—Stupidity + Conspiracy + Complacency = the end of civilization

Stupidity + Conspiracy + Complacency = the end of civilization


Below are my comments in response to 2 recent news stories, the links to those stories then follow.


Only a retard cannot see 1 + 1 = 2.  Only conspirators continue to say 1 + 1 does not = 2.

Nearly all politicians of all countries are guilty of treason and need to be tried for their crimes and appropriately sentenced.

Every single US politician is guilty of treason if he has not demanded Obama be deposed because he is not president, but a usurper; every politician who has voted to give taxpayer money to any foreign nation is guilty of treason; every politician who has voted to import nonwhite nonchristian immigrants, not evict illegals and fingerprint and photograph them, and execute all illegals who have committed crimes (rather than put in US prisons to charge the tax payers $65,000 a year per 880,000 illegals in our prisons IS GUILTY OF HIGH TREASON.  Any politician who has voted to increase his own salary and benefits, increase taxes and give money to ANYONE other than those very taxpayers for things they actually NEED and WANT but cannot provide for themselves individually is guilty of treason.  Every politician who voted for Obamacare, or voted for the Patriot Act, or who voted for spying, drones, surveillance, abridgement of true citizen's rights, voted for welfare, or voted to abrogate the right of citizens to own AND BEAR arms, is guilty of TREASON.

I INDICT YOU ALL BEFORE GOD AND MAN.  IF YOU ACTED IN IGNORANCE YOU ARE STILL GUILTY and I pray you repent and make appropriate restitution... if you did not act out of ignorance then I pray that God destroys you and your entire house from off the face of the earth... down to every last relative who has benefited from your crimes.


By the way, the cost only of imprisoning the illegal 880,000 (of the 2.2 million in US prisons) is $57.2 billion per year!  This does not even account for what the victims lost/suffered, this does not account for the cost of extra police, the court trial, or jail time until finally tried, convicted, and sentenced.

Also, that is only the 880,000 illegals.  The majority of the other 1.3 million prisoners in the US are also violent third worlders.  It costs another $86 billion PER YEAR to warehouse the rest of the criminals (some of which are not really criminals, but political prisoners for not dancing to the tune of the pied piper of Babylon).  $143 BILLION DOLLARS  A YEAR to warehouse all the prisoners (again, not counting loss/suffering of victims, extra police nationwide, court costs, extra security devices, security guards, gated communities, locks, insurance policies against theft, etc.).

IT IS A BOOMING INDUSTRY.  THAT is why the corrupt politicians let in so many third world aliens and that is why they put them on a breeding program at taxpayer expense.

All the extra police to control the "crime" of course "justifies" the POLICE STATE.  The cost of all this added up is probably over $1 TRILLION per year.  Any wonder we are in debt and crime is so high...?

Further, how many billions or trillions of dollars do you think it cost over a century to build cities like Miami, Philadelphia, etc., including all the private homes, parks, businesses... and that is all SACRIFICED and GIVEN TO ALIENS when decent people have to sell their homes well under value, or even abandon them, to escape the spreading infection.  It is theft of an ENTIRE CITY.

Further, recidivism rate of prisoners is about 85%.  What does that say for the myth of rehabilitation?  A majority of the other 15% who don't commit crime again is due to the fact that they either die first, or because only about 1 in 100 crimes that are reported ever end in conviction, so the recidivism rate is skewed because it only considers convictions, not actual crimes; and many crimes are not even reported since those raped or assaulted are often too ashamed (OR AFRAID) or they realize it will only waste their time and money and never end in a conviction; and may only threaten their safety.  ONLY 1 in 13 Mexicans illegally attempting to enter the US is caught.  Thus, those caught and sent back are almost guaranteed not getting caught on their second attempt.

Politicians should be forced to live without additional security in the very 3rd World neighborhoods that they create from our once prosperous, safe, and beautiful cities; in which these 3rd world immigrants spit on the floor of businesses, public transportation (even 30 years ago the subway cars in Philly had signs inside each car "no spitting"--and that wasn't for the white people), and many of them routinely urinate or defaecate on the walls of buildings, in alleys, along the sidewalks, wherever the urge comes over them, they simply relieve themselves and walk on, like dogs.  We have been robbed of our entire nation and most people are too cowardly or too ignorantly self-righteous blinded by the false corrupt paganized version of Christianity that they espouse, or too spiritually and morally dead to God to even care to speak up and speak out so other will have the courage and not all cower in fear and simply move out of our cities and let the savages have them.  It used to be you could travel a night through any of our cities without fear; now you are not even safe in broad daylight.

God is chastening us... using the very aliens we have embraced in violation of His Commands, until we repent and let go of them and sin and paganism and let go of the world's hand and embrace Christ's hand which still bears the imprint of the scars of our sin.

-------- Forwarded Message -----

[original note from whoever sent me this first news story]

Also, they found a cache at the Swedish refugee center I discussed.  Imaging what percentage of the 100,000 "Syrian refugees" Obama says he'll take will be ISIS/Al Qaeda?  Just give them "fast and furious" guns and martial law/gun confiscation will be a possibility.




CIA Director Met with French Security Chief and Mossad Before Paris Attacks
www.undergroundworldnews.com CIA Director Brennan Met With French Secuity Chief Before Paris Attacks - Report | 13 Nov 2015 | The White Hou...

— Jephthah's sinful vow and the Conquest of Jericho

[commentary interspersed below]


Joshua 6

1Now Jericho was straitly [restrictedly] shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in.

2And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.

3And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days.

4And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams’ horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets.

5And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him.

6And Joshua the son of Nun called the priests, and said unto them, Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark of the LORD.

7And he said unto the people, Pass on, and compass the city, and let him that is armed pass on before the ark of the LORD.

8And it came to pass, when Joshua had spoken unto the people, that the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams’ horns passed on before the LORD, and blew with the trumpets: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD followed them.

9And the armed men went before the priests that blew with the trumpets, and the rereward came after the ark, the priests going on, and blowing with the trumpets.

10And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then shall ye shout.

11So the ark of the LORD compassed the city, going about it once: and they came into the camp, and lodged in the camp.

12And Joshua rose early in the morning, and the priests took up the ark of the LORD.

13And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark of the LORD went on continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before them; but the rereward came after the ark of the LORD, the priests going on, and blowing with the trumpets.

14And the second day they compassed the city once, and returned into the camp: so they did six days.

15And it came to pass on the seventh day, that they rose early about the dawning of the day, and compassed the city after the same manner seven times: only on that day they compassed the city seven times.

16And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city.

17And the city shall be accursed, even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent.

18And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.

The Hebrew word for accursed KHEY-rem / KHEH-rem means literally "to enclose" like casting a net to entrap fish or birds or animals; and hence with the connotation of "doomed".  The word also means "devoted or dedicated". 

The word "thing" is added by the translators and not in the text. 

The text could equally be translated, "that which is accursed" or "that which is dedicated".

Things that were dedicated to God were consumed on the altar, thus, the thing to be dedicated was "doomed"; it was accursed in regard to its own fate and it was dedicated or devoted in relation to God.  Hence, we see with Jephthah and his "rash vow" in that he vowed to dedicate to the Lord as a burnt offering whatever came out of his house to greet him, when he returned home, if God would give him victory in the battle against the Ammonites, (Judges 11:30-39)

Actually, "rash" is really a bit of a euphemism and is overly generous.  It was not a rash vow, but a STUPID vow and a SINFUL vow.

Would not it be some human who would come out of his house to greet him?  Did he keep all the barnyard animals in his house and were they accustomed to rushing out to greet him?  Clearly he intended to offer a human sacrifice.  Maybe he had a wife he wanted to get rid of?

This indeed is shocking.  However, we must also remember that this was the time of the period of the Judges in which "every man did that which was right in his own eyes" and there are many shocking things mentioned in the book of Judges, in which Scripture merely relates what happened, and does not deign to offer commentary on the morality of the event.  This of course is seen with how the levite treated his concubine, after his host had offered the levite's concubine to the sodomite perverts in Gibeah (even as Lot himself had done attempted to do with his own daughters, though the angels intervened and blinded the perverts), who violated her to the point she died.  The levite chopped her up in pieces, like a sacrifice, and sent by courier a piece of her to the heads of the 12 tribes.

Some commentators try to claim that Jephthah did not intend a human sacrifice, and that he did not really kill her but stuck her in a convent.  This makes sense from a humanistic point of view, since a common law maxim tells us:

 “A contract without consideration, or upon a false consideration, (which fails) or upon unlawful consideration, cannot have any effect.” ( Codex Justinianus 3,3,4; Chitty on Contracts (11th Am. Ed.) 25, note; Noy’s  Maxims 24; 2 Blackstone’s  Commentaries on the Law 445; 1 Joseph Story on “Contracts” s. 525)

“A contract founded on a base consideration, or against good morals, is null and cannot be enforced by action.” (Hobart’s English King’s Bench Reports 167; Broom’s Legal Maxims 730,732; Joseph Story on “Agency” s. 195; Digest of Justinian 2,14,27,4;  Codex Justinianus 2,3,6; Bank of U.S. vs. Owens , 2 Peters 539; 2 James Kent’s Commentaries on American Law 466)

“From an illegal contract an [obligation of] action does not arise.” (Broom’s  Legal Maxims 742)

 “Those things which are impossible to be given, or which are not in the nature of things, are regarded as no part of an agreement.” (Digest of Justinian 50, 17, 135)

HOWEVER, what makes sense to man is not necessarily what God has determined to be.  Often they overlap (God's Ways with our thinking) but quite often they do not.  And this is one of those cases in which they do not. 

How could God bless human sacrifice.  Well, it is an error of logic that God blessed it.


The Pulpit Commentary offers this partial insight:

"But if we ask how Jephthah came to have such erroneous notions of the character of God, the answer is not far to seek. Jephthah was “the son of a strange woman,” probably, as we have seen, a Syrian (Judges 11:1-11, note), and had passed many years of his life as an exile in Syria. Now it is well known that human sacrifices were frequently practised in Syria, as they were also by the Ammonites, who made their children pass through the fire to Moloch, and it cannot surprise us that a man brought up as Jephthah was, and leading the life of a freebooter at the head of a band of Syrian outlaws, should have the common Syrian notion of the efficacy of human sacrifices in great emergencies. His language, indeed, about Jehovah and Chemosh in ver. 24 savoured of semi-heathenism. Nor is it any valid objection that we are told in ver. 29 that “the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah.’’ The phrase does not mean that thenceforth he was altogether under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that all that he did was inspired by the Spirit of truth and wisdom, but that the Spirit of the Lord inspired him with extraordinary strength and power for the great task of leading Israel to battle against the Ammonites. And I will offer. The rendering suggested by some, or I will offer, meaning, if the first. comer is a human being he shall be the Lord’s, or if it is an animal I will offer it as a burnt offering, is wholly inadmissible."


It is a false assumption that Jephthah's mother was a Syrian.  It is assumed she was a Syrian since when his half-brothers rejected him, since he was not of their mother, he fled to Syria.  While she may have been Syrian, this is not proof.

Also, though she was a strange woman, she was not an alien (outside the race or of a cursed line, which all inevitably married into alien peoples).

The original Chaldeans and Aramaens, were pure descendents of Shem (and like the Midianites* and Ishmaelites) as long as they remained pure (did not corrupt their bloodlines by intermarriage with alien stock or cursed lines, such as the Ammonites, Moabites, Canaanites) the women could marry into Israel.  They were all of the same pure stock, but only the women could marry in.  While the men could marry Israelite women, the descents of those unions would not be Israelites.  God forbade marrying those outside the race and all cursed peoples, but those pure women of lateral branches could marry in.  The men could not marry into Israel, because then inheritance would pass out of those families and no longer be Israel's possession. 

[* The Midianites later joined with the cursed Moabites against Israel, and most probably intermarried with them; and later still, we find in Joshua 13:21 that the Midianites had joined with the Amorites, and were even Dukes in that confederation with the Amorites; and so, the Midianites most probably had been intermarrying with the Amorite-Canaanites as well.  This is why after a point in time God forbade Israel to intermarry with the Midianites; or even take to wife those Midianite women captured in battle.]

Anyone pure from Adam, if they had faithfully transmitted by word of mouth what God commanded for atonement patriarch to patriarch, who sacrificed as God commanded from a pure heart, remorseful for their sins and repentant, was saved. 

Only pure Adamite women of lateral branches not through the chosen line could marry into Israel; the pure Adamite men could not marry into Israel, or they would then dispossess the Israelites of their inheritance since the bloodline of inheritance goes through the male line of pure Adamite-Israelites.  But the pure Adamite men could still be saved, they were the only ones allowed into the so-called "court of the gentiles"; that is the court of the pure peoples of the greater family/race.  The court of the nations did not admit those peoples outside the greater family nor those lines that God had cursed.

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob married those descended from Abraham's brothers Nahor and Haran.

Laban (whose daughters Leah and Rachel Jacob married) is called a Syrian.  However Syrian seems to be a terrible translation, because the Hebrew word is ar-am-MEE which should be translated Aramean.  WHERE the translators got the notion to translate Aramiy as "Syrian" is anyone's guess.  My guess would be the corrupt Latin Vulgate which they relied  heavily upon; but I don't see how the Latin could so corrupt the word to make it Syrian.

[Hold on, I will go check it.]

Yes indeed, we have the corrupt Latin Vulgate to blame, they translated Aramiy as "Syri de Mesopotamia".

WHY they so translated it, indeed is a mystery; probably because of the name of the land at the time that the Vulgate was translated; but clearly it is a poor "translation" if they substituted modern names
for the original.

Actually, nowhere in the Biblical text concerning Jephthah is Syria even mentioned; however, "the land of Tob" was in Syria (or believed to have been). 

Tob is the same as Tobit, and the people there were also called Tubieni.

Now, the original Arameans descended from Shem's son Aram.

However, Abraham and his father and brothers and nephews did not descend from Aram, but from Shem's son Arphaxad; but they all moved from Ur in NORTHERN Mesopotamia (just a short distance) to Aram, and they became known as Arameans because they lived there among kindred.

Regardless, we see that God departs from the norm, in the book of Judges, and often used a lower quality of person than the cloth from which the prophets (Moses, David, Jeremiah, etc.) were cut (except for Jonah, who is the odd man out; a very carnal prophet).  Part of this seems to be God judging His people in a manner befitting their own godlessness (even as God used heathen nations to judge Israel).

Samson was another carnal judge/deliverer.  A very carnal, sinful man.

It seems Jephthah was similar.  When his half-brothers rejected him, he went to Syria and lived the life of a pirate or bandit.  Since he was known to be a ruthless man of action when the people needed help to fight off their oppressors, they sought him.  God used him also to judge (not deliver) a sinful group of Ephraimites, whom he killed (Judges 12).

Regardless, it seems odd to us that God would bless with military victory someone who vowed to God to murder whoever first came out of his house upon his return home.  It staggers our mind that God would honor such a vow.  However, God ordained it all.  Even as he ordained to use a sinful Samson who would end his own life to take out several thousand Philistines.  Oddly, the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, were later cursed for taking actions that were similar to what Samson did in his many escapades.  The difference seems to be the time period in which Simeon and Levi  did it, and for not consulting God or their father Jacob before they took their revenge on Shechem. 

Curious also is Jacob's silence in the entire story of his daughter being raped and then even when Simeon and Levi (lying) suggested that the whole family of Israel should intermarry with the Canaanites of that town... which violated God's commands.  Jacob's only gripe was that their action made his reputation to stink in the land, and the new threat of retaliation by other Canaanite tribes caused him fear (I discuss this in depth in my commentary on Genesis; which also covers the chapters in Judges dealing with the near extermination of the tribe of Benjamin for harboring the sodomite murderers of the levite's concubine).

Jacob, likewise was a carnal man.  Samson was carnal.  Jephthah seems to have been carnal.  Often God does not work through us as much as He works in spite of us. 

It seems at times during the book of Judges, God sometimes used judges who themselves were an insult and bad reflection on Israel. 

Deborah was a woman. 

Barack himself was a coward.

Gideon so lacked faith that after speaking directly to God, after having an angel from God speak to him he needed not merely 1 "fleece" (miraculous sign) but 2, to verify that the message was from God.

Because God's people themselves were vile, in unrepentant sin, it seems that God often used vile Israelites to deliver them.  So it appears with Jephthah. 

Something vowed to God is holy and cannot be recanted.  Scripture tells us that the altar of sacrifice was holy.  The smoke was holy, the coals were holy, even the ash was holy.  Anything that accidentally fell onto or touched the altar became holy and became the Lord's and was to be sacrificed.  So it was with this stupid, godless vow of Jephthah's.  Clearly he intended to sacrifice a human.  This clearly violated the law against murder as well as the laws that governed what could be sacrificed to God.  God's intention was to deliver Israel that day in battle and Jephthah's foolish vow not only could not thwart God's plan for victory, God himself ordained to have Jephthah make this foolish vow, to show that the victory was not due to any ability or goodness in Jephthah, but was due solely to the fact that God had ordained to deliver His people; and as an indicator of their utter unworthiness to be delivered, God used a sinful Israelite to be the deliverer, rather than a more sterling individual (like Joseph, Samuel, David, Ezra, Nehemiah, etc.).

Jephthah sacrificing his daughter was barbaric.  God commanded in His Law against anyone passing his seed through the fire to Molech or any other pagan forms of sacrifice, or worshipping in the groves (under trees, usually oak).   However, Jephthah's act did not bear God's stamp of approval.  God did not deliver Israel that day in battle because of Jephthah's vow, but in spite of it.

Scripture tells us clearly,

"21When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee. 22But if thou shalt forbear to vow, it shall be no sin in thee. 23That which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and perform; even a freewill offering, according as thou hast vowed unto the LORD thy God, which thou hast promised with thy mouth." (Deuteronomy 23)

They were barbaric times full of tragedy, which God ordained to show us all the fruit of our rebellion and sin against Him and rejecting what He commanded.  Be not deceived, God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth that shall He also reap.  God had mercy on His people even when they did not deserve it; even as Scripture says "But God commendeth (demonstrated) His Love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

It seems that since God's people themselves were vile, in unrepentant sin, and did not repent of their vileness, God then used vile people, at times, to deliver them in His Mercy, when their cries from oppression reached a certain point.  Like a rebellious child refusing to cry out from a spanking, if the spanking is long an hard enough, most will eventually cry out.  Even if they do not cry out in repentance, they at least cry out from the discipline, and so it was with God's people.  The transition from the times of the judges to the times of the kings, through the prophet Samuel, opens a new era of God using the pure-hearted (like Samuel and David) rather than the vile (though the vile lingered a little with Samuel's near-sighted choice of Saul).

Interestingly, Jephthah was Israel's 9th judge/deliverer.  9 in Scripture symbolizes Judgment, Finality, or the End/Conclusion of a matter.

19But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD.

20So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.

21And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.

22But Joshua had said unto the two men that had spied out the country, Go into the harlot’s house, and bring out thence the woman, and all that she hath, as ye sware unto her.

23And the young men that were spies went in, and brought out Rahab, and her father, and her mother, and her brethren, and all that she had; and they brought out all her kindred, and left them without the camp of Israel.

24And they burnt the city with fire, and all that was therein: only the silver, and the gold, and the vessels of brass and of iron, they put into the treasury of the house of the LORD.

Here we see the dual nature of the Hebrew KHEY-rem / KHEH-rem means literally "to enclose" like casting a net to entrap fish or birds or animals; and hence with the connotation of "doomed".  The word also means "devoted or dedicated".

The Israelites enclosed the city, it was shut up (as verse 1 told us) and therefore, the victims were doomed.  The Israelite men of war marched in a circle around the city, once a day, for 7 days and then 7 times on the seventh day.  This seventh day was not the Sabbath.  It was not the seventh day of the week, but the seventh day of their assault against Jericho.  The Sabbath was one of the previous days in which they only marched around the city once.  They marched around the city a total of 13 times, which number represents Rebellion.

The accursed / dedicated city was offered to God by fire, except those things that fire would not have consumed, gold, silver, brass, and iron.  We later see in a subsequent chapter that Achan was soon to be achin' from judgment.  As we saw, that which touches the altar becomes holy (dedicated/accursed) so Achan touched (stole) that which was holy and set apart for God alone... and therefore, all that he had was stoned to death and offered to God by fire.  Achan had buried the wedge of gold and silver and Babylonish garment in the ground inside his tent, so presumably the rest of his family knew about it and therefore were accomplices and likewise had touched that which was holy.

The conquest of Jericho was the very first city in the Promised Land, against which the Israelites went to war.  It, therefore, represented the Firstfruits, and were holy and belonged to God (Ezekiel 48:14; Romans 11:16); that is why no one was allowed to take any booty in any form.

25And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father’s household, and all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.
Rahab was neither a Canaanite nor a harlot, as my commentary on James 2 / Rahab shows.
26And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it.
This was later verified by archaeology, that both the walls fall flat outward, and the new city was built with the bones of the sacrificed son of the person who rebuilt the city.
27So the LORD was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country.

— Crossing Jordan

Some interesting thoughts on this passage below.

Joshua 3

1And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.

2And it came to pass after three days, that the officers went through the host;

3And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it.

4Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore.

5And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you.

6And Joshua spake unto the priests, saying, Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass over before the people. And they took up the ark of the covenant, and went before the people.

7And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day will I begin to magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee.

8And thou shalt command the priests that bear the ark of the covenant, saying, When ye are come to the brink of the water of Jordan, ye shall stand still in Jordan.

9And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, Come hither, and hear the words of the LORD your God.

10And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know that the living God is among you, and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites.

11Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth passeth over before you into Jordan.

12Now therefore take you twelve men out of the tribes of Israel, out of every tribe a man.

13And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand upon an heap.

Unlike when God delivered the Israelites from Egypt and caused a wind to blow and separate the waters, it seems that here, in entering the Promised Land, God LAID DOWN (He said He rested, resting is reclining, reclining is laying down) in the water and separated them.  It sounds also like the Israelites then walked through God through the dry river bed.

Scripture indeed tells us,

"Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh"
"It is in Him we live and move and have our being"
Hebrews 3
11So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.)
18And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not? 19So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.

and Hebrews 4
3For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. 4For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

5And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. 6Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:

11Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

It is also interesting that in Joshua 4:19 we are told

And the people came up out of Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and encamped in Gilgal, in the east border of Jericho.

The first month (of the sacred year) is Abib, and the 10th day is the day that the Passover lamb was to be separated from the flock.

Joshua 5:10 tell us

And the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the plains of Jericho.

They passed over Jordan, walking through God who laid down and parted the waters, (having first sanctified themselves), and then they kept the feast of passover and unleavened bread.

It is also interesting, the symbol of rest.

The 1st month of the sacred year (Abib) is the 7th month of the civil year (also called Nisan by is post-captivity Babylonian name)
they kept the passover on the 14th day, which is 2x7; the number seven representing rest/the sabbath/being complete.  They crossed Jordan on the 10th day, the number 10 representing Divine Perfect Order.

The final verses of Joshua 3—

14And it came to pass, when the people removed from their tents, to pass over Jordan, and the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people;

15And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, (for Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest,)

16That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho.

17And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan.

The waters backed up or piled up in heaps, we were told in v.13.  God did not freeze the entire flow of the Jordan, He backed the river up and flooded out all the Canaanite cities all the way to a city called Adam... how fitting that the pure from Adam would enter in and the corrupt would be washed out.

Even as God destroyed the wicked with the Flood 897 years earlier, so also God began the cleansing of the Promised land with a flood.

What an grand entrance to the Land of Promise.  That flooding out of the northern towns along the Jordan, and then the miraculous destruction of Jericho, certainly got the attention of the Canaanites—who were already in fear, the Israelites having destroyed the powerful Amorite King Sihon and Og King of Bashan, destroying those Canaanites and claiming those lands transjordan for Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh.


May God deliver His people once again, once they truly have faith in Him, and sanctify themselves, and walk in Him and enter His Rest.

—Question and answer concerning God's Law and alien races

Pastor Balaicius, I know that God's Law was given only to true Israel (the Anglo-Saxon and related peoples, not the Jews who masquerade as God's people; they actually being the Canaanites who stole Israel's name and land after God deported His people because of their sins), and not to the other races.  And to violate His Law is a sin.  Therefore if they do not have His Law there is no sin for them.  Does God hold us to a higher standard than He does them?  I think I must be missing Something here. Comments please


God gave his Law to Adamkind via word of mouth from the Patriarchs, generation to generation; then to Israel in written form nationally.

God did not give His Law to other peoples via Covenant.  However, a lot of what is in God's Law is common sense and anyone with a brain can figure out that is wrong to murder, steal, violate another man's wife, etc.  Yet nonwhite peoples often historically have considered anything to be "fair game".

I remember the story of some missionaries to some African or South American Tribe (the book and movie "Peace Child" was written about this).  The white missionaries trying to convert these heathen told the story of God sending His son and the people killing the son.  The natives howled and laughed, because deception and betrayal were considered an act of intelligence and greatness.  The missionaries were baffled until studying their culture and beliefs, and then were able to "tailor suit" a suitable story to convince these savages.  These savages were continually at war with each other; however, there was some custom that when two tribes wished to make peace with each other, the king of each tribe would give his newborn infant son to the other tribe to raise, and as long as that child lived there would be peace between the two peoples.  The missionaries then told the natives that the child, the Son of God who was killed was the PEACE CHILD.  The natives sobered up instantly.  Many "accepted Christ".  Though no fruit remains.  The point is not whether heathen can be truly converted, but that in their minds, rape and murder (poisonings are rampant, even Albert Schweitzer--whose 3 books I reprint in 1 volume--shows that; and treachery and betrayal and adultery and drunkenness and violence and war and theft--Schweizter had to build a shack to lock up the medicines or the very blacks he was trying to help robbed from him--and abandonment--many blacks brought their old relatives who were sick or dying to Schweitzer and just dumped them on him to care for, and they went back home many miles away to continue their lives carefree... the point is that savages have a different mindset and always will and that is why our society suffers if we absorb them thinking that they are the same.

God gave Adamkind the Dominion Mandate.  When we fulfill God's Role we ENFORCE God's Law on the rest of the world and keep them from killing and eating each other.  If any lived within our borders as slaves (or later interlopers), they too were required to obey the Law; not in covenant relation, but in subjection.  When clear lines were established and honored and the law was enforced, things operated quite smoothly.

Of course once they were emancipated and once enough of God's people sinned in mongrelizing with their slaves, the situation becomes overblown, like the national debt, and the invasion of the 3rd world, to the point there is no remedy other than God's people repenting so that God will deliver us or we will be destroyed.  Our people have been brainwashed and subverted and are strung out on drugs, amusement, leisure, immorality, and are possessed by apathy and fear and like Stockholm Syndrome, would sooner betray us and side with their captors than do what's right.  In such a situation we are outnumbered; but if God be for us who can be against us?  However, unless we are for God, God will not be for us.

While it may not be sin for them the same way it is sin for us, since they are not in covenant relation, it is wickedness / evil if they violate many laws.  While God said we could not eat animals that died of themselves or were strangled or torn by beasts, we could sell it to the NON-Adamic/NON-ISRAELITE strangers; which shows God made their bodies a bit different and God does not hold them to certain laws of holy and cleanness, because they are themselves unclean.  But if they want to live in our borders or have us maintain law and order in their nations, if we were doing things right, they would have to honor the Sabbath (how could we police them if they did not? if we rested but they did not; they would just then commit all their crimes on the Sabbath when we are resting).

 These and other verses (below) are better understood once one realizes that other peoples have a different relation to God and a different relation to the Law of God.  While the general rules will apply and overlap, the rules that a father gives his own children are different, in nature, extreme, application, and relation, than the rules for a servant and than the rules for any visiting friend of the children.  While the servant and visiting children indeed must obey the same rules that the children obey while they are on the master/father's property or in his house, the relation is entirely different as is the purpose for keeping the law.  Only the father's children will inherit.  Only the father's children are of the father.  If the servant and visiting children keep those righteous rules even when they are out in the world on their own, they will certainly be better people for it, and they will even receive greater grace from the master/father for it; but that will never make them children of the father.  While Adam sinned and death came upon all Adamkind and all Adamkind inherited a sin nature; all creation fell and suffered degeneration and evil when Adam fell.  Why they fell and how they fell and what their nature is, is entirely different than that of Adamkind.  While other people may be evil and do wickedness, they cannot obey the law of God as sons because it was not given to them.  They can observe it and benefit from it and God's limited grace for it, based upon the universal principle of God: you reap what you sow; and based upon the principle of overflow of blessing (but that overflow of blessing is only available to those who recognize their own place, dogs must realize they are not the master's children and they have no rights in the master's house (PETA notwithstanding) and anything they receive is grace and they will only receive grace if they behave).  So they cannot technically sin against the law, sin being transgression of the law, because the law was not given to them by God.  However, the law is forced upon them by nature (to which most of them are deaf) and also by God's people who were given the dominion mandate.  If they refuse to follow the law when we impose it upon them, while that is wickedness, it is not sin, because sin is in relation to God, whereas crime is in relation to man.  Someone who was not party to a contract cannot violate the contract because he never gave his consent to the contract and it was never offered to him.  However, a conquered people can be subjected against their will, and if they rebel it is not violation of the contract to which they were never party.

Deuteronomy 4
7For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? 8And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?

I John 2:2
And He [Christ] is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

Firstly, understand, the word "world" does not refer universally to the entire world; rarely is it ever used in such a context, except in God's creation, ownership, or judgment; other times it refers to the whole of a particular group within the world.  Caesar did not rule the whole world, but the whole Roman world; Cyrus did not conquer every nation of the world, but only those nations against whom he warred.  Christ came for His Own.  He was prophesied to take away the sins of His people and redeem Adam-Israel.  Thus the word world, by its usage, does not infer universal salvation.

Secondly, John wrote to believers.  I John 2:1 "1My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous"  Therefore, when in v.2 John writes, "not for our [sins] only, but also for the sins of the whole world," he is not referring to every last race.  The distinction is between those of God's children who were already converted (the "little children" to whom he wrote) and the greater body of God's true people spread across the world in both geography and future history, who had not yet confessed Christ and been forgiven.

Thirdly, again, only those who had been given the law can sin against the law.  Sin and transgression are the violation of the law by those obligated by God to keep it.  There is, of course, general wickedness of nature that causes others to do evil; but that is of a different nature.

Also, just an interesting point I uncovered yesterday as I was working on my new book Ten Commandments for YOUth,
Hebrews 12:16 says "Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau"

Now, I have long written that Esau was called a fornicator and that, therefore, defines fornication to include race mixing: for Esau's sin was marrying 2 Canaanite women.

However, what I recently uncovered is the intriguing information of what the word translated profane actually means.  The Greek word means, "one who crosses a threshold".  Therefore, this seems to be clearly emphatic concerning the type of Esau's fornication, that of crossing racial boundaries, and thus could be translated as "traitor" or "race-mixer".

It is also interesting to juxtapose this to the very word Hebrew.  Though loosely translated as "colonist" the word literally means, "one who crosses over".  Therefore, the Greek word translated profane, βέβηλος
, BEH-bey-lahs, refers to someone who crosses BACK.  God called His people out of darkness into His Marvellous Light (obedience, righteousness, holiness), BEH-bey-lahs is those who reject the light and cross back into darkness.  God commanded His people to come out from among them [all aliens] and be ye separate and touch not the unclean [not "thing" but PEOPLE] and be holy; therefore BEH-bey-lahs is those who integrate and go back and defile and profane themselves and make themselves abominable by joining with aliens and rejecting God.  It is not that we all came from a common source, which we did not.  We did not evolve from them.  Nothing evolved.  However, as all history has shown, savages tend to crowd around our civilizations for the same reason sea gulls follow a fishing boat: for handouts and whatever they can steal and for a place to hang out and rest and do nothing.  God called us out from among them, not because we evolved or descended from them or a common ancestor, but because they attached themselves to us, or because God scattered us among them in judgment.  If you were carrying a box of plastic toy cowboys and you tripped and scattered them all among a group of tiny plastic toy indians, calling the cowboys out would not suggest that the cowboys and indians were all the same and God just decided he liked them better.  No, they were different by design and their mixing was not from evolution but scattering.

—Some Interesting Things About The Economy, Money, Tax, Income, Poverty Level, Government Salaries, Aid To Foreign Nations

In 2015 the poverty level per household of one person was $11,770
in 2014 it was $11,670
—that's less that 1% increase.  In fact, it is under 9/10s of a penny / dollar or about .085% increase (and of course in light of the rise in unconstitutional sales tax, the rise in the illegal property tax, the rise in unconstitutional local, state, and federal income taxes, that 9/10ths of a penny on the dollar is really such a blessing).

But from 2014-2015 the rate of inflation was reportedly .5% -- which itself is a lie, since the government illegally
printed about $4 trillion dollars of fake paper money backed by nothing, which devalues the value of the dollar.

By law 1 paper dollar has to be backed by 1 dollar of gold.  If you print 2 $1 bills and only have 1 dollar of gold, then
the paper dollars are now worth .50 cents each.  If you print 4 paper dollars and only have 1 dollar of gold backing them
each paper dollar is worth .25 cents each.  The U.S. National Debt is $18 trillion dollars because the corrupt
politicians have illegally printed 18 trillion fake paper dollars without adding any gold to the reserve (and most probably
all of the gold was stolen from Fort Knox during the Clinton Presidency; additionally, all the silver, copper, and nickle
have been stolen from the hundreds of tons of coinage in circulation, replaced by painted lead; has any politician ever
been asked where all this wealth has gone and who authorized it?)  The US government and the Federal Reserve are the
largest counterfeiting ring ever to operate.  They printed that $18 trillion dollars because they have to somehow pay
for their own salaries and all the money they illegally give to other countries, interest groups, businesses, and individuals, continually robbing the taxpayers and their great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren.  There is one easy solution.   Shakespeare nailed it on the head, but it should include all bankers as well as lawyers (and all politicians are lawyers; how else could the nation become so screwed by unless it was run by people who have been professionally trained to hide criminal activity?).  After that, deportation of all illegals, including all illegals who were eventually naturalized and all children and grandchildren born to them; no action can arise out of fraud.  That which is illegal or unlawful cannot be part of any contract.  Fraud and criminal activity is void ab initio.  99% of all laws passed in the US are therefore, void ab initio.  That which is not yours to give cannot lawfully be given.  Politicians who exceed their authority step of out any judicial immunity and perpetrate individual, not official acts.

See this site:


(though they can only go by the official data, if the U.S. printed 4 trillion dollars, inflation had to be more than .5%
Something that cost $1.00 in 1913 now costs $24.00.   
This means that today's $1 in reality is only worth .04 cents compared to the 1913 dollar; .03 cents to the 1910 dollar.

In 1913 an ounce of gold was (rounded up) $19.00 an ounce.  In 2011 gold was $1900.00/ounce.  Though it fluctuates 5 to 10% it has just dropped back down to $1100.  They artificially manipulate it.  Inflation and the interest rate and the price of gold is not natural like the tides, it is artificial like the government playing with the dams to raise or lower the amount of water in the lakes or reservoirs. 

They are artificially keeping the price of gold low, because it will rise out of control if they don't and anyone with a brain will realize the dollar is crashing; so they create a "virtual reality" while they keep the dollar on "artificial life support system".  The only way that the perceived value of gold can drop is if the government either burns trillions of dollars of paper currency and never replaces it; or if the government finds $4 trillion dollars worth of gold and puts it into the national treasury instead of putting it in their own pocket (either of which is fantasy).

$19/oz. in 1913 to $1900/oz in 2011 represents 100% inflation.  Which means they stole 100% of the wealth of the nation and it is merely illusion, "virtual reality" that anyone owns anything.

They raise taxes on everything, even taxing the same thing several times, and tax you on your home every year (which is unconstitutional and theft).  They print fake money, indebting the nation, and devaluing what the dollar in your pocket is actually worth (both of which are theft; it is quite an ingenious pickpocket who can take all the money from your wallet and replace it with counterfeit money, without you knowing it, day after day, wherever you keep your money).

Despite REALITY, there are a plethora of DINSINFORMATION SPECIALISTS / LIARS out there,

No, the dollar did NOT really lose 95% of its value since 1913

Feb 25, 2012 - There is a chart making the rounds lately, that claims the dollar lost ... A household making $15,000/yr today is well below the poverty line, but ... Inflation Adjusted Average Income 1913-2006 (2006 dollars) h/t .... when it is tied to what is the historical driver of inflation, the increase in money supply over time.

ignorance, smoke and mirrors, stupidity, lies?


It is not the government's job to fight poverty or create jobs.

You reap what you sow.  The government is not supposed to be a charity or a tyrant.  The government is supposed to be like your accountant... but how would you like it if your accountant stole all your money and spent it the way he wanted to and left you with virtually nothing?  THAT is what the government functions as and it is criminal.

The government's "war on drugs" or "war on poverty" is just another ploy to waste hundreds of billions of dollars without showing any results.  WHO would hire an employee that raises his own salary, steals everything of value from the business and on top of not showing any progress only makes things worse?  The government's mindset: The fire is not out yet—quick, throw some more gasoline on it!

Here is the solution for world poverty: If you are in poverty stop having babies!  If you can't care for children don't have any.  It is no one else's responsibility to pay for your children simply because you can't control your libido and are too lazy to work to support your family.  Work an 80 hour week like most everyone else who became a success, and get yourself neutered if you can't control it until you can afford it.

Do you know that in Congress there are U.S. Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico?

the Speaker of the House's salary is $223,500

the President pro tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate's salary is $193,400.

See charts:


Note: I don't know how there was not a revolution in 1987, when they made those below the poverty level start paying 11% income tax! (well, someone had to pay for the increase in the politicians' salaries and perks). 

In 1977 they had again made it 0% for the poverty level, it had been 14% in 1976 and between 20% to 24% from 1942-1963! (to pay for all those wars I guess). 
In 1940 it was only 4% for up to $4,000 (which is $86,000 in today's money). 
In 1925 the tax rate was only 1.5% for up to $4,000. 
In 1920 it was only 2% for up to $20,000 (which is $238,000 in today's money). 
In 1913 it was only 1% for up to $20,000. 
  • In 1913, the top tax rate was 7% on incomes above $500,000 ($10 million 2007 dollars) and a total of $28.3 million was collected.
  • During WWII the top rate rose to 77% and the income threshold to be in this top bracket increased to $1,000,000 ($16 million 2007 dollars).
In order to finance U.S. participation in World War One, Congress passed the 1916 Revenue Act, and then the War Revenue Act of 1917.

See the purpose of war? it enables the politicians/bankers to steal the wealth of the entire nation... NOT the enemy nation, but their HOST nation.



Our graph shows a series of tax regimes. Overall, taxes stayed low until 1940, spiked during World War II, remained high through the Korean conflict, and eased slightly in the mid ’60s. From there, they held steady, until President Carter emancipated poverty-level wagemakers with his tax-free under-$8000 bracket, creating the blue wedge in our graph. Three years later, Reagan entered office and began turning the tables, finishing in 1988 with his retrograde 28% upper rate. The rich were now on tax vacation, at the expense of the poor and middle class.

A modified Reagan-era tax system lingers to this day. To his credit, Dubya did reduce taxes on very low earners, so they’re no longer getting hammered. But, the people at our economy’s core – the full-time workers earning between $20,000 and $150,000 a year – still pay at up to double the rate of the ultra-wealthy, relative to what history suggests they should.


The salaries listed below are annual as of 2015. The president most recently received a raise in 2001.

Position Salary
 1789 $25,000
 1873 $50,000
 1909 $75,000
 1949 $100,0001
 1969 $200,0001
 2001 $400,0001
Vice President $230,7002
Senator $174,000
Representative $174,000
Majority and Minority Leaders $193,400
Speaker of the House $223,500
Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court $255,500
Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court $244,400

Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.) — $7,502 — Interestingly Murphy, the poorest member of the upper chamber, got to the Senate by defeating former WWE (world wrestling entertainment; wife of Vince McMahon) chairwoman Linda McMahon, who spent $48 million of her own money in their 2012 race. Murphy has between $30,000 and $100,000 of student loan debt.

Why would someone spend $48 million dollars of her own money to win a job that pays under $200,000 a year with only a guarantee that she would have that job for a few years?  Should that not raise an eyebrow?


Want to retire with plenty of savings? Consider running for office.

Few workers enjoy such generous benefits. While most public workers still receive pension benefits, payments for retired state, county and city workers average around $26,000 a year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Based on current salaries, members of Congress who serve just five years are guaranteed annual pensions of more than $14,000 at age 62, according to current pension formulas. And those who serve 20 years or more can qualify for a pension of at least $59,000 as early as age 50.

In 2011, 280 former lawmakers who retired under a former government pension system received average annual pensions of $70,620, according to a Congressional Research Service report. They averaged around 20 years of service. At the same time, another 215 retirees (elected in 1984 or later with an average of 15 years of service) received average annual checks of roughly $40,000 a year.


A 30-year congressman retiring next year would be eligible for more than $75,000 a year. Nearly two dozen current senators and representatives have served 30 years or more.

While the average Social Security recipient receives around $15,000 per year, lawmakers and top White House officials can expect around $30,000 a year from Social Security due to their high salaries.


  On top of their salary and pension, there are endless perks.  An entire shopping mall under DC for members only with discounted prices, everything from restaurants to barbershops to groceries and clothing, so they don't have to "rub shoulders" with the people they are supposed to work for who allegedly elected them

of course top of the line health care now and forever, travel allowance, office rent allowance, and a large allowance for staff, not to mention being wooed and wined and dined by Big Business, special interest groups, and foreign nations (mostly the state of Israeli).

see also




Both Democrats and Republicans

"We're broke"

And can't help our own







and bloated politicians like B-HO who take multiple multi-million dollar vacations a year and illegally bills the taxpayer $1 million each time he wants to play golf... if you want to play golf, do it when you retire (though a person cannot truly retire from a position he does not legally hold).  Politicians are not hired (even if they are actually legally elected) to visit foreign countries or take vacations or play golf.  Do it on your own time and make sure you put in 80 hours a week actually working and not 30.  If you don't like that, find a real job.

But, over the last several years THEY have provided direct cash aid to....


Hamas - $351 M,
Israeli (too many billions a year to keep up with)

Libya $1.45


Egypt - $397 M,

Mexico - $622 M,

Russia - $380 M,

Haiti - $1.4


Jordan - $463 M,

Kenya - $816 M,

Sudan - $870 M,

Nigeria - $456 M,

Uganda - $451 M,

Congo - $359 M,

Ethiopia - $981 M,

Pakistan - $2


South Africa - $566 M,

Senegal - $698 M,

Mozambique - $404 M,

Zambia - $331 M,

Kazakhstan - $304 M,

Iraq - $1.08


Tanzania - $554 M,

Billions of Dollars to these nations  and they
still hate us!
But is it unconstitutional to give a single penny to a foreign nation
in any form: gift of money, loan, food, medical aid, military aid, etc.

US taxpayer money's only legitimate, lawful use is spending it on
services those very taxpayers need but cannot provide for themselves
like the nation's roads and bridges.
No charitable giving by the government; that is for individuals and charities to do.
No bloated salaries or perks that the Average American does not have... public servants are not supposed to live better than their masters unless they were already independently wealthy; and if they were independently wealthy they do not need any salary or pension or perks because the only purpose of holding office is to SERVE not serve yourself.

—Shameless Neo-Pagan Hybrid Christianity Used Subtley To Guilt-Trip Christians Into Accepting Aliens

someone emailed me to ask my opinion concerning a post someone had made at a catholic site:



shameless neo-pagan hybrid christianity


Here is my reply:

Even a MUSLIM ("Muhammad Khan") at this site, along with the
thousands of others said "amen"... if this Muslim had truly converted to Christianity

(if that were even possible), he would have changed his muslim name.

This of course is unbiblical paganism intended to destroy Christianity.  God commanded us to discriminate because He discriminates; He put a difference and so should we.  He separated us and we should remain separate as He commanded.  Even as we are not to call unclean those whom God has cleansed, so also we are not to call clean those whom God has not cleansed.  This is catholic color-blind immoral pseudo-christian sentiment. 

We are:
Not to forgive those who are guilty, but those who repent.
Not to help all strangers, but our kinsmen from afar.
Not to help the wicked, God's enemies, those who hate the Lord; we are not even to help our own kinsmen if they are in unrepentant sin.

God's command to "Come out from among them and be ye separate" does not have any room for "invite them all in".

Light cannot have fellowship with darkness.

This is near-sighted, color-blind, one-dimensional Antichrist pseudo-spirituality used like a con-man unscrupulous shameless salesman, trying to guilt-trip people into embracing God's enemies by pairing it with something they hold dear, Christmas.

[Though Christmas itself is pagan, so it is fitting; but most Christians don't know it is pagan; but most Christians also don't care, because they are not really Christians; if they were Christians, they would care and they would reject it once they learned of its paganism--and they would want to learn whether it was pagan before continuing to celebrate it, if they were truly of God.  God said learn not the way of the heathen.  Scripture says he who says he loves God and keepeth not His Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him.  Christmas and Easter are pagan with a candycoating of Christianity to make them appear valid and they are insults to God.  Paganism + Christianity = paganism.]

This is why Christianity is being destroyed; because blind and dumb christians follow false shepherds with a perverse interpretation of the great commission and a perverse interpretation of practically the entirety of the New Testament.  They deceive their spiritually inept blind followers into embracing those who hate God thinking it pleases God for the Master's children to lay down their lives for the dogs. 

God commanded separation.  The unity that He commands, therefore, refers only to our kinsmen who are in the faith--and not with those God commanded us to never join ourselves to. 

If Christians applied the same stupidity to any other area of life we would never have developed a civilization but would still be rubbing sticks and stone together to make fire.

However, the enemy does not have the same tolerant and loving religion or altruism.  Their goal is to destroy us.  We are to lay down our lives for our brethren; not aliens; not God's enemies.  They don't plan on doing the same.  Nowhere did Christ say, "The Good Shepherd lays down His Life for the wolves, the dogs, and the pigs".  Christ is not a swineherder.


Only God knows each heart, but His Word is clear.   Those who do not obey what He clearly said, not someone else's perverted interpretation, do not know God.  Christ said His sheep know His Voice and the voice of another they will not follow.  If sheep follow some voice other than Christ's then they are not His sheep.  If they knew God they would understand Holiness.  They do not.  Everything to them is common.  Christ made us all whores and mongrels.  That is their mentality.  God commands us to study and learn and meditate on His Law.  If they did that, they would understand what the mainstream teaches is not what the Bible says.  Like Christmas, they prefer their pagan traditions and who cares what God thinks; He'll get over it.  No concept of Holiness, no concept of Judgment.  God deliver your stupid blind sinful people



Also, in response to a statement of faith I read about concerning a protestant group in England, here are my comments:


It is sad that even those closer to Biblical doctrine think that it is a God-honoring thing to extend equal rights to other religions in Christian lands. 

How can they expect God to honor them if they recognize and tolerate other gods and idols. 

Other gods and idols have the right to exist in pagan lands, but not in Christendom, and that is why Christendom is being devoured by them. 

Why can't they see this? 

You don't "tolerate" and give "equal rights" to God's enemies and those who hate Christ. 

Do these good protestants they think that when Christ returns that He will "tolerate" His enemies and pagans? 

While we cannot root out the tares entirely because many are too subtle, clearly there are other plants that are not easily confused with wheat, which God does not want growing in His field, and those should be told that they have no place, no rights, no tolerance in Christendom; —and why is that a strange concept? They do not give white Christians equal rights and tolerance in their nations.  It is suicide for us to.  As I have long written: When two sports teams or two armies meet on the field of battle and one side rigidly follows a prescribed set of rules and the other side does not; the side that does not will win every time.  You don't play games with the enemy.  The enemy is not a gentleman nor a Christian nor moral.  His goal is to kill you and your family and efface the world of your religion.  WHY would you want to treat such with "tolerance" and "equality" and have a "fair fight"; and then rebuild his nation for him once you destroy it?  That is FOOLISHNESS and immoral.  When God destroyed Egypt for a second time, for their haughtiness and offenses against Him and His people, God declared Egypt would never rise again.  WHY then do we treat God's enemies in a manner that God did not?  God said we were not to seek their peace or prosperity forever, and that we should make no treaties with them, and that we were to never intermarry with them. 

Even as the remnant that returned from Babylon, when confronted by the hybridized pagans living there, said they too would help build God's Temple and worship with them (worshiping God merely as one of their many gods, and infiltrating the truth Church) and Nehemiah replied, "YE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH US OR OUR GOD". 

Don't these men of this Protestant organization, as admirable as they are in other areas, don't they read the Bible and have they no common sense?  Giving equal rights to aliens violates God's commands of separation and not making treaties or seeking the peace or prosperity of God's enemies, it also means recognizing their gods in our lands; but it also means that we will eventually be outbred and out voted in our own land, and when they become the majority they will not afford to us the same "equality" and "tolerance" and then we will not have the right to worship our God in our land since it would not longer be our land. 

How can people be so blind? 

God save us. 

Open the eyes of your people and turn the wickedness from their hearts.

—Murky-Merkel — U-turn or Detour and sleight of hand?

If Merkel has truly made a U-turn (highly doubtful), then that may be a sign that like the trout thrashing wildly about trying to dislodge the parasite while in the throes of death, the German people are resisting her evil and she is fearing backlash.  Sources say that she is an avowed socialist and some reportedly claim she is decended from Jews from Poland.  Why does Germany let aliens rule over them?  Did they not learn from WWII (Hitler was Jewish, as was most of his cabinet).  However, stopping more immigration, while wonderful, will not solve the problem.  All those who have entered need to be deported.  If allowed to remain they will continue to reproduce, bring in 5-10 more family members one way or the other and their stated goal is the destruction of infidels and sharia law and the symbol of Islam to rule.  They are the enemies of God and the enemies of Christendom, as are the jews (Edomites)... whose goal is the same: world domination and everyone under their feet.  Only the nations of Christendom want peace and justice and for all peoples to be separate and retain their right to their own ways in their own countries.  However, as our government was subverted because Christians trusted the running of the nation to vile aliens and antichrists as well as corruptible traitors who betray their own people and commit treason thinking that they will get away with it and live the good life of the new black nobility.  The U.S. has become hated by the world, not because of our nonexistent righteousness, but because of our self-righteous militaristic domination... well, not ours, but our corrupt renegade pseudo-servants (who think they are our masters) whose real goals are the destruction of Christendom and self-enrichment by stealing the national resources of the world and indebting all of our nations to the illegitimate international bankers through economic and currency fraud under the guise of government.

May God open a hole in the earth to receive the flood and may God’s people see His Power in unmistakeable ways, as in the delivering of His people from Egypt, so that God’s people give Him all the glory, and continue to repent and to seek Him, for when He does open a hole in the earth to receive the flood, it will only be the lull in the storm, giving the elect a little more time to repent... as Jefferson said, “Peace is that brief, glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading”.

And even if it seems as if Merkel has taken a U-turn, it is not; trust me; it is a diversion, stalling to gain momentum and return with full force... the “Syrian army in Europe” is not going to “just leave and walk home” when told to.   German soldiers were kicked out of their barracks and told to sleep in tents so the “refugees” could have the army barracks.  Why not just give them a battleship to sleep on?  This was an “in your face” to the German people—the way a cat or dog shoves its butt in the face of another and forces him to submit—that they are neutered; that the military is neutered.  The dogs sleep in the master’s bed and the master is kicked out to the doghouse.  German citizens kicked out of their homes or have their properties taken from them—just like after WWII.  

[Around 14 million peaceful German citizens were killed after WWII; mostly starved to death and their property stolen.  Over 180 million white Christians in Europe were exterminated by Bolshevism (see The Human Cost of Soviet Communism (1971) U.S. government report, 44pp., 4.00 + P&H).  Has there ever been one penny of reparations to us...? weekly miniseries?  book after book?  special after special?  woven throughout the fabric of all history, all politics, all of life (the only place I have not seen the Holocaust mentioned is in cookbooks, but I have not looked, though I am sure there are some that mention it).  But the real Holocaust is not only never mentioned, but the general populace is utterly ignorant of it!  A real Holocaust 30 times larger than the phoney one.  (Eustace Mulllins in his The Secret Holocaust, 32pp., 3.00 + P&H, only numbers the Christian-European Holocaust at 66 million, just over half of the greater number).]

And yet the corrupt politicians, like corrupt doctors, just continue to bleed the patient of all his blood and then harvest his organs all under the insulting guise of “humanitarianism”—what a joke!  “Humanitarianism” from the very same people who start and carry out all the wars!  

Tell the africans and arabs and chinese and indians to stop reproducing if they can’t provide for their families and if their nations cannot contain them.  It is not our duty to absorb them and defile ourselves and sacrifice our heritage, our faith, our government, our race to them, and simply lay down and die and let the bats and rats inhabit the former cathedral.  God command us to be separate and not make ourselves abominable.  Until we repent of violating God’s Law in this and every other area, He will continue to cause us to reap what we are sowing... or He will cause us to reap what we stand by idly and allow to be sown, and passively allow ourselves to be robbed of “tax” money to fund all these evils being against ourselves and others.  
Liberation Theology was the communist false doctrine that first perverted the thinking of Christendom, also founded upon the false doctrine of the “universal brotherhood of man”.  God commanded no other gods and He commanded us to remain separate from all other peoples.  But the Harlot Church has seduced God’s people into doing the very opposite that God commanded us, and as a result, we are about to lose all of our nations to the Third World antichrist masses.  To receive those peoples is to recognize their gods and to to reject our own.  

When God destroyed Egypt with the 10 plagues, many of the things that God used to destroy them were the very gods they worshiped (flies, frogs, etc.).  You reap what you sow.  In our sinfulness we have allowed aliens, alien “cultures” and alien gods to be placed on a pedestal and subsidized by our money (which is our sacrificing to those gods).  God will allow the invading alien hordes to destroy all those of His people who do not repent of their own part (complacency as well as contribution) to all these abominations.  Those who remain silent and say nothing contribute to the problem and are accomplices in these crimes against Christendom and against God.  The majority of those who won’t to stand up are cowards because no one else is standing up.  Just stand up.  Let your voice be heard.  Stop worrying about being a friend of the world—the world is no friend of yours: It only wants to be your friend until you have no money left.  You don’t need to ask the Devil for permission to obey God.  Just do it.  As I wrote in my Who Is Responsible for the Destruction of Christendom...?, every time that a Christian sees evil in his family, church, community, nation and does not stand up and speak out and denounce it he denies Christ!

“Good” people don’t make the catastrophically destructive and evil “mistakes” that all the leaders of the nations of Christendom are making.  Evil people make such decisions and they are not mistakes, but have been carefully calculated and crafted.  Germany and all nations need to take back their nations from their seditious public servants and then try them for treason, confiscate all their ill-gotten wealth from bleeding the nation dry while subverting it, and then administer the appropriate sentence for High Treason and destroying our nations and all of Christendom, and for their offenses against God and humanity.  All their confederates, family, friends, relatives who have benefitted from their crimes should then be arrested and put to hard labor for the rest of their lives to pay off their debt.  Any so-called “debt” that is claimed to be owed to international bankers (if computer digits that never represented real money can be considered “debt”; real money cannot be invented out of nothing; it is an illusion and fraud) is the debt of the corrupt politicians and their heirs and those who have received money from them.  The debt is not the National Debt.  It is the personal debt of corrupt politicians and those who have received stolen moneys from them or benefitted in one way or another).  But in reality, nothing real was ever actually loaned.  The “money” that was “loaned” never existed, it was just invented, pen notations on a ledger sheet, digits in a computer file... just like printing paper money does not create money, only illusion and fraud.  No action or obligation can arise out of fraud.  If the nations who think they are in debt to the international bankers want to pay off the debt, all they have to do is print a $18 trillion dollar bill backed by nothing and mail it to them and mail them a picture of a ledger sheet showing paid in full, or mail them a JPEG of some computer digits.  Case closed.


-------- Forwarded Message ----

Germany imposes surprise curbs on Syrian refugees

In abrupt U-turn by Merkel government, people fleeing civil war will not be granted asylum or refugee status


—Corrupt Politicians destroying the US... they are all in cahoots—all guilty of High Treason and mass murder and Grand Theft

First my comments, then a letter from a correspondant, and after that, the letter he received from his congressmen.



It is irrelevant if the U.S. is a "compassionate country" it is unconstitutional and it is a criminal act for politicians to use taxpayer money for any purpose other than services those very taxpayers need and want and cannot provide for themselves (such as the nation's roads and bridges).  Any other use of taxpayer money is a criminal offense.  Using taxpayer money to strengthen our enemies, foreign or domestic, is treason.

It is again a smokescreen of irrelevance talking about our nation being founded as a nation of immigrants.  Our nation was founded as a nation of European Christian immigrants with the same moral values, blood, and God.  Furthermore, they came and WORKED and lived with their kin until they could afford their own home or apartment.  They were not given free housing, food, welfare, medical, etc.

now they are saying that it will cost about $68,000 per refugee in the US PER YEAR.  That's probably twice as much as the average American earns and probably quadruple what the average American takes home after taxes.  THIS IS TREASON.

one report said that a newly arrived Muslim in Germany quipped, "When do I get my house and car?"

The "American Dream" was one that was EARNED through sacrifice and hard work.

It is illegal to steal that dream from those who earned it and give it to those who don't deserve it.  It is IMMORAL.  It is CRIMINAL.  It violates Scripture and it violates our Constitution and it violates natural law.

it makes NO sense to relocate people of foreign race, custom, and religion halfway around the world in a different climate among different people... when there are plenty of other nations of their own race, language, religion, climate, and custom right there a few hours away.  Why don't the environmentalists relocate polar bears to the equator or hippos to the antarctic?  Why are dolphins not relocated onto the sand and cows relocated to the ocean?  Because that would be stupid.  Which is what the lie of immigration, resettlement, and refugees is--stupid.  It is a lie.  This is WAR.  The rest of this "FORM LETTER" is also B.S.

As I have said ALL politicians in the US are corrupt.  ALL of them.  Even those who seem to be fighting the more corrupt ones are most probably putting on a good show.  The so-called conservative change sides at the final moment and betray those who supposedly elected them.  Any US politician who goes to the state of Israeli for anything having to do with his election or his serving as US representative is guilty of treason.  Any US politician who votes to give US taxpayer money to foreign nations is guilty of treason.  Had we not given trillions of dollars to our enemies, we would not be trillions of dollars in debt and our enemies would not be strong.

God save us.  This is going to get ugly, and pretending there is no problem and succumbing to cowardice will solve nothing but earn God's Wrath for denying Christ by not standing up for the Truth... against all evil: homoism, amalgamation with the heathen, corrupt politics, corrupt theology, evolution, socialism (and the US is a socialist nation; it follows the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, not the Constitution).  Christ said marvel not if the world hate you for it hates me.  Scripture says all who live godly will suffer persecution.  Scripture says beware when all men speak well of you.  Scripture says he who would be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.  If you are not hated by the world for standing up against evil you are not of God.

What excuse will Americans have?  Americans have more means of self-defense, but what good is that if they are too cowardly to use it?

“And how we burned in the labor camps later thinking: What would things have been
like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been
uncertain whether he would return alive, and had to say good-bye to his family? Or
if people had not simply sat there, palling with terror, but had understood that they had
nothing left to lose and had boldly set up an ambush of a half-dozen people with axes,
hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? The cursed machine would have ground
to a halt. If, if, if! We didn't love freedom enough. We purely and simply deserved
everything that happened afterward.” —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

-------- Forwarded Message -------

Dear Robert,

This is a reply I received from my Senator concerning all the Syrians Obama is going to flood into this nation.

I have addresses for ALL Republican representatives in the House or Senate and I wrote them all.
The response posted here is almost word for word the same as ALL the other representatives sent to me as a response to my letter to them.

Proves to me that it matters not a bit that the idiots are Republicans as they are {{{Progressives which Equals (One Worlders)}}}.

We have been sold out by these people.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Senator _____
Date: Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 10:16 AM

        Thank you for contacting me about refugees from Syria.  I am glad to have the benefit of your views on important foreign policy matters.

        The United States is a compassionate country that can help alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people.  However, this assistance, should not compromise the safety of our citizens.  As the United States considers increasing the number of Syrian refugees allowed to enter our country, we should maintain rigorous security screening of all applicants.

         With over four million refugees and 7.6 million internally displaced people, the crisis in Syria is the largest global refugee problem in a generation.  The United States should continue its tradition of helping those fleeing persecution and bloodshed, including Syrian Christians.  We should also be aware that terrorist organizations like ISIL will try to take advantage of the situation.  As Director of National Intelligence James Clapper recently asserted, "We don't obviously put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees."

         The United States recently announced that it intends to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year.  The State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Intelligence Community should not sacrifice the thoroughness of the security process in order to meet certain numerical targets.  For example, refugees currently undergo biographic and biometric checks that are compared with the Terrorist Screening Database and files from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Department of Defense, Interpol, and other agencies.  The refugee vetting process often requires 18-24 months of review before a refugee is allowed to enter the United States.  These are prudent measures that should not be cut short in an effort to accommodate more refugees than the process can safely handle.

         As a nation founded by immigrants, the United States has a role to play in addressing the humanitarian crisis caused by the conflict in Syria. Be assured that I am committed to maintaining the rigorous screening of refugees entering our country.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance. 

            Sincerely yours,
            U.S. Senate

— The only solution to the Alien Immigration Death of Europe for Poland, Germany, Austria, Lithuania, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, etc.


Read my book Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance.  Only by realizing that we are God’s people—and always have been; and no one else has ever been—can we truly realize the need to preserve our heritage and faith.  Furthermore, it is not merely a “need” but a command.  God commands us to retain the purity of our blood and our faith as He transmitted it to us and Christ commanded, “Occupy till I come”.  God promised to preserve a remnant of His people—not any other people rubber stamped with the an artificial label.  If God’s Word is spiritualized away it is rendered meaningless.  God commanded, “Come out from among them and be ye separate... be holy for I am Holy... I have separated you from all other peoples even as I separated clean from unclean animals”.*

[* —not randomly or even arbitrarily as a post-creational afterthought, but by separate, distinct design in their very creation; the universal brotherhood of man myth is blasphemy and an unbiblical, communistic, atheistic, evolutionistic lie.  Evolution’s very goal is amalgamation / mongrelization; for it is the natural conclusion of the premise that all evolved from the same source so they should all return to the same source.  But nothing evolved.  God created each animal, each race separate and distinct.  Only one people descend from Adam and only one people are God’s people.  That’s why the rest of the world hates us—because they hate God.  That’s what Christ told us.  They hate us because they are not His people and they hate us because we are and they can never be us.  If they did not want to be us, why do they want our civilization instead of developing their own?  On their own they could never have risen above mud huts and camel-skin tents.]

Furthermore, unless we realize that we are God’s literal people, we cannot possibly know what He expects of us.  All of the evil that is befalling us is due to our violation of how He commanded us to live.  Only by our national repentance—turning from what He commanded us not to do (including and especially joining with the alien heathen and learning their ways) and returning to doing what He commanded us to do—only by national repentance is there any hope that even the remnant will survive.  He is chastening us for our sin.  Two of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on Christendom are:

1. That we are not God’s people (and this is compounded by the lie that God’s very enemies are His people, though they are not: they are the people of His Curse).

2. That God abolished His Law, His Moral Code, His “House Rules” for His children.  The Law was never meant for salvation.  Keeping the Law cannot save.  That is not its purpose.  Its purpose is for us to be obedient children whom God will bless; and if we violate it, He promised to use our enemies to chasten us to repentance.  All Christendom was established on the Law of God, even if many nations have forgotten the origin of the laws of our Republics before they were subverted.  Alfred the Great codified Anglo-Saxon Law from the Law of God.  Danelaw, Salian-Franko law, all have their roots in the Word of God.  Once the Protestant Reformation freed the minds of Christendom from popish slavery true freedom and prosperity spread like a wildfire.  Only by forgetting the Reformers and the Doctrine of the Reformation, and only by forgetting our roots, our history, and the price of Freedom, have we been able to be subverted.  The papacy has historically “evangelized” (with all sorts of paganism) savages because they are easier to control by fear and superstition... and then the papacy imports those savages to Christendom in order to weaken Christendom so that it can then also be conquered.  The papacy today is in full support of the immigration of jews and muslims and arabs and africans into the heart of Christendom (but despite 1,000 huge rooms in the papal palace, the papacy has not taken in the 100,000 wild savage muslims that it could house and feed... I wonder why?
“It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom.” Horace Greeley
Only by recognizing that we are God’s very people and then learning how He commanded us to live—and doing it—is there any hope.  Those who repent are the only ones who have a chance to survive the coming onslaught.  If God’s people will not repent, then He will “cull His flock” and remove all the wicked sheep (goats) until all that are left are those of His sheep who are repenting.  Those who reject this concept are ignorant of our history and our culture.  Our greatness has only come when our people obeyed God.

“The Bible is the secret to Great Britain’s greatness.” H.M. Queen Victoria
“America is great because America is good.  If America ever ceases to be good, she shall cease to be great.” Alexis de Tocqueville
“Hold fast to he Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties and practice them in your lives.  To the influence of this book we are indebted for the progress made, and to this we must look for our guide in the future.” Ulysses S. Grant
“Christianity is the companion of liberty in all its conflicts—the cradle of its infancy, and the divine source of its claims.” Alexis de Tocqueville

[See my series: America, Christianity, Liberty, and Truth.]

America ceased to be good long ago when we turned from God and embraced the heathen and their heathenish false gods and turned a blind eye to their evil, perversions, and crimes under the lie that it is “their culture” or you are “racist” if you notice that 95% of crimes are committed by nonwhites.

Even as God preserved the Israelites in the land of Goshen from all the plagues that fell on Egypt (and it is no coincidence that there were 10 plagues, even as there are 10 Commandments) so also will God preserve the elect remnant of His people who are in obedience to Him.  Revelation tells us that the only ones who will survive the coming wrath will be those who have the faith / testimony of Christ Jesus and who keep the Commandments of God (not for salvation, but to show ourselves obedient children whom God can bless).  This—obedience—is dwelling in “the secret place of the Most High” and therefore, abiding “under the Shadow of the Almighty” mentioned in Psalm 91:1.

There is no other solution.  Our governments have all be subverted.  The majority of our population has been brainwashed from youth.  Only by our fasting and praying and repenting of our own sins against God, will God regard our prayers and open the eyes of our brethren before it is too late.  Christendom is about to fall and not recover with the return of Christ.  It, like a boat that has taken on more water than could be baled—even if anyone was concerned about baling—and it will go to the bottom.

This is the fulfillment of Revelation, of the Dragon / Serpent vomiting out a flood of waters to drown the woman and her child.  The flood is alien immigration and the woman and child is Christendom.
Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of a great statue is also being fulfilled before our eyes.  The feet made of iron mingled with clay is integration.  The last great Kingdom (Christendom) is about to fall.  Iron and clay do not mix.  The feet support the weight of the entire statue.  Christ will soon strike the feet with a mighty rock hewn from a stone mountain and the feet will crumble and the statue—6,000 years of history and civilization will come to an end.

My book Uncovering the Mysteries... is available online for free in Afrikaans and in Danish.  If anyone will translate it into Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, German, French, Swedish, Ukrainian, etc., I will typeset it, add illustrations, and post it online for free so that those in Europe who understand the perilous and inevitable, unrecoverable threat of the racial tsunami and who begin searching for the answers may find the answer, and hope, and salvation, and deliverance.  Does anyone who speaks another language care about our people or are you content to lay on the beach or watch your soap operas while our people die...?

If anyone wants to help with these translations or help fund them, please contact me (see contact page for email address).

This situation is not going to get better.  There is no earthly solution because all politicians are corrupt and have purposely committed treason to destroy Christendom.  This alien integration has been planned for about 100 years (see my book A Bolshevik Primer and the Planned Extermination of Christendom).  People foolishly entrusted their nation to corrupt politicians, even as they foolishly entrust their children to socialist programming from kindergarden to college.

Any person has to be brainwashed or a fool not to see that it is planned extermination.  The mass of “refugees” flooding into Christendom are an army.  And our people don’t even offer a whimper in protest.  All politicians are guilty of treason and mass murder.  Our people either don’t care or they are too brainwashed or they are too afraid to do anything... why? —because God has sent strong delusion that they believe a lie, and has struck them with fear or apathy, so that they can fill up the measure of God’s Wrath.  Those who don’t think they have ever done anything that they need to repent of are in the deepest delusion and will be destroyed by the enemy they embrace—and God will not deliver them.  God said that if we forgot His Law, He would forget our children.  Christ said those who deny Him before men, them will He deny before God.  It is suicide.  Prince Michael Sturdza (former Prime Minister of Rumania) even wrote a book titled, The Suicide of Europe (1968).  Though Sturdza did not envision the alien flood, the title of his book could not be more prophetic.  But it has actually been planned for over 100 years (again, see my A Bolshevik Primer).

Bringing millions of hostile, muslim, nonwhite peoples into Europe (and the U.K. and U.S.) of an alien culture, who make no pretense about the fact that they fully plan on stealing our nations from us... is suicide.  It is stupid from any angle.  Our politicians specialize in (treason cloaked as) stupidity and the people are stupid for not arresting them and trying them for High Treason.

I was dumbfounded the other day when the media liars and politicians referred to the U.S. as a “wealthy nation” and then said therefore it was our duty to help the refugees.  Please someone explain to me how a nation that is $18 trillion in debt is a “wealthy nation”.  Furthermore, even if we were a wealthy nation, it is a false assumption that it is our responsibility to help anyone.  That is a fallacy of a missing middle: the unsubstantiated and therefore unspoke implication is:

1. The U.S. is a wealthy nation (untrue, but let’s assume it is true);

[Missing Middle:
2. Wealthy nations are obligated by the supreme laws of {blabbety blabbety... insert your favorite lies or stupidity here...} to help anyone in need; therefore,]

3. The U.S. is obligated to take these “refugees”.

[Actually the debt is not the national debt of the people of the U.S., it is the personal debt of the corrupt politicians who illegally and criminally voted to misappropriate, mis-spend, taxpayer money unconstitutionally, and to illegally counterfeit paper money backed by nothing, and who have stolen all the real metal out of the nation’s hundreds of tons of coin currency—these corrupt politicians and anyone who ever received money from them, it is their debt, not the National Debt.]

Why is it the “responsibility” of white Christian nations to absorb the debt of nonwhite heathen nations or the peoples of nonwhite nations?  This is communism!  Those nations were safe and prosperous when they were ruled by the nations of Christendom.  Let them self-destruct.  It is sin for us to supply humanitarian aid to our enemies.  It is suicide.  God forbids it.  Common sense forbids it.  If alien nations want help, let them sign over their nations to us and submit to Colonialism.  A little “exploitation” is the price of civilization.  However, our corrupt governments are exploiting us 1,000 times more than any foreign peoples were explointed by “hated Colonialism”.  Why do not the wealthy Arab or Persian muslim nations take these muslim refugees? —because their goal is to weaken and colonize the West, Christendom, so that it collapses and they can then take it from us when we are weakened.

What Christendom is allowing to happen is the stupidest thing that has ever happened in the history of the world; it defies all common sense.  Only those nations like Poland and Hungary who resist will have any chance of surviving a little longer than the rest.  The people of the U.S. still have the means of self-defense, but what good does it do them if they are too cowardly to actually use their weapons?  What good will it do them if they wait until the enemy outnumbers their bullets...? until the enemy is sown among them throughout every single community—which is the plan they have been following since Hurricane Katrina.  Alien immigrants are no longer sent to the major cities, but every small community, both rural and country.  It is planned.  It is mass murder.  It is Genocide.  It is Treason.

Only by realizing that God commands us to remain separate and that He commands us to survive (that is the duty of the remnant: to survive: and not merely survive hiding in a cave, but to fight: “Occupy till I come”, the gates of Hell will not prevail against the true Church—that means that God’s people are supposed to be on the offensive attacking evil).  Will God’s people refuse to just roll over and die, or quietly give up Christendom with out a fight and hope that maybe they won’t be gang raped every night of the week.  Every single time that evil raises its ugly head in society and Christians don’t stand up they deny Christ; and in so doing, they prove they are not actually Christians; they never were.  It was merely a fond idea with which they deluded themselves (some thinking that they are Christians merely because they are not a muslim or a jew).

As just a tiny proof of the clear conspiracy to destroy us (as if it is even needed), the Jews make no pretense or attempt to hide the fact that the Jews are the ones who are spearheading the planned destruction of Sweden, Ireland, etc. with multiculturalism.  They mock the Swedes saying that there is no such thing as a “Swedish” culture, and that Europe will no longer be for the Europeans but will be a melting pot new Europe.  The Jews have been the ones to let the Muslims into Christendom, but the average Jew himself then finds that he has to flee (even as they did when the Jews subverted the leadership of South Africa and handed that nation over to the savages); this has been the case in nation after nation of Christendom that the Jews destroy.  Parasites are mindless and don’t think of where their next meal will come from or what will become of them once they have fed off the hosts to extinction and there are no more hosts left.  Then, parasites will parasitize each other.

They will find that the Muslim is the evil genie who won’t go back into the bottle.  Dr. Frankenstein’s monster will turn on its maker; but we in our stupidity have allowed our corrupt politicians to fund both Jew and Muslim (as well as africans and mexicans, cubans, puerto ricans, orientals, and every other third world alien invited to our shores by traitors who have subverted our governments and are guilty of sedition).  Not only have we allowed them to be imported en masse, we have put them on breeding programs so that they now proliferate Christendom.

General Wesley Clark (though who was “raised Protestant descends from Jews* from Belarus), former supreme NATO commander, famously stated in that year:

[* Kanne (a form of Kohen) was his birth name; Clark is the name of his stepfather who adopted him when his mother remarried.]

“Let’s not forget what the origin of the problem is.  There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states.   That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”

Why is it that every other race and nationality has a right to their racial identity, their customs, culture, religion, the sovereignty of their nations, but we do not...?  Please, explain that to me... I would love to hear a rational, honest, logical, moral explanation and your documentation for what moral authority you base it upon.


Anyone who wants to help with these translations or help fund the translations of my book Uncovering the Mysteries..., please contact me.  Does anyone care about our people?  What are your roots?  Do you care whether your people become extinct?  Everyone should be able to help with some small contribution, in addition to telling everyone else you know about the project, in addition to praying for the project and for all our people that God would deliver us; but He won't deliver us until we repent; and how can people repent unless they know the truth? and how can they know the truth without it being presented to them in their language?


—Something's Rotten in Roumania? Unrest in Bucharest?

Well, there's something rotten everywhere, putrifyingly corrupt everywhere, but something smells a bit off in Bucharest.


This certainly sounds odd; there must be more to the Roumanian story... clearly the nightclub fire was just the precipitating factor, what had the government been doing to cause the people to finally revolt after a fire?  How is the government to blame for a nightclub fire?  Did they force the
people to go and listen to bad music in the company of degenerates and then lock them in and start a fire?  Doubtful.  So why do the people
think the government is to blame and that they are assassins?  Do they want to be EVEN MORE REGULATED? are not the business owners the ones responsible? or the rock band itself? or the people who stampeded? why is the government to blame?  Clearly they must have long term abuse and corruption, but why does a nightclub fire set off the powder keg... and even more odd, in a nation of however many MILLION, why does a government
resign over a measly 10 thousand protestors?  Also, why do the government officials hope that the people will be satisfied by their resignation? what else do they fear and for what?  What do they fear, that the people will make the politicians listen to the bad music too?  This story is more intriguing for what it does not say than what it does say, which is little and insignificant.

our corrupt renegade illegitimate politicians start wars, drone-murder people, murder whistleblowers, invade other nations, import revolution, embezzle us into 18 trillion dollars of debt, persecute straight Christians and glorify perversion, allow our embassy to be attacked and people with diplomatic immunity murdered and they do nothing, they allow black panthers to intimidate white voters 2 elections in a row, they with the Mossad blow up 3 of our buildings killing thousands and blame it on some nonexistant terrorist cell (though indeed, there are many such cells, it is just that this was not one of their crimes), subvert our nation, commit treason... give themselves payraise after payraise, legalize abortion and gay marriage, allow an alleged charity to sell dead babies, strip the US citizens of their rights, import millions of hostile nonwhite aliens and give more rights than we have and put them on a taxpayer breeding program, teach islam in the schools, corrupt politicians are wined and dined by the Israelis, the president and vice president spend hundreds of millions of dollars playing golf and going on vacation after vacation (yes, treason is tiring work)... and we have someone in the whitehouse who is not even president, not eligible to be president, who has stated that he hates america and will be loyal to islam... with a phoney birth certificate and a social security number he should not have; and we have a woman and several aliens running for president who are not eligible to be president... blacks riot and burn down whole cities and police stand and watch, illegal aliens commit crimes and they are let loose and nothing is done by the people, and yet in Roumania a degenerate nightclub has a fire, a few dozen people die because of individual stupidity, a mere 10,000 people protest and an entire government resigns.

Please tell me I am not the once confused and there is something very strange about this picture.