—Thought for the Day: Tomfoolery... or Not? To Be or Not To Be?

Thought for the day: Tomfoolery... or not?  To be or not to be?

God admonishes us, “answer not a fool”* (Proverbs 26:4). 

Though God also admonishes us, “answer a fool” (Proverbs 26:5). 

When, therefore, one should answer or not answer, it appears, is to be determined by the situation and the specific breed and quality of “fool” with which one is dealing. 

“4Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. 
5Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.” 

Even as Scripture does not say not to place importance upon genealogies (for God Himself does throughout Scripture: are we to imagine God said, “Do as I say not as I do”...?), Scripture says not to give heed to endless genealogies, even as it tells us,

“Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations” (Romans 14:1) and

“Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself” (I Timothy 6:5). 

The difference then, appears to be, answer the fool once, lest he be wise in his own eyes; if he hear thee not, wash your hands of him and shake the dust off your feet and have nothing to do with him; but pray God delivers him from his foolishness. 

If the “fool” is willing to hear and actually wants to know the truth, you should engage; if he only wants to argue and would not believe the truth even if like a shark it came up and bit him on the butt, then have nothing to do with him.  If he is willing to become “unfooled” then as Christ told us,

“15Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.  16But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.  17And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.” (Matthew 18).

— Sure Sign that the Nations of Christendumb are a CONQUERED People, A


Britain was originally founded by Brutus (or Prutus, from whom I also descend), the first king of Britain, who was a Trojan (the original Greeks and Romans both being purely descended from the Israelites).  One of his associates, also a Trojan, founded Cornwall.  Other Trojans founded the Kingdom of the Franks, which eventually split into France and Germany a few centuries after Charlemagne.  The original kings of the Franks were named for one of their progenitors, and were called Merovingians* (after the time of Charlemagne,* the kings descended from him and were called Carolingians).  In time, the original Britons, Cornish, and Welsh (Silurians*) were invaded by the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes (all Germanic tribes) and they gained the ascendancy of the nation and thus the language and people became known as Anglo-Saxon and the land became known as Angle-land or England; other portions of England were named after the Saxons, such as Wessex, Essex, etc. after the West Saxons, East Saxons, etc.  The Jutes do not seem to have left as much of a stamp on the Isles, but the whole peninsula of Denmark is named for them, Jutland (the rest of Denmark being all the tiny islands, which the Danes occupied).

[* I also descend from the Merovingian Kings, Charlemagne (many times), the Silurian Kings (back to Caradoc and Bran), the Kings of Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and also the Edward the I., II., and III., and other kings of Europe and Scandinavia; in addition to Sir John Oldcastle, martyred English Reformer; and Martin Luther, William Penn, and Daniel Boone were cousins of mine.]

However, the Romans attempted to subjugate Britannia as well as Germania and the Romans (who were originally kindred) were responsible for mongrelizing the peoples of Europe (or attempting to), even as did the Assyrians and Babylonians and Persians.  When any of these semi-world powers conquered people, they deported them or relocated other alien people in among them, to destroy their fierce patriotism and resistance by destroying their culture and identity and religion.

This is what is happening in all of Christendom and that is why.  We have been conquered.  Were we not conquered we would not accept aliens being thrust in among us—and even more insulting, they are not even learning our language, but all government and companies bending over backward to accommodate their languages in our nations.  

[When I was 15 and worked during the summer with American missionaries in Portugal, we were out at some public place and I called in English to the missionary, who was about 20 feet away, to come look at something.  He came over but reminded me that I was in their country and it was rude for me to call out in my language.  WOW, have you ever been to Wal-mart? or practically anywhere?  Apparently they don't have the same respect for us... and they make no pretense about it.  Christ said, “Give not that which is holy to the dogs and cast not pearls before swine lest they turn and destroy you.”]

“Divide and conquer” is the age-old plan—in this case, it is carried out by destroying the identity of the people; the masses will be one amalgamation (Babylon means, “confusion by mixing”) [also represented by the beasts who come out of the sea; the sea being full of corruption, all dead and decaying matter falling to the ocean floor that is inhabited by bottom feeders] and a tiny remnant will retain their identity and be true.  Satan’s goal is to mongrelize the bride of Christ so that Christ has no bride to return to.  God promised to preserve a pure remnant.  If Satan can prove God wrong in this one area, then he will have renewed hopes that he can defeat God.  That is why we see the mongrelization of Christendom kicked into high gear.  Satan is making his “hail Mary” play, in an all out effort to mongrelize God’s people.  Again, this is the flood of waters that the Dragon / Serpent spews forth to drown the woman and her child; but God says that He will open the earth to receive the waters and give the woman and her child some rest—but God won’t do that for the remnant until we repent of our sins and acknowledge God’s Sovereignty and right to rule His creation, and our submission and obedience to Him.  When the enemy comes in like a flood, God shall raise up a Standard against them—but if God’s people do not rally to that Standard, they shall be overtaken by the Third-World tsunami.   The flood of the Third World is also the final portion of Nebuchadnezzar’s image (in the book of Daniel) whose feet were made of clay and iron (integration).  Iron and clay do not mix or adhere to each other; clay is weak and the feet will crumble under the weight of the statue and 6,000 years of civilization will crumble when Christ, the Rock, strikes the feet of the image in His Wrath; as He promised to uproot every plant that His Heavenly Father had not planted and remove all those things which offend.

But God will not deliver us from what we are willing to tolerate.  As long as God’s people are content to watch sports, movies and pursue Hedonism while the barbarians are crashing through the gates (no more can the people of Christendom disparage Nero for fiddling while Rome burned while they are doing the same thing), God will not deliver.  He is winnowing the chaff from His wheat.  He will preserve a remnant that is true and the rest will be canon fodder in the war of the beast against the God of the universe.


European peoples in Europe, UK, USA, Canada, Australia are having less children because:

1. Caucasians are brainwashed with the propaganda of “overpopulation” (but for some reason the peoples of the Third World ‘never got that memo’); even though Caucasians are less than 10% of the world’s population;

2. Caucasians are totalitarianly and unconstitutionally taxed more and more for each child they have, whereas those immigrants on welfare are give a tax credit for each legitimate or illegitimate;

3. Caucasians are taxed to support all the aliens that have flooded the nations of Christendom and taxed for all the “social programs” (welfare, food stamps, free housing, free education, free medical care, etc.) and all the “services” required to clean up the “messes” of these aliens and try to civilize them (extra police, prison, garbage cleanup, diseases, etc.);

4. Caucasians are taxed to pay for all the corrupt wars to destroy other peoples’ nations, then they are taxed to rebuild them, and then for some reason they are forced to absorb all the alien peoples—with whom they had been at war—as immigrants.  


Our politicians are all guilty of High Treason against the true people and the Constitution and God Himself.
Scripture informs us that day and night, the saints (that is, Christians who have died), the martyred ones especially, surround God’s Throne and cry out:

“And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, Holy and True, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” (Revelation 6:10)

You can search the internet for youtube videos of these alleged “Syrians” who are alleged “refugees” and how they treat the German, Austrian, and other guards and humanitarian workers who hand them bottled water and sandwiches.  Many of them throw them back into their faces... a few took the entire case of 48 bottles of water and threw it out onto the train tracks.  The “refugees” tear down fences, destroy private property, throw rocks at cars and trains, steal, and leave a path of refuse hundreds of miles long — and these are the “Christian” Syrians?  Imagine how the Muslim Syrians behave.  Why is it that Christian Syrians are being admitted when Christians from other nations not? —like Obama who tried to deport the German homeschooling family?  I doubt that any of the Syrian refugees are “Christians” and since it is the “Christian” Syrians who aer being persecuted, why is it that the Muslim Syrians are being let into Christendom?  Where is El Cid when you need him?  B-HO has let in over 600,000 Muslims since he first illegally assumed office.  Muslim refugees everywhere commit crime and then demand special services to accomodate their special diet or whims.  Many of these African and Middle Eastern “refugees” are stout bodybuilding youth—it is an army.  None of them look like they are starving refugees.  They have a hunger in their eyes, but not for food.  They want to take what we have; our women, our nation.  Many of them don’t even try to hide it.  Many of them commit crimes all the way to Europe (even trying to kill each other, raping each other, walking out of processing facilities to kill and steal and casually walk back).  It is war.  Europe is being destroyed.  If you are unaware of this, search the internet and pray God preserves His people because Europe is being inundated with Africa and Asia.  Germany now pays blackmail money of billions of dollars with an “agreement” that the Turks will stay in Turkey.  Fat chance.  The Turks gobble up the bribe money; but will they keep their end of the bargain?  Can you trust a Turk?

As we see the Third World pouring into Christendom to destroy us, we certainly hope that God may raise up an El Cid.  Our Champion indeed shall return on a white charger, but He won’t return until those who are faithless (faith without works is dead) have died in the wilderness.  If Christ were to return today, 99% of Christians would then say, “Okay, Jesus, that may have worked 4,000 years ago, but this is how we want You to run things now; things have changed since You were last on earth; we are far more progressive and enlightened now, and not sexist racist homophobes.  What...? You say that it will only be Your way?  Well, then we don’t want You, so why don’t You go back to wherever You came from.”   Most Christians would deny that they would say this... but that is only because they don’t have a clue concerning what Christ’s Way is, for they don’t even understand the Scriptures—if they ever read them.  The majority of “Christians” embrace a pagan, hybrid corruption of Christianity and don’t even know it, and they would reject Christ once they realize that they either need to forsake the “traditions of their elders” or reject Christ and keep following their own traditions thinking that God will have to accept them just as they are; thinking that God is a doting old grandfather who is pleased with whatever they do.  The average “Christian” is like Cain, who essentially spat out: “This is what I am willing to offer, God; take it or leave it!”  Look at the world!  How could any idiot who thinks that he is a “Christian” possibly think that God is “pleased” with anything being done in modern Christendumb?

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me: seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” (Hosea 4:6)


— The Sovereignty, Predestination, and Determination of God

[Below is information that will be expanded in an appendix of my book, Who Was the Serpent in the Garden...? and the Waters That Covered the Earth.  ® = Recommended reading, inquire; books of mine that I mention are available at this site or email for details.]

Appendix X

At Amazon.com, a woman commented ignorantly on some other woman’s favorable review of James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom.®  White’s book defended the Calvinist position and shot holes in the convoluted error of Dr. Norman Geisler’s book, Chosen, But Free (which even some Arminianists agree is so poorly written, that it makes the Calvinist position’s case stronger).

[See my, Who Was the Serpent? for an in-depth refutation of the theological and philosophical error in Erwin Lutzer’s Book, The Serpent of Paradise; and likewise, see my Does God Repent?, for an in-depth refutation of the theological and philosophical error of 2 other books, one by “Brother Andrew” and the other by Dr. Normal Geisler.]

She wrote:

“Free will choice is true regardless of whether or not a particular author defends that position well.  I will never buy the lie that Jesus didn’t die for everyone.  That’s NOT what I see in the Bible.  Calvinism is false.  And I don’t buy the lie that free will takes away God’s sovereignty one bit.  It’s is Calvinists who deny the Lord the sovereignty to choose to grant free will to humanity.  Would you rather have some come to you and love you out of free choice or because they are programmed to and have no other choice?”

I posted a detailed response to her comment:

Well, that is tragic then.  It is not a matter of your “buying” something and Predestination is not a lie—and reality is not based upon what you “see” (or are willing to believe) in the Bible, and the truth is not based upon what people would “rather have”.  True theology is a matter of your submitting to God.  Modernists and liberated women don’t like being in submission to God (I am not saying you are a liberated woman, I am saying that mindset has contaminated the modern church’s thinking).  

God is Sovereign, not semi-sovereign.  It is a misperception and profound blunder to say that so-called Calvinists deny God Sovereignty to be less than God.  God cannot be contrary to His own Nature and it is not “denying” God Sovereignty to accept His Sovereignty.  That is a completely illogical and confused notion.  Sadly, you do err, not knowing the Scriptures.  You, whether you realize it or not, are a humanist who demands God to conform to your skewed notions of morality and you don’t understand God’s Nature.  

God is Immutable.  He is Holy.  He is Sovereign.  He is Omnipotent.  He established laws and then judges people for breaking those laws.  That is His Right.  Have you not read the book of Romans?  Who can resist God’s Will...? (No one).  He is the Potter, we are the clay.  Not only do you not understand theology, you don’t even understand the history of theology, nor that 98% of the Reformers and Puritans believed in what is referred to as “Calvinism”—even Martin Luther, who declared “free will” to be a myth, a misperception, false doctrine.

Christ chose His own before the foundation of the world.  He told us, “you have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you.”  He said, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep....  No man cometh unto Me except the Father draw Him....  The wind bloweth where it wills and no man knoweth... so is everyone that is born of God... flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto you but My Father which is in Heaven....  There is none that doeth good, no not one, there is none that seeketh after God.”  

Clay doesn’t choose its Potter.  Sheep don’t choose their shepherd.  Fruit trees don’t choose their orchardist.  Children don’t choose to be conceived.  Lazarus did not choose to be called forth from the dead.  Order and read the book Does God Repent? - Can God Change His Mind?.  

It is not a matter of you “not buying” some doctrine—it is a matter of you rejecting God’s Own Self-declaration.  Your reaction and self-asserting notions are humanism, even if you fancy that what you believe is Christianity.  True Christians are followers of Christ; not humanistic ideas—which change every day (based upon the brainwashing of the subverted church and Christians consumed with godless “political correctness”)... calling “good” what God has called abominations; and then saying, “Well, I don’t believe in a God Who wouldn’t... [do this or that].”  That is humanism: man creating God in man’s image, in his own mind.  

“Modern “Christians” claim that God / Christ is their Lord — not even understanding what Lord means.  It means Master.  Servants don’t “choose” which orders or decrees of the Master they will believe or follow.  To claim to believe in “God” when what you believe is other than what the Word of God says, is idolatry... you are worshipping a false god.  I say this not to condescend or insult, but to call you to actually submit to God so that He will reveal the truth and save you.  God resisteth the proud but giveth grace to the humble.  

Christ Himself had no “free will” (that is, a will ‘independent’ of God’s Will).  “The Son of man goeth as it is written of Him.”  No one involved in the crucifiction had “free will”:

“27For of a truth against Thy Holy Child Jesus, Whom Thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together, 28For to do whatsoever Thy Hand and Thy Counsel determined before to be done.” (Acts 4)  

The book of Exodus clearly shows that God repeatedly hardened Pharaoh’s heart—and then punished him for having a hard heart.

Nebuchadnezzar, after his conversion, filled with the Holy Spirit declared,

“And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and He [God] doeth according to His Will in the army of Heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay His Hand, or say unto Him, What doest Thou?” (Daniel 4:35)

Scripture says:

“The king’s heart is in the Hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will.” (Proverbs 21:1)
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” (Psalm 37:23).

God hated Esau and loved Jacob before either were born; before either had done good or bad (Romans 9).
God does not merely have a crystal ball, He declares,

“The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.” (Isaiah 14:24)  

Far from God offering salvation to everyone, Scripture reveals just the opposite:

“11...Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 12That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.” (Mark 4)

—in which Christ was quoting Isaiah 6:10:

“Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed”).  

This is why Christ also said (fulfilling prophecy):

“18The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4)  

God is not a man and God is not bound to think and act as humans think that He should... that notion itself is actually absurd if you even stop to think about it.  God even declared:

“...thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them [truth] in order before thine eyes.” (Psalm 50:21)

The average “Christian’s” “Christianity” is actually humanism which he projects onto God, expecting God to conform to man’s perverse notions (which become more and more perverse each year).  God doesn’t change.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever—and that is our hope (if He had ordained for us to conform to what He commands instead of thinking silly thoughts about having our own “free will”).  He declares:

“For I am Yahweh, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” (Malachi 3:6)  

Christ didn’t heal everyone, He didn’t raise everyone from the dead, He didn’t forgive everyone’s sins, and He did not open everyone’s eyes—and no one can open his own eyes, forgive his own sins, heal himself, or raise himself from the dead.  Dead people can’t open their eyes or choose anything.  That is the meaning of Ezekiel’s vision of the Valley of Dry Bones (chapter 37), and that is what Scripture taught when Christ called Lazarus to “Come forth!” from the dead.  Lazarus was dead.  Dead people can’t hear.  Dead people can’t even obey!  Christ actually raised Lazarus from the dead before He called out, “Lazarus, Come forth”...!  Dead people can’t choose anything, even as they can’t even hear or obey.  They first have to be quickened to life by God—and God alone in Christ, before the foundation of the world, chose whom He would quicken.

“Free Will” is not “true” simply because you say it is.  You will have to do better than that... and the Bible verses that you must use (that is, if you will use any) as support of what you “see” or “are willing to believe” must be in harmony with the whole of Scripture: God is not schitzophrenic; He does not contradict Himself, lie, change His Mind and He is never mistaken or confused; He does not speak senseless gibberish.”
* * * * *

A few additional thoughts: Again as I express in various places throughout my book Does God Repent?, the average person confuses the meaning of Scripture by misunderstanding cause and effect.  A 7-year old may be able to go into a store to buy a $10 toy, but could he buy the toy had his father not given him the permission to buy the toy along with giving him the $10?  Additionally, the father also informed the child which toy(s) he may and may not buy, and the father decided which toy store he would drive the child to.  Furthermore, could the child have bought the toy had the father not conceived / sired him?  That “permission”, that $10, the driving to the specific store, that siring are all the determination of the father.  Furthermore, the analogy is imperfect (as all are) in that God controls every single detail; He does not merely give permission, but ordains.  God says that we are spiritually dead.  There is none that doeth good, no not one; there is none that seeketh after God.*1  All are like sheep having gone astray.*2  Christ said: no man cometh unto the Me except the Father draw him.  To seek after God would be to do good, but God says that no one does either.

[*1 Psalm 14:1-3 / 51:1-3.  Scripture also says in those passages that none understand, all have turned back away from God, all are filthy.
*2 Isaiah 53:6]

Sinful man (many “Christians” included) rejects what God says—which is the simple evidence that God has not ordained such a person unto salvation (to reject God’s Truth is to reject God for God is Truth).  Without faith it is impossible to please God; faith does not naturally exist in any man: Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit (part of the “fruit package” of the Spirit) administered at the very time of conversion enabling the person to believe, and it is that faith that causes a person to cry out recognizing his need for and coming into conformity with the salvation that the Holy Spirit has affected.  

Christ commands, “Believe!” but that is not something that man can do on his own; but God supplies the wherewithall to the elect that they might believe.  When Jesus asked Peter whom Peter thought He was and Peter replied, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God” Christ replied, “flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto you, but My Father Who is in Heaven.”  God hid Himself in His universe and incapacitated the eyes and ears and hearts / minds of all; but then God reveals Himself and opens the understanding solely of the elect whom He chose before the foundation of the world.  

Christ declared to the cripple man, “Arise, take up thy bed and walk.”  It was not “free will” that caused the man to do so.  Had he free will he would have done so long ago on his own.  Being cripple, though he had the will, the will was not free to accomplish what it wanted.  Even as Lazarus had no ability to “obey” the command to come back from the dead, so the lame man had no ability to arise and walk.  This is where the average person misunderstands cause and effect.  The reason that sinful man confuses cause and effect is because the carnal mind rejects the things of God and realizing it or not, desires to diminish God’s Glory and instead delusionally glory in man himself.  Christ said, “without Me ye can do nothing.”  Was He exaggerating?  Similarly, God commanded, “This is the Way, walk ye in it” and “I have set before thee life and death, choose life that thou may live.”  Again, misunderstanding cause and effect, the average person thinks that he has the ability to choose.  But he does not.  All are dead in sin and have no desire or ability to choose life... God chose before the foundation of the world, and for those whom God ordained unto salvation, upon conversion the Holy Spirit then enables the elect to walk in God’s Ways if and when they walk in the Spirit (are in submission to God).
The delusional person (who has no clue that he is delusional: for that is the essence of delusion) still resisting Truth, will claim that indeed he desires to do good and seek after God.  The bottom line is the average person is only willing to do what he thinks is good (not what God says is good) and he is only willing to ‘seek after God’ on man’s own terms.  This is not doing good or seeking after God but delusional self-aggrandizement cleverly disguised as ‘spirituality’.  God said that there is no one who does good or seeks after God.  Those persons who say that they do call God a liar.  

Sinful man, again not understanding cause and effect, thinks of God in terms of sinful man’s notions and delusionally imagines that God must conform to what man thinks is good.  The average person thinks that God is a cute little puppy dog on his leash who follows behind him for a pat on the head.  God said, “thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them [Truth] in order before thine eyes.” (Psalm 50:21)  God is Good.  God is Immutable.  God is not considered to be good simply by His doing things that sinful man adjudicates as being “good”.  Good is defined by what God is and does.  Whatever He does is Good, for He can do no other.  Though some things that God says and decrees may not “seem” “good” to sinful man, sinful man’s perspective is wrong and does not change reality.  This is why in Psalm 2 God laughs to scorn those who think that they can cast off the boundaries that He established.  God declared that the Canaanites were so vile that they were to be exterminated, man, woman, child, and suckling infant.  What would modern man think of that?  Well, it certainly did not seem “good” to those Canaanites, but God did not create the vessels of wrath to please the vessels of wrath.  Christ declared, “Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” (Matthew 18:7). 

The truth of this passage applies in general, but Christ was specifically speaking concerning Judas betraying Him.  “It must needs be” that evil enter the world.  Why? —because God so decreed it and it is Good: for that is His Plan.  Understand: Good does not mean, “a happy party for everyone.”  Good is “whatever is pleasing in God’s Sight.”  If man does not agree with God concerning what constitutes good, then it is man who is wrong and in rebellion against God and utterly unregenerate.  Understand also: Theology is God’s Truth.  The prefix Theo means “God.”  Any change of the focus from God to man, any diminishment of the Theology that God reveals in His Word, is not Theology and it is not Christianity—it is humanism.  Humanistic false doctrine begins in small areas, like a trickle in dyke, and if not checked, it will erode until it bursts forth altogether.  

Why must there needs be offences that come into the world? —because God determined there were to be villains in His Drama.  Does the clay or the broken pottery have any right or power or wisdom to question the Potter?  If it thinks it does, it is delusional and in rebellion.  Some persons thinking themselves “Christians”, it seems, reject the Truth of God’s Word of out misplaced feelings in “Spiritual Survivor-Guilt Syndrome”.  Rather than rejoicing that God chose them and glorifying God, they reject God and God’s Truth and instead embrace humanism and those whom God Himself declared to be His enemies.  King David, on the other hand, said that he counted God enemies as His own enemies.  That is submission to the Will of God.

Sinful man blames God for commanding us to do things that we are not capable of doing and yet still holding us responsible for them.  This is simply further demonstration of their rejection of God (which is actually evidence of God having rejected them, giving them the delusion that they are the ones rejecting God).  God does not require any person to fully understand Theology in order to be saved.  However, God does require each to believe that what God has said is true, even if he cannot understand it.  This is not anti-intellectualism.  Understanding the Truth of Scripture is an exclusive club.  Faith is the key that unlocks understanding, but that key is given to “members only”—and God doesn’t pass keys out to just anyone.  Once one trusts God and in faith believes that what He says is true, then he is admitted to membership and as he diligently studies God’s Word, conforming his life to what God’s Word reveals to be how we should live, then that person is blessed with greater and greater understanding, when he walks in it.  

So, why does God command us to do things, that we are incapable of doing, and yet still hold us responsible? —to show us our utter need for and dependence upon Him.  Why would someone reject this truth? —because such a person is a humanist who refuses to give God the Honor that He alone deserves, and instead, wants to think of himself more highly than he ought, thinking that he knows better than God and that he does not utterly need God: he just needs “an extra helping hand every now and then” and when he needs it God is expected unquestioningly to supply it, and the rest of the time, mind His Own Business.  This is a humanist.  There are many different levels of humanists.  God commanded what was the only acceptable form of worship and sacrifice.  Cain offered what he wanted, with the attitude: “This is what I am willing to offer—take it or leave it.”  God left it.  That is why many—many who think they are Christians, will hear Christ on the Day of Judgment declare: “Depart from Me ye that work iniquity,* I never knew you.”  This verse is not referring to those who did not care whether they were godless or not, and lived utterly immoral and secular lives; this passage is talking about many who thought that they were Christians, even serving Christ!  The problem is, they will be shown to be humanists: for their “theology” is perverted and is devised with what man determines to be the worship that God should accept, and it is filled with sinful man’s notions of what constitutes sin; not what God said constitutes sin.

[* Actually, the Greek word is lawlessness.  The average Christian may think, “But I am not lawless.  I pay my taxes, don’t run red lights, don’t shop lift, etc.”  Lawlessness does not refer to what sinful man considers violations of man’s law.  Lawlessness refers to man rejecting and ignoring God’s Law: God’s boundaries of morality; the acceptable method of worship that God commanded; all the things that God commanded that we do and all the things that He commanded us not to do.  Yet sinful Christians are deluded into thinking that God abolished His Own Law—even though Christ said that He did not; and even though God promised to write it upon our hearts so that we keep it.  Why would God write upon our hearts something that He was going to abolish?  That makes as much sense as some boy getting a tatoo of the name of his girlfriend on his arm even though he plans on breaking up with her.  Yes, people are sometimes stupid.  God is not.  Christ even said that those who violate the least of God’s Laws and teaches others that God’s Law was abolished and that they too can ignore His Law, those persons will be called the least (they will have the lowest status) in the Kingdom (that is, if they are truly converted and are received into the Kingdom).]

Sinful man wants to exalt himself, though possibly not in exclusion to God, but in addition to God.  However, God says that He will not share (give, relinquish) His Glory to another—that is, He will not share any part of it with those who think that it is theirs by right or their own ability.  However, God does say, “Humble yourselves in the Sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up” and “God resisteth the proud but giveth Grace to the humble” and “whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased” and he that “humbles himself shall be exalted” and “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”  It is not a matter of intelligence.  It is a matter of the will.  If the will is hell-bent in opposition to God’s Truth—it is because God has so bent it.  God declared that He incapacitated the hearts, eyes, and ears of all so that they would not repent or be forgiven or be saved; and He restores the hearts, ears, and eyes of the elect so that they do repent and are converted.

God says, “All we like sheep have gone astray”—and none can return from going astray unless God Himself draws them to repentance.  Christ said that His sheep hear His Voice and follow Him—but not of their own ability.  Christ said, “1I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Husbandman. .... 4Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me.  5I am the Vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing.” (John 15)  Creatures do not “make themselves” Christ’s sheep by following Him; rather, those whom God has ordained to be His sheep follow Him because that is what God has ordained.  “No man can come to Me, except the Father Who hath sent Me draw him” (John 6:44).  “All whom the Father giveth Me shall come to Me” (John 6:37).  Scripture records that God declared that He would—

“...make the heart* of this people fat,* and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.” (Isaiah 6:10)

[* This Hebrew word for heart can also mean mind, intellect, and will.  A fat heart is not healthy.  Over-abundance becomes a disability.  A fat heart causes laziness, indifference, illness, disease.]

Christ quoted this a little differently:

“For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” (Matthew 13:15)  

Those who do not understand cause and effect (and those who are too blind to read the Old Testament or who reject it as “passé”) falsely imagine that the people closed their own eyes by their own will; but Isaiah reveals that God was the One who did it—and Christ reveals that the method God used was to cause them to think that they were closing their eyes of their own will.  However, Scripture also reveals, that concerning those whom God chose in Christ before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), Christ declared,

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.” (Luke 4:18)

Christ came to administer deliverance, healing, sight not to “everyone”, but only the elect: Those whom Christ chose before the foundation of the world.  Christ came not to save “every last one”—but all whom He chose: the “many” (Matthew 20:28) and “few” (Matthew 7:14) depending on the perspective being explained.  Christ didn’t heal everyone.  He didn’t raise everyone from the dead.  He didn’t feed everyone.  How each person lives is life is merely evidence of how God chose.*  Every tree is known by its fruit.  Trees don’t choose to bear fruit: They naturally bear fruit because their Creator designed them to either bear or be barren.

[* Actually, God does not “choose” as man chooses.  Though the Bible sometimes translates Hebrew and Greek words indicating that God chose, the proper term should be “determined”.  God is Perfect and Immutable, and therefore, there can be only one way.  If He could have done something another way, He would not be Immutable.  Nothing can be “more perfect” than something else.  While indeed two identical things can be perfect (such as two coins coming off the assembly line), two things that are entirely different cannot be perfect in the same way, for the same purpose.  There can be only one Perfect Immutable Way.  This is God.  It is not a weakness for God not to deviate from His Immutable, Perfect, Holy Nature.  Man is simply confused quite often.  Thus, God has no “choice”, that is, “alternatives” which He weighs and thinks about and then makes a final decision of one thing over another.  God does not think as you or I do.  God has no brain.  He is Spirit.  He is Wisdom.  He is Pure Intelligence.  Thus, when Scripture says God chooses, it means He perfectly and immutably determines, ordains, establishes.  See my book, Does God Repent? for more detailed thought.]

So many “Christians” think that all these Scripture verses* are like the scales of a fish, or the skin of an animal, and all the guts and bones that are cut off and thrown away as if they are merely needless packaging or useless parts.  Scripture declares that the Word of the Lord is Perfect.  Nothing is useless (not even the genealogies).  Someone who is blind and doesn’t want to go anywhere thinks that a roadmap is “useless”.  Those in blindness throw away what they consider skin and bones—when in reality those things are sometimes the very heart, nerve center, or life’s blood of the Scriptures.  God has given them up to delusion.

[* —any passages they don’t like, they simply shoot down with their carnal “silver bullet”, declaring, “Oh, God abolished all those laws.”  Yet, they can offer no proof and they simply ignore the fact that Christ said that He did not come to abolish it, that not one jot or tittle would pass away, and that those who keep and teach it shall be called “great” in the Kingdom, but those who violate and teach others to violate it will be called “least” in the Kingdom (if they are even admitted).  Christ expanded the interpretation of God’s Law back to its intended meaning (as illustrated in the 10th Commandment itself) that all sin begins in the heart and sin is sin even if it is not translated into actions.  God said that He would write His Law on our heart.  Those who think that Paul abolished the Law are spiritually cross-eyed; and even if Paul had so said, which he did not, he had no authority to abolish what Christ said would not be abolished—so why do they follow what they erroneously “think” that Paul said instead of what Christ said?  Who then is their god?  In reality: their belly—themselves.  They pick and choose the interpretations (no matter how spurious) that please self, that vidicate sinful desires; what self wants.  Their Bible is made of “Silly Putty” which they mould into the shape they want, and imprint whatever image or words they want it to say.  See my, S.T.E.C. on Romans to see what Paul actually says.  Only someone who cannot follow a simply storyline can believe the opposite of what the Word of God says.]

Delusional, sinful man thinks that he is good.  He thinks that the things that he considers “good” make him good for having done them; or at the very least, he thinks that he actually chooses to do good, or desires to do good, even though God declared that no one does.  However, if man himself thinks that man defines what is “good” or “not good” (which perversely changes in society continually) man therefore imagines himself to be god (to not merely “know” but to determine what is “good and evil”).  However, man cannot “do good” because his nature is evil and his mind is at war with God.  The act cannot be separated from the very nature and motive of the doer.  A parrot can bark, but that does not make it a dog.  A parrot has a parrot nature and cannot do anything other than what is in its nature.  So it is with sinful man.  

Tell me, if a corrupt politician or mobster robs and kills other people, and then gives a portion of that “blood money” to the church, is that a “good work”...?  Of course not!  If a demon, wanting to appear as an angel of light or a minister of righteousness, undertook to do things that “appeared to be good” in order to fool people into thinking he was of God so that people would follow him, could those things that the demon did actually be “good”...?  Of course not.  He who has an evil nature (whether man or angel) can only do evil.  Even if something that an evil person does “appears to be good” it is not good: It is counterfeit even as “fool’s gold” and counterfeit currency are not real money.  

Scripture tells us,

“15...unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.  16They profess that they know God; but in works they deny Him,* being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate” (Titus 1).  

[* God reveals: “He that saith, I know Him [God], and keepeth not His Commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” (I John 2:4)]

Okay, need one more dramatic proof?  If a loving husband comes home from work and brings his wife a lovely bouquet of roses, she is delighted.  Is that a good work?  Of course it is.  What if the same husband, gave the same bouquet, to the same wife, but he did so because he had an affair and was feeling guilty and to hide his guilt he bought her the flowers?  Would that be a good work?  Of course not.  Okay, we have isolated motive as a factor in determining the goodness of the act; now what about nature?  What if the same woman received the exact same bouquet of roses delivered to her, the flowers having been sent to her by a deranged psychopath rapist who has been stalking her!  Would she be delighted?  Would it be a good work?  Of course not and of course not.  But why? —it is the same bouquet.  Because it is the doer and the motive, not merely the gift.  The same applies with our earlier allusion to a corrupt politician or mobster.  No matter what someone with an evil nature does, it is evil; even if it deceptively has the appearance of “goodness.”  Man cannot atone for his own sins—and it is preposterous to think that he can atone for sins of which he is not really remorseful or repentant.  Scripture tell us that even “the plowing of the wicked, is sin” (Proverbs 21:4).  Anything that a wicked person does is sin; that’s all he can sow: wickedness (even though some people may confuse it with goodness; as Christ exposed the Pharisees of being “white-washed sepulchres full of dead men’s bones).  If all that a farmer has in his bag to sow are thistle seeds, that is all he can sow, that is all he can reap from what he sows.  The problem is, most people (Christians included) have an unrealistically and perverse sense of their own “goodness”—because they foolishly compare themselves to other persons more wicked than themselves, rather than comparing themselves to God Who is the Holy Standard Who declared: “Be holy for I the Lord your God am Holy.”  That foolish, delusional comparison of a man to another more sinful than himself is like someone thinking that he is healthy, not by comparing himself to a truly healthy person, but by comparing himself to a rotting corpse—and that is what God says that we are until Christ quickens and cleanses us!

So it is with works and us and God.  Our nature is sinful.  It cannot do good; though it deludes itself into thinking that it can—in direct opposition to what God has declared.  The carnal mind is irrational.  How ludicrous.  A human deluded into thinking that God is pleased, when the sinful human basically declares, “You are a liar God, I am good regardless of what you say.  I can do good, regardless of what you say.  I choose You regardless of what you say and without your actually having any say in the matter.  Here is my worship, aren’t You pleased with me?”  God is not a hen-pecked spouse!  God, unlike unfortunate Jacob, does not have thrust upon Him a bride that was not of His choosing.

Sinful man, again, misunderstanding cause and effect, misunderstands origin and result.  There is something known as God’s General Grace.  God said that He causes the sun to shine and sends the life-giving rains on the just as well as the unjust.  That is General Grace.  Unrepentant sinners get to breathe oxygen in the air and benefit from the law of gravity even as do those of God’s people whom God regenerates.  However, there is also that which is known as God’s Special Grace—and that entails all goodness: being ordained unto salvation, having the Holy Spirit to convict of sin and bring to repentance, to lead into the Truth, to fill with the Fruit of the Spirit, to empower man to obey God to do what is right so that man will then receive God’s further blessing, the promise of answers to prayer, God’s special protection, etc.  That is all Special Grace and God bestows it solely upon the elect.  Not only did God say that there is none that doeth good, no not one (apart from His Special Grace), but He also declared that anyone’s attempted “goodness” apart from His Special Grace, that “we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness is as filthy rags...” (Isaiah 64:6).  The Hebrew word translated unclean here means, “polluted, contaminated, defiled” and the Hebrew word translated as filthy rags literally means “soiled menstrual cloth”.  In fact, the word translated rags in Hebrew means “a covering” but can also imply “treachery”—as other places in Scripture in which God says evil people “cover violence as with a garment” and as Scripture declares that “he who covers his sins shall not prosper.”  Man’s attempt to cover or atone for his own sins is sin itself; even as Cain burying the corpse of his brother Abel whom he had murdered.  Only Christ can cover our sins: for God declared: “The soul that sinneth it shall die” and the only remedy for that is the death of the “Just (sinless) for the unjust (sinful).”  All false theology diverts glory from God to man, and it is no longer theology, but humanism.

Those who assert “truth is my god” have the cart before the horse (and while that may keep the wheels clean, the cart will go nowhere: it is sterile thought / illogic).  God, the True God, is Truth.  God determines what Truth is.  If man thinks truth is his god, then man is actually declaring himself to be god, for in his mind, fallen man alone determines what truth is.  Since rarely can sinful men agree on anything, this reduces god to the billions of gods of the Hindus, since god is actually made in each man’s mind (and therefore, man himself is god, though he delusionally projects godhood onto the creation of his own imagination and psychotically deems that to be “spirituality”).  Reality is what God has revealed it to be in His Word.  Truth is what God has declared for God is Truth.  Christ said, “I am the Way, the Truth”.  God defines Truth, Reality, and establishes right and wrong, good and evil by His determination and God established His Law commanding us to recognize what He declared to be right and wrong—and that Standard of Morality never changes; regardless of what false prophets declare.  God declared, “My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray” (Jeremiah 50:6).  The Word of the Lord shall endure forever.  Christ said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My words shall not pass away” and

“17Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.*  18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled.  19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5)

[* —the most insignificant pen stroke in the mechanical writing of the Law of God.]

Is all fulfilled?  Have heaven and earth passed away?  Why then do you think that God’s Law has been abolished and violate it with indifference?  Understand.  This is not teaching a works-oriented salvation.  That is a knee-jerk reaction of misperception due to being removed from the truth so long.  Scripture does not teach a works-oriented salvation and it is does not teach a works-oriented perdition.  God chooses.  However, if someone does not care whether he violates God’s Law or not, or if a person does not care whether he is the least in the Kingdom—quite possibly he won’t be: for that is possibly evidence that he is unregenerate.  As we saw.  John declared that he who says He knows God and does not keep His Commandments is a liar; that is, he does not know God.  Will God admit to the Kingdom those who do not know Him? or those whom Christ said that He had never known?  Works do not save.  True works are an evidence that one is saved.  Those who do not submit to God and worship and obey Him according to His dictates, those who do not humble themselves before Him and submit to Him, do so because He has not given them a nature capable of so doing.  

Those who are unconverted are deluded into thinking that apart from God that they can do good.  As we saw, “good” is not determined by the act alone, but by the nature and even the motive of the doer.  There is such a thing as “counterfeit” works; even as there is such a thing as “wax fruit.”  Children commonly “play house” or “play doctor” and their antics are very real in their minds, though sometimes an adult observing has to hold his nose to keep from laughing.  So it is with sinful men who are deluded into thinking there is any goodness in them or that they can choose to do good.  “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12).  

“1...Why do ... the people imagine a vain thing? .... 3Let us break Their [God and Christ’s] bands asunder, and cast away Their cords from us.  4He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.  5Then shall He speak unto them in His Wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.” (Psalm 2)

Scripture says that “the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance” (Romans 2:4).  Man does not choose to repent; man does not turn his own heart back to God.  God declared that there is none that doeth good, no not one, there is none that seeketh after God.  God’s Grace—even as the Good Shepherd Himself—seeks out the sheep to lead them to repentance.  A repentant Israel (symbolized by Ephraim) declares, “turn Thou me, and I shall be turned” (Jeremiah 31:18)  Similarly, Jeremiah reveals: “Turn Thou us unto thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned” (Lamentations 5:21).  Scripture tells us that it is in God that we “live and move and have our being” and “that in all things He might have the pre-eminence.”  God is the origin and the destiny* of all (the Alpha and Omega: the eternal Beginning and the never-ending End) and He hath done all things after the Immutable Counsel of His Own Will and for His Own Good Pleasure, and none can rightfully question Him.  God did not first create the clay and then consult with the clay how to construct and order His Universe.  Such haughty Christians would do well to again read God’s rebuke of Job (chapter 38 and elsewhere).

[* —that is, He has created and determined the destiny of all that exists.  This does not mean that all will share in Him as their final destiny; but that God has ordered all (regardless of whether sinful, feeble-minded men agree with or believe what God has decreed).]

He that hath ears to hear (that is, ears that God has opened) and he that hath eyes to see (that is, eyes that God has opened)... let him hear and see.  Let him follow (obey) Christ and examine himself whether he be in the faith.  If a “believer” is not producing the fruit that Christ commanded (“if you love Me, keep My Commandments”; “even as I have kept My Father’s Commandments and abide in His Love”)—he is none of His.

—Trump Card in the Political Deck?

Though I would like to believe that Donald Trump is a true patriot, to become as wealthy and powerful as he is, it would seem that he is no choir boy himself.  To become such a billionaire you have be ruthless in business, a point which I do not believe he shies from.  It seems as if they slapped him down once (back after becoming a billionaire, he was busted financially), and it seems that they let him get rich again... that tells me* that he is on a leash...

[* Understand, when I say that, I am expression an impression.  I don’t know this, I don’t have a crystal ball.  If he is his own man, if no one controls him, if no one has propped him up, if no one sustains him, and if he is a true patriotic American, an honest person with moral values... if he believes in God and is a true Christian... then hallelujah more power to him and I will pray for his protection and success.  However, I would need to see and hear proof of this, in order to believe it.]

He entered the election last time saying how he was tired of the U.S. being a third rate nation and declaring how patriotic he was—and then he just dropped out.  That makes me wonder if he was threatened financially, physically.  If so, it would then seem that he is back in the ring, on his best behavior, to “put on a good show.”
I hope he is sincere and a patriot, but according to Bible prophecy, unless God’s people repent (all of us, even those who think they are more moral than the average “nominal” Christian... we all need to repent daily; we all are sinful, we all like sheep continually go astray)... unless God’s people repent, He won’t raise up a deliverer... though false deliverers will arise.

Even if Trump isn’t sincere, I hope he wins, if only so we don’t have to see B-HO, Hillary, or some pseudo-conservative hispanic dismantling our nation.

Though there is a slim chance in things turning around for the better, it is a chance.  If deliverance were not a viable option there really would be little incentive to repent.  We are seeing what Revelation refers to as the Flood of waters that the Dragon pukes forth out of his mouth (which issues from the belly)... and those floods are described as alien peoples—the Third World invasion of Christendom, that we are seeing before our eyes.
However, God does tell us in Revelation that in His compassion, He will cause the earth to open up and receive the Flood of alien peoples, to give His people a little, brief respite—but only if we repent!  Hallelujah bring it on!  We have never in our history needed it so desperately... not only are we being genocided (through the alien invasion and perversion) but our people are being brainwashed into suicide by mingling with barbarians and polluting what God has commanded us to keep pure.  Christ’s bride (the remnant of His people) will be pure and spotless (as the Lamb Himself was, so He requires His bride to be, and He will preserve her; not have someone whom He did not choose thrust upon Him at the last moment, like Laban did to Jacob).

“Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is Wrath upon thee from before the LORD.”  (II Chronicles 19:2)

Those who do not hate evil do not love God.  Scripture also tells us to “be angry and sin not.”  There is a balance; but “tolerance” is not it.

As I have long written, when two armies meet each other in battle, or two sports teams, if one follows a rigidly prescribed set of rules and the other does not, the side that does not will win every time.  The corrupt church and state demands us to be “tolerant”—but are the fags that are ruining the lives of people because they will not bake them a “queer cake” being “tolerant”...?  Why then are we expected to be tolerant?  Why would we even consider it since God forbids it?  Why would we even consider it knowing that the enemy is not tolerant of us?  As the old saying goes, (attributed to Benjamin Franklin), “Those who beat their swords into ploughshares [before the Prince of Peace returns] will plow for those who don’t.” [brackets mine.]
King David, the only man in Scripture whom God refers to as “a man after the Lord’s own heart” (this is not to say he was perfect) declared,

“21Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate Thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against Thee?  22I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.  23Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139)

Notice that God not only did not rebuke David for such an attitude, but had these words recorded in Holy Writ as an example to us all.  Scripture says that to be a friend of the world is to be the enemy of God.  Christ said that those who say that they know God and do not keep His Commandments are liars [that is, they do not know God—and if they don’t know Him, are they His sheep?  Christ said that His sheep know His Voice and follow (obey) Him.  How can someone be converted if they don’t obey God?  What did they “repent” of and what did they repent to if they don’t do what God commanded?].  God also commanded (and pronounced a curse on those who violate this command),

“Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good; that put light for darkness and bitterness for sweetness.”
God defined the boundaries of morality and they never change; modern, immoral, intolerant God-haters, mixers, perverts, all declare their god to be “tolerance”—yet they are intolerant of those who hold to the true faith.  Come out from among them, God commanded, and still commands.  The corrupt church and state demand just the opposite: “join with everyone into a rainbow coalition, melting pot stew” — that is what Babylon (which means, “confusion by mixing”) and communism tout: amalgamation—becoming one (and it is a product of the false religion of evolution: the Big Bang myth teaching that all life and matter came from the same source so that it is only “natural” and “normal” for it to return back upon itself.  God commands separation and purity.  Which god / God are you following...?

God will open a hole in the earth to receive the Flood that threatens to drown the woman and her child. —are God’s people praying for it?  Are they searching their own hearts of hidden sin that might keep God from hearing their prayers? and then do they pray righteous prayers which corrupt pseudo-christians would consider abominable prayers...?

If you don’t hate evil you don’t love God.  If you wish evil well and hope that it survives you are not of God.  If you think that evil should “convert” and become part of the family you don’t understand Scripture.  Tares are never converted into wheat, nor pigs, dogs or wolves converted into sheep; nor thistles or thorns into grapes or figs.  If you don’t hate evil you are not of God and God will allow the evil that you love or tolerate to destroy you.  Christ said if you are not with Me you are against Me and if you don’t work with Him you work against Him.  There is no middle ground.  There are no conscientious objectors in the war between God and His declared enemies.  God will not “convert” His enemies—but vanquish, subjugate, and judge them.  Christ said, “Bring those Mine enemies that would not that I rule over them and slay them before Me.”  As I have long written, God will not deliver us from that which we are willing to tolerate.  Those who fancy themselves as Christians just don’t get.  They want to hold God with one hand and the world with the other.  God is not touched by such display, but repulsed.  I don’t like the thought of anyone suffering—but if God has decreed that destruction is the fate of His enemies, if I do not agree with God and pray, “Yes, please bring it on” then I am in rebellion against God and I then think that I am more moral and holy and just and good and kind and loving than God is—and that is blasphemy.

A nice earthquake or epidemic or whatever God determines would be wonderful, and as Psalm 91 says,

“7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.  8Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.  9Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my Refuge, even the Most High, thy Habitation; 10There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.”

Do we truly believe this, or merely consider it moving literature?

However, that protection is only for those who have made the Lord Yahweh their habitation.  If we are His Temple, if we reflect His Image by walking in obedience, being holy as He is holy (by His Holy Spirit within us leading us to obey what he commanded) as honorable sons should be, if we have been cleansed of our guilt by the Blood of Christ from the Judgment required by a Holy God, if we are now indwelled by His Holy Spirit to cause us to walk in Him — then and only then is He our Refuge and Habitation, and our Strength, Shield, and Deliverer.

This deliverance will only come, if it comes (God may grant us an extra period of grace, as He did in the days of Godly King Josiah)—if enough of us truly repent... and every person reading this has many things of which he needs to repent... me included.  We are all weak, faulty, frail, sinful, and prone to error...

“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.” (Proverbs 24:16)

There are things we are not doing that He commands us to do, and there are things we are doing that He commands us not to do... but instead, most Christians sweep the dirt under the rug—or even pretend it is not even dirt any more.  This is a matter of life and death—all of ours.  Only the elect will “get it’" and flee to God as their refuge in repentance and obedience (but He will not admit those who have not confessed Christ, or those who have not truly repented of their ways and submitted to His).

God reveals to us:

“1And after these things I saw another angel come down from Heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.  2And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.  3For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.  4And I heard another voice from Heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.  5For her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.  6Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.” (Revelation 18)

Reward her back double!  Amen!  Double for all the wars, crime, corruption, perversion, immorality, godlessness, lies.  But God’s people have to come out!—not amalgamate with them—or it will fall on them too.  Fornication is crossing all the moral boundaries that God established, “out of kind,” “out of gender,” “outside of marriage,” too close in relation, under age, and every other perversion.  Fornication is what is being lauded as “wonderful progress” in all the nations of Christendom: crossing racial boundaries God established, perverting gender, the use of children, the use of drugs, violence, and every other imaginable perverion—these are all things that prostitutes (harlots, whores) do and those that frequent them.  After awhile, their current drug, their current perversion, is not enough for them, and they need new, more perverse perversions in order to satisfy their inordinate lusts—and they demand everyone else declare that their disease is wholesome and normal; when it is the very opposite!  Those who cross the boundaries that God established and those who think that God smiles upon them are in delusion, and those who recognize or tolerate them will be judged by God along with them as accomplices in their crimes and perversions.

Donald Trump will not be our saviour, but he could be used of God as a temporary deliverer if God’s people repent... not just think about repenting... not just thinking that everyone else has to repent.  Those of God’s people who do not repent will be treated by God in Judgment as the enemy—and like Korah and his rebellious entourage and all those who supported him, they will go down into the pit with the enemy themselves.  Whoever would be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

We stand at a crossroads.  Will God’s people turn to God or delude themselves that they already have.  Only someone in delusion, who tries and tries and tries and continues to fail, actually thinks that there is nothing that he is doing wrong.  Everything in our nation is going wrong... and as Edmund Burke declared, “all that is required for evil to triumph over good is for good men to do nothing.”

[And when everything goes wrong, continually, in the enemy’s favor, it is not a mere “coincidence”.  It is called conspiracy.  I have long declared, “Those who say that they don't believe in the ‘conspiracy theory’ of history—are either ignoramuses or part of the conspiracy.”]

God says that we reap what we sow.  The question is, when do we want to start reaping goodness and prosperity and morality and when are we going to start sowing it?

Christians don’t realize that by not choosing sides, they have already chosen and it is not God they have chosen.

Christ promised,

“19Again I say unto you, ‘That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in Heaven.  20For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them’.” (Matthew 18)

Christ promised this if we agree together in His Name.  We are gathered together, even across the miles, if we know that we are gathered together, in like mind, praying to God—not merely if you silently agree with me, without me knowing that you are agreeing with me.  God does not want us to be ‘loners,’ but to be united together in obedience to Him.  You may be in agreement with what you read that I say, but you do not “agree” together in confederation with me unless you email me or write to me and say something like,

“Amen!  I agree with you and pray that God convicts His people, removes the blindness from their eyes, the hardness from their hearts, the stubbornness and apathy from their wills, the sinfulness from their desires, and I pray that God brings each of His children to come under the Mighty conviction of the Holy Spirit and seek God’s Face... and I agree and pray that God opens up the earth and swallows up the wicked who are trying to destroy us because we are His people... I pray that God rewards them double what they deserve and opens a hole in the earth to receive them... may He do it swiftly and powerfully!  Amen!”

— The Cause of and Solution to All Our Problems

The Cause of and Solution to All Our Problems

God does not waste His Words.  God is not a liar and does not change His Mind.  If He says something, He means it and He continues to mean it.  God is Immutable.  He cannot Change.  God is Perfect.  That which is perfect cannot change; all it could change to would be something imperfect.  God is Holy.  Any change would be to unholiness.  God's Though, Word, Commands/Law do not change.  His Standard of Morality does not change.

(See my book, Does God Repent? — Can God Change His Mind?, (506pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H.)

The vast majority of "Christians" in the world are not really Christians: for they do not believe the Word of God; they don't really believe the Bible is true; they don't really believe that the God of the Bible exists.  Oh, they may believe in some distant, detached, aloof cosmic "Power" or "Energy" or even "Being" but they don't believe in the God of the Bible.  If they did, they would live as He commands, not make excuses (no matter how flimsy or sophisticated) why He does not need to be obeyed.

If Christians actually believed the Bible they would fear God and fear Judgment knowing that He is Just and Holy.  They would not live as they do and they would not tolerate sin and evil and corruption and perversion in the church or in the community or in the government—they would not tolerate even one such perverse individual; much less grant perverts and corruptors of society carte blanche to the point that the God-haters and perverts and Talmudist-Zionists and all other corrupt peoples now comprise about 90% of our former Christian society.  Those who think themselves above the very lowest levels of God-haters, delude themselves, because they themselves choose which commands of God they themselves will break (though in their minds, they don't think of it as "breaking" or "violating" or "rebelling" but merely "ignoring" something to which no attention be paid); even though the commands they themselves violate may not be as bad as the commands others break. 

"Christians" (who are a main part of the problem) also turn a blind eye to the corruption of others in our church and society and nation and allow the corruption and perversion to fester and breed in society to the point that it becomes an epidemic that threatens life itself.  Then, irrationally, such "Christians" wonder, "why is all this happening"—while at the same time they reject the only possible reason that it is happening.  If they truly believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that it is true and that the God of the Bible actually exists other than being a nice thought an hour a week in a church service they would know there can only be one reason.  However, like the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about, they talk around it as if the only possible reason doesn't actually exist, while irrationally imagining that the pathology has to be something—anything—other than the real cause.

Proverbs 26:2

"...the curse causeless shall not come."

Galatians 6:7

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

I John 2

"4He that saith, I know Him [God], and keepeth not His Commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5But whoso keepeth His Word, in him verily is the Love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him."

John 14:15

"If ye love Me, keep My Commandments."

Christ had no commandments of His own.  He kept those of the Father to show us how to do it... and He did not abolish them.  The Law was not abolished.  One of the last books of the Bible to be written, written even after the book of Revelation, clearly tells us, 

"sin is the transgression of the law." (I John 3:4).

Christ never abolished God's Law.  That is the second greatest lie ever foisted upon the Christian church.  By thinking God's Law was abolished, Christians are then held in perpetual ignorance and sin.. and God cannot hear their prayers... and since they think God abolished His own Law, they have no clue that THEY are the problem... and since they refuse to read the Bible (and think three-quarters of it is obsolete, like some dead scar tissue that just won't go away) they have no hope of ever discovering that God did not abolish His Law.  The perfect mind-heist to keep God's people in sin so God cannot hear their prayers, bless, or deliver them... and God is separating the chaff from the wheat, whittling down His Remnant smaller and smaller to only those who do read and heed.

Anyone thinking that the solution to all our problems lays in politics or economics or philosophy or law or anything else is in denial and delusion.  The only solution is repentance, individually and nationally.  The Christian, Charles Schulz, who wrote the Peanuts comic strip, often wove Biblical truth through his cartoons (sadly, the mainstream media is so completely in the hands of the Talmudists, they now do not allow anything that even hints of truth: they only accept those who glory in perversion and delusion).  Schulz once wrote, if I remember correctly, having Charlie Brown making a self-discovery in some matter, and Charlie Brown blurted out, "I've discovered the enemy...—and it's me!" 

[I have several books in stock which show the Christian philosophy that Schulz wove throughout his comic strip.  Inquire.] 

We each are the problem.  God does not expect perfection, but He demands obedience. 

Proverbs 24:16 says,

"For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again." 

So much truth is squeezed into such a short sentence.  First of all... just (righteous, holy, upright, godly) people fall... they fall frequently, 7 times ... 7 is the number of spiritual perfection... and yet he falls 7 times... even though he is just.  We are not perfect, we fall, we make mistakes, wrong choices—sin (and all sin is rebellion against God).  However, the difference is that the just man does not choose to stay face down in the feces in the pig stie and say, "hey, this ain't so bad, in fact, I kinda like it."  The just man will not begin to consider the sins that he commits to be something other than sin, and desensitize himself to sin and distance himself from God and the very concept of repentance.  Scripture says that the carnal (unconverted, natural, sinful) mind is enmity or warfare against God; that it is not in submission to God, and by its very nature it cannot be in submission to God.  Scripture says those who do not obey God hate Him.  However, self-righteous carnal minds (even those who delude themselves into thinking that they are "Christians") who are in denial and have an irrational conception of their own self-worth, don't view their carnality and sin as rebellion or warfare or hatred of God, but merely "a difference of opinion."  Just men, true Christians fall, many times... yes, but if they are truly Christians, if they are truly of God, if God's Holy Spirit is truly in them, then like David, they repent in remorse and shame, and like Peter who went out and wept bitterly—and then they rise up and do what is right.... daily... and when they fall again they repent, confess their sins, draw upon all the power and grace of God and get back up again, and again, and again... and hopefully, not make the same mistakes again and again, but "new ones."  Only a fool, who walks along a path and trips and falls into the mud a the exact same spot every single time... only a fool would not be more cautious when he comes to that spot and choose a new way to walk past that spot.  Not only should we get back up when we fall, but we should walk circumspectly and not ignore what caused us to previously fall.  The true believer will be grieved in his soul when he sins... and not want to sin again... he will not merely adopt the flippant attitude, "Oh, it doesn't matter if I fall, I can just get back up."  Well, while that is true, the attitude is wrong and it is only half of the picture.  Falling entails getting soiled.  If a woman is wearing a white wedding dress, do you honestly think she reasons to herself, "Oh, it doesn't matter if I fall in the pig stie, I can get back up"...?  what if the fall is 1,000 foot distance? or if there are sharks or crocodiles in the water? or if there are rocks and broken glass where you fall? or rotting dead bodies? —and I don't know about the rest of you, but as I age I find that I don't "land" as gracefully and I don't "bounce" when I fall, like I used to.  Now it hurts and bones and ligaments don't bend... and they will start to break.  THAT is the other half of the picture illustration... and if applied to the moral/spiritual realm, then the issue is not so simple as flippantly thinking one can get back up.  YES, one can and SHOULD get back up... THAT is the ONLY reality.  There is no other option if one is truly of God.  But that is not the whole picture.  Actions have consequences.  Yes, you can and should get back up... when each time you fall damage is done... and not just to yourself, but others.

Those who think, "Well if God doesn't want me, that's fine with me" are in denial, reject the Word of God, and do not comprehend the seriousness of the situation.  No one can simply, "endure" or "handle" God's Final Judgment.  Those who think they can are irrational and deluded and have not even begun to think.  Such people hate God.  Those "Christians" who violate God's Law with impunity, are actually no different than the unconverted person who does not even believe God exists.  If the "Christian" violates God's Law, and lives in sin, in reality he does not believe God; he does not believe God's Word is true; and he does not believe that God will judge anyone.  That is a precarious position to be in, but that is the only rational assessment for someone who claims to believe in God but who lives as if God does not really exist.

God is Creator and Boss.  He made, owns, and rules us all, whether any recognize God or not.  However, the average deluded person ("Christians" included), think that God is just so gosh-darn lucky to have him on His side.  The average person ("Christians" included) has no concept of God's Holiness or sin and does not really believe in Judgment; otherwise, he would not live so flippantly, casually, and rebelliously as he does—all the while euphemistically considering his rebellion not to be rebellion, but merely a "lifestyle" or things that don't really matter.  But God is not a fool.  He does not give us commands about "things that don't really matter."  He does not give us commands and then not expect us to obey them.  Christ said not one jot or tittle (slightest pen stroke in the mechanical writing of God's Law) would pass from the Law until all be fulfilled—that heaven and earth would pass away BEFORE one jot or tittle passed away....

do me a favor, stick your head out the window and see if heaven and earth is still there.... are you back...? was it still there...?  whew... good, so this isn't just a dream... And actually, most Christians (those who do not entirely ignore that verse) misunderstand that verse.  Christ is not saying that the Law itself will eventually pass away—ever.  He is saying that not one jot or tittle will pass away for as long as heaven and earth exist; He is not saying that the moment heaven or earth passes away the Law of God itself will vaporize into nothingness—for elsewhere He also said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away" (Luke 21:33) and Scripture tells us: "the word of the Lord endureth for ever" (I Peter 2:5).  God does not waste His Words.  None shall pass away.  None are irrelevant.  Not today, not tomorrow, not a million years from now.  God cannot change.  His Standard of Morality does not, cannot change, ever.  The very same Law of God will be the rule in the Millennial Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom (and those who violate the very least of God's commandments in this life, and teach others that God's Law was abolished and need not be obeyed—will be called LEAST in the Kingdom, if they are even there).

So, according to God, not even the slightest pen stroke has passed from His Law... —including all those things that the average Christian thinks, "are really not important."  Christ also said that whoever breaks the least of God's Commandments (all those things "Christians" think, "really don't matter") will be called LEAST in the Kingdom of Heaven... that is, if he is even admitted into the Kingdom; because Christ said that His sheep hear His Voice and follow Him (hear and obey Him)—and as we saw above, Christ said if someone says that he knows God and does not keep His Commandments, that person is a liar.  Obedience, Good Works, Keeping the Law, bearing fruit (which are all synonyms) does NOT save a person... it is an EVIDENCE of salvation and it is what God demands of His children.  However, if there is no fruit, that is a sign that the tree has no life—is dead.  This is what Scripture means by "examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith" (II Corinthians 13:5).  If a "Christian's" doctrine is not the theology revealed in the Bible (but man's own humanistic notions and emotions) and if a "Christian" is not walking in obedience to all that God commanded (even all those things he thinks are "significant")... he is not in the faith. 

And it is odd that "Christians" are so opposed to God that they think that what He requires is "overbearing"... even though God only commands about 613 laws ...

(and many of them are common sense that people keep, not even knowing about them... such as if as a result of bowel pressure you find that you must do your business in the field or the woods, you dig a hole and bury it; or if you have a house with a flat roof that can be used as a patio, you must put a fence on top to keep people from falling off, or if you have an open pit on your property, you must cover it or fence around it to prevent anyone from falling in.  If someone falls off a patio roof and dies because the fence was not there, then the one who did not put the fence up is himself put to death... as our English and American Common Law come from the Bible, it is understood that one cannot be punished if no crime has been committed or if no true injury has occurred, you cannot penalize a person TO PREVENT something bad from happening, but if something bad does happen that could have been avoided, then the person who did not do what he could to prevent it will bear the full judgment of the consequences if anything does happen as a result of his own negligence)...

...and ALL of God's laws fit in the palm of your hand and are perfect and designed for our good... and yet, irrational "Christians" think they must not only obey man over God, but obey man instead of God, even though corrupt renegade politicians pass hundreds of thousands of (unconstitutional, and therefore, invalid) laws that the collection of those laws occupies 37 feet of shelf-space of 5 point print and even a team of the most "competent" (or does that mean "brainwashed") lawyers cannot agree on it... and the laws were invented by corrupt politicians to enrich themselves and special interest groups and continue to take more rights (which all come from God, inalienable, God-given rights, establishing by the Word of God) from the people... and yet, most "Christians" apparently suffer from "Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome" (but just because a condition is given a fancy name does not remove guilt or responsibility) in that they are loyal to their captors and abusers and not their God and Deliverer.  AMAZING.  SAD.  TRAGIC.  AVOIDABLE.  REMEDIABLE. 

Read the below chapter from God's Law (you know, the Law God of which God said, "blessed is the man... [whose] delight is in the Law of the LORD; and in His Law doth he meditate day and night" and the law that God commanded that we read daily, talk about it when we rise up and lay down, that we post on the walls of our house, on our doors and gate posts)...

read every word from this chapter before reading to the end of this treatise, and let it sink in (and if it is not enough, compare it to Deut. 28).

Leviticus 26

1Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.

2Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD.

3If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them;

4Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.

5And your threshing shall reach unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time: and ye shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely.

6And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land.

7And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword.

8And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

9For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you.

10And ye shall eat old store, and bring forth the old because of the new.

11And I will set my tabernacle among you: and my soul shall not abhor you.

12And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people.

13I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright.

14But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;

15And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:

16I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

17And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

18And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

19And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:

20And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits.

21And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.

22I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate.

23And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary unto me;

24Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times for your sins.

25And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant: and when ye are gathered together within your cities, I will send the pestilence among you; and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy.

26And when I have broken the staff of your bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight: and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.

27And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me;

28Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.

29And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

30And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you.

31And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours.

32And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it. 33And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.

34Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies’ land; even then shall the land rest, and enjoy her sabbaths.

35As long as it lieth desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest in your sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it.

36And upon them that are left alive of you I will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth.

37And they shall fall one upon another, as it were before a sword, when none pursueth: and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies. 38And ye shall perish among the heathen, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up. 39And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies’ lands; and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them.

40If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me;

41And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity:

42Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.

43The land also shall be left of them, and shall enjoy her sabbaths, while she lieth desolate without them: and they shall accept of the punishment of their iniquity: because, even because they despised my judgments, and because their soul abhorred my statutes.

44And yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my covenant with them: for I am the LORD their God.

45But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen, that I might be their God: I am the LORD.

46These are the statutes and judgments and laws, which the LORD made between him and the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses.

Hosea 4:6 also tell us:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me: seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Is any "Christian" still in such denial that he thinks that all of our problems have any other pathology than in our own disobedience and sin?  The enemy is not the problem.  The enemy is the symptom ... we are the problem... the enemy exists because our sin invited the enemy in and paid to put it on a breeding program... and now the enemy is more than a mere curiosity, and has turned into a runaway, uncontrollable epidemic that threatens to destroy us all and take our nation from us... the problem is bigger than us because Judgment begins with the House of God and God is using the whirlwind that we reaped from our careless sowing to the wind, God is using the situation that is larger than us, to bring us to repentance, which is the only thing that will usher in deliverance... any other attempted remedy will end only in death... and all that such hard-headed, stiff-necked "Christians" will prove is 1,000 ways that God will not deliver.... 1,000 things that will not save us.  It is like having a deadly disease that everyone knows is going to kill us... and there are 1,000 vials of different chemicals... all we need are 1,000 hard-headed guinea pigs to step up and each drink a vial.  Some may contain poison and will kill right away.  Others may contain nothing harmful, but contain nothing that will cure the disease, and so they too will die.  Why do we need guinea pigs and stupidity and to waste time and lives and accrue more shame and suffering and loss when the cure is right there...?  If My people... turn from their sin, repent, return to Me...  However, sadly, Christ, the Personification of Wisdom declared, "But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death." (Proverbs 8:36).  The sad truth is, most people want to die; they want to suffer God's Judgment.  If they did not, why do they not do the simple things God requires? —because they don't want to.  They deem their own sin, their own lifestyle, their own evanescent pleasure to be of far greater value.  And so they shall reap what they sow... and they then have no right to be upset about it on "pay day"—because it is what they wanted.  If they don't want it, then they better do what is right, and not just think about it every now and then as something he might like to eventually get around to doing some day, if he has nothing better to do.

As I have said in several of my books, every times evil raises its perverse head in society (evolution, pagan invasion and pagan temples and pagan gods, corrupt government, criminals devastating society and corrupt judges letting them free to commit more crimes, and criminal politicians letting more in and putting them on a tax-payer funded breeding program so that there are more of them, homos and freaks who have sex change operations and still want to be considered "normal", etc.) every time that Christians see these things any time in their lives, day in and day out over the years and decades and Christians say and do nothing—they deny Christ... and Christ said that He will one day, therefore, deny them.  If they are too ashamed or afraid to stand up for Christ, He will not stand up for them before the Father on the Day of Judgment and intercede on their behalf... because His Words are not in them... HE is not in them.

Our children is the next generation of "us".  By rejecting our children, He rejects not only us... but the hope of us.  Our hope is not in ourselves but in Him.  "I am Yahweh and I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."  Our HOPE is that He is IMMUTABLE and CANNOT change.  Man thinks God must compromise and accept us as we are... sins, corruptions, perversions and all—and, in fact, immoral, irrational "Christians" even think that God must accept as His people those who are not His people, that God as no say in the matter—irrational, sinful man foolishly imagines that since we have strayed too far from God that it is unreasonable of Him to expect us to return to Him; He will have to meet us half way, or He will have to come 90% of the way to us.  But God will not and cannot.  That is why ONLY A REMNANT will be saved... those who forsake all and return to Him... not thinking God is a puppy dog on their leash who has to conform to what man wants.  Those who don't even bother to look at their lives, read God's Word and Law DAILY to see what God requires of us (both Old Testament and New; the Old was NOT abolished)... don't really care about salvation and are not of God.  It is just a fancy they delusion themselves with.

Many American Christians and Patriots believe that we are eventually going to "rise up"—and they limply and delusionally refer to Rudyard Kipling's poem, "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon" as if they were quoting Scripture or casting a magic spell.

However, if the people have not risen up by now, they never will... and why not? —God has sent them a strong delusion to believe a lie, a strong delusion of cowardice, apathy, selfishness, materialism... He has sent a strong delusion of fear, as He did in the days of Jeremiah during the siege of Jerusalem:

"4And these are the words that the LORD spake concerning Israel and concerning Judah.  5For thus saith the LORD; We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace.  6Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness?  7Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it" (Jeremiah 30)

"6Sigh therefore, thou son of man, with the breaking of thy loins; and with bitterness sigh before their eyes.  7And it shall be, when they say unto thee, Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shalt answer, For the tidings; because it cometh: and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water: behold, it cometh, and shall be brought to pass, saith the Lord GOD." (Ezekiel 21)

"10... in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (II Thessalonians 2)


It is hard to believe that the people descended from the Celts, the Vikings, the brave Germanic tribes, and fierce slavic tribes HAVE ALL BEEN NEUTERED!  The ONLY explanation is that God has sent the delusion, because we turned from Him. 


The subverted, watered-down, corrupt, integrated, paganized modern "Christian" church, had caricatured God.  They have taken one solitary Divine Attribute and blown it out of proportion and claim that is His only attribute.  But God also is a Man of War and He exercises Wrath, because He is Holy and His Holiness demands Justice/Judgment.  The modern Christian church is greatly responsible for the neutering of Christendom: the feminizing of men and masculation of women... allowing bossy women, "free sex", race mixing, and homosexuality to become commonplace, accepted, and even desireable.  The corrupt modern "Christian" church has taught irresponsibility with the false Jesuit-Zionist doctrine of the Rapture, to the point Christians think (consciously or subconsciously), "It does not matter if this PT-boat is leaking; we don't need to seek out the enemy and sink them; we don't even need to bail water or stop the leaks, the "rescue ship" will be here at any moment.  However, Christ commanded, "Occupy till I come!"  That is a military command.  The foolish virgins who let the oil run out of their lamp and who were not prepared, were not obedient, were not watching and praying, were shut out when the Lord did return.  The corrupt modern "Christian" church is the HARLOT of Revelation, that has committed fornication with all nations and lain down with the Beast!   Esau was called a fornicator... because he married outside the race.  That is what prostitutes do: sell theirselves to any race willing to pay.  That is what the modern "Christian" church has done: sold her soul to the Antichrist corrupt notion of political correctness and is blending in with the world to the point that it is indistinguishable—and thus identifying herself as NOT being Christ's bride.  Christ will not marry a mongrel, whorish bride, nor a rebellious bride unwilling to submit herself to His Rule.  Currently, God is culling out His flock; separating the chaff from the wheat.

ONLY the REMNANT will be saved.  This does not mean that we should not continue to preach repentance, for their is always a chance for temporal deliverance (which will only delay the inevitable).

Remnant... RETURN!

— How Big is the So-Called U.S. "National" Debt...? UPDATED SEPT. 28, 2022

It is 239,000 miles from earth to the moon (x 5,280 feet/mile x 12 inches/foot) = 15,143,000,000 (rounded off) inches from earth to the moon.
12 (non-silver) Eisenhower $1 dollar coins have an artificially assigned value of $12 and a stack of 12 of these coins = 1 inch in height.

[I specify non-silver dollars, because any truly silver dollar coins are no longer in circulation, the large type that were used in the 70s, the Eisenhower dollars were not silver (no formerly silver, nickle, or copper coins unless before 1964 have the appropriate, legally established value of those metals).  Our corrupt politicians have stolen the silver, copper, nickle, and zinc out of billions of tons of U.S. coins and given us painted lead in its place.  Where has all that wealth gone...?  If you notice, the edges on what were once more valuable coins, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and dollar coins, were reeded, or had grooves or ridges on the edges.  That was because they were once silver and those reeds or flutes were designed to prevent dishonest people from shaving down the edges of the coins to steal the silver dust,* devaluing the coin; though such coins are still reeded, it is merely for show and the average young person does not have a clue why those ridges are there, and the average person who knows why they are there are deceived into thinking those ridges still have purpose; which they do not; the only purpose is to deceive people into thinking that the coins still have value, which they do not.  They have taken all of the precious metals out to the point that it actually costs them more to produce the coin than the face value of the coin itself.
* It is truly amazing the amount of work dishonest people will engage in, for such little real profit; if they only applied themselves to honest industry, they would be far wealthier.  But as Scripture says, the wicked are like the troubled sea that cannot rest, but have to stir up filth.
Regardless, I specify non-silver, because it is not the silver value I am using, but merely that thickness of coin, about the thickness of a nickle; it takes about 13 nickles to comprise an inch of space in height; or about 12 Eisenhower dollar coins.]
Thus it takes $181.176 billion or 181.176 billion Eisenhower dollar coins to reach the moon.
15,143,000,000 inches x 12 coins/inch = 181,716,000,000 coins or dollars (per 15,143,000,000 inches)
the U.S. (so-called) “National” debt (at the time that this was written in mid-2015, of course, is like the Energizer Bunny from Hell, “it keeps growing and growing and growing...”
= $18.125 trillion.
[If the debt was truly that of the people, that would be $57,000 for every single person in the U.S., regardless of age, health, or financial status, based upon 318 million in the U.S.; but of course, that would be a false statistic, because the debt does not belong to the nation or the people as a whole, but only politicians, those on welfare, businesses that have been bailed out or received government contracts or tax breaks, individuals who have filed for bankruptcy, state, county, or city officials who have “spent” all the money in their annual budget rather than underspending and having a surplus (so that the federal money they receive the next year will not be decreased), those who have received subsidies, and any charity, business, special interest group, or foreign nation who has received any money from the government (except a loan, if it was paid back with interest to account for the devaluation of the dollar via inflation over time).]
If stacked in nonsilver $1 coins like Eisenhower dollars, the number of coins equal to the so-called U.S. National debt would reach to the moon 99.75 times!  Thus, 99.75 separate stacks would reach to the moon... or it would reach a distance 99.75 times farther than the distance to the moon (actually, by the time it took me to calculate this, due to the corrupt government’s rate of spending and the corrupt interest on the so-called* national debt, it probably now reaches to the moon 100 times now).
[* I call it the “so-called” national debt, because the corrupt politicians were never authorized to mis-spend even 1 penny of taxpayer money, the only legitimate use of taxpayer money is for services to those very same taxpayers themselves, for services that they want and need but are unable to provide for themselves individually (such as the nation’s highways, public transportation, etc.).  Any other use of taxpayer money is a criminal act and those government servants who dole it out and those who receive it are the only ones who own any percentage of the debt (welfare, special interest groups, giving the money to foreign nations, bloated salaries and benefits to government employees / politicians / public servants, unconstitutional wars, importation of foreigners and putting them on a breeding program, humanitarian aid to other nations, mis-spending for building projects, planting flowers along highways, etc.—many of these things may be worthwhile, but they are the venue of private charity and private industry or private individuals and they are not lawful expenditures of taxpayer money).  Thus, it is not a “National” debt, but it is the politicians’ debt and the debt of the wards of the state or others who have received this money.  All that needs be done is check the voting record to see which politician voted to illegally spend what amount of taxpayer money on unconstitutional usages, and that % of the so-called national debt is the debt of those politicians and their families (and descendents) and anyone who ever received those government funds (“consulting fees”, grants, subsidies, welfare, special interest groups, etc.).  However, in reality, nothing was loaned so nothing needs to be repaid.  If all you loan me are digits on a computer screen, an ink notation on a ledger sheet, or a piece of paper with an artificially printed value on it, that is all I owe.  If you loaned me an ounce of gold, well then, I owe you an ounce of gold in return.  The debt can easily be paid off.  Give the international bankers $100 trillion worth of computer digits, give them $1 quadrillion.  Let them spend them to their heart’s content.  Give them a $1 quintillion bill backed by nothing.  Fair play is fair play.  One good deed deserves another.  You reap what you sow.]
Anyone who has ever stacked coins to count them knows that like dominoes, stacking coins can be precarious.  Does anyone care to be nearby a 100 stacks of dollar coins that reach to the moon...?  What goes up must come down.  What does that say for the hopes of our economy...?  Any president who says that he can improve the situation is a liar—especially when he doubled the imaginary debt.  The U.S. “National” debt is a myth; an illusion... a lie; it is their debt, not ours; their solutions (spending more money and continuing to claim it is our debt) are tantamount to a fireman saying, “the fire is not out yet—quick, throw some more gasoline on it! maybe that will put it out...”  In any area of the private sector, what politicians do would be considered High Crimes—Felonies, and Treason.  They are.  They are criminals.  As long as people continue to enter their myth and illusion with them, they will be prisoners in that delusion, but they are prisoners by their own choice, their own chosen ignorance and immorality in consenting that the illusion is reality.
Compounding fraud and deception is the very notion of “dollar” itself.  Dollar is a measurement.  You cannot have a measurement of itself, a measurement is that of something else.  I cannot ask you to give me an ounce or a gallon, but only an ounce or a gallon of something real (like flour, sugar, or gasoline).  The dollar used to be, and is Constitutionally mandated to be an ounce of gold or silver.  However, the corrupt politicians took us off the gold standard (Fort Knox is full of painted lead) and our money is an ounce of nothing: it is backed by nothing.  Further they have stolen all of the silver, copper, nickle, zinc, and other precious metals that used to be in our coins in circulation, and they all thunk like lead fishing sinkers when you plunk them down on the counter, whereas, they used to ringle and jingle with life and musical sound.  So as the dead coinage, so as the dead economy.  Hundreds of millions of tons of all that precious metal has been outright stolen from our coinage.  Where did it all go?  Who authorithized it?  It is Grand Larceny and Treason.  What then is the “dollar” a dollar of...? since it is backed by nothing? since it is merely paper that the “government” counterfeits whenever it wants more...?  Well, clearly, it is not a dollar of silver or gold; clearly it is a dollar of debt!  The debt of the politicians and all their accomplices, before and after the fact.
UPDATED Information
Now in May 2022, with the so-called “National” debt near $30.5 trillion, it would require 168.34 stacks of Eisenhower dollar coins to the moon.

Please tell me How is a nation that is $32 trillion in debt (which will probably be the total by the end of 2022) a “wealthy” nation...? —and the people of the U.S. have $16 trillion of personal debt and $23 trillion of corporate debt = $81 trillion in total debt; and this would require 447 stacks of Eisenhower dollar coins to the moon.

Furthermore, $1 in 2022 is worth 1.09 cents (or $ 0.0109) compared to $1 in 1910, because corrupt, treasonous, criminal politicians continue to countefeit money (printing money that is backed by nothing is counterfeiting—even if the “government” does it).  In 1910—actually from 1918 back to recorded history in 1833 gold hardly every fluctuated from $18.93 to $18.99 / ounce, but we will call it $19.00 to make it easier—gold was $19.00 / oz.  Thus, $100 in 1910 is now equivalent to $10,019.00 or $1.00 in 1910 is the equivalent to $109.19 today.  This means that the corrupt politicians have robbed the people of 98.01% of the value of everything they own (on which they are unconstitutionally taxed multiple times) or 980% inflation.

Gold hit its highest in March 8, 2022 of $2,074.60 / oz.  We shall use that figure, because truly gold can never drop in price once it has risen (and if it appears to drop, it is only because the price is artificially manipulated to give the false appearance of prosperity: for if the people of the U.S. and the world realized that the dollar is worthless, the global economy would collapse).  The only way that gold can drop at all, but let us, for clarity consider gold dropping back to 1918 value, the only way that gold can drop back to $19.00 / oz. is if the “government” BURNED $32 trillion and did not print any more; and if they recalled the 1.385 billion* tons of worthless coin.

[* In 2021, nearly 15 billion pennies, quarters, nickels, dimes and half dollars departed the U.S. Mint’s facilities to be put into circulation.  There is about $48.5 billion worth of coins in circulation.  Let us say that the weight of a nickle* is the average weight of all this currency, and a nickle weighs 5 grams (and there are 28 grams in an ounce).  It takes 20 nickles to equal $1, so that is 100 grams per $1.  Thus, $48.5 billion = 5.41 million tons of coin.* 

* If my math conceptualization is wrong, someone please correct me.  $48.5 billion x 100 (g. per $1) ÷ 28 (grams per oz.) ÷ 16 (oz. per lb.) ÷ 2,000 (lbs. per ton) = 5,412,946.43 tons.

Our coin used to contain silver, copper, zinc, and nickle.  Dimes, quarters, half dollars, and dollars were minted in 90% silver until 1964.  Half-dollar coins from 1965 and 1970 were 40% silver; but 1971 and after contain no silver.  Most all coinage today are nearly worthless.  Coins don’t even jingle like they used to, but sound dead.  They are.  What happened to that 5.41 million tons of precious and semi-precious metals?

* The nickle now costs more to coin than it is worth; in 2022 it cost .0852 cents to produce each .05 cent nickle coin.  In March of 2022 the nickle actually became worth more than a dime...! when nickle, which had been $25,000 / metric top, shot up to $100,000 / metric ton (and copper is now about $10,000 a metric ton).  A nickle a nickel is now composed of only 25% (1.25 g., thus 12.5 cents of) nickel and 75% (3.75g., thus 3.75 cents of) copper; and thus, 1 nickle is worth about 16 cents in metal.  In 1982, the penny (which weighs 2.5g.) was denuded to only 5% copper and 95% zinc; today 2.5% copper plating and a 97.5% zinc base.  Before 1982 a penny was 95% copper.  Dimes (which weigh 2.268g.) after 1964 are 75% copper and 25% nickel alloy, bonded to a pure copper core as is the quarter (which weighs 5.670 grams).

It is also interesting to note, since the average person is completely ignorant of it, that there used to be 2 types of $500 dollar bills in circulation, 2 types of $1,000 bills, 1 type of $5,000 bills, 2 types of $10,000 bills, and 1 type of $100,000 bills in circulation in the U.S., which the Federal Reserve stopped issuing in 1969 (though last printed in 1945).  Quite interestingly, the $100,000 bill (with Grover Cleveland’s portrait) is a gold certificate bill, and for some “odd” reason, it is declared to be “illegal” for even a coin collector to own one.  Why would that be...?  Because it says on it “payable in demand in gold”.  It seems that this would legally mean according to the face value of gold at the time the bill was printed or last issued.  In 1945 gold was $34.71 / oz. and in 1969 gold was $41.28 / oz.  Thus, in comparison to 1945, one $100,000 bill would be worth nearly $6 million and the 1969 price of a little over $5 million  (with gold being $2,075).]

— Why Christendom is on the verge of extinction...? / Why no LASTING reformation/revival?

I felt led to share this, which I have written since I got up this morning (wow... for the past 10 hours... where does the time go, its almost time to start 2nd shift...)...

it is a little lengthy, but hopefully all will read and consider.

"5Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.

6Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.

7Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.

8Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD.

9Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house.

10Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.

11And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labour of the hands." (Haggai 1)

[The tiny remnant that returned, was sort of like the landing of the pilgrims who barely survived the first winter; what began with such high hopes, was nearly extinguished... like the smoking flax (smoldering candle wick about to expire) of Isaiah 42:3,4... like the reed broken in the wind, about to topple over... which passage also tells us that reviving comes only for those who look for and long for God's Righteousness, His Law re-established (and those who don't keep it now don't love Righteousness nor do they look for it; and they shall not see it; Psalm 24:3,4).  The tiny remnant that returned failed to rebuild the Temple and the walls... and had given up, surrendering to learned helplessness, lazy indifference, like an episode of the t.v. series Survivor where the newly deposited group of contestants, dropped on some lonely island, are all laying around doing nothing, waiting instead for someone else to do it or for some fairy to wave a magic wand.  The tiny remnant that returned had built their own houses... but not God's House.  It was actually King David's idea (about 500 years earlier) to build the first Temple of the Lord, "Solomon's Temple"; David's pure heart made him feel guilty that he himself had an excellent palace, while God lived in a tent of curtains and skins, the Tabernacle (I Samuel 7).  But despite David being of a pure heart, he was not of clean hands; and some of his sins prevented him from God allowing him to build that House.  But such was David's sterling character (unlike the majority who would have gotten his feelings hurt, showing it was actually about self, not God, the average carnal person would have responded, "fine, suit yourself, don't say I didn't ask" and then gone on never to give it another thought), David continued to entreat the Lord to at least allow him to begin to store up the materials (gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, stone, precious stones) with which the Temple would be built by his son Solomon... and at the end of his life David gave over $5 billion dollars worth (in today's estimation) of his own wealth for the building of the Lord's House--in addition to the $196 billion that he had already given...! --and then he even took a collection among the Israelites in general.  TRULY David embodied the spirit behind, "for God loveth a cheerful giver" (II Corinthians 9:7).  David's attitude was "NO one is going to out give me...," such was His love for the Lord, the amount that David gave was about 22.5 times more than the amount that all the rest of people of Israel combined gave (which combined was $8.5 billion).  David's love for God embodied the principle: "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might" (later written by his son Solomon, in Ecclesiastes 9:10)  It seems that many of the Puritans who came to America learned a lesson from the sloth and indifference of the return of the captives, as well as from David's gusto and joy in doing to his fullest that little that God allowed him to do; for many of the Puritan companies that arrived built a church building to worship God before they built their own houses!]

Why Christendom is on the verge of extinction...? because instead of laying up their treasures in heaven, where moth and rust and dust doth not corrupt, instead of building the Lord's House, they are busy running around hording temporal pleasure, squandering their time on senseless things that will not last, and running around busy about their own leisure and amusement and self-betterment, rather than being about their Father's business.  I once heard a preacher preach that never in all his years did he ever see a hearse pulling a U-haul.  I told him after the service, "True, you cannot take it with you--but you can send it on ahead."  Seek ye first... lay up treasures... invest in Holiness and in the work of the Kingdom. 

Many selfish individuals perished, in the settling of the American south, because instead of building first the Lord's house, instead of first building a fort for the safety of all from the attacks of the savages, they set out staking out their own claims, like Lot, choosing the better lands for themselves instead of first making the community secure and seeking God's blessing and prosperity for all.

Why Christendom is on the verge of extinction...?

Even as I explain in my brief "Who I Responsible for the DEATH of Christendom"...

The answer to "who is responsible" is: Christians.  Christians who are just letting life die, looking away, feigning helplessness and pseudo-spirituality imagining that they are not the problem.  Scripture would not tell us that Judgment begins in the House of God, if God's children were not the problem.  The enemy is just the symptom of the problem... but God's children opened the door to the enemy, and in violation of God's Law, declared them to be "equals"--their race, their religion, their god, their customs... all equal with ours, all having wonderful contributions to make to society... all worth celebrating.  Christ said that He will SPEW such out of His Mouth.  "Come out from among them and be ye separate," God commanded.  It is the Antichrist that says, "amalgamate."  Judgment begins with the House of God because God's children are responsible (and God chastens HIS children, not bastards; Hebrews 12:8).  The enemy will be judge too, but God will deal with His sons first... that is why the enemy is oppressing us... the same way in the many cycles in the book of Judges, that God used the enemies of His people to chasten them to repentance... only once they repent (Judgment begins with the house of God), will God then deal with the enemies.  Sure the enemy is to blame... but serpents and wolves only do what is in their nature to do, so why is it any surprise to you that they do it?  The blame lies with the false shepherds and the stupid sheep... the stupid sheep allowed the false shepherds to invite the wolves and serpents into the sheepfold, saying, "these are your brethren."  In reality, what people are willing to tolerate they give their vote of approval to.

I reprinted the below title 4 years ago...

- Stories of Great Revivals with Contributions on Revival Work (1906) Henry Johnson, Canon Aitken, F.B. Meyer, Stuart Holden, Gipsy Smith; c.420pp., pb., 25.00 + P&H. Chapters: Evangelical Revival of 18th Century England; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Scotland; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Wales; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Ireland; Awakenings of 1858-1862 England, of 1858-1862 Scotland, of 1858-1862 Wales, of 1858-1862 North of Ireland; Work of Moody & Sankey 1873 - 1875; 1881-1884; Revival in Wales, 1904-1905; Torry-Alexander Mission, 1903-1905.

I just completed reading it (and recommend that all read it... revivals have nothing to do with modern "revival meetings" - it has to do with God pouring out his Holy Spirit as upon a dry and dusty parched, cracked ground... once His people realize that their spiritual dessication is life-threatening and once they cry out for the living water to be freely poured out upon them once again... without measure... to overflowing).

I have also excerpted some significant stories from it, which I included in my introduction to the reprint of the Puritans and Pilgrims that I am now printing.

Below are just a few interesting paragraphs to consider.









I might add...

Before God undertook to do most anything significant for His people, before they received the law, before they dedicated the tabernacle, before they entered the promised land, before they returned from captivity, God commanded them to sanctify themselves, cleanse themselves, put away their alien wives and offspring, put away their other gods, humble themselves, seek His Face.  This is still a requirement... while Christendom is "on life support" and about to become a cold corpse... God still issues these commands.  God is Immutable.  He cannot change.  His Standard of Morality and Holiness cannot change.  We are to be holy as He is Holy.  His Holiness cannot change, the Standards of Holiness that He requires of us (His Law) cannot change.  Keeping the Law never saved.  It could not, it was never claimed that the Law saved.

Keeping the Law is what God requires of His children.  The modern apostate Christian church's claim that the Law was done away with because it did not save is one massive, blatant non-sequittur (an error of logic, "it does not follow").

That is like saying, "Carpenters should no longer carry hammers because hammers are not heart medication."  The two concepts are entirely unrelated and irrelevant to each other.  Christ did not come to earth ... to DRAG GOD to us... and force God to His Knees and order Him to compromise. God cannot change or compromise.  Christ came to bring His people BACK TO GOD.   Those, like the rich young ruler, who prefer the delusional, evanescent "pleasure cruise" of "self" do not "get on board" the ark of the cross that reunites man with his Creator through his Redeemer. 

[Interestingly, when God told Noah to pitch the ark within and without with pitch or tar, that Hebrew word pitch is the very word atonement: 3722 kaw-FAR: a primitive root meaning, "to cover (specifically with bitumen); figuratively to expiate or condone, to placate or cancel:—appease, make (an) atonement, cleanse, disannul, forgive, be merciful, pacify, pardon, to pitch, purge (away), put off, (make) reconcile (-liation).

TO WHOSE VOICE then are modern Christians listening when they say the Law was abolished?  Christ Himself said that not even the slightest, insignificant pen stroke (the crossing of a t or dotting of an i) would pass from the Law as long as heaven and earth existed (quick, stick your head out the window or door and look all around... are you back yet...? was the earth and the sun, moon or stars and sky still there...? whew... I was worried there for a minute... I thought for a split second that maybe I was the one in delusion... the earth and sky are still outside MY window... but maybe it is all just in my mind... but if it is still there out yours too, then I doubt it is just a double delusion).

Christ additionally said that whoever BREAKS even the LEAST of those Commandments (not just the "Big 10"--ALL of them) and teaches others that they don't need to keep them either* shall be called LEAST in the Kingdom of Heaven. ... 

[* It is one thing to blatantly sin; it is altogether a different matter to drag as many people as possible into your sin with you... sort of like the rebellious college "genius" who, because he is unprepared, tells everyone else in the class, "don't anyone show up to the final exam; he can't flunk us all!"  Brilliant.]

They will be called "least" in the Kingdom... that is, if they even make it to the Kingdom... many will be shocked when they are rejected... the parable of the 10 betrothed virgins shows this (5 who were unprepared and who didn't show up were shut out of the wedding feast / Kingdom).  Christ also taught directly in His discourse saying that MANY on that day (of Judgment), who THOUGHT that they were Christians, who THOUGHT they they had even served Christ and done many wonderful things in His Name, will hear, "Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity [lawlessness, the violation of God's Law]... I never knew you."  MANY... not just an aberrant few.  Many.  Christ said, "If you love Me, keep My Commandments."  He had no commandments of His own, but those of the Father, and He kept them perfectly to set the example for us--which itself is further evidence that He did not abolish the Law. 

Furthermore, Scripture prophesied that God would WRITE HIS LAW UPON THE HEARTS of His people. 

Does that sound like it was abolished? 

Answer this question: Does it sound to you that those who think that God abolished His Law, have His Law written on their hearts? 

It doesn't sound like it to me. 

If they think that God's Law is abolished when God declared that it would be written (not merely on stone, but) on their hearts does that now mean that they are unconverted? 

THE NEW COVENANT is that God would WRITE HIS LAW on the hearts of those of His people who are converted.  First of all, God takes a heart of stone, a heart that is dead (like the valley of dry bones) and removes it and replaces it with a heart of flesh (like bringing those scattered dried bones together, assembling them, having sinews and flesh appear, and then breathing life into it giving it life)... ONLY THEN can the heart that was once DEAD (and the scattered bones that were just that)... come to life... only then can life be lived--and the purpose of living is to live in obedience to what God commanded.  Keeping the Law does not save.  It is what God expects His children to do... but if they don't... it is evidence that they are still DEAD.  Dead in their trespasses and sins.  Dead toward God.  Oh, they delude themselves into thinking that they are spiritual and love God... but God established what true love is: If you love Me, Keep My Commandments. 

The oft-repeated, lame, mind-dead ditty the average ignorant Christian parrots in reply, "We don't need to keep the law, all we have to do is 'love'" shows his deadness of heart and mind.  Try that at your job.  When your boss comes in and asks, "Why aren't you working?"  Just stand up, smile, give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and go back to day-dreaming.  If a father told his son to clean up his room, do his chores and homework, and instead the son stood up and said, "no thanks pops, but I love ya'" and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek then went off to play with his friends... IS THAT LOVE? and DOES THAT NONEXISTENT 'love' replace the law?   NO and NO are the correct answers.  Scripture says, "Even a child is known by his doings."  Scripture says, "Be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."   Modern expressions reflect this: "talk is cheap," "Your actions are speaking so loud I can't hear what your words are saying."  Scripture says, "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey" (Romans 6:16)  Just because a Christian goes to church every now and then and sings a hymn does not mean God is his Lord.  Ones Lord is the one he obeys.

Tragically, most Christians (mis)understand so many passage of Scripture backwards. 

Love is demonstrated by keeping the Law.  If you love your kinsman you will not steal from him, beat him up, rape his daughter, commit adultery with his wife, and murder his son.  Thinking that one can "love" while ignoring all those commands (and every other command) IS DELUSIONAL!   OBEDIENCE to the Law is love, and that love is the fulfillment of the law; even as faith without works is dead.  Works do not produce the faith, the faith produces the works.  One does not attempt to ride a motorcycle up a ramp and over 12 school buses in order to achieve faith.  One who ALREADY HAS FAITH that he can complete that task, then has motivation to actually do it.  Experience (works) is a RESULT of faith and HOPE/CONFIDENCE (having seen faith in action) is a RESULT of EXPERIENCE.  Experience does not produce faith; it is the other way around.  However, as pertains to God and us, without God's Holy Spirit we are dead.  NOTHING we can do can please God.  We are dead.  The Holy Spirit regenerates and quickens and it is by the Agency of the Holy Spirit in a believer that the believer REALIZES that God's Law is still in effect (like some massive bar tab or electric bill that continues to accrue, whether you pay it or not--eventually the bill will come due--it is called JUDGMENT) and it is by the Agency of the Holy Spirit that the believer DESIRES to obey and please God and it is by the Agency of the Holy Spirit that the believer is actually EMPOWERED to do what is right.  Those "Christians' who think that the Law was abolished, who do not have the desire to obey God (their own selfishness, pet sins, and the cares of this life and the fulfilling of the lusts of the flesh being deemed of greater value: which means ones god is actually himself, since that is who he honors and serves and worships), and who do not obey... are on VERY SHAKY ground.  Every tree is known by its fruit.  A diseased tree cannot bring forth healthy fruit  A bad/salty well cannot bring forth good/fresh water.

The very last books of the New Testament to be written (even after the book of Revelation) were the epistles of John, in which John reveals, "sin is transgression of the Law."  If the Law was abolished WHEN was it abolished?  Christ did not think it was abolished, nor did John as he penned the very last books of the New Testament.  If the Law was abolished WHO abolished it (and BY WHOSE authority)?  Christ specifically said that HE did NOT... (and that it was not even in His job description).

So WHICH "bible" are Christians reading who think the Law was abolished?  If the Law was abolished sin could not be possible (for sin is transgression of the Law)... if the Law was abolished NO ONE COULD SIN so WHAT would anyone need to REPENT OF or be SAVED FROM or be SAVED UNTO...? --which are the very repeated THEMES of the entire Bible!

Romans 8

1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

[The Spirit will not lead anyone to "walk in sin"; the flesh is sin (the old creature, the carnal man); walking after the flesh is fulfilling the lusts of the flesh which is the violation of God's Law.]

2For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. ...

[Free not from the Law itself, but free from the sinful nature's natural and complete gravitation to disobedience and from the PENALTY (Judgment) of the Law (death).]

4That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

[Walking after the flesh is fulfilling the lusts thereof, everything God commanded us not to do; again, the Holy Spirit will not lead anyone to walk in sin; if a Christian walks in the flesh/sin (even ignorantly not considering it to be sin), it is evidence that the Holy Spirit kept on going straight and the believer turned aside and is walking in the flesh, having missed where the Spirit was leading).]

5For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 6For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

7Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject [submissive] to the Law of God, neither indeed can be. ....

[Subject is not the best translation since it has several meanings... the meaning that is intended is that the flesh does not subject itself or submit itself to the Law of God... the meaning is NOT that the flesh is under no obligation to obey.  The Law was not done away with, it is just that the unconverted mind (which includes the minds of many individuals who think that they are converted) is not in submission to God's Law (especially if the individual continually claims that God abolished His Law altogether).]

8So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
9But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

[We are not supposed to be dead unto the Law, but dead unto sin and alive unto Christ, who was tempted in all areas as we are yet without sin because He lived in obedience to the Father.  "How shall we, who are dead to sin, live any longer therein?" (Romans 6:2)  Those who are dead to sin WON'T live any longer therein, if they do, they are not dead to sin and if they are not dead to sin then they are not in or of Christ.  Christ said "I am the True Vine... [which presupposes the existence of a false vine(s)] I am the Vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit (obedience)" (John 15)... those who are not bearing Christ's fruit are not attached to Christ, but are part of some false vine masquerading as Christ... antichrists, false Christs (of which Christ Himself said there would be MANY)... false Christs graven in men's minds (idols) through false doctrine.  in Romans 8:9, Christ said, if any have not the Spirit of Christ (which will produce the fruit Christ commanded)... HE IS NONE OF HIS.  Christ said, "My sheep hear (recognize) My Voice and follow (obey, heed) Me... they will not follow the voice of a stranger; well, if modern "christians" are following some voice other than Christ's then Christ just declared that they are not His sheep.]

10And if Christ be in you ....
11...if the Spirit of Him [God, the Spirit of God would then clearly be the Holy Spirit] that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.

[Hint: if a "christian" has not been quickened in his mortal body to live in obedience to God's Law, then he is still dead in his trespasses and sins, having never truly been quickened.  Quicken means: bring to life, resurrect, from sin and death unto obedience and life.... the purpose of bringing to life from the dead is to live in obedience... at times when Christ forgave sins, He said, "Go and sin no more" not, "go and do whatever you want the law is abolished"... obedience to the Law of God are the "good works" to which we are called, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)]

12Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
13For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

[Mortify or "put to death" the deeds of the body is walking in the Spirit so that you don't fulfill the lusts of the flesh... putting to death the old creature (unregenerate man, the flesh) reckoning him to be crucified with Christ and the new creature raised to NEW life (obedience) with Christ.  ]

14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

In John 15:10 Christ tells us

If ye keep My Commandments, ye shall abide in My Love; even as I have kept My Father’s Commandments, and abide in His Love.  Christ here says that those who violate the Law of God are not in His Love.... if you are not abiding in Christ's Love you are none of His.  His sheep hear His Voice and obey.

David said If I regard (harbor) iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me.

Isaiah 59:2 informs us,

"But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His Face from you, that He will not hear."

Satan's great lie that God abolished His Law keeps Christians in perpetual sin* and God does not hear their prayers and thinking he is not guilty of any sin, he does not think there is anything that he needs to repent of. 

[* They are in perpetual sin by their own chosen ignorance: God's Word is clear: If they would just read it instead of doing everything else that is meaningless in terms of eternity and in terms of daily obedience to what God HAS commanded.  How can the average Christian claim God is his God and Lord when he doesn't even know what that Lord requires? and if he doesn't know what He requires, how can he serve, please, obey, or worship Him?  He cannot.]

It is the perfect vicious cycle, the perfect con... and THAT is why Christendom is being destroyed; because God's people are in blatant sin--NOT EVEN KNOWING what God requires, having believed the lie that a Holy God abolished His Holy Moral Code... and those that fancy that they "obey" Him, in what I call "Smorgasbord Theology" pick and choose "which" FEW laws they think are still necessary and throw the rest away.  A subject does not have the right to decide which laws of his Lord he will obey and which he will ignore.  Not one jot or tittle Christ declared, would pass [end, become obsolete, fade away, be abolished]... the ONLY part of the Law that was abolished was the JUDGMENT or the CURSE of the Law against us because Christ Himself took that judgment for us (if we are truly of His sheep).  The Old Testament sacrifices themselves were not really abolished but fulfilled in Christ the eternal sacrifice... but every single other law, the dietary laws,* the sexual laws, the laws of agriculture, laws regarding interaction with alien peoples, the Sabbaths, laws of cleanliness, no other gods or graven images (much less PAGAN TEMPLES) are still all in effect and our sins rise as a STENCH to Heaven... while Christians roll their eyes and twiddle their thumbs and claim there is nothing they can do about it... while they then rush off to the superbowl (while the barbarians are not pounding away at the gate--they have already been invited in, been given the keys to the city, and the watchmen on the wall have married their daughters to them!).  Christ said that it is not proper to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs and Christ agreed and recognized the validity of the overflow of blessing principle (IF God's people are obedient and separate* as God commanded, and if they demand obedience of any internal segregated aliens and if those aliens mind their place)... that the dogs can eat from the crumbs that fall from the master's table.  But instead of obeying God, the corrupt leaders of the master's children have declared the dogs themselves to be the master's children and they have forced some of the master's children under the table to eat the crumbs that the dogs drop and the rest of the master's children have been seduced into breeding with the dogs!  And the modern Christian thinks God is just "all smiles" about that.  It is an abomination.

[* God declared: "25Ye shall therefore put difference between clean beasts and unclean, and between unclean fowls and clean: and ye shall not make your souls abominable by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that creepeth on the ground, which I have separated from you as unclean.  26And ye shall be holy unto Me: for I the LORD am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be Mine." (Leviticus 20) 

The difference between clean and unclean (animals or peoples) was not a result of evolution, but by God's very design at Creation.  God does not "re-act" to the (non-existent) "evolution" of His Creation... He is not passive.  He does not do anything randomly or play "pick up sticks" or "a barrel of monkeys"; He does things orderly after the pre-determinate Counsel of His own Will for His own Good Pleasure.  He doesn't "do damage control"--He plans everything, even like a "mock drill" that fire departments or policing agencies conduct, or like a "war game" or "flight simulator" enacted by those who devise such drills to test the ability of their people.  For this reason, Christ gave the parable of a master who went away for a time and entrusted to his servants gold talents "to see what they would do with them".  It is not that God does not know what any will do; He has actually determined what all will do: the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (and the steps of the wicked are just as ordered and sure—Scripture says that in the betrayal, trial, and crucifiction of Christ, each individual did what God had before determined would be done; Acts 4:26-28); God's Omniscience is not passive: He cannot think something without having ordered it; He doesn't have a crystal ball: His knowledge is reality by His thinking it and He does not have thoughts randomly pop into His Head against His Will; He declared: "Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand" (Isaiah 14:24).  God cannot have invalid thoughts and He doesn't  "guess".  He never "see things wrong" or "overlooks" anything; He doesn't have bad ideas or plans that never work out or ideas He never follows through with; nothing catches Him by surprise... because He didn't merely "see" all that would happen... He planned it all.  He is Sovereign.  Omnipotent.  Perfect.  His creation didn't merely "go bad"--all things have happened just as He determined.  It is not exactly how He planned, if His creation "just went bad" on its own, then He is not Perfect.]

God cannot change.  He commands obedience.  Because His people are in multitudinous flagrant sin, as in the days of Noah --eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage--in complete violation of all the boundaries that God established concerning what we are allowed to eat and drink and marry... because of this mass perversion and rebellion, God is sending tribulation so great that hardly even the elect will survive... the founders of the US and Britain and Europe—Christendom—are being bred out of existence (in addition to daily being murdered and de-christianized and brainwashed).  In 1 more generation, none will be left except a handful, and it will be like the movies The Planet of the Apes... where the Apes are hunting down the few remaining humans.  That's what God says... society, the church will be so perverse, the only "crime" that is left will be holding true to what God commanded, the purity of our faith and heritage... and those who would put us to death will perversely imagine that they are doing God a favor... and unless God draw those days short, not even the elect will survive.  God will not draw those days short until His people actually repent and shake off their delusion and realize that when it is a matter of life and death, leisure and amusement and recreation ARE IMMORAL.

“When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, the battle is your calling, and peace has become sin. You must at the price of dearest peace lay your conviction bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.” —Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) Dutch theologian, statesman, journalist, and Prime Minister of the Netherlands {1901-1905}.  OH that we had such statesmen today!  WE HAVE NO statesmen, we only have politicians and they are ALL corrupt (when they do not demand their fellow politicians to be held accountable for their TREASON and CRIMES against the people and against GOD, they COVER those crimes and are accessories to them).

God will not draw those days short until the remnant of His people repent and cry out... or until He has winnowed away the chaff from the remnant of the wheat down to the handful of those who already are so repenting and crying out.

The ONLY ones who will survive the coming days of WRATH will be those who have the Testimony/Faith of Christ Jesus (what HE said, not what the modern corrupt church has twisted His teaching into--Faith in the True God, not a modern idol created by the harlot church who has turned the Rembrandt of God into a Picasso disjointed caricature or a Salvador Dali psychotic, bizarre, perverse delusion)... and who keep the Commandments of God.  TRUE faith proves itself by obedience.  Faith without works is dead.  If one watch has a battery in it and the other watch does not, how can you tell which watch is alive?  One WORKS.  The works do not "make" it alive or "cause the battery to exist" but is PROOF that the watchmaker GAVE it a battery or PROOF that he WOUND IT UP and MADE it ALIVE.

Revelation 14:12

Here is the patience* of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith** of Jesus.

* Patience refers to the endurance, the perseverance of the saints during the tribulation--this identifies who are the remnant who will survive!
** Faith without works is dead.

Revelation 12:17

And the Dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the Commandments of God, and have the Testimony* of Jesus Christ.

* A Legal term: "Evidence, testimony, judicial record."  And even as faith (with which this word testimony is substituted, showing they are synonyms, in Rev. 14:12)... even as faith without works is dead, this testimony itself is the evidence that we are Christ's--evidence of His work in us (the keeping of God's Law).  The Ark of the Covenant was also called the Ark of the Testimony, because God's Law, His Covenant, His Testimony, His Testament was housed therein: "And thou shalt put into the Ark the Testimony which I shall give thee." (Exodus 25:16). .... Scripture calls it "the Ark of Testimony" or "the Ark of the Testimony" 13 times (such as in Joshua 4:16).  It is called "the Ark of the Covenant" 41 times.  It is also called "the Ark of His Testament" 1 time.  This Testimony or Faith or Covenant is therefore clearly related to the Law or Commandments of God, which Christ repeatedly commanded us to keep; even telling us that obedience to what God commanded is the fruit we are supposed to bear and that obedience to the Commandments of God was a requirement for receiving the answers to our prayers (John 15:1-10); and in one of the very last books of the Bible to be written, the Apostle John himself echoes this very truth: "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His Commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His Sight." (I John 3:22)  I guess someone forgot to clue John in that the Law had been abolished, I guess some time while he was in banishment on the Isle of Patmos, and he didn't get the memo... those sticky notes don't stick too well to the side of a cave; especially not on a wind-swept isle... but you would think that after he was released and while he was in the cultural city of Ephesus, someone would have filled him in to save him this embarrassment...! --or maybe the modern apostate Christian church is wrong and the Apostle John was right.  I'm not a betting man, but if I were, I would put my money on the Apostle John... what about you...?

God is currently testing WHICH of His saints will remain true, even as He allowed Satan to afflict Job to prove Job knowing that Job would remain true, not because of any goodness or ability in Job, but because, "He preserveth the souls of His saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked." (Psalm 97:10).  Satan's goal is to destroy all those who have the Testimony/Faith of Jesus Christ AND WHO THUS keep the Commandments of God; keeping the Commandments of God is meaningless--actually impossible--without the Faith of God, because by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified... sinning just one single time makes a person a sinner--in fact, merely inheriting Adam's sin nature makes one a sinner... once a person is born HE IS ALREADY IN SPIRITUAL DEBT!  No amount of "keeping the Law" can get you out of debt once you are already 1 sin behind!  Only Christ can pay that debt and then enable a person through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to be able to obey and please God from thereon out.  Having the Testimony / Faith of Christ Jesus WITHOUT keeping the Law is a delusion... a myth... because faith without works is dead... if Christ is truly in a person the person will be CHANGED and will WALK IN THE SPIRIT and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (the violation of all the Commandments of God).

The Dragon's goal is to perverted, defile, mongrelize, seduce away the Bride of Christ so that He has no bride to return to.  The Dragon's goal is to devour the children of God (through carnage and death, through amalgamation, through perverting their minds by brainwashing them into turning from God and His Ways).  Those whom God will preserve will be those who are truly His, those who reflect His Image, His Holiness by obeying His commands that set us apart as His children...would it not be easy to distinguish a talking parrot owned by a preacher and that owned by a rap "singer" or a profane sailor?  So should we be distinguished by not merely our talk, but by our walk.

This end time Wrath that is coming upon the world is not virtual reality.  It is reality.  It is not a game.  It is real life.  It is not make believe, it is for keeps.

The Father has delayed Christ's Return to give more of His children the opportunity to repent (or defect) and to test their faith; the chaff will conclude that because Christ has not returned, He never will:

"3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

7But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 

8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 

9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

10But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (II Peter 3)

[Christ is not returning in any secret silent "rapture"; that is Jesuit-Zionist counter-reformation propaganda devised to seduce God's children into being irresponsible thinking it doesn't matter how bad the world gets because God is going to yank us out before things get too bad.  Think again!   "we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." (Acts 14:22)  Maybe you ought to "rethink your game plan."  You're going THROUGH the Great Tribulation... no need to go look for it, if you are of God it will find you.  Maybe you ought to be like the wise virgins and have your lamps trimmed... check your provision chest... prepare as a good soldier to endure hardness.  Christ commanded "Occupy till I come."  That command can't be obeyed if you are raptured out.  Christ said even as in the days of Noah (in many ways) so will it be with the Coming of the Son of Man: Scripture says that the waters came and took the wicked away... not Noah... Noah was preserved in the ark.... through the trials.   "the root of the righteous shall not be moved" (Proverbs 12:3).  It is the chaff that is driven away... it is the tares that are first bundled and burned. 

The word thief is an improper translation above.  The word does not mean thief but robber.  The difference: a thief operated by stealth, like a cat burglar; he slips in and out without being noticed.  A robber is a gang of banditoes who kick the doors in, in the middle of the night, with guns a-blazin' using the element of surprise with shock and awe... and then kill or tie everyone up and then steal what they want at their leisure, and then maybe burn the house down on their way out just as a nice touch.  THAT is how Christ will return, but He will not return for His own in that manner, but for His enemies who have abused His Bride over the past 2,000 years.  The first time He came as a Lamb to redeem His own; the second time He will return like a lion to avenge them.  "10...when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, 8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Christ Jesus: 9Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the Presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of His Power; " (II Thessalonians 1)]

Though the chaff will demonstrate disbelief, the elect wheat will reckon,

"for He is faithful Who promised" (Hebrews 10:23)

"Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised." (Hebrews 11:11)

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (
Galatians 6:9)

For without faith (and faith without works is dead) it is impossible to please God... He that comes to God must believe that He is (that He is God and that everything that He has said is infallibly true) and that He is a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY seek Him.

[Diligence is not something that is casual or passive.]

May God turn the hearts of the people once again--and turn them to repentance unto life and unto Him, and not give them up again to destruction.

God's people can only repent if God puts it in their hearts to repent... for there is none that doeth good, there is none that seeketh God or even incline themselves toward Him... no not one...  Like Lazarus, unless God calls the dead forth from the grave, they remain dead.

Ephraim, symbolic of all God’s people, after being chastised, in repentance cries out God: “...turn Thou me, and I shall be turned; for Thou art the Lord my God.... Surely after that I was turned, I repented” (Jeremiah 31:18,19).

[In context, the whole passage reads: "18I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus; Thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, as a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke: turn thou me, and I shall be turned; for thou art the LORD my God. 19Surely after that I was turned, I repented; and after that I was instructed, I smote upon my thigh: I was ashamed, yea, even confounded, because I did bear the reproach of my youth. 20Is Ephraim my dear son? is he a pleasant child? for since I spake against him, I do earnestly remember him still: therefore my bowels are troubled for him; I will surely have mercy upon him, saith the LORD. 21Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps: set thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest: turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities. 22How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter?"]

Christ did not abolish God's Law: He declared with His Father—

"This is the way, walk ye in it" (Isaiah 30:21)

God commanded us to turn not to the left or the right.  But observe ALL the things He had commanded us.

Christ said:

"13Enter ye in at the strait [narrow, restricted, constricted] gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7)

[The narrow or restricted way is that experience by the bullock in the yoke, and by the horse with a bridle... they are turned the way the master wants them turned; they are restricted into going in the narrow way that he wants them to go.]

He that hath ears to hear... let him hear... let the redeemed of the Lord say so... can two walk together except they be in agreement? If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask, it shall be done of my father which is in heaven.

The Christian singing artist the late Chris Mullins (who is not one of my favorite artists, but he had various songs the local stations played that I heard over the years), I heard him on a Christian radio interview once (before his untimely passing)... he had, unprecedentedly,  put the very same song "Chariot of fire" on 2 albums in a row.  When asked why he put it on the second album, he replied, "because I didn't think anyone was listening the first time."



Why no LASTING reformation/revival...?


attached are some other pages of introduction to this book Stories of Great Revivals.

Holden makes some very good points, to which I will preface some of my thoughts.

Why no LASTING reformation/revival?

Christ said, "that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit."

The majority of modern "revival meeting" or "evangelistic crusade" fervor is of the flesh, not the Holy Spirit.  If it were of the Holy Spirit it would last.  Ye shall know them by their fruit.  Christ said that He ordained His own that they should bring forth fruit and that that fruit SHOULD REMAIN.  Those who don't produce Christ's fruit, and fruit that remains, are not of Christ, even as I showed from Scripture yesterday, "he that hath not the Spirit of Christ IS NONE OF HIS."

The soil must be prepared (which can only be done by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is oft moved to so operate when God's people care enough to pray for things beyond their own selfish needs and desires: ye have not because ye ask not and ye receive not because ye ask putridly). 

Anyone who has ever done the slightest bit of gardening will know that it does little good to wantonly cast seed to the wind without even tilling the ground.  Good seed will not penetrate the sod or areas overgrown with weed.  As Scripture reveals, "the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light."  As it pertains to our farming illustration, this method of wanton scattering only generally works with the seeds of weeds.  Weeds are hardy, tough, resilient (like wild mountain goats, they brave the remote harsh places on their own; whereas, most domesticated sheep, goats, cattle, if not cared for diligently, will die in a sickening wave).  Good seed and plants are tender, delicate.  You can rip weeds out, stomp on them, poison and burn them, and they keep coming back.  But if you practically speak too harshly or look to scornfully at a good plant, it will shrivel up and die.  Very rarely will you have a lovely broccoli or cucumber or tomato or pumpkin come up on its own in the middle of the yard or on the edge of the forest or in a heap of weeds.  Good seed needs cultivation.  It is tender... it is also desired prey of many predators... deer and raccoons don't crave thistles and brambles or poison ivy, but whatever delicacy you plant for yourself.  That is the law of sin in operation.  In the parable of the sower and the seed, good ground was prepared, ploughed, tilled; however, the illustration was that some fell beyond where it was intended; but wherever it fell beyond where it was intended, it did not avail, anywhere.

The senselessness of so many fleshly revivals, as briefly explained by Holden in these few pages, puts me in mind of a few war movies I have seen (many based on fact) in which armored amphibious transport boats were transporting loads of soldiers to the beach, and invariably, time after time, as the human cargo ship approached the shallows and dropped the front ramp... enemy machine gun fire mowed down everyone, often before they could even hit the water, let alone reach the beach.  The overwhelming senselessness of it all was profound... time after time... I wanted to shout to them, "You fools can't you see that it is not working!  Can't you see the great loss of human life...!"  Eventually, they did succeed... but at what cost! at what UNNECESSARY cost!  Either another way should have been brainstormed or that beach did not need to be taken, or at least not at that time in that way.  How could such leaders, generals or politicians or even the transport boat drivers ever sleep at night for the rest of their lives having known they sent all those men to their deaths...?  I know how politicians sleep, because they have no conscience... and the generals, well, they generally don't concern themselves with such details... like bomber pilots don't generally see the carnage of human life as a result of their dropping those shiny bombs way up from the clouds where everything on earth is just a tiny speck they don't even look at.  Generals don't lead their troops into battle any longer, as did Washington... HOWEVER, if we want to prevent all future senseless tragedies, we should DEMAND that if they are going to send men to their death, their own sons should be in the first boat... as well as those of the politicians.

Regardless, this same (or similar) senselessness is the result of "emotional conversions" that are not real, the convertants not being prepared (or even scrutinized) by the convertors... as Christ said, "does any man go to war without first counting the cost, whether he can win?"  This is the problem that has resulted from watering down the truth to reduce it to a level that the dumbed down populace can understand, and to bring within reach and force on him by pressured sales techniques a product that the buyer really doesn't want... all with the hopes that one day he might be glad he bought it... but invariably, all such hard sales to low dominance people end up in the attic or the garage, or closet, or by the curb with the garbage.  This is why Scripture says if any man preach ANOTHER GOSPEL other than the FULL one transmitted (with all its commands and responsibilities) --let him be accursed!  Bringing such "questionable" conversions into the church is as foolish as evangelizing within the church.  The church is not the place for evangelization; it is the place for confirmed believers.  Evangelism is to take place outside the church... (if the church itself is in need of conversion it is not a church!) only those who have been validated and then confirmed (examined and discipled/trained) are then admitted to fellowship.  You don't put an inexperienced novice crane operator in charge of a project going on in the middle of town with pedestrians walking all around, and other workers exposed whose lives are in the hands of that operator.  The parole officer/social worker does not bring a murderer/rapist/pedophile home for dinner to meet the wife and kids.  A real father does not let just anyone come and pick up his daughter to take her out on a date.  Noah didn't say, "What, ONLY TWO termites, two rattlesnakes, two scorpions, two yellow jackets...? heck no, bring them all, the more the merrier; we will be on the ark for over a year; it will get boring without a little excitement!"  Yet that is the senselessness that takes place in the modern church--all for the false appearance of "success" in having the pews packed, and the sunday school rooms full of kids bussed in from the local projects, lured there with the offers of cake and ice cream and a puppet show... and then people wonder why the church a few years later is beset with scandals... affairs, illegitimate pregnancies, embezzlement of church funds, doctrinal shifts, attitude shifts, internal wars, and then the church is overrun by the neighborhood ghetto and the church is turned into a storage building by the local hardware store.  Give not that which is holy to the dogs; cast not your pearls before swine... lest they turn and destroy you.  Was Christ just babbling nonsense...?  Of course not.  Yet the majority of Christians show by their actions that they believe He was, that His "old antiquated ideas are now obsolete in our modern world".  Christ is not the head of their church, if they do not follow His agenda, but their own.  He who has not the Spirit of Christ is none of His.  This spirit refers not merely to a sugar-coated happy love everyone sing-singy demeanor (which, incidentally did not characterize Christ, yet that is the false portrait that is painted of him today)... having the Spirit of Christ refers to obeying what He commanded... even as He obeyed the commands of His Father.  That is the only true Spirit of Christ.  Christ rhetorically asked, "Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say?"  The vast majority of "conversions" go sour because they are not based on principle, but emotion; and quite often people don't even realize the "conversions" went sour... because how could anyone know...? when those in the church are no different than those who do not even consider themselves Christians?  When nonchristians or false conversions "fit right in" in the local church, what does that say about the local church?  Being a "friendly church" has nothing to do with Christianity; yet that seems to be the spiritual barometer by which modern churches measure their Christianity.  But to be friends with the world is to be the enemy of God, and Christ said those who are lukewarm will be vomited out.  All of this is the most important truths which any person can occupy his time.  These are the end days.  Only a remnant will survive.  This is why Scripture says, "Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith"--not according to the worldly church's yardstick, but according to God's.  When the enemy attacks the safest place to be is by the forces that will be defending you... and Scripture says, in Psalm 91
1    He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2    I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3    Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4    He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5    Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6    Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7    A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8    Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9    Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10    There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11    For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12    They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
13    Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
14    Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15    He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
16    With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.

However, God is not fooled by lip-service.  Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High cannot be faked.  It is either real, or it is not.  The rich young ruler wanted all the benefits, but none of the sacrifice or responsibilities.... but his life ended about 1950 years ago, and his eternity has barely begun... what good then were his brief fist full of years which he esteemed of greater value than eternal life.








— Of Prophets and Repentance

[My introductory thoughts followed by two great messages from the past.  Excellent: written / preached 45 years ago.  Well worth the read.  “Be ye doers of the Word, not hearers only deceiving your own selves.” (James 1:22)]

Understand... prophets are not sinless.  No one is sinless.  We are all bound with the chains and stain of sin, but when Christ healed and forgave, He said “Go and sin no more.”  If one repents—truly repents—he will turn from his sin by the Power of God, and not be like the natural (carnal, unconverted) man beholding himself in a mirror, and then go straight out and return to the old way of life (as Catholics after confessional, and as Baptists and other Protestants who seem to have skipped altogether the confessional part to God Himself, and after hearing a sermon, forget it entirely once they pass the church doors back into the “real” world, if they even listened to the sermon).  Those who are truly converted don’t return like dogs to their own vomit, or pigs to wallow again in the mire.  “Be ye doers of the word, not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  If a man hears the Word of God or the Word of God through a prophet, and is not moved, or is angered by the word (because they convict him of sin, but he does not want to repent), that person is not of God, he is spiritually dead and only God can bring Him back to life.

God may have “scheduled numerous appointments” with that individual, to call him to repentance, which appointments were all ignored by the “christian”... and at some point, God will stop calling.  Then a person will be given over to a seared conscience (like cauterized flesh, the nerve endings having been destroyed, it is senseless, dead, a scab).  This seems to be the general state of the majority of Christendom, bearing a vestigial resemblance to Christianity, like trying to look at a reflection in a pond on a cloudy, windy day.

Most Caucasians raised in Christendom consider themselves Christians, but like the old question goes, “If it was a crime to be a Christian, would there be any evidence to convict you?”  Most “Christians” think of themselves in an overly favorable light.  However, those who actually read the Word of God for what it is, not false interpretations, will react as Peter did in the presence of Christ’s Holiness, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man.”  The flesh would have Christ depart from us, but that is the self-destructive nature of the flesh, recognizing its own sinfulness and unworthiness, but rejecting the cure.  Yes, we are all unclean and all unworthy and all fail—and that is why Christ died: so that we would not remain in a perpetual state of unworthiness with judgment hanging over us, and to take upon Himself our guilt and judgment and free us from it.

[We later see the gradual transformation in Peter before the Passover, when Christ went to wash his feet and Peter said No, I am unworthy to have You wash my feet.  Christ replied, He whose feet I do not wash has no part in Me.  With his over-enthusiastic nature which sometimes caused Peter to be erratic, Peter replied, Then please wash not my feet alone, but also my hands and head.  Christ expressed that He who is clean does not need an entire bath, but just to wash the dust off his feet from the dirt accumulated by wearing sandals on a dirt road frequented by barn animals.  The feet represent our walk, where we go, and hence also what we do, though our hands also represent what we do, the hands could do little if the feet did not transport the hands somewhere to do it.  The hands do at times need to be washed, as does the head, the mind, the thoughts.... however, at that moment (John 13), Christ explained all that needed to be cleaned was their feet.  Later (John 15), Christ would tell them, now ye are clean through the Word that I have spoken unto you.  Immediately Christ then said, Abide in Me and I in you, even as a branch cannot bear fruit except it abide in the vine or trunk.  The purpose of the cleansing was to restore us to how God designed us to be: to bear fruit.  Bearing fruit, walking in the Spirit, doing good works are all synonyms for keeping God’s Law: obedience.  Doing good works / keeping the Law does not save us; we are saved unto the good works and keeping of the Law that we were fore-ordained that we should walk in them.  Similarly, Psalm 119 reveals:

“9Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy Word.  10With my whole heart have I sought Thee: O let me not wander from Thy Commandments.  11Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.]

However, with freedom comes responsibility.  Christ did not free us “from” the Law.  He freed us from the Judgment, the Curse, the Penalty of the Law (which He Himelf bare for us).  The only reaction of one who has truly been converted is to “go and sin no more”.  Being imperfect, we will sin and fall.  But if Christ is truly in us, we will not be content to remain in the stench and quagmire, but cry out for forgiveness and turn from sin and return to the true paths.  Christ said if you love Me keep My Commandments.  He had no commandments of His own; He fully kept all the Commandments of the Father, none of which were abolished; Christ said that not even the slightest, least significant pen stroke would pass from the Law (not the merest mechanical motion of recording it); so certainly the Law itself would not pass even though heaven and earth may pass.  Christ said that not even a jot or tittle pass until all be fulfilled—and that does not mean that the Law will pass after all is fulfilled.  The intention is continual.  God’s Standard of Morality never changes.  Christ said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).   


Not only did Christ not abolish the Law, but He seemed to expand its interpretation to a higher level, declaring that sin committed in the heart / mind, even though never acted upon and committed in the flesh, is equally as sinful.  However, if reality, Christ did not expand the interpretation of the Law, He merely reminded us what the meaning of the 10th Commandment is.  The Tenth Commandment forbids lust of anything.  Lust is an activity of the heart / mind and results in the violation of Commandments 1 through 9.  Similarly, the First Commandment, if obeyed, will prevent the violation of Commandments 2 through 10.

A prophet who proclaims the Word of God calls others to repentance (as opposed to the other type of prophet who predicts the future when God reveals it to him).  This does not mean that the prophet himself is sinless, but that he has recognized the ugliness and morbidity of sin in himself and others and is calling all his kinsfolk to choose life and live, to divert judgment.  If a bridge is out and ones kinsmen are travelling merrily along their way to destruction, the person who cries out to them to stop is not claiming that he is a better person.  That is never in the picture.  It is never a thought in his mind.  The only issue is preventing destruction.  Nehemiah, one of the godliest men in Scripture, confessed to God the sins of the nation, and confessed that he himself was not without sin and that he and his father's house had contributed to the national offense... and He prayed for God’s mercy upon them all.  We are in the final days of this age, in the death throes of Christendom, squandering away the final days of freedom and civilization.  The bridge is out.  It does not matter if the person driving toward the bridge is the most righteous man on earth, or the greatest sinner.  The bridge is out!

Even the most righteous person is guilty of sinfulness.  We all are.  Daily repentance and daily reading God’s Word to see what He requires—and asking the Holy Spirit to work that Truth and Holiness into us—is the only solution for any of us.  As I have long written.  It is not an issue of “who’s right and who’s wrong”: the only issue is each of us learning what is right and getting right.  

“Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16)
“1Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  2But his delight is in the Law of the LORD; and in His Law doth he meditate day and night.” (Psalm 1)

Unless one is in God’s Word and Law day and night, he cannot walk in the Spirit.  How can he walk in the Spirit if he does not know in which direction the Spirit is going?  The Law teaches us in which direction to walk or not walk and the Holy Spirit guides and empowers us to actually walk it.  Therefore, if one does not know where God commanded that we walk and not walk he cannot not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.  The lusts of the flesh are doing what God said not to do and not doing what He commanded us to do.  If God’s people think that His Law was abolished, then they are in perpetual sin and have no clue as to why God is not answering their prayers.  If you call for help on the radio or telephone and no one ever answers, how long does it take for an intelligent person to check to see if it is even plugged into the wall?  Sin unplugs us from God so that God will not hear (grant) our prayers; not even for deliverance—that is what the Judgment is sent for: to get us to plug back in to God.

When the Godly King Josiah had read to him the Law of the Lord that during a renovation was found hidden in the Temple, he rent his royal garments when he heard what God required, realizing how far they had departed from what God commanded, in but a few decades.  The copy of the Law had probably been hid there during the first and wicked half of his grandfather Manasseh’s reign, to prevent Manasseh from destroying every last copy.  However, the average modern Christian rends neither his heart nor his garment, but goes on care free with the attitude, “so what?”  Judgment will come upon such a person—as sudden destruction upon a fool.  If within a few decades Judah had departed so blatantly from what God had commanded, then how far do you think we have wandered from it in the 2,600 years since then?

God is calling those who are His Temple to a renovation, wherein, if they actually look, and clean out the filth and purify the temple, will discover anew God’s Law preserved there, and God is calling us all to repentance.  Will we listen?  If not, it will be testimony against us.  There is a chance that if God’s people nationwide, worldwide, in all of Christendom repent, that God will spare the entire nation and all of Christendom and postpone judgment for a later age, if we truly repent.

Regardless, beyond that, if God’s people individually repent, God may shelter them from the Wrath to come even as He sheltered the Israelites in the Land of Goshen while the plagues fell on Egypt all around them.  Revelation tells us that those of the elect who survive will only be those who have the Faith / Testimony of Christ Jesus and who also keep the Commandments / Law of God (Revelation 12:17; 14:12).  If one is not bearing testimony, if that Faith, that Testimony is not evident in his life, then he does not have the Testimony or Faith of Christ Jesus.  Faith without works is dead.  If one walks in sinfulness, oblivious and ill-concerned about God’s Law and how He commanded us to live, that person does not have the Faith of Christ Jesus.  We were made in God’s Image.  He is our Father.  Christ died to restore that Image and our place of honor in the family.  If our lives do not reflect God’s Image, then He is not our Father, but we are bastards.  That’s what Hebrews 12:8 tells us: “But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.”  Fathers discipline their own sons to chasten them to repentence; they do not discipline someone else’s children.

God is calling His people to repentance.  Who will listen?  Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.  Who are those? —those whose ears and eyes God has opened and whose hearts have been softened to be drawn to God and those who desire to do what is right to please their Father; those who forsake their own desires and obey Him to be honorable sons, and those who do not trample under foot the Sacrifice and Grace of Christ as if it was meaningless, by continuing in the old life of sin, and not heeding the remonstration: “Go and and sin no more”.  Sin no more does not suggest that we will never sin; but it means that when we do slip and sin, that we actually repent and return to the paths of life; not pretend that nothing happened and sweep it under the rug and go on and forget about it as if it doesn’t matter.  If God has not opened your eyes and ears and softened your hearts and called you to Himself, then that should scare you, and it should cause you to cry out and ask Him to so do.

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” (Psalm 107:2)  
“How can two walk together except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3)
“19Again I say unto you, ‘That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father Who is in Heaven.  20For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them’.” (Matthew 18)

Where Are The Elijahs Of God?

by Leonard Ravenhill (1907–1994) English Evangelist and author.

leonard ravenhill

To the question, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” we answer, “Where He has always been — on the throne!”  But where are the Elijahs of God?  We know Elijah was “a man of like passions as we are,” but alas! we are not men of like prayer as he was.  One praying man stands as a majority with God!  Today God is bypassing men — not because they are too ignorant, but because they are too self-sufficient.

Our abilities are our handicaps, and our talents our stumbling blocks!  Out of obscurity, Elijah came on to the Old Testament stage, a full-grown man.  Queen Jezebel, that daughter of hell, had routed the priests of God and replaced them with groves to false deities.  Darkness covered the land and gross darkness the people, and they were drinking iniquity like water.  Every day the land, fouled with heathen temples and idolatrous rites, saw smoke curling from a thousand cruel altars.

Elijah lived with God.  He thought about the nation’s sin like God; he grieved over sin like God; he spoke against sin like God.  He was all passion in his prayers and passionate in his denunciation of evil in the land.  He had no smooth preaching.  Passion fired his preaching, and his words were on the hearts of men as molten metal on their flesh.  If we will do God’s work in God’s way, at God’s time, with God’s power, we shall have God’s blessing and the devil’s curses.  When God opens the windows of heaven to bless us, the devil will open the doors of hell to blast us.  God’s smile means the devil’s frown!

Mere preachers may help anybody and hurt nobody; but prophets will stir everybody and madden somebody.  The preacher may go with the crowd; the prophet goes against it.  A man freed, fired, and filled with God will be branded unpatriotic because he speaks against his nation’s sins; unkind because his tongue is a two-edged sword; unbalanced because the weight of preaching opinion is against him.

Preachers make pulpits famous; prophets make prisons famous.  The preacher will be heralded; the prophet hounded.  We love the old saints, missionaries, martyrs, reformers: our Luthers, Bunyans, Wesleys, Asburys, etc.  We will write their biographies, reverence their memories, frame their epitaphs, and build their monuments.  We will do anything except imitate them.  We cherish the last drop of their blood, but watch carefully the first drop of our own!

Much of our praying is but giving God advice.  Our praying is discolored with ambition, either for ourselves or for our denomination.  Perish the thought!  Our goal must be God alone.  It is His honor that is defiled, His blessed Son who is ignored, His laws broken, His name profaned, His book forgotten, His house made a circus of social efforts.

Does God ever need more patience with His people than when they are “praying”?  We tell Him what to do and then how to do it.  We pass judgments and make appreciations in our prayers.  In short, we do everything except pray!  No Bible school can teach us this art.  What Bible school has “prayer” on its curriculum?  The most important thing a man can study is the prayer part of the book.  But where is this taught?  Let us strip off the last bandage and declare that many of our presidents and teachers do not pray, shed no tears, know no travail.  Can they teach what they do not know?  The man who can get believers to praying would, under God, usher in the greatest revival that the world has ever known.

There is no fault in God.  He is able.  God “is able to do according to the power that worketh in us.”  God’s problem today is not communism, nor yet Romanism, nor liberalism, nor modernism.  God’s problem is — dead fundamentalism!  “So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth.” — Rev. 3:16

Sin today is both glamorized and popularized, thrown into the ear by radio, thrown into the eye by television, and splashed on popular magazine covers.  Churchgoers, sermon-sick and teaching-tired, leave the meeting as they entered it — visionless and passionless!

Oh God, give this perishing generation ten thousand John the Baptists!  Just as Moses could not mistake the sight of the burning bush, so a nation could not mistake the sight of a burning man!

God meets fire with fire.  John the Baptist was a new man with a new message.  As a man accused of murder hears the dread cry of the judge, “Guilty!” and pales at it, so the crowd heard John’s cry, “Repent!” until it rang down the corridors of their minds, stirred memory, bowed the conscience and brought them terror-stricken to repentance and baptism!

After Pentecost, the onslaught of Peter, fresh from his fiery baptism of the Spirit, shook the crowd until as one man they cried out: “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Imagine someone telling these sin-stricken men, “Just sign a card!  Attend church regularly!  Pay your tithes!”  No!  A thousand times no!

“O Lord, I have heard Thy Speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive Thy Work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in Wrath remember Mercy.” (Habakkuk 3:2)


America Needs a Prophet

by Dr. Vance Houston Havner (1901-1986) American pastor, evangelist, and author.

America needs a prophet today. Pastors, teachers, and evangelists abound, but prophets have always been rare and are now almost extinct.

The prophet does not fit into any of the neat little categories of the clergy.  He defies regimentation and cannot be catalogued.  Barclay says: “The settled ministry began to resent the intrusion of these wandering prophets who often disturbed their congregations.”  They still do.  The prophet is anathema to the Establishment in any day or generation. 

An Elijah on Carmel, an Amos in Bethel, a Savonarola in Florence upsets the status quo. He is not welcome to the councils of the powers-that-be in state or church.  He is not a guest in Herod’s palace but a prisoner in Herod’s jail.  He is not photographed with dignitaries nor invited to address the Sons and Daughters of I Will Arise.  He is smilingly dismissed as “controversial” by the smooth diplomats of the ecclesiastical machine who rest at ease in Zion.

The prophet is usually a gaunt specimen, a man of the wilderness, given to solitude rather than to sociability.  He is not a back-slapping politician, regaling the brethren with jokes late at night in a restaurant after church.  He is too grieved for the affliction of Joseph to hobnob with the false prophets of Amaziah’s school of Bethel.  He is not at home in this world; he is completely out of step with progress and somewhat angry at the age in which he lives.  He is called a calamity howler because he discerns the designs of the devil going about as a mock angel and is not ignorant of the subtle trickery of the advance agents of Antichrist.  He distinguishes the Rider of the White horse in Revelation 6 from the Rider of the White Horse in Revelation 19.  He is the bitter foe of all who are trying to legislate a counterfeit millennium under religious auspices by making political projects look like moral issues.

The prophet is a lonely character in this world, sponsored by no foundation, paid from the coffers of no main office.  He reports to no headquarters but heaven, has no retirement benefits.  “Priests retire but prophets never.”  He appears on no boards or committees, and if he shows up on a “program” he is usually shunted very cleverly into a minor spot, perhaps a “devotional,” where he has little chance of creating much disturbance.  He is usually smart enough, however, to decline such invitations because he abhors being a puppet on anybody’s string.  He has no ax to grind and craves no man’s bishopric.  He has long since laid reputation and future on the altar of dedication to a prophetic ministry and is immune to both praise or blame.  He knows that no prophet can ever be popular in his own day, and that he will be without honor in his own country and in his own house.  The next generation may build a monument to him, and all medals will be awarded posthumously.

He will be on better terms with heaven than with earth, like Elijah who stood first before God and therefore needed not to bow and scrape before Ahab.  The prophet pays a price, but it is worth it to walk into any pulpit beholden to no man.  He owes no political debts to anyone for pulling wires to get him to a top seat in the synagogue.  While other speakers worry about making good and putting it over, the prophet is concerned only with delivering God’s message regardless of consequences.

Of course the prophet has his temptations and perils.  He may glory in his uniqueness and take pride in his peculiarities.  His bold manner may be a defense mechanism to hide real cowardice within, and his austerity may be rationalized into a virtue when under the juniper with Elijah and fancy himself to be the Surviving Saint when seven thousand others have not bowed to Baal.  The devil may use these possibilities to keep a conscientious, true prophet silent for fear he will succumb to these evils, thus committing the greater sin of quenching the Spirit within him.

The prophet must needs have the heart of a child and the hid of a rhinoceros.  His problem is how to toughen his hide without hardening his heart.  That combination can be achieved only by the grace of God.  He is beset by loneliness and threatened by self-pity, that distemper that struck even the rugged Elijah.  He is hated by all descendants of Herod, Jezebel, and the Pharisees.  The place that should appreciate him most often criticizes him “for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem” (Luke 13:33).

There are those who think that there is no place for a prophet in this dispensation.  Naturally Ahab wants no Elijah troubling.  Of course Amaziah in his posh chaplaincy at the royal court does not relish an uncouth Amos in town.  Who would expect Herods living in adultery to appreciate a John the Baptist?  What Queen Mary wouldn’t fear the prayers of a John Knox?  The prophet is essentially a soloist, not an accompanist, and in this day of the Organization Man an individual is resented if he is unwilling to get lost in the mob.  It is quite natural, therefore, that those who today are trying to level all the mountains into one plain and reduce humanity into one faceless mass in preparation for Antichrist, should hate prophets who refuse to lie down before the steam roller.  Nothing is so irritating to the prevailing order as an odd number who cannot be bribed or bullied into conformity.

The prophet is the product of no school.  The gift is conferred by no presbytery, and no synod of church dignitaries can unfrock him.  His credentials come from a higher court and bear no stamp or seal of mortal man.  To God he stands or falls.  If he disobeys orders, as one of his kind did long ago to eat bread with a lying prophet after declining the invitation of a king, there awaits him a lion in the way of the sad epitaph, “Alas, my brother!”  He must beware of the peril of weariness; three prophets of Scripture were at their worst resting in the shade after a tiresome ordeal.  Elijah, that unnamed prophet of Jeroboam’s day, and poor Jonah have set us a sad example.  One under a juniper, another under an oak, and the third under a gourd vine warn us that Shady Rest is a bad place for exhausted prophets.  Nathanael fared better under his fig tree and Zaccheus up a sycamore!

There has never been a dearth of candidates for lush pastorates and “strategic” spots in the Establishment; but there has never been a rush to wear the prophet’s mantle.  The inducements are few, the hours are long, and the fringe benefits are not in line with the modern scale in the professions.  But the eyes of the Lord still run to and fro throughout the whole earth looking for some Isaiah who has seen God in His holiness, himself in his uncleanness, and the land in its wickedness, and who with lips touched by a live coal from the altar is read to say, “Here am I; send me.”

There are several ways of silencing prophets.  Some are stilled by persecution.  John the Baptist’s head is not brought in on a platter these days, but the same result is achieved with more finesse.  Promotion will also put a quietus on modern Elijahs.  Some have been exalted to high seats in the synagogue and have never been heard from since.  Some say they have changed their convictions because the “climate” has changed.  Certainly the intellectual, moral, and theological climates have changed, but convictions should not be governed by climate but by conscience enlightened by Scripture and the Holy Spirit.

A. C. Dixon was a great preacher who pastured Moody Church and Spurgeon’s Tabernacle. He said:
“Every preacher is, or ought to be, a prophet of God who preaches as God bids him without regard to results.  When he becomes conscious of the fact that he is a leader in his church or denomination, he has reached a crisis in his ministry.  Shall he be a prophet of God or a leader of men?  If he decides only to be a prophet insofar as he can without losing his leadership, he becomes a diplomat and ceases to be a prophet at all.  If he decides to maintain his leadership at all costs he may easily fall to the level of a politician who pulls the wires to gain or hold a position.”

He who would prophesy or speak forth the message of God is careful of none of these things but only that he shall speak the message that God gives him, even though he be in a lonesome minority.

Diplomats and politicians abound in the world of religion.  America needs a prophet today.

The prophet Ezekiel took a stand in his day against prophets, priests, princes, and people (22:23-31).  The prophets had become profiteers.  The priests had secularized their holy calling and made no distinction between right and wrong.  The princes, the rulers, sought only personal gain.  The corruption had sunk down among the people.  God sought for a man to stand in the gap, but there was none.  All of these conditions exist today.  False prophets bid Ahab go up to Ramoth-gilead.  The priests, the religious establishment, put no difference between the holy and the profane.  The princes do not lead the people under the guidance of God.  Government is ordained of God and its officials are His ministers, but today they savor more of politics than piety.  The people are corrupt and their voice is not the voice of God.  In a day of moral decadence through all strata of our society, God looks for a prophet to stand in the gap.  Naturally, he will not be popular with any of these groups.  It was so with our Lord.  The religious system of His day was His worst enemy.  He called Herod a fox.  The people heard Him gladly at first but finally stood to cry “Crucify Him!”  If He Who is Prophet, Priest, and Prince fared no better than that, what can we expect?

Evidently the prophet, the true prophet, is a “fifth wheel” in addition to the four wheels of the modern machine.  He certainly is not a priest nor one of the regular clergy.  He is not a politician and fills no office.  Nor is he one of the common run of humanity.  He is an Elijah lined up with neither priests nor prophets, with neither Ahab nor the multitude.

I do not anticipate a landslide of volunteers for the prophetic ministry.  On occasion a pastor, teacher, or evangelist may give a prophetic message but a full-time prophet is another matter.  He might start as a pastor, but what congregation would listen to a prophet Sunday by Sunday today?  He might begin as a seminary professor, but he would soon be pressured out by a board that found him too angular to fit into the smooth design.  He cannot call himself a prophet; that conjures up mental pictures of a long-haired ascetic with robe and sandals and staff.  He may have to take his Bible to a cabin in the woods and venture forth to preach as God opens doors, and he may have to open the door and preach outdoors!  He may have none of the “musts” required for pulpit success today, striking personality, formal education, and wide travel, but he will have what too few preachers do have today, hours upon hours in prayer and solitude with his Bible and a fresh word from God.  He will be a voice in the wilderness.  We have the wilderness; God give us a Voice! [from In Times Like These (1969)]


Compare Vance Havner’s message with this recent news article:

Billy Graham Named Among Gallup’s ‘Most Admired’ for 57th Time
By Kristy Etheridge — December 30, 2013








— Truth or Consequences--it's the only true game called "life." Hate What GOD Hates...!

The carnal, perverse mind is narcissistic and irrational.  Once morality has been abandoned every perverted criminal becomes a protected species (and decent people are the ones hunted down; unless they band together and oppose evil as God commanded).  Perverts and unrepentant sinners take any criticism personally because they love themselves and their sin and hate everyone else and God.  The remedy?  Shun them, and if you have an incorporated business or church, un-incorporate and then the state / fed has no jurisdiction over you... though of course it will maintain that it still does (Pharaoh does not like his presumed slaves to go free in 2015 b.c. or a.d. 2015), true law will be on your side... the Law of the Land which cannot be superseded by any subsequent law that contradicts it.  And above all: Imprecatory prayers of God’s Judgment on the unrepentant wicked and that God forces them to soon fill up the measure of His Wrath against them, from which they shall never escape.  We also need to search our own hearts and repent before God.
Read the godly Nehemiah’s prayer in the first chapter of Nehemiah.  All of us have departed from God’s Ways and God cannot bless us or hear our prayers as long as we remain in sin; though the average Christian thinks he has done nothing to warrant God’s Wrath—we all like sheep have gone astray and turned from His Holy Ways.... the false church says that God’s Law was abolished—even though Christ said not one jot or tittle should pass from the Law till all be fulfilled, as long as heaven and earth existed.  Stick your head out the window and make sure heaven and earth are still there... did you check...? was it still there? —then you better get with God’s Program, because the only ones who will survive the Great Tribulation will be those who have the Faith / Testimony of Christ Jesus and who keep the Commandments of God—faith without works is dead.  Works do not contribute to the faith, but prove that the faith is real.  Those who are not part of the solution (obedience to God) God views as part of the problem.  Christ said those who do not do the very work He is doing / commanded, actually work against Him.  Christ said not even the slightest pen stroke would pass from the Law till all be fulfilled.  Whose voice are 95% of Christians listening to...? —and why?  It certainly isn’t Christ’s Voice they are listening to... why do they not listen...? most probably they are not His sheep: for Christ said, “My sheep hear My Voice and follow (obey) Me” and “the voice of another shepherd they will not follow.”  That is a sobering thought.  If someone is truly of Christ’s flock, he better stop following the broad path that leads to destruction and get back on the narrow path following Christ... that would entail forgetting all the nonsense of false theology and get back to reading what the Word of God says, understanding the basic rules of Biblical Interpretation which will clear up 99% of all misunderstanding: God does not change; His Word does not change; He cannot contradict Himself; therefore, if there seems to be a contradiction, what was stated first sets the Standard from which there can be no deviation, and all that is subsequent is to be understood in light of it; and even if one cannot reconcile the two right away, the former is always what is followed.  Following Christ’s Voice does not entail having a bumper sticker saying, “Honk if you love Jesus” or wearing a t-shirt that says “WWJD?” —it means doing it, not advertising about doing it but never really doing it.  God is not fooled by lip service.  God commanded, “Come out from among them and be ye separate”.  Come out from whom? —the Third World masses that the Serpent is now vomiting out of his mouth to overtake us: who would not have been a problem had we not been supporting them and inviting them and giving them equal rights for the past 75 years under the guise of “evangelizing” them, while they have been murdering and paganizing us.  Christ said, “Give not that which is holy to the dogs and cast not pearls before swine lest they turn and rend you”.  And so they have; and will continue to do.  It is their nature.  God never said to try to turn the dogs into sheep or the tares into wheat.  He commanded us to be separate.  Christendom is nearly destroyed because we have done the opposite of what Christ commanded, the masses of Christendom being deceived by false shepherds into thinking that rebelling against God was actually obeying Him.

God is Immutable. He cannot change.  His Word and Law do not change.  “I am Yahweh and I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”  The fact that He cannot change is our hope—if we put aside the modern delusion that God changes and abandon the false doctrine that has replaced the true doctrine, which is the Antichrist doctrine.  “Judgment begins with the House of God.  If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinners appear and what shall be the fate of those who know not and hate God?  It is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God: for our God is a consuming fire.”  Those in Christ shall be preserved as those in the fiery furnace, by the One Who had the appearance of the Son of God, and our works will be purified as gold as our reward, or they shall be burned up as wood, hay, and stubble along with the chaff and the tares.

However, why should God deliver us from what we are willing to tolerate?  “Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions.” (G.K. Chesterton)  Those who are truly of God will react like David: Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that doth reproach the Living God...!  Until we get serious about the hideousness, disgust, and high-heaven affront of sin and perversion, God will not take us seriously, and there will be no deliverance forthcoming.  The very presence of the evil that we tolerate is God’s selfsame Judgment upon us.  Will we hold hands with it, allow it in our company, bow down to it, simply ignore it...? (If you ignore cancer or termites, what will be the outcome...?) —or will we oppose it and pray that God rain down His Wrath and Judgment on those who hate Him...? —every time that we see evil in any form we should pray bold and fervent prayers against it! not give it a friendly smile and “have a nice day” or merely look the other way and pass on by unconcerned.  David declared, “All those who are Thine enemies I consider my enemies, I hate them with a perfect hatred!”  If any who are engaged in unrepentant sin, political corruption and treason, multifarious conspiracies, or perversion are truly God’s people, we need to pray that God delivers them from their sinful obsession and addiction and wickedness and delusion and convict them with the overwhelming, irresistible conviction of the Holy Spirit; but if they are not ordained to repent or if they are not God’s people we need to pray that God swiftly destroys them from off the face of the earth and their entire house and all their companions.  This applies to perverts, corrupt officials, and everyone who blatantly, with impunity crosses any moral boundary that God established—including the crossing of all those moral boundaries that are now considered perfectly acceptable by the so-called Christian church.  What were considered abominations in the eyes of decent people in Christendom before the so-called Civil Rights Act are still abominations in God’s Eyes because in His unchanging Word He declared them to be abomination! —despite how deeply and grossly the Christian church has degraded itself and sunken into the bog of immorality (revealing herself as the Harlot Church) in the attempt to be like the world and pleasing in the world’s sight, under the delusion that they are trying to be pleasing in God’s Sight (though Christ says that He will spue them out of His Mouth and declared that He never knew them, and curse them and cast them into everlasting torment).

God commanded “Come out from among them and be ye separate... I have separated you from other people even as I have separated the clean animals from the unclean” (by their very design at creation).  Communism teaches “one race, one religion, one creed.”  That is what evolutionism and is mythical origin Big Bangism has achieved: the false notion that since everything (allegedly, without any evidence: so much for Empiricism and the “Scientific Method”) came from the same origin therefore they should all amalgamate back.  But that is two lies: all are not the same and God commanded separation.  Babylon means, “confusion by mixing”.  “Divide and conquer” is the old motto of the enemy.  Yet the average Christian has been fooled by this age-old strategy with a thin candy-coating of Christianity.  Sure, invite all the barbarians inside the gate; we’ll convert them before they kill and eat us all.  No thanks.  Drop a million tracts in Arabic over the Middle East if you want to waste your money, but don’t invite them into Christendom.  Those who do, no matter how much they say they “love Jesus” are doing the very opposite of what He commanded and they are helping to destroy Christendom.  Won’t Jesus be proud!   Did Noah say: “What, only two termites, scorpions, cobras, hornets... heck no, bring them all; we will be on the ark for over a year, the more the merrier.”

The Image of Nebuchadnezzar, the last Kingdom of this earth’s Age is the feet made with iron mingled with clay. Iron and clay do not mix.  They were never meant to.  Integration and mixing destroy the holy seed that God commanded come out, be separate and be preserved—and that integration is the very Judgment that God is using against us for our refusal to obey Him: You reap what you sow. 6,000 years of history and the modern headlines of crime prove that integration is death, but people seem to want to be deluded and believe the false re-writing of history and the pseudo-scientific twisting and false interpretation of crime and criminal behaviour—even though all the facts of reality say the exact opposite.  Does no one remember what our nations were like before 1950? in 1900, in the 1800s, 1700s?  Obviously no one alive today remembers before 1900—so read a book! (one written in those times, not modern propaganda).  The feet support the entire weight of the statue.  Iron mingled with clay cannot support that weight and the feet will crumble and the entire statue (all civilization: Christendom perverted into end-time Babylon) will fall—and great will be its fall.

[God commanded His people to be separate and pure; Babylon means “confusion by mixing.”  What’s not to understand?  Whose side are you on?  You can’t be on both.  To be a friend of the world is to be the enemy of God—eternally.]

Christ said that all those who fall on Him, the Stone of Stumbling (which is offensive to those who glamorize the evil morality of the world which has spuriously replaced the only true morality established by God) shall be broken; that is, they shall be humbled as Christ humbled Jacob as He dislocated Jacob’s thigh as they wrestled—and God will then raise that person up and exalt, bless, and honor him; but those who refuse to bow, the Stone will fall on them and they will be crushed and ground into powder.  “Humble yourself in the Sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.”  How does one humble oneself? —by confessing his sins, confessing how he has departed from the Commands of God, having been seduced by the world and its worldly churches; by repenting of those sins, and by returning to observing what God commanded.  That is the only true test of humility; anything less is lip service and a lie.  
Those who have ears to hear... let them hear...

[For more information, see my books: Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, What’s Keeping God From Delivering America, Britain, and Europe From Destruction?, Does God Repent? — Can God Change His Mind?, The Post-Christian Era and the New Dark Ages and my new Ten Commandments for Youth—for Everyone.]




Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: He preserveth the souls of His saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” (Psalm 97:10)

[Note: God only preserves the souls of His saints if they obey Him; and if they hate evil as He commanded.  If they don’t hate evil, then He will allow them to die by and with the evil.  Why should God deliver us from what we are willing to tolerate?  He will instead give us more!]

"The fear of the LORD is to hate evil" (Proverbs 8:13)

Note also, the modern ditty, “God loves the sinner but only hates the sin” is nowhere to be found in the Bible.  Gandhi coined that phrase in his autobiography in 1952.  It is amazing that the modern Christian knows so little of God’s Word that he is led astray by a Hindu, not even recognizing that such concepts are not Christ’s Voice...!

The problem will continue to fester to the point of terminal pathology as long as Christians attempt to hold hands with the world and God at the same time.  God commanded us to hate evil.  Those who commit evil and are unrepentant in their evil are thoroughly evil and are to be hated.  God commanded sin to be put out or cut off from the community.  Has anyone ever had a horrendous case of poison ivy that ravaged his body for months, who is so foolish to say, “I don’t hate poison ivy, I just don’t like some of the things that it does.  I love the poison ivy but hate the rash”...?   Hate evil.  God declares: Ye adulterers and adulteresses (stoning offenses)—friendship with the world is enmity with God.  Hate evil.  That’s what God commanded.  If you do not hate evil you do not, you cannot Love God.  He commanded, “Ye who love the Lord hate evil”.  If you do not obey that command then you cannot love God.  Those who don’t hate evil will always compromise, and bring “nicer examples” of the evil into the community.  Yes, if you don’t hate cleptomaniacs, if you are not a cleptophobe, you are are not truly against theft.  It is the perversion of “refining sin” and the employment of euphemisms and double talk in the attempt to look good in the eyes of the world that causes the problems.  God’s people should want to look good in His Eyes... and that means hating evil.

“...Thou hatest all workers of iniquity.” (Psalm 5:5)
“...God is angry with the wicked every day.” (Psalm 7:11)
“...but the wicked and him that loveth violence His soul
hateth.” (Psalm 11:5).

Note: It is not the “sin” that God will punish in Hell, but the sinner.
Separating the sinner from the sin (which makes as much sense as saying “guns kill people”) is Satan’s way of making sin, eventually, more acceptable.  Sins don’t just commit themselves!
If certain people need special laws passed to “protect them”* from decent people, I think that is a sign that they are inferior.  Odd how the Evolutionists violate their own primary law (survival of the fittest) when it suits them (which is when they want to destroy Christendom from within, since it cannot be destroyed from without).

[* It is also a sign that they have a guilty conscience: “The wicked flee when no man pursueth” (Proverbs 28:1).]

If people don’t like being hated or discriminated against or prosecuted for their sinful behaviour, then the only rational, moral resolution is for them to get their hearts right with God so that they are not hated—or they have no business living in the lands of Christendom.  God-given rights don’t include the right to be immoral degenerates who blatantly engage in sin and perversion, which will bring God’s Judgment on the entire community.  To expect that everyone else change to accommodate the sinful minority, is itself demonstrative of mental disorder (delusional psychopathology).

Whether something is “judging” or not (by those who misunderstand that passage of Scripture, as they do most others)—is a smokescreen.  That is the true motive of most of those who most vociferously parrot, “Judge not”.  However, it is not a violation of that terribly misunderstood passage of Scripture (see my S.T.E.C. on the Book of Romans) when it is matter that God commanded us to adjudicate.  We all are sinful and we all need to repent and we are commanded to call others to the very same repentance.  Those who refuse to repent, thinking that their sin is merely “self-expression” or “ethically within the law” or “legal” (by today’s perverse unconstitutional laws, which in reality are null and void) are to be judged and sentenced for their crimes against God.  This passage has nothing to do with putting a stop to immorality and crime; but acting “holier than thou” in matters that were not crimes.  God commanded us to speak out against sin when we see it and to call our brethren to repentance.  If each of us had to wait until we were sinless before we could call others to repentance, no one could ever preach repentance.  John the Baptist himself was not sinless; neither was Noah.  To not preach repentance and cry unto God in intercession for the rest of our brethren is to demonstrate that one has not truly repented himself.  If people finally realize that we are on the Titanic and about to sink in the frigid North Sea, the issue is not, “Okay, which of you guys is the biggest sinner that caused this to befall us...?” — but the issue is, “We all have sinned in God’s Eyes and brought this Judgment upon us; if we all confess our sins, and truly turn from them, and cry out to God, maybe, just maybe He will have Mercy and spare us and our families.”  Those who are not of God merely go about their drunken delusion, eating and drinking and making merry, while the band plays on... not caring about tomorrow.  Those who attack you or give you the cold shoulder for speaking out against sin or doctrinal error, show that they love themselves more than they love the Truth and Righteousness—more than they love God.  If they don’t search the Scriptures and their own heart to see if possibly they may be sinning against God, when it is brought to their attention—but prefer instead to shoot the messenger, then most probably they are not of God.  All you can do is pray for them that God would have compassion on them and deliver them from their sin and delusion, and that He would do the same for you.  As I have written, “Each day that I do not strive to become more Christ-like, that was a wasted day of my life.”  Christians who cannot comprehend that, or take it to heart and put it into practice, are still in spiritual diapers (or maybe they were actually still-born or experienced spiritual crib death).  Anything good inside of any of us is only by God’s Grace, and we should ask daily that God bestow that grace on others, while continuing to bestow more and more upon us ourselves.   “Open your mouths wide that I may fill them”, the Lord said; yet the average Christian holds his jaw clenched like someone going to the dentist with an impacted molar.  God have mercy on us all and pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, without Whom we cannot even look toward Heaven, let alone care about dying to self and sin and embracing true life through Christ.


— The indictment / Solution — The Answer: Brief, Simple, Certain


Initially, I emailed to my email group:

"Oh that My people would hearken unto Me. . . . I should soon subdue their enemies, and turn My Hand against their adversaries (Ps. 81:13-14)....  I will go and return to My Place, till they acknowledge their offense, and seek My Face." (Hos. 5:15) .... If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (II Chronicles 7:14)


One reader emailed:

I agree that our only hope is to have the God of Abraham on our side. I keep remembering the 180,000 enemy of the Israelites that avenging angels wiped out in one night during a battle with some " '-ites". If we could just summon that kind of help now.....


I replied:
If God's people would truly repent, Christ would return and have the angels do just that; but 99% of God's people [the majority of whom probably think of Christ's return and the angels taking vengeance is but a myth... a fairy tale] think they have done nothing that they need to repent of... (most are self-deluded thinking that because they are not murderers or rapists that they have done nothing to offend God, and they think so because they do not understand God's Holiness and because they don't understand what that Holiness requires, which is what His Law establishes; without realizing it, they daily do many things He forbade, and daily ignore doing many things He commanded)... most are in complete blindness and if we don't fast and pray that God shakes them from that blindness, then they will be the chaff that is winnowed away (or they will be part of that crowd the angels cull upon Christ's Return).  Until the Prodigal is stripped of everything and face down in the pig stye, realizes the depths of his shame, only then will his heart be brought to the point that he will arise and return to his father and say, I have sinned before Heaven and you and am no more worthy to be thy son, make me one of thy servants... and then he will find he is fully restored—and a feast thrown for him; the father having been watching the horizon daily for his return, ever since he departed from the truth path; but today most have never even known the true path (and most don't even desire to know it), their fathers and father's fathers having never even known it... (all they know are the traditions of their fathers, rituals they follow, not realizing they are but mere rituals)... but each can repent now.  We all need to repent, each and every one of us.  All should read the first chapter of Nehemiah and see, despite his being such a godly man, he confessed that he and his family had contributed to the national sins, and he confessed his own sins and confessed the sins of the nation, interceding for all of his people before God.

Arthur Pink, in his The Holy Spirit, in the chapter, "The Spirit Transforming" under the sub-heading, "Marks of Transformation," wrote:


"First, where the Spirit has begun to transform a soul the Divine Law is cordially received as a Rule of Life, and the heart begins to echo to the language of Psalm 119 in its commendation [cognition with assent].  Nothing more plainly distinguishes a true conversion from a counterfeit than this: that one who used to be an enemy to God's Law is brought understandably and heartily to love it, and seek to walk according to its requirements..  'Hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His Commandments' (I John 2:3).  He who has been born again has a new palate, so that he now relishes what he formerly disliked.  He now begins to prove that it is not only the fittest, but the happiest thing in the world, to aspire to be holy as God is holy; to live Him supremely and live to Him entirely." [brackets mine.]

However, the average Christian thinks that the Law was done away with, all except maybe the 10 commandments, not even keeping all of them; and that is the problem; God will not hear our prayers if we are in sin and if we don't think we are in sin then how can we even realize there is a problem...? the way we can realize it is by seeing the world crumble around us and then having a light come on inside ones head to the point that he realizes, "hmm... I wonder why this is happening, could I be part of the problem that civilization is on the brink of extinction and God is not hearing our prayers...?" ... but if any even ever have that thought spark in a neuron in his brain, most will then reassure himself, "no, that can't be... oh, great, look, the superbowl is about to start."  The problem is not even that the average Christian does not realize the reality of his own offenses before God, but that he does not even care whether or not it may be a possibility (and even if confronted with it as an undeniable reality, he would not be interested in doing whatever was required to remedy the situation). 

"9How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? 10Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth,* and thy want as an armed man."** (Proverbs 6)  [God deemed this so important He repeated vv.10,11 in 24:33,34]

[* one who travels continually and never works, runs out of money and has nowhere to even live.

** that is, impoverishment will come upon you with the irresistible fury of an armed assailant upon an unarmed victim.]


"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." (I Thessalonians 5:3)

"38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. " (Matthew 24)

"3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." (II Peter 3)


William Law (1686-1761), English cleric, divine, theologian, and author, in his, The Power of the Spirit, offers some very terse, but true words, in regard to the righteousness and obedience of professing believers:
“[The average Christian possesses] ... blind believism which imagines faith to consist of a mere idea rightly affirmed with the lips, but knows nothing of a real faith that possesses within the heart.  So men imagine that to believe in Jesus Christ is something that can be done apart from obeying Him, because they do not know Him as the Lord who reigns and lives within.  As well imagine that a command is only to be believed but not obeyed, or that a tree is not known by its fruit.  ‘I will show you my faith by my works,’ said the apostle; and if this is the only way faith can be shown, then any faith which is not thus one with its works is no faith at all. 


“James said, ‘As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.’  Most pointedly this Scripture makes clear that devoutness and piety do not consist in a mere right understanding of these things that a man may profess without the fruits thereof, for works cannot be separated from its faith, or James could show his faith alone without its works.  He only is the devout man who lives no longer to his own will or the way and spirit of the world, but to the will of God alone.  He who considers God in everything, serves God in everything, who makes every moment of his daily life a real part of God’s will on earth by doing everything in the name of Christ; he alone can be called the pious man.  For if a man say he has faith, but does not evidence a life that produces the works of God, James tells us most emphatically that ‘faith alone’ cannot save him.* (pp. 180-181.)

[* ie. such a fruitless man’s faith is dead; not real.  R.A.B.]


“....So it is that for lack of this basic intention to surrender all to Christ, the church today is an open fraud of mere lip profession to that faith and divine love that once burned as a fire from heaven in those who ‘turned the world upside down.’


“If you will but stop to ask yourself why your brand of Christianity is hardly recognizable as related to that which primitive Christians knew, your own heart will tell you that it is primarily because you never thoroughly intended to live as they lived and to die as they died.  You sing of your devotion to the same Lord, and profess to believe the same New Testament doctrines as the early disciples.  You have the same promises from the Lord of the fulness of the Spirit, the divine nature, and all that pertains to life and godliness.  You would never hope to get to heaven through a faith any different than theirs, but you have believed Satan’s lie that it is possible to have the same faith as the first Christians without manifesting the same works as they.  And if you are honest you will admit that this lie has been gladly received because you have not really had the heart intention to walk as Jesus walked.*  Did you but have this intention to please God in all your actions, as being the happiest and best choice for life in this world, you would then find yourself as unwilling to deny Christ with your life as you are now unwilling to deny Him with your lips.  And would you but add to this intention a simple faith in the promises of God in Christ, you would find yourself living in the same denial of self and as contrary to the world as fishermen apostles did in their day.” (pp.,182-183.)

[* Wow.  Amen!  So many professed believers today are like the rich young ruler who went away sad, not wanting to sacrifice what he deemed more important in life, in order to truly follow Christ.  R.A.B.]


“....the question is not whether gospel perfection can be fully attained, but whether you come as near it as a sincere intention and careful diligence can carry you through faith in Christ. .... Can you really call yourself a follower of Christ without at least intending to follow Him all the way? .... Can a man who has this saving faith then fail to manifest those works which the Scripture so plainly tells us are the direct consequence of the new creation? .... that man who does not so much as intend to manifest in all his ways these works which God has ordained for him has denied the very faith which he otherwise professes. .... Works without faith is the dead and unacceptable offering of the sinful flesh; and faith without works is a fraud, a false profession of that which is dead because it does not have the life of God in it; and this is proven by the lack of fruit of the Spirit.  God holds out to our faith the blessing and power of the Holy Spirit as our all in all, filling us with the life of Christ, causing us to overflow with rivers of living water.” (pp.186,188,189)


Here would be a good place to re-iterate what I sent in a previous email:

With moving contrition of heart, the Book of Common Prayer (1599 edition) instructs A generall confession, to be saide of the whole congregacion after the minister, knelyng:

“ALMIGHTIE and most merciful father, we have erred and straied from thy waies, lyke lost shepee we have folowed to much the devises and desires of our owne hartes. We have offended against thy holy lawes: We have left undone those thinges whiche we ought to have done, and we have done those thinges which we ought not to have done, and there is no health in us, but thou, O Lorde, have mercy upon us miserable offendours. Spare thou them O God, whiche confesse their faultes. Restore thou them that be penitent, accordyng to thy promises declared unto mankynde, in Christe Jesu our Lorde. And graunt, O most merciful father, for his sake, that we may hereafter lyve a godly, ryghtuous, and sobre life, to the glory of thy holy name. Amen.”

[Above quotes taken from my yet-unpublished book, Teach Us To Pray — Help Thou My Unbelief — Lord Save Me!: The Disciples Handbook for Prayer, Faith, and Deliverance, 6x9, 550pp., which I am now reading/rewriting for the 19th time (which I continue to refine again and again, awaiting deliverance myself, after which it will be published).  Robert]

... is anyone listening...?