—The Pillar of Cloud and Fire, the Mercy Seat, angels that guarded Eden, and more

“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same Image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (II Corinthians 3:18)
Continuing with the concept of the looking-glass, the Perfect Law of Liberty—God’s Word and Law—which is not “license to sin” but is the liberating Power of God’s Holy Spirit in us to not sin, here we see that true believers, transformed by the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Renovator of their lives, when we walk in the Spirit, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we should begin to see ourselves daily transformed into the Image of Christ (as we should be); if not, we are not plugged into Christ and something is seriously wrong.  We were created in that Divine Image.  That Image was seriously effaced at the Fall.  Our duty is to surrender to God’s Holy Spirit free reign to restore that Image in us once again... daily... until finally we are freed from these mortal tombs and once again we are fully restored to the Image in which we were created.
“1I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, Will of God.” (Romans 12)
“41There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.  42So also is the resurrection of the dead.  It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 43It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body.  There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.” (I Corinthians 15)
“2Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.  3And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure.” (I John 3)
[Every man that hath this hope in him is purified, even as He is pure.  This parallels, “Be holy, for I the Lord your God am Holy” which we shall discuss later.]
Actually, in the first passage above in II Corinthians 3, the translation with “open” face obscures the impact of the truth.  The Greek word translated here as open, means “unveiled.”  The import of this strikes home when one realizes that Moses could not look at God directly, but God had to veil His Face and Glory from Moses and even the Ark of the Covenant on top of which was the Mercy Seat where God manifested Himself, was veiled thickly and not even the High Priest could enter therein, but once a year to sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice for the whole congregation.  Despite God veiling Himself before Moses, merely from being in God’s veiled Presence, Moses’ own countenance shown so brightly, that Moses had to veil his own face when he talked to the people, because the people were afraid to look upon Moses—such was the Power and Glory that Moses absorbed from being in God’s Holy Presence.  
[I daily pray for such closeness to God, that it would be so reflected in me.]
Similarly, The cherbim and seraphim are the highest classes of arch-angels that serve in closest proximity to the Throne of God—and they shine and radiate like burning brass because of their closeness to God Himself.  We once had such clothing of Light.  Scripture calls us “children of light” of the “Father of lights” even though that light in us now is but a smoldering candlewick compared to what it once was.  That Glory and Light in us was all but snuffed out when Adam and Eve sinned.  They lost their clothing of light, part of that Image of God in which they were created, and thus they realized, in the shame of their sin, that they were naked.  That Glory will be restored to those who are truly of God, who enter the Kingdom, after God separates the chaff from the wheat and after He thoroughly purges His House, as He is preparing to do, in the shaking of Heaven and earth as the Judgment of Tribulation soon descends upon us (after which God will then separate the tares from the wheat).
It is amazing, if you consider it, that when the Tabernacle was first crafted and set up and dedicated, the Glory of the Lord came down in a Pillar of Cloud (by day) and the cloud was so dense that Moses could not even see to enter the Tabernacle.  Centuries later, when the Temple was built, when Solomon dedicated it, again, the Glory came down and the “smoke” (or cloud) so filled the Temple that the Priests could not see to minister.  Further throughout the wilderness wanderings, when God Tabernacled among His people, the Shekinah Glory (or Manifest Presence) that hovered over the Tabernacle (over the Holy of Holies, over the spot where the Mercy Seat sat on top of the Ark of the Covenant) also appeared continually as a Pillar of Fire.
What amazes me, is that in time, due to the spiritual defection of God’s People, God withdrew His Presence—and His people were so dead hearted that they did not even realize that He was gone (sort of like sinful judge-deliverer Samson, in that he did not realize God’s Spirit had left him until his enemies were upon him and it was at that very moment that he realized that he had no strength—and it is this very predicament in which all of Christendom is soon to have a rude awakening).  This is truly dumbfounding unless one understands God’s Sovereignty and Predestination.  How could they have not noticed God’s Presence was gone...?  
God’s supernatural Manifest Presence in the Pillar of Cloud was something that certainly had to have struck fear in the hearts of all their neighboring enemies (even as it did the Egyptians when they pursued after Israel when they exodused).  Imagine a huge cloud, a phenomena possibly in a column the diameter of the Washington Monument coming down far out of the heavens and hovering over the exact spot where the Holy House of Israel’s God was situated... wherever they went, it led them.  How could the Israelites have not noticed this supernatural wonder, their Divine “Invader repellant”, was gone...?  How many times has something in your house or yard been removed, be it a mere tree, or piece of furniture, or small rug on the floor, a painting on the wall, vase on the mantle...? something with which you were long accustomed to seeing... and for whatever reason it is no longer there... it seems almost like a limb that was amputated... its silence is deafening, its not being there is surreal.  How could God’s people then not have noticed that this supernatural manifestation, this Pillar of Cloud, was gone...?  It is unfathomable.
Even more mind-numbing is, how could they have not noticed that the “Divine Bonfire” at night that reached into the heavenlies, that lit up the entire region, how could they not have noticed that it was gone...?  How could they not realize that when they now walked at night, that they could no longer see where they were going?  How could they have not been afraid in the darkness, whereas, in the past they could easily see any threat...?  That when the looked out their tent door to see what a noise was, that they could no longer see...?  Even more than the Cloud, the Pillar of Fire was a Divine Sentry, Guarding them at night, which is the most natural time that an enemy might attack.... how could they have not realized this was gone and how could they not have felt abandoned in the dark in the wilderness, alone and vulnerable...?
Here is an illustration I drew/threw together, it is possible that the pillar took the form of a fiery whirlwind, not a passive column.  While it may not look much like a pillar in my illustration, when it reached all the way to the sky, it certainly would have.


This next illustration, by a real artist (and I have the below available in both post card and poster size, inquire) better shows the magnificence in a wider angle, reaching toward the clouds.


Scripture tells us after Adam and Eve’s sin:
“So He [God] drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life.” (Genesis 3:24)
As I reveal in my book, What Was the Mark that God Placed on Cain...? I believe the notions of well-meaning, but confused artists have tainted the understanding of many Biblical events in the minds of most Christians.  I do not not believe this was “an angel holding a flaming sword”.  Scripture says that there were cherubims (actually, the rendering into English is redundant, cherub is singular, cherubim itself is plural, cherubims is then a double plural and senseless; it is like saying, "angelses" instead of angels) —there was more than one angel, most likely 2 and there was one “sword.”  Further, it was one flaming “sword”.  However, I believe this was not a sword, but the very same Pillar of Fire that millennia later hovered over the Tabernacle.  
These Cherubim and the flaming “sword” which turned every which way, I believe, was an ancient form of the Mercy Seat.  The Mercy Seat, on top of the Ark of the Covenant, was guarded by two angels who faced inward and it was above that Mercy Seat that the Pillar of Fire / Cloud hovered.
As I explain in my Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on John 18-21, it was on this Mercy Seat that the High Priest, but once a year, sprinkled blood for the sins of the God’s People as a collective body; this yearly sacrifice the blood of which was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat, was the sacrifice of the Scapegoat.  Two young kids of the he-goats were selected.  On the head of the one, the priest with his hand symbolically laid all the sins of the people, and then freed that goat into the wilderness, then the other was slain and the blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat.  Then the remains of the carcase of the goat that was offered were taken without the camp.
It then is no surprise that Barabbas was released (the scapegoat) and Christ was sacrificed, and when Christ died, His Divine Spirit leaving His Body may have been what caused the earthquake and the earth was rent in two, upon the rock face of Golgotha’s Hill (sort of a Divine Sonic Boom; which earthquake also occurred when Christ resurrected, possibly due to His “slipping back into” His Body).  Underneath Golgotha is a hollow cavern (Jeremiah’s Grotto) in which the original Ark of the Covenant was hidden millennia earlier, which Ron Wyatt and Richard Rives discovered... and when the earth was split asunder, the blood of the precious Lamb of God dripped down from Christ’s bloodied sacrifice and fell upon the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, fully satisfying the Divine Wrath for the sins of His people who come under covenant through Christ’s sacrifice, by confessing their sins, crying out for forgiveness and salvation, and then walking in newness of life, showing that their conversion was real, not a one-time emotional experience.  Christ’s Body was then taken outside the camp, and placed in a virgin tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea (even as Christ had been born from a virgin womb belonging to a different Joseph,* to whom Mary* was espoused, even though they had not consummated the union).
[* Joseph means, “He shall add” and Mary is the English form of Maria/Mariam, which is the Greek form of the Hebrew Miriam/Mirjam, which means, “bitterness or rebellion”.  The corellation between the two is expressed in: “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the Grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled” (Hebrews 12:15); but also due to that fact that Christ experienced the bitterness of Judgment because of our rebellion.]
After the Resurrection, it was discovered by Mary Magdelene that 2 angels sat in the tomb, one at the head and the other at the foot of the stone altar on which Christ’s Body had lain, though now all that remained there was the burial shroud that He had Divinely stepped out of, leaving it behind untouched.  When Peter and John and others had rushed to the tomb, they did not notice these angels, because their presence was not revealed to them, but I believe that they were there from the very moment that Christ’s Body was laid in the tomb.  The cherubim on the Mercy Seat and the curtains of the Tabernacle represent the cherubim and seraphim who guard the Throne of Heaven.  It certainly is not that the Omnipotent God of the universe “needs” any of His puny creation to guard Him from other of His puny creation; the thought itself is ludicrous.  However, He has chosen such things for His own worship and glory, and to represent His Holiness.  Likewise, the cherbim at the entrance to Eden with the Pillar of Fire guarded the way to the Tree of Life (which tree is Christ).  In considering this entire picture, we should be left with awe and wonder.
How then could God’s people not have noticed when His Divine Presence withdrew from them, to appear no more?
There is only one explanation: God blinded their eyes, hardened their hearts, dulled their minds, and stopped their ears—even as God in His Word said that He did.  As I explained in earlier articles, God blinded all and then reveals the truth only to those whom He chose before the foundation of the world.  This is evident throughout Scripture... even Lydia, a merchant woman, seller of purple fabric Scripture reveals, “whose heart the Lord opened” (Acts 16:14).  “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His Marvellous Light” (I Peter 2:9)  God calls His own; they don’t call themselves (that is spiritual evolution); even as they did not create themselves; even as they did not give God permission to create them.  Blind men cannot see the light or anything else, their eyes are dead; like a lamp that is not plugged into the power source, which has a broken light bulb.  Man is blind.  Unless God opens someone’s eyes, they will ever remain blind.  As I explained in a previous article, man is dead; as the vision of the valley of dried bones showed, only God can bring life back to them, have them align in their proper position, have sinew come upon them to hold them together, then flesh and blood and breathe into them once again the breath of life.  Dead people don’t choose to come back to life.  Dead bodies are dead.  Lazarus came back to life only because Christ called him forth.
We are once again in the same condition of the glory having departed, even as God’s Spirit departed from Samson.  We are the Ichabod Church.  Ichabod means, “The Glory has departed.”  Ironically, in the short story by Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, one main character, is named Ichabod Crane.  The other main character, the antagonist, is a headless horseman.  How apropos.  When the Glory has departed, we are reduced to a headless horsemen; and this is no surprise, for Christ told us that when the blind follow the blind, both will fall in to the ditch and “My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains [great nations]: they have gone from mountain [great nation] to hill [small nation], they have forgotten their restingplace [the Lord of hosts]” (Jeremiah 50:6).  That’s where we are heading, but the ditch is the abyss and the wolves are waiting over the next hill.  However, the headless horseman was not leading, but attacking.
What is the solution?  Psalm 91:1 tells us:
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.”
This is the only Divine Insurance Policy.  Scripture says that God knows who are His.  Of course there are many ways that He knows (and being Omniscient, He does not need reasons or ways, but those “ways” are for our enlightenment)... however, the most simple way is that we reflect His Image.  How does a father know his own son in a photo with many other children?  The son reflects his own image.
Why are we to look into the Perfect Law of Liberty, the Word of God, the Law of God, which is a reflection of the very Divine Character, the Very Attributes of God, being holy and just and good...? because God commanded:
“Be ye holy; for I am Holy.” (I Peter 1:16)
“...holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14)
I believe this “seeing” is not merely talking about vision by itself.  I believe it is seeing because one has been admitted into His Presence.  Christ revealed:
“13Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.  14And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: 15For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” (Matthew 13)
Moses could only see God, to a very limited degree, because God allowed Moses to see Him.  Only those who bear God’s Image, His Holiness—and only those whose eyes God opens, whose heart He purifies—will be admitted into His Presence, to then see Him.  Psalm 24 tells us:
“3Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in His Holy Place?  4He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.  5He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.  6This is the generation [race] of them that seek Him, that seek thy face, O Jacob.”
[Of course, it needs to be understood, that only those whom God draws to seek after Him, will seek after Him, because apart from His Grace, God tells us: There is none that doeth good, no not one, they have all gone astray, their own way, they are altogether unprofitable/worthess, there is none that seeketh after God, and none that even incline toward Him.  Further, the only way to have clean hands and a pure heart is if they have been cleansed and made holy by Christ.]
As I explained in the previous article, Psalm 19 and Psalm 119 extol the Perfection of God’s Law (and God’s Law was not abolished, God’s Law and God’s Word are extensions of God Himself, and God is Immutable and Perfect)... it is by reading God’s Word and then the Holy Spirit imparting the truth of what we read, mixing it into our lives in every thing we do, that will transform us, day by day, into the Image of God.
“9Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy Word.  10With my whole heart have I sought Thee: O let me not wander from Thy Commandments.  11Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” (Psalm 119)
God is calling His own to Him once again; even as after the perversion of the Golden Calf, even as during the event of Korah’s rebellion, even as Joshua declared before they entered the Promised Land: “Choose you this day whom you will serve...” —the Lord, or other gods.  Serving God is not “lip-service”: God is no fool.  God is calling His elect once again to the ark, the doors are yet open.  Who will be called to enter in...? before God Himself shuts the door, even as He will shut the door to the Kingdom / Wedding Chamber, and the foolish virgins will be shut out, in perpetual outer darkness.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned around him.  On the Titanic as it sunk, “the band played on” (rather than calling people to prepare to meet their Maker).  Today, corrupt, renegade, treasonous politicians who have hijacked our nations are fiddling... laughing, as they live in excess in luxury enjoying the spoils of their rape and pillage... all the while, the average citizen himself in delusion parties, drunk on the wine of Babylon, fornication, adultery, and eats and drinks and makes merry, engrossed with the Superbowl and other mindless hedonism, while the world burns around him; but not to worry, the tsunami that is coming will put out the flames.
So many times, in Scripture, God was in the process of judging His people—and they truly repented and humbled themselves and cried out for mercy... and God had mercy and delivered them and withdrew the judgment (to save it for another time)... why do God’s people not cry out for mercy and deliverance?  Why do God’s people not repent?  Why does God not deliver us?  As I have written in numerous books, “Why should God deliver us from what we are willing to tolerate?”  God commanded us to hate evil... instead, we ignore it, smile at it, or even hold hands with it.  You reap what you sow.  God is culling His House.  He is cutting the cancer from the body of His true Church.  It is a painful process.  However, He promised to preserve a remnant and that remnant will only be those who have the testimony / faith of Christ Jesus and who keep the Commandments of God (not for salvation, which is solely of Christ, but because God commanded us to obey—and honorable children obey their father’s commands, and God said Be holy for I am Holy.  It is His Law that separates us from the rest of the world.  It is the Holy Spirit in those who are truly converted Who enables them, and gives them the desire to obey from the heart out of love from within; not out of cold, dead, mechanical compulsion from without.  It is this obedience to the Law of God (enabled by the Holy Spirit) that brings us into conformity with the Image of Christ and causes us to reflect the Image of God the Father in Whose Image we were created and Whose Law itself reflects that Image.  It is walking in His Ways as He commanded that will cause that Image, His Mark, to be upon us.  It was obedience to the command given to Rahab, to hang the scarlet cord out her window, and not not venture outside her residence, that preserved her life and the life of her family.  As we abide in Christ and separate ourselves from the wickedness around us, being sealed with the Blood of Christ, we will manifest the proof of the Spirit within us by not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh, the violation of God’s Law.  God will preserve us and part of that which will preserve us will be our reflecting His Image, our bearing the fruit is the natural outflow of being branches on the True Vine: Christ.  Christ does not produce wax fruit or “still life” portraits or “virtual fruit” or a nice “spiritual idea” of fruit—but real and lasting fruit within those who are truly His.  
God is Immutable.  He cannot change.  His Standard of Morality does not change.  “I am Yahweh and I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”  “Not one jot or tittle”.  What is so hard about those two verses that people don’t understand.  God cannot compromise.  Christ took our Judgment upon Himself for us for that very reason—because God is Immutable: He cannot change; His Word cannot change; He cannot compromise.  But those who have truly come under that sacrifice, will demonstrate the presence of the Holy Spirit within them to “go and sin no more” and by being about their Father’s Business; not “their own”  If they continually pursue their own business, then they consider themselves their own moral “free agents” and they are not of God.  If they consider themselves their own moral “free agents” then they are friends with the world (humanists) and the enemies of God.
May many take these sobering thoughts to heart, if anyone has read this far.  Years of being a lone voice in the wilderness, calling out, “Make straight [level] the paths, prepare ye the way of the Lord, repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”... yet out of 100+ on my email list, maybe 2-5 ever respond... even though the majority on the list are those who profess to care about the truth and the things of God.  May the redeemed of the Lord say so.  Christ said that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything it shall be done of My Father which is in Heaven.  Scripture says, “How can two walk together except they be in agreement?”  How can two know they are in agreement unless the other party says so...?  Apathy is our greatest enemy.  Why is it that over 95% of the people on my email list, most of whom claim to know the truth, can’t even take 30 seconds to type a reply, “Yes, I agree with you in prayer, God please save your people, bring us all to repentance; remove our delusion and rebellion; deliver us and destroy Your enemies”...?  Will anyone reading this book email me or write to me in agreement?  How badly do you want that prayer to be answered, if you won’t do it?  Do you even believe Christ’s Promise if you won’t do it?  The enemy is not our problem.  Our own apathy, laziness, faithlessness, hardness of heart, is the problem.
May God wake His people up before it is too late.
If I am the one in delusion, then may God silence me.  If I am not in delusion, then may God shake everyone else free from theirs, to join with me in prayer and fasting that God pours out His Holy Spirit upon all His people to turn us once again to Him, so He will once again turn to us at a time in which we need Him more than any other time in the history of Creation.  May others join in support of this ministry and help proclaim this truth, to be fishers and hunters to seek out our lost and blind brethren while there is yet time before God closes the door to the ark and Judgment rains down upon this wicked world.  
For those who think the world is wonderful place to live and that there are just a few minor problems that need to be corrected and that they are on the road to being corrected... we now return you to your regularly scheduled program...
The lone voice of one crying in the wilderness... Robert

— The Perfect Law of Liberty: Lawful Looking-glass into Heaven or Lawless Looking-glass into Hell...?

Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952), in his The Holy Spirit,® in one of the last chapters, “The Transforming Spirit”, astutely pointed out that the [looking] “glass” of the Law of the Lord is a revelation of His Glory (even as I have often expressed that God’s Word, God’s Law, is an expression of God Himself, of His Divine Nature, an extension of God’s Mind to us).  Pink says, “The Law is a transcript of the very character of God...”

Pink quotes Romans 7:12: “Wherefore the Law is holy, and the Commandment holy, and just, and good” and then Pink rhetorically queries—

“what is that but a summarized description of the Divine perfections?* ... the Law is an immediate reflection of his very nature... and the Law is a glass in which His perfections shine, then that which the Law requires, all that is required, will be love.”  

[* —by Divine perfections Pink means “attributes” — God’s Attributes: God is Good, Holy, Just, Love, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Perfect, Immutable, etc.  Note mine.  R.A.B. ]

However, this “love” is not to be understood as the mainstream church has watered down its meaning into “Scriptural Homeopathy” in which only 1 molecule of the original life-giving nutrient / medicine remains in the formula (the rest water or filler, having shaken it up a bit giving it some “good vibrations” and then diluted it 10,000 times; “making the Word of God of none effect”).  This love is not indiscriminate and not undefinable (Scripture itself says that it is not good to have zeal without knowledge—that’s an accident waiting to happen), and love is not an emotional discharge or nebulous feeling.  Christ defines what love is: “If you love Me keep My Commandments.” (John 14:15)  “If ye keep My Commandments, ye shall abide in My Love; even as I have kept My Father’s Commandments, and abide in His Love.” (John 15:10)  Love is obedience and self-sacrifice.  Even as faith without works is dead, so also love without obedience is non-existent.  Love is proved by actions.  The Law was not abolished.  The Law was never a means for salvation, the Law is God’s Moral Code by which He expects us to live.  Keeping the Law does not make us His children (we are that by birth); keeping the Law demonstrates that we are honorable children.  No amount of keeping the Law can make up for previous breaking of the Law.  Accounts have to be settled.  Sin confessed and turned from.  However, God said the penalty for sin is death.  Christ took that penalty for us, if we have truly come under the Blood of His Sacrifice and been cleansed thereby.

As evidence of his assertion concerning God’s Law and love, Pink then references Matthew 22:

“37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  38This is the First and Great Commandment.  39And the Second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  40On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

The mainstream church has many things backwards, and thinks inversely, inside out, and upside down.  A nebulous, undefineable “love” does not replace the Law.  If a parent told his son to do his chores and instead the child gave the parent a hug and a kiss and went outside to play, who in his right mind would think that was obedience?  Obedience is the demonstration of love—and love, true love, is the motivational force that empowers a person to obey (which is also self-sacrifice, forsaking what self wants to do).  The word “hang” in the above verse does not mean “hang by the neck until dead.”  It refers to support.  As as nail supports a picture on the wall (upon which it hangs); even as a foundation supports a house, so love, true love (not indiscriminate or so-called “blind” “love”; not crossing the moral boundaries that God Himself established) is the foundation of the Law.  How is love the foundation?  If we truly love God we will not violate His Law.  Children honor their parents, and we honor God our Father if we truly love Him by obedience—which is love not merely in word, but also in deed, otherwise, we are merely self-deluded (James 1:22) into thinking that we love Him (see also I John 4:20).  

Love is also self-sacrifice: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation [apeasement of Divine Holiness and Wrath] for our sins” (I John 4:10).  When a father or husband puts himself in harm’s way to protect his child or spouse, what is the motivating factor for such self-sacrifice?  It, of course, is love.  Merely saying “I love you” or giving a final kiss or hug would not replace actually protecting them.

If we love God, we will obey Him, to show ourselves honorable sons.  One cannot obey a mere nebulous “love”.  Though this is what the modern church defines as “love”, erroneously thinking that if you “love”—in some “undefined, mystical, unlegislated” way—that you have then magically “fulfilled” the Law.  But this is backwards to what God’s Word intends.  Obedience demonstrates that your love is real.  The Law is fulfilled when you keep the Law: which is what love is—obeying God and not sinning against your kinsman.  We show our love by obeying all that God commanded.  God does not expect perfection, but He does expect obedience and for you to study what He commanded and do it, and repent when you fail.

Understand, Christ had no Commandments of His own: He was in complete submission to the Father in all things to set the example for us—so that we could then do it too.  He did not replace God’s Commandments with a new set or a “scaled down” set of “bare-bones basics” “top ten” Commandments.  The God of the New Testament is the very same God of the New Testament and He declared in both: Be Holy for I am Holy—and He told us how that holiness was achieved: by obedience, which sets us apart as His people.  If the New did away with the Old (which is nowhere claimed in Scripture and would violate God’s Own Nature), why then does the New quote the Old so proliferously (about 855 times)...?  However, due to the Fall of man, we all share in Adam’s transgression (whether we think it “fair” or not) and we are all born with a sin nature.  Because of this sin nature we are born sinful; we do not merely have “a predisposition” to sin; we cannot not sin.  This does not mean that we will always sin to the ultimate possibly frequency and extreme, but it means we have no power not to sin.  Any time that we do not sin it is only by the Grace of God.  But that General Grace does not cover the times that we do sin.  It is for this reason that Christ died: to both forgive us of the Judgment against us for our sin nature as well as the sins it produces, as well as to then give us special grace, the power not to sin, when we abide in Christ.

Christ kept God’s Commandments to show us by example (by deed, not mere word).  Furthermore, rather than diminsh God’s Commandments (Christ Himself said that He did not come to destroy the Law, and not one pen stroke from God’s Law would cease as long as heaven and earth existed; so who are Christians listening to when they think that the Law was abolished?).  Christ did not diminish the force of the Law, nor scale down God’s Law of those Laws that we need to keep to a mere 10, or 9, or 8... (it seems to get less each congressional year—and the corrupt congress eventually dictates how the corrupt church conventions view sin: as sinful man views it, “perfectly acceptable and normal behavior and lifestyle choices” not as God views it—as abominable death sentences upon us).  Christ seems to have expanded the interpretation of the Law to a higher plane, to show that sin committed in the heart / mind is sin itself, even if it never translates itself into actions (though in reality, this is actually the teaching of the 10th Commandment itself).  Jeremiah said that the heart (mind) is deceitful, above all things desperately wicked—who can know it...?”  and Christ said, “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” (Matthew 15:19).  Irrational sinful Christians think that a mere 613 Laws that God gave are “too much” and “too burdensome” and “too many to remember” —even though they were all given for our good (and even though many of them are common sense that we follow anyway); and yet these same irrational, carnal Christians bow down to the tens of thousands of laws that corrupt politicians pass every year, which strip them of their rights, their wealth, and oppress and enslave them.  Go figure.  You reap what you so.  Ye are servants to whom ye yield yourselves to obey.

God’s Law is a reflection and an extension of God Himself: Holy, Good, Just, Love.  God is Immutable.  His Law is Immutable.  God will not alter the thing that has gone forth out of His Mouth and His Word will not return unto Him void but will accomplish that which He sent it forth to do and as He has thought it so shall it come to pass.  God cannot contradict Himself, change His Mind or have a better idea; God does not have senseless thoughts or thoughts that become obsolete.  God’s Law is Immutable for God is Immutable.  If God’s Law has been abolished then God Himself has died.  

David wrote, “The Law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7).  This word “converting” has nothing to do with salvation for sins.  It is a poor word choice.  The Hebrew word is #7725 (shoob) and means in various ways, “to turn.”  What is this turning that the Perfect Law accomplishes: James 5:20 tells us, “Let him know, that he which converteth [turns] the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.”  This turning a sinner from the error of his way refers to turning him back to God’s Law.  Scripture tells us, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 14:12) and “In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.” (12:28).  This “hiding” a multitude of sins refers not to covering them up to evade rightful judgment (which would make one an accessory after the fact), but it refers to preventing a multitude of sins from ever being committed by turning the sinner back to obedience to the Law of God so that he does not sin.  The Law does not convert or save (Christ alone does that); the Law shows the way, the narrow way, the path of life: “This is the Way: walk ye in it.”  Those who think that God’s Law was abolished believe that God Himself died, whether they realize it or not.  God is Holy and Perfect and Immutable.  His Standard of Morality cannot change.  If it has, someone else killed Him and is impersonating Him (which, of course, can never happen: so He did not die).  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever: He changes not, neither is there any shade / shadow of turning in Him.  Those who violate God’s Law with impunity have no fear, respect, love, or worship for God and nothing that they have to offer will God accept.  David said, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” (Psalm 66:18); so of course, God does not receive worship either.  Solomon wrote God’s declaration, “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer shall be abomination” (Proverbs 28:9).  Again, this is no different than a father telling his son to clean up his room, mow the yard, and wash the car, and the son saying, “No thanks pop, but I love ya’,” then giving his dad a quick hug and a peck on the cheek and then ignoring his father and going out to play with his friends.  Faith without works is dead.  Love without obedience is dead.

“On these two laws hang all the Law and the prophets.”  If we love God, we will not worship other gods (including false concepts of God that differ from God’s own self-revelation of His Divine Nature—a graven image in ones own mind), take His Name in vain, or violate the Sabbaths, and we won’t sin against our kinsmen who themselves were made in the Image of God.  If we truly love our kinsman-neighbor, we will not steal from him, bear false witness against Him, beat him up, rape his daughter, commit adultery with his wife, and murder him and his son.  Some nebulous “love” does not replace the need to obey all these commands, obeying all these commands is the proof of true love:

“8Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the Law.   9For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other Commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  10Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the Law.” (Romans 13)

“The warm fuzzies” and emotional experience do not replace the Law; keeping the Law is true Love.  Love is the motivation that causes us to do what is right.  This love is not within ourselves to demonstrate: since we are all born sinful and there is none that doeth good, no not one.  Love is a fruit of the Spirit and if Christ is truly in us, Christ will live His Life through us so that we walk in the Spirit and do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (the violation of the Law of God).  God knows we are imperfect, sinful, and incapable of perfectly keeping the Law (apart from His General Grace, no one could even keep a single law once from a pure motive).  He made us that way on purpose to show us that we need Him, ever and completely.  Christ Himself died (the ultimate expression of Love: self-sacrifice) for us His own, to take the Divine punishment that we deserve... but that payment Christ made to appease God’s Divine Wrath and settle the Sin-Debt Books of Heaven is not automatically applied to every person’s sin account.  Those whom the Holy Spirit truly leads to the Father through Christ (having been chosen before the foundation of the world) acknowledge to God’s Godhood and Lordship, submit to His Law, recognize God’s Right to establish that Law and demand it be observed, will then confess their sins, cry out for mercy and forgiveness and ask that Christ’s Sacrifice be applied to their sin-debt, and will then, if truly converted, if truly regenerated, will walk in newness of life in obedience to God.

Read all of Psalm 19 and 119 and see what God has to say about His own Law.  That which is perfect needs no replacing.  Any change of perfection could only be imperfection.  Hebrews 8:8 informs us that it was not the Law that was faulty—but us: “Finding fault with them” (Israel and Judah).  We, God’s people are born with a sin nature from Adam and on our own we cannot not sin.  We are cursed from Adam.  

Scripture tells us:

“22But the Fruit of the Spirit is love,[1] joy,[2] peace,[3] longsuffering,[4] gentleness,[5] goodness,[6] faith,[7] 23Meekness,[8] temperance:[9] against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5)  

Nine (9) is the number of Judgment in the Bible.  It seems odd that God would give us 9 elements comprising the Fruit of the Spirit.  What is the lesson here to be learned...? —the way to avoid Judgment is to walk in the Spirit!: “...walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:17)  

[It is also a dictum of natural law that “the whole is more than the mere sum of its parts.”  Thus, all 9 elements of the Fruit of the Spirit when fulfilled in a believer, possibly form the 10th (Divine Perfect Order) element: the whole new man: For they are not individual fruits, but a fruit basket; the Greek word “fruit” in Fruit of the Spirit is singular; not plural.  If any believer demonstrates only “1 individual” element of the Fruit of the Spirit, here and there, most probably it is “false fruit” (the flesh masquerading as spirit).]  

God also told us

“16...six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him: 17A proud look,[1] a lying tongue,[2] and hands that shed innocent blood,[3] 18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,[4] feet that be swift in running to mischief,[5] 19A false witness that speaketh lies,[6] and he that soweth discord among brethren.[7]” (Proverbs 6)  

[The number six (6) represents “Sin” and “Man” (or even “Sinful Man”); seven (7) represents “Spiritual Perfection”, but when paired here with 6 it represents the epitome of sinfulness (or “unspirituality”, “the inverse of spirituality”—“anti-spirituality” (possibly even, ungodliness / carnality masquerading as spirituality).]

The elements of the Fruit of the Spirit (9) surpass these “seven deadly sins” (as they are sometimes called) by a margin of 2.  Two (2) in Scripture implies “a Difference, Distinction” or I believe, “an Alternative” (in some cases, I believe, a “Remedy”).  

[This is clear throughout Scripture.  Even as we shall see (the deeper implications of) later, Scripture commands: “[1.]be not drunk with wine... but [2.]be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18)  Further, Scripture informs us, “[1.]But not as the offense, [2.]so also is the free gift...” (Romans 5:15)  “[1.]For as in Adam all die, [2.]even so in Christ shall all be made alive.... [1.]The first man Adam was made a living soul; [2.]the last Adam [Christ] was made a Quickening Spirit...” (I Corinthians 15:22,45) “...[1.]where sin abounded, [2.]Grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20).]

Why are there 9 elements to the Fruit of the Spirit...? —because Christ took our Judgment for us, and in the supreme expression of magnanimity, after taking our Judgment for us, Christ then “gave gifts unto men” [those whom He regenerated] (Ephesians 4:8).  What was the first gift that Christ asked God to give His people...? —the Holy Spirit.  Why...? —because the Holy Spirit cannot lead into sin (and our sin is what caused Christ’s death).  “Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.”  What are the lusts of the flesh...? —the violation of God’s Law (His declared Standard of Morality).  Paul said he would not have known sin, had it not been for the Law (Romans 7:7) and John tells us sin is transgression of the Law (I John 3:4).  If  the Law had been “done away with” there could be no sin and if there is “no sin,” there would be no reason for us to walk in the Spirit to avoid “non-existent” lusts of the flesh (violation of God’s Law)—and no need to repent or be saved.  Where there is no Law there is no sin (Romans 4:15; 5:13).  

The Law was not abolished.  The modern Christian has been seduced by the very same Serpent who whispered the first words of doubt against a Loving and Good and Perfect Creator: “Yea, hath the Lord said...?  Ye shall not die... ye shall be as gods yourself.”  As long as Christians remain in sin (ignorant or wilfull) God will not hear their prayers and will not deliver them from their enemies—those enemies being the very thing that God uses to bring His people to their knees to recogize their sin, when they realize that the Glory has departed, and they begin to soul search to discover the reason, then turn to God’s Word and rend not merely their garments, but also their hearts, when they realize how far they have departed from what God commanded; and then and only then will God hear their prayers and deliver. 

“If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)

The Law was never abolished; not one jot.  Christ said so.  The blind mainstream church, being spiritually cross-eyed, misunderstanding many Divine truths, imagining them to be the very opposite of what they actually say, imagines that the “Perfect Law of Liberty” means that we are free from the Law.  This is blasphemy, and once one realizes the truth, its profundity is overwhelming.  As Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed,

“Our eyes are beholden that we cannot see things that stare us in the face until the hour arrives when the mind is ripened.  Then we behold them, and the time when we saw them not is like a dream.”  

So then, what is the Perfect Law of Liberty? —it is the Liberty (by the Power of the Holy Spirit) to not sin!  On our own, we cannot not sin.  But Christ died to free us from the Penalty (Curse, Judgment) of the Law—not the Law itself.  It would be senseless for the entire New Testament to call us to repentance and to turn from sin if the Law had been abolished.  If the Law had been abolished there would be no need to even be saved, converted, turned... turned to what if the Law was abolished? forgiven of what if the Law was abolished?  “Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh” (the violation of God’s Law).  This is the Law of Liberty—God’s Holy Spirit within us... if we are truly of God and if we are truly converted and if Christ is truly in us.   In John 15 Christ further tells us,

“4Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me.  5I am the Vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing.  6If a man abide not in Me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.  7If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

Note here that abiding in Christ is the key not only to obedience,*1 but abiding in Christ is also one of the secrets to having ones prayers answered.  “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His Commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His Sight.” (I John 3:22)  Doing that which is pleasing in His Sight is going above and beyond the mere ritualistic observance of a law in the letter, but keeping it also in the spirit as well (for the right motive, with the right attitude) and even going above and beyond the requirement of the Law (such as instead of tithing 10%, tithing more; helping law-abiding, godly*2 kinsmen in need, etc.).

[*1 Obedience, keeping the Law of God, bearing fruit, good works are all synonyms, there are no “good works” apart from obeying God’s Law; that is a modern myth that replaces God with secular (unconverted) notions of “charity”.
*2 God calls us to discriminate and try the spirits, to judge and discern.  Not even widows were to be helped by the church, had they not been submissive to their husbands and godly women in the church who set a good example for the younger women.  You reap what you sow.  If someone lives in sin and then God brings calamity into his life, kinsmen are not to help bail him out of the Judgment God is sending—unless that person truly repents and brings for fruit meet for repentance (not just a “jail house” conversion and temporary “repentance” until the tribulation passes).]

Understand also that in Christ’s declaration, “if My Words abide in you” this “abide” does not refer to mere storage, like a book locked in a vault.  Abide means dwell, live, endure.  It is not passive, but active.  Christ also said in the same chapter,

“16Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit [obedience], and that your fruit should remain [lasting obedience]: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you.  17These things I command you, that ye love [not sin against] one another [your kinsmen].”  

[This obedience and lasting obedience refers not merely to “witnessing” to our kinsmen to bring the under the Blood of Christ.  It refers to keeping the entire Law of God—from which the call to repentance and salvation cannot be separated.  We are saved “unto good works” (obedience); which is repenting from doing what was wrong and then doing what is right.  It would do no good, and would be senseless, to call our lost brethren to “accept Jesus” if they then could continue living in drunken whoredom!  God’s Law sets His people apart from the heathen.  Christ’s Holy Spirit in His people enables them and gives them the desire to keep it to please God and be an honorable reflection of their Heavenly Father.]

Again, bearing fruit (obedience to the Law of God)—the natural purpose and activity of trees—is demonstration of love.  
[And again, this love is not indiscriminate: God’s Word clearly tells us who we are to love and who we are not to love—and again, the mainstream Church has misunderstood this and it is for this reason that the Trojan Horse of Antichrist and Babylon has been brought inside the Church and it is eating it inside out like an aggressive cancer.  “Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is Wrath upon thee from before the LORD.” (II Chronicles 19:2)  This passage is even more sobering when you realize it was God speaking to the godly King Jehoshaphat of Judah who was about to confederate with the ungodly King Ahab of northern Israel against a common foe.  If God’s Wrath is kindled against us for helping our own brethren who are in sin and wickedness, what then can we expect from God if we help those who are God’s sworn enemies, heathen who follow pagan religions and evil practices and even those others who are the tares sown in among God’s wheat by God’s enemy (who masquerade as God’s people)...?  At least the wicked Ahab followed some of God’s Law, and like modern Christian churches, at least followed some of the doctrine and prescribed worship that God commanded, though hybridized with paganism.  However, the heathen worship false gods, follow their own vile laws and customs, and make no pretense about it—and even brazenly state their objectives openly that their intention is to overthrow our nations and force us to submit to their religion and law or die.  If we then help such enemies of ours and God’s, what can we expect from God?  We can expect no help at all from God, but He will allow us to reap what we have sown: utter destruction (though He will preserve the faithful remnant, just before total extinction).  

God discriminates.  He commands us to.  This is what God’s Law reveals.  The difference between good and evil; the difference between holy and defiled; the difference between clean and unclean—and God even said that He separated us from all other peoples even as He separated clean animals from the unclean.  Understand; God did not walk among the animals after they “fell on their own”* and God passively noticed that some became clean and some unclean.  God separated the clean and unclean by their very design at the time of creation.  So He did with His people: before the foundation of the world.  God commands separation, purity, segregation.  

[* —nothing fell on its own any more than anything “evolved” on its own.  God fore-ordained and planned and controls all.]

This evil world, Babylon (which means “confusion by mixing”), communism, atheism, evolution, all preach the same rhetoric and false doctrine and philosophy of death; that we are “all the same” and that we should all intermarry into one lovely mocha stew.  That is Antichrist.  It is the destruction of God’s creation; the destruction of God’s children; the destruction of Christ’s bride.  God promised to preserve His seed* and it is not merely “spiritual.”  

[* How would any father—and especially a king—like it if someone else impregnated his wife and then said, “What are you complaining about? —the child will still have your last name!  He will inherit your throne, kingdom and wealth.”  God will not tolerate it either.  As I explained in a previous article, “Muslim Trojan Horse” (p.105) subversives in Lithuania are desensitizing the people to helplessly accept, to embrace, the supplantation of the Lithuanian people with Africans and Arabs.  Though man is immoral and foolish and self-destructive and violates sacred covenants, God will not allow His people to be supplanted by another in the Kingdom.  The dogs and pigs will not replace the sheep; and the tares sown by the Devil will not replace God’s wheat.  Christ said that the Good shepherd seeks out the lost sheep, and brings back the sheep; not dogs and pigs or wolves.  Gos said He scattered Israel as a man does wheat and that He would regather whom He scattered and not a grain would be lost (that is, not a grain of those of His people, whom He foreordained unto salvation; even as Christ said, all of the sheep whom the Father had given Him shall be drawn unto Him and that He would not lose even one).]

That which is spirit is spirit and that which is flesh is flesh.  Someone who literalizes that which is figurative and spiritualizes away that which is literal will always be confused (and it is psychosis).  If God’s true people are a mere “spiritual entity” then we did not need a physical Messiah—just a good “spiritual one”: someone or something that “symbolized” what a real, literal, physical Messiah should have been had there been a real, literal, physical people who needed redeeming.  What poor planning and fore-sight it was for Christ to have gone through all that trouble to be born and fulfill prophecy and then all that shame, suffering, and pain, if only a “spiritual” (a nice idea) Messiah was needed to redeem a “spiritual” people.

Such a notion, of course, is blasphemy.  If God’s people is merely a spiritualized concept (figurative, not literal and physical) then all of God’s Covenants and Promises have failed and God, therefore, could not be God (not the Omnipotent, Perfect, Immutable God of the Bible).  “Let God be true and every man a liar”; that is, while God will ever be true, man will ever be untrue.  This is not a statement of God’s Plan for us, but a statement of reality apart from God’s Grace: there is none that doeth good, all have turned away, gone astray, none seeketh after God, or even inclineth toward God; none, not a single one.  The remedy is for us to submit to God and put on Christ and walk in the Spirit so that we can be true.  If anyone does it is only because God draws him.  Is He drawing you?  If He is, each day you will become more like Christ and reflect the Perfect Law of Liberty and reflect God’s Nature through being an honorable son who walks in obedience to the Father’s Will, in the Father’s steps, reflecting His Very Character, His Attributes.  If you do not become more like Christ each day and do not reflect the Image of the Father (which is outlined in God’s Word in His Law, in the letter and the Spirit), then Christ is not in you and you are none of His.  God created us in His Image and gave us His Very Breath / Spirit, part of His Being, Essence, and Nature.  God gave us His Law for us to follow for us to reflect His Holiness: to glorify Him and set us apart as His people.  Sons should bear the reflection of their father; if they do not, they are bastards, and not sons.  
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear...

Scripture tells us:

“21...receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls.  22But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.  23For if any be a hearer of the Word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 24For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.  25But whoso looketh into the Perfect Law of Liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” (James 1)

What is this engrafted Word, except the Promise:

“But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put My Law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be My people.” (Jeremiah 31:33)

The Perfect Law of Liberty is not the Liberty (license) to ignore the Law of God and blatantly or carelessly sin; the Perfect Law of Liberty is the ability—the freedom through Christ in us (when we walk in the Spirit) to not sin.  Trees were designed by the Creator to bear fruit.  Christ said, speaking of people, “every tree is known by its fruit.”  As I have written in numerous books of mine, “Where no fruit is evident the Holy Spirit is not resident.”  Christ said that if a branch or tree does not bring forth fruit (a sign of it being dead or diseased) then He prunes it from His orchard.  Fruit-bearing orchards are not graveyards for driftwood.  If a Christian is not bearing the fruit that God ordained to be borne (not the world’s rancid fruit, which is often the exact opposite of what God commanded), it is a possible sign that there never was any conversion, or that a person was spiritually still born sometime after conception, or died a spiritual crib death.  Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith.

“6Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; 7And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty angels, 8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Christ Jesus: 9Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the Presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of His Power; 10When He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all them that believe...” (II Thessalonians 1)


— Nature of True Salvation Exposes the False Church (95% of most churches today) — and Those Who Are Truly of God Will Submit to God, The

Some profound thoughts to consider, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

[Books with a "®" symbol refer to "recommended reading" and are available from this ministry.]

Martin Luther was of the same mind with what I wrote in my (nearly 1,000 page) trilogy, The Sovereignty of God, Predestination, "Free Will" and the Protestant Reformation,® God and Evil,® and Does God Repent? — Can God Change His Mind?®  In his, The Bondage of the Will,® Luther wrote,

“... ‘free will’ is an empty term, and God works in us both good and evil, and all that comes to pass is of mere necessity.” (p.145)

[By ‘necessity’, Luther means not by “man’s choice”, but by God having ordained it from before creation and thus it must come to pass because God has so ordered it and nothing can prevent it.]

Likewise, Gordon Clark in his Predestination® and in his God and Evil,® expressed these same sentiments, that God created both good and evil for His Purpose, and that God chooses all and that free will is non-existent.
In my trilogy I express the very same thought, in which I expound at great length, that God is utterly and Absolutely Sovereign; all that exists He created; nothing exists except that He created it (both good and evil) for His Purpose.  This does not make God evil, for God is Immutable and unaffected by anything external to Himself.  God is not evil for creating evil any more than He is darkness for creating darkness (and Scripture says God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all; yet Scripture also says that God created evil and darkness).

Some, not understanding the philosophy of logic, nor Scripture, maintain that evil came about on its own.  In the humanistic attempt to “rescue God from Himself and from being guilty (in fallen man’s mind) of evil” they strip Him of His Sovereignty, His Omnipotence, His Perfection, and His Goodness (and possibly His Omniscience, if they try to salvage their unsupportable case).  They do not realize the implications of their rejection of the notion that God created evil, because they do not know how to think.

If evil came about on its own, and God, being Omniscient, knew that it would “happen”, but did nothing to stop it, then that is no better than if He created evil itself; it is depraved indifference and it strikes at His Holiness and His Goodness.  If evil “just happened” (and if this is the case, then He is a pretty bad Creator, and not Perfect or Omnipotent) and it was not His Will, then He is not Sovereign, nor is He the Almighty, just the almost-almighty and the semi-sovereign.  This means that there are things that can happen against His Will.  If such is the case, then how can anyone trust God that other things that are against His Will won’t “just happen”...? and that He will not be able to keep His Word, though He has good intentions?  This also strikes at His Truthfulness and even His Faithfulness.

Scripture says that all things—all things were made by Him and there was not anything made that was made except that He made it.  Just because our finite minds cannot comprehend Absolute Divine Wisdom and God’s Plan, does not invalidate it.  God is not limited by our ignorance.  If God’s creation just “went bad” then He is not a Perfect Creator.  The only solution is to accept Scripture (and not attempt futilely to “understand” God with fallen human reasoning—interpreting God’s Being and Nature according to man’s corrupt emotional thinking)—because God clearly told us what we need to know.  God created good and evil.  Faith that what God says that He ordained is pre-requisite to receiving greater understanding concerning why God ordained what He did.  Just because our limited minds can’t comprehend how God can be both 3 and 1 at the same time, or that He never had a beginning and will have no end, or many other things, does not prevent God from so being.  God is not the by-product of our thought (coherent or faulty).  God does not just drift around like a vapour until some human “thinks” Him into being (and if this was the case, God would be 9 billion different ever-changing Gods, which in essence would be Hinduism).

God said that He created the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and ____ [what]... ? Good and Evil.  Scripture tells us that God created this tree and put it in the very center of the garden of Eden and forbade Adam and Eve to eat of its fruit.  Fruit contains seeds.  Seeds are design.  God created Evil.  He didn’t create the tree of “the knowledge of good,” and the fruit just “went bad” on its own and some fruit turned out “good” and others turned out “evil” by mistake or some sort of “Divine Entropy.”

He created all things after the Counsel of His Own Will, for His Own Good Pleasure... that includes evil.  “The LORD hath made all things for Himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil [judgment]” (Proverbs 16:4).  God loved Jacob and hated Esau before either were even born, before they had done good or evil; and Scripture says “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies” (Psalm 58:3).  

[Of course the passage in Psalms is figurative, since newborns cannot speak, but it underscores the fact that all are born in sin and the wicked, having never been called out of darkness, can only continue therein.]

The bottom line is for us to trust God rather than our own fallen emotions and faulty wisdom.  God is Sovereign.  Man does not choose God.  He chose His own before the foundation of the world.  How we live merely plays out what He chose (time catching up with reality; God operates outside of time; time is external to God; God created time so we could relate to our own history).  Christ Himself declared, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you” and that the Father had chosen us and given us to Christ before the foundation of the world.  God says in His Word, “There is none that doeth good, no not one, they have all turned away, they have all gone astray, there is none that inclineth toward or seeketh after God” (sinful man may delude himself with the notion that he seeks after God, but God says that no one does on his own; and in reality, those who claim to seek after God, most often reject His Word, they reject His Self-Revelation, they reject His Being—His Sovereignty, in favor of whatever fictional “god” they want to pretend exists: the (according to man’s perverse misperceptions) “fair” god who does things the way man thinks that they should be done.

Scripture says that we are dead in our trespasses and sin (dead men don’t perform any task—at all).  Christ said that no man can come unto the Father except by Him and that no man can come unto Him except the Spirit of the Father draw Him.  Fetuses don’t choose to be conceived.  Sheep don’t choose their shepherd.  Fruit does not choose its tree.  Scripture tells us, “the wind bloweth where it listeth (willeth)... so is every one that is born of the Spirit.”  Christ said that every tree is known by its fruit.  If a person never confesses Christ, never turns from sin and prays for forgiveness and for the Sacrifice that Christ made to be applied to his sin-debt, and continues on in his life living how he thinks “feels good” or “seems right” or “works for him” rather than how God commanded, that seems to be a clear indicator of how God chose before the foundation of the world.  We are all born with a sin nature.  We are all born spiritually dead.  Dead men do not choose to come back to life.  They are dead.  Lazarus did not call and leave a message with the front desk and ask Christ to give him a wake-up call in 3 days to give him a chance to get some rest.

Christ frequently said, he that has eyes to see and ears to ear... let him see and hear...  Most people misunderstand this because they have thrown out the Old Testament.  “The New is in the Old Contained, the Old is in the New Explained”—or as a more precise translation of St. Augustine’s words renders it, “The New is in the Old concealed; the Old is in the New revealed.”

God clearly says in the Old (and New) Testaments that He Himself purposely blinded the eyes, shut the ears, hardened the hearts, and closed the minds of all so that they could not see, hear, believe, or understand so that they could not be saved.  Then, God opened the eyes, ears, hearts, and minds of those whom He ordained unto salvation before the foundation of the world.  This is God’s Sovereignty.  Anyone who does not like it, can, like a 5 year old, hold his breath until his face turns blue, but it will not change reality.  The only solution is to align oneself with God’s Word and Will and bow before His Sovereignty; not attempt to exert his own self will, which will only irremediably fail.

[Of course, there is also the “long shot” (delusional) option:  Let whoever is not happy with how God ordered His universe, become a god himself and then he can create his own universe however he wants (and then be judged by his own puny, ignorant creation for not having done it differently).  During the war, one of Napoleon’s friends and officers had expressed that after the war he was going to start his own religion.  Napoleon replied, “That shouldn’t be too hard: All you have to do is die and come back from the dead.”]


“The average modern Christian uses the term ‘Calvinism’ as if it were a ‘bad word’—not even understanding that Calvin did not invent what is called ‘Calvinism’ and that Luther himself was ‘a Calvinist’ in the irrational way that modern ‘Christians’ use the word ‘Calvinist’ and that St. Augustine, likewise, 1,200 years before Calvin, and Gottshalk (about 4 centuries after St. Augustine) were both ‘Calvinists’ in the sense that ignorant modern Christians use the term.” (from my, Does God Repent?®)

What is called “Calvinism” are the doctrines upon which the Reformation was established (and everything else is Catholicism [Babylonian paganism], whether blatant or disguised).  The Anglican Church (Church of England) itself held to these very same “Calvinist” views and produced one of the most accurate condensations of the Reformed position (that which is called “Calvinism”) in the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646).  Most all true denominations of Christianity—Presbyterian, Baptist, Dutch Reformed, German Reformed, Anglican, Episcopal, were originally founded on these truths and this confession.  Most all have departed from them.  95% of modern churches reject what is called Calvinism, in favor of Arminianism, which was developed by James Arminius (Latin name of Jakob Harmenszoon), the Dutch theologian who rejected the Reformed position.  This Arminianism (which is also Pelagianism) was brought into the Protestant Church by John Wesley (and the denominations established upon his teachings, Methodists and Wesleyans, and a few others influenced by it, Nazarene, Holiness, Pentecostals, etc.) and it was further injected into Protestantism by Charles Finney.  All of these unbiblical positions constitute part of the counter-reformation and a return to Rome and humanism and paganism.  This false doctrine of Armenianism is the heresy of “free will” (in addition to the basic goodness of man), in that man chooses salvation and that man is not dead in sin: he’s just a little sick.  This false doctrine proliferates 95% of the so-called Christian church.  Arminianists believe (in essence) that man knocked God off His Throne (in man’s mind) and put himself there: man telling God that He has no right to choose who is saved or damned and that man alone has the right to choose his own destiny.  

However, Scripture clearly records: “it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23) and “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD” (Psalm 37:23) and “For in him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28) and “The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand” (Isaiah 14:24); and many other passages.  

We now see what our departure from the true faith has resulted in, that Christendom is about to be destroyed; freedom itself, founded upon the Reformation, is down to its last glowing embers, even as is the true faith itself.  Christ queried, “When the Son of Man returns, will there be faith yet upon the earth?” and He also said, that unless God draw short those days of end-time tribulation, that not even the elect would survive.  That is Satan’s goal: to utterly destroy God’s seed in the earth.  God promised to always preserve a remnant of His flock (which are the few remaining heirs of Christendom).  Satan thinks that if he can utterly mongrelize or exterminate Christ’s bride, that He will have no one to return to, and if the remnant is exterminated to extinction, then God will have failed to preserve a remnant and if God can fail at anything, then He is not God, and Satan will then with renewed vigor step up his war against God, knowing that if God can fail in one area, then He can certainly fail in others.  This is where we stand.  This is why the Third world is invading all of Christendom.  This is what Revelation speaks of as the dragon opening his mouth and vomiting out a flood to over take the woman and her child, and Revelation tells us that those waters and floods are peoples (those who are not God’s people).

The English Baptist Charles Spurgeon, in his sermon “Sovereign Grace and Man’s Responsibility”, declared

“If any man be saved, he is saved by Divine grace, and by Divine grace alone; and the reason of his salvation is not to be found in him, but in God.  We are not saved as the result of anything that we do or that we will; but we will and do as the result of God’s good pleasure, and the work of his grace in our hearts .... Let me tell you, the reason why many of our churches are declining is just because this doctrine has not been preached.  Wherever this doctrine has been upheld.  It has always been ‘Down with Popery.’   The first reformers held this doctrine and preached it. .... Besides, we can point you to a string of ministers from the beginning even until now.  Talk of apostolic succession!  The man who preaches the doctrines of grace has an apostolic succession indeed.  Can we not trace our pedigree through a whole line of men like Newton, and Whitfield, and Owen, and Bunyan, straight away on till we come to Calvin, Luther, and Zwingli? —and then we can go back from them to Savonarola, to Jerome of Prague, to Huss, and then back to Augustine, the mighty preacher of Christianity; and from St. Augustine to Paul is but one step.  We need not be ashamed of our pedigree; although Calvinists are now considered to be heterodox, we are and ever must be orthodox.  It is the old doctrine.  Go and buy any puritanical book, and see if you can find Arminianism in it.  Search all the book stalls over, and see if you can find one large folio book of olden times that anything in it but the doctrine of the free grace of God.

[Understand that the term “free grace” does not imply lawlessness or irresponsibility.  Good works, obedience, keeping the Law of God are the moral requirements He expects of us whether we are converted or not; however, apart from God’s Grace no man is able to keep God’s Law perfectly.  That is why Christ died; the pay the penalty for our sin.  But just because we are forgiven does not mean that we have license to violate God’s Law, which was never abolished, despite the proliferation of modern false doctrine that says it was.  Christ perfectly kept the Law to set the example.  He sent the Holy Spirit to enable us to keep the Law: “walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh” (ie., the violation of God’s Law).  When Christ forgave some of their sins, He said, “Go and sin no more.”  If a father lays down the law to his young child, “no playing in the mud,” if the child rebels and plays in the mud, the father disciplines him, cleans him up, and upon repentance, the child is able to enjoy his father’s forgiveness—but just because the child is forgiven does not lift the prohibition against playing in the mud.  The New Testament defines sin as “transgression of the law” and if the law had been abolished, no one could possibly sin and therefore, there would be no need for anyone to ever confess sins or even be saved.  This false doctrine of the abolition of God’s Law in Christ is one of the major downfalls of Christendom.  God cannot hear the prayer of or bless His children who are in sin; sin blocks His Ears.  

Further, those who persist in sin and do not repent God will chasten to bring them to repentance—and historically God has often done this to His entire nation of people by using their enemies to judge them.  The “Catch 22” is that because the modern Christian thinks that God abolished His Law, he does not think that there is anything of which he needs to repent... and thus it is a vicious cycle of continued sin and continued judgment with the dazed and bewildered Christian, like a pigeon that has flown into a plate glass window, being stunned, being clueless concerning why everything is going wrong and why God won’t hear his prayers... individually and nationally.  

However, the answers, the remedy is in God’s Word.  If Christians would turn off the tv, sports, etc., stop reading the NYT best-seller’s list and the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal and every other disinformation rag and stop watching the evening news full of propaganda, and instead read God’s Word as He commanded us, then eventually a light bulb would come on via the Holy Spirit and they would realize, “Hey, wait a minute, God never abolished His Law, and we are in sin, and that is why He does not hear our prayers and why we are being destroyed!”  My book Does God Repent?® is one of my most important books, because once you understand God’s Nature, you realize that He could never have abolished His Law.  He is Holy, Perfect, and Immutable—and He never said that He abolished His Law.

Read how Josiah and Hezekiah and other godly kings called for repentance and reformation.  Hopefully God will use these words to cause a light bulb to come on for someone.  Every tree is known by its fruit.  Those who have been converted have been “called unto good works”.  Good works are obedience to the Law of God.  Keeping the Law does not save; it is a proof of salvation.  A tree does not become an apple tree by bearing apples, an apple tree bears apples because it is an apple tree.  Obedience to the Law of God (which was violated and which necessitated Christ dying for us) is a by-product of salvation: the internal desire to obey the commands of God that were violated since creation.  We do not obey the Law in order to be saved, but because we are saved.  Every tree is known by its fruit.

See also my edited collection of Spurgeon’s works on Predestination, titled, Salvation Results From...®]

Concerning Predestination, in their excellent 50-page Historical and Theological Introduction (which itself is worth the price of the book) to Luther’s Bondage of the Will, J. I. Packer and O. R. Johnston write,

“Historically, it is a simple matter of fact, that Martin Luther and John Calvin, and, for that matter, Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Bucer, and all the leading Protestant theologians of the first epoch of the Reformation, stood on precisely the same ground here.  On other points they had their differences; but in asserting the helplessness of man in sin, and the sovereignty of God in grace, they were entirely one.  To all of them, these doctrines were the very life-blood of the Christian faith.” (p.58)

Luther emphatically declared that the Sovereignty of God and Predestination (in opposition to the non-existent “free will of man”) was the very heart of Christianity and all doctrine turned on this point.

Let’s again briefly consider God and Evil, for this also is a pivotal doctrine that determines whether one believes in God’s Sovereignty or man’s sovereignty.

God is Immutable and unaffected by anything external to Himself.  Everything external to Himself He created.  God is not a banana because He created a banana.  God is not darkness because He created darkness.  God is not evil or sinful or wicked because He created those things for His Purpose.  Those who think that God did not create evil because it would “make Him” evil do not understand God or Logic or Scripture.

Okay, let’s say for argument’s sake that God did not create evil (let’s amputate His Omnipotence and his Sovereignty, that alone reduces Himself quite below Godhood, but let’s continue the thought).  Let’s say, then, that He merely “knew” that sin and evil and wickedness “would [somehow*] happen”.  Let’s also pretend that He is a bad Creator and a bad Governor and that He is not in charge of His Creation; which He is not—if some things that He did not want or create just “popped into” His universe, or if some things that He created were just “defective” and “just went bad” because of poor design.  Like an author who was typing a book, someone just shoved God out of the way (and He was passive and let them change His story and let them soil His Glory) and this interloper just started writing his own ideas into the God’s book (and God was either powerless to stop him or simply unconcerned).  Even if all this evil “just happened” (which degrades about half of God’s Holy Attributes or Divine Perfections) and even if God, being Omniscient, knew all these things—foresaw all these things—how then, could God have had those thoughts of all that wickedness in His Mind in eternity past and those thoughts not have “made Him evil, wicked, or sinful” for Him having thought them aeons before they ever even would come into existence...?  How can one have sinful thoughts without being sinful?  This of course is a false conclusion based upon a false premise, and it shows the utter logical and Scriptural nakedness of those who say God could not have created sin or evil because it would have made Him sinful or evil.  God is under no obligation to (and by His Nature cannot) enter man’s delusion with him.

The solution to the problem is the proper, sane, logical, valid frame of mind.  If those thoughts were in God’s Mind before they ever came into existence, before He even created the world, then did He not create them?  Scripture says that God declares, “As I have thought it so shall it come to pass”.  God is not passive.  He does not merely have a crystal ball.  His thought is determination.  And if you still think that He did not create evil, how could He think evil, how could He think in His Mind about every single sin, evil, wickedness, immorality, and abomination that would transpire on earth over the past 6,000 years and it not have made Him evil or tainted His Mind? —the very same way that He created it and it did not make Him evil for creating it.  God is Immutable.  He changes not.  He is not affected by anything external to Himself (that is, everything that is not God), and everything external to Himself He created; nothing came into being by itself.  Scripture says so.  God’s very Nature (as revealed in His Word) says so.

[* This is the same anti-intellectualism that evolution is based upon.  “It just happened”.  We don’t know how.  We don’t have any proof.  We can’t explain it.  We don’t have any evidence.  But just believe us when we say it happened “somehow”.]

God is Sovereign.  How we live merely shows how He chose before the creation of the world and that is the sobering thought.  Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling does not mean we earn our salvation, but that we are ever careful to examine ourselves to see whether we be in the faith (the proper fruit being the evidence).  What does a branch do to produce fruit?  Nothing.  The branch bears fruit when it is a conduit through which the life of the tree flows.  Christ said I am the vine (trunk and root) ye are the branches.  Branches don’t grow themselves or run along the ground and choose to hope up onto a tree and grow (that makes about as much sense as a monkey falling out of a tree, and deciding he wants to be a man losing his tail and all his hair, gaining about 50 IQ points).  The tree produces the branches.  Christ also said every branch that beareth not fruit (each dead, sickly branch) is cut off and cast into the fire.

God is Sovereign.  God is Immutable.  God is Omnipotent, Good, Holy, Just, in everything that He does because He is Perfect and can be no other.  God is not defined by what He does, what He does is defined by what He is.  He is Good.  He can do no other.  He is Perfect.  He is Immutable.  Any change from Perfection could only be imperfection.  But “goodness” is not defined by what sinful, ignorant, rebellious humans declare it to be.

Good and evil—reality, are what God declares them to be.  Any other notions are humanism.  Those who believe anything else do not understand God’s Word or God, and they have a very weak god, not the God of the Bible (and that is idolatry, whether ignorant or knowingly; and that too is a sobering thought: They are not of God).  Scripture says that those who come to God must believe that He is and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  We must believe that He is what...? —we must believe that He is exactly as He said that He is and that everything that He has said is true... and this is done by diligently seeking Him and obeying Him (one who seeks but does not obey does not seek diligently, only out of curiosity)... and that is done by “trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding” because “there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death).  

Scripture also says that without faith it is impossible to please God.  Those who do not trust or believe God, in what He has clearly revealed in His Word (instead believing man’s own spurious ideas) believe in something other than the true God.  Whether God’s “winking at our ignorance” will cover such vast territory only God knows (and since we are commanded to study and meditate upon His Word, He expects that we will come into the knowledge of the truth; but if our “other gods”—tv, movies, sports, other literature, news, etc. are more important to us and we do not come to the understanding of the truth because we make time for those other gods, but neglect the True God and His Words of Life, then we are without excuse).  It behooves those who care about their soul to examine themselves and cry out as the man who asked Christ to deliver his son from a demon that tormented him, Christ replied, “All things are possible to those who believe”—and the man cried out, “I believe, help Thou my unbelief [deliver me from my unbelief].”

God is in complete control and has fore-ordained all and created all and all creation has followed the exact Plan that He ordained it to follow and has not deviated an iota (jot).

Any other thoughts degrade God from His Absolute Supremacy and Sovereignty.

God’s ability to be is not limited by fallen, finite, sinful man’s inability to understand God’s Being.

St. Augustine said, “Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that ye may understand.”

God has hidden the truth from those whom He has deemed are unworthy of it.  God’s Word is not irrational; it is super-rational (above ordinary understanding; this does not mean it is illogical—it is perfectly logical; but sinful man rejects the logic upon which it is perfectly founded).  God requires faith that we believe that He is and all that He has said is true (even if at first we cannot comprehend it)... faith is the key that unlocks the door to the exclusive club membership of understanding.  Faith itself is a gift of God (being in the “fruit package” of the Fruit of the Spirit).  

To its credit, the Council of Orange [A.D. 529] ruled:

“If anyone assert that by reason of man’s prayer the grace of God is conferred, but that it is not grace itself which causes that God is prayed to, he contradicts the prophet Isaiah (65:1), and the Apostle Paul (Romans 10:20) saying the same thing, ‘I was found of them that sought me not and have been manifest unto them that asked not after me.’ If anyone maintain that God waits for willingness in us to be purged of sin, and does not allow that the very willingness to be cleansed of sin is wrought in us by the infusion and operation of the Holy Ghost, saying with Solomon, ‘The will is prepared by the Lord,’ and with the apostle, ‘It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure’ (Philippians 2:13)....” [from Sanctification, Gordon H. Clark, now contained in What Is the Christian Life?® (p.31).]”

Acts 5:32: “the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him.”  Understand cause and effect.  The giving is not due to the obeying, the obeying is due to and proof of the giving.

Hebrews 5:9: “And being made perfect, He [Christ] became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him.”  [same cause and effect.]

Works do not save and God said that there is none that doeth good, no not one.  True salvation is not a choice of sinful man who does not have it in him to even incline himself toward God, it is an act of irresistible obedience in response to the call of God.

“That in all things He [Christ] may have the preeminence.” (Colossians 1:18)

“Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1:13)

“15For He saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.  16So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy.  17For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show My Power in thee, and that My Name might be declared throughout all the earth.  18Therefore hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth.  19Thou wilt say then unto me [the prophet], Why doth He yet find fault? For who hath resisted His Will?  20Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God?  Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, Why hast Thou made me thus?  21Hath not the Potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?  22What if God, willing to show His Wrath, and to make His Power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:  23And that He might make known the riches of His Glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had afore prepared unto glory?” (Romans 9)

Most Christians use the word “Lord” in reference to Christ and God, and sing a plethora of songs calling Him “Lord” yet He is not their Lord—and they apparently do not know what the word means.  Lord means “Sovereign, Master, Boss, Emperor, Ruler.”  Yet most Christians believe what they want to believe, not what God has said.  Most Christians live their lives the way they want, not how God has commanded.  Christ asked, "Why call ye Me, 'Lord, Lord' and do not the things I say?" and declared, "Not all who cry unto Me, 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the Kingdom, but those who do the Will of My Father Who is in Heaven".  This is the sinful, fallen condition of all men until God calls them out of darkness into His marvellous light.  If He has not drawn you, don’t curse the darkness, get used to it: It’s all you will ever have.  If He is drawing you (if you take serious the concept of eternal Judgment) then yield to Him and confess Christ and “repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is soon to come.”  Cry out, “Lord save me, I believe, help Thou my unbelief, forgive my sins through Christ’s atonement and fill me with Your Holy Spirit to lead and enable me to understand Your Word and live as you require that I may be spared the wrath to come—and so convict and inspire all our people to so cry out to you or we shall surely perish!”  Only a fool would not truly repent and throw himself upon the mercy of the court.  Those who do not, do not have it in them, because they were ordained unto destruction.

Revelation 12 tells us:

“1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:  2And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.  3And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a Great Red Dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.  4And his tail drew the third part of the stars of Heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the Dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.  5And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to His Throne.  6And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.  7And there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon; and the Dragon fought and his angels, 8And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in Heaven.  9And the Great Dragon was cast out, that old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.  10And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the Power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.  11And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.   12Therefore rejoice, ye Heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the Devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.  13And when the Dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.  14And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the Serpent.  15And the Serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.  16And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon cast out of his mouth.  17And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the Commandments of God, and have the Testimony of Christ Jesus.”

“And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” (Revelation 17:15)

“Here is the patience [endurance] of the saints [preservation of the elect]: here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus.” (Revelation 14:12)

Pages 140 and 141 of Gordon Clark’s Predestination® are also enlightening, showing that the 5 points of so-called Calvinism are contained in Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones.





Clark also wrote:

“Socialistic coercion and the destruction of freedom in the United States is following the more advanced programs of the European nations.  In the nineteenth century the memory of autocracy was vivid, and after several nations had rid themselves of tyranny, the acknowledged aim of government was to maintain order so that free individuals could arrange their personal, social, business, and religious affairs as they saw fit.  Today, however, the disadvantages of absolute government have been forgotten, and so-called liberals, who are truly reactionaries, aim to establish a so-called demoncracy on the principles of Louis XIV.  To this end taxation is imposed, not so much to pay for legitimate governmental expenses, not on the bases of services rendered and received, but with the avowed aim of impoverishing one class of people and of enriching another class.  One might say that taxation is becoming legalized theft.  These apostles of absolutism propose the reconstruction of society according to their own superior ideals.  And one by one the liberties that were gained a century or two ago are being lost to governmental coercion.  The public school systems are being used more and more as propaganda agencies for this reactionary totalitarianism.  Even such a scholarly journal as The American Political Science Review has contributors who want the state supported schools to indoctrinate their pupils.

“As the love of liberty grows dim under socialistic suffocation, as coercion increases, the more brutal it will become.  The basic methods of procedure were stated by Karl Marx, and they have been accepted, in varying degrees, by many who are not conscious of their origin.  Marx was very deeply interested in progress,* and for him misery is a powerful instrument for gaining one’s goal.  Tension and antagonism, the result of misery, are forces of progress.

[* Note, Marx’s idea of “progress” is completely different than ours.  Marx’s idea of “progress” was the Statist progress, the State totally absorbing every facet of life and all individuality being crushed before it; the State obtaining all the power and wealth of the people and subjecting them as their slaves.  Note mine.  R.A.B.]


“For this reason a clever social planner will provoke violence and bloody conflicts.  Happy men are weak, but if they can be made wretched, they can be stirred to action.  Class must be played against class and hatred must be stimulated.  The economy of nations must be ruined by huge governmental expenditures that lead to bankruptcy.  Demagogues, willing to be looked on as God, will deceive the people with impossible promises of freedom from want and freedom from fear.  Then a dictator can liquidate the remaining opposition and take control.

“The evidences of social decay in western civilization has been listed in an order proceeding from the more specific the more general, from the more obvious to the less obvious and from the more derivative to the more original.  The next and nearly the last of these, the widest genus of all, immorality.  The word immorality frequently directs attention to sexual offenses; and while this is not the only sense intended, the sexual aspect need not be overlooked. One of the most serious calamities, more deadly to civilization than any ordinary war, is the destruction of the family by the growing rate of divorce.  Some people view divorce as a sign of the emancipation of woman and as an evidence of progress.  And the accompanying promiscuity, both result and cause, would be another step in the evanescence of evil.  Edwin A Burtt refers to some members of this humanistic school of thought who regard sex as an essentially harmless pleasure which should be regulated only by personal taste.  Divorce and promiscuity are empirical facts, but there are other interpretations besides that of humanism.  [Pitirim] Sorokin,* believing that the family exercises a powerful social function, and that the destruction of the family by divorce is an equally powerful factor of opposite tendency, writes:

[* Pitirim Alexandrovich Sorokin (1889-1968) Russian-born sociologist, who emigrated to the U.S. in 1923.  Note mine.  R.A.B.]


‘An illiterate society can survive, but a thoroughly anti-social society cannot.  Until recently the family... was the principal school of socialization for the new-born human animals, rendering them fit for social life.  At present this vital mission is performed less and less by the family... because the young are turned over at a very early age to such agencies as nursery schools and kindergartens, and because an increasingly unstable family is a poor school of socialization.  Instead of inculcating in its offspring a strong sense of moral and social integrity, it teaches them lessons of moral laxity and loose relationships.  If outside agencies performed efficiently the former functions of the family, the defect might be remedied.  Unfortunately, they have not successfully replaced the family in this mission.  Even an illiterate mother, endowed with kindness and common sense, appears to have been a better moral educator of children than most of the highly trained educators of schools and correctional institutions.  The result is a rapidly mounting juvenile delinquency, an increasing number of people without moral integrity... who swell the ranks of criminals... from common murderers to the praetorian guards of the dictators.’

“Corroborating Sorokin, F.B.I. reports released in 1948 include these data:

“Fifteen million sex magazines read monthly by a third of the nation.
“One million girls infected with social disease.
“One hundred thousand girls enter white slavery each year.
“One million babies born illegitimately yearly.
“One in five marriages ends in divorce.
“More barmaids than college girls.
“One murder every forty minutes.
“One major crime every twenty-two seconds.
“One hundred thousand unapprehended murderers walk the streets.
“Seventeen-year-olds represent the largest criminal group.
“Sixty suicides every day.

[All one has to do is log onto the internet and find the current statistics to understand the “progress” society has experienced thanks to the Marxists that rule the nation.  Note mine.  R.A.B.]

“Suicide is also a moral problem, a form of immorality, and it is a symptom of the whole situation.  Sorokin is particularly thorough in his attempt to show the breakdown of western civilization in many phases.  He notes that popular religion has degenerated into a second-hand social gospel, a sort of political creed.  He analyzes contemporary art and compares it with the past; he examines the course of philosophy; and he tries to make clear the significance of the present rate of insanity and suicide.  In the United States from 1860 to 1922 suicide increased from 3.1 per hundred thousand population to 11.9.  And since 1922 the rate of suicide has doubled and tripled.  With suicide, and with the breakup of the family, there is the increase of mental disease.  ‘This means,’ he says, ‘that western society is progressively becoming mentally deranged and morally unbalanced.’

“When the citizens of a nation are immoral, it is not surprising that the government becomes immoral.  And turning again from the basic individual decay to its more obvious results, we may once more quote Sorokin.

‘There exists scarcely a single government in any of the western countries which has not broken most of its solemn pledges to the citizens — which has not changed the fundamental laws (whether constitutions or statutes) or repudiated its obligations respecting the gold currency, gold certificates, and bonds, the inviolability of the courts, and countless other matters.’

“Under these conditions mutual trust becomes less and less possible; respect for just government tends to be replaced by fear of force; and the majority begins to seize the temporary advantage of the day.  In other words, society has collapsed.  There are many people, naturally, who will disagree with all this.  They will point out that through this discussion some moral preferences have been discerned between the lines.  The facts may have been relatively accurate, but a non-empirical interpretation has been placed upon them.  It is exactly this interpretation that is the most serious matter of dispute.  One party calls it the breakdown of society; the other hails it as the fulfilment of their hopes.  The one idealizes freedom; the other idealizes tyranny.  The one allows each individual to make his own most important decisions; the other is sure the leader knows best.” (from pp.71-74 of  A Christian View of Men and Things® (1952), Dr. Gordon H. Clark)


Amazing words written over 60 years ago...!  I stock all of Dr. Gordon H. Clark’s books.  He was a genius.  The greatest philosopher and theologian of our day: an accomplished linguist, historian, and mathematician, and the foremost logician.  He is ignored by the liberals, both Christian and secular, because his logic and philosophy and theology is so impeccable, he cannot be answered; thus hardly anyone even knows about him.  I have encouraged people to read his works for the past 24 years.  I have read most of his books in the past several years, reading some each day after my Bible reading.  

[Inquire for list of Clark's titles.]


inquire if interested in any titles mentioned herein; donations to support this work appreciated.













— Who Will Survive the Next Lovely "Natural" Disaster?

In the below article, the author doesn't even mention Y-2K because that would add to the normalcy bias; people are desensitized thinking nothing is every going to happen since it hasn't happened, which is a tautological fallacy of logic (begging the question).  Further compounding the problem is that the average person is delusional, trusting—
1. that the government is omnipotent and
2. that the government is holy and good.  The government has replaced God. 
The problem is, the government is none of those things.
In fact, as emails I sent out a year ago show, many billionaires and government conspirators WANT 9/10ths of the world's population to die off (now that they have acquired their billions off robbing the people). 
With that in mind, and keeping in mind the government's shady and reprehensible history of starting wars to kill people so a select few can enrich themselves, purposely poisoning / contaminating people to experiment with drugs or disease or control the populace, get them dependent on Big Medicine and Big Business and the government, to increase taxes for health services and "research", to keep them in a constant state of multifarious fears (by which people are easily controlled) etc., etc., etc. the corrupt pseudo defacto government may very well FALSE FLAG a solar flare or Carrington Event using EMP techology to bring about what they want... and the billionaires and the corrupt government have already prepared— have already prepared for themselves, with food and water and deep underground bunkers and small cities... they themselves plan on surviving (off the resources they have stockpiled from money they have stolen from the people) while letting most everyone else die before they "step in as the Saviour." 
However, B-HO and the rest are an "Evil Messiah" -- Antichrist.  It is foolish for the sheep to trust in the wolves, and just as foolish for the sheep to think that the wolves are their "Saviours" after the wolves stop eating the sheep in a massive, frenzied orgy; the stupid sheep think the wolves are their saviours, when in reality, after having glutted themselves in a feast, they will then merely go back to their normal consumption of sheep and the remaining ignorant sheep will worship them as gods; to which, periodically, many virgins and sacrificial lambs are thrown on a routine basis, but the sheep, mindlessly programmed, blow it off as a non-event, considering it merely, "a cost of doing business"; tautologically accepting via learned helplessness, "that's normal, it is how it has always been, it is unavoidable: eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die."
"4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. [i.e. repent]
4:9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. [i.e. repent]
4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up." [i.e. repent] (James 4)
Faraday Cages will protect electronics from EMPs, so you can safely bet that the elite will have Faraday Cages built around everything essential of theirs.  Also, electronics will not be fried if they are completely enclosed (storage) in a metal container without any opening or gap large enough to allow an EMP wave to enter.  There is also some evidence to suggest only electronics that are turned on or plugged into an electric current are effected; not those completely unplugged.

-------- Original Message -----

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http://jerrywickey.com/images/gradtitle.jpg";)"> Technology Makes Us More Vulnerable, Not Less

Can you tell the difference between someone holding a doomsday sign on a street corner and a rational assessment of probabilities?

Recent study shows that in July 2012, the earth narrowly escaped a repeat of the 1859 Carrington Event. Washington Post

This frightened the scientific community. Their true opinion of the prognosis is unpublishable. Quite literally, unpublishable. To publish one must both generate enough sponsor interest to attract funding and also garner enough public interest to make public dissemination lucrative.

Claims that repairs to bring the world's power grid back up would take years is wishful thinking, but attracts research funds. Whereas, the truth is Who would make those repairs? Who would feed those making the repairs and how would the repairs be organized?

About a 150 years ago, in 1859, a massive solar storm destroyed the world's telegraph system. The US was the only nation to have one. Historians refer to this event as the Carrington Event. At the time, it was a huge inconvenience. Someone in New York had to resort back to sending a letter to Los Angeles by train and horseback again. It took several years to restore service.

Not A Soul

Such massive solar storms and other natural occurrences recur on a regular basis over the course of human history. The difference between past occurrences and the Carrington Event is simple. 1859 was the very first time humanity relied upon a technology that is effected by the many different kinds of repeating geologic, climatologic, biologic, and astrologic events to which humanity is continually subjected. Before rapid travel, even biological threats were contained.

Since 1859, our reliance upon technology has increased to staggering proportions, unprecedented in human history. The only reason we have not experienced catastrophe already is blind luck and the short time in which we have enjoyed technology. Our parents lived their whole lives as we never having experienced one of the world's many hiccups. This isn't unusual for the world to go a hundred or two hundred years without one. It has now been 155 years since the last.

This leads many to a false sense of security. This is called normalcy bias. If we have not experienced an event, we discount even its possibility. We know it could happen, but we make no provision for it. We exert no effort with respect to it.

Explore the effects of a Carrington Event on modern civilization:

All power grids around the world simultaneously melt. The windings of not just transformers but of the generators themselves turn to a solid lump of useless copper. All the lights around the world go dark in a matter of a few hours.

No TV, no TV transmitters. Not even back up generators survive. No radio, no cell phones, no military communications. Some hardened equipment would survive. However, without conventional communication, no one using a hardened unit knows which channel nor the password to reach anyone else with hardened equipment. No one even knows what happened nor how widespread the disaster is.

No water pressure. 70-80% of the world's population is now urban and dependent upon a grid of massive electric pumps to provide fresh water throughout the cities of the world.

Authorities have no way to assess damages nor coordinate repairs. At this point, most officials are just trying to figure out where their wife and children are. They can't even talk to authorities in other cities without sending a messenger and waiting for the messenger to return. All modern engines are electronic ignition, even diesel motors can't run without electronic control. Few automobiles would survive. Suppose for a moment that panic is not a concern. Suppose that most people react calmly and rationally. What does a rational calm person do?

The Whole City, Nary The Living
If you are still in the city at this point, it's because you're dead.

Even with communication, organizing water trucks for just one city of 3 million would require 300 trucks a day each dispensed to different parts of the city. That is 300 round trips to a source of fresh water and pumps to fill the truck, and transport back to the city in an organized deployment throughout the city every day. That is the absolute minimum to sustain life, but this isn't nearly enough. This bare minimum scenario allows each person only 4 seconds to grab his daily allowance of water from one of the trucks. And it doesn't even approach the water needed to wash away human waste that would be accruing in many parts of the city where gravity sewers are not available. There simply aren't any plans that work. Without Roman style water systems, anyone remaining in a modern city after three days is dead.

Our normalcy bias convinced us to so rapidly rely on technology that has not been tested for even one century to such an extent that the next time the world has one of its many fits, we are truly and sorely screwed.

No communication. Not even enough water for gravity sewers to work. With out water or just enough information to prevent panic, city residents have three days to find clean, safe fresh water or die. Most would resort to drinking river water, giving rise to epidemic levels of dysentery. The few hospitals that might have a working generator are overwhelmed, but only by locals, since without communication, no one knows which hospitals are working and which are not. Health care workers leave their posts in droves to tend their own families. Health care workers and authorities who choose to stay at their posts will soon need to drink water too. Who will bring it to them so they can continue doing what? They can't communicate with anyone other than face to face?

Within three days one third of the world's population is dead or dying. The only survivors are those who found fresh, clean water. Those that survive for the next year are only those who find a sustainable source of fresh water and food. They won't find this in the city. Canned goods left over in abandoned supermarkets will last a couple of weeks, but water will be the problem in any city.

Survivors are faced with defending the limited resources which they found, until the population is further culled, by which time the cities have turned into wastelands and modern forms of communication driven governments have disintegrated.

By the time any semblance of stability is restored and someone says "Hey, everyone let's all get together and rebuild radio communication and restore water to the city." Others retort: "Who's going to feed and water me? tend my crops and defend my territory?"

Too Soon Becomes

Civilization would have to begin again, starting once again down the long road of organic development reforming around villages of people in what ever places they found replenishable sources of food and water. Technology would have a head start, so long as those with the education, find each other, and enough others are willing to feed them while they work to rebuild technology. This all has to happen within the the life times of those educated enough to build a microchip from scratch, otherwise, technology has a much longer road back, several generations.

Those who survive are those who make decisions which increase the likelihood of immediate survival. Most survivors are not likely to see any immediate value in giving nerds and squint eyes food and water for which they worked hard so that the nerds can rebuild technology. Most people with that sort of vision, did not survive.

I know what to do. The answer is not about surviving a Carrington Event nor even survival at all. There are at least a dozen other recurring geologic, climatologic, biologic, and astrologic events, some even more catastrophic. Do you know what to do? How do you know you're right? If your answer is merely repeating the question "Jerry, how do you know you're right?" Then you don't know. You're just guessing.

How likely is it that the world is organized to such an extreme that life can arise even be nurtured, and at the same time be just exactly chaotic enough to cause disasters, but not so chaotic so as to extinct life? If you think the answer is. "Well that just happens. I guess we'll never know." I suggest you didn't think it through very carefully.

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Jerry Wickey | Key West | 800 722 2280 | jerry@jerrywickey.com" target="_blank">jerry@jerrywickey.com

— Some Interesting Facts (or not) and a bit of technicality and humor


Various emails are always circulating; some better written than others.  Here is one I received and to which I added my comments (technical, imaginary, humorous, snide, etc.) [inserted in brackets].  For those who enjoy my sense of humor and insight, I hope you garner a few things to think about or a few chuckles.  For those who do not, we now return you to your previously scheduled program...
Glass takes one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times!

[Well, no, if glass takes a million years to decompose then it wears out in a million years.  Who writes these things?  I also doubt it could be recycled an infinite amount of times to any greater degree than other things could be recycled an infinite amount of times.  Also, I question whether infinite is an amount.  I would think it would be a potential amount; but not an actual amount: for it does not exist since it can never be reached (but I am not an theoretical physicist).  The proper statement would be: “It is possibly that glass may be able to be recycled indefinitely—or at least to the point that it decomposes, which has been theorized to be about a million years.”]

Gold is the only metal that doesn’t rust, even if it’s buried in the ground for thousands of years.

[I believe the terms meant are “oxidize” and “corrode”.  Aluminum, copper, and silver don’t “rust” either; but they do oxidize and corrode.  I do not believe stainless steel "rusts" either; at least, only very minimally, though once the nickle-magnesium coating (which self-heals after cuts) broke down, then I imagine the stainless steel, or what is left of what was once stainless steel, would then rust.  However, I am not a metallurgist, so maybe I am the one confused.]

Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end.

[So many people are poor conceptualizers (thinkers) and communicators.  I am not sure what this really means.  Maybe I am a freak of nature; I don't know about anyone else, but when I look at my fingers, they end and there is nothing beyond them (funny thing, same thing about my toes).  Ears and nose are cartilage, so they are not muscles.  I can flex my fingers and toes.  I am not a anatomist, but I do believe that means there is muscle tissue doing it, and since there is nothing where my fingers and toes end, it would seem that there is muscle attached to only one end.  So I have no idea what this means.  Males also have an appendage that can stiffen and flex, and that seems to indicate muscle tissue.]

 If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.

[Humans are not “its”.  In the innane, anti-intellectual perversity of gender erosion, people talk and write incorrectly, thinking that error is truth.  Most often people change the gender-specific pronounce “his” to “their”, dishonestly and irrationally rendering it a plural.  In this case, the writer of this tidbit of information renders a human an “it”.  The correct way to say it is: “When human bodies are dehydrated their thirst mechanisms shut off”; or, if one is not gender terrorized, “When a human body is dehydrated his thirst mechanism shuts off”.

Zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals.

[Actually, zero is not a number.  It is the lack of number.  At least, that is how I see it.  Most people may consider it a number; but as Anatole France said, “If fifty million people say a stupid thing, it is still a stupid thing”.  But nothing is not a number.  It is anti-number.  It may possible be a digit though, in binary, or the lack thereof.  However, fingers are also referred to as “digits”.  Normal people have five on each hand.  I have never heard of someone who lost a finger, still having 5 digits on the hand that lost the finger: 4 of them being “1” and 1 (which does not exist except in memory) somehow being “0”.  But I am not a mathematician either.  Just because a board of self-appointed number officials voted on whether zero is a number does not make it so; it only means it is officially recognized by that official body as a number and in many cases—such as evolution—it is merely totalitarian make believe).]

Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers.

[They might have been used to deliver checks too, but that is a crime now.]

The song, Auld Lang Syne, is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the new year.

[Soon it will be sung in another or other languages, as English speakers become the minority, then the song will be scrapped altogether in favor of some hideous wailing.]

Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61 percent.

[Conversely, presumably drinking acid will also reduce the water in your mouth by 61%; but I don’t recommend it.
However, this is a good point.  After eating anything with vinegar, lemon juice—anything acidic (alcohol, coffee, tea, meat, all sugars [other than xylitol], soft drinks—and the latter should be avoided 99% of the time) you should rinse your mouth with water, drink water, brush your teeth or eat (letting it slowly dissolve in your mouth) a 1/4 teaspoon of xylitol (which is alkaline as well as anti-bacterial) which will prevent the acid from eating off the enamel off your teeth and even remineralize and recalcify your bones and teeth.]

Peanut oil is used for cooking in submarines because it doesn’t smoke unless it’s heated above 450F.

[Many other oils are better for you (whether you are in a submarine or not, and they are even better on a submarine sandwich).  Olive oil is not for cooking at a high heat (and you have to be very careful, because the olive oil industry is corrupt and it is reported that most olive oil from the Mediterranean is now cut with canola and other oils, adulterating it, and also rancid oils are often used, with chemicals added to mask the rancid smell / flavor.  See Health Bulletin Board at my webpage, for a vast array of information about many oils, their heat point, health properties, etc.  However, any vegetable oil can be used on a submarine sandwich and no cooking is necessary.]

The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear.

[Really, and ever since my days as a cave man, I thought it was the ocean.  Does anyone above the age of 5 or 7 really believe it is the ocean?  Well, I should rephrase: does anyone educated in the public schools above grade 5 (which in reality now is grade 12) really believe it is the ocean...?]

Nine out of every 10 living things live in the ocean.

[Therefore, I imagine 9 out of 10 dead or dying things or living things that are being killed are also in the ocean.  Moral of this story: Stay out of the ocean.]

The banana cannot reproduce itself.  It can be propagated only by the hand of man.

[If this is true, how has it ever survived...? —especially in light of the modern foolish, unscientific notion of evolution in which man is a rather Johnny-come-lately.  How did the banana plant (which is actually a grass, I believe, but I am not a botanist) survive for millions of years before monkeys crawled out of the ocean from ooze, learned to climb trees and grow tails, then fell out of the tree and decided they again liked the ground better and didn’t need tails so they “lost” them (why they didn’t decide to crawl back into the ocean and grow fins is a mystery), and then some considerable more time passed before the ape-men turned human and became horticulturalists to help out the poor banana plant.  That’s a long time for a banana plant to hold its breath (bananas must have originally been blue).  I guess the banana plant joined a monestary and took a vow of chastidy/celibacy until it could have man help it to reproduce.  And if plants just evolved... the banana was not slated to survive due to the survival of the fittest since it was so poorly “evolved” that it cannot even reproduce itself.  Or is the modern banana a cross-species hybrid freak of nature (hybrids often being sterile) and the original parent stock unknown...? (maybe a cross between a kiwi and a breadfruit?, but that can't be the case, because neither of those is a grass).  Thus, the elaborate theory of evolution has been toppled by the humble banana.  Similarly, the tiny fruit fly is the straw of reality that broke the evolutionary camel’s back.  Billions of years of “evolution” and “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest” and fruit flies / gnats still commit kamakaze in my eye, and the eyes of most humans and animals.  How many times has a fruit fly flown into a cow’s eye and come out with a good meal?  It’s not like the fly has rational powers, like a Japenese who eats Fugu (poison blowfish, which, if not prepared properly by a trained professional, which professionals are human and sometimes goof up, the person who eats it could die).  Fruit flies cannot reason, “I know it is risky, but it is just so tasty I can’t resist”.  Fruit flies, according to evolution, should all either be extinct, or should have graduated Fruit Fly University and be far more intelligent and not fly into eyeballs, which is fatal nearly 100% of the time.]

Airports at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air density.

[—unless Obama is on board, then the air is pretty dense.]

The University of Alaska spans four time zones.

[How do they deal with the excuses when students are late to class?  Do all or none of them observe day-light savings?]

The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself.

[Untrue and poorly conceptualized on several counts.  Nothing in the body heals itself; nothing in the body is autonomous from the rest of the body.  The liver is the only known organ that can regenerate, but even the liver does not do it all by itself.  I don’t believe there is any scientific study documenting a liver in a glass jar ever regenerating all by its lonesome.  Everything else in the body, I believe, can heal; but nothing in the body can heal itself.  While a finger cut off does not regrow, skin does, and skin is considered the body’s largest organ, so yes, another organ can regenerate.  However, the liver may be the only internal organ than can regenerate.  But nothing in the body is an island unto itself.  The body is a cooperative flowing organism and cells and organs and chemicals and hormones and nutrients and processes from many parts of the body collaborate to help any other part of the body heal.  Xylitol (the only man-made sugar that is not only not harmful, but healthy for you, in many respects, and now a newer sister sugar, Erythritol, is also similarly healthy and beneficial), helps to remineralize and recalcify the bones and teeth.  Small cavities can and do heal.  I believe this claim that teeth cannot heal was a lie concocted by the tooth fairy in conspiracy with the American Dental Association.]

In ancient Greece, tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional proposal of marriage.  Catching it meant she accepted.

[—or she wasn’t too bright and was really really hungry.... or there was a bee on the apple and he was just getting rid of the bee on some unfortunate bystander; like if you have ever been at a fair and a bee is chasing you, you quickly run into a crowd.  What happened if the guy was a bad aim and the girl for whom it was intended either missed it, or purposely ignored it, and some hag caught it? —or some other guy?  What if some guy threw a red plum or small pommegranate and then then after a girl caught it, if the guy yelled, “April Fool!” ...?  These Greeks (if they were actually Greeks) really should have thought this one through.  I don’t think they could claim “ignorance” and say, “Hey, it’s all Greek to me”.]

Warner Communications paid $28 million for the copyright to the song Happy Birthday.

[That’s pretty stupid.  In what year?  If half a century ago, that would be nearly $2 billion in today’s money.  I guess they needed a tax write off or they were laundering money.  Or did they really expect that after every time someone sung “Happy Birthday” that all those persons who participated in the singing of it were then required to mail Warner $1 in the mail...?  Or did they really expect it to become a hit single by Elvis or Perry Como or Bing Crosby or Sinatra—or Jerry Lewis?]

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

[Intelligent people probably eat healthier food and take vitamin / mineral supplements.  Or, it could be there are genetic factors.  I wonder why they did not break down this scientific analysis by demographics...?  What types of hair have more zinc and copper, would be the next obvious question.]

A comet’s tail always points away from the sun.

[Technically, the tail does not point.  It is not a living, thinking, reactive organism.  The tail of the comet is always positioned or directed away from the sun because the solar wind blows the tail behind the comet as the comet travels in its orbit.]

The Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 caused more death and illness than the disease it was intended to prevent.

[Yes, and the same with all other vaccinations / flu shots, as well as a huge percentage of all “approved” drugs on the market (more people die from modern medicine / doctors / hospitals each year in the U.S. than the total number of persons who died in the U.S. so-called Civil war); but this data is kept from public knowledge.]

Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers, that is why it is found in some medicines.

[I don't believe it “increases the power”; I believe what is meant that it synergistically augments the effectiveness of aspirin.  If it “increased the power” of aspirin, aspirin bottles would say, “normal dose: 2 tablets—unless you have just drunk a cup of coffee or tea or soda, in which case only take 1 or you will overdose.”
Anything that will increase circulation will increase the effectiveness of most medications or supplements because it speeds up the time that it takes to get for the medicines or nutrients to enter the bloodstream where they are distributed by the blood throughout the body.  Caffeine is a stimulant and increases circulation.  Cayenne (or any hot) pepper does the same thing (and black pepper, to a lesser extent); as does ginger.]

The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.

[Again, poorly worded.  The military salute of the hand to the temple has this origin; not all military salutes.  The Romans, Nazis, etc. had different types of salutes that do not involve the hand to the temple and thus do not have this origin.  Further, knights did not generally go to masquerade balls in full uniform asking people to guess who they were.  The issue was not to reveal identity.  Knights did not wear armor to hide their identity but hide their vital organs from the enemy’s blows.  Knights raised their visors to better see, and only had the visors down when in combat (or maybe when trying to take a nap).  The visor was raised, of course, to a superior, as a sign of respect and a sign of submission, even as taking off a hat or rising from being seated.  Thus, the raising of the visor to a superior (whence derives the military salute to the temple) was an act of submission and respect, not a game of “peek-a-boo”.]

If you get into the bottom of a well or a tall chimney and look up, you can see stars, even in the middle of the day.

[Yes, this is on the same principle as that of aperture, I believe (though I am not a photographer); the same thing is experienced, to a lesser degree (I think), when you are inside a large building, looking out from the back of the well-lit store through limited window space in the front of the store... like when doing last minute shopping before going home as the day is ending.  From inside the store (especially when you are toward the back of the store) it looks very dark outside... but once you get outside you realize that it was not nearly as dark as you thought that it was.]

When a person dies, hearing is the last sense to go.  The first sense lost is sight.

[Not sure how they can really tell this, since the person is dead and cannot respond.  Of course, those who are already blind or deaf before they die, that sort of throws a kink into this data.  But when a person is dead he is dead.  If the brain is dead, there is no sense of sight because there is no activity in the brain; likewise with the other senses.  Maybe the muscles in the eye lose their residual electrical impulses first, but that is different than the sense of sight itself; because if the brain is dead, nothing registers, so there is no sight, though muscles in the eye may twitch on.  Possibly what is meant is-- “as a person is slowly dying...” not, when a person dies.  Someone who dies instantly in a car accident or such, I doubt there is any measurable difference between the time span of when each of the senses depart (or specific muscular twitching).  Further, I doubt it is a hard and fast rule that is universal, so I would suggest the possible intention is, “as a person is slowly dying, generally...”  Who knows, maybe they hooked electrodes up to dying mice or humans to monitor electrical activity.  However, did they do a control study and also put cayenne pepper in the mouth (or nostrils) of mice before they killed them, to determine whether the taste buds or olfactory nerves continued to show electrical activity?  Is electrical activity the only factor?  What about bio-chemical / hormone activity?  Such things really need to be stated coherently, not generally.]

In ancient times strangers shook hands to show that they were unarmed.  

[Unless they shook with both hands at the same time, saying, “Okay, on the count of three, “1, 2, 3—shake!” then it was pretty stupid, because an unsuspecting person would be most vulnerable while another man is that close and holding his one hand firmly, and he could easily pull out a weapon with the other hand and the intended victim would have little chance.]

Strawberries are the only fruits whose seeds grow on the outside.  

[Strawberries are the only known fruit, whose seeds grow on the outside; but, whether strawberries are actually fruit or a class by themselves is another matter; as most berries grow on trees, bushes, shrubs, vines, canes, or brambles, whereas strawberries grow creeping along the ground sort of like how spreading crab grass grows.]

Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit at 167 calories per hundred grams.

[That is because they have the highest fat content.  Fat is dense, high-calorie food / potential energy.  This is an interesting site: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-blog/fruit-vegetable-difference/bgp-20056141  — technically, a fruit is anything that forms from the flower of a plant.  Vegetables or herbs are actually the flowers, leaves, roots, stems, or tubers themselves.  I also see there that there is an advertisement for the “Mayo-clinic diet”—but I thought mayo was fattening since it is mostly oil...? I’m confused.  Regardless, what differentiates between a nut and a fruit?  Almonds are nuts of a particular species of peaches or apricots.  Peanuts are not actually nuts, but are beans (legumes) that grow underground in clumps like potatoes do.  This site is also very helpful, complete analysis of most major foods: http://nutritiondata.self.com/      According to the data there, olives (which are likewise a fruit) contain 3.6 calories per olive (2 grams); therefore, 3.6 x 50 = 180 calories per 100 grams.  Olives beat out avocados.]

The moon moves about two inches away from the Earth each year.

[This means that the tides are diminishing?  Would this also make the duration of the visibility of the light the moon reflects a longer period of time in any given spot on earth since being farther from earth more light of the sun can reach it, even though the proportional size of the moon would diminish, giving a smaller reflective surface, but for a longer period of time?]

The Earth gets 100 tons heavier every day due to falling space dust.

[And I thought I had hay fever from ragweed; now it seems I have “space fever”....?  If earth gets heavier each year, it increases its mass, if it increases its mass it grows larger; if it grows larger it expands outward in dimension; if it expands outward in dimension it moves closer to the moon.  However 100 tons over the circumference of the whole earth is negligible.  But give earth an “A” for effort in trying to catch back up to that rebellious moon trying to run away.]

Due to earth’s gravity it is impossible for mountains to be higher than 15,000 meters.

[In theory.  But in theory, the bumblebee should be incapable of flight.  However, on a side note: This morning while reading in the Scriptures I read the passage in Matthew 4 where Satan took Christ “to an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth Him all the kingdoms of the world.”  I wonder if he took Him to Everest?  If so, then it was not the German Baron Alexander von Humbuldt who had ascended highest into earth’s atmosphere (1802) when he he climbed nearly to the top of Mount Chimborazo in Equador, attaining an altitude of 19,286 feet above sea level (only 1,300 feet short of the summit) without any oxygen or modern mountain climbing devices; and the Kiwi, Sir Edmund Hillary in 1953 broke that record soundly when he was the first to conquer Everest (it taking 7 weeks).  Of course, if Christ was on top of Everest, the view was not new to Him; although Humboldt’s and Hillary’s achievements were not by super-human means.  But it is an interesting concept.  I guess if Christ did view he world’s Kingdoms from there, He did not stay there looking too long, since if you are not wearing special glacier glasses at the top of Everest, you will go blind in 15-20 minutes from frying your retinas due to the intensity of the suns rays and the thin atmosphere.]

Mickey Mouse is known as “Topolino” in Italy.

[That truly is fascinating and has changed my perspective on life and I will never be the same again.]

Soldiers do not march in step when going across bridges because they could set up a vibration which could be sufficient to knock the bridge down.

[Soldiers are ordered to not march in step / unison when crossing a bridge (soldiers, if they are good soldiers, do not do anything on their own, but only when so ordered).  Yes, vibrations can do very strange things, like a singer hitting the right pitch and sustaining it and breaking glass with his voice.  Suspension bridges have been known to look like they turned to rubber and collapse or nearly collapse from the wind, not from any high wind, but from an odd wind that produces a certain frequency / vibration over a sustained period of time, at the right temperature, with the right (or wrong) shape of the bridge to cause the wind flow to help produce that pitch / vibration.  I am sure you can find a video clip of such phenomena; maybe of the Golden Gate bridge.  However, I would also imagine that the staff seargant would not bark, “fall out” before crossing a bridge; as that may be interpreted in the wrong way by those lesser I.Q.-ed infantry.]

Everything weighs one percent less at the equator.

[Does everything sold at the equator then sell for 1% less per kilo...?]

For every extra kilogram carried on a space flight, 530 kg. of excess fuel are needed at lift-off.

[Well, then clearly all lift offs into space should be undertaken at the equator where everything weighs 1% less.  There, I just saved the governments of the world a trillion dollars.  I would like 10% of that 1% that I saved them as a consultant fee.  They may send it to my paypal account at this email address.]

The letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements.

[Give them time, they will discover something (or think they have; then maybe downgrade it like the planet Pluto, now the victim of a hate crime and discrimination, being downgraded to “space debris” after having enjoyed nearly 3/4 of a century of pride in being recognized as a planet (again, after a bunch of self-appointed “experts” in suits and lab coats “voted” on what would be “officially recognized” as “reality”).  There are currently 118 elements (that is, specific substances not reducible to anything else; its identity exists in its singular atom).  My dad (a chemistry major, M.D., psychiatrist) one time told me that when he went to college there were far fewer elements on the periodic chart and it was not as hard to memorize as it is today.  I said, “Yeah— ‘earth, wind, fire, and water’.”  I think he slugged me (with a grin).  Again, technically, the letters J, I, and Y are all the same, that were later specialized, so J is actually represented in Yttrium (Y) and Iodine (I); so J should not feel completely neglected.  Though if J were to turn gay or transgender I am certain a whole bevvy of special interest groups would lobby for J being treated special and get it’s own element—even if it has to be made up... how about Jayfagbananium...? a substance that cannot form by normal copulation (like the banana plant) and will cease to exist (according to the laws of natural selection and survival of the fittest) unless special laws are passed to protect its unnatural, unlawful promiscuity and inferiority and unfitness for survival which is proved by the fact that it needs special laws to protect it.  Amazing how the evolutionists ignore their basic pseudo-laws and theories when it suits them.  The evolutionists say not to feed the wild animals because they will become dependent on man.  “What is welfare...?”, I ask.  The same evolutionists violate their own principles.  On a lighter note: decades ago, one day I accompanied a friend of mine to the Bronx Zoo.  I was shocked that we were no longer in America, but what seemed to be Nigeria.  The animals’ cages had signs on them saying, “Don’t feed the animals.”  I said to my friend, “Those signs should be on the inside of the cages!”]


—What is an Infidel...? --exposed by sound critical thinking



Someone emailed the below article; my detailed comments follow at the end of this original message.

-------- Original Message -----

Someone who passed this email on wrote:
“This is very revealing and great logic and reasoning…”

I commented:
[No, it isn’t “great logic and reasoning” except to those who don’t know how to think.]



This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry.

The man who walks with God always gets to his destination.  If you have a pulse you have a purpose.

The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States, especially in the minority races!!

Last month I attended my annual training session that’s required for maintaining my state prison security clearance.

During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers  representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who each explained their beliefs.

I was particularly interested in what the Islamic had to say.  The Muslim gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video.

After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers.  When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Muslim and asked:

“Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven.  If that is the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?”


There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, “Non-believers!”

I responded, “So, let me make sure I have this straight.  All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they* can have a place in heaven.  Is that correct?”

[* This is very poor conceptualization and very poor speech and writing.  It is too vague, since there are two different groups to whom the “they” can apply.  By his question, does he mean that by killing the infidels, the souls of the infidels are saved? or that the killer of infidels himself is the one who is granted a spot in heaven for having killed infidels (and if so, how many are required to be killed and is a higher place granted by those who kill more than just one?)...?  Note mine.  R.A.B.]


The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

He sheepishly replied, “Yes.”

I then stated, “Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine The Pope commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr.Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!”

[This person, clearly, has not studied the History of the Roman Catholic Church / Pope / Vatican.  Has he never read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs ...?  Note mine.  R.A.B.]  

The Muslim was speechless!

I continued, “I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me!  Let me ask you a question: Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?”

[Again, this is terribly conceptualized and worded.  First of all, it is not this Muslim’s followers (since he is not Allah himself, or the prophet Muhammed).  He means “co-followers” or “fellow-Muslims”.  I will deal with the rest of this inane blather at the end of this original article.  Note mine.  R.A.B.]  


You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.

[If you visit any of the urban-legend / myth-busting websites (if any of them can be trusted not to be disinformation specialists funded by Soros), they allege that this Muslim was not an imam, but merely a Muslim prisoner who was asked last minute to serve the role as Muslim testimony, since no Muslim authority appeared to partake in the presentation.  Also, according to the myth-busting sites, this account by Rick Mathes is highly embellished and inaccurate; whether due to inconsistencies or errors promulgated by Mathes himself, or the growing disinformation that attaches itself to emails like a snowball accumulates more mass and material going downhill, if the humidity is just right.  Note mine.  R.A.B.]  

Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the  “Diversification” training seminar were not happy with my way of dealing with the Islamic Imam, and exposing the truth about the Muslims’ beliefs.

I think everyone in the WORLD!!! should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!

This is your chance to make a difference...

Please, for Christ’s sake, send it on!

My comments now follow below.  Understand, my comments are based upon “face value” that the information presented in the foregoing article were actually true and accurate.  Understand that I am responding to the content of the article / email as it was sent to me, and as it appear above; which may or may not be different from any email that Mathes may or may not have sent out, or any posting that he may or may not have at his own website.
This putting to death of infidels (which this Muslim let slip out) is the belief, not merely of terrorist / militant / radical Muslims, but of all so-called “good Muslims” (who unlike most Christians, actually believe what is in their “holy” book; rather than following a bevvy of self-appointed neo-prophets who make it their lifes’ mission to “reinvent” history and theology).  This is not to say that all Muslims personally carry out the execution of infidels in the same way.  Others, clearly, fulfill their calling of obedience to the will of Allah by having as many babies as they can within the lands of Christendom (often on various welfare programs paid for by the very taxpayers whom the Muslims will exterminate), which will eventually accomplish the same objective.

They are all the same; some are just more active—or, some are just active in other ways; others just waiting until they have the numbers before they become active; like the American indians... every indian “brave” wanted to, in battle, kill a white man, take a scalp, and sit down and cook and eat his victim; but some “braves” were more brave than others; some would jump into the battle from the outset, regardless; others would wait behind the rocks and trees and watch to see how the battle went, before jumping in to risk their lives in a battle, they were not “brave” enough to risk their lives in a battle the indians were losing).

However, you have to ask the right questions or you will receive the right answer to your wrong question if you are ignorant, you will think that answer actually contains valid information.

I am surprised they even allowed questions at all.  They will probably fix that for future indoctrination sessions.  Like all staged political so-called debates and so-called press sessions, the only questions that are allowed to be presented are those that are submitted beforehand in writing and approved.

However, Mathes’ logic is seriously flawed; yet those who are not astute will not realize it.  He assumes that the Muslim is moral and good-hearted as he is.  [A false assumption and a fatal mistake.]  Such a question as he poses,  “Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?'"... is anti-intellectual on many levels; it is fraught with illogic and is infantile.  First of all, if you worshipped the same god that he does, that god would not tell you to kill him, so it is a moronic question.  It is invalid.  It is no question.  If he had a brain and courage, he would have answered,

“Yes, I prefer you to worship allah as I do, then I would not be required to kill you if you refuse to”; but clearly, the “holy” man could not think any quicker in his sandals than this alleged minister.

Further, such a question is meaningless to the Muslims; it no more “computes” than if you gave a Hindu who reads Sanskrit a book written in Chinese.  The only reason he hung his head was not out of shame (another false assumption) as a goat-herder being caught with his hand in the halal cookie jar but out of realizing his own foolishness in having answered the first questions.  He hung his head because he could not continue to say what he really wanted to say.

This is like asking a rapist, “Would you not want a decent relationship with a wife who loves you instead of your raping women...?”  or to a pedophile, “Would you not want a decent relationship with a wife who loves you instead of raping children, even those of your own gender...?” or likewise to other brand of pervert.  Of course they would not...!!!—they love their perversion.  Their minds are utterly perverse.  They are not “normal”.  They are deviant, perverse sociopaths who have no consience.  They don’t want what good, moral people think of as wholesome and normal.  That concept is as offensive to them as their perversions are to decent people.  You might as well ask a child, “Wouldn’t you like a nice bowl of spinach rather than that ice cream and cake?”  Most adults would prefer the ice cream and cake!  This “minister” is in “La La Land”.

That is the fatal flaw, falsely assuming (because of the brainwashing by the myth of “equality”) that they think like you and that they have the same moral code as you do.  They do not.  They never will.  Nowhere in the Word of God does God ever turn dogs, wolves, goats, or swine into sheep.  Nowhere does He ever convert tares into wheat, or thistles into figs, or thorns into grapes, or briars into olives.  The nonelect are never converted into the elect.  Christ does not convert pigs or dogs, but His sheep.  Not all peoples are His sheep.  Only one group is.  It is a corrupt mentality that does not understand Scripture that thinks all peoples are the same.  If all peoples were the same God would not have chosen one people as His own (not the “Jews”, who are Edomite Canaanites masquerading as God’s people).

[Note: the Jews are not the diaspora, for they are not Israel.  The Jews are the Edomites who had long been slowly infiltrating Israelite society, but who were conquered and then (like Constantine “mass converting” his army) force “mass-converted” (in violation of all Scripture) under the Maccabees by John Hyrcanus in 126 b.c.  The Edomites then freely entered the land of Israel adopted Israelite custom (circumcision, dietary laws, etc.) and Law (which they perverted with their Talmud) and then began taking control (throwing off the yoke of Jacob).  The Herods were established by Rome and set up as Puppet kings, and the Herods were Edomites (Idumeans) and Herod then polluted the priesthood of Israel with Edomites.  By Christ’s day the Edomites were in the majority in the church / state.  Christ spoke in parables only whenever He spoke to the masses—for the truth was only meant for His people.  The Holy Spirit would draw those of Christ’s sheep to desire to learn more about the truth; those not of Christ’s sheep, and those Edomites and enemies of God, either merely heard an entertaining story, or they were offended by it at times, knowing that Christ was exposing them.  Christ commissioned the disciples, after training them, to go into all the world and seek out true Israel whom God had scattered.  The tiny remnant of true Israel left in the land of Israel was finally bred out of existence or migrated elsewhere once they realized “there goes the neighborhood”.  The true descendents of the Biblical Israelites are the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Slavic, Scandinavian, Baltic and related peoples of Christendom who have fulfilled all the Prophecies and been the civilizers of the world; only when the Jews infiltrated Christendom, and opened the doors to the Third World (according to Balaam's subversive advice: mongrelize Israel, lead Israel into adultery and fornication and get Israel to worship pagan gods, and their God will not protect them); only after Christendom was polluted with Jews, who then championed “equal rights” for all races, religions, and genders (and pseudo-genders / perverts) did the nations of Christendom then revert to corruption and barbarism.  See my book, Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance® for more details.  The Jews’ claim to “homogeneity” is a myth; they have absorbed the blood of every nation, those in the land of Israel are Edomite Khazar-African-Arab-Persian (with cursed Ammonite and Moabite blood) with a good amount of modern Caucasian blood to “lighten” their features.  Their goal is world domination (and since that is the Muslim’s goal, their goals are co-terminus and the Jews are using them (as they have the entire Third World to “divide and conquer” because the Jews cannot do so on their own (disease and bacteria and parasites follow the same modus operandi, of quite reproduction and slow infection and thereby can conquer a body superior in strength and intelligence).  However, the Zionists think that they can put the evil Muslim genie back in the bottle when they are done with him.  They forget the old adage, “There is no honor among thieves”.  Even as various movies portray, criminals who rob a bank or jewelry store or gold depository then realize that if they murder their accomplices, not only will there be no witnesses to later turn on them, but they won’t have to split the money so many ways and each surviving criminal will have a bigger cut of the heist.

The Jews also overlook God’s Law of the Harvest: “You reap what you sow” because they don’t believe in a literal God or an individual, personal Messiah—they see themselves as god and messiah and that “messiah will come” when they have subjugated the world; that is “they will have become their own messiah when they come into their own, by conquering, subjugating, and dominating the world.  They have brainwashed the youth of Christendom for generations in the subverted schools, colleges, and seminaries.  The majority of God’s people, in a form of spiritual “Stockholm Syndrome” and “Abusive Parent Syndrome”, identify with and are loyal to their captors / the abusive parent because they have been so conditioned (brainwashed / programmed) from childhood in the schools, churches, and media (movies, books, tv., “music”, etc.) to “learn the way of the heathen”, swallow the universal brotherhood of man heresy, reject God and deny His existence, and instead worship, glorify, and obey the all-powerful state (which is a clear sign of the brainwashing involved: since everyone knows how corrupt the state is, why would anyone obey those self-appointed autocrats who rob you and enrich themselves? how can anyone believe that the state has legitimate authority over the people? even to the point of betraying the people and selling their nation out from under them and giving it to some alien people? —only through brainwashing.  It is not rational, it is subconscious / autonomic.  R.A.B.]

The valid question (note, not Biblically truthful question, but a valid question which would actually get to the truth of what the Muslim believes, even though presented from an untruthful, unbiblical position) would have been:

“Would you prefer me to worship my [key word “my”], color-blind, tolerant, rose-colored glasses, rainbow-coalition, modernist, humanistic, liberal concept of Jesus or would you prefer me to worship some other god like your god who tells me to kill you?”

In this case, the Muslim (if he was intelligent) would have replied,

“Yes.  Certainly I want you to worship your  [key word “your”] Jesus.”

All evil persons would want a non-evil person to have a wholesome, moral system of values so that evil people like themselves can get a handicap over the person who is naive and moral.  Of course an immoral enemy in war or an immoral opposing team in a sporting event would want you to rigidly follow a prescribed set of rules while they follow no rules at all.  Of course violent criminals want “good Christians” to carry their Bibles with them on the street at nights and not guns.  Of course the Israelis and Muslims and Communists want the Christians to follow the Geneva Convention and not participate in “unfair” practices of war, while they themselves violate them at every chance and commit war crimes and crimes against humanity as their standard modus operandi.  Of course Israelis and Muslims and Africans and Hispanics and Hindus and Orientals want white Christians to give everyone “equal rights” and “equal status” in Christendom—while they do not offer the same.  Of course the enemy wants to trick you into your committing suicide and making his job easier.  Before Christians came into mass interaction with such aliens this was never an issue.  “Morality”, “fairness”, etc., were unknown concepts, in terms of giving aliens “equal rights” in your nation.  Actually, those concepts still are “foreign concepts” to those people—on the giving end; but they demand it on the receiving end because “monkey see, monkey do”: They learned by watching others that it works like magic!  

[Some people feel sorry for the Indians, thinking that it was quite “unfair” of the whites to displace and dispossess the alleged “original” Americans from their land.  The same people probably think the same thing about the Israelites killing those poor Canaanites too.  Such is born out of ignorance.  John Eidsmoe, on page 286 of in his [rather liberal, in my opinion] book, Columbus and Cortez: Conquerors For Christ (1992), quotes John Greenway from his article “Will The Indians Get Whitey?” from the National Review, March 11, 1969 who wrote,

“A Polynesian chief once observed to a white officer: I don’t understand you English.   You come here and take our land and then you spend the rest of your lives trying to make up for it.   When my people came to these islands, we just killed the inhabitants and that was the end of it.”

This stark confession is rarely realized by most people.  The so-called American Indians, killed each other incessantly, exterminating each other and dispossessing their predecessors from their land (whether Celts, Iberians, Phoenicians, Vikings, or their fellow Indians).  And this was not merely in North America, but the Indians of Central and South America did the very same thing.  Most prominent were the Incas and Atzecs, who were cannibals and who killed their own people in human sacrifice and exterminated all smaller, weaker tribes.  Surprise, surprise, the Orientals, Asians, and Africans did the same thing to each other.  What the white man did to them was no different than they had been doing to each other for many generations.  The difference was, the white men, as a whole, only attacked in retaliation for having been attacked.  They did not just go around in war parties looking for people to kill.  They tried to carve a living out of the wilderness, build houses, barns, raise crops and livestock; and then their women and children were raped, murdered, or kidnapped, and their houses burned, their livestock stolen, they retaliated.  Furthermore, when the Indians warred against each other, they would then eat their vanquished enemies, instead of putting them on welfare like the whites have done.  See books in the back of this book on the American Indians.]

Being psychopaths, these aliens who do not believe in “equal rights” (in their own nations, or even in ours, once they wrest it from us) “play along” and pretend that they understand and espouse and champion such notions and feelings of “equality” and “tolerance”, though such conepts are utterly foreign to them.

This Mathes fellow is naive, illogical, and does not understand the Scriptures, nor history, nor human (or what often passes for human) nature.  Nowhere in the Bible are God’s people told to be tolerant” and nowhere are God’s people given permission to (much less commanded to) “be friends” with God’s enemies.  God commanded that we not seek the peace or prosperity of such people forever!  Scripture commands us: Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rebuke them!  If this alleged minister took the rose-rainbow-colored glasses off when He reads the Scriptures, he might actually see what the Word of God says (if he worships the God of the Bible Who is Immutable and changes not).  Nowhere—Nowhere in Scripture does God command His people to evangelize those who are not God’s people.  Nowhere in the Scriptures does God tell His people to amalgamate.  Nowhere.  In fact, God commands the exact opposite and anyone who teaches otherwise is an antichrist (or is at least, in ignorance and is functioning as an antichrist)...!  God commanded us to be separate and God commanded even against cross breeding livestock and crops.  Even as Christ declared, “Are you not worth more than many sparrows” (in reference to God caring for each bird that falls to the ground and so, how much more does He care for us His children)... likewise, Christ could have said, “Are ye not worth more than many asses...?”  God forbade cross-breeding our livestock and He commanded us against crossbreeding our own children—that is why Esau is called a fornicator and a profane (one who crosses a threshold) person.  God commanded we not crossbreed our animals or crops.  Are we God’s people less important in God’s Eyes than asses and oats?  Of course we are.  We were created in that Image and that Image is not to be defiled.  And not only are we more important that livestock and crops, we will be held to accountability because we are supposed to obey God.  He gave us the mental faculty to obey and He commanded us to obey.  Nearly 450 years ago William Penn* noticed, “Men are generally more careful about their breeds of horses and dogs than their own children”.  

[* —founder of my home state and founder and architect of my hometown; I was born in the birthplace of freedom, though in a n.w. suburb of Philadelphia (Chestnut Hill; just north of Germantown, an old, historic section of Philadelphia and one of my ancestors was one of the 13 founding German families, and several other of my relatives were early prominent members.]


Hybrids of anything that God created are abominations to Him.  While those born bastards had no say in the matter, they do have a say in the matter whether they will violate nature and personally sin against God and His creation.
Nothing “evolved” from anything else.  God created all creation separate and distinct and commanded those boundaries not be crossed.  God created things close enough so that boundaries could be crossed—because obedience needs a test, and disobedience needs consequences.  The lie of “Big Bang” of [r]evolution teaches the spurious notion that all things came from one common source; which is a tennet of the Eastern / Babylonian Mystery Religions.  

[Babylon means, “confusion by mixing”; atheistic, Jewish Bolshevist / Marxist communism teaches, “one race, one religion, one creed” — BUT God commands of His people: “Come out from among them and be ye separate and be holy (pure) as I the Lord your God am Holy”.]

With this false premise [common origin] they assert a false conclusion [unification*]: It is then only “natural” that all revert back and mix together again.  This is antichrist theology and pseudo-science, or “witchcraft”.

[* And that is the meaning of the Unification “Church” or the Moonies; which organization was set up and funded by the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) to form the Unification Church to be used as a political tool of the right-wing military government.  The so-called Rev. Moon himself performed a mass wedding ceremony of brainwashed followers, pairing them all randomly, without any regard for race (they did not know who they would marry until minutes before the ceremony).  If they still do this today, I would imagine that they would also do it randomly by gender.  Talk about a “grab bag surprise”...!]

Hybrids and those who promote them in any area attack God’s Godhood, Sovereignty, Holiness, and Perfection.  Of course, they are sterile attacks; ones that pose no threat to God Himself (but they will not go overlooked).  However, they do pose a threat to His Creation and it is Satan’s attempt to supplant his own spurious perversion of God’s Creation, his corrupt counterfeit, to destroy God’s true creation.  If Satan can utterly bastardize all that God created, Satan will have won by supplanting God’s Creation—and ultimate goal is to bastardize the Bride of Christ and therefore via genocide by amalgamation / mongrelization exterminate the remnant that God promised always to preserve; and thus Christ will have no bride to return to (He will not return for a bride that is not His).  Hybridization is being carried out from every possible angle against every possible pure creation that the Lord made, at warp speed against Christendom for this very reason.  Satan must sense that his time is coming to an end and he has little time left, so he has pulled out all the stops.  That is why we are on the endangered species list, but NOT the “protected” endangered species list....!  What a sad indictment.  Amalgamation and learning the ways of the heathen is what caused God to judge His people (our ancestors) nearly every time in the Old and New Testaments and beyond.  Yet the mindless false shepherds prattle on with their lies, teaching the opposite of what God has said.

To teach “equality” and “amalgamation” and “tolerance” is a violation of God’s Law and Christ’s commands.   Equality and amalgamation are anti-intellectual Talmudic propaganda and communistic brainwashing—spurious ideas concocted and programmed into the populace to weaken all the nations of Christendom so that they can be conquered.  Further, these spurious “progressive” ideas are also antichrist propaganda that are taught to us because when God’s people are in sin, not only are they being ravaged by the effects of their sin (“you reap what you sow”), but God will not hear the prayers of His people who are in sin until they repent.  Most of the time they don’t even know they are in sin and therefore they cannot repent*—and worse still the majority, even if they realized that they were in sin would choose to continue on in their sin, not caring that they are in sin and being unwilling to part with it: choosing their sin over God.  That is why God tells us that the elect and the remnant is a very small number: “by their fruit ye shall know them”.  

“Friendship with the world is enmity (warfare) with God.”
“No man can serve two masters.”  
“We ought to obey God rather than man.”  
“Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey?”


Whom you obey... the philosophy that you follow—proves who you have already chosen as your master.  “Choose you this day”—or re-choose you this day, if you realize that you were fooled into choosing anything other than the true God (as He reveals Himself to be; not the false idol of modern “Christianity”—the Harlot Church—that has created a false image of God: A “tolerant”, color-blind, homo-loving simpleton who abandoned all those archaic, racist, sexist, intolerant notions of His.  

There are no conscientious objectors in God’s family.  There is no neutrality.  You cannot ride the fence.  Christ said you are either for Me or against Me.  There is no middle ground.  “Middle ground” is lukewarm and Christ said He despised that the most.  Middle ground is actually “against Him” though it deludes itself and others into thinking that it is serving Him with one hand while serving the world with the other.

[* In fact, a mind-blowing concept: Imagine a person born blind from birth; having never known sight.  How can he even realize what he is missing...?  How can he realize what he is supposed to see or what seeing even is...?  If other people create a delusion and tell him, “We are no different than you are” he would never know anything like vision exists, and he would just think himself dysfunction for some unknown reason, not being able to understand why everyone else can do all sorts of things that he cannot.  Those in sin, who think that God abolished His Law, or who equally as erroneously think that it was never given to them, can never repent of sin if they are deluded into thinking that they are not sinning.  Those in delusion do not realize they are in delusion, and cannot deliver themselves from delusion.  It takes God to turn a light on—and sadly, when He does, the average person says, “Thanks anyway, but I kind of liked it better the way it was,”—and reaches up to the light cord and clicks it off.]


To teach amalgamation, tolerance, equality, etc., is a misconstruing—a perversion—of the Great Commission.  Christ clearly commanded just the opposite of amalgamation; including: “Cast not your pearls before swine lest they turn on you and rend you” and “It is not meet [proper] to take the children’s bread and give it to the dogs”.  Christ also said that when He returns He will uproot every plant that His Heavenly Father has not planted.*  Christ said, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel” and “As the Father sent Me so send I you”.  To not teach the full message that Christ taught is to teach a neutered, impotent pseudo-“christianity”—which Christ Himself will reject when He returns.

[* —hybrids, tares sown in among the wheat masquerading as God’s people.  The Second Great Commission was to the very same people [Christ’s sheep: true Israel] as was the First Great Commission.  However, whereas the First was on a local scale under Christ’s direct supervision, the Second (after Christ left earth) would be on a worldwide scale, because God had cast His true people into all the world because of their unrepentant sins and He promised to regather them—not anyone else.  The Second Great Commission was the first step toward God gathering His people: He said that He would sift His people as wheat.  When you gather and sift wheat, you keep the wheat and discard everything that is not wheat.  As in the parable of the fishes informs us, a net was filled with all sorts of fishes, but the good fish were kept and the vile discarded.  Hmmm.  The liberal one-worlders rainbow coalition never seem to mention that parable.  The First Great commission was on a local scale, only to God’s people locally, to whom alone Christ was sent.  It was local because the disciples still had their training wheels on and Christ was supervising them.  The spurious changing of the target of the Second Great Commission is antichrist false doctrine intended to seat the dogs at the table with the Master’s children; and eventually supplant the rightful children—so that the children begin breeding with the dogs.  

“By their fruit ye shall know them.”  Study the history of our people and our faith—the true Reformed faith, not the modern corrupt deformed version, nor the Reformed faith “interpreted in light of modern liberalistic humanism”; as the U.S. Constitution is so misinterpreted.  No original document is to be interpreted in light of what “sounds good” to people (especially completely different people) hundreds of years later, but what was in the minds of those persons who wrote the document at the time that that they wrote it (which was written at the Golden Age of our civilization of all our nations—and yet, the modern spurious interpretations have reduced us to immorality, crime, poverty, bankruptcy, perversion, godlessness, and paganism)...!  It is simply common sense that a document is to be interpreted according to the mind of the author.  Correlate this to the false, pervese form of what passes for “christianity” today, and our corrupt subverted governments, and nations overrun with perverts and the heathen who hate us and who hate God—who claim to know that they know the minds of the Founders better than the Founders themselves, when they are not even related to the Founders!  

Some perverts claim to “love” “God”—but their perverse notion of “love” is projected on their perverse notion of “god”; which they invented in their own minds—rejecting the only true God Himself, rejecting His self-revelation in His Word.  Also, Latino foreigners “nominally” profess faith in a Catholic hybrid form of pagan-“christianity”, who are not and cannot be converted (and indeed, their very own nations which they chose to abandon, are full of people like themselves—the entire nations being officially “Catholic”).  They follow a mere superstition and give lipservice when they think “the gods are watching” and live like dogs the rest of the time, thinking that they can go to a perverse priest and “confess” (and hope that that priest has “confessed” his own sins and perversions to the cardinal above him) and that if they give a generous donation and say enough Hail Marys and toss some alleged holy water around, that they are “restored to the innocence of a newborn”.

And what has the “wonder” of mocha-amalgamation done for the civilized world?  Compare historical reality to current events.  Today, we are not safe in our cities day or night, whereas 100 years ago you could walk down any city at night without fear, and most people didn’t even have locks on their doors and left their car keys in the car (the most natural place for them, so you don’t lose them).  Contrary to the irreverent, mindless cliche, sh-t doesn’t “just happen” even as guns don’t kill people!  

As I have long explained, when everything continually goes wrong in the enemy’s favor (whether in a sport’s battle, at war, or in every day politics)—it is no mere “coincidence”.  It is planned!  It is called “conspiracy”.  When the alleged brightest and best, richest, most-talented, most-highly touted “experts” FAIL AND FAIL AND FAIL AND FAIL at every single thing they do... when they have the “Anti-Midas Touch” and everything that they touch turns to toxic lead (not gold)...! and when indebt us and counterfeit our currency into oblivion, steal all the real metal from the coin and replace it with painted led, line their own pockets, sell off the resources of our nation, surrender our sovereignty to foreign countries while stripping true citizens of their rights; when they raise and raise and raise and raise and raise their own salaries and taxes for everyone else and pass and pass and pass and pass more laws each and every year chipping away at, eroding and subverting our Constitution and denuding us of our rights and perverting and subverting our government... —it isn’t just an “accident”.  It can’t be just dumb luck.  No one is that unlucky.  It is statistically impossible!  It doesn’t “just happen.”  Any coach or military commander with a brain would soon learn that if their every single move was “uncannily anticipated” and shut down “as if they knew what we were going to do”—it is no mystery and it does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out: There is a Judas (or many Judases).

Everything that has “gone wrong just right for the enemy” over the past 100 years—to the detriment of our nations—all our politicians impotently wringing their hands and saying, “It just doesn’t make sense; we are doing the best we can; give us 4 more years, more money, more police, more military, surrender more of your rights”... —it is no mystery.  It is all calculated and they are just putting on a circus show.  Only immature children or mental retards are fooled by the glitz and the glamor and the lights of a circus or a b-rated, amateurish magic show.  The entire political election charade is a “Bozo the Clown” show for adults (even as evolution is a fairy tale for adults)—and anyone who believes it is the real bozo.  

The younger generation (who never reads the real history of our peoples or the founding of our nations or civilization), like the man born blind from birth, has never known freedom, prosperity, morality, so he imagines that the way things are is the only way they have ever been and that it is “normal” and “the only way things are supposed to be”, and that “there is nothing that you can do about it”.  Such people are lobotomized for life.  That is the purpose of the modern public schools and the wholesale breeding of paganism and perversion and corruption of society.  In such a situation it is hopeless, like a fishing vessel dead in the water without engines or sails or oars to face into the assault of the wind and the waves in the blackest night of the icy waters—the and capsizing and sinking to the bottom of the ocean is an inevitable matter of time.]


What modernly passes for “love” in the name of “tolerance” and “equality” God views as adultery and immorality and abominations.  Friendship with the world makes one an enemy of God.  Christ declared that when He returns He will command the holy angels, “bring those Mine enemies that would not that I rule over them and slay them before Me.”  Funny, the liberals don’t quote that passage either.  Christ is not tolerant.  God is longsuffering, giving His people opportunity to repent before Judgment falls; but He is not tolerant.  He keeps perfect score and will require all debts to be settled in full.  Jesus will not hold hands with Muhammed and skip along the yellow brick road to Heaven singing, “We are the world”.

Those such as Mathes think that they have set themselves up as Christian leaders, when in fact they have set themselves up as renegage, AWOL watchmen on the wall who have not merely fallen asleep, but who have purposely opened the gates to the barbarian enemies thinking, “We are all the same and we don’t deserve to be citizens of this city and safe behind these walls any more than anyone else does.”  They leave God out of the picture entirely, because they reject true Bible doctrine and God’s Nature: They reject God’s Sovereignty and act as if everything that happens in society God has no say in the matter; man must do what man determines to be right and God will have to accept what man decides.  Many such are not merely dumb dogs who cannot bark—but actually ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing.  The Suicide of Christendom is what has resulted from the brainwashing of 100 years of false theology of the “universal brotherhood of man” heresy and “Liberation Theology” (the version of “white guilt” that has a candy-coating of Christianity to mask the taste of the bitter poison).  

God apologizes for nothing in the Old or New Testament—ever!—and those who think that the God of the New Testament is different than the God of the Old Testament need to have their mind washed out with the Word of God and their hearts cleansed by the Holy Spirit (but that will never happen if they are not of God; those in darkness who see the light, who then by their very nature, travel away from the light, prove that they are children of darkness).  Those who espouse this same “seat the dogs at the master’s table” rhetoric are the enemy of Christ—whether they realize it or not!  Christ said that if you are not for Him you are against Him.  If you don’t do what He commanded, you work against Him.  You are then the enemy of God; whether you think that you are doing what God commanded or not.  God’s Will is easily discovered because God is Immutable and His Holiness and Standard of Morality for His people cannot change.  The New did not do away with the Old.  It did not change it—it perfected it.  Such blind, mindless “Christians” help to destroy Christendom and our people and our faith just as literally as did Judas.  Scripture says that if a watchman on the wall falls asleep or for whatever reason does not sound the alarm, if one life is lost—his blood shall be required of him.  Scripture says if a prophet prophecies saying, “Thus saith the Lord” and the prophecy does not come to pass, it was not of the Lord and that false prophet is to be put to death!

Christ said “He that is not with Me is agaisnt Me”.  What are people called who are against Him? —enemies.  Christ said, “I would that you were hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm I will spue [vomit] you out of My Mouth.”  Why...? —because those who are lukewarm have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof—they corrupt and pervert the true faith, when in reality, it is idolatry!  Those who don’t understand the abomination that this is do not have a clue about holiness because as Scripture says,

“15Unto the pure all things [that are pure] are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.  16They profess that they know God; but in works they deny Him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” (Titus 1)

Those who are cold are indifferent and cause little harm: like a dead branch on a tree.  Those who are lukewarm corrupt the Word of God to squeeze it into the mold of the antichrist world (and act as a cancer to eat up the entire healthy body, the “leaven of the pharisees”), to serve up (or more properly “slop the hogs” with) a “palatable” [to perverse tastes] pseudo-doctrine that the polluted world can accept—and which will be changed more and more over time, to the point that it is unrecognizable from the original.  Even as has our Constitution has continually be changed to the point that the charade itself will eventually be abandoned and the entire sham scrapped entirely.  Even as our history has been spuriously re-written to the point that it is total fiction, so the Word of God has been fictionalized by the modern apostate Harlot Church.

Those who have ears to hear, please let them hear.  Let them not be like the natural man beholding himself in a mirror, who goes and right away forgets what he looks like—and what he should look like! “ Be ye doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  “Faith without works is dead.”  “Choose you this day whom you will serve.”  “Every tree is known by its fruit (not by any fictional sign unnaturally affixed to it).

[This took all day to write, those who see truth in these words, please consider supporting this ministry.  You reap what you sow (and you don’t sow what needs to be sown, then you will reap what comes up on its own—thistles, nettles, briars, and poison ivy).  Pray for our people.  Search your own heart in the light of God’s pure Word (not spurious modern false interpretations).  Email these articles or links and share with others and help call our brethren to repentance; and have them do the same.  The time of the “pleasure cruise” is over.  We are on the brink of Niagara and the ship has been taken over by the enemy.  Don’t lock yourself in the cabin and watch the Superbowl.  “To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”]




— Chosen Victimhood Mentality Reconsidered


I received the below link and read the article


Here are some of my thoughts in response to the article at the link above:

Interesting piece.  Interesting that the synagogue of Satan looks to Satan for new forms of violence for revenge.  Actually, I would not be surprised in the slightest, if these 3 youth were themselves sacrificed by those claiming to be victims, to then have a “reason” to retaliate.  It would not be the first time.  As far as their claim that the “goyim” are the filthy ones, history records an entirely different picture.  Even General George Patton (before his assassination) freely expressed his disgust concerning the unnecessary filth of those who are now claiming that the “goyim” are the filthy ones.  He also expressed how he believed that the entire war (WWII) was a farce, an injustice, and that we entered the war on the wrong side and destroyed the best nation in Europe.  Many astute Jews and nonJews alike have recognized that the Jews need “persecution” (real or imagined) to pull them together against a common enemy (real or imagined) to keep them from destroying each other.  Many Jewish leaders, both religious and secular, have argued that Jews need enemies—that without so-called “anti-Semitism”, Judaism and Jews cannot survive.  Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism and a secular Jew, expressed “our enemies have made us one ... It is only pressure that forces us back to the parent stem.”

In a prediction that reflects an approach to the survival of Judaism strikingly similar to that of the founder of the Lubavitch Hasidim, Herzl warned that if our “Christian hosts were to leave us in peace ... for two generations,” the Jewish people would “merge entirely into surrounding races.”  Albert Einstein agreed: “It may be thanks to anti-Semitism that we are able to preserve our existence as a race; that at any rate is my belief.”  Jean-Paul Sartre, a non-Jew, went even further, arguing that the “sole tie that binds [the Jewish people together] is the hostility and disdain of the societies which surround them.”  He believed that “it is the anti-Semite who makes the Jew” (that is, it is the host-nation that opposes the parasite, that gives the parasite his strength and even moulds his determination).

Wim van Leer (son of a Dutch-born Jewish industrialist), a columnist for the (English daily) Jerusalem Post:

“Hatred became an indispensable prop for the maintenance of Jewish cohesion and identity, for whenever the cold eye of ostracism was mellowed by a kindly glint, whenever humanism and liberalism reared their ugly heads, Jewish identity melted away in the warm bath of assimilation.”  [The New York Times (March 3, 1980), “In Israel, We Revel in Our Ostracism.”]  [from A Greater “Miracle” Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered...,® Clèraubat, pp. 35-37]

Also, Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) was an American syndicated journalist, who received his B.A. in English from Eastern Michigan University and did graduate work there and received a fellowship there to lecture on Shakespeare and English.  He was a penetrating thinker and writer; he was a senior editor of the National Review (21 years overall) and also wrote for or edited the Roman Catholic newsweekly The Wanderer producing the column “Washington Watch”; a monthly column in Catholic Family News; "a column titled “Bare Bodkin” the paleo-conservative Chronicles magazine; and articles for The Human Life Review, Celebrate Life!, The Free Market, Harper’s magazine, and The American Spectator.  His writing were nationally syndicated for over 5 years by Universal Press Syndicate (2 columns a week published in about 70 newspapers).  He was also a commentator on CBS’s radio series “Spectrum.”
He was fired from the National Review in 1993 because of his “Antisemitic” writings; that is—for speaking the truth without trying to hide the identity of those who were guilty. With keen insight he once wrote in the New York Times that


“[Jewish power is unique in that it is] off-limits to normal criticism.... Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it.  A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you.”

In a New York Times article, Sobran quoted the Israeli columnist, Ari Shavit, who described his feelings after the killing of a hundred civilians in a military skirmish in southern Lebanon,

“We killed them out of a certain naïve hubris.  Believing with absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as our own.” (May 27, 1996) [from A Greater “Miracle” Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered...,® Clèraubat, pp. 469,470]


—A Brief Encounter with a Cotton-Candy Christian

Some terribly deluded but well meaning people who consider themselves “Christians”—while denying the greater portion of the Word of God and not understanding the portion they choose to accept—replied (with a string of disjointed, out of context Bible verses) to a very brief post I had made at Facebook.  I replied in-depth (this person never replied). I will first offer what started it.
My initial disagreement was with the below poster that someone had posted at Facebook (to which a plethora of liberals who think of themselves as “Christians” heartily amened).  Some warm-fuzzy, aura-fluffing preacher of “Cotton-candy Christianity” who put this together says we should “forgive without punishing”, and listed a Bible verse as his support; though the verse says nothing of the sort.


 fraudulent notion


The passage reads:

“Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.”

The passage infers nothing about revenge or punishment.  The passage refers to being longsuffering and being understanding of the imperfections in our kinsmen, knowing that we ourselves are likewise imperfect and that Christ is longsuffering and patient with our weakness.  

Punishment refers to crimes.  The false thought put in people’s heads with the above poorly conceptualized point #9 will lead some less-astute minds to think that God does not demand Judgment of criminals and that therefore, neither should we.  If anyone robs, rapes, or murders us, we should simply smile and say, “Jesus loves you”.  However, when the fear of judgment is removed, criminals breed like rabbits.  God has things to say about those who pervert Justice!  God also commands concerning His enemies that we not seek their peace or prosperity forever.  We are not to treat God’s enemies, aliens, as we treat our kinsmen.  God put a distinction and so should we.  God commanded, “Be holy, for I the Lord thy God am Holy”.  Part of that holiness entails separation and part of that holiness requires Judgment.  Sin, like disease, termites, or a fire, if not properly dealt with, will only spread and engulf the whole.

Similarly, in Scripture, God tells us that while we can and should forgive our brethren (converted kinsmen) who trespass against us, we cannot have fellowship with them or help them in their time of need or even “show”* love to them if they do not repent of their sins.  Sin bears consequences.  God established those consequences to teach us not to sin.  To remove the Judgment is to remove the average person’s motivation to obey.  Thus, to not require judgment of someone who has not repented (or whose “Jail House repentence” is dubious) is itself immoral!  If a criminal is simply “forgiven” and Judgment not required, if that person goes out and commits another crime, victimizing someone else—that person who waived the previous Judgment is an accomplice in that criminals future crimes!  Even as between us and God, God still loves us when we sin, but He cannot hear our prayers, or deliver us from our troubles, or bless us, if we do not repent of our sins.  That is the purpose of Judgment.  To chasten us to repentace to bring us back to the position of fellowship and sonship in which God can bless us.

[* Not showing love to a person in the way he may want to be treated is not hate.  “Tough love” is love nonetheless.  If a parent lets his child only eat what he wants... ice cream, candy, cake, cookies, donuts, soda... that is not love.  It is hate.  The child will not only be sickly and obese, but he will develop a defective personality that demands what he wants, and be a self-aggrandizing narcicist who will throw a temper tantrum when he does not get his own way.  Similarly, God Himself declares, “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes” (Proverbs 13:24).  Perverse indulgence is not “love”.  One can love someone but not be able to display that love because of the other’s evil actions.  Only a perverted sense of “love” for another person supercedes love for God which entails obedience to God and morality and righteousness.]


This person had also had posted this below disjointed message, with the incongruous, confused, and duplicitous picture below it:

Psalm 122:6 - “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you.”
Matthew 24:20 - “And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.”
Luke 21:28 - “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Luke 21:36 - “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Romans 11:25 - “For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.”
Matthew 9:38 - “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
1 Thessalonians 4 - “15For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.  16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.  And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And thus we shall always be with the Lord.  18Therefore comfort one another with these words.”

This “Peace of Jerusalem” quotation was followed by a picture of and quote by Golda Meir (1898-1978) [Fourth Prime Minister of the State of Israeli, formerly Golda Meyerson, born Golda Mabovitch in Kiev, Ukraine.]  I will show and deal with this later, but did not respond to it in my initial reply to this “Ten Ways to Love” and “Peace of Jerusalem.  Concerning this string of verses,I replied:

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem does not mean pray for the wicked enemies of God who have taken over the land of Israel masquerading as God’s true people.  God true people are in reality the Anglo-Saxon and related peoples of Christendom; who were scattered over the globe in fulfillment of God’s Prophecy because of their / our unrepentant sins.  God scattered us but promised to regather whom He scattered (He scattered wheat, He will not regather thistles and tares).  That regathering was begun when the disciples began taking the Gospel to the Greek city-states throughout the Mediterranean coast (in Syria, what is now Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, France, Spain, Italy, Sicily, Cyprus, and North Africa).  These colonies were founded by Greece and were peopled by Greeks (though the colonies were eventually overrun with Turks, Africans, Arabs, Edomite-Jews, etc.; and the ancient Greeks replaced by Turks).  Despite Roman paganism and barbarian persecution of Christians, and 1,400 years of Islamic / Moorish / Saracen / Mongol / Hunnish invasions of Europe, civilization prospered when God’s scattered Israel (Anglo-Saxon, Gothic, Baltic, Scandinavian, Slaviv, Celtic, Brythonic and related peoples) returned to God.  However, after seasons and cycles of prosperity and judgment we have again reached the cycle of judgment because we took our prosperity and blessing for granted and violated God’s Commandment to remain separate from other peoples, not to intermarry, not to seek their peace or prosperity, not to learn their ways or recognize their gods (which includes allowing their temples to be build in our lands) and to be holy unto God.  We allowed antichrist foreigners to come in among us and change our laws to violate God’s and we have become end-time Babylon the Great (Babylon means, “confusion by mixing”).  God is chastening us with our enemies, until like the Prodigal, we truly repent, humble ourselves, and return to our Father and beg for mercy and forgiveness.  As we have absorbed the rest of the world, Christianity has been more and more corrupted to the point that it now faces extinction, so how can you continue believing the delusion?
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem refers to “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven”.  However, there can be no peace until the Prince of Peace has returned and He will not return for a rebellious, self-willed, headstrong bride unwilling to submit herself to Him; so he waits, as He did while Peter sinking in the water—until His people cry out “Lord save me!”  There can be no peace in Jerusalem (symbolic of God’s seat of government on earth—which does not refer to the current inhabitants, the Edomite-Canaanite imposters) until God’s true people humble themselves, repent of their sin, and Christ returns and then cleanses His Temple.

This person who posted these pictures and initial cotton candy messages commented on my post above:

“Very technical Robert Balaicius? the better word might have been revenge?...Jesus will come to Judge?  Romans 3:23 - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, John 1:29... - “Behold!  The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.  1 Corinthians 4:5 - Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise will come from God.”

God’s heart always is 1 Timothy 2:4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. therefore Mark 16:15 - And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. we serve a God of Love, and 1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.  The question is this: Can we love people perceived as enemies to pray for their losts souls?

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’  44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. We have to understand who the “enemy” is....Ephesians 6:12 - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  The conclusion is this: Hate the sin, but love the sinner enough to pray for the lost souls... get it?


My replies:

No verse of Scripture is an island unto itself and cannot be taken out of context.  “Love” outside the moral boundaries that God established, is not love, but immorality and perversion (regardless of the object or venue: what God outlawed remains iniquity if the boundaries are violated—regardless of what any modern court or perverse denomination votes upon to change what God has declared).  Christ told us to love “our” enemies—not God’s.  Our enemies are our kinsmen with whom we may be at odds (personality conflicts; not criminal activity).  We are not to love God’s enemies, because we are to love what God loves and hate what God hates, as David expressed, “Do not I hate them that hate thee?  I hate them with a perfect hatred.  Search my heart and try my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me.”  

God commanded us to be separate from those who are not our kinsmen.  Amalgamation is the philosophy of evolution and communism and it is rebellion against God.  Amalgamation is responsible for not only most of our woes, but also those of our ancient ancestors the Israelites.  When Israel committed whoredom with alien peoples—which God forbade them to do, that is what brought God’s Judgment.  Offspring of aliens God rejects forever.  God is Immutable, Holy, and Perfect.  He cannot change.  His Standard of  Holiness cannot change: He commanded us, “be holy: for I the Lord thy God am Holy”.  God separated us from all other people even as He separated clean from unclean animals... not nilly willy, not eenie, meenie, minee, moe, but by design.  God predetermined all things. He is Ominipotent and Sovereign. Christ first commissioned the disciples locally, “Go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”—for that was solely to whom Christ was sent.  The Second Great Commission was to the very same people, but worldwide: “As the Father sent Me [to the lost sheep of the House of Israel] so send I you”.  The mission was the lost sheep.  The angel said to Mary, “You shall call His Name Yehoshua [Jesus]: for He shall save His people from their sins”.  God scattered His people Israel throughout all the kingdoms of the world due to their unrepentant sin, but He promised to regather—regather whom He scattered.  If the Bible is taken out of context it cannot be understood and it actually will pervert and undermine the true message and Christ said “He that is not with Me is against Me and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad” (that is, if you are not of the same mind and are doing something other than what He commanded, thinking that you are serving Him, you are actually working against Him as an enemy).

Christ did not bless the Edomite pharisees or love them.  He exposed them as being of their father the Devil and He said to them “you cannot hear my words because you are not of my sheep” and “ye cannot escape the damnation of Hell”.  The vessels of wrath were created for destruction and the wicked for the day of Evil (Judgment).  The God of the New Testament is the same God of the Old Testament and He is not a “nicer guy” now that He is on prozac and taking anger management courses and sensitivity training.  Those who think that He is different do so because their minds are perverse and they believe in a God other than the Bible.  God is Immutable.  He changes not.  He does not wear rainbow colored glasses nor does he accept thrust into His family those who are not His family, nor will Christ be forced to accept a bride that is not His, of another people.  

Every verse must be understood in context.  You don’t throw out all previous verses because you think some more recent verse says something different.  The Old Testament has no “expiration date” on it; it does not go bad like a cucumber forgotten in refrigerator.  It is as fresh as the day God gave it because the Word of God is alive (not dead)—all of it: it abideth forever.  Those who pick and choose which verses they want to believe (“Smorgasbord Theology”) are guilty of considering themselves to be their own god: for if they are the ones who determine which verses they will believe, God is not their Lord; they are their own lord.  Lord means master and that means to accept everything that He has declared.  Christ Himself said (quoting the Old Testament, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).  Every word.  None of them “go bad” or “expire”.  More recent verses must be interpreted and understood in light of previous verses which set the Standard.  

To confuse the good guys with the bad guys in any story (or real life) is not only confusing but dangerous.  Christ came unto His own.  A Kinsman Redeemer can only redeem those of the same people, of the same tribe and if he is the very closest of kin willing to redeem.  God changes not.  His Word changes not.  Man does not choose God. God chooses man.  God chose one people and one people alone and the chose the elect from that one people.  Those whom God chose are conformed to the Image of Christ.  Those who are not chosen are not so conformed.  “By their fruit ye shall know them”; but there is also counterfeit fruit.  The counterfeit fruit is believing the lie of the Serpent which is anything that is contrary to what God already said.  The “whosoever will” in Scripture is referring only to those to whom Christ intended His message: the lost sheep of the House of Israel.  God said that He closed the eyes, ears, hearts, and minds of all and opens those only of the elect.  Christ spoke in parables because it was not given unto all to know and understand and hear and be saved.  That’s what Scripture says—the New Testament (of course, that may be a verse that the Smorgasbordians scrape off their plate and into the garbage).  God is sovereign, not man. True Christianity recognizes and bows before the Sovereignty of God.  God did not write His Word to please man.  Man is to submit and conform to what God commanded and revealed in His Word.  Anything less is humanism.  

“16All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (II Timothy 3)


All Scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof, corrections, and instruction in righteous living.  All Scripture.  None is obsolete.  

“For ever, O LORD, thy Word is settled in Heaven.” (Psalm 119:89)

“But the Word of the Lord endureth for ever.” (I Peter 1:25)


No.  God’s heart is not always I Timothy 2:4.  You cannot dissect God like a biology frog.  You cannot take one of God’s Attributes and pretend that is His only Attribute.  That is a caricature of God: It is an insult and mockery.  God made Adam in His Own Image, but most haughty humans think that they make God after their own image.  However, God replies to such deluded, arrogant people: “thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove [rebuke] thee, and set them [truth] in order before thine eyes” (Psalm 50:21).  
No.  God is not always I Timothy 2:4: “Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”  Scripture also reveals:

“7...Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels, 8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Christ Jesus: 9Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the Presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of His Power.” (I Thessalonians 5)

“But those Mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before Me.” (Luke 19:27)

“11(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the Purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of Him that calleth;) 12It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.  13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” (Romans 9)

“24But He answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  25Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.  26But He answered and said, It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs [puppies] [in reference to the mixed child of this Greek-Israelite woman living in Cana / Syro-phenecia].” (Matthew 15)

“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine...” (Matthew 7:6)


These are not easy things to think about.  But God does not command us to obey Him and trust Him and acknowledge His Sovereignty only when we like what we hear.  This is not obedience; that is not trust.  I don’t like the thought of anything suffering or being rejected.  But I am not God.  Those who reject what God said, in favor of what is more deludedly pleasing to self, are antichrist.

God loves the elect—His people.  You cannot force God to comform to carnal modern man’s liberal antichrist mindset of affirmative action, the false notion of equality.   God declares,

“20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  21Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! .... 24Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the Law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the Word of the Holy One of Israel.” (Isaiah 5)  


God pronounces this curse on those who reject His Word, His declaration of what good is and what evil is—which never change—and upon those who cast away His Law (His Standard of Morality).
God is not feeble and cannot be forced into playing the impotent role of some blind befuddled senile doting old grandfather who equally loves all his grandchildren—legitimate or not, whether they bring him honor or shame; whether they honor him or rob him and rub poop on his moustache and set his beard on fire while he’s sleeping.  

“9Know therefore that the LORD thy God, He is God, the Faithful God, Who keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them [of His people] that love Him and keep His Commandments to a thousand generations; 10And repayeth them that hate Him to their face, to destroy them: He will not be slack to him that hateth Him, He will repay him to his face.” (Deuteronomy 7)

[That (or Isaiah 5:24 above) doesn’t sound like “God’s heart is always I Timothy 2:4” either.  Does it?]


No man cometh unto the father except through Christ.  

No man cometh to Christ except the Spirit draw him.

The Holy Spirit does not draw everyone; in fact, He draws only a few.  The wind bloweth where it listeth [chooses]... so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.


God draws only those whom He chose before the foundation of the world.  God is Sovereign.  Those who don’t like that reject God because He first rejected them and closed their hearts and minds so that they would reject Him.  The solution is to bow before Him.  Those who refuse to, refuse to do so because He did not put it within them to so do.

We are to hate what God hates and love what God loves.  We are to love whom God love and hate whom God hates.  If one cannot tell the difference, then the only honest and coherent prayer would be:

“Father, if these people are your children, please pour out your Holy Spirit upon them and give the repentance unto salvation and Your holiness and power to turn from sin unto righteousness (and the understanding of what that is); but if they are not your children, if they are not of the elect, then please destroy them off the face of the earth so they can no longer afflict your people: the apple of Your eye and so that they no longer be a reproach to the Living God and pervert Your creation.”


That is the only prayer God that can honor.  However, someone who does not know a sheep from a dog or a pig or a wolf is in serious trouble.  Someone who continues to offer the dogs equality with the children at the Master’s table will himself receive chastisement from God—possibly the same chastisement as the watchman on the wall who falls asleep and does not sound the alarm: for it is little different to not sound the alarm, than to open the gates and invite the barbarians in to rape and kill and plunder.  Of course, some deluded souls who open the gates may think that the barbarians have “converted” and only want to “worship God” with us.  Zerubbabel, and Jeshua [The High Priest], and the rest of the chief of the fathers of Israel were presented with the same situation, and their response was: “Ye have nothing to do with us to build an house unto our God; but we ourselves together will build unto the LORD God of Israel” (Ezra 4:3).  God had commanded separation before the remnant even left captivity in Babylon.

God commands us to discern, not wear rose-colored glasses and think everything is the same when it is not.  God drew the boundaries.  Man continues to try to erase and redraw them.  Who is on the Lord’s side? is the question to ask.  God rejected Saul and told the prophet Samuel who had star dust in his eyes for the big tall powerful Saul, God told Samuel, “Do not pray for him to Me, I will not hear your prayers.  I have rejected him”.  A true Christian will conform his mind to what God has said and submit to Him; not attempt to wrangle the Scriptures into corrupt modern notions completely upside down and inside out from what God has said.  

Those who focus only on one attribute of God worship a false god.  To do so is similar to drawing someone’s portrait, but the entire portrait merely being one nostril.  Such is not only an insult, but it is delusional  God is everything that He has told us that He is and He changes not.  “But without faith [believing that what God said is true and the only reality] it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, [that He is exactly as He has said that He is] and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).  “Diligently seek” means to crave, worship.  It does not mean to look for something and then when you find out it is not what you expected, to turn around and leave.  Those who do so never find the Pearl of Great Price, because they worship themselves, not God.  

“1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.  6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (II Timothy 3)


God is not merely those warm and fuzzy qualities that some people want to believe because their minds and hearts have been tainted by the world into thinking that good is evil and evil is good (which God places a curse upon).  Those who today believe that things that were considered sin, immoral, abominations 100 years ago, to now be “normal, healthy, “life choices” are not of God.  Their minds have been polluted by the world.  Those who eat only cotton candy will be weak and sickly.  God designed our bodies to need a well rounded diet: meat, potatoes, vegetables, grains (and not denuded of all fiber and vitamins so that it “looks pretty” and tastes only sweet.  Those who never progress from the milk of the Word to the meat (and meat has some grisly parts) remain infants.  If God was whatever each person imagined in his mind, choosing only the sweet cotton candy parts that appeal to him, God would be a billion different gods (which would be Hinduism) based upon how each person wanted God to be in his own mind.  God would be the creation of man and God would ever be changing upon each individual’s whim and fancy.  God is not a Mr. Potato Head toy that each individual assembles according to his own pleasure.  Most modern Christians follow “Mr. Potato Head” Theology.

Your claim that we should “hate the sin love the sinner” is not found in the Bible.  The phrase was coined by Gandhi...!  (in his 1952 autobiography)—and Gandhi was not a Christian: he was a Hindu!   God says that He hates the soul that sinneth.  God won’t send the “sin” to Hell, but the sinner.

“...Thou hatest all workers of iniquity.” (Psalm 5:5)

“...but the wicked and him that loveth violence His Soul hateth.” (Psalm 11:5)

The same anti-intellectual false doctrine (of love the sinner hate the sin) gave rise to “guns kill people.”  The passage in Ephesians—“we wrestle not”—gives us the source of the evil, but does not negate the immediate manifestation of it.  “Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” (Matthew 18:7).  Judas will not get a “free pass” out of Hell because Satan entered him.  Satan entered him because that is what God ordained (Acts 4:27,28).  Satan will be judged for tempting / influencing; man will be judged if he gave in to that temptation and sinned.  To claim that Ephesians says that our only enemy is in the spirit world is to render a large portion of the rest of Scripture (both Old and New Testaments) as nonsense.  Scripture also says that “in Him that we live and move and have our being” but that does not mean that we do not exist.  If the spirit world was the only enemy and the only culprit, no one would be responsible: Yet a large portion of God’s Word (Old and New Testament, past, present, and yet to come) deals with Judgment—for God is Holy and that Holiness demands Justice / Judgment.  Scripture says that each will be judged according to the deeds committed in the body.  There is temporal (in this life) Judgment that God requires, and there is Eternal Judgment that God will require after this life.  If the only Judgment was that which was left to come, then the God would not have struck Ananias and Sapphira dead for lying to the Holy Spirit, and Paul would not have delivered Hymenaus and Alexander unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme, that the body may be destroyed though the spirit (if they were converted) saved.  The New Testament itself is replete with Judgment, putting away sin, excommunicating, shunning, taking matters before the ecclesiastical court, paying restitution, etc., if sin in this life was a “non-issue” that we are supposed to just overlook and ignore and “forgive” (whether the person wants forgiveness or has repented or not).  God commands us not to steal.  To let someone rob us or someone else, is equally a sin.  You really have never thought too deeply.  If someone rapes you and you decide not to prosecute—you then share in his guilt if he ever again rapes, steals, or murders.  While you may not care about those other victims, you being deluded into caring for the criminal more, I am quite certain that those other victims care about their own lives and don’t want to be raped, robbed, or murdered.  What gives you the right to risk their lives, based upon some perverted notion of “forgiveness” which is not what the Bible talks about...?

Just because the electric current comes into your house through the outlet in your wall (and originates at some power plant many miles away), does not negate the reality and effects of the electric chainsaw in the hands of a wicked person who has broken into your house and plugged his quiet electric chainsaw into the outlet in your house to saw you into little pieces.  Satan can appear as an angel of light and his ministers as ministers of righteousness.  They are real—but so are their children; and Christ exposed the Edomite pharisees: “You are of your father the Devil”.  If you do not understand the difference between God’s enemies and His people, you act as a Trojan horse to bring God’s enemies into the church to destroy the church from within.  However, contrary to modern practice; evangelism is not to take place within the church.  The church is only for confirmed believers.  Only those directly led to Christ by the elders, or those examined by them, or those who come by letter from another reputable church, only such people are to be admitted into the church.  The church is not a county fair or a circus.  The church is the ark of God and the Body of Christ and is not to be subverted (by bringing ALL the termites on the ark) and not to be defiled (by bringing in the dogs and swine being unequally yoked and fellowshipping with darkness).  Those who believe that the wicked should be brought into the church to “hear the Gospel” are friends of the world and God calls such adulterers and adulteresses.  If such persons were parole officers, would they bring rapists, murderers, and pedophiles home for dinner to meet the wife and kids?

I’m sorry, I don’t know what “very technical Robert Balaicius?” is asking.  But I will try to address the question that you could not seem to formulate: Yes, God’s Word is technical.  It’s called Sound Doctrine.  Truth is technical.  Doctrine is what separates Christianity from humanism.  If something is watered down it is not longer useful and no longer truly what it was.  Salt, when it has been contaminated by not being separated, and thereby absorbing and being polluted by all the bacteria and mold spores and moisture in the air (also losing its chemical charge) is no longer salt, but a polluted salt-like mixture, and has lost its saltiness (that pure property that makes it salt) and is good for nothing but to be cast out in the street and trodden under foot.  Things are diluted or polluted to weaken them.  Yes, Christ will return to Judge.  Do you actually deny that?  Christ will not and did not take away the (Judgment of the) sins of the entire world, but the “world” in context of which Scripture was speaking: His own to whom He was sent; and even then not all of our own people will be converted, but only the elect.  Furthermore, if people who “claim” to be “Christians” live no differently than before they were “saved” and violate with impunity God’s Moral Standard, the Bible says that they were never converted.

“26For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27But a certain fearful looking for of Judgment and Fiery Indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.  28He that despised Moses’ Law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: 29Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant, wherewith he was sanctified,* an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of Grace?  30For we know Him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto Me, I will recompense, saith the Lord.  And again, The Lord shall judge His people.  31It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.” (Hebrews 10)

[* The Blood of the Covenant, clearly, refers only to those who are heirs to the Abrahamic Covenant, of which the Christic Covenant is part.]


—does this sound like “God’s heart is always I Timothy 2:4”...?

Scripture is perfectly clear on this unless you take scissors and cut out all the verses that you don’t like, and then you are left with a very Holey Bible.  Everyone isn’t automatically saved.  The verses you quote above are off point and have nothing to do with the topic you introduced about Christ not coming back to judge.  The first time that Christ came to earth He came as a Lamb to save His people.  The second time He will come as a Lion to avenge His people of all that the wicked have done to them.  We are called to discern and yes judge, but not condemn our brethren concerning insignificant matters.  The parable of the wheat and the tares does not end with the tares being marvellously turned into wheat.  But at the same time, in the early growth, the tares cannot always be discerned (clever imposters that they are, after many generations of intermarriage with God’s people and even “plastic surgery”) from the wheat.  The terminal separation of the tares from the wheat and the casting of the tares into the fire (Eternal Judgment) is an act reserved for the angels at Christ’s return.  But but that does not mean that we are to hold hands with the tares until then.  We can ostracize them from our family, our circle of friends, our church, and our community (if we still had a sovereign nation that recognized God’s Law)... but we could not simply kill them for existing.  Neither does this mean that if they commit crimes worthy of death that they are not to be adjudicated and then executed.  You seem to look at one facet of a diamond, and then think that one solitary facet is the entire diamond.  If you applied this same illogic in other areas of life you would be completely dysfunctional, so why do you lose all common sense when it comes to Scripture?  What is even worse, not only do you not understand the Scriptures and violate God’s Law and pervert judgment and righteousness—but you encourage others to join you in your sinning against God and the destruction of Christendom.  To do so is tantamount to letting all the wolves into the sheep pen, thinking, “God wants us to love wolves too”—and so you participate in the slaughter of God’s sheep, our people.  Sin is not to be ignored.  Crimes are not to go unadjudiated.  Certainly if someone has committed a sin unto death, he should be given 5 minutes to prepare to meet his Maker—but he should not be set free with the hope that maybe he will “find God” in between killing and raping others.  Is that “technical”.  If it is... GOOD!  As the old sayings go: “If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything” and “If you are broadminded it means your mind is in the gutter on both sides of the road”.  Good intentions are meaningless.  Serving lemonade to the children at a birthday party and accidentally giving them strychnine is not an overlookable offence due to “good intentions”.  Christ said,

“6But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.  7Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” (Matthew 18)


Though Christ used little children as an object lesson, the focus of His discourse was not little children, but all those of God’s people who have the simple faith of a little child—the pure in heart.  Those whose false doctrine, humanist, antichrist philosophy, and unbiblical actions that result in the rape, murder, oppression, and leading astray by false doctrine of God’s people—are those whom Christ is referring to in the above verse.  If you want to keep forgiving criminals and letting the barbarians in through the gates, maybe you should have your neck fitted for the right sized millstone!

Nowhere in God’s Word are tares converted into wheat.  Nowhere in God’s Word are we commanded to love the tares as if they were wheat.  Tolerance of what God has rejected is nowhere found in God’s Word.  Dogs, pigs, goats, and wolves are never turned into sheep.  Brambles, thistles, and briars are never turned into grapes or figs or olives.  

“There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.”  This verse itself implies that there is condemnation on:

1. those who are not in Christ; and

2. those who are in Christ but who do walk in the flesh and who do not walk in the Spirit.  


I really don’t know what you are trying to say.  The Word of God is technical.  This does not mean that it is rocket science.  It is technical, but so is baking bread or a cake.  Try to bake a cake or bread without following the recipe, just adding whatever “feels” good.  Family order is technical.  Did your father never lay down the law?  Did your husband not lay down the law for your children?  Or do you just let them do whatever they want and if they do something terrible you just ignore it and “forgive” them, even if they commit what God calls abominations...?  The Word of God is not too technical to understand, but He did hide the simple truth from those who are not worthy of it: those who would not obey it even if they did understand it.  Every book author is technical.  The Law is technical.  The manufacture and operation of computers, electronics, and engines is technical.  Carpentry, math, science, geometry, chemistry, physics are technical.  Following instructions for 1,001 things is technical.  So why do you think that Christians should “check their brain at the door” when it comes to the Word of God?  That’s why God wrote His Word down for us.  Because He is Holy and He commanded things to be done a certain way.  Because He is Holy and He is as He says that He is, not as sinful man wants to pretend that He is.  

We are not supposed to “make things up” because they “sound good to us”—that is humanism.  True Christianity is doctrine.  It is theology—It is what God said and it revolves around Him, not man.  True Christianity is not an “emotional experience”.  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God—from the facts, the truth, the doctrine (the “technicality”) in the Word of God as God gave it to us; not according to ever-changing modern liberal interpretations.  This same dishonesty of continually “re-interpreting” reality has gotten us in the U.S. into all our trouble, by likewise allowing criminals in politics to fool the idiot of the masses into believing that they understand the Constitution better than the ones who wrote it 250 years ago.  The same class of criminals in education and in churches has made the same spurious claim concerning their understanding the Bible better than those who wrote it under inspiration of the Holy Spirit over 2,000 years ago.

Faith itself is a gift of God, a fruit of the Spirit, and it is given only to the elect.  Salvation is a gift of God bestowed on His elect and faith initiates and perpetuates it and God distributes His faith only to the elect.  Woe unto them who call good evil and evil good, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, bitter for sweet... “Prove all things.”  (What is that if it is not being “technical”...?)  The believers of Berea were considered noble—because they were “technical”—they searched the Scriptures daily to see whether those things they were taught were true; they proved all things; rightly dividing the Word of Truth.  

What is modernly called “Christianity” has strayed so far from the Standard that when the average Christian hears sound doctrine to him it sounds strange; even abominable.  Look back at our nations and civilization when the pure and true form of Christianity was taught and look what we have today.  The ills of society are a direct result of turning from sound doctrine (“technicality”).  We are on the brink of destruction; the post-christian era and the new dark ages.  The only answer is to return to God and all those “technical things” (you know, “obedience”) that He commanded.  “Why call ye Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not the things I say?”  God cannot honor disobedience as if it were obedience.  God is True.  He cannot lie.  He cannot compromise.  “I am Yahweh and I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are notconsumed.”  He is true to His Promise, otherwise He would have destroyed us all long ago.  

However, part of the Covenant is unconditional: He will never outright forsake us all; He has always preserved a remnant and always will (those who obey Him in Spirit and in Truth, in the spirit and the letter, all those “technical” things that those who are not of His sheep think “unimportant”).  The Remnant that survives / persevered (the “patience of the saints” in) the coming Tribulation will be those who have the Faith / Testimony of Christ Jesus and who keep the Commandments of God (Revelation 12:17; 14:12).  

However, part of the Covenant is conditional upon how we live: If we obey, we will be blessed, if we disobey, we will be judged and chastened and even destroyed, even the majority of us.  One has to be technical with the Word of God because God is technical.  God “put a difference” between things and commanded us to recognize those differences as He established (Leviticus 10:10; 20:25; Ezekiel 22:26).  He meant what He said.  He always means what He says.
To speak sloppily and carelessly does violence to the Word of God and people who do so have no concept of God’s Holiness nor that His Holiness demands Justice / Judgment and that it is an aweful responsibility to teach the Word of God—and it is not a role to which He has appointed women—and those who do so in error or without His authority shall receive the greater condemnation.  Yes it is technical because truth is technical.  If you say “love God’s enemies” when God says to hate them, and when you say “don’t punish people” when God commands Judgment on evil doers—then you lead simple-minded people astray if they are so dull-minded that they do not search the matter out.  That is why our land is full of antichrists and perverts and all sorts of other criminals.  It is God’s Judgment on us and he is having us to reap what we have sown, because we have sown corruption.  Anytime that we want to stop reaping corruption we need to sow righteousness—true righteousness; not the color-blind, gender-perverse, antichrist tolerant counterfeit “righteousness”.  

If a doctor is not “technical” and gives you just any generic medicine, with vague instructions concerning dosage it could kill you.  If an architect or builder is not technical and choosy and does not discriminate in choosing sound design and quality materials, properly assembled the building will collapse and people will die.  Evil criminals are not convicted due to “technicalities”.  They immorally   evade justice because of “technicalities” and immoral “slick” lawyers who don’t care about the law or holiness, but winning cases (regardless of the good people they destroy or the wicked people they help to prosper).

God is in the details.  He is as He said that He is and reality is as He said that it is; God and reality are not as well-meaning, but simple-minded people want things to be.  In reality, they cannot really be “well meaning” if they are in rebellion to what God commanded.  They then have merely a form of godliness but deny the power thereof; erring, not knowing the Scriptures; ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  Such people are to be ostracized, excommunicated, shunned.

Our will must submit to His.  All will eventually bow the knee, either out of purity of heart, or being forced to their knees as vanquished foes.  John the baptist introduced Christ to the people:

“11I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but He Who cometh after me is mightier than I, Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with Fire: 12Whose fan is in His Hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor, and gather His wheat into the garner; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” (Matthew 3)  

[Does that sound like God’s heart is always I Timothy 2:4?]


Those who pick and choose only what suits them from the Scriptures (Smorgasbord Theology) have a twisted “gospel” (it is not “good news” but “psychotic news”) and quite possibly they will hear Christ on the Day of Judgement, and they will then learn their error, but it will be too late:

“21Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the Will of My Father which is in Heaven.  22Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in Thy Name have cast out devils? and in Thy Name done many wonderful works?’  23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity [lawlessness].” (Matthew 7)  

[Does that sound like God’s heart is always I Timothy 2:4?]


Those who are not of God reject what God has said and instead heap unto themselves wrath:

“10Which say to the seers, ‘See not’; and to the prophets, ‘Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits’...” (Isaiah 30)


This person’s posting at facebook also had the following picture and commentary after it.




“Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said this years ago.  Incredibly, the sentiment remains exactly the same today.  Israel doesn’t want violence in Gaza or with any of its neighbors.  Israel wants peace.”

After I had responded with all of the above, I went back and responded to this disinformation.

“What a load of crock...!  Really...?  Maybe many misinformed people were foolish enough to believe that when Goldy said it; how many (who are not brainwashed / braindead, who have actually done some real study and see through such blatant self-righteous lies) still believe it today...?  Only mind-slaves (those brainwashed in the media and government churches and schools) believe* such condescending blasphemy.  They can forgive the arabs for killing their jewish children... but... the real crime was "making" them kill arab children...? how sanctimonious and double-faced.

[* —and “technically,” is brainwashing truly a “belief”?  It is not really a belief, but a delusion; programming is not a conviction, but mind-control.]


What did the new prime minister of Israeli say just recently about 3 Jewish teenagers that were “allegedly” killed by Arabs? —

“Vengeance for the blood of a small child, Satan has not yet created.*  Neither has vengeance for the blood of 3 pure youths who were on their way to parents who will not see them anymore.  Hamas is responsible and Hamas will pay.  May the memories of the three boys be blessed.”

[* That is, they will only be happy when some new method of torture is thought up that Satan himself had never even imagined... and by using that phrase he was quoting a Jewish writer; I will post info on this next...]


How magically Golda-Gandhi-Meir and others of her brood switch from this “touching display of forgiveness” to “NEVER FORGIVE!  NEVER FORGET!” and “WE WILL HAVE OUR POUND OF FLESH... —AND MORE!”

Further, many many of them claim that every single Palestinian child should be exterminated.  Goldy was lying through her teeth because the world had not yet begun to feel “their terrible power of the purse” and Christendom was not yet under their control... (because they had not yet thrown off the yoke of Jacob—true Israel: the Anglo-Saxon peoples of Christendom).  Some of the Jewish leaders (playing “Good Cop” wore (on special ocassions when the media was present) the “nice” mask* (hiding their true hideous features).  Others of them (like the current regime) make no pretense about it and wear their real Evil face.

[* This is how the Jews (and the Muslims) always behaved in the early days, when only a handful of them had infiltrated Christian society.  They were on their best behavior, so that more and more of their people could be let in; and then like hungry termites, they began their subversive work of undermining family, church, society, and state and then when their damage is sufficient, all masks come off.]


If you continue to confuse the Jews and Israelis with the Hebrews, Judahites, and Israelites (the true Semites) of the Bible, you will be terrible confused and violate the command, “call not evil good or good evil” and you will be guilty of blessing God’s enemies to the destruction of God’s true people, the remnant of the former nations of Christendom.


[Someone else had commented: Excuse me Golda!  Who invaded who????  Get your history straight honey!]

—Brief Encounter with a Pagan

I rarely open facebook, it takes so long with dial up; but I opened it for something and thought to comment on something, and my hook and bait caught a little minnow.

pray for this guy.  sad, so confused.  Robert


This began as my comment concerning a facebook post:

Vatican worried over newly found Bible
Vatican is deeply worried over a 1,500-year-old Bible found in Turkey.

I wrote: This is not a Bible, but some spurious scroll that says Christ was not God and was not crucified but ascended to heaven before he died.

This gentleman, JH, wrote:

I've got news for you - not even Xtians believe that "Christ" was god.


below follows the exchange:

    Robert Balaicius: I've got news for you—THEN THEY AREN'T CHRISTIANS...!
    Whoever does not believe Jesus is God is ANTICHRIST.

JH: Er - isn't he the SON of god?

    Robert Balaicius: er, you clearly do not understand Scripture. Christ is God in the flesh. I and My Father (Yahweh) are ONE. No man ascended up into Heaven except He Who came down from Heaven, even the Son of man WHO IS IN HEAVEN. Christ spoke that while on earth. How could He also be in Heaven at the same time? Because HE IS GOD. Before Abraham was I AM. Christ is also called the WORD of God and He created the world, that is why He shall Judge it. In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God; all things were made by Him and without Him was not anything was made that was made.

JH: I think you are a public danger ...
    Robert Balaicius: Clearly what you think is erroneous in many areas. It is sad. One day you will stand before your Creator and answer, not to me, but to Him. You are paranoid delusional if you think I am a public danger. Apparently you did not have anything intelligent to say but felt compelled to say something anyway.

JH:  I've got better things to do with my evening than discuss religion with American fruitcakes:

    Jesus (/ˈdʒiːzəs/; Greek: Ἰησοῦς Iesous; 6–4 BC to 30–33 AD), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity,[12] whom the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God.
    Robert Balaicius: He is the Son of God as well as God Himself. If you would read the Bible rather than some online dictionary you might actually learn something valid.

    Robert Balaicius: When you stand before God He will ask you, "Why did you not listen to my servant Robert Balaicius." I pray you come to the knowledge of the truth before then.

JH:  That is not what I was taught - and I went to church several times a day every Sunday. However, I have given up your religion many years ago as it instills weakness and knocks the fighting spirit out of our men. We need to go back to our pagan roots and become hard to survive. We saw what the dominees did to our burghers befre 94.

    Robert Balaicius: It is tautological for you to maintain that Biblical truth is not what it is because you were taught something different.     If you have truly given up Christianity, that is another delusion, rather, Christ has rejected you. We do not choose, God does. Anything else is humanistic delusion. If you think Christianity causes weakness, you not only do not understand the Bible but you do not understand Bible History or secular history; without the Protestant Reformation there would have been no American Revolution and we would all be subjects to the Crown and without the Reformation we would all be pagan Catholics. You were clearly taught a corrupt version of Christianity and you clearly do not understand the Bible, but only the perverted modernist Zionist version of it which was concocted for the very purpose of weakening our nations and turning people from true Christianity (though they turn from the true Christianity because they erroneously believe the counterfeit version is Christianity). True Christianity is the basis of all modern civilization; Talmudized Christianity is the basis of the destruction of all that was once civilization.
    Abandoning the true Christian faith because of the lies of the modern corrupt version makes about as much sense as burning all the money in your bank account because there are some counterfeit bills in circulation.

JH:  Look at my profile picture.

[picture of Israeli flag with universal symbol of "no" superimposed over it]

    Robert Balaicius: I see it and saw it before I answered you the first time. That is wonderful. But it is useless because the enemy you rightfully hate has fooled you into hating your own true God based upon their disinformation. Read the introduction I wrote for the pagan work I reprinted, titled, "Nordic Paganism Overcoming Jewish Christianity" [or the booklet I made the introduction into: "True Caucasian Christianity Corrupted into Well-Intentioned Nordic Paganism."] The book is non-sense. I reprinted it with my introduction to hopefully reach anyone who buys into paganism and show them the true meaning of what they think they believe. Additionally, I've written 80 books. Read one. Uncovering the Mysteries or God's Chosen People would be a good place to start.
        Robert Balaicius: Have you read Bulala: A True Story of South Africa? (I am just guessing you are in South Africa by the one mutual person we know and since you referred to me as an American fruitcake, though I had mentioned nothing about holiday desserts).

        Robert Balaicius: The Boers were only victorious because they first returned to the Covenant God made with His people, and they Covenanted again with Him. The same goes for all our nations when at first we obeyed God and separated ourselves from other peoples, remained holy unto Him, obeyed His Law, and honored Him. Only as we (in ALL our nations) have allowed Talmudic antichrists to enter our lands, take control of positions of power, and fool most of us into thinking THEY are God's people (when WE are and always have been), only when they in turn opened the floodgates to ALL our enemies, to come in as a flood to devour us (which Revelation tells us would happen)... only when we turned from obeying God and forgot His Law did we then come under Judgment because God Promised if we did so, He would forget our children, He would use our enemies to chasten us, the enemy among us would become the head and we the tail, we would be overrun by foreigners, wild beasts who would rob us of our children, many wasting diseases would come upon us, our highways would become desolate and we would become few in number... all this to chasten us to obedience to repent of our sins and cry out to Him for deliverance; and only then will He deliver us. You clearly have not studied history properly if you think Christianity is what weakened us... Christianity ushered in our GOLDEN AGE; turning from the Faith once delivered, the true, uncorrupted form of Christianity is what has destroyed us as we have absorbed all pagan peoples and their ways and polluted ourselves, God has turned His back on us until we repent.

    Robert Balaicius: If you truly care about our people, you will cry unto God in sincerity and pray, "God, please forgive me. If You are real and the Bible is the Truth, please forgive me for rejecting it and leading others astray. Open my eyes and reveal the truth to me. Forgive my sins. I come under Covenant through the Blood of Christ and His Sacrifice on my behalf. Please, open my eyes and open the eyes of all our people to see our need for You and to recognize the truth so that you will pour out your Holy Spirit upon us and bring us to national repentance so you will hear our prayers and deliver us from our enemies who seek to exterminate us. I ask this in the Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus, Who is God, God the son. Even if I cannot understand I confess Christ. Amen." If you truly care about our people you will pray that from a sincere heart and read some books I recommend. Many pagans have read my books and learned that  paganism is NOT the way. It is mythological delusion. Yes, it is a nice thought of a romanticized period of barbaric times in which our nations were at least still our nations and our people were strong and pure; but they were in darkness going nowhere and merely stumbled along until God opened their eyes and that is when true civilization began. Mythology did not usher in civilization and prosperity and our Golden Age. Christianity did. Pure Christianity. Not the modern pagan Talmudic corruption of it.  Turning from it is what is destroying us.  It is escapism and irrational and anti-intellectual for a teenager to want to crawl back into his mother's womb, rather than correct his own mistakes and become a man.

— Of Cow Farts and Suicide Genes: Theories of Modern Decay

Someone emailed me an article that he had read. 

From doing a search, it seems to be some post at:




By Brian Simpson - This question was asked by Ricardo Duchesne at the Council of European Canadians


The post by Brian Simpson continues:

All living things have a tendency to divide the world into in-group and out-group, and this is as true for humans as it is for elephants.  While all other groups of humans are    permitted to have a preference for their own ethnic group, white Europeans, primarily those of Nordic (northern Europeans) background are not.

Although Social Science recognises that ethno-racially diverse societies, still Nordics must overcome their sense of self-preservation, become minorities, and accept extinction, according to the official line.
Professor Duchesne is concerned to refute the version of this racial poison advanced by a panel of scientists, but does not come back to answer the fundamental question:

Why Us? Why do Nordics engage in all of these processes of racial suicide? The Japanese, Chinese and Africans don’t.
As noted in the article “The Fairness of Whites as a Critical Weakness”
the universalism of the northern European sense of fair play and honour – altruism – is readily exploitable by those ethnic groups who do not play by our rules.  Yet, Leftists in particular, are always open to ignoring any ethnic double standard in their attempt to always nail the blame for the world’s woes on their own people.

This sense of misplaced altruism is the great weakness of our race.  Its origin, I speculate, arose thousands of years ago when Nordic/northern Europeans had to co-operate to survive.  Natural selection favoured altruists, and over time, altruists survived and out bred egoists/individualists.  This altruism predisposed our people to accept universalist doctrines and the belief in ideas such as the “brotherhood of man” – now conceived as conceptions of universal humanity.  In other words, our race has no “selfish gene”, but the “racially suicide gene”, a predisposition to indiscriminate, promiscuous altruism, which over time has mutated into racial self-hatred and out-group love.

What can be done about this?  Clearly we have a major problem on our hands if this weakness of altruism has become intertwined in our genetic nature.  There will need to be some process by which these dangerous genes are bred out of our gene pool.  Perhaps the low birth rates of Leftists, Feminists and the like will be our saving grace.
I sent the email out to my email group and posted at my website with the comments:

This is a moronic evolutionistic view of looking at things which only perpetuates delusion.  Our peoples did not have this “suicide gene” (which is merely some figurative notion, not any real DNA marker that some alleged scientist has isolated) up until the modern era of the past 75 years or so.  It was only after atheistic Talmudists and evolutionists (who then let in the paganism of the entire world) gained foothold in our institutions of learning, the churches and seminaries, and the media, and the pure doctrine of the Word of God was corrupted, that the antichrist heresy of the universal brotherhood of man developed.  

Before then individualism was not bred out by altruism via natural selection.  What foolishness.  The good guy who puts his gun down when the enemy lies and says “Let’s be friends”—that false sense of altruism is what causes us to die out.  Stupidity is suicide.  But it is not innate.  To use a partial line from Lord Greystoke: Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, starring Christopher Lambert: “It is an acquired taste.”  This stupidity is not natural.  It is taught: inculcated by propaganda—it is brainwashing.

The majority controls the direction of the herd and if traitors and interlopers hijack the brains of the majority, they redirect the herd away from pleasant pastures to take a lemming dive off the cliffs.  Mindless, anti-intellectual Evolutionists are a major part of the problem.  They are partially responsible for the brainwashing of God’s sheep into thinking that they are lemmings.  They are partially responsible for brainwashing God’s sheep into thinking that dogs and wolves are “brothers” and we should not be “prejudiced” against them just because they are “different” (and just because they prefer to eat sheep rather than grass).  Our problems arise from being seduced from the pure Word of God where Individualism and Unity are balanced.  “You reap what you sow” is God’s Law of the Harvest, which cannot be ignored with impunity without dire consequences.  

Altruism shown by those who are greater blessed to those less fortunate is only morally proper (Biblical) when those others are brethren—and when they repent of their sins and do what is right (if their troubles are due to their reaping what they have sown, if they are in violation of how God commands us to live, etc.); otherwise, they deserve to reap what they have sown or what they have refused to sow and therefore, they deserve to die out.  It is their choice.  If someone doesn’t want to reap thistles in his garden, but strawberries, he needs to stop planting thistles, uproot them, and plant strawberries.  Blessing does not descend from Heaven on a silver platter.  God requires us to be obedient and faithful, and He then rewards us in like proportion: “He who soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he who soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (II Corinthians 9:6).

God said, “I set before thee life and death: choose life that thou and thy seed may live!”  Other brethren (converted kinsmen) can also be aided altruistically by those greater blessed, if they, due to no recognizable fault of their own, just seem to always be under the wheel and can’t get ahead.  Love and Mercy and Grace are not to be scattered randomly and indiscriminately throughout Sodom and Gomorrah.  Those outside our own kindred are not to be helped and of our own kinsmen only those of the Household of faith can be helped and then only if they have been bearing godly fruit.  God declared, “Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is Wrath upon thee from before the LORD” (II Chronicles 19:2).  God declared this to the godly King Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, because he was about to help the wicked king Ahab of northern Israel, in a common military action against Syria.  They were brethren, but Ahab was wicked and God declared that if we help wicked ungodly brethren, we share in their wickedness and God will judge us with them.  God reveals elsewhere that to be a friend of the world (which God even terms “adultery” and “idolatry”) makes us the enemy of God (until we repent).

The rejection of the ways God commanded us to operate is epitomized in the “Welfare State” and the fruit of that...? —insurmountable debt, rampant crime, immorality, the death of industry, the lobotomization of the minds of the general masses, totalitarian legislation: national suicide.

Misguided altruism by “legislative fiat” demands that rattlesnakes, scorpions, and yellowjackets be recognized as being “equal” and “the same” as sheep, cattle, and songbirds is the Antichrist, color-blind corruption of true brotherly love as outlined in God’s Word and it is a violation of God’s command and this pseudo-altruism and it is national suicide—self-genocide!  The same psychosis (not DNA “suicide gene”) as the result of sin, is being compounded by legislative fiat demanding all genders (and perversions thereof) and all religions be recognized as “equal”.

God commanded us concerning those outside the greater family and all polluted peoples whom He had cursed, “Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever” (Deuteronomy 23:6).  God forbade intermarriage or even peace treaties with them and periodically, after God would no longer forebear His people’s sin, He commanded all alien wives to be divorced and they and all children by them sent away forever.  God commanded, “17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing [people]; and I will receive you, 18And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” (II Corinthians 6; referring to Isaiah 52:11).  Those who do not separate themselves from the aliens, God separates as not being His sons or daughters.

Liberation Theology (a communist perversion of the Gospels) and “White guilt” are responsible and are propaganda spuriously sown into the general good nature of our people for the very purpose of destroying us.  It is tantamount to Noah exclaiming, “What...? only two pair of scorpions and rattlesnakes and yellowjackets... no, bring them all!  The more the merrier.  We will be on the ark for over a year.  It is not merely “our” ark—it is everyone’s ark.  We have no more right to it than anyone else does.”  This of course is the lie of the Serpent.  God chose His people and God chose to bless His people and those of God’s people who reject God’s Command to remain separate and holy unto Him, are no better than Esau who despised his birthright and his own kindred and His God and the Covenant and married two Canaanite women and then mongrelized his seed and sired two of the very worst enemies of God’s People: The Edomites and Amalekites.  That’s what violation of God’s Law and psychotic recognition of “equality”, embracing God’s enemies, and breaking down all the barriers that God established results in: Judgment (evil, misery, destruction).  
God, in the New Testament, refers to Esau as a fornicator and a “profane person”—because he married outside of the family, despising his own kindred and his own God.  The Greek word translated profane person means, “one who crosses a threshold” “race traitor” would be a suitable implied meaning in context).  

The notions of Natural Selection, individualism, altruism are all godless, antichrist pseudo-intellectual smokescreen delusions as the genesis and pathology of the problem.  All of our problems arise from our turning from what God commanded and listening to alternative ideas and the corruption and twisting of what God clearly told us.  “The curse causeless shall not come” (Proverbs 26:2); “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).  

All of our nations in Christendom have been perverted in the same way politically and religiously, as they have racially—and it is the pied pipers of the pseudo Church and State that have led the lemmings over the cliff.  The problem is not due to any non-sense about Natural Selection or altruism vs. individualism of our “prehistoric ancestors”—which notion itself is a demonstration of complete denial and ignorance concerning all-known European and American history!  This simple history and whether we obey or violate God’s Laws (which Thomas Jefferson even referred to as the “ancient principles”) explains our rise in greatness or our fall into decadence, chaos, and self-destruction.  We are blessed when we repent of our sins and follow God’s pure teachings; we are cursed / judged when we don’t—just as God prophesied.  Only a terribly deluded mind, out of touch with reality, crippled by a God-hating psychosis, imagines that the problem is the result of whether some monkey wanted to share his banana or eat it all by himself.  What nonsense!  “22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.... 24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts.” (Romans 1)

If our ancestors 200 years ago had believed the non-sense of evolution (in all its forms and disciplines in false psychology, anthropology, sociology, politics, pseudo-christianity, criminal science, etc.) we would not have made it this far as a civilization before running out of fuel and crashing into the abyss—which we are about to do.  If it was not for all the cow farts in the atmosphere that the communist tree-huggers “cry wolf” about, we would have run out of fuel by now for it is only bovine methane fumes that we are running on, politically, economically, morally, spiritually.  Hug a cow! not a tree.  Squeeze really hard and release some more methane!  My “cow fart theory” makes about as much sense—or more—than any of theirs (and I wasn’t paid $150,000 / year to brainstorm it; or actually, what the gov’t does is “fart-storm” since we know where their brain is...).  

Solution: feed cows ice cubes instead of water and their farts will COOL the planet.

God deliver us from such morons and evil people who hate you; and deliver them from themselves—and deliver all the foolish lemmings who are so dull-minded and devoid of your Holy Spirit who would believe such abominable and mindless fairy tales.