for the dogs, but you will not be rewarded by it because you are doing the opposite of what Christ commanded.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“And aside from within private conversation....” [he had not previously spoken out, being absorbed in the “calling” of his service as chaplain and being nonconfrontational.]

My comments:

[Since you are a leftist ultra-liberal posing as a Christian, why do you even read what the alleged mainstream conservative Christians say?  When you can’t even stomach what the watered-down mainstream conservatives say, you “out” yourself.  thanks.    R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“Or maybe my silence...” [is for some worse reason?]

My comments:

[Yes, much, much worse... you knew by speaking out that you stood the chance of “outing” yourself.  Tell you what.  Why don’t you move to Syria?  Since you love muslims and socialist dictatorships so much, I sure they will love you have you on board... and there should be plenty of cheap apartments to rent as half of Syria and the middle east “pretending to be Syrian” is swarming Europe... and if you are going to fit in with the Syrians, you might as well rape a few white Christian women—or men—on the way.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“What if the recent violence...” [has incapacitated me by fear and that is why I may choose to remain silent?]

My comments:

[Believe me, we now know that you are not on our side or Christ’s side; you are on Antichrist’s side.  I hope you two will be eternally happy together.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“That kind of fear based silence ....” [is equally as evil as “fear-based hate”.]

My comments:

[There is no fear-based hate you antichrist.  You seem to have been programmed from childhood and don’t have a clue about the history of Christianity, or communism or islam and you don’t have a clue about what the Bible teaches (you must be a Christian pastor) or even the difference between good and evil.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“I’m saddened that some of my Muslim friends...” [must be impositioned to denounce terrorism of their kinsmen and co-religionists each time it happens.]

My comments:

[There we go, Muslim friends.  You just exposed yourself as being the enemy of God.  Stop calling yourself a Christian (assuming that you do) and stop saying that you follow and worship Christ because you don’t.  Christ is not some “individual, personal god” whom each person creates the way he wants Christ to be, like a “build your own hot-fudge sunday bar”.  Also, why is it that you are more concerned about the “feelings” of your muslim friends than you are about those whose lives have been torn apart by islamo-violence?  They should not feel outwardly constrained to denounce such each time it happens—they should feel internally compelled to.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“But Falwell is not a fringe leader....” [and we must speak out against Islamaphobes.]

My comments:

[Who is “we”, Communist Party USA? World Council of Churches? ADL? ACLU? NAACP?  do you have homosexual friends as well as Muslim friends? if so, how do they get along with each other?  It is wonderful that you are there to bridge the gap.  While Liberty University may be the largest college that was once Christian, it is not necessarily true that it is truly Christian.  I could remember incorrectly, but did it not sell out for money to the government and compromised to bail it out of financial bankruptcy or massive debt (how could the largest college go bankrupt and get into debt? where did they misspend all their money? on their football team? inflated salaries? the cafeteria salad bar?)... and they then had to remove their anti-homosexual (and presumably anti-muslim) policy and thus, if that is true, then Christ is not their head.  If my memory serves me correctly and if this is true, then they are not a Christian college, but a college with Christian roots.  If their new leader sees that his father took the wrong turn and if the new leader then makes a u-turn to return to Christ, then wonderful.  Though his position on self-defense and islam may be correct (if indeed he said to buy guns and protect yourself), that does not mean that he is a true spokesperson for Christianity in general.  His father, if I recall correctly, also disbanded the Moral Majority because “it was no longer needed” .... REALLY?  Wow, that is wonderful.  Morality must have won and I didn’t get them memo.  Maybe we should all just lay down our swords.  Do you think your Muslim friends will?   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“His comments about wanting to end ‘those Muslims’ is disgusting....”

My comments:

[Have you ever read the Bible or just a liberal sanitized (per)version of it?  Christ said that when He returns He will uproot every plant that His Heavenly Father has not planted, and that He will command the holy angels to “bring hither those who would not that I should rule over them and slay them before Me!”  Tell me, have you asked your Muslim friends whether or not they will bow the knee to Christ and have Him rule over them instead of Muhammad or Allah?  What about you?  To whom will you be submitting?  Oh yeah, according to the Bible, once Christ has returned it will be too late for you to decide, so if you are undecided now, God already made the choice for you and it’s not with Him.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“Beyond the fact ....” [Christ would not be gun-toting and even rebuked Peter for using a sword.]

My comments:

[You show your utter ignorance of Scripture and your disinformation propaganda M.O. of taking passages out of context and twisting them to support your antichrist agenda.  Christ’s Mission was to die for His people.  He had to die.  Peter drawing his sword at that point was wrong, because Christ had already told the chief priests that since they came for Him that they should let His disciples go.  Peter should have realized that Christ’s Will was for Peter to leave—and if uncertain, Peter should have asked his Lord what he should do.  But Peter had already jumped in with both feet into own mouth, bragging that he would never desert Christ, so he felt compelled to have an irrational flare of bravado, since they were outnumbered 100 to 1.  He must have thought Christ would follow his lead and a legion of holy angels would appear.  Regardless, have you read enough Scripture to know why Peter was carrying a sword? —because Christ told him to carry it!  Christ asked the disciples how many swords they had and when they answered “two”, Christ said, “bring them with, that is enough”.  Christ did NOT exclaim, hysterically, “What...!  What are you doing with those nasty things?  Swords kill people!  Why are you so fearful and hateful?”  Had Christ and the disciples been waylaid by a band of thugs (or Muslims) the plan was to use the swords or Christ would not have told His disciples to carry them.  Do you not understand ANYTHING about the moral implication of self-defense and that the 10 Commandments (should you believe in them) infer that since it is wrong for YOU to “murder” someone, it is WRONG FOR YOU STAND BY AND LET MUSLIMS MURDER OTHERS.  Oh, and by the way, if someone is trying to rape your wife or kids or kill you or rob you, it is NOT murder to use lethal force to protect yourself or your family; not all killing is murder.  Scripture says, “He who does not provide for his own household has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel” (a word you should know well, being that you have so many Muslim friends whom you seem to be more concerned about offending than your offending God and Christ).  This verse is not merely talking about “bringing home the bread” but also “taking out the vermin”.  It would be meaningless to say that a man is a poor Christian for not providing food for his famiy, but a good Christian for not violently interfering and allowing Muslims to rape and kill them.  Christ commanded “Occupy till I come!”  That is a military command.  God said “to love the Lord is to hate evil” and commanded, “ye who love the Lord hate evil”.  God also pronounced a curse on those who call evil good and good evil, which is what you are doing when you talk about your muslim (or homo) friends.  If you do not hate evil you do not love God.  God commanded NO OTHER GODS.  You recognize other gods by having friends who serve other gods, and thus you violate God’s Law and make yourself His enemy by being friends with the world.  Or maybe you think that Jesus was just a “good prophet” and you think Muhammed is the real deal.  Do you think then when Jesus returns He is going to return with Muhammed holding his hand like you are doing with Muhammed’s followers?  Scripture says “he who says I know God and keepeth not His Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in Him.”  So YES, you DO worship a different Jesus, he is a false Christ that you worship, and according to the Word of God YOU ARE A LIAR, YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW GOD and the TRUTH IS NOT IN YOU.  Do you think that during the battle of Armageddon, or during the battle raging in the Heavenlies, that God and Christ and the holy angels have “beat their swords into plowshares” and just lay down and want to hold hands with Satan and be friends and “get along” because Heaven is such a gosh darn big place there is plenty of room for everyone?  Attributed to Benjamin Franklin: “Those who beat their swords into plowshares (that is, before the Prince of Peace has returned) will plow for those who don’t.”  You don’t know God.  You don’t have a clue about His Holiness or His Justice.  When Christ returns He will PUT DOWN all evil, all rebellion, all opposition, all ungodliness, all false religion, all perversion.  He will not sit down and hold a summit conference to see how everyone can compromise and play nice.  YOU ARE A HUMANIST and a SOCIALIST and AN ANTICHRIST.  R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“But beyond the bigoted speech and violent readiness to kill...”

My comments:

[Again, in your myopic ignorance and reprobation, you disseminate propaganda and lies in addition to showing your ignorance of Scripture and of God Whom you know not.  Communist disinformation specialists (or amateurs like yourself) use the terms “hate” and “bigot” about anyone who believes anything that they do not agree with—actually, ironically, they use those terms about those things or persons that the communists and antichrists themselves hate and against whom they themselves are bigoted.  Another buzz word is “tolerance”; but the leftists are the ones who are violently intolerant against those who do not reject traditional moral values and embrace perversion.  Being prepared to defend yourself, your family, your nation is not “readiness to kill”.  If criminals were not predators, preying on the unsuspecting, there would be nothing to kill.  Why do you side with criminals instead of with the good guys?  Do you know what North, Central, or South America was like before Christian colonization?  Inter-tribal warfare; stronger tribes preying on weaker tribes, exterminating them or making them their slaves?  Do you know what Colonial America and even early Post-Civil War America was like before the importation of the Third World?  Get a valid history book (pre-1930) not from a communist, anti-Christian, pro-homo perspective and maybe you will learn something.  Study crime statistics and demographics today, 20 years ago, and 90 years ago; both here and in Europe.  If you think Arabia or Africa has such a better culture and religion, then by all means, move there immediately.  God is not a caricature that you paint with His only attribute being “love”.  Yes, God is Love.  Perfect Love which you don’t know because Perfect Love casts out fear and you project your fear onto godly people who are obeying God and “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness BUT REBUKE THEM!”  Love is not a gooshy emotion.  Love is obedience and moral responsibility.  Jesus said “If you love Me, keep My Commandments and you will abide in My Love even as I have kept My Father’s Commandments and abide in His Love.”  God is Love, but that is one part of His Being.  He also HATES evil and HE demonstrates WRATH and VENGEANCE on His enemies.  God is Holy.  To love what He declared as evil would be unholy.  God is Immutable, He cannot change.  His Law does not change—His Standard of Morality and Holiness cannot change.  His Word does not change.  His Plan does not change.  What God said to hate in the Old Testament, He does not now tell us to love in the New Testament.  Those who think so are spiritually dead and don’t understand a thing about the Word of God and are HUMANISTS.  We don’t have to worry about the Muslims destroying Christendom because FOOLS and LIARS like you ARE ALREADY DESTROYING IT; and if there were not a plethora of brain-dead, conscience-devoid, communist subversives and pseudo-Christians like you, the Jews and Muslims and superstitious hispanics and hindus and voodooists and all their ilk would never have been admitted into Christendom.  You have not been silent because you were fearful to be a watchman on the wall and sound the alarm—you were silent because it has been people like you who have been quietly undermining Christendom and sneaking around to open the city gates to the anti-trojan horse of all your muslim friends.  I indict you before a Holy God and all of Christendom that every single white woman in all of Christendom who is raped, and every single white Christian who mongrelizes by marrying muslims, and every single white Christian who is robbed or murdered by Muslims THEIR BLOOD IS UPON YOUR HEAD AND SHALL BE FOR ETERNITY!  Christ said “He who is not with Me is against me and He who gathereth not with Me scattered abroad”.  This “with” and “gathering” in general implies following HIS agenda, not the world’s.  The “gathering” specifically refers to gathering HIS PEOPLE, whom He came to save... and by gathering other than His people, you SCATTER HIS PEOPLE, which is what is being done by socialists like you pretending to be Christians who think opening that the doors to the alien hordes is a wonderful thing.  Christ said, “Give not that which is holy to the dogs and cast not pearls before swine lest they turn and REND (destroy) you” and “It is not proper to take the children’s bread (Christ) and give it to the dogs” —much less seat the dogs at the table as equals and have the dogs breeding with the master’s children on the table.  Christ said “My sheep hear My Voice and follow (obey) Me” and “the voice of another they will not follow” and “Why call ye Me ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not the things which I say?”  Therefore, YOU ARE NOT OF CHRIST’S SHEEP and on Judgment Day you will hear Him declare, “Depart from Me ye that work iniquity (Lawlessness, violation of God’s Law, not man’s), I NEVER KNEW YOU.”  You are an accomplice to the rape of Christ’s bride!  I INDICT YOU NOW BEFORE HEAVEN AND EARTH.  Get off your ivory tower and move INTO THE VERY PATH OF THIS MUSLIM MUDSLIDE EFFACING EUROPE and see who want to hold hands with you and sing, “KUMBAYA”...!  Since you do not recognize Christ’s Voice, do not obey Him, and follow another voice, you are not of His sheep.  You are not a Christian.  You have no right to call yourself a Christian because you do not follow Christ, but the antichrist world’s agenda.  You have been “outed”.  R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“I call this new emerging part of the body the Terrorized Post-Christian...” [and denigrates Americans who defend themselves calling them “Herods”.]

My comments:

[It is indeed the Post-Christian Church, but not because of those fighting to defend it, but because of subversive traitorous cowards like you who have undermined it and opened the gates to those terrorist barbarians all the while saying they are not terrorists.  MOVE OUT OF CHRISTENDOM YOU EVIL IMPOSTER.  Comparing GODLY AMERICANS who OBEY GOD and defend their nation and family and faith to HERODS is BLASPHEMY.  In your perverse mind, you must think Jesus was a flower-child, bisexual, interfaith prophet.  He drove the corrupt money changers in the Temple out of it by physical force with a scourge EVEN AS HE WILL DRIVE YOU FROM THE JUDGMENT SEAT INTO HELL.   Have you ever studied Bolshevism / Communism, the Talmud, or the history of Islam?  R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“And this to me is proof that the efforts of the terrorists are working....” [it has turned followers of the One who laid down His Life FOR others, into gun-toting haters eager to lay down the lives OF others.]

My comments:

[The U.S. has been free (though it is losing freedom quickly due to socialists like you) for 250 years because of all those guns you are so afraid of being in the hands of law-abiding citizens.  Christ didn’t merely lay down His life for “others”.  Christ did not lay down His life for the dogs or the pigs or the wolves or the goats.  He laid down His Life for His sheep.  Since you are not one of them, you seem Hell-bent on destroying Christendom.  Christ said that anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the door is a thief and a robber.  Only sheep are admitted and the only door is Christ.  Why would Christ call those who attempt to enter the sheepfold by any means other than the Door (illegal aliens trying to force their way by violence into the Kingdom) thieves and robbers?  Thieves merely steal.  Robbers rape and murder and steal.  What is there to steal in a sheepfold other than grass...?  SHEEP.  And you will be held accountable for every sheep stolen.  If you think that is what Christ wants, for you to lay down your life for others, why don’t you go find yourself a nice tank to lay down in front of?  You’ve never studied the Reformers, the Puritans, the Christian roots of the United States, have you?  Oh, that’s right, it was covered in your “subversive, racist, bigoted, fear-monger groups” class at World Council of Churches University where you majored in Christian subversion tactics.  But you didn’t study too well, since so far you have made vague innuendos and general allusions, but you have not quoted Scripture or attempted to discuss doctrine.  That’s because one cannot discuss that which he does not understand.   R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“I had a dear friend in seminary ...” [who said, “fear is the garden of sin”; and this fear is so contrary to the angels and Jesus singing throughout the Bible “fear not”.]

My comments:

[How sweet.  What Bible verse is that?  I don’t recognize the translation.  How dear is this friend and what seminary?  Maybe it is his own translation from the Hebrew or Greek (or maybe Arabic, considering your friends), but I just can’t place my finger on what Bible verse that is, since clearly, a devout Christian in a seminary would quote the words of Christ instead of himself.  What Bible verse is it?  Third Delusions 6:66?  I don’t remember anyone singing “fear not” (hum a few bars and maybe it will ring a bell) but if you understood the Bible, the reason the angels and Christ said, “Fear not” was because they were confronted by a blindingly bright shining angel or the Son of God whose appearance was as fire—and even the Old Testament saints thought seeing such meant certain death because unlike you, they knew how sinful and vile they were.  True Christians do not judge their own “goodness” by comparing themselves to those who are far-worse than themselves, but by comparing themselves to a Holy God.  Even Peter, the greatest disciple and apostle of the church, when he realized that he was in the Presence of God, recognizing that Christ was God, he said, “depart from me, for I am a sinful man”.  The Light of Christ’s Presence exposed Peter’s own vileness to himself (even as seeing yourself in the mirror outside in the light of the sun) and he recognizesd his own unworthiness and sinfulness.  Christ or the angels saying “fear not” HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DECENT PEOPLE DEFENDING THEMSELVES FROM MUSLIM AND AFRICAN HORDES INVADING CHRISTENDOM!  When Christ told His disciples, when they saw the abomination of dessicration if they were on the roof top (that is, a roof-patio) to JUMP OFF THE ROOF and not even take time to go into the house and gather some belongings AND FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS... Why didn’t Christ merely say, “Fear not”...?  Did that phrase not work any more?  Was it too over done and wore out?    R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“The noise of this political campaign...” [is drowing out the Voice that says “fear not”.]

My comments:

[Your subtle voice saying, “Yea, hath the Lord said...?” is attempting to drown out the words of Christ’s specially chosen apostle, “Be sober, be vigilant, your adversary the Devil roameth about as a roaring lion seeking whom He may devour.”  My Bible also tells me concerning you, “If any man preach another Gospel unto you, let him be accursed!”  YOU are the not-so-silver tongued voice of the VILLAIN in movies who is able to convince the well-meaning, but simple-minded good guy to lay down his weapon and be friends, after which both lay down their weapons, the villain pulls out a hidden gun and blows the good guy away.  Beware and fear, yes, not merely of those who can merely kill your body, but He who can destroy both your body and soul in Hell—GOD ALMIGHTY.  It is a FEARFUL thing to fall into the Hands of a MIGHTY GOD... Our God is a CONSUMING FIRE who shall DEVOUR THE ADVERSARIES (everyone who preaches false doctrine or philosophy contrary to what He said). R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“I was heartbroken by Falwell’s words...” [because it hurts the feelings of my muslim friends and makes it so-much harder to evangelize them to Christ and it is also irresponsible to tell college aged people to get guns and carry them and statistics show more guns mean more crime.]

My comments:

[Maybe you and your Muslim friends should get out your prayer rags and face MECCA more often, instead of shooting people and blowing themselves up.  How much of the Koran have you actually read, if you are so eager to embrace as friends those whom God commanded to be separate.  NO OTHER GODS.  What do you think about God saying that anyone worshiping a false god was to be put to death?  Do you believe the God of the Old Testament was sinful? wrong? immoral?  Do you believe the God of the Old Testament died? or that He Himself was “converted” and has apologized for all those things that He said and did in the Old Testament?  If Muhammed and Allah are the true prophet and the true God and theirs is a religion of “peace” what need does Islam have of dynamite or bullets?  Christians are not infiltrating Islamabad and committing acts of terror. WHO THEN ARE THE FEARFUL HERODS you Nimrod?!  You flaunt your ignorance again and again.  INTERNATIONALLY in the nations of Christendom, more guns mean LESS CRIME and FEWER THIRD WORLD ALIENS MEAN LESS CRIME—that is, more guns in the hands of white people; more guns in the hands of black people certainly indeed means more crime and more violence.  Guns don’t kill people.  What exactly then is the problem?  Violent blacks will kill with whatever weapon they have, even if it means travelling in packs playing the knockout game on frail defenseless old white people.  Check the crime statistics.  Violent crime in Australia shot up 40% when then were disarmed—and it wasn’t by the white people who surrendered their guns, it was by the blacks and asians who have invaded their nation.  It is not the guns who kill people; THIRD WORLD ALIENS IN CHRISTENDOM kill people.  The majority of murders and rapes are by nonwhites on whites.  The number of guns in the nation is not the problem.  It is the number of your Muslim (and presumably African) friends.  You are not merely subversive and a liar, but if you believe your propaganda you are ignorant and anyone who believes you is even more ignorant.  Crime goes down when WHITE people have more guns.  South Africa is another prime example.  Chicago is another prime example (strictest gun laws, highest murder rate).  R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“But the worst part about his comments....” [is that they breed more ignorance and fear and hate when all we need is love.]

My comments:

[No, disobedience to God, immorality, perversion, and FALSE DOCTRINE is what is destroying Christendom now.  Why don’t you move to Islamabad?  DO IT!  TODAY. R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“Perhaps there is a powerful Divine coincidence ....” [in that Falwell and Trump both act like fearful Herods.]

My comments:

[The more you open your mouth the more you reveal yourself to be a false prophet attempting to RAPE CHRIST’S BRIDE.  To compare Herod trying to murder Christ (Herod, an EDOMITE IMPOSTER WHO WAS NOT LAWFUL KING OF ISRAEL, but a Canaanite “puppet king” set up by Rome) to CHRIST’S SHEEP DEFENDING THEMSELVES AGAINST ANTICHRIST CRIMINALS AS CHRIST COMMANDED “OCCUPY TILL I COME” shows that you do not have a shred of Biblical understanding, you are not a Christian, you do not belong in Christendom!  Christ will cull you out when He returns, if your muslim friends do not do it first.  Just like a “pro-immigration” German was just beat up by the invading immigrants he was championing to let in.  POETIC JUSTICE.  YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.  YOU HAVE A BUMPER CROP COMING.  You had better build an additional barn for the overflow.  R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“Jesus chose to break that cycle of terror....” [He responded only with love even as the angels who announced his birth sang “peace on earth good will among men”.]

My comments:

[I imagine the new-age Bible you must read says that Jesus tickled the money changers out with a feather duster, but I believe that translation will not hold up to scrutiny.  When Christ returns and says “bring all those My enemies who would not that I rule over them and SLAY THEM BEFORE ME” .... uh... what do you call that?  Love? certainly not (and that would be the one thing you would be half-right about.  It would be love, not of the wicked, but love of righteousness) fear? hate?  You would call it anything but what it is: Righteousness.  Justice.  Or don’t you believe in those verses of the Bible that go against your socialist humanist grain?  The announcement of the angels was not peace on the whole earth, but “Peace upon the people in whom God delights, whom He has chosen”: His elect.  The “goodwill” announced here is not among men one to the other, but God bestowing His Favor of salvation on His elect.  While of course God wants His people to be unified and at peace and loving to each other, that can only be done if all obey what God commanded and those who violate what God commanded God commands to be cut off so that all society is not infected as the cancer of rebellion and immorality and false religion spreads.  If you think Islam is a religion of peace then you know the Koran even less than you know the Bible.  Have you ever asked your Muslim friends about those “embarrassing” portions of the Koran and if they only believe part of the Koran and not all of it?  Ask them which parts of the Koran and which words of the Prophet Muhammed that they reject as immoral and false.  R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“That is my prayer for Christians this Christmas season...” [that we would all love and be at peace instead of hateful, fearful Herods afraid of terrorism.]

My comments:

[That’s it!  a suicide bomb in every stocking!  R.A.B.]

The original article paragraph starts:
“I am hopeful.  The great message...” [of Christmas can light up the darkness of the world if we are not fearful.]

My comments:

[Your light is darkness.  What will burst through is your terrorist muslim friends... shortly before Christ bursts through the clouds to destroy you with them.  Unless you repent.  It does not seem likely.  It seems God has ordained you to destruction, and like a vessel of wrath, your plan is to take as many with you to hell as you can.  May God either convict you as He did Saul on the road to Damascus, or may He cause the earth to open and swallow you up, as He did Korah... and swallow you and the Koran and all your muslim friends up, and may you go down into Hell, along with the flood that the dragon vomited out of his mouth to drown the woman and her child (true Christendom).  Maranatha! R.A.B.]

—Islam, Muslims, and Donald Trump and Christendom

I-slam Poster Boy Threatens to Murder Trump

Watch this 2-minute video clip:

Everyone needs to watch this (though very foul language).  Fortunately, half the time you cannot understand what he is saying, but you will understand him... this is the religion of peace, this is the gene pool they want to infect our nation with; whether from Africa or the middle east, it is all the same.  According to the beast in this video, Trump does not understand the meaning of America, and we don’t have a right to our own nation, they do.  Watch this and then see if you want to allow Sharia law.  See if you think he respects so-called “democracy” (or the Christian Constitutional Republic we were founded to be).  Let these in and anyone passing you on the street can be a rabid dog that will just “go off” on you.  Obama has brought in over 680,000 people from muslim countries since his first alleged term in office... in addition to the millions already here.  See if you want this meeting your daughter on the street, or his son going to the same school as your daughter.  This is not an isolated incident, there are many “selfie” videos like this that creatures like this have made, others saying they can’t wait to get to Europe and start raping white women.  Whole cities of Sweden have already been taken over, and they have burned down the historic buildings and monuments, medical, fire, and police can’t even go into those neighborhoods without backup... grafitti on the buildings saying “sharia zone, no white people allowed, this is our neighborhood we took it from you”.  And the corrupt politicians just continue to let more and more in.  A German judge even said that he let muslim refugee criminals free on their own recognizance because “German law has been suspended”.  Well, if German law has been suspended then what is to stop the German people from arming themselves, and taking back their country? even if they fail, they cannot be prosecuted because German law has been suspended, which means there is no such thing as a criminal act.  But of course, that is a one-way street.
Not a pretty sight, but people need to watch it; ignore the problem and you won’t have to make any decision, it will be made for you and to you and on you and against you and your entire family, your entire culture, history, faith, way of life; kiss civilization goodbye.  They have clearly stated their intention is to come into Christendom and rape and impregnate or marry our women: it doesn’t matter which; either will have the same result, and in the 2nd generation of bastards they produce they will own all of Christendom — Conquest by immigration; conquest by rape; conquest by intermarriage.  Stick your head in the same and it only makes your butt a target.  One like this cut the head off a Brit on the streets in broad daylight.  Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
I think Trump should air that whole 2 minute clip on prime time network... good poster child for Islam
...or is that...? — “I SLAM!”  “I Slam you.  I Slam yo mada.  I Slam yo fadda.  I slam yo chillins.  I slam yo wiffeee.  AAAAAAAiiiiiiiiiiii.....!!!!!!  I SLAM YOU ALL....  I SLAM EBRYBODDY.... AAAAiiiiiiii....!!!!!!  I KILL YU... I CHOP yo all to little pieces...  Aaaaaaiiiiii....!!!!      ugh.... ahhh.  Oh no...  I stab myself I get so excited.... I Slam me too.  Aaaaaiiii I tink I die now.  —but my brudder... He slam yo.  He slam yo hole fambilie....  Aloha snackbar!”
He seems very well educated and articulate.  Maybe he could be the next president of the U.S.
I think he got his B.S. from F. U.
and his M.S. from I KILL U.
The rest of us... yes, it is we who need to take the anger management classes and cultural sensitivity training or a few psychotropic drugs and 50 less IQ points and we would probably get along fabulously.
All those hours spent on their prayer rag facing MECCA... it really does wonders.  Imagine how hateful they would be without all that prayer and meditation.
Am I the only one who sees the disparity?  Are teeming masses of white Christians flooding into the litter box in the middle east or Africa, clogging their camel fares  by lying prostrate in the dirt roads praying in WWJD hats and t-shirts? brandishing Chinese-made Japanese Ginsu knives screaming and saying that the arabs don’t understand Arabia and that we are going to stab their eyes out for saying Christians have no business in Islamabad....?

Stick your head in the sand and it only makes your butt a target.  One like this cut the head off a Brit on the streets in broad daylight.  Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

-------- Forwarded Message ---






—4 Stages of Islamic Conquest - Everything’s Going Wrong "Just Right"...!

Initially, I sent this email out:



one reader replied:


So far as I can see it's progressing quite well in U.S., due to our TRAITOR POLITICIAN'S.  This might come to ANOTHER civil war here!  However, our people need to repent as required by our Lord Jesus before we are unable to.




I replied:


Yes, as the old saying goes, "everything is going wrong just right."  However, when everything goes wrong just right, for the enemy, at every single turn, it cannot be coincidence or "bad luck" but planned conspiracy.  If a football team is getting trashed and after the 20th "shut down" in a row, one dummy blurts out, "It's uncanny, it doesn't make any sense.  It is like they anticipate our every move.  It's like they have our play book."  DUUUUUH.  THEY DO!

I don't see any civil war being possible... only planned chaos and greater and greater control (which is the very purpose of the planned chaos).

The majority of good people have all been neutered (and hence, they are not really good, it is a flattering self-delusion); the majority who even recognize the difference between good and evil* are all cowards, deluded, selfish, materialistic, immoral (oh they think they are moral; but a person who "chooses what he will recognize as morality" is not moral, but deluded).  God has sent the fear and delusion on His people because they reject Him. 

[This is PROFOUND: HOW IRONIC that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (had they never eaten thereof, all we would have ever known was good: no knowledge of pain, suffering, injustice, brutality, oppression, sickness, death, etc.) but the end result is that sinful man no longer recognizes the difference between good and evil!  "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.  "lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."  The pleasures of sin last for a season, then the reality of bills coming due and being bankrupt and unable to pay is realized.]

There are enough of us to stand up, but there are not enough of us who will, and we are the feet of iron mingled with clay, every
community has been fragmented with false Christianity, corrupt politicians and businessmen, queers, and aliens.  No one can
stand up, because he cannot know who will have his back or stab him in it.

Even if there were enough of us who would, it would avail to nothing.  Unless the Lord build the house, the laborers labor in vain.

God has sent all of the oppression (even as he did throughout the book of Judges) to chasten His people to repentance.  I wrote 20 years ago in my book, The War Between the Children of Light and the Powers of Darkness... that the way out of chastening is not to attempt to remove the Father's chastening hand, but to move His heart, which can only be done through repentance. 

Without true repentance, God will make sure all our plans to throw off the enemy will fail, because He has sent them to chasten us, and until it has accomplished its intended purpose, it will ever remain to destroy us, and separate the chaff from the wheat.  Those who refuse to repent (and those who continue in the delusion that there is nothing that they need to repent of, that "everyone else" is the one who needs to repent) will be canon fodder in the War of the Beast and Antichrist and False Prophet against God and His Christ and the Holy Spirit.

God whittled Gideon's army from 32,000 down to 300.  It was easy.  Over 2/3 were removed in one fell swoop when God declared, "Everyone who is a coward go home".  Then God whittled it down to 300 by having them drink water (water symbolizes the Holy Spirit).  The majority just stuck their face down in the river and slurped.  Only 300 cupped the water in their hand and brought it to their mouth.  The majority were fools.  They were surrounded by the enemy (Midianites, Amalekite-Edomite Canaanites, etc.).  Battle could have erupted in an ambush at any time, and they just lay down face flat and slurped.  Why didn't they just take a bubble bath while they were at it? and leave their swords and clothes on a rock 100 feet away.  That would have been smart too, with tens of thousands of the enemy possibly all around.  God left Gideon with those who were soldier material, who had a head on their shoulders and wanted to keep it on their shoulders.

Similarly, God is whinnowing the chaff from His wheat.  No one wants sawdust in their slice of bread.  It doesn't satisfy the pallet, does not feel good in the throat, and doesn't sit too well in the stomach (or intestines); the human body doesn't digest cellulose too well.

This reminds me of a story in the 1970s or 80s or so when quotas for hiring and employment were unconstitutionally mandated.  A government suit came along and attempted to intimidate one factory owner, demanding that he comply with the official percentage of blacks in employment in the factory.  The suit declared that he must employ a percentage of blacks as there are in the nation, 8% (odd, why don't the million dollar athlete jobs have to follow this law? if there are only 8% of blacks in the nation, why are football and basketball 95% black?).  The factor owner called the manager and asked him, "How what percentage of blacks do we have working for us?"  He replied, "25%."  The owner replied, "Okay, FIRE THEM down to 8%."  Whether true or not, some may think it  heartless of the owner.  But if you think about it, it is not.  None of those blacks would have been fired if they had not either been demanding things that are not their right to demand, or even if they simply said nothing when other blacks made such demands.  You reap what you sow (or what you refuse to weed).

Even as with Gideon's army, God is declaring of the remnant in these last days.  "There are too many.  Fire them down to a handful."  Those who do not understand Scripture do not realize that God is not working toward everyone repenting.  God is working toward killing off everyone who refuses to repent.  Like the Marines, God is looking for a few good men.  Unlike the modern churches who delight in the illusion of success by how many live bodies they are able to pack into the pews and count in attendance, God is interested in quality, not quantity.  He is interested in filling His House and His Table with His children, not bastards; with His obedient children, not dishonorable ones who side with the enemy against Him... all the while deluding themselves that they are loyal to their father and pleasing in His Sight.  Absalom's are they, trusting in their own beauty and deluding themselves with the false notion that 'my father loves me so much, if I go to war with him, he will not have the heart to oppose me".  The modern church is not only the Ichabod church (the glory of the Lord has departed), but it is also the Absalom church!  However, the Lord is still seeking Him out men after His Own Heart... the Davids, and Samuels, and Abrahams and Moseses.  The choicest wheat will be preserved, while the chaff DRIVEN AWAY... and after that, He will also separate the wheat from the tares and the tares (and the chaff) will be burned with unquenchable fire.


—Cyanide: melts in your mouth, not in your hand

Also, it is interesting to note that M&M's WERE DEVELOPED FOR THE MILITARY and were developed to be able to withstand the heat of the middle-east desert.  THAT'S where these M&Ms "migrants" belong.  In the desert.

In reality, the below picture is unrealistic and is looking at the bowl through tuti-fruti-colored glasses.



ALL of the 10,000 Syrian M&Ms contain poison. 
It is just that some have a slow-working poison and others (far more than a mere 10*) have a poison
that will kill instantly.

[* reports of their abuse in the countries through whom they have travelled and left their stain of garbage, destroyed property, assault, rape, and murder would most probably indicate that the number is not a mere 10 but more like 5,000 who would kill or rape right away if given the chance.]
But better than a bowl of M&Ms, which is stupid, the picture should be of a cage with 10,000 rats, which says, "not all of these rats carry bubonic plague, we really don't know how many actually do, though they all have fleas, stink, urinate and poop wherever and wherever the urge comes over them, steal, bite, rape, or murder.  But we feel sorry for them and if we showed you their baby pictures you would "ooh" and "aah" and say, "look, how cute"... So, how many do you want to adopt and support for the rest of your life...? 
By the way, have you ever seen the movie "Willard"...?

—The Biblical Position on “Love” and “Forgiveness” —UPDATED

The Biblical Position on “Love” and “Forgiveness”


Someone emailed (in regard to a pastor whose pregnant wife was murdered by some African thug—the pastor I believe moved from North Carolina to “serve” ministering to inner city “people” in Indiana—said to the media that though he struggles, he chooses to forgive):

“Question:  Hello, Robert, It seems that this couple wanted to ‘reach the unreachable’.   I wonder what the church leaders now believe about such ideas.  Let me ask you...is forgiveness appropriate here?  The pastor has said that he forgives the murderers.”

My reply:

Forgiveness is not a replacement for criminal punishment.  To “forgive” someone who is unrepentant, is a sin itself.  It is calling evil “good”.  This false theology is the result of humanism / Arminianism / “free will” and universal atonement.

Christ died for the elect.  He does not love the nonelect.  He does not forgive the nonelect.  The vessels of wrath were created for destruction, not redemption.  The elect are given the Holy Spirit to convict them of their sin, bring them to repent, confess their sins, and then obey God.

This spiritually blind pastor is the friend of the world and therefore the enemy of God.  Let us see how well the world cares for him—the same world that murdered his wife and her unborn baby.  There is no honor among thieves.  Like barnyard animals, they simply step over and on their wounded and dying and dead as if they were a mere fallen log.  God says to hate sin.  God does not “love the sinner but hate the sin.”  That is not Christianity, it is Hinduism.  That phrase was coined by Gandhi in his 1952 autobiography.  Christ loves His sheep: the elect of His people.  If we sin we have an Advocate with the Father, Christ Jesus the Righteous; if we confess our sins He is Faithful and Just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we sin and do not receive chastening from God, then we are not His sons, but bastards.

Christ died for the sin of the elect.  When we sin it does not affect our salvation, it affects our fellowship and blessing and incurs judgment in this life (possibly even an “exit” from this life) and lesser status in the Kingdom.

If a true believer sins without repentance God may prune that branch from the family tree; again, salvation is not affected, but such a person if truly saved will be the least in the Kingdom.  Those who don’t care about being “least” in the Kingdom, with that attitude, may be unregenerate and not be admitted to the Kingdom.

“He that hath the Son hath life but he that hath not the Son of God shall not see life but the Wrath of God will ever be abiding on him.” (John 3:36) 

God does not have His Eternal Wrath abide on those whom He loves.

Scripture says in various ways and places that God hates the soul that sins; not that He merely hates the sin.  God does not “punish the sin”—does He?  He punishes the sinner.  It is “Touched By An Angel”—Antichrist—Theology that suggests otherwise.

Did Christ love Judas?  Did Christ not say “I have chosen you and one of you is a devil”...?  Does Christ love the Devil?  Christ said, “There must needs be evil come into the world but woe unto him by whom it cometh”.  Does that sound like touchy-feely, warm-and-fuzzy love and forgiveness?  Well, it is love—but not of the wicked.  It is the Love of God and the Love of Righteousness.  And God says “to Love the Lord is to hate evil”.  The implication of this is, “if you do not hate evil, you do not love the Lord”.  Love is obedience, not gooey, undefinable emotions.  Evil is what God says it is, not what man says it is (which changes every day, the more evil people are allowed to “vote” on what good and evil is).  God pronounces a curse on those who call “good” when He has declared it evil, and who call “evil” when He has declared it good.  If a person does not know the difference between what God calls good and evil, he does not know God.  Scripture even says, “He who says he knows God and keepeth not His Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him”.

Those who cannot distinguish the difference between a kinsman who is a personal enemy due to sin and personality conflict, and God’s enemies, does not know God; and cannot distinguish between good and evil, God and Satan, an angel of light or a fallen angel appearing as an angel of light.  How then can such a person “lead” a church or ministry?  It is the blind-leading the blind, and sadly, we already see who has irreperably fallen into the pit in his initial venture to lead whither he knows not.

Christ said My sheep hear My Voice and follow (obey) Me, and the voice of a stranger they will not follow.

What does it say then, when alleged “sheep” follow the voice of a stranger rather than Christ’s Voice, which clearly they do not know?

King David (a man after the Lord’s Own Heart) declared:

“21Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate Thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against Thee?  22I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.  23Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139)

Scripture clearly declares:

“...Thou hatest all workers of iniquity.” (Psalm 5:5)

“...God is angry with the wicked every day.” (Psalm 7:11)

“...but the wicked and him that loveth violence His Soul
hateth.” (Psalm 11:5)

“...whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” (James 4:4)

“20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  21Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!  22Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: 23Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!  24Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the Law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the Word of the Holy One of Israel.  25Therefore is the Anger of the LORD kindled against His people, and He hath stretched forth His Hand against them, and hath smitten them.” (Isaiah 5)

“Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is Wrath upon thee from before the LORD.” (II Chronicles 19:2)

Those who hate what God said to love and who love what God said to hate have nothing to look forward to but non-forgiveness, Wrath, and Judgment:

“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46)

—the implication is “because I am not your Lord”.

“He that is not with me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” (Matthew 12:30)

Those who pursue an agenda other than the actual agenda Christ declared, follow a false Christ and actually labor against Him.

Ignorant sin is sin nonetheless:

“47And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.  48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes.” (Luke 12)

However, how many servants or children can truly claim to “not know” their master’s or father’s will...?  We have His Will right here in a single volume that fits in one hand and we have been commanded to read it, study it, meditate upon it and be doers of the Word not hearers only.  “Many stripes!”, I believe, will be the most common sentence pronounced.

Further, Christ also revealed:

“22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in Thy Name have cast out devils? and in Thy Name done many wonderful works?  23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7)

If the watchman on the wall falls asleep or is too cowardly to sound the alarm—or has taken a bribe and is a conspirator—regardless of the reason, if even one person dies because the enemy was invading the watchman did not sound the alarm, that watchman’s life will be required of him.

How much sorer Judgment shall be meted out upon the false and blind shepherds who seduce the flock into not separating themselves from evil, not separating themselves from the unclean people, not being holy, embracing the enemy, marrying their sons and daughters to the invading barbarians, seeking the peace and prosperity of the enemy, blessing the enemy, and amalgamating with the enemy?  Those who amalgamate when God has commanded separation are Babylon and will be destroyed with the enemy by Christ when He returns.  Those who side with the world and its philosophy over Christ’s are the enemy of God.

“But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before Me.” (Luke 19:27)

Those who think God is only “Love” caricature God and insult Him and worship a false god.  They don’t understand Love because they don’t understand God.  They don’t understand His Holiness.  To the defiled all things are defiled.  Love is not man’s perverse notion, but what God has declared, and God said “ye that love the Lord hate evil!”

Even as God said to Peter in the vision (which had nothing to do with abolishing the dietary laws*), “Call not ‘unclean’ that which I have cleansed”.  This passage is talking about the Israelites of the diaspora, who were the so-called “Gentiles” [sic, nations] being spoken of—the only people whom God promised to “re-gather”: His people whom He scattered due to their sin.  The angel declared to Mary, “Ye shall call His Name Jesus (Yehoshua), for He shall save His people from their sin.”  Christ declared, “I am not sent but unto the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” and “as the Father hath sent Me so send I you”.

[* See my, So, You Call Yourself A Christian...]

However, the inverse of God’s declaration to Peter in his vision is also true; “Call not ‘clean’ those whom I have not cleansed”.

God said that He separated His people from all other peoples even as He separated clean animals from unclean animals... not by whimsical “eenie, meenie, miney, moe”—but in their very design at creation.  A pig is not the brother of a sheep.  God commanded His people to be separate and holy.  Those who violate this command and amalgamate with the aliens and the world divorce themselves from God and disown and disinherit themselves from the family, even as Esau did.  They are like the proverbial fool standing in a tree, cutting off the very branch he is standing on—yet he is not standing on the branch alone, but all his descendents forever are standing on it with him.

It is doubtful that people like this will ever change how they believe.  God has sent them strong delusion to believe a lie.  They are not of His sheep.

Just like the fools who brainwash the public with utter nonsense and abominations, such as: We should just let all these aliens and muslims rape our women and murder us, once they see how nice we are they will want to be like us and they will just say abracadabra and they will change into being nice.

Fools!  May they reap what they have sown and may they have the firstfruits!

Father, if peradventure You will give them repentance unto the acknowledging of the truth, then please Lord do it now.
If they are not of the elect of Your people then please destroy them by having them reap an early, non-stop bumpercrop of the evil they have sown into Christendom in their war against You, and Your Righteousness, Holiness, and Truth.

[Everyone reading this, if you are a true Christian and you love Righteousness and hate evil, you should pray the above imprecatory prayer with me right now, and you should continually pray it as naturally as breathing whenever and wherever you see evil flaunting itself in the world.  If you don’t, then may God cause that evil to strike you.  If you truly love God you will hate evil, and that means you will not turn an indifferent eye to it, but pray against it.  Why should God deliver you from what you don’t care about? what you are willing to tolerate? if your self-content apathy leads you to simply ignore it and enjoy your own life while that evil is destroying the lives of others, then you should reap what you sow.  If you don’t like the idea of such evil touching you, then you better start sowing righteousness and praying imprecatory prayers even as you would pull up weeds in your garden each time you notice them, rather than allow them to over take your garden; or even as you would put out mouse traps or rat bait when you notice vermin, rather than letting it breed and take over.]

Concerning this and other deluded white pastors willing to give their lives for the savages, Christ Himself commanded:

“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” (Matthew 7:6)

“It is not meet to take the children’s [true Israel’s, the peoples of Christendom’s] bread [Christ], and to cast it to dogs [aliens, savages].” (Matthew 15:26)

Christ never told us to evangelize the world.  That is a misunderstanding of the Great Commission.  The First Great Commission was to Israel only, on a local scale, under Christ’s direct, physical supervision (the disciples with their “training wheels” on).  The Second Great Commission was to true Israel only throughout the entire world whither God had scattered them.  “I am only sent to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” and “as the Father sent Me so send I you”.  God is Immutable.  Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  “I am Yahweh and I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”  God chose one people and promised to never choose another.  God scattered Israel throughout the entire world and promised to regather whom He scattered, even as a man sows wheat by scattering seed and then harvesting (gathering) the wheat—not the weeds, not the insects or vermin in the field, or rocks or stubble.  God said that He would regather Israel.  The Second Great Commission was the beginning of the fulfillment of this.  God always commanded His people to remain separate even in their captivity.  Those who did not remain separate cut their branch off the family tree and they will not be gathered.

God never told us to evangelize the savages or heathen or aliens (though "strangers" who are kinsmen, were and are to be evangelized and brought into the fold, the so-called “Gentiles”*).  When we fulfilled God’s role in governing the planet and obeyed the Dominion Mandate, the savage and heathen were forced to keep not the entire law of God, but the laws which dealt with civilized interaction.  When under Christian Colonialism, they were kept from raping, killing, and eating each other, and schools, hospitals, roads, etc. were built.  Some cry oppression and exploitation from Colonialism.  That is the price of civilization.  Certainly there were some evil people who abused the exploitation, but they were exceptions not the rule.  Government today is more oppressive in both civilized and uncivilized lands today, than it was under Colonialism.  What is the obscene, unconstitutional, ever-increasing taxation today if it is not exploitation?  What is forcing people to work for half the year before they make any profit—and then taxing them for what they own, which they have already been taxed on, each year, and even telling them what they can and cannot do with their own property... what is that if it is not slavery?

[* See my S.T.E.C. on Romans, and Apologetic Expositions on Isaiah 56, Acts 13, and Acts 15.]

In reference to this well-intentioned but spiritually blind pastor forgiving the savages who murdered his wife and unborn child, forgiveness itself is a sin in such cases.  Amazingly, I just watched a snippet of a speech by the First Imposter (B-HO) who defiles the Oval Office in the White House.  He quoted Gandhi as saying, “Tolerance itself is a form of violence”.  WOW!  How hypocritcal and vile.  All we hear out of the government and media is how we should be tolerant... tolerant of evil, homo-perversion, race-mixing, other races, cultures, religions—even though tolerance itself is violence!  Yet, the very ones touting ‘tolerance’ are themselves the most intolerant persons on earth when it comes to matters of holiness as outlined in God’s Word; when it comes to the preservation of our way of life.  Of those who would maintain the purity of our bloodlines, the integrity of our nations, the purity of our faith and consciences before God, they are utterly intolerant and hateful and defame us and what we believe in as being the vilest forms of immorality and crime on earth; while they have “legalized” and glorified all perversions and abominations which God forbade.  Soon pedaphilia will be legalized.  What after that?  “Open season” on Christians?

God commands evil to be put away permanently (not swept under the carpet or into a closet and just pretend it does not exist) and such vile savages to be cut off...—and not for “love” or “forgiveness” of evil but love for God and Righteosness and the only true display of love: obedience to what God commanded.

If murderous savages can truly repent, if they are not merely apes, then they should be given 5 minutes to get their heart right, not to re-enter civilized society, but to meet their Maker.  That’s more than they offered their victims.
[Google an image search to see pictures of these 3 savage criminals and the family they destroyed [Amanda Blackburn murder] or see http://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2015/11/23/amanda-blackburn-case-murder-arrest-made-monday/76246780/ for more information.]

What senselessness...! even if they are convicted for life it is a travesty of justice.  Grand Larceny would be added to the charges of murder—not as a sentencing, but as a reward, with the State as accomplice, robbing the taxpayers of a minimum of $50,000 / year for each murderer involved, for the next however many years the apes are caged.  This, of course, is in addition to the cost of security, police, and court trial (and presumably, eventual release and probation officer “supervision”).

[See my, The Other Side, for a plethora of statistics and other important information.]

In Florida last week an “off-white” burglar, when police came to the scene, he, unknowst to them, ran and hid in a small lake or pond.  Poetic justice is often better than so-called modern criminal “justice”.  He was killed by an 11-foot alligator.  His corpse was found some time later and he was connected to various burglaries, since he had told his girlfriend that he was going into that neighborhood to commit burglary.  They found his foot and hand in the gator’s belly.  Sadly, the gator was “put down” instead of being fed the rest of the corpse.  When four-legged animals, gators, pit bulls, raging bulls, lions, etc., kill a human, they are put down, in obedience to the Law of God.  But when two-legged animals kill a human, they are “warehoused” under the pseudo-logic of “rehabilitation” when in reality, it is to keep them alive to bilk the taxpayers for billions of dollars (2.2 million prisoners in the U.S.* @ $50,000 / year = $110 billion each and every year; and it just increases in the number of prisoners and the cost every single year).

[* 1/4 of them are illegal aliens.  Illegal aliens should be executed if they commit crimes.  The very first crime.  Illegal aliens who are caught, who have not been convicted of any crime other than illegally violating the sovereignty of the U.S. by illegally entering, should be fingerprinted, photo taken, and put in Sheriff Joe’s “tent city” to work to pay off his arrest and transport back to whatever hell-hole of a nation he crawled out of, and informed that if he is ever again caught on U.S. soil he will be executed “no questions asked”.  Furthermore, any alien deported for entering illegally should also be informed he will never have any opportunity to ever emigrate or visit the U.S. legally for any reason.  Once a criminal, always a criminal.]





STOP IMPORTING SAVAGES.  EVEN THOSE WHO “claim” to be “Christian”.

THEY ALL, Jews, Muslims (including Obama) “claimed” to be Christian until they gained sufficient numbers to throw off the mask and reveal that they were never Christian at all (big surprise to all but liberals and spiritually blind “Christians” who don’t understand the difference between good and evil because they don’t know the true God, they follow the god of this world).  Those aliens who are here who are moral and sincere shut up and be content to be second-class citizens in a safe-land (which once was safe and could be safe once again if the aliens were put in their rightful place and criminals executed, and new illegals deported) and you will be treated respectfully as guests with no “rights” other than to not be physically assaulted for no valid reason.  


Let us rule and you can be content to drool, but stop being a FOOL... if you destroy our nations WHERE WILL YOU FLEE TO NEXT?  WHERE WILL YOU BE ABLE to flee in order to escape the stain of your own people?  Mindless parasites feed off a host until the host dies, without any cognitive reasoning in regard to where their next meal will come from.  

To pastors or confused, misdirected, ignorant, well-meaning “Christians” like this one, my heart goes out, but you reap what you sow.  Christ commanded: cast not pearls before swine or they will destroy you.  Do you think that Jesus was talking about jewelry and animal husbandry? literal pearls and literal swine?  Christ said it is not proper to give the children’s bread to the dogs.  Christ was not talking about bakeries or puppy kennels.  How can you say that you are a “Christian” and that you follow Christ when you do the very opposite of what He commanded?  Christ said, “Those who are not with Me are against Me and those who gather not with me scatter abroad.”  Christ said if you love Me, keep My Commandments, and “Why call ye Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not the things I say?”  The implications are, if you do not obey His Commandments, you do not love Him and He is not your Lord.  Lord means “master”.  You obey Him, not second-guess Him and do what you want to instead, which will make you look better in the eyes of the world.  Scripture says that he who would be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.  Scripture says “He who says he knows God and keepeth not His Commandments is a liar and the Truth is not in him”.  God commanded separation; the Antichrist, communist world is the author of the melting pot, end-time Babylon, that says, “amalgamate, mix it up, you are all ‘God’s’ creatures.  Well, so are apes and dogs, but that does not make them God’s children and God’s children are not supposed to be breeding with the dogs!  God said that if we turned from His Law He would send evil beasts among us, who would make our highways desolate, rob us of our children, and make us few in number.

If you do the opposite of what Christ commanded, you are antichrist and following a false Christ and you have no business being a pastor and attempting to teach the Word of God to others because you are the blind leading the blind toward the cliff of oblivion away from God, not toward Him.  If you don’t know what Christ commanded then you better stop doing everything until you know what He commanded.  Christ never went to the Canaanites, or the bastardized Egyptians or Persians of His day; or Africans or Chinese—and He commanded us not to.  He came for His people, true Israel, who are not the Jews or Israelis (who are Edomite-Canaanite imposters who took over the land and name of “Israel” once God cast true Israel out of the land because they learned the way of the heathen around them—which we are again doing today!).  The only legitimate descendents of the true Biblical Israelites are the Anglo-Saxon and related peoples of Christendom who have kept themselves pure.

[See my, Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance.  Christ will only return for His people (see my S.T.E.C. on Romans and S.T.E.C. on James 2 / Rahab and Apologetic Expositions on Isaiah 56, Acts 13, and Acts 15 which easily disprove the “spiritual” Israel heresy or that Paul opened the door to all peoples in violation of Christ’s command, which Paul did not; those who misunderstand Paul do so because they are in spiritual blindness or infancy and cannot understand the deep things of which Paul speaks, and not understanding the Bible overall, they read contradiction into Paul’s words).]

Christ will not return for a mongrelized bride.

[And neither will He return to a rebellious bride unwilling to submit to His Law, which is why He is now, through the mud tsunami inundating Christendom, whinnowing away the chaff from His wheat.  Revelation tells us the that the remnant that survives will only be those of God’s people who have the Faith / Testimony of Christ Jesus and who keep the Commandments of God—all of them.  Sinful Christians, deluded, their darkened minds not understanding the Scriptures, claim that God’s Law was abolished, even though Christ said that He did not come to abolish the Law and that not one jot or tittle shall pass from the Law.  Christ said, “My sheep hear My Voice and follow (obey) Me” and “the voice of another they will not follow”.  So if the majority of “Christians” are following some voice other than Christ’s, then they are not His sheep (or they are still deaf and yet unconverted, or they are spiritually mentally retarded).  Such spiritually dead Christians whine that God has “too many laws” to be able to follow.  God only gave around 613 laws, which fit in the palm of your hand (see my Ten Commandments For Youth).  Columbia University law professor John Coffee reported that there are now around 300,000 federal U.S. regulations (laws)—on top of all the so-called “laws” unconstitutionally passed by the various “state” and “city” or “county” (all laws that are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void; not a “modern interpretation” of the Constitution, or one that has been subverted by unconstitutional amendments, but the Constitution as founded by our Founders).  James L. Buckley (in an interview with the  Wall Street Journal) revealed that the U.S. Code (the entire body of federal statutory law) has grown from 1 volume in 1932—to over 33 volumes in the 2012 edition (still being written) and that there “are now 235 volumes of regulations that occupy 17-feet of shelf space written in six-point or seven-point type print.  Scripture remonstrates us: We ought to obey God rather than men.  

The majority of “Christians” reject God’s Law because God rejected them before the foundation of the world and they are not His sheep; they are goats.  Goats are stubborn and lawless, doing their own thing and belly-aching the whole time.  Goats complain loudly and brashly that even though he does what he wants and eats what he wants, you are still unfair for not giving him more and requiring anything of him.  Christ’s sheep follow Him.  Sheep are led.  Goats are driven.  They are both clean animals, and nearly the same; but one is lawless and predestined to eternal judgment—and that is why they are lawless and reject what God has commanded, not recognizing Him as LORD, because they are not His sheep.  Oh, they delude themselves into thinking that they are “spiritual” but Christ declared that many on the Day of Judgment, who will have thought themselves to have been “good Christians”, even claiming to have done many wonderful works in Christ’s Name (which they don’t even know) will hear Christ declare, “Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity [lawlessness is the meaning of the Greek word], I never knew you.”]

That is why the push to bastardize and exterminate the white race has been kicked into High Gear.  God promised to preserve a remnant—and the days will grow so evil that unless God draws those final days of Judgment short ... unless God draws those days short no flesh (of His people) will survive.  Unless God draws those days short, the white race will have been bred out of existence.  God spared Noah and his house because Noah was pure in his genealogies.  God forbade mongrelization or hybridization of anything, not people, not animals, not plants.  GMOs are an even greater abomination.  All hybridization or genetic altering is Satan’s attempt to destroy God’s creation and supplant it with his own counterfeit, the tares.  Christ said when He returns He will uproot every plant that His Heavenly Father had not planted.  

[* —the Great Tribulation.  There is no “rapture”.  Put your seat belt on, we are going through it and it is going to be a bumpy ride; those standing on a hill waiting to be “caught up” will be caught up by the enemy’s whirlwind.  The Rapture is Zionist-Jesuit counter-reformation propaganda designed to lull God’s people into irresponsible complacency thinking that they don’t have to be concerned about the world’s evil because they are going to be raptured.  Christ said “Occupy till I come!”—a military command; and “the gates of Hell shall not prevail” against the truth church: which puts Hell on the defensive; meaning that the true Church is supposed to be on the offensive attacking evil; not cowering in the corner.  “...He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55:22)  “but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.” (Proverbs 12:3) “we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22)  God does not remove His people from tribulation, but empowers them to endure it.  The meek shall inherit the earth—not abandon it.  Meek, like Moses: with the Power of God behind him!  God preserved Noah and his family and the floods came and took away the wicked.  Even as in the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage—in complete violation of all the boundaries that God established... and so shall it be when the Son of man returns.  “Will He find faith (yet alive) upon the earth?  Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit given only to the elect of His people.  Will He find faith upon the earth means “will any of God’s pure remnant still exist (for only they can have faith).  See my The Futurist and Rapture Conspiracy.]

God promised to always preserve a remnant of His pure people.

[—not some other people, who have invaded the nation of His people and exterminated them or bred them out of existence and assumed their name, to steal their inheritance (as the Hivite-Canaanites of Shechem had planned in Genesis 34), passing themselves off as the heir—God is not a fool).]

Satan knows that if God can fail in any single area, that He then is not God: not Perfect, not True, not Omnipotent; and therefore, if God can fail in any one area He can fail in others.  Satan’s goal is to utterly mongrelize the bride of Christ (pure Caucasian Christians) so that Christ has no one to return to and if he succeeds, Satan will then renew his hope that he can actually defeat God elsewhere in the universe.  This notion seems “racist” and preposterous to those whose minds have been corrupted by the world.  But that is the crystal-clear message that the Word of God teaches.  God is Immutable.  He cannot change.  His Law cannot change.  His Promises cannot change.  His Plan cannot change.  Man changes and corrupts the truth and a spurious interpretation supplants the truth.  That is what changes, but it is a myth and mirage which will soon dissipate and evaporate in the Light of His Radiance and Glory when He appears.

To those who do not want to suffer the same Judgment (not mere “tragedy”: “the curse causeless shall not come”) that this pastor has suffered—atop interpreting the Bible based upon perverse, corrupt, humanistic notions and stop squeezing the Bible like playdough or “silly putty” to make it conform to how immoral society and how sinful* man wants it to be.  WE are supposed to conform to the WORD of GOD not sinful modern humanistic interpretations of it, but what God declared.

[* —who deludes himself that he is not sinful (thinking that the Law was “abolished” and therefore, every abomination that God forbade is considered “optional” and “perfectly acceptable”) and who even deludes himself into thinking that he is “spiritual” but it is a perverse, dark, evil pseudo-spirituality: Antichrist spirituality.  God is Holy, Perfect, Immutable.  He commanded, “Be holy for I am Holy”.  God’s Holiness does not change.  Perfection cannot Change.  God cannot change.  His Standard of Holiness, morality, His Law does not change.  What part of “not one jot or tittle” don’t “Christians” understand?  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me: seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” (Hosea 4:6)]

Truth does not change.  Morality does not change.  What was a sin in 1500 B.C., in the year 1800 or 1920 is still a sin today—and that includes race mixing and homo-perversion.  God does not change.  His Word does not change to please man with modernistic, “tolerant” false-equality, pseudo-spiritual, politically correct, spurious, blasphemous interpretations.  If you think that God does change then you worship a false god, not the God of the Bible.

Christians STOP casting your pearls before swine and STOP giving the children’s bread to the dogs.

Stop seating the dogs at the masters table as equals with the master’s children—STOP letting the dogs be seated at the table at all and STOP letting your children breed with the dogs.

God separated us from other people in the very act of creation. 

Sheep did not evolve from pigs or dogs.

God commanded us to REMAIN separate and HOLY unto Him.

[If you recognize truth and find value in these Ruminations, please support this ministry, share the links with others, pray for me, pray for all of God’s people that He might pour His Holy Spirit out upon them and deliver them from their delusion, their rebellion against Him, their friendship with the world, their hardness of heart, their false doctrine, their apathy and hedonism and humanism.]

—Muslim-Trojan Horse welcomed into Christendumb

This is genocide and war.  How many hundreds of millions, billions, trillions is this costing Christendom in money alone, just to increase border, build camps?  Just shoot them when they enter illegally and they will stop coming.  If you pamper them they will only keep coming in their millions... and destroy Christendom.  It is a war.  We should not have to apologize for defending our homelands, our race, our faith, civilization, life.  What is happening in Germany is clear to see when a town of 150 people is forced to take 750 Muslims.  They can take over whenever they want.  They litter, vandalize, steal, assault, rape, and murder along the way.  They are not "refugees" and it does not matter if they are.  Their lands are big enough for them and if their lands are not big enough for them tell them to stop breeding.  They want us to stop breeding and they want to rape and defile our women to mongrelize us out of existence; to destroy us.  It is a hate crime.  It is genocide.  It is WAR.  Shoot them at the border and they will stop coming.  That is what nations do when armies invade their borders.  They shoot them.  No nation can retain its sovereignty if it does not preserve BOTH its people and its borders.  To not do so is HIGH TREASON.
They can't get along in their own countries, they fight on the way.  They will destroy us from within.

I wrote this in my book Uncovering The Mysteries of Your Hidden inheritance 24 years ago:

People will behave in another country even as they behave in their own land.  This fact was clearly presented by one of the most least-likely individuals, Paul Harvey, the well-known radio news personality: On his radio program on June 26, 1993 he drew parallels between the movie Jurassic Park and the current Somalian “crisis.” Harvey stated,

Our nation with the best of intentions is creating a human Jurassic Park, USA.  With only the best intentions we have been seeking to rescue the refugees of self-destructing societies and endow them with a new lease on life.  We invite subjugated Haitians to make their new homes here.  Members of sects that practice voodoo no longer welcomed in Nigeria and Cuba, we invite to Florida.  Somalians who cannot tolerate one another in Somalia, we transplant here.... The result is an inevitable collapse of the past and the present.  Jurassic Park’s mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm tells the scientists they were so busy seeing if they could, that they forgot to ask if they should....  Today’s nations, with a greater depth of experience than ours, overwhelmed by uninvited [peoples] who can’t or won’t assimilate, are now sending them home.... You cannot housebreak a dinosaur.  And that irrefutable jungle law remains singularly unimpressed by any Supreme Court of any era.  Should I tell you how the movie ends?  The Americans, their good intentions having boomeranged, ended up running for their lives.


Though Lithuania is attempting to resist, its traitors within are working; and if being a member of the EU means Lithuania's borders would be " the interior lines of the EU and will have just symbolic meanings" then Lithuania needs to get out of the EU and Poland too!

Lithuania sets up illegal immigration defense

"Last week I spoke with professor Edvardas Gudavicius, the biggest authority of Lithuania's history. He told me, 'After some centuries many Lithuanians will have dark skin and hair. And I don't see a problem in it. They will speak Lithuanian anyway.' And I agree with Gudavicius," Dubonis said.
They hate God and their own people and do not honor their mother and father.   These two "Lithuanians" (traitors or tares sown in among the wheat) ought to be arrested for sedition for making such statements, desensitizing the people just embrace the tsunami; the subconscious message they send is: “Don’t resist the rapist-murderer.  Don’t resist the African-Arab Muslim smear upon humanity.  Don’t resist the destruction of your nation, your culture, your heritage, your faith, your people.”

These alleged Lithuanians (who probably have a Jew or Tatar in the family woodpile), who appear to be subversive “scholars” and media personel, recently (in order to desensitive and program-shape / brainwash the people into helpless acceptance) are FOOLS!  These future "Lithuanians" will not be Lithuanian and there is no guarantee that they will be speaking Lithuanian—and if they do still speak "Lithuanian", it will be reduced to a degraded form of Lithuanian similar to “Ebonics” [black ghetto degraded English, or like Yiddish is a corruption of German] that will be a disgrace to the oldest, living Indo-European language that has survived the past 3,500 years and retained its purity, and that of its people.  This will be a disgrace to the Lithuanian language, history, religion, and culture—and genocide of the Lithuanian people.  When the Soviets took over during the Stalinist Era, the Lithuanian language was outlawed.  Did these “scholars” forget that?  Don’t these “scholars” realize that once Sharia law is imposed and the flag of Islam replaces the tricolor and the Vytis (armed rider on a horse) that Arabic will replace Lithuanian even as Africans and mongrelized Arabs, Persians, and Syrians will replace the Baltic peoples?  The people will not be Lithuanian because they will not the same race.  It is genocide and the theft of an entire nation.  What price tag can you place on the entire nation of Lithuania? the buildings, roads, property, the entire geographic nation, as well as the lives of its people, its culture, its history?  Why did the Lithuanian people endure such hardship for three-quarters of a century under brutal occupation of the Bolsheviks, only to surrender to Africans and Arabs?  Those who talk about this being a "good thing" are traitors against Lithuania and are guilty of future genocide and war crimes and all the crime and degradation, immorality and corruption that comes to Lithuania and Latvia.  Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness BUT REBUKE THEM!


Latvia and Lithuania Deal with Immigration




The blacks in south africa want to take down all the monuments of those who built the nation

Wwhy do we put up with this...? the same thing is happening in all of Christendom.

Princeton University president caves in to a mere 30 black students (HOW MANY THOUSAND students attend Princeton?) and is thinking of taking down the statue and painting of former Princeton President and president of the United States Woodrow Wilson.  Now, I am no Woodrow Wilson fan, but it is merely the further attempt to undermine our culture, our faith, our nation.  Princeton was founded by the Puritan Presbyterians.  It long ago departed from the true Christian faith, but now they want to trample on us further and wipe their feet on us.

HOW MANY paintings or statues are there of white people at WILBERFORCE University in Ohio, or  any other all black university.  If you Princeton "quota" negroes don't like walking past a picture of Wilson, here's a thought—go to Wilberforce! or go back to Africa!

We are allowing ourselves to be neutered.  The confederate flag, crosses, bakeries forced to bake fag-cakes, changing names of towns, streets, etc. has been going on for decades.  It only will get worse.  As the old saying goes, give them an inch and they will take a yard.  If bullies are not stood up to they become bolder.  If criminals and invaders are not met with lethal force, they will only become more violent.

It is a sin to ignore sin.  You reap what you sow.  Those who continue to remain silent and look the other way God will judge by having them suffer irreparable damage and loss to the very sin, immorality, injustice, inhumanity, barbarism that they chose to ignore.

Siener (Seer or Prophet) Nicolaas Pieter Johannes Janse van Rensburg ( 1862 1926) was a Dutch South African minister and prophet like Nostradamus.  Most of what he "saw" has come true, nearly 100 years later.

—Scribes and Pharisees & Imposters



Below is a question that someone emailed
Hey Robert - regarding the below passage, was the word "jews" originally translated as hebrews or judeans, etc?
Isn't the underlines sentence advising all of us that the "jews" have acted as imposters of the hebrews by sitting in the chair of moses?
Revelation 3:
8I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. 9Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. 10Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Matthew 23:

1Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, 2Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: 3All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.



The New American Standard Version translates it, "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses".  They seem to be one of a very few translations to so render it. 


Darby renders it: "The scribes and the Pharisees have set themselves down in Moses' seat."


Obviously, when a person sits down, he sits himself down—unless someone forces him to sit or "seats" him.  I don't know if the voice of the verb "set themselves" that Darby and the NAS is justifiable.  Young in his Literal Translation renders it "On the seat of Moses sat down the scribes and the Pharisees".  Thus it does not seem that the implication, "have taken it upon themselves to sit" is the actual meaning of the verse, though it indeed is possible.  However, that is a peripheral point and not really the main thrust of the passage.

Revelation 3:9 means "I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Judeans and are not..." and of course this is referring to the imposters, the Jews, who claim to be Israelites / Judeans / Hebrews, when they are not, but who are the Canaanites.
[See my books, What Was the Mark that God Placed on Cain? and Who Was the Serpent in the Garden? to show how the Edomite who had infiltrated Israel and who then pretended to be Israelites, are traced back to Canaan, and how Canaan (born of incest by Ham violating his mother) then being cursed (it was not Ham who was cursed, vile as his deed was) then married a descendent of Cain himself... and how Cain was of the Evil One.]

However Christ's mention of the scribes and pharisees refers to 2 legal sects, sort of like the lawyers and law professors.  These groups in Christ's day (the land of Israel being infiltrated, the Evil One sowing tares in among God's wheat) were a mixed group, of both pure Israelites and imposter Jews.  Paul himself was trained as a pharisee, but was a pure Judean, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews.  Whereas, the Jews, descending from Ham's son Canaan, are not actually Semites or Hebrews.  Semites descend from Ham's brother, Shem.  Shem's great-grandson was Eber, father of the Hebrews.

Christ was basically saying 2 groups largely comprised of hypocrites had taken over the teaching of God's Law, so whatever they teach you (that is, if what they teach is correct—so compare what they teach to what Scripture says: which is the only Biblical remonstration, as the Bereans did in Acts 17:11).  But Christ also added, but don't do as they do.  He said this because the scribes and pharisees were mostly liars and hypocrites and they wrangle the Word of God only to find ways to circumlocute the law themselves while imposing greater burdens on the people, to oppress and control them.  The pharisees only kept the Law when people were watching and they violated it when they thought that no one is looking, and they kept the minutest small laws while ignoring the greater ones.  Christ goes on for the next 36 verses in Matthew 23 (the rest of the entire chapter) to denounce and expose the scribes and pharisees of their corruption.

Therfore, while the scribes and pharisees included imposter's / Edomite-Jews who claimed that they were Judeans (as did Herod), the group was not (yet) exclusively filled by imposters, and so Christ is not speaking of the imposters directly, in Matthew 23:3, though He is speaking of them indirectly along with the pure Judeans in those groups who were also corrupt hypocrites. 

It should be realized that not all pure Israelites who were scribes or pharisees were honest, moral, or godly either.  Just like our modern politicians and preachers who have lied to us, some few may still merely be ignorant, but others—the majority—are clearly knowledgable about what they are doing in joining with the enemies of God and subverting our faith and nation.




—Greensboro, NC Residents Sheepishly Turn in Their Guns at Police Request & Guns Don't Kill people


"There is a 68% rise in gun violence.  There are more criminals in society (they must just "evolve" from pigeons or ducks) and they are committing more violence.  Therefore, all you good citizens who are not committing crimes ought to turn your guns in so you can't protect yourselves from the criminals who will certainly not turn their guns in."

 What was this "free gift" that the first 1000 who turned in their guns received? a coupon for 25% their cemetery plot and funeral costs?

Did this police chief or whoever made this announcement LIE?  According to the article at the link below, the rise in crime that was claimed to spur this turn in of guns by law-abiding citizens, is not true, but that gun violence in that town was actually DECREASING.


This police chief should be fired and arrested. 

Was it not some town in NC a few years ago which passed an ordinance that every household was REQUIRED to have a gun?

Terrorism is up.  More violent Muslims are being imported and are breeding.  Are those muslims going to turn in their explosives, knives, guns?


-------- Forwarded Message ----

[an email that was sent to me, author unstated]

Today I Placed my S & W .357 revolver on the table right next to my front door.  I left 6 cartridges beside it, then left it alone and went about my business.

While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor across the street boy mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars  stopped at the "stop" sign near the front of my house.


After about an hour, I checked on the gun.   It was quietly sitting there, right where I had left it.  It had not moved itself outside. It had not killed anyone Certainly, even with the Numerous opportunities it had presented to do that. In fact, it had not even loaded itself.  


Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the hype by the Left and the media about how dangerous guns are and How They kill people.  Either the media is wrong or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.


The United States is 3rd in Murders Throughout The World.  But if you take out just 4 'left-wing' cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans -- the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the ENTIRE World, for Murders.  


These 4 Cities are controlled by Democrats.  They also have The Toughest Gun Control Laws in the USA.


It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data, right?


Well, I'm off to check on my spoons.  I hear they 're making people fat.

—Filosophy of False Flag Frenzy

Someone emailed in response to an email forward concerning the recent events in France.


"I see now the false flag purpose.
 I am not certain that it necessarily has to be a false flag, though, as these people are legitimately in a religious war with the west and we are letting them in by thousands. What else is the logical end result? A conspiracy is not necessary as it is simply what will happen given all reasonable input."
I replied:

While the situation would happen inevitably, the purpose of the false flag is to speed it up, desensitize, prepare all Europe for the same, just like here in the US, instead of outlawing muslims, arabs, and africans, (and all other aliens committing crime in a daily basis, which in reality is far more damaging, costly, and deadly year after year than any "terrorist attack") they took rights from everyone.


Also, false flags are a "pre-emptive" media propaganda strike, causing a terrorist attack but having the media report DISINFORMATION stating the very opposite to the truth as the reason for the attack, making up some hare-braned story that only fools will believe, and saying that the only solution to the problem is to make the problem worse.


If we just invited in more and more muslims, they would not hate us so much and we would be so much safer. 


WRONG: IF we DEPORTED ALL ALIENS, regardless of how many generations of them were born in the US (no action can arise out of fraud; they came illegally and they were let in illegally and "naturalized" illegally, and so every single anchor baby and all born to them regardless of how many generations are not and never will be lawful US citizens... a fraud is VOID AB INITIO, from its very beginning, and therefore, all that transpires from the beginning to any time in the future is VOID)... if we deported all alien peoples back to their country of origin and left them alone to destroy their own nations instead of ours... THEN we would be much safer.


same M.O. was done in the public schools... dumb down everyone, instead of realizing a certain element was uneducatable under the current myth of equality, which nobel science winner Watson (I think) pointed out and had his career ruined for not seeing the king's invisible suit of clothes.

The goal is not to actually eductate the masses, but indoctrinate them, ruin their minds so they cannot think for themselves, and even if they can't remember 95% of what they were taught, the 5% they do remember is counter-culture, antichrist propaganda and not being able to think logically, they will never be able to come to the knowledge of the truth, they have created the perfect drone slave labor class and lobotomized 3 or 4 generations... in addition to wasting hundreds of billions of dollars in "education"... and further crippled the economy and turned American citizens into dogs as they have learned the way of the heathen, been raped by them, had their minds polluted by them, and taught intermixing with them is natural; despite having neighborhoods free of the aliens, for the most part, they were forced to rub shoulders with them in the schools... and young children are impressionable, especially if parents stupid enough to put their kids in public schools were not "deprogramming them" at home after school and teaching them the truth, and teaching them not to believe anything that they are taught contrary to what the Bible teaches and what they are taught at home, and if they hear contradictory teaching, learn what they are taught so they can answer correctly on the test, but keep your mouth shut and don't talk about not believing it, and talk to us at home about it... and don't be friends with anyone not like yourself... of course nearly 0% of parents who put their kids in the public schools ever did this, so the enemy has stolen the minds of 3 or 4 generations.  God said if we forgot His Law He would forget our children.  First plank of the communist manifesto: the state educates the children.  The pilgrims and puritans set up schools in the US, from the one-room school house (which was often the church building itself) to the universities like harvard, all for the purpose of teaching children, then adults to be able to read and think so that they could understand the Word of God... and only by that would they make good citizens.  Then, the socialists took over, threw the Bible out, and in its place now teaches every known perversion, and any new ones that are thought up.

It is the matrix.  It is all illusion.  It is all propaganda.  Its only purpose is to destroy Christian civilization / freedom, destroy our race and culture, enslave everyone, and steal all the wealth for themselves.

"have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness BUT REBUKE THEM." 
"He who is a friend of the world is the enemy of God."

you reap what you sow.... or even sow (as in a female pig)... if you don't like your farm being overrun with pigs... STOP RAISING PIGS and raise sheep.

Inviting in the african and arab and mexican "refugees" is preparing for World War III, which quite possibly will not be nation against nation, but a so-called "Civil War" within each nation of Christendom, against the "invited guest" and infiltrators and their progeny (the enemy that is among you shall become the head and you the tail) against the true populace of Christendom.

Our heritage has gone to the dogs; Detroit, Deerborn, Marseilles, and many other places are now nearly entire muslim.  It is an abomination and a stench that reaches to heaven.  2,500 mosques we have allowed in this nation, along with an equal amount of synagogues, and pagan temples of all other false religions, to all alien gods.  We are reaping what we have sown and God is using the sin we embraced as the very weapon that will destroy us until we repent before Him.  "Not one jot or tittle shall pass from the Law"... that really is not hard to understand, but the average Christian can't see through the fog of 150 years of theological brainwashing.  The solution: learn the jots and tittles and repent.  God only has about 613 laws in all, and they are all for our good; many are even common sense that people obey without realizing it.  Sinful, corrupt, wicked politicians, on the other hand, pass 100,000 laws a year, the majority to oppress, rob, pervert, destroy, and enslave us.  God's Law fits in the palm of your hand.  Man's law takes up about 27 feet of shelfspace of super-fine print and you need to hire "professional liars" to tell you what it means. 

Yet for some inexplicable, illogical reason, Christians think that God's Law is oppressive and too much to remember.  Instead, they think we have to obey man over God.  Instead, they are under profound delusion thinking that aliens and corrupt, renegade, illegitimate politicians and such are our rulers and we must obey them, when in reality those who are legitimate are our servants and the bulk of them are alien usurpors.  NONE of them are true authority and NONE of them need to be obeyed and ALL of them are guilty of High Treason.

“We find it intolerable that one
Constitutional Right should have to be
surrendered in order to assert another.”
(Simons vs. U.S. 390, US 398 (1968)

“All laws  [rules & practices] which are repugnant
to the Constitution are null and void.”
(Marbury vs. Madison, 5 U.S. 137, 180)

“There can be no sanction or penalty imposed
upon one because of his exercise of his
Constitutional rights.” (Sherar vs. Cullen, 481
F. 2d 946)

“No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional
law, and no courts are bound to enforce it.”
(Sixteenth American Jurisprudence, 2nd Ed.,
Section 177)

“All human laws which contradict His Laws
[Bible] , we are bound by conscience to disobey.”
[George Mason (1725-1792); one of the major
framers of the U.S. Constitution, member of
the Constitutional Convention 1776, Federal
Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
1787, author of  the Declaration of Rights (after
which most States drew their respective State

“By virtue of his profession, he  [a judge] is
presumed to know the Constitutional Rights
of citizens, as well as written statutes. He is
prohibited from making any decision or
applying any rule against any party when that
ruling is unconstitutional. When there is a
question or any conflict between the two, the
Constitution prevails.”  (Marbury, Supra)
“An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers
no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no
protection; it creates no office; it is in legal
contemplation, as inoperative as though it had
never been passed.” (Norton vs. Shelby County,
U.S. p. 442)

Major Robert H. Williams (1897-1993), U.S. Army Air Corps, Military Intelligence, in his Ultimate World Order (1957), 74pp., 6.00 + P&H points out that the Roman Empire fell due to absorbing a plethora of alien peoples in its gross perverse-need for conquest.

Later, after the Roman Empire had begun its decline due to mass immorality, it was the Goths and Vandals
who again descended and conquered this mongrelized nation (made up of at least 20 different racial strains,
predominately African and Mediterranean) whose evil degeneracy they despised.

(See p. 21 of The Ultimate World Order by Robert H. Williams (c. 1940; Major, Military Intelligence USAR and Captain AUS), which quotes from a lecture given to Oxford University in the 1870’s by Dr. Charles Kingsley.)

the plan is to destroy Christendom by absorbing aliens and perversion... and corrupt politicians are the ones orchestrating it with the antichrist billionaires of the world and Tel Aviv, and all such US politicians are guilty of High Treason, Sedition, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity, and the attempted overthrow of the TRUE Government of the United States--the TRUE people whose GOD-GIVEN rights are secured to them by the US and State Constitutions, the Articles of the Confederacy and the Declaration of Independence.  All politicians took an oath to preserve the Constitution, when they do anything to change it they are guilty of High Treason.