— Why does God Not Hear Our Prayers and Why Does Christ Tarry...? Some Profound Thoughts

Hello, Robert,

It seems obvious that the parable of the widow and the unjust judge (Luke 18:1-8) rules out "imminence"--that is, the idea that "Jesus could return at any moment".   God will not intervene until His people cry out day and night--and then He will indeed "avenge them speedily".  But, since many are already crying out, and He has not yet come in judgement, then it must be that a much larger number of His people must come to repentance and faith, before the crying out will be responded to.   We are not told just how large that number must be, but, obviously, it must be larger than the number that exists at this moment.
       HOWEVER...the final verse (18:8) makes it seem as though, when He returns, Christ will find very little of the true faith on the earth.  He will find plenty of worthless "faith"--in humanistic self-help solutions, in finding direction from one's own inner being, in the Dalai Lama, in Islam, in Hindu gurus, in evolutionary atheism, etc..  But the way the question is posed, it almost requires the negative answer:  i.e., that He will find very little of the only faith that counts.
     But...if this is so...how will the crying out bring a response?  As you point out, things are getting worse, many are falling away from the truth into traps of the enemy, and others are coming to the end of their lives, and will not be on earth for the time of the successful crying out.
        I hope I have made my question clear.  This has puzzled me for a long time.  It is clear that Jesus will not return so long as the church is in such terrible disobedience.  But, since there will be so little faith left when he finally DOES come, then how will the crying out bring a positive response?
         Thank you for clearing up the confusion!
          (I am assuming that you will be led to do this!)
(my reply)

God is separating the wheat from the chaff.  The crying out of those who are not truly repentant (and certainly of those who are not even His, not of the elect, merely crying out to any god whom they hope will listen, along with their crying out at the same time to various gods) are not heard.

Christ cannot return until the 'man of sin' be revealed.  Obviously, he has not yet been revealed. 

Christ cannot return except there be a falling away first. 

Again, separating the chaff from the wheat. 

Understand also in farming... it takes time for the wheat to grow to maturity--and even after maturity, it has to dry out, cure, before it is threshed, winnowed, and sifted.

Will Christ find faith...?  Since faith is a fruit of the Spirit, it is only evident in the lives of true believers, and those true believers who are actually walking in the spirit.  Thus, by implication, "will He find faith...?" means, "will there be any of the elect who walk in faith". 

I seriously doubt that everyone who died during Noah's flood died without faith.  Those who are of the elect are sealed by God, even if they defect in their walk.  Noah was the only one who was pure in his generations and who walked in holiness without compromise.  The majority were no doubt of the non-elect; but no doubt many of those died in the flood of were of the elect, who had apostatized: whom God deemed unworthy of preserving.   So it will be in the end times.  Will Christ find faith refers to those of the elect who still hold fast to the testimony / faith (once delivered) of Christ (not watered-down, paganized, compromising denominations of man) and keep the Commandments of God (not the commandments of men). 

It does not refer to those who follow the traditions of men, being deluded into thinking that they are following what God and Christ commanded; and such will be rejected and have no excuse, because any time they wanted to compare what their church teaches to what the Bible says, how they are living their life compared to how the Bible says we should live... all they have to do is turn off the tv and open the Bible.

The word "faith" does not refer to false , so-called faiths of Hindoos and Muslims and such, for they have no faith, but superstition.  Scripture tells us there is but ONE faith. God does not share His Throne with other fake gods (cardboard props) and play the charade of "equality."

Christ's delay in return is a two-edged sword... by His delay the elect continue to suffer and the wicked continue to blaspheme God.  However, Christ's delay is also merciful, in that it gives the elect opportunity to repent.  That is the main reason Christ has not returned.  The Bride is yet unwilling to submit herself to her groom... still chasing off after other lovers; while deluding herself into thinking she is still faithful.  God is not fooled. 

The Prodigal in the pig style is self-deluded like the deceiver Obamajama-yo-mama tries to seduce fools into believing his infantile mumbo-jumbo, seditious double-speak, and mindless anti-intellectual prattle; face down in the pig feces, the average "Christian," as the Prodigal is still rebellious and thinks, "this ain't so bad."  Repentance is last on the "bucket(-o-slop) list."

Thus, again, God is separating the wheat from the chaff. 

There will be a general, massive, falling away of the nonelect and the barely elect--but at the same time, there will be a consolidation and strengthening of the very elect who move closer to God. 

Further involved is the principle of time, which SOOOOOOO many forget, in SOOOOO many areas.  Stubborn, delusional people who find themselves with cancer or some other illness--which they have CULTIVATED over a lifetime, delusionally think that some doctor has a magic bullet or that some magic operation will fix the problem overnight.  If you don't kill the spider, cleaning out the cobwebs is busywork and delusion if you think it solves the problem.  It does not solve the problem; it is a temporary band aid; a coat of paint over the termite damage. 

Likewise, years of sinfulness, tolerance, compromise, transgression, perversion, unfaithfulness, apostacy, heresy, worldiness, dishonesty, delusion, false doctrine, rebellion will not be cured over night by 1 or 2 people praying.  In fact, the praying may actually be answered by more judgment because the judgment is God's discipline to bring His people to repentance.  In context, "the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance" (Romans 2:4) is the spanking itself... "the judgment of God [that] is according to truth against them which commit such things" (Romans 2:2)—the spanking or discipline that draws us to repentance.

In fact, the violent and frenzied increase in the deterioration, degeneration, and perversion of society is itself hope.  Christ told us in Luke 21:28 concerning all these evils, "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."  I am reminded of the following story, humorous, touching, but profound:

In his, The Radical Christian (1987), Arthur Wallis relates the story of a father with two young children who misbehaved.  The father informed the two that he was about to spank them, and why.  The father then asked the children if either had anything to say.  One of the two, in reply, bowed his head and expressed, “For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful !” (p.34)

So it is with the evil in society.  It actually seems to be (as incomprehensible as it sounds) an answer to prayer...!  One the one hand, it is an abomination; on the other a blessing.  The only difference lies in WHICH side of Christ's Sword you will be on when He returns—the deliverance side or the Judgment side.

Deliverance will only come upon TRUE repentance; repentance will only come from the majority of God's stiff-necked people by God increasing the burden imposed upon them by their enemies / taskmasters —those to whom they yielded themselves to obey, rather than their only rightful master, God Almighty. 

God is not merely waiting, but sifting. 

Moses FASTED and PRAYED 40 days and 40 nights (without even water; and thus He had to have been Divinely upheld) after having just come off a previous 40 day and night fast (again with no water) during which he was receiving the Law from God.   He so fasted and prayed the second time, interceding for his brother and the children of Israel who had sinned in all the abominations of the golden calf. 

As I wrote earlier today: When God's people get serious about repentance and crying out for deliverance, God will get serious about hearing their prayers and delivering them. Until then, the prayers are merely words which bounce off the ceiling, since there is no true repentance.  The average Christian, if he ever even thinks about praying for deliverance, does so only once during a 30-second commercial during the Superbowl (that is, if he has seen the commercial before and if he doesn't like it enough to watch it again; though with one eye open just in case the game comes back on from commercial early). 

God has long and longsufferingly declared, "This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; but their heart is far from Me." (Matthew 15:8)

As I have long written: Why should God deliver us from that which we are willing to tolerate?  Tolerance is the buzz word and submission to the god of this world.  If  Christ did return today to deliver us, the majority of "Christians" would crucify Him again and want to go back to Egypt. 

Thus, God is sifting.  The chaff will be canon fodder; the wheat will be refined.

Christ said, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. " (Matthew 24:22)

God decreed numerous times the extent to which He was going to judge His people, but when true repentance was made, even by sole intercessors (such as David, or Moses and Aaron), God drew short the punishment and did not inflict all that He had planned.  

In one way of looking out it, no amount of crying out will change anything: for God has already determined the events that need to transpire before deliverance can happen.  However, it is sort of circular in a time-warp sort of way in which our behaviour, can, in a sense, change things; similarly, in a figurative way, as a few popular t.v. shows or movies, often showed that the future could be changed by those who went back into the past and altered events that upset the flow of time.  Now, I am not saying we can go back and change reality; but we are given the opportunity to be part of the problem or part of the solution.  God determined He would send a drought--but He gave Elijah the privilege of praying that God would stop the rain for 3.5 years; likewise, when God determined to end the drought, He told Elijah to pray for rain--and so Elijah was used in God's Plan.  Likewise with Jonah.  Jonah rebelled.  God gave Jonah opportunity to think it over.  Jonah repented half-way, at least to the point that God could use him, carnal vessel though he was.  Had Elijah or Jonah refused, God would have used someone else.  God's Will would have still been accomplished, but someone else would have been a part of it to receive the blessing.

Similarly, God has already determined who the elect and non-elect are.  Some, spiritually dead or dull of mind may then quip: Then why should we even witness...?  WHY...?  BECAUSE GOD COMMANDED US TO.  If we are truly of God, we will do the works of God; we will be obedient, we will care about our lost and dying brethren.  If we don't, we are not truly His; we have just deluded ourselves into following the traditions of men, with a thin candy-coating of spirituality, but His Words are not in us because we are not really in Him.  Such who are not grafted into the True Vine bear false fruit.  But God, the Husbandman is not fooled.  He knows the difference between wax fruit and the real fruit He ordained that we should bring forth to His Glory.  If we don't care to be obedient in what He commanded (not merely doing what we feel like doing, deluding ourselves into thinking we are obeying and serving and pleasing God) and if we don't care about our family members who are on the road to perdition, then clearly, our spirits have never been quickened by His and we are dead in our trespasses and sin and are only self-deluded.  You can cut down a tree and make a fence post out of a section of the old trunk or boughs... and they will often sprout new, tender, green shoots.  However, it is false life.  It is the death rattle mistaken for true life.  It will not last.  It is not real.  It is an illusion.  Real fruit remains and brings forth more fruit.

Moses stretching forth his rod did not part the Red Sea.  God parted it.  God commanded Moses to stretch it forth so that Moses could play a role in God's Deliverance.  So it is with us and praying for the repentance of His people, and the resultant deliverance.  If we don't pray, not only will we not play a role in His Work, but we show that He is not in us.

Martin Luther declared concerning prayer:

“The hardest work of all—a labour above all labours, since he who prays must wage almighty warfare against the doubt and murmuring excited by the faint-heartedness and unworthiness we feel within us… that unutterable and powerful groaning with which the godly rouse themselves against despair, the struggle in which they call mightily upon their faith. .... Audacious prayer, which perseveres unflinchingly and ceases not through fear, is well pleasing unto God. .... As a shoe maker makes a shoe, or a tailor makes a coat, so ought a Christian to pray.  Prayer is the daily business of a Christian.”

Christ said, "I must be about My Father's Business."  Those who are not about the Father's business, may be demonstrating the fact that they are not the Father's children.  Every tree is known by its fruit.  "Work out your salvation in fear and trembling" is greatly misunderstood.  It is not suggesting a "works oriented" salvation; but a works-recognition.  An apple tree bears apples because it is an apple tree, being designed by the Creator to bear apples.  Christ cursed a fig tree that was spiritually dead, so it shriveled up and died physically too; which was only fitting.  God prunes the dead wood from the family tree, that it produce better.  Work out your salvation in fear and trembling is a parallel to being about our Father's business and bearing the fruit we were ordained to bear, lest we be pruned away as dead useless wood that is merely draining the vitality from the tree and bringing disgrace to the orchard owner / husbandman.

He that hath ears to hear, let him hear....

Revelation 22:11: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still."



Added thought from another email:



problem solved

This would make a lovely television commercial for that credit card, "Cost of airfare, $2,000; cost of hotel room $200; front-row seats for seeing all your enemies destroyed in the blink of an eye... priceless."  Maranatha.  Even so come Lord Jesus.  What is keeping Him from returning?  God's people not turning off the tv and superbowl and getting on their knees and truly repenting and praying for their kinsmen to repent, and not stopping praying until it comes.  Do you want to see more of the picture on the left or the right?  You reap what you sow.  Sow Righteousness.  Of course, it would take about 10,000 such craters (tel aviv, Brussels, Amsterdam, New York, LA, Chicago, DC, Miami, the Vatican, Mexico City, Cairo, Bombay, etc.) and reduce the earth to looking like a moon... but God's going reform the entire earth anyway; so bring it on.  Just one small hint: better carefully choose where you are living before God starts hurling His thunderbolts / asteroids / brimstone.  The righteous will die with the wicked if the righteous have not obeyed and separated themselves.  Holiness requires separation.  That which does not separate itself is not holy.  Do you love righteousness?  Do you hate evil? 


God commands:


"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: He preserveth the souls of His saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked." (Psalm 97:10)


--in context, God preserves the souls of His saints--and His saints are those who truly love Him and those who truly love Him will hate evil.
Proverbs 8:13 re-iterates: "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil."
--the clear implication: those who do not hate evil do not fear the Lord.

[Note, hating evil is not a substitute for loving God.  Also, the converse of the passage does not say, "those who hate evil love the Lord."  That would make God the by-product.  God is Good.  God has declared what is good and what is evil.  Knowing what is evil requires first knowing God.  Hating evil for the wrong reason does not count.  The universe is not a cosmic electrical field in which binary negative or positive charges weigh in regardless of a myriad of factors.  God's Word never teaches "my enemy's enemy is my friend."  That is pagan immorality.  All roads do not lead to Rome.  There are not many ways to God.  As I explain in my books, if a wife's beloved husband gives her flowers, she is delighted; if a perverted stalker sent her the same bunch of flowers, it would not be received except with horror and revulsion.  A Christian donating $1 million to a worthwhile Christian ministry, God views as a pleasing and acceptable sacrifice.  A mobster giving $1 million to the catholic church (giving just a small portion of all the money he acquired through destroying other people's lives), God will certainly reject even as He rejected Cain and his worthless sacrifice.  It was not merely the sacrifice that was rejected, but the evil heart which offered it.]

As David, can you say,

 "21    Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22    I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
23    Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24    And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139)


Only those who can and do, will also be able to claim:

 "7    A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8    Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9    Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10    There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." (Psalm 91)


One more added thought.  The same person who emailed the question at the top of this page, also expressed that he was a bit shocked by my answer that more judgment may actually be the answer to his prayers for our national deliverance; but upon reflection, he realized that my answer rang true.  However, he then thought that the notion of believers of the truth 100 years ago, thinking their dissemination of the truth would save the nations, must have been wrong; but I explained:


I believe maybe you misperceive the believers of the former century thinking that they could change the nations with the dissemination of information.  They could have.  We were at a crossroads.  The potential was there. 

The righteous Hezekiah repented, sought the Lord, and was given more time; as did his evil grandson Manasseh.  Jeroboam was given the opportunity for a perpetual throne greater than David's; Jeroboam took the wrong road.  Josiah, was so godly (though not sinless) that God prevented the fall of the nation for as long as he lived. 

The potential was there... obviously, the end result would have eventually been defection and apostatizing, but that doesn't mean there could not have been a great period of revival and 100 years of more golden years before the funeral. 

Even now, people will only wake up--after God gets their attention with the Judgment--by the dissemination of information.  The mainstream churches don't have the answer, they are part of the beast system; the harlot church. 

If one is spiritually dead or blind, reading the Bible will help only if the Holy Spirit turns the lights on.  I believe in most cases, they will first need books like I write and offer, which act as the decipher code to unlock the cryptic message so they can understand the Bible. 

Ignorant (stiff-necked, proud) Christians will think, "No. God's Word is simple; anyone can just pick it up and read it and understand." 

Well, that is not true. 

Christ purposely spoke in parables so that only the elect of His people would understand.  The rest were not meant to know.  Scripture is clear on this.  Many such things in Christ's teachings, such as parables, or the deep doctrines (which most ignorant Christians misunderstand, not knowing how to interpret the Bible, thinking some laws or principles cancel out or contradict others), and of course prophecy, are not things that just anyone can understand. 

The Bible is a spiritual book and must be discerned spiritually.  Those who are not converted through Christ, having their mind regenerated, cannot understand anything but the most basic level of some teachings: we are sinners, Christ died, God be merciful to me a sinner and save me. 

However, being a Christian is not enough to understand God's Word competently; one must also be walking in the Spirit with the Mind of Christ, not living carnally after the lusts of the flesh.  Further, the deepest treasures of God's Word are alone reserved for those who invest all, as searching for and giving all to purchase when found, the pearl of Great Price. 

Further still, God said because of the sin of His people, He sent spiritual blindness upon them.  This spiritual blindness had not been lifted from the majority, because the majority prefer darkness to light. 

God tells us, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." (Proverbs 25:2)  The word king is used, because, like the funding of Columbus' expedition to the New World, it takes a Regal pocketbook to search such mighty things.  However, the implication is spiritual; those who fulfill their Divine Role with honor, act nobly and sacrifice for the truth (not merely for self-enrichment). 

The apostle Philip was sent to the Ethiopian eunuch (who was a Hebrew, captured or sold and neutered and rose to a high rank of service) who was reading a scroll of Isaiah and Philip asked him if he understood what it meant; he did not. 

If the Bible was simple to understand on every level, on every topic, there would be no need for ministers.  There are many levels of truth in the Word of God.  Its depths are unplummable. 

While the average Christian can understand a lot of truth, if he is truly converted, if his mind has truly been renewed, if he is walking in the spirit, in obedience to God, pleasing God, and actually investing time, of course, he can understand a lot of truth. 

However, as in any discipline, a part-time hobbyist will rarely rise to the level of an Olympic champion or a professional, because of lack of training, dedication, and not merely full-time, but double-full-time investment. 

Thus, God's Judgment, the proliferation of evil in society, God uses to polarize society; to separate the chaff from the wheat.  The wheat will move closer to God and seek Him (while the chaff will unwittingly move closer to the furnace). 

As God's people begin to wake up, they will seek out shepherds to lead them in the truth; to help them understand what they are reading.  If God's people have been brainwashed thinking God abolished His Law then there is no way God's people can repent and seek God.  They will still be groping in the darkness.  If they don't recognize the difference between who God's people are and who God's enemies are, they will not be admitted by God into His Pleasure. 

Those who read God's Word and then look at the world, if they are not utterly brainwashed, will begin to realize that things are just not right.  As they desire to learn more, the Holy Spirit will lead them to clearer, pure waters where they can see and have their minds cleansed. 

As I write in my books and articles: 

When everything goes wrong just right, for the enemy, every single time, it cannot be a mere co-incidence.  If an army loses every single battle, if a football team loses every single play—as if someone is anticipating their every move—it is no co-incidence; it is no mystery; it is a conspiracy: Someone sold / stole the playbook.  A recent reader, who compared by book, Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance to the movie "The Matrix," in which all society is really virtual reality and everything that people see and think is real, is actually a computer code injected into their brain as they are held prisoner by drugs and restraints.  Many people, during "the show" (which they think is reality) notice glitches in the computer code (ever so quick and brief), but most people just shrug their shoulders and ignore them; not caring, not thinking it significant, not wondering, thinking they just imagined it, etc.  Those who start paying attention and refuse to ignore those things are left with a choice.  This reader wrote to me:  “In 2005 I read your monumental book, Uncovering....  It was like the movie "The Matrix" for me.  Do I take the green pill and stay asleep or the red one and see the truth knowing things can never be the same again.”



— Uncivil War, Slavery, Freedom, and Implications for Today and for Survival, The

An interesting read (see the articles below my comments -----------, which spurred my comments):

However, in Custer's defense (See Custer, by Wert, inquire), Custer seems to have had the hand of God protecting him during the so-called Civil War, as with General George Washington (see, The Bullet-proof George Washington, by Barton; inquire) and Frontiersman Simon Kenton (see the superb, The Frontiersman; inquire), numerous times after battle he would have bullet holes all through his coat and hat, but not a scratch on his person, and like Kenton, on more than one occasion, had a pistol shoved in his chest and the trigger pulled and it misfired.  This certainly does not exonerate Custer.  However, one act should not define a person.  The war was awful... brothers actually fighting on opposite sides, sometimes killing each other.  It was an unconstitutional northern invasion and look what our nation is today: a Third-World stew, unthinkable debt, crime, federal tyranny, paganism, perversion... it all started with the unlawful war between the states (which was kicked up a gear during so-called Civil Rights and then once again when the corrupt gov't began inventing false terror attacks, or breeding them, as an excuse to take away our rights in order to protect us).

Further, Custer was given the terrible job of policing the South, ultimately in Texas I believe, not with disciplined, regimented troops, but often with northern prisoners(?) or at least unregimented, untrained troops without any semblance of honor or discipline, and Custer found that controlling his own men was extremely difficult.  Many in his position just let their men do what they wanted, pillage, vandalize, rape, murder southerners and their homes as they passed through... but Custer refused to allow it, and at great danger to himself threatened to brutally whip any soldier who committed a single such forbidden act... and Custer followed up on his threat and was hated by many for it (and I believe may have even faced charges by the army for it), but he controlled his men from depredations against the innocent victims in the South.  Clearly the war was "the northern war of aggression" and there was nothing civil about it except the way the southerners behaved (and I say that as a Northerner, born in a suburb of NW Philadelphia, the birthplace of freedom; though I lived 24 years in South Florida and the past 24 here in the mountains of NE Tennessee).

The war against the south was not only hypocritical (general Grant's family still owned slaves long after the war)... it was a zionist war to destroy the autonomy of the south (so declared in some of their own writings), take control of the vast industry, and bring the nation under federal dictatorship which was then, even in peacetime, slowly subverted, giving more and more power to the feds, stealing it from the states and the people who are the only true holders of all rights.

The so-called Civil War was not fought over slavery; that was just the pretext.  The federal government had even said in the past that slavery was not the issue.  Slaves lived better under slavery in the south than most do in Africa today or in the ghettoes of the U.S. (that is, "once" prosperous neighborhoods they TURNED into ghettoes).  Slaves cost the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars; slaves being abused was rare.  Slaves often cooked the food and helped raise the children of their masters; you would not abuse someone that could poison your food or harm your children.  Many slaves did not want to be freed, some took their masters' names as their own; some stayed on as hired hands.  The movie Amistad only tells half of the story, the black underdog hero, after winning his freedom, returned to Africa and became a slave trader himself--selling his own people into slavery.  How heart-warming.  Why it was never made into a Hallmark movie I will never know.  The Blacks, Arabs, Turks, and Jews dominated the slave trade FOR MILLENNIA.  Whites were only Johnny-come latelies in the last 200 years of slavery (and it was still primarily Jews who owned the slave trading companies, the ships, and were often even the captains)... and the whites were the only ones to treat their slaves humanely.  All other peoples, including blacks themselves (and slavery still exists in parts of Africa) tortured and executed their slaves at whim, often just for sport.  Never did white slave owners do this.  If there was harsh discipline meted out, it was for stealing or rape or such.  The mega-industry of slave propaganda has served only to fuel the fire of race hatred of blacks against whites, and cause whites to irrationally, undeservingly, grovel in shame and false guilt and subject themselves to being raped and murdered and taxed hundreds of billions of dollars to continue to provide welfare for unproductive blacks, and turn our nation into a police state under the guise of protecting us (from the situation the corrupt politicians created in a petrie dish and have run in a breeding program), so that eventually, when large enough, that police power will take over in a full-blown totalitarian state.

We were established as a Christian Constitutional Republic.  The Federal Constitution, while it should have expressed that specifically, did not need to; the US was a confederation of the states and the states' constitutions were all blatantly Christian and therefore a union of those states would be Christian.  Patrick Henry declared, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” (see my series: America, Christianity, Liberty & Truth, for hundreds of such quotes, which would shut the mouths of the subversive "experts" today if the truth was ever given any mainstream representation).   As hard as the framers had to work in wording the Constitution to please all the delegates in matters of politics, I imagine they did not even want to begin arguing about religious wording (which would involve Presbyterian, Baptist, Congregationalist, Episcopalian, Methodist, Quaker, etc., and even Unitarians).

It was a hot, stifling summer, they did not have air conditioning nor even electric fans; the statehouse in Phila. (which I have visited many times; see photo from 1987, when I was actually living in Wash.DC/MD, working as a carpenter before going back to college to complete my degrees in psychology and theology) was not well ventilated, people exercised modesty and decorum in their dress (no one wore t-shirts and shorts in public), and the delegates still operated with consciences lawfully, not as carpetbaggers and robber barons... they only met for a short time, then they went back to their homes and worked their real jobs; being a member of Congress was not a full-time job, in which you get paid for the full year, do a lot of busy work, ruin the country, then run around pursuing your own pleasure while you are being paid... they did the job, then went home. 


Eventually, some time after the so-called Civil War (I would guess during FDR it became more common), mind-shapers began referring dishonestly, subversively to our nation as a "Democracy."  Our Founders were geniuses.  Though Jefferson was not there, he helped guide the process by letter, in communication with Madison.  Jefferson and Franklin were two of the world's greatest minds of their day.  In fact, one time John F. Kennedy at a special dinner at the white house for something like 50 Nobel Prize candidates, expressed, "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."  Our Founders studied history, even ancient history (Jefferson, the polymath and polyglot that he was, first learned the ancient languages, Latin, Greek, Anglo-Saxon, so he could read the classics in the original, not missing anything by faulty translation).  They KNEW Democracy DID NOT LAST--because of corrupt men in leadership.  That is why Jefferson expressed, "In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.... Experience has shown, that even under the best forms [of government] those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.... History in general, only informs us what bad government is.  Blest is that nation whose silent course of happiness furnishes nothing for history to say."  THEY DID NOT establish us as a Democracy, but a Constitutional Republic.  WHEN did politicians stop referring to "The Republic" and start referring to us as "a Democracy" or being founded upon so-called "Democratic Principles"...?  It is only through supreme ignorance or treason that anyone does so.  It did not help that of the two main political parties one was called the Democrats.  But then again, the name of a political party does not constitute any legal representation of our actual form of government.  It makes no more sense to say that our nation was founded on "elephant" or "donkey" principles (the mascots or symbols of those parties).

[In fact, in reading Richard Hoskins', War Cycles Peace Cycles, (inquire) it seems that in Lincoln's day the Democrats were the good guys and the Republicans the liberals?  If that is true, then it is not surprising, for nearly everything in corrupt politics (which is the only kind; the only way to change it is to have a COMPLETE PURGE, and start over) is based upon the principles of "confuse and conquer" and "bait and switch".  Of course, now, both parties are merely playing subversive roles: good cop, bad cop, stupid cop, etc.  There is little difference between the two; they are both guilty of high treason and the subversion of our nation.  They don't argue in trying to pass bills because they don't agree--they argue to put on a show (just like the phoney elections); they argue to create busy work and the illusion that they are actually accomplishing something and that they are actually dedicated and working hard (to collect their $250,000/year paycheck & benefit package & pension for the rest of their lives for having dismantled our Republic, scuttled our ship of state, and destroyed our nation.)]

However, any modern politician who refers to "Democratic principles" or calls us "a Democracy" declares his ignorance or that he is a traitor and conspirator in the overthrow of the true government of the U.S. and such politicians need to be called on this simple point and asked point blank which it is—

"Are you utterly ignorant of American History and the U.S. Constitution (and if so why were you ever elected to office) or are you guilty of High Treason and sedition in the willful subversion and attempted overthrow of the U.S. government (and if so why are you not swinging in the gallows)?" 

I have politely emailed several journalists who ignorantly use the D-word, asking them why they use the D-word when we are not a democracy but a Republic, but they never answer.

However, in truth, we are now neither a democracy or a republic, but a socialist state.  We follow to the T the 10 planks of the communist manifesto.  HOW can a government 100% follow the communist rulebook for government, and not be communist?  It cannot.  Democracy, then, was the transition stage froma Republic,  freedom, and Christianity - to Communism, slavery, godlessness, and debt.


Additional thought:

Of course it is inanely considered "politically incorrect" for anyone but the establishment to celebrate the defeat of their enemies... but Scripture says,

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Proverbs 29:2)

This necessitates rejoicing when the evil fall. 

God's Universal Law of the Harvest tells us:

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)

People sow what they want, so why should we not celebrate when they reap what they chose to sow...?

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind" (Hosea 8:7)

God commands us:

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil" (Psalm 97:10)

and Scripture tells us:

"The fear of the LORD is to hate evil" (Proverbs 8:13)  

If Christians does not hate evil and rejoice in its destruction, they do not love God; nor do they fear Him.

"Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked." (Psalm 91:8)

"... the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction... they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath." (Job 21:30)

We should pray imprecatory prayers: prayers that the wicked receive the full measure of Judgment they deserve from God. Of course, we should pray that if any of God's people are involved, that God brings them to repentance to turn from their wicked ways so they are not destroyed with the wicked; but that if they are not God's people that God swiftly destroys them and their entire families from off the face of the earth so they can no longer afflict others.  As I write in many of my books, "Why should God deliver us from that which we are willing to tolerate?"  (He won't).  When we get serious, so will God get serious on our behalf.  When we turn from our own sinfulness, apathy, etc., then He will hear our prayers once we actually start to pray.


-------- Original Message ----

A very popular book in the North, Sherman’s (1875) Memoirs went far to further exacerbate sectional hatred as he condemned the South and “took an almost lustful pride in describing the tremendous power his hand had wielded in spreading terror and destruction.” Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission "Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty" www.ncwbts150.com "The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"   A Bitter Road to Forced Reunion “If the [Southern] prisons constituted a Northern grievance the South likewise had its hurtful memories.  While Northerners blamed the evil genius of slavery for the war, Southerners [like Major T.G. Barker speaking in Charleston in 1870:] pointed the finger of responsibility to “those men who preached the irrepressible conflict to the Northern people” and “helped to bring on that unlawful and unholy invasion of the South.” The South felt that it had been betrayed.  [The Southern Review in 1867 said:] “Assuredly the subjected portions of this imperial republic (so called), with the bitter experience they have of outraged honour, justice, and humanity, on the part of those once their associates and friends, can never again by any possibility trust that vast engine of tyranny, a consolidated popular Union, nor derive from it one ray of hope for their own welfare, or for the happiness of mankind.” It was to this “deep spirit of hate and oppression toward the Southern people,” and not to the necessities of war, that the South attributed the vast destruction of its property. The ineradicable sense of injury felt by the South took concrete form in condemning the ravages committed by General Sherman’s army in Georgia and South Carolina.  “No tongue will ever tell, no pen can record the horrors of that march,” wrote an intimate associate of General Joseph E. Johnston whose surrender to Sherman is sometimes pictured as a love feast. “Ten generations of women will transmit, in whispers to their daughters, traditions of unspeakable things.” The hurt was accentuated by Northern pride in the achievement.  The South resented the arrogant and jeering tone of the song, “Marching Through Georgia,” and bridled when Northern orators described Sherman’s army going through the conquered land “like a plow of God.”  Sherman personified all that the South had suffered. The most contentious bone . . . was the destruction of Columbia.  Sherman’s own defense was to blame General Wade Hampton . . . [and] the charge was made deliberately in Sherman’s official report.  “I did it,” he later wrote, “to shake the faith of his people in him, for he was, in my opinion, a braggart, and professed to be the special champion of South Carolina.” [The South] cherished a hateful image of the martyred Lincoln . . . who carried out in action his prophesy of war and destruction. He and his Cabinet, wrote the Southern Review, had a “perfect comprehension of the passions, prejudices, susceptibilities, vices and virtues . . . of the people upon whom they had to practice.  They knew every quiver of the popular pulse . . . They were masters of every artifice that could mystify and mislead, and of every trick that could excite hope, or confidence, or rage . . . They filled their armies, established their financial system, controlled the press, and silenced opposition, by the same ingenious and bold imposture.” The South sneered at a North which observed the Fourth of July and “at the same time denounced as damnable heresy the doctrines of the Declaration of Independence.” When Chicago was destroyed by fire in 1871 it was considered . . . [a] demonstration of Divine vengeance,” because it had been in Chicago that “the rowdy Lincoln, the prime agent of our woes, was nominated.” [After the death of] General Custer in the massacre of 1876,  it was remembered in Virginia that the gallant martyr of the Little Big Horn was also the Custer who had executed seven captured Confederates of Mosby’s command without treating them as prisoners of war.” (The Road to Reunion, Paul Buck, Little, Brown and Company, 1937, pp. 48-49; 52-55)

Posted byBrock TownsendatFriday, June 13, 2014 http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2014/06/ten-generations-of-women-will-transmit.html


http://www.ncwbts150.com/index.php North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial "A State Forced Out of the Union" The Official Website of the North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission "Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty "

"On 1 May [1861, Governor John W. Ellis] addressed the opening session of the General Assembly. Declaring that “the right now asserted by the constituted authorities of that government [in Washington], to use military force for the purpose of coercing a State to remain in the Union against its will, finds no warrant in the Constitution,” Ellis proceeded to demonstrate that neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution gave or intended to give such authority to the central government.”

Alexander Hamilton's View in 1788:

“In reading many of the publications against [ratification of] the Constitution, a man is apt to imagine that he is perusing some ill-written tale or romance . . . A sample of this is to be observed in the exaggerated and improbable suggestions which have taken place respecting the power of calling for the services of the militia.  That of New Hampshire to be marched to Georgia, of Georgia to New Hampshire, of New York to [Kentucky] . . . At one moment there is to be a large army to lay prostate the liberties of the people; at another moment the militia of . . . Massachusetts is to be transported . . . to subdue the refractory haughtiness of the aristocratic Virginians. Do the persons, who rave at this rate, imagine, that their art or their eloquence can impose any conceits or absurdities upon the people of America for infallible truths?

If we were even to suppose the national rulers actuated by the most ungovernable ambition, it is impossible to believe that they would employ such preposterous means to accomplish their designs. In times of insurrection or invasion it would be natural and proper for the militia of a neighboring State should be marched into another to resist a common enemy or to guard the republic against the violences of faction or sedition.” Publius


Website Introduction by Dr. Clyde N. Wilson:

"Our reputation, next to the Greeks, will be the most heroic of nations." General James J. Pettigrew, writing home on the march toward Gettysburg with his North Carolina Brigade.

"The Sesquicentennial observance of the War Between the States is not going to be anything like the Civil War Centennial observance. Fifty years ago, there was a broad consensus about American history.  The War was viewed as a national tragedy, with good and bad on both sides, from which a strong nation had fortunately emerged. The War was furthermore a vast treasury of great people and great deeds, on both sides, a source of inexhaustible interest and celebration for Americans. America in 2011 is a very different country than America in 1961. The long march of cultural Marxism (political correctness) through American institutions, which began in the 1930's, has achieved most of its objectives.  Schools at every level, media, clergy, government agencies, and politicians are now captive to a false dogma of history as conflict between an evil past and the forces of revolution struggling toward a glorious future (This is exactly the way that Karl Marx, who knew nothing about America, described The War).

In regard to the War Between the States, the PC regime means that the demonisation of the South, chronic throughout American history, has re-emerged with a vengeance. The War is a morality play of good versus evil -- specifically of the freedom-loving forces of the North heroically and nobly vanquishing Southern traitors fighting with no other motive than to preserve the evil institution of slavery.  Gone are the days when Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill could speak in praise of the honour and courage of the Confederacy, its leaders, soldiers, and people. When Robert E. Lee was an exemplary hero for all Americans. Gone are the days when Confederates were shown in movies and television as admirable characters. Gone the days when mainstream American historians had come to an understanding of The War as a complex event, the causes of which were multiple -- economic, cultural, and political, brought to crisis by extremism and political machinations.

It is now established with Soviet party-line rigour that The War was "caused by" and "about" slavery and nothing but slavery. ....


[see above link for the rest of this as well as other articles there.

—Liberty or Tyranny...?

Below are a few thoughts from my book, Teach us to Pray....  Robert


Scripture informs us concerning the godly Josiah, a mere 8 years old when he ascended the throne of Israel of the Southern House of Judah: “And he did that which was right in the Sight of the Lord, and walked in all the way of David his [fore] father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left” (II Kings 22:2).

In the 18th year of his reign, Josiah commanded a renovation of the Temple of the Lord.  During those repairs, a copy of the Law was found hid inside a hollow wall or under a paving stone (it being supposed that Ahaz, Manasseh, and Amon had attempted to destroy all the copies of the Law of God).  It was taken and read before the King and Scripture records:

“And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the book of the Law, that he rent his clothes.  And the king commanded Hilkiah the priest... saying, Go ye, enquire of the Lord for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that is found: for great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do according unto all that which is written concerning us.” (II Kings 22:11,13)

The priest went and consulted a prophetess (which in itself is significant*).

[* This possibly parallels the example of God’s use of Deborah as a judge in Israel (before the days of the kings) as an indicator of how spiritually and morally bankrupt the nation had become, that God used a woman to judge them.  Likewise here, was there no prophet to be found with the spirit of God upon him?  Clearly the priest and the scribe named in the story were of no help; otherwise Josiah would have not sought it elsewhere.  Adam Clarke in his Commentary§ (1810) keenly remarks:

“We find from this, and we have many facts in all ages to corroborate it, that... [the religious leaders of the day] may, in some cases, not possess the true knowledge of God; and that a simple woman, possessing the life of God in her soul, may have more knowledge of the Divine testimonies than many of those whose office it is to explain and enforce them.”   {Brackets mine. R.A.B.} The prophetess Huldah warned that God’s Wrath would come upon His people for their sin; however, for King Josiah she had a special word from the Lord:

    “Because thine heart was tender, and thou hast humbled thyself before the Lord, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, that they should become a desolation and a curse, and hast rent thy clothes, and wept before me; I also have heard thee, saith the Lord.  Behold therefore, I will gather thee unto thy fathers, and thou shalt be gathered into thy grave in peace; and thine eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring upon this place.” (II Kings 22:19,20)

Arthur Wallis, with penetrating insight, eloquently expressed a timeless truth, when he wrote that before true revival comes, in the face of a sinful and wicked generation:

    “There is a thirst too for the truth of God.  Believers begin to crave for a deeper understanding of God’s Word; they search it as for hidden treasure and rejoice in it as one that findeth great spoil.  There is often a healthy unwillingness to accept without question all that is taught and accepted as orthodox.  A spirit of inquiry and discernment necessitates a fresh examination of what Scripture has to say.  There is often a purging of the floor of truth which scatters the chaff of human tradition and interpretation.  James Burns* points out... [the serious flaw in the carnal mind that has] ‘...power to see only that which corresponds to current opinion, and of failing to see, not by conscious rejection, but by a strange incapacity, everything that opposes it.  Every age is imprisoned in its own conceptions, and has to be set free by the master minds which refuse to be enslaved.’ ” (pp.230,231; In The Day Of Thy Power) {Brackets and footnote mine.  —R.A.B.}

     * Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders (1909).]

U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, concerning political revival and renovation expressed:

“In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.... Experience has shown, that even under the best forms [of government] those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.... History in general, only informs us what bad government is.  Blest is that nation whose silent course of happiness furnishes nothing for history to say.... Resistence to tyrants is obedience to God.... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.... God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such rebellion.”*

[* I should point out that rebellion here is a poor choice of words.  Since our government established our political representatives to be our public servants, there can be no rebellion against renegade servants.  In fact, the public servants are in rebellion (and treason) when they violate the Constitution, their oath of office, and their sacred public trust.  It is not “rebellion” for the people to demand their servants to obey the law of the land—it is reformation...!  Jefferson also said, “What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?”  Jefferson clearly referred to “ruler” in in limited and specific context, for he also expressed: “When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.”  It is not rebellion to resist tyrants (much less elected officials or those appointed by them all of whom are public servants) who violate the law they swore to uphold and are themselves in rebellion and treason.  “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)  Those who turn a blind eye to evil are themselves culpable as accomplices.  Even in the Old Testament the kings of Israel (and even heathen nations) were crowned by the people under contract with the stipulation that the people would obey the king as long as the king obeyed God (Judges 8:22, Judges 9:6, II Kings 14:21, I Samuel 12:1, II Chronicles 23:3).  Scottish Presbyterian pastor Rev. Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661) in his Lex, Rex [“The Law and The King”] (1643) wrote:

“...God has given no absolute and unlimited power to the king above the law.... When the magistrate doth anything by violence, and without law, in so far doing against his office, he is not a magistrate.  Then, say I, that power by which he doth, is not of God.  None doth, then, resist the ordinance of God who resist the king in tyrannous acts.... an unjust king, as unjust, is not that genuine ordinance of God.... if the office of a tyrant... be contrary to a king’s office, it is not from God and so neither is the power from God.... the king is obliged to God for the maintenance of true religion therefore when the king defendeth not true religion [Christianity], but presseth upon the people a false and idolatrous religion [anything other than Christianity]... they are not under the king, but are presumed to have no king... and are presumed to have [retained] the power in themselves, as if they had not appointed any king at all.... if we presume the body had given to the right hand a power to ward off strokes and to defend the body; if the right hand should by a palsy, or some disease, become impotent, and be withered up,* when ill is coming on the body, it is presumed that the power of defense is recurred to the left hand, and to the rest of the body to defend itself in this case as if the body had no right hand, and had never communicated any power to the right hand.... if therefore he [any ruler] defend not religion [Christianity] for the salvation of the souls of all in his public and royal way, it is presumed as undeniable that the people of God, who by the law of nature are to care for their own souls are to defend in their way true religion, which so nearly concerneth them and their eternal happiness.”

* —how much more relevant then, if the right hand, out of malice, mental derangement, or delusion, begins to attack its own body...?  Note mine. R.A.B.

The spirit of Jefferson’s statement should also be applied to the Church.  As the story of Josiah shows us, in time, for whatever reason, the truth, in the hands of sinful men is inevitably perverted, corrupted, supplanted and we stray far from the Standard of God’s Word (and some even attempt to “rewrite” the Standard, for which they shall be judged).  There ought to be perennial periods of refreshing, renewal, renovation, and revival and a call for the return to the true path, based upon the clear words contained in Holy Writ—not based upon modern, liberal notions of those “enlightened” by “political correctness” and humanistic notions of right and wrong (which are almost always the opposite of what God has declared in His Word).  The blood of Christ should be continually applied to cleanse both the individual and the collective body of believers from all corruption that has found its way in, like a cancer, to destroy the true Church from within.  Even as our hearts need to be purged and cleansed on a regular basis, so also needs the Church to cleansed by fire (the Holy Spirit of Truth who guides into all truth those who are willing to follow) and purged of its dross continually.   Christ said:

Stand fast [a military command] in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free and become not again entangled with the yoke of bondage.

Occupy [a military command] till I come.

We are not to surrender to evil, nor hold hands with it.]


English Puritan William Law in The Power of the Spirit, offers some very terse, but true words, in regard to the righteousness and obedience of professing believers:

“[The average Christian possesses] ... blind believism which imagines faith to consist of a mere idea rightly affirmed with the lips, but knows nothing of a real faith that possesses within the heart.  So men imagine that to believe in Jesus Christ is something that can be done apart from obeying Him, because they do not know Him as the Lord who reigns and lives within.  As well imagine that a command is only to be believed but not obeyed, or that a tree is not known by its fruit.  ‘I will show you my faith by my works,’ said the apostle; and if this is the only way faith can be shown, then any faith which is not thus one with its works is no faith at all.

    “James said, ‘As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.’  Most pointedly this Scripture makes clear that devoutness and piety do not consist in a mere right understanding of these things that a man may profess without the fruits thereof, for works cannot be separated from its faith, or James could show his faith alone without its works.  He only is the devout man who lives no longer to his own will or the way and spirit of the world, but to the will of God alone.  He who considers God in everything, serves God in everything, who makes every moment of his daily life a real part of God’s will on earth by doing everything in the name of Christ; he alone can be called the pious man.  For if a man say he has faith, but does not evidence a life that produces the works of God, James tells us most emphatically that ‘faith alone’ cannot save him.* (pp. 180-181.)

[* ie. such a fruitless man’s faith is dead; not real.  R.A.B.]

    “....So it is that for lack of this basic intention to surrender all to Christ, the church today is an open fraud of mere lip profession to that faith and divine love that once burned as a fire from heaven in those who ‘turned the world upside down.’

    “If you will but stop to ask yourself why your brand of Christianity is hardly recognizable as related to that which primitive Christians knew, your own heart will tell you that it is primarily because you never thoroughly intended to live as they lived and to die as they died.  You sing of your devotion to the same Lord, and profess to believe the same New Testament doctrines as the early disciples.  You have the same promises from the Lord of the fulness of the Spirit, the divine nature, and all that pertains to life and godliness.  You would never hope to get to heaven through a faith any different than theirs, but you have believed Satan’s lie that it is possible to have the same faith as the first Christians without manifesting the same works as they.  And if you are honest you will admit that this lie has been gladly received because you have not really had the heart intention to walk as Jesus walked.*  Did you but have this intention to please God in all your actions, as being the happiest and best choice for life in this world, you would then find yourself as unwilling to deny Christ with your life as you are now unwilling to deny Him with your lips.  And would you but add to this intention a simple faith in the promises of God in Christ, you would find yourself living in the same denial of self and as contrary to the world as fishermen apostles did in their day.” (pp.,182-183.)

[* So many professed believers today are like the rich young ruler who went away sad, not wanting to sacrifice what he deemed more important in life, in order to truly follow Christ.  R.A.B.]

    “....the question is not whether gospel perfection can be fully attained, but whether you come as near it as a sincere intention and careful diligence can carry you through faith in Christ. .... Can you really call yourself a follower of Christ without at least intending to follow Him all the way? .... Can a man who has this saving faith then fail to manifest those works which the Scripture so plainly tells us are the direct consequence of the new creation? .... that man who does not so much as intend to manifest in all his ways these works which God has ordained for him has denied the very faith which he otherwise professes. .... Works without faith is the dead and unacceptable offering of the sinful flesh; and faith without works is a fraud, a false profession of that which is dead because it does not have the life of God in it; and this is proven by the lack of fruit of the Spirit.  God holds out to our faith the blessing and power of the Holy Spirit as our all in all, filling us with the life of Christ, causing us to overflow with rivers of living water.” (pp.186,188,189)


Lex Rex (1644), Rutherford, 340p., Hb., (framers of Constitution drew idea “consent of governed” from here; rulers have authority from God, through people, only when rulers obey God), 22.00 + P&H.  In stock and available from me, as are also:

- Aaron’s Rod Blossoming (1646), George Gillespie (minister at Edinburgh) 7.25 x 10.25 276pp., Hb., treatise on the Biblical view of separation of church and state; 20.00 + P&H.

- The Civil Magistrates’ Power (1653 edition, modernly retype-set), Thomas Cobbett (introduction by Pastor John Weaver, who states, “Cobbett deals with the civil magistrate’s power based upon the bounds and grounds of Scripture. He lays down the Scriptural limitation of government and their authority.”); 170pp., Hb., 25.00 + P&H (this & Lex Rex were 2 of main books used by our founding fathers in establishing our nation.)

- Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, a Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants, Or, of the Lawful Power of the Prince Over the People, and of the People Over the Prince (1579 Latin; 1689 English translation; 1924 ed. in modern type-face w/ historical introduction by Harold J. Laski, and Modern Publisher’s 18-page new, illustrated Historical Introduction and Note Concerning the Author of the 1924 Historical Introduction by R.A.B.) “Stephanus Junius Brutus,” pen name for Huguenot Reformer Hubert Languet; 229pp., original + 18pp., new intro., pb., 18.00 + P&H.

- In the Day of Thy Power: The Scriptural Principles of Revival, Arthur Wallis, 297pp., pb., 15.00 + P&H.  This is a book on God moving in His Spirit to bring them to repentance, not a book about “revival meetings.”   An incredible book.

P&H = 10% (4.00 minimum)

— The New Conquistadores - Will They Conquer Christendom...?

Please go to this link and then read my below comments which refer to various points in the article.







My comments below in brackets.  For what they are worth. 

As long as our governmental representatives are perverse and cater to perverts, no business is safe; the only option is for all churches to UNINCORPORATE, because a corporation is not a right but  a privilege granted by the state and all corporations can be taxed or legislated out of existence at the whim of the state (again, if the people allow immoral people to change the laws... which they do every year).

The line is being drawn in the sand.  Which side will you be on?  Like the showdown between Moses and Korah et al.  I should also point out that by not choosing, you have already made your choice (and it is not choosing to side with God).



Just days before the convention.... pastor Danny Cortez....

[Cortez.   This is what happens when the heirs of Christendom surrender their heritage and responsibility to the third world; seating the dogs at the master's table as equals with the Master's children (forcing them to simply ignore or smile when the dogs poop on the table or bite the children, not letting the children even eat), soon to unseat the master's children and force them to eat from the crumbs that fall under the table.  Here we have a new Cortez (which means "cuts" or "courts" and he is certainly courting danger and has cut himself off from the grace of God--that is, if he was ever party to it.  He represents the leader of the new conquistadores, who will attempt to conquer, not the barbarian cannibal Aztecs of Mexico, but morality and Christendom with a perverse crime that God condemns as an abomination with the same penalty as those who commit murder, offer sacrifice (human or otherwise) to pagan gods, or who would eat human flesh.]


 In the letter, Cortez describes a sunny day at the beach

[Amazing... it has nothing to do with the Word of God.  He simply changed his mind while on the beach.  A true scholar and Christian and moral leader that all can look up to!  The blind leading the blind.]


Shortly thereafter, he told his 15-year-old son ....

[How disgusting.  "Touched By An Angel" Theology, as I call it.  To them, God is an impotent, doting, senile old grandfather who just smiles at everything; such "Christians" have no concept of holiness, sin, judgment, repentance, suffering of the innocent victim to provide atonement (which covers the HIDEOUSNESS of sin, initially by the slaughter of innocent animals, then the perfect Lamb of God Who was typified in the animal sacrifices which only provided temporary atonement until Christ came--and it was not the animal sacrifices which saved, but the repentance of the offerant in conjunction with the faith of God's forgiveness), etc.  He probably already knew his son was perverse and that is why he "changed" his view--as most so-called "Christians" (who are not Christians, but humanists) do.  The majority of so-called "Christians" (who are not Christians, because they do not follow or obey Christ, they follow themselves) are experientially based, not revelationally based; they determine what they believe according to their own experience, what is good for them--what THEY WANT to believe; the only true faith is based on what God has said and it is uncompromising and never changes.]


According to the pastor, ....   

[Sadly, regardless of the SBC's position on perversion, it should be rather irrelevant what the position of the "SBC’s confession of faith, the Baptist Faith & Message" is, but what God's Word says on the matter.  This is the FIRST STEP away from God.  Referring to the official church handbook rather than the Word of God.  It removes God one step from the picture.  It desensitizes the congregant into placing face in the official denomination board (which can be elected, deposed, and which can vote and change what the "official position" actually is; rather than placing complete faith and obedience in God Himself.]


In his letter, the pastor said....


[It is not grace in the midst of disagreement, it is "grace" in the midst of perversion--which is disgrace!  It is blasphemy against God.  "Third Way" church...!  WHERE do they come up with such nonsense... WHAT are they smoking...?  HOW can they still call themselves "Christian"...?  Christ did not bless sodomites or harlots and pat them on the head and say have a wonderful life.   IF they were REPENTANT He said, "GO AND SIN NO MORE."   This is profound spiritual DELUSION.  This is why cancer is cut out of a healthy body; it is not simply left to spread and call it "alternative cell identity" or "third way cellular aberration."  "Christians" who tolerate and embrace such are not Christians, they are not followers of Christ.  Christ declared, "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 10:33)  It is a DENIAL of Christ when one does not stand up for the truth.  Christ said "I am the way the TRUTH and the life.  To change His Name and call him "Julio" and change His Doctrine to agree with your own sinful lifestyle or mindset, is not following Christ, is evidence of nonconversion, is evidence of reprobation and forcing God to conform to what man wants.  This reducing God to a concept and he next step beyond this is to do away with the concept of God altogether.]


Pastor Cortez cited Wilson’s argument....

[Sorry, but God's Word has commanded such judgment be cast... when the matter is blatant sin that God condemns.  "Judge not that ye be not judged" is twisted out of context in such applications.  Only someone looking for an excuse to embrace his own sin uses this passage in a twisted manner of Swiss cheese theology, anti-intellectualism, and secular humanism (though Captain Cortez did not mention this verse--or ANY OTHER verse; oddly, he undertakes a MAJOR "doctrinal" position and offers no verse of Scripture in support; only vague innuendo of generic humanistic philosophy; such is indicative of being spiritually dead... only a carnal mind led astray by the emotions which cannot understand the Word of God--in fact, it does NOT WANT to understand the Word of God, only twist it to its own use).  MANY other passages of Scripture command us not only to judge, discern, test, and prove, but also to excommunicate and even deliver unto Satan if the so-called "Christian" refuses to repent.]


But, there is no third way....

[There are NO "theological" differences.  It is humanism vs. theology.  Those who reject what God's Word says in favor of what they want to believe, have rejected theology and have rejected God; which is proof that they have been rejected OF God.  God does not honor what I have referred to as "Smorgasbord Christianity."  You cannot pick and choose what you want from God's Word and disregard the rest as unwanted garbage.  Christ and God are not LORD unless you submit to God and what He said.  That is why Christ rhetorically asked, "Why call ye Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say?" (the unstated answer being, "--because I am not your Lord") and for this reason Christ also said, "Not all who call unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom, but those who do the Will of My Father which is in Heaven... and many on that day will declare, 'but did we not do all these good works in Thy Name?" and Christ will reply to them, "depart from Me ye that work iniquity, I never knew you."  You cannot ride the fence, remain uncommitted, or neutral.  You must choose sides. Christ said, "If you are not for Me you are against Me; if ye gather not with Me (do the very work that I am doing--the Will of My Father), ye scatter abroad" (you do the work of the enemy, seeking to undo My Work, working against Me).  Joshua said, "Choose you this day."  Scripture tells us, "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey" (Romans 6:16).  That is, "you reveal who your actual Lord is by whom you choose to serve."  Lipservice does not show who ones Lord is.  Who you obey shows who your Lord is.  The 3 young Hebrew men facing the fiery furnace did not give God lipservice in the privacy of their closet, but openly obeyed and acknowledged the only true God and the only true faith and obeyed Him.

    Not only has he accepted his own son's perversion, but all perversions in the cluster of LGBT--and God's condemnation of them is all the same.  God even declared, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." (Deut. 22:5) and even "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind." (I Corinthians 6:9)

    In addition to abominable pairings, he therefore endorses all forms of adultery and fornication and abusing the relationship and body God created.

    Most people have no idea of what these perverts actually do, they simply watch perverse tv shows and movies that have desensitized them into laughing and smiling about people who act "silly" but which never portray their filth and perversion or immoral rage when they do not get their way.  Most normal people don't want to know what these perverse people do... yet they are guilty of endorsing their behavior by turning a blind eye and giving them protection and rights for which God will judge the entire nation.  The typical male homosexual is not monogamous, but each weekend will have sex with about a dozen different men in all sorts of unwholesome acts.  During "gay pride" or other such perverse parades in San Francisco or elsewhere, not only do hundreds of perverts bicycle or walk around completely naked--in full view of children (HOW is that not a crime?)--but they also partake in open sexual acts in the streets and alleys and sidewalks in full public view... and the police stand around and do nothing.  Yet the image the average person has of a homo is a nice dressing, neat and articulate man who is a good fashion, designer, house decorator, and cook with a funny attitude.

    He waffles and equivocates when he refers to "different positions" on divorce and remarriage.  The only reason there are different positions in this matter is because: 1. people don't understand Scripture (due to poor translation and misunderstanding false conclusions are drawn, because they don't understand Scripture in context) or 2. because they simply choose to disobey God in favor of what man wants.  There is NO "wiggle room" in Scripture on the issue of gender perversion and fornication.]


But in the very next paragraph, he writes: ....

[Those who voted to be traditional?  the very concept is incomprehensible.  Clearly, they were in minority; they must leave "in shame."  But why do they wait until June 8?  Period of reconciliation and forgiveness...? THERE CAN BE NO reconciliation or forgiveness until people actually repent of their sin!  If those moral Christians who are leaving "bless" those they leave, why then are they even leaving.  To bless what God has cursed is to curse God.]


In two successive paragraphs the pastor refutes himself....

[What does that even mean?  I guess he means that it used to be held that is not a sin to be perverse, only to practice the perversion; but now they will turn a blind eye to those who practice their perversion and accept them too...?  What is their position on beastiality?  Will that change too next time he is at the beach or the zoo?]


And his church did not unanimously “agree to disagree,” ....

[reductionistically binary - amazing how perverse minds make up all sorts of nonsensical words and phrases to avoid dealing with the real issue; it is amazing how INTOLERANT those are who cry for tolerance; and how PREJUDICED and DISCRIMINATING are those who cry against prejudice and discrimination.  The bottom line: we (traditional, moral Christians) have no right to exist.  That is Communism in a nutshell.  It champions equality for all until they are in power, and then the liquidation begins.

    The sinfulness is not in the act itself, but in the nature.  Christ said that which goeth into a man does not defile a man (not talking about unclean food, but the pharisees obsessive-compulsive disorder from their guilty consciences because they refused to submit to God, so they devised their own endless hand-washing rituals for purification, which they claimed had to be done before eating)... but that which proceeded out of a man defileth a man... that is, a man's nature itself is either vile or not.  A tree bearing apples does not make it an apple tree, an apple tree bears apples because it is an apple tree.  Christ said sin begins in the heart, even if it does not translate itself into actions.  It is not merely same sex "acts" that are sinful--but the very thoughts themselves.]


Interestingly, a recent point of agreement on this essential point ....

[again, what perverse phrases that seek to corrupt and destroy all that is valid. "Emerging" church... is that like an "emerging virus"...? (seems so).  It is not a church if it is not Christian.  It is a pagan temple; but not a church.]


“And the same goes for an individual congregation. ...

[Those who are intolerant pretend they are tolerant, until they have the numbers to reveal their own intolerance; the same goes for the evangelists of "equality;" communism progresses in the same manner.  Only when they feel secure and have the numbers are they brave enough to tell the truth about what they really believe.  Christ Himself said, as we saw, that you are either for Him or against Him; there is no middle ground, and Christ said, "I would thou wert cold or hot.  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." (Rev. 3:15,16)]


Once again, Tony Jones gets right to the essential point....

[This is confusing... are they all planning on showing up on Sunday, just to then formally leave? or have they already left and in reality the exodus has already taken place and they will be "no-shows" this coming Sunday...?]


Now, the Southern Baptist Convention also faces a moment of unavoidable decision. ....

[Amazingly, the baptist convention places higher authority in its own constitution than in the Bible... the unpardonable sin by their own confession is "not being in cooperation with" or "violating" THE CONVENTION... not God or His Word... and of course the Convention/Constitution can be changed in any point of doctrine, any time they are paid off or eventually when enough perverts are voted into positions of power.  "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." (Mark 7:7)]


There is nothing but heartbreak in this situation. ...

[I disagree.  It is not heartbreak.  These people were never Christians.  This is merely the situation that brought the pimple to a head.  Those who leave ought to rejoice that finally they are exercising spiritual discernment (for how could they have "fellowshipped" with the majority who choose perversion over God and how could they have sat under the "teaching" of and supported someone so reprobate...?  There should be no remorse for Sodom and Gomorrah.  Like Ninevah, they had the chance to repent; though God did not send a prophet to warn them because they were so far gone they were not worth saving.  All that was to be done was to save out the few who could be saved.  As I have long written, you don't leave a handful of good apples in a bushel with all the rotten and wormy ones, thinking they will be a good influence on them.  It is a one way street.  Likewise, you don't waste salt (as preservative for storage, not as a seasoning) on meat already spoiled rotten.  "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us." (I John 2:19)]


I am confident that the Southern Baptist Convention will act in accordance with its own convictions...

[confident that they will act in accordance with his convictions... but that does not mean that their "convictions" are actually Biblical....?  THAT remains to be seen.]


—Is God a Racist? Will God destroy the righteous with the wicked? If so, Why? What can can we do about it? What does God expect of us?

[This is an early version (not complete or polished) of Appendix E of my book, Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Zechariah 4, which is 378 pages, paperback; now available.]


[Introductory Note: The word "Yahweh" is not a cultic expression.  Yahweh is God Almighty's Name, which has been kept hidden from His people by the use of GOD and LORD (when in full caps in most English Bible translations) or sometimes obscurred by the word Jehovah, which is an invented name; which inserts backwards the vowels of the Hebrew Name of God Adone (meaning, "sovereign, lord, master") among the consonants of the Hebrew Name of God YHWH (sometimes translated as "I am that I am" it means, "I exist"; that is, by His Own Power; thus, "the Self-existant One").  The letters "Y" and "J" and "I" are basically all the same letter; the J as pronounced (as in jam) in modern English is a relatively recent invention; the J used to be a Y as it still is in most languages (German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Lithuanian, etc.).  Likewise, the "W" and "V" and the "U" used to be the same letter; that is why "W" is called "double-u."  The "W" was originally rounded "UU", then later the U and V became separate letters from the W (which took a more pointed shape like a V or "VV" as it was more suited to the chisel).  W in many Germanic languages is still pronounced V.  In classical latin, the V was sometimes pronounced U. 

There is power in God's Name.  Not magical power like an incantation, but because He is our God and He told His people to use His Name.  "Lord" and "God" are titles, not His Name.  "Lord" and "God" are fine to use, but Christ Himself said whenever we pray, we are to ask God the Father in His Name.  Christ's Name as currently used in English, "Jesus" is an Anglicization from the Latin Iesus, from the Greek 'Iesous, from the Hebrew Yehoshua.  Yehoshu, Christ's true Name, means, "Yahweh saved" or "saved of Yahweh".  Christ is not His Name, it is a title, the Anglicization from the Greek, which of the Hebrew word Anglicized as Messiah, meaning "annointed."  You don't say "David King," but "King David."  Likewise, the proper forms are "Jesus the Christ" or "Christ Jesus."  [Christ is not His last Name; it is a title that precedes His Name.]  However, though Christ knows who you mean when you use "Jesus," His Name is Yehoshua ...

(do you like people to use your name or just make up a name for you...? what about in a professional / legal setting, also in a situation where the utmost respect is due...?)

... and since Christ told us that when we pray we are to ask both Him and the Father in His Name, it behooves us to obey Him and use His Name.  Does it not...?

Without faith it is impossible to please God. 

Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God. 

Whatever is not of faith is sin. 

Faith without works is dead.

To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin.

Do we actually fear God?  Do we actually love Him?  respect Him? want to obey Him?  God winks at our ignorance for a time; but there is also a period of time, a "critical period" or "window of opportunity" in which He expects us to come to the knowledge of the truth because He has commanded us to daily study His Word and if we were obeying Him in truly studying His Word—pouring over it; meditating on it (not just reading the words as fast as we can to get through a chapter for the day, while daydreaming)—if we were truly meditating upon His Word we would come to the knowledge of the truth in many areas in which we are ignorant.  If we do not truly study His Word daily as He commanded, then ignorance itself is a sin because ignorance then is a choice. ]


It needs to be pointed out that the "church" is none other than the redeemed of true Israel.

[The Anglo-Saxons and related peoples, while the Jews are actually the Canaanites of the Bible, who stole our name when God cast our ancestors out of the land for their unrepenant sin.  Those who think this is incredible to believe consider this — In YOUR lifetime you are seeing ENTIRE CONTINENTS and RACES OF PEOPLE COMPLETELY SUPPLANT the former inhabitants.   You have blacks and asians and jews and hispanics known as "Germans" or "Norwegians" or "Swedes" or "Americans;" though of course they are completely unrelated to the Germanic tribes who founded those nations.  If you have seen this complete replacement of one people of an entire nation (and the Muslims are threatening to take over all of Christendom) in a mere 50 or 75 years (and even more heightened in the past 20 years)... why do you think it is so impossible to believe that it happened over the past 2,500 years — especially since God told us in His Word it would happen...?  See my book Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance for indefatigable, documented evidence of this.]

The word "church" is the New Testament counterpart to the Old Testament congregation of Israel.  The New Testament word church is actually the Greek word (#1577) ek-klay-SEE-ah, which means, "called out ones."  God commanded the Israelites in Isaiah 51:

"1 Hearken to Me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek Yahweh: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.  2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him."


First of all, only literal descendents of Abraham and Sarah can look to them as their ancestors.

[See my S.T.E.C. on James 2 / Rahab...; which also covers most of the epistles of Peter, Paul, James, and John which show those of faith being of Abraham and many other passages used to "spiritualize" away the Covenants and Promises that God made with Israel, are misinterpreted.]


Further, is it just a coincidence?—is the fact that the word church means the "called out ones," and the fact that God declared that He "called Abraham and His seed alone" merely unrelated facts?  Do you need more proof?  In Isaiah 48:12, God declares, "Hearken unto Me, O Jacob and Israel, My called."

The Hebrew word here translated "called" is (#7121) kaw-RAW, which means, "to call out."

[The name Hebrew itself (#5680/5674) means, "one who crosses over."  Loosely, it may be considered "a colonist, a pilgrim."  The key point in understanding this is to realize that the reason Eber / Heber (the Patriarch for whom the Hebrews were named) "crossed over" or "migrated" was because, like Abraham, God called him to cross over.]


In numerous places Yahweh declares things like, "I am Yahweh your God, which have separated you from other people." (Leviticus 20:24)   When Israel sinned and mingled with other peoples, Yahweh again commanded the people of Israel, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate..." (II Corinthians 6:17).  I have heard numerous, well-meaning but anti-intellectual Christians (who reject the Christian Anglo-Israel message), who will say things like: "Now, Robert, God is not a racist."  But sadly, this only shows their utter ignorance of God and His Word.  The Old Testament is the Standard by which everything in the New Testament is to be understood (though the New Testament undertakes some refined "tweaking" or fine tuning; the Old being planned by God to show us that the New upgrade was needed).  I would ask such a person, "Really... well then, is God a homophobe...?  Is God a sexist...?" 

God is Immutable.  He changes not.  His Law, His Will, His Plan are an extension of God’s Mind and they cannot change either.  The God of the New Testament is the same as the God of the Old Testament—and He is not now on Prozac, neither has He taken "Sensitivity Training" courses.  He is the same God today who ordered the wholesale extermination of the Canaanites; and who declared all mongrels and all inbred peoples forever outcasts and outside the Covenant.  When Israel sinned and intermarried with foreign women, God commanded them to divorce those illegitimate wives and send them and all children by them away forever.  God said bastards (mixed-breed offspring) were unacceptable to Him forever (and Christ said every plant His Heavenly Father did not plant would be rooted up... and He wasn’t talking about tomatoes).  Do you accuse God of sin in the Old Testament?  Why then would it be sin for Him today to be a "racist"...?  How could He be otherwise, since He is Immutable?

[These ideas of course go completely cross-grain with the ideas of the world; but that is why God said anyone who would be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.  God is Holy.  He cannot compromise.  We have strayed so far from the Standard that it appears strange—even wrong to us.  But God commands us to return to Him; He will not get down into the gutter and wallow in the mire with us.  Those in the unfortunately situation of being outside His Covenant have two options: 1. Throw themselves upon the Mercy of the Court and get with God's Program even if it renders you a second-class citizen; or 2. Rebel against God's clear commands and secure for yourself unavoidable and merciless Judgment.]

God cannot change.  He is the epitome* of the expression: "He is faultless to a ‘t’."  He declared that He chose only one people and one people alone—that is the first part of Predestination.  However, pure descent from Abraham cannot save you from Adam’s transgression.  Being a pure descendent of Abraham guarantees that you are a party to the Abrahamic Covenant (made only through the Child of Promise, Isaac).  Part of that Covenant was unconditional: God would never forsake His people; but part was conditional: If we sinned God would chastise us to repentance.  However, the second part of Predestination is Election unto Salvation through Christ: which is an Election within Predestination: Everyone elected unto salvation is a literal and pure descendent from Adam-Israel; but not everyone purely descended from Adam-Israel will be saved.  God chooses in both cases.  God is Sovereign.

[* A Greek word dðéôïìÞ pronounced eh-pit-oh-MEY (short o as in hop); which technically means, "to cut upon the surface or to cut short;" but refers to that which is a "summary, abstract, condensation, or abbreviated form," or more commonly, "one that is consummately representative of an entire class or type or an embodiment thereof."]


Just because one is a party to the Abrahamic Covenant does not mean he is automatically a party to the Christic Covenant—the New Covenant update of salvation which was made solely with the same people as the Old Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31ff. and Hebrews 8:8ff.).  The New Covenant did not scrap the Old Covenant: The New was an upgrade that corrected certain elements in the Old Covenant — but the fault was not in the Old Covenant itself; the fault was in sinful man (Hebrew 8:8, "finding fault with them" that is, with sinful Israel) who fell from Grace and was then rendered unable to keep it perfectly.  Even as programmers today program things into a program that they know will need to be changed, for their own job security, or to keep the consumer continually dependent on them, God does the same, but not for greedy reasons, but according to His Holiness and after the Counsel of His own Will.

The New Covenant could not do away with the Old, because the Old Covenant with Abraham pre-dated the Law given at Sinai and thus the Law could not nullify the Covenant (Galatians 3:17), but only be in harmony with it; and neither was the Law abolished.  Christ himself clearly said so, as did the Apostle Paul: but those who are spiritually cross-eyed cannot see simple truths because their minds are carnal and they are still in darkness groping toward the light (or in some cases, away from it all the while thinking themselves "enlightened").  The Holy Spirit will not guide into an understanding of God’s Word those who are in sin and who do not believe there is any need to repent.  God will hear no prayers of any in such condition.  Yes, the Spirit will convict, but if the believer continually ignores the prompting of the Holy Spirit, then they are given over unto a seared conscience; which conscience is then deadened even as the cauterized flesh of a wound, that is burned with a glowing hot knife to seal the wound to stop bleeding and prevent infection.

[Christ said,

"17Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.  18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot* or one tittle* shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." (Matthew 5)

* —not even the slightest pen stroke, such as the dotting of an i or crossing of a t, would pass away; much less the meaning of the letters, words, and sentences/propositions themselves.


Is all fulfilled?  Are we in the Eternal Kingdom?  Have sin and death and Hell been thrown into the Lake of Fire and are we now living in utopia and bliss under the Prince of Peace in a perfect world? 

Further, Christ said,

"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven (on earth): but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven (on earth)." (Matthew 5:19)

how can any Christian then believe the Law was abolished when Christ Himself said it was not...?  Whose voice are they listening to...?  Not Christ’s; but the Serpent who in the Garden said, "Surely the Lord hath not said..." 

Such delusion is a choice (rebellion). 

God’s Word is clear.  Why would God Who declared, "Be holy for I am Holy" abolish His Moral Code by which He commanded us to live throughout all our generations forever...?  And not just the 10 Commandments (or the few of the 10 that modernists still feel like keeping, like changing God’s Sabbath to Sunday—and then not even hallowing it, but giving God an hour out of it).  The 10 Commandments are 10 categories of Law under which each Law of God is arranged.  None of the Law was abolished (not one jot or tittle, remember...?); the only part of the Law that "changed" was the blood sacrifices for atonement; and it was not abolished, but fulfilled in Christ’s Sacrifice.  Fulfilled does not mean abolished.  It means to make complete or full.  Christ not only said the Law was not abolished, He took it to a higher level to show sin (such as hate or lust) is committed when it is thought in the mind; not merely if it finds its way into actual expression through physical acts.]


Such "believers" (believers in what, I know not), then go through life in complete self-delusion, foolishly imagining that they are spiritual, when they are not; bearing counterfeit fruit that they will argue on the Day of Judgment was real: But they will be rebuked.  Whether God will deliver to repentance those given up to a seared conscience, I know not; but those who are on the way to being so given up by God’s Holy Spirit, can repent if they will obey* Scripture and examine themselves according to what God’s Word says—not according to what false Bible teachers hash out, in direct opposition and defiance to God’s Word.  Look at the fruit of these false prophets; compare what they say to Scripture.  But if you cannot think logically, you cannot understand Biblical logic and the Holy Spirit will lead you nowhere to which you are unwilling to go anyway.  God requires us to humble ourselves and submit to Him—submit ourselves to His Thoughts and His Ways which are not ours—to repent, confess our sins, and only then will He hear and deliver and guide and bless.

[* Scripture refers to those who obey or do not obey the Gospel (II Thessalonians; 1:8; I Peter 4:17; Hebrews 5:9).  How does one "obey" that which was allegedly "abolished"...?  How does one "obey" the Gospel, which is modernly touted to be "happy news of licentious living with all being forgiven, go sin as you please" ...?  Christ’s death was not a "Lawless Grace."  He was put to death because of our Lawlessness.  When Christ forgave people in the New Testament, He then added, "Go and sin no more...!"  Salvation is proved to be real when we obey God from the heart, not give dead lip-service, and not totally ignore God’s Law imagining it to have been abolished; which is asinine and nowhere to be found in Scripture unless you cut out the verses you like, paste them into another book in the order you like, and throw the rest of the Bible out. 

Further, please tell me why supposedly intelligent Christians think that God abolished His Perfect Law (read Psalm 19 and 119), but then expects us to follow the immoral laws of wicked man, and submit to every sort of legalistic denominational rule established in place of God’s Law...?  Modern false prophets (or blind shephards) falsely and illogically declare that those who teach that we are to keep God’s Law are "legalistic."  How can people be so ignorant?  Those who teach God's people to obey God’s Law (which God commands us to teach and to obey) are not legalistic, but lawful, moral, upright, obedient—and Christ promised that those who keep and teach it will be called "great" in the Kingdom; and those who violate it and teach others they can violate it, will be called "least." 

[This "calling" is not merely a name, but is a position of status of either blessing and honor or shame and ignominy.]

Those antinomians ("anti-law") who teach the opposite are immoral, lawless, disobedient.  Legalism is adding to the Law of God or replacing the Law of God with man’s perverse notions of morality—which is what most all "Christian" churches do, and which is what all governments do.  The Bible says to be a friend of the world is to be the enemy of God.  Choose sides!  Actually, you already have, by whom you choose to obey.]


The New Covenant was actually part of the Old: for since the time of the Adamic Covenant God promised Redemption and that Redemption was the Theme of the entire Old Covenant (Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, etc.), even as it is the Theme of the entire New (Revised) Covenant.  Keeping the Law did not save anyone in the Old Testament.  The Law was given in Eden and then transmitted from Patriarch to Patriarch by word of mouth, and when God deemed the time was appropriate, He updated the Law with new laws* when man’s "progress in degeneration" warranted new laws.  Sinai was the first giving of the Law in a codefied, written form to Israel as a nation; as opposed to the law having been established since Eden and then orally transmitted from Patriarch to Patriarch on an individual or familial basis).

[* —not laws that God "thought up" later; He had it all planned from the start.  But He did not burden us with Laws before they applied.  The day after your newborn has entered the world to breathe on his own, do you lay down all the ground rules?  What about when he is 5 years old, do you tell him rules about dating, college, using the family car?  Of course not.  All things in their time.]


Looking forward to the Lamb of God by faith in (through obedience to) the rituals of atonement (the blood sacrificing of innocent animals as a temporary covering for our sin because of our inability to keep the Law perfectly)—faith in God and repentance (bringing forth fruit meet for repentance as Christ declared, showing that the faith is real) is what saved in the Old Testament as well as the New.  However, faith without works is dead.  Works do not save; they are a by-product of faith.  If you put batteries in a toy or device and it doesn’t work, there is no life in the batteries.  If good batteries are placed inside the toy or device and the device does what it is supposed to, the actions do not create the energy in the batteries; but the batteries produce the works, which is proof the batteries contain energy.   If one "repents" and goes back out and sins on purpose, as if it does not matter—that is proof the Holy Spirit is not in such a person and that he was never truly converted.  Those who so sin with impunity only had a head knowledge of the truth (Hebrews 10:26ff.) and were never converted unto salvation.  Every tree is known by its fruit.  If we are truly grafted back into the very tree whence we were severed by Adam’s transgression, we will bear Christ’s fruit; if not, we will bare the Judgement of the unregenerate.

God does not lower His standards or compromise because man cannot live up to His expectations... that is why Christ came ... to die to pay the Judgment for our deliquency and immorality, and to them empower us to obey God from the heart through inward conversion; not offering mere lip-service of conformity in response to outward imposition.

Yes, God is a racist.  However, "racist" is not a bad word except in the minds of those who have been brainwashed by a Satanic society bent on the destruction of God’s creation and the defilement of Christ’s future Bride (the redeemed of true Israel).  "Racist" is only a bad word to those who have rejected the clear teaching of Scripture.  Was "racist" a bad word in the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s?  Which society was more godly, then or now...?

God told the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites—man, woman, child, and suckling infant.  Modern man would call that a hate crime, racist, genocide, ethnic cleansing, barbaric.  Drastic times call for drastic measures.

[No intelligent surgeon would maintain: "Now, it is not moral to cut this cancer/tumor out of your body.  This tumor/cancer has just as much a right to your body as any other cells.  Cancer and tumors have feelings too.  They bleed the same color blood as any other tissue.  You are an anti-tumorist / anti-cancerist.  You should be ashamed.  Diseases are human too.]


God declared the Canaanite peoples to be so vile that their extermination was the only recourse.  Those who do not understand God’s Holiness (and Sovereignty) cannot understand His Law or His Plan and those who do not understand God’s Holiness are not of God (or in the mere infancy of their spiritual understanding; most often still-born).  God forbade His people to intermarry with any other people and if they sinned and married outside the racial family, those alien wives and all children by them were to be sent away forever and were forever unacceptable to God.

[Those who cannot follow a plot and story line cannot understand Scripture.  God is Immutable.  He cannot change.  He gave us His Law and commanded we obey it throughout all our generations forever.  What part of "forever" don’t most Christians understand...?  What part of Almighty (Omnipotent) don’t they understand...?  What part of Lord (Sovereign) don’t they understand...?  God’s Mind does not change.  It cannot.  His Promises / Covenants cannot fail.  God’s Law is part of the Covenant; that conditional part that decides whether we receive God’s Blessing or Judgment.  Look at the nations of Christendom today; look how we have been invaded by the antichrist Third World and how we are not safe in our own cities; our cities are 95% antichrist foreigners, and we now are being told we have to embrace homos and all other religions and races who have more right to life in our own country than we do.  Tell me, is God blessing us or judging us...?  "The curse causeless shall not come" (Proverbs 26:2).  It does not take a rocket scientist to see we are under judgment, nor a genius to determine why.  God told us we would be blessed if we obeyed and chastened by our enemies if we forgot His Law (and He would forget our children).  What is the only thing then, that can result, from the brainwashing heresy that God’s Law was abolished...? —unremittant judgment.  Satan has created the perfect scam.  If we are in sin God cannot hear our prayers or bless us, much less deliver us.  If we think God’s Law was abolished, then the average Christian will be like a sparrow, sitting stunned after having flown into a plate glass window; having no clue why this evil has come upon him.  One cannot repent unless he realizes he is in sin and since sin is transgression of the Law, foolish Christians think they are without sin because the Law was abolished.  But it was not the Law that was abolished, but the curse of the Law (the judgment) that was against us; and Christ became that curse for us.  While we may be delivered from ultimate Judgment if we are truly under the Blood of Christ, if we are in sin, God must chasten us with our enemies to repentance.  The truth is in God’s Word.  God is not unfaithful.  The evil that has come upon us is not just "random."  We are reaping what we have and continue to sow.  The only hope is repentance and reformation (read the stories of the godly kings of Judah, like Josiah, and Hezekiah, when they realized they had departed from God’s ways and instituted reform—that is the only thing that will deliver us from Judgment).  See my books, What’s Keeping God From Delivering America, Britain, and Europe From Destruction...? and Deliverance or Delusion—Which Do We Want...?.]


Those who would claim that "God is not a racist," whether they realize it or not, have sided with the world instead of God—and God says,

"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4).

[Understand also that even as the word bastard primarily means someone born of mixed parentage (mongrel),  the word adultery incorporates the meaning of out of race relations and incorporates the commandment against fornication, beastiality, etc.  Adulter means to corrupt or pollute.  God rebuked His people for their whoredoms with other peoples (which in their day and locale was primarily the various Canaanite tribes; see my What Was the Mark that God Placed on Cain...? and my S.T.E.C. on Genesis and S.T.E.C. on James 2 and Rahab... to better understand who these Canaanites were and what their origin was.  God commanded against cross-breeding animals and plants too.  He is Creator and those who hybridize not only foolishly think they can improve on God's Creation, but in reality, they attempt do destroy His Creation.  The Redeemed of true Israel is Christ's bride (symbolically) and that is why the push toward the utter mongrelization of the white race has reached warp-speed.  Satan knows his time is running out.  Satan's goal is to utterly destroy Christ's bride so that He has no one to return to.  God promised to always preserve a remnant.  Satan thinks if he can utterly destroy that remnant, he will have proved God to not be the Almighty; and in the event Satan loses, like any other immoral person, he plans to take down as many of the innocent with him as he can.]

Well, what is the fate, what is the remedy, what is the course of action to be followed by people who claim to be Christians, but who are of mixed blood...?  Well, I will tell you this.  No one can know with 100% certainty that he is pure.  There is no test for purity unless there is a known pure sample, and Adam’s corpse has never been found.  DNA testing can tell you if you have (known) impurity, but it cannot tell you if you are pure and they can only test for what they know to test for (and there is no proof that they understand what they think they know).  Therefore, even those who have no reason to believe they have any blood impurity, must still walk by faith and not by sight.  We do not trust in our bloodlines, and certainly not in our "choosing" salvation, but we trust in God Who is the one who chooses.  Those who know they have blood impurity and those who at least think they do, can do no other than walk by faith and do what is right.  If someone only believes and submits to the truth if he thinks he has something to benefit from it, and then turns from the truth if he learns (or thinks) that he will not have a payoff—such a person never believed the truth; he was merely using it for his own means as long as it fit in with his idea of what he wanted reality to be.  The only solution is to obey God and trust in God, that maybe He has a plan for those outside the Covenant—and throw themselves upon the mercy of the Court.  That is the only thing that God can bless.  God cannot bless those (whether His children or not) who attempt to unseat God from His Throne, by declaring God’s Law invalid and by thinking they have the authority and power to tell God what He is and is not allowed to do.  Psalm 2 talks about these fools who think they can cast off the boundaries of rule and morality that God established.  God laughs at them, knowing they are but dust that He soon will blow away.

Christ commanded: "Occupy till I come."  Christendom is about to be exterminated because we have turned our backs on God and the only thing that will save us is true repentance but modern Christendom does not know how to repent because they have been brainwashed thinking the enemy is our brother and thinking God’s Law—God’s Moral code by which He expects us to live—was "abolished;" even though Christ said He did not come to abolish the law and not one jot or tittle will pass from the Law till all be fulfilled.  The Jewish existential psychologist Viktor Frankl said one intelligent thing: "The statue of Liberty in the east should be balanced out by a statue of responsibility in the west."  With blessing—and even forgiveness*—comes responsibility.

[* See Matthew 18:23-35.]


Christ said that every tree is known by its fruit and that we were called (ordained) unto good works, that we are to bear fruit—His fruit... and that fruit, those good works is obedience to God’s Moral Code: His Law (what else could it be...?)  The Law never saved.  It could not.  It is the "House Rules" God expects His children to follow.  At the time of Adam’s transgression man was rendered unable to keep the Law perfectly, but that did not absolve Adam (or us) of responsibility before God.  That is why Christ died.  God did not "compromise" (for He cannot; Perfection and Holiness and Immutability cannot compromise: for that is change and if Perfection and Holiness changed, all it could change to would be imperfection and unholiness—and God cannot change).  Since God cannot change (and abolish His Law which He decreed forever) because we could not live up to His expectations; Christ died to take the penalty God demanded so that we would then walk in newness of life, in obedience from the heart empowered by the Holy Spirit in us.

If "Christians" do not walk in newness of life, obeying God’s Law sincerely from the heart, it is proof that the Holy Spirit is not in them and they are not converted (or that they were still born or they are spiritually profoundly retarded and their growth was terribly stunted).  Faith without works is dead.  Works do not cause life; they are proof of life.  A baby’s kicking and screaming does not make it alive, but is proof it is alive.  A tree does not become an orange tree because it bears oranges, it bears oranges because it is an orange tree.  Those who will survive the Wrath to come when God shakes the heavens and earth will be those who have the Testimony of Yehoshua the Christ and who keep the Commandments of God (which Revelation tells us twice: 12:17; 14:12).  The good works do not save but are proof that we are saved (and though Revelation 22:14 may make it sound as if the works save, they do not; for the rest of Scripture tells us so—Romans 3:20; Galatians 2:13—therefore, the obedience to God’s Law is proof that Christ is truly in us; that we are truly converted).

Love is shown by works, obedience.  Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My Commandments."  What were His Commandments? — to do the work of His Father which is Heaven.  Scripture tells us that Christ was tempted in all areas even as we are yet without sin.  What is sin?  The apostle John defines it in one of the last books of the New Testament that was written, in one of his epistles: "Sin is transgression of the Law" (I John 3:4).  If a parent tells his child not to play in the mud and the child rebels and does so anyway... when the child repents (which usually only occurs after chastening) and is forgiven, does that abolish the law against playing in the mud?  Of course not.  It removes the curse of the Law—judgment; not the Law itself.  That he Law itself was abolished in forgiveness is anti-intellectual; the hallmark of  the irresponsible age in which we live.  All the signs in the news are signs that God is not with us.  Choose sides.  I am on the Lord’s side.  I am for our people, our culture, our faith, our nation... and the nations of Christendom.  He who has ears to hear, please let him hear...  I don’t preach these sermonettes because I think I am better than anyone else; but because I care about our people, our nation, our faith and don’t want to be exterminated.  How about you?  Read the history of how prosperous God’s people were during the rule of godly men like David, Hezekiah, Josiah, etc.  Then read the terrible fate they suffered, a supreme tragedy, when they turned from God’s Ways to follow the ways of the heathen.  History has repeated itself.  God said it would.  But the remedy is still the same, if we are to avert destruction:

"If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (II Chronicles 7:14)


The Northern House of (10-tribed) Israel went into captivity over a century before the Southern House of Judah.  Northern Israel (including "Northern" Israel’s southern territory of Simeon) was then filled with vile foreign peoples.

"And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon,*1 and from Cuthah,*2 and from Ava,*3 and from Hamath,*4 and from Sepharvaim,*5 and placed them in the cities of Samaria*6 instead of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof." (II Kings 17:24)

[*1 Initially a pure Semitic people, as were the Assyrians, who both eventually mongrelized.  Babylon was revitalized when the pure Chaldeans (descendents of Shem’s son Arphaxad) descended into lower Mesopotamia and overthrew the Babylonian monarchy and established themselves as its head (Nebuchadnezzer, being a Chaldean, a pure Semite,** is why he was eventually converted).  As we have seen repeatedly, Babylon means, "confusion by mixing" ("bastard" or "mongrel" could easily be a loose interpretation).

{** The Jews are not actually Semites; that is the dishonest race card they play when it suits them; their black magic incantation by which they cast a spell on whoever opposes their evil.  The Jews are descendents of the Canaanites.  The Canaanites were not Semitic, but incestuous Hamites who then intermarried with the seed of Cain.  Again, see my books mentioned above (What Was the Mark...? etc.).}

*2 koo-THAW; Strong indicates that it was a province of Assyria, but does not define it; it being a foreign word.  However, Jackson and also Cornwall & Smith define it in their dictionaries as "a place of crushing."

*3 av-VAW or iv-Vaw; a place in Assyria, meaning, "overthrown."

*4 a Canaanite tribe (Genesis 10:17).

*5 sef-ar-VAH-yim or sef-aw-REEM, also a place in Assyria, which Strong does not define, but Jackson and Cornwall & Smith define as "census of the sea."  In Scripture the sea represents all the vile abominations of the earth.  Out of it come the beast kingdoms.  In the Kingdom of God, Scripture informs us "there will be no more sea."  "Census of the sea" implies all the vile creatures and putrid waste and bottomfeeders from the sea.  It seems quite possible that one branch of the Jews (ironically, those who think they are of a more noble heritage than their cousins) takes their name from this people: for Jewry is divided into Sephardim and Ashkenazim.

*6 King Omri of Northern Israel made, actually built the mount of Samaria as his capital.  Northern Israel is often referred to as Samaria, as well as Ephraim (or Joseph) in Scripture.  However, it was all these mingled peoples who became known as Samaritans, when the tiny remnant returned from Babylon, up into and through Christ’s day. 

Also, even as follows the natural law of gases, when a void is created, gaseous elements will rush in to fill the void, when the Israelites were deported from the land, Canaanite peoples most assuredly rushed back in on their own, to possess the land from which their ancestors had been exterminated or expelled nearly a millennia earlier.  Further, the Edomites (who in Christ’s day predominate Church and State, the Edomite Herods being established by Rome and the Herods establishing their own into the priesthood) and Amalekites imagined the land doubly theirs, since Jacob (by God’s Design) had swindled and tricked Esau out of his birthright and blessing.  Esau, Isaac’s firstborn (though Jacob may have actually been born first, had not the larger, stronger Esau wrestled his smaller brother in the womb out of the position to be born first) would have inherited the bulk of Isaac’s wealth, including the land.  Esau despising his own birthright, people, and God, married Canaanite women (and then established himself as a powerful warlord and exterminated his inlaws and made his mongrel sons their dukes).  They no doubt frequently heard their forefather Esau bemoan all that he had lost due to his brother’s treachery.  Once Israel was deported, no doubt they saw it as their opportunity to take back what they considered twice theirs (having been dispossessed by the Israelites after the exodus, and then having been dispossessed by Jacob’s trickery).  In fact, this is what Ezekiel 11 seems to indicate:

"14Again the Word of Yahweh came unto me, saying, 15Son of man, thy brethren, even thy brethren, the men of thy kindred, and all the House of Israel wholly, are they unto whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Get you far from Yahweh: unto us is this land given in possession.  16Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord Yahweh; Although I have cast them far off among the heathen, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.  17Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord Yahweh; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will [again] give you the land of Israel.  18And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence.  19And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: 20That they may walk in My Statutes, and keep Mine Ordinances, and do them:* and they shall be My people, and I will be their God.  21But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord Yahweh."

* Here is further evidence that God’s Law was never abolished.  This is clearly talking about the Kingdom (cross-reference Jeremiah 31:34 and Hebrews 8:11); it is not in reference to the return of the tiny remnant from Babylon.

Thus, even as in our lands now in our day, a mixed multitude predominates, so also it was in Christ’s day, and that is why He spoke in parables: so only His sheep would hear and understand; once the Holy Spirit ripened the truth in the minds of those whom God would call out of darkness into His marvellous Light.

In fulfillment of prophecy, because of our unrepentant sin (and pretending there is nothing we need to repent of, imagining God’s Law no longer applies: a rather infantile mindset steeped in rebellion and fantasy) the enemy that is among us became the head and we the tail (in Christ’s day in the land of Israel and in our day now in all the nations of Christendom).  In fulfillment of prophecy, once Esau’s progeny grew strong enough (only when God’s people grew weak as the result of turning from their God, even as we see in the sad story of Samson), Edom would throw off the yoke of Jacob and oppress Jacob.  Then we find ourselves in the time of Jacob’s Trouble, as a result of Israel’s continued refusal to heed God’s warning, repent, and reform their ways.  Soon we shall experience God shaking of heaven and earth as He rains down His Judgment on all: to separate the chaff from the wheat and the wheat from the tares: to bring His people to repentance and calcify the wicked against Him to fill up to the brim the full measure of God’s Wrath for all the righteous blood ever shed upon the earth from the present all the way back to Abel (whom Cain, who was of the Evil One, slew).  It is these Samaritans (mingled Canaanite and other mongrel peoples) who now infest the Land of Promise, headed by the Serpent’s Brood, who masquerade as God’s Chosen People—fooling God’s true Chosen People (the pure remnant of the Anglo-Saxon and related peoples of Christendom) into supporting them (God’s very enemies) in their evil plan to destroy Christendom itself (the bride of Christ) in Satan’s attempt to unseat God.  Christ's bride is committing whoredom and does not even realize it; fooled by the seduction of the serpent into thinking such adultery is the highest form of "Christian love."]

It is not the "land" of Israel that God loves: the geographic dirt.  God is not like modern corrupt churches, where all they want is "warm bodies" in the pew; it not mattering who they are.  God does not hire "professional worshippers" as the hypocritical practice in ancient times was to hire "professional mourners" during a funeral: people who were paid to wail and cry, not knowing and not caring about the deceased or their loved ones; just hired to "put on a good show" (and that is the pretense that the Pharisees put on before God: pretending to "fast" and "pray"; but God was not fooled).  God is not interested in virtual reality; but reality.  Virtual reality is for those who have no life of their own.

How empty it would be for a football team to know that the entire crowd in the bleachers cheering for them was there only because they were being paid to cheer; that the crowd could really care less which team won or lost; not knowing the players’ names or even caring to—not even watching the game, but just giving a good show of cheering every now and then at what seemed like the right time (or on cue when a director held up a large card saying "cheer" or "boo").

Imagine the hollow, senseless emptiness of a man who has to hire a woman and some children to "pretend" to be his wife and children when he goes to his high school or college class reunion.

Well, God is not interested in mere warm bodies.  He chose one people and one people alone to be His people.  To Him it does matter who it is and it does matter if their internal dynamics (heart and mind) are real; that their words and actions are not faked just for show.

The Israelites of the Northern Kingdom were cast into captivity, scattered throughout the world in fulfillment of prophecy and the land of the former Kingdom of Israel was then populated with the refuse from other nations.  These people did not then become "God’s new people."  God did not want them as children or servants or worshippers. 

Scripture tells us that from the womb the wicked do evil (Psalm 58:3) and that God loved Jacob and hated Esau before they were even born (Romans 9:11-13); even the ploughing or the lampof the wicked — their very nature, everything they do, is wicked (Proverbs 21:4) for it proceeds from an evil nature.  God is Good, not because He does things sinful men consider good, but because God is Good and anything He does is good.  Those who deny this are those who have the curse of God upon them:

"20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  21Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! .... 24Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the Law of Yahweh of hosts, and despised the Word of the Holy One of Israel.  25Therefore is the Anger of Yahweh kindled against His people, and He hath stretched forth His Hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills [small nations] did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets.   For all this His Anger is not turned away, but His Hand is stretched out still." (Isaiah 5). 

The only way to avert this is to repent of perverting justice and attempting to redefine morality in any way other than what God has declared.  God defines Goodness.  Man’s only response is to submit to God.  Anything less will bring Judgment.

[* The Hebrew word in this passage can mean either "lamp" or "ploughing", and I explain in detail on p.305ff. of my S.T.E.C. on John 18-21.®]

Scripture tells us that those who are not God’s people (or at least, those not of the elect) will declare to Christ on the Day of Judgment, "but did we not do all these good works in Thy Name?" — but to them Christ will reply: "Depart from Me ye that work iniquity, I never knew you."  These are not people who were going around committing abominations in broad daylight; these were people who were doing things that appeared to be good works; but different than what God commanded.  God did not give us "multiple choice" concerning worship or obedience.  He is Holy.  He commanded what morality is; there is no room for deviation.  He is Holy.  He commanded the only worship acceptable to Him; but like Cain, many will offer what they want, what they consider good works, a good substitute for what God commanded; but like Cain, their offering and they themselves will be rejected.  God is Holy and He can only be offered that which is Holy and He has declared what that is; but sinful "Christians" think God must conform to what they are willing to offer; what modernist denominations consider, "more refined and progressive."  God declared the only presecription for repentance, obedience, salvation.  Those who follow any other prescription are self-medicating fools, drunk on the wine of Babylon and will one day have a rude awakening when their spiritual narcotic delusion immediately evaporates (like a singular drop of water on a red-hot skillet) in the face of the heat of the Judgment Seat of Christ before the Great White Throne.

Those who are not God’s people (and especially if they are the vessels of wrath) can do nothing to please Him.  They do what they do because they are vessels of wrath and can do no other.  They may delude themselves and others with the appearance of doing good; but as God declared, a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit; neither a salty fountain fresh water.

[This seems incomprensible to us.  However, God clearly says that His Thoughts and Ways are as high above ours as the Heavens are above the earth.  My, how supposedly intelligent Christians entirely forget or ignore the sublime truth of that passage, when they reject God’s Sovereignty and Predestination in favor of a more comfortable humanistic Arminianism ("free will" of man).  What part of—

"8For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My Ways, saith Yahweh.  9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My Ways higher than your ways, and My Thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55)

don’t they understand...?  God also declared: "thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove [rebuke and correct] thee, and set them in order before thine eyes." (Psalm 50:21)  God also revealed:

"18Therefore hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth.  19Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth He yet find fault?  For who hath resisted His Will?  20Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God?  Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, Why hast Thou made me thus?*" (Romans 9)

* Or, we could add...

as most modern Christians — who are bleeding-heart liberals (whether they realize they are so or not), suffering from spiritual "survivor guit syndrome" (can you imagine...! suffering guilt because God has blessed them...! because God did not equally bless everyone else... as if God does not know what He is doing...!) may question —

"Why did You not make all people to be like me...?  Why did you not make everyone to be Your children...?" 

Sadly, most people (Christians included) in the modern world are anti-intellectual.  You would think it actually hurts their brains to think, and so they do as little thinking as is humanly possible (as if the government taxes them each time they think...!).  If you stop to think about anything (allowing God’s Holy Spirit to guide you based upon the facts established in God’s Word—not based upon confused, invalid emotions that clutter man’s fallen heart), truth will become clear: for if you are of God and walking where the Holy Spirit walks, He will lead you into all truth. 

How could God have a special people whom He alone loved, if everyone was equal...?  What would His Love then mean?  It would be a card-board cut out, factory-stamped generic love and then what even is love if there is no hate?  Hate is a necessity in a world defiled by sin and evil.  These concepts sound foreign to those whose minds have been saturated with the polluted humanistic thoughts of Antichrist; to those who are perishing in their own humanistic delusion; to those whose minds have been marinated in the polluted world.  God Himself commands: Ye who love Yahweh hate evil and To love Yahweh is to hate evil.

But note the clear syntax; the clear order and distinction.  The converse or reverse of those statements is not the same thing.  'To hate evil is to love Yahweh' is not the same thing; the truth of the proposition is not reflexive.  To claim that 'To hate evil is to love Yahweh' is a true statement would make God the "by-product" of our hate.  God is not a by-product: He is the Source.  We are not the determining factor: God is.  If one truly loves God (true love being defined as obedience) he will hate evil.  How can one hate evil if one does not know what it is?  He cannot.  How can one know what evil is?  Only by reading what God’s Word is and by faith accepting it (without faith, it is impossible to please God) and acting upon it (faith without works is dead).


But again, what do the passages quoted (Isaiah 55 and Romans 9 vv.18-20 on p.257 and vv. 11-13 on p.255*) mean if God’s Ways perfectly mesh with what is comfortable to our tiny, sinful, faulty, unholy minds...?

[* These of course are references to things discussed in my book, S.T.E.C. on Zechariah 4, of which this article is the excerpt of one appendix.]

I am reminded of some cartoon, the name of which I have no memory and the content of which is a paraphrase from a vague memory:  A pretty girl walks by a boy she knows and says, "I love you Jimmy!"  The boy, of course, is elated.  He is floating on ‘Cloud 9’ — but he is rudely and quickly brought back to cruel reality, when he observes the pretty young girl continue strolling by, then patting a dog on the head, saying, "I love you dog!"  Then seeing a bird singing in the tree, she exclaims, "I love you bird!"  Then seeing a pretty rock she pats it and says, "I love you rock!"  Then, as she continues along her way licking her ice cream cone, she exclaims, "I really love ice cream!"  I think you get the picture.  What then is love?  Is it special?  Does it mean anything if everything is "loved" equally...?  If God chose you, is the proper response to reject that love if He did not choose everyone else to your satisfaction. 

Who then do you recognize as God...?  God or yourself...?  Is God supposed to act according to your dictates or you to His?  Do you show love and appreciation to God by doubting His Goodness for not decreeing the world to operate based upon your clearly superior understanding and morality?  Why did God not create you first, before He created anything else, so that He could have consulted you on how to create the rest of His Creation...?  Does anyone get the picture?  There is a reason why God declares to Jacob, "thou worm" [maggot] and that we are "but dust."  That is all we are apart from His Grace—which the majority (including Christians) spurn because it is not what they want it to be.  They then invent their own religion and insultingly call it "Christianity;" when it is not.  It is humanism and paganism and it is immoral and antichristian.  Instead, they brazenly declare, "We will not have this Man to reign over us" (Luke 19:14) and "Let us break their [God and Christ’s] bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." (Psalm 2:3).  The sad fate of those who rebel against God is revealed in the verses that follow those passages.  God has made us His very son; co-heirs with Christ; kings and priests.  Yet when we reject the rules that come with this status, we reject the status and choose instead to be worms and dust; pouting like 5-year olds because God won’t play by our rules (thinking we can hold our breath until reality changes, that if we close our eyes reality ceases, that because we deem something "unfair" the laws of the universe miraculously change to please us).  For shame!  God deliver Your people from all delusion!

It then becomes clear to those who are honest (it really does not take much intelligence, just honesty), that this is not a matter of understanding, but acceptance.  It is not a matter of intelligence, but submission.  It is not that man cannot understand these things when viewed from the proper perspective, it is that sinful people (yes, most Christians included) do not like the Ways of God.  Men prefer darkness, rather than light, because their deeds are evil.  The carnal mind is enmity (at war) against God and cannot receive the things of God and refuses submission to God and His Decrees.

The only true test of obedience is when someone under authority does that which he does not want to do, yet does it as if it was something he wanted to do.  How is God actually "God" and "Lord" to the average "Christian" when the average "Christian" rejects what God has clearly said, because he does not like God’s ideas...?  The concepts God and Lord* require submission to the Mind of God (revealed in His Word and specifically in His Law).  The average Christian rejects these things (even those who have come out of the modern harlot church) when they reject the boundaries that God established (race, gender, headship, diet, Sabbath, etc.) because they like something different. 

* Lord means Sovereign.  The average Christian rejects the Sovereignty of God (in favor of the "free will" of man).  How then can he call God or Christ, "Lord"...?  He does so out of dishonesty or out of ignorance (and God is not fooled by such insults regardless of their pathology: "Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say?").  God is not "semi-sovereign."  Christ is not "quasi-king."  God is not the "mostly-almighty."  Christ is not "limited-lord."  Though that is what most Christians believe: because that is how they act—choosing to live however they deludedly think is "better" than the Ways God commanded (deeming them to be wiser and more moral than God Himself) and engaging in sophomoric spiritual gymnastics and showing themselves accomplished theological contortionists in deftly twisting and "explaining away" every passage of Scripture that conflicts with their self-gratifying humanism they delude themselves as being "Christianity."


Therefore, most "Christians" reveal themselves to not be Christians at all.  How can a Christian be a Christian if Christ is not his Lord...?  How can a Christian be a Christian if he does not follow Christ, but chooses to go in an altogether-different direction in which he wants to go instead...?  How can a Christian be a Christian if he does not obey God...?  He cannot.

In reality, most Christians are pagans, who have invented their own panoply of gods (while deluding themselves into thinking it is the God of the Bible) whose whimsical, easy-going, ever-changing, agreeable "religion" they claim to follow—when, in reality, they worship themselves as god and project their notion of godhood onto the false god they themselves have created in their own minds, fashioned after what they think God should be.  And they dance around in pretense and expect God to be pleased with them.  Yet, sadly— tragically —they may very well hear Christ say: "Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity, I never knew you!"  True Christianity is God-centered, revelationally based (determined by what God said), and is unchanging.  The modern counterfeit "Christianity" of the harlot church is human-centered and experiencially based (determined by man’s experience and what he deems is good for himself), and is ever-changing.  Thus, those who are not spiritually dead, will be sobered to reality with the Biblical admonition:

"Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Christ Yehoshua is in you, except ye be reprobates?" (II Corinthians 13:5)

In reality, there is only one other alternative if things are not of God.  They are of Satan.  Oh, of course, mankind deludes himself by giving the plethora of alternatives to God’s Command and Pure Religion their own individual names and by imagining that all other religions have value and equal legitimacy.  Most Christians likewise delude themselves with the same illogic, concerning many who are not Christians—false religions, various cults, and false denominations of Christianity.  Christians may even attempt to split theological hairs by saying "there is the world, the flesh, and the Devil."  Yes, but there is a chain of command.  There would be no evil world without sinful men and there would be no sinful men if not for the tempations of Satan.  God created all to play out His Divine Masterpiece, but that does not absolve any of culpability because that is what God decreed; and to demand that such is "immoral, unholy, or that it does not make sense" is to reject the Thoughts and Ways of God being so incredibly above our pathetic own and it is a rejection of His Sovereignty.  There is only one evil power source in the universe in the age-old struggle between good and evil.  Satan. 

[NOTE: I did not say an "equal" power source; that NONSENSE itself was concocted by Satan and swallowed hook, line, and sinker by those who are spiritually blind (see my books, God and Evil,® and What the Devil?®).]

Those who choose anything other than what God commanded choose the only other option, regardless of the nice-sounding name and bright shiny lights that promote it.

"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4).

Note also: Friendship with the world also entails friendship with the harlot church that perverts the Word of God in order to maintain their 501-C3* status, having watered down and corrupted the pure doctrine of God’s Word to please not merely Caesar, but the Antichrist, and to cater to every delusion and perversion of those who delude themselves that they are worshipping God by doing everything but that which God commanded.

* "tax exempt" (conscience- and God-devoid).]

If there is any hope for those who are not God’s people Israel, the only recourse is true repentance.  But no one can do that which is not in them to do.  The true doctrine of the Word of God clearly reveals that there is nothing good in anyone, not even the best of God’s people.  It is God’s Spirit alone that draws His elect unto Him and it is God’s Spirit alone that draws the elect of the elect to actually desire to deny sin and self and truly and fully serve God.  That of course does not mean that those who are not of Israel should give up.  As the old saying goes: "If you think you can do something, you are right.  If you think you can’t, you are right again."  Now, this is offered only in a limited fashion and is not to suggest any humanist hogwash such as the power of positive thinking.  Postive thinking has its valid place.  Scripture says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."  However, each man thinks in his heart, as he does, because of God’s predestination.  Any argument to the contrary is humanism and a rejection of God’s Lordship (Sovereignty), Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Goodness.*  Those who do not truly repent, who do not apply themselves, who do not do what is right, who give up and live as they please, are not of God.

[* But again, the average Christian rarely ever truly thinks, and has never truly plumbed the depths of his theological error (let alone even dipped his toe in the shallow end).  The pagan philosopher’s motto was "Know thyself."  While true, it is only part of the picture.  As we saw, God declared, As a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7).  The difference between pagan philosophy and true religion (found only in the Word of God) is that God alone tells us how we should think.  "Those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit and Truth" (John 4:24).  "Now therefore fear Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth" (Joshua 24:14).  Sincerity means obedience from the heart; not mere lip service.  Serving the Lord, worshipping the Lord, and obeying the Lord are all synonyms.  (See also I Samuel 15:22).  Truth means based upon the facts of God’s Word.  "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6).  Faith comes not from man’s emotional quirks, but from God’s own declarative propositions.  "...faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17).  However, to throw a monkey wrench into the mix, Scripture also says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)  The only resolution is that we can only know it by God’s Grace and we can only know when we submit to God.  "God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." (4:6; I Peter 5:5).  "Humble yourselves therefore under the Mighty Hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time" (I Peter 5:6).  "Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.  Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded" (James 4:8).  Here is what the only man in Scripture whom God called, "a man after Yahweh’s Own Heart" had to say:

"9Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy Word.  10With my whole heart have I sought Thee: O let me not wander from Thy Commandments.  11Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." (Psalm 119)

Here is what that man’s son, the wisest man ever to walk the earth, also admonished us:

"13Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His Commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.  14For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." (Ecclesiastes 12)

There is no other prescription.  There is no other remedy.  There is no other worship.  There is no other service.  There is no other way to please God.  God expects obedience of His children; and if those who claim to be God’s children do not obey and do not receive God’s chastisement to lead them to repentance, then God declares that they are bastards and not His children.  That should be a sobering thought.  Works do not save.  The Law does not save.  Those illegitimate smoke-screens are Satan’s method of leading God’s children into disobedience so that they cannot be victorious and so God has to chasten—even destroy them if they do not repent.  Salvation comes 100% through faith in Christ and that faith is a gift that does not originate in us, but which God bestows upon His elect: It is not a "brass ring" that anyone who wants can just grab ahold of while on the spiritual merry-go-round, any more than anyone can force their way into the sheepfold or enter in any manner other than lawfully by invitation through the Gate; which is Christ.  Only sheep are admitted into the sheepfold and nowhere in God’s Word does He unveil any plan to "convert" goats, pigs, or dogs into sheep (which is in violation of His Law of "Everything After Its Kind" and the "Law of the Harvest").  If one is truly in Christ, and Christ is truly in Him, the individual having been drawn to Christ, confessed his sin, repented, pleaded the Blood of Christ, and submitted to Him as Lord, then he will walk in obedience to the Law of God because that is the only way that Christ and the Holy Spirit will lead.  If he does not, then he "hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of Grace" (Hebrews 10:29).  That is a sobering thought.]

Once Northern Israel was deported and the king of Assyria moved in the vile refuse of other lands, God did not say, "Okay, business as usual, you all pick up where Israel left off."  As a choir director who gets an entirely new choir, God did not merely pass out the scores of music and say, "Okay, take it from the top."  No, they were not His people and never would be—and that applies as much today as it did 2,500 years ago.  Yet modern Christians (clergy and laypeople alike) overlook this in nearly every area of their life and not a single area of their doctrine has not been corrupted with this Antichrist supplantation.  It is communism that teaches "One race, one religion, one creed."  God commands:

"17... come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith Yahweh and touch not the unclean [people]; and I will receive you, 18And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith Yahweh Almighty." (II Corinthians 6)


"25Ye shall therefore put difference between clean beasts and unclean ... which I have separated from you as unclean. 26And ye shall be holy unto Me: for I Yahweh am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine." (Leviticus 20). 

It is the atheistic evolutionists who teach that we came from monkeys and it is evolutionistic "Christians" who espouse the universal brotherhood of man heresy.  A simple understanding of biology and 6,000 years of history (including current events, whether in the heart of Africa or our inner cities) clearly dispels this absurd notion; that is, if a person is not hopelessly strung out on the heroine of humanism and brainwashed with socialism and evolution (and all the spurious lies laminated one over the other in among truth, in the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, and psychology) and if one has not been spiritually lobotomized and constipated with Antichrist "theology" from infancy.  Adamkind alone was made in God’s Image.  All races do not come from Adam.*

[*  That heresy violates the very first Natural Law God established in Creation (which He mentioned 10 times—which represents Divine Perfect Order—in the first chapter of Genesis; and that which God says first stands and cannot be contradicted): "Everything after its own kind."   See my, The Creation of Man....®]

When the House of Judah returned from captivity (as we have seen [earlier in my book, S.T.E.C. on Zechariah 4]), they rejected any and all assistance or co-worship with the Samaritans and other mingled peoples.  Profoundly blind commentators refer to this as the "prejudice" of the Israelites...!  These "experts" in their ignorance insult godly men like Nehemiah and Ezra and impute sin unto them from their own carnal hearts and shallow understanding of God’s Word (and note: if your understanding of the waters of God’s Word is shallow, the waters are murkey because you are mostly stirring up mud as you blindly flail about).

How those 100+ years after Northern Israel’s deportation must have served as a warning and sober reminder to the Southern House of Judah...! —knowing that the lands all around them in which their kinsmen, their brothers used to live, were now occupied with pagan-third world trash.  But sadly, it did not produce the effect in their dead hearts and minds any more than it does to us today in our countries in which the very same thing has happened and for the very same reason.

The Southern House of Judah (the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi) were then also conquered and they were deported to Babylon, and the King of Babylon, likewise, imported third world refuse to pollute the land of Southern Judah.  All these corrupt peoples conglommerated into what are now known as Jews, with the predominate blood being the Canaanites (specifically, Edomites*).

[* The Book of Obadiah is a specific prophecy against Edom.  It does not contain a nice cotton-candy, politically correct ending in which all the colors of the rainbow join hands and sing "We Are The World" and "Kumbayah."]


At one time in God’s history God declared that He would destroy the just with the unjust (Ezekiel 18:24ff; 21:3,4; 33:12ff.).  Why on earth would God do that?  Well, the passages also explain: The righteous cannot rest on their laurels and coast on their past righteousness.  If they turn from righteousness to wickedness, their former righteousness is as if it never existed.  This is not talking about losing your salvation.  This is talking about judgment in this life if we "play chicken" with God’s Longsuffering.  Those who do so choose to become roadkill.  The New Testament itself talks about those believers who so utterly apostacized that they were turned over to Satan for destruction of the body, though the spirit would live.  The only reason that God would destroy the just with the unjust is if they are no longer just (and, if those who are unjust repent, they will be saved)... or if they either defected to wickedness themselves, or if they turned a blind eye to the wickedness around them.  We are responsible for wickedness in our own house, our own family, our own neighborhood, community, city, and nation.  If we can just ignore it, God will ignore us and allow the Law of the Harvest ("you reap what you sow") to find us.  If we forget His Law, He said He would forget our children.  Turning from God's Ways is not merely suicide, but it is genocidal / national suicide.

The entire Law is founded upon this: Love the Lord with all thy heart, soul, and mind, and the second is like unto it; love thy neighbor (kinsmen) as thyself.  Why?  How?  The second is like unto it because we were created in God’s Image—to murder, rape, rob a kinsmen is to strike against God Himself.  If we truly love God (love is shown by actions), we will not violate His Law.  If we truly love our neighbors (kinsmen), we will not sin against them because we would not want them to sin against us.  To turn a blind eye to wickedness and evil in the community is to approve of the rape and murder and abuse of our kinsmen; it is to approve of paganism, false gods, immoral practices, violations of the Sabbaths, etc.

If the just simply turn a blind eye, then the salt is no longer good for anything.  Salt was not a flavoring in ancient times, but a preservative; salt preserved food because it kills bacteria.  Light is a disinfectant, because it kills bacteria (the ozone produced by the ultraviolet rays of the sun).  Vermin scatter and hide from the light.  Christ said we were the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world" (being reflectors and bearers of His Light), when we are functioning in our God-ordained roles.*  Christ said of the true Church: "the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18).  This puts Hell on the defensive.  Armies do not carry their gates into battle with them; their gates do not prevail when they are on the defensive, under siege, being attacked.  Who is winning the moral and religious war in Christendom today?  If Hell is winning, then the church is not the true church (or it is asleep and needs to wake up, repent, and get in the battle).

[* But, we are told that it is not right to hide a light under a bushel (even as it was not right for the one servant to bury his talent in the ground) and we are told that if the salt has lost its saltiness, that which makes it salt, that which gives it its edge to kill bacteria; if it has lost its purity and been contaminated by everything around it—it is good for nothing and will itself be cast out to be trodden under foot.   For a deeper study concerning the parallels between the Christian and salt, see my, The Christian-Israelite & Salt...]


Lot tried to act as a moral influence in the wicked city to which he foolishly decided to relocate.  He sat at the gates as one of the elders (due to his initial wealth, I imagine, they accepted him).  They then resented him and turned against him.  When there were not enough righteous people worth saving, God called Lot and His family out and destroyed it.  That is what God is waiting for today, in addition to our repentance (which most Christians think they have no need for), we need to bring forth fruit meet for repentance.  If the righteous do not flee the wicked cities, then the just will die with the unjust.  God commanded, "come out from among them and be ye separate."  Why then are God’s people not separate?  Why then will they be astonished when Judgment lands on them; when they have clearly chosen to side with the world rather than obey God...?  Because we did not  not restrain the wicked when we had the ability to, certain parts of civilization (which are no longer truly civilization) need to be abandoned so that God’s Judgment can fall.  Sinful Christians who do not repent and do not come out, not only delay the destruction of the wicked, but they risk destruction themselves.  May God’s people Wake Up! and truly repent and bring forth fruit meet for repentance—now!

Those who agree with these sentiments, please:

1. Pray that God leads us ALL into the knowledge of His Truth and Word so that we will know what He requires;

2. Pray that God pours out His Holy Spirit upon ALL of us His people, to put it within us to desire to do what is right and enable us by His Grace to actually do it; and

3. Pray for me and this ministry and consider supporting this ministry; for I cannot do all I do without your prayers and support.  We reap what we sow.  God instructed His people to support His true priesthood to lead them in the ways of God—and to lead them back to God.

4. Pray imprecatory prayers upon the wicked that God destroy them from off the face of the earth; obey God and HATE evil; you cannot hate evil without loving righteousness (and doing it by His Grace).

5. If you enjoyed this and other articles, feel free to email me, and please consider ordering the book from which this was excerpted, and other books mentioned herein.

Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto thee.  We better draw nigh unto God before our civilization is extinguished and we "go to meet our Maker" instead of our Maker coming to deliver us from the evil that is overtaking the world because of our negligence, compromise, apathy, and tolerance.  Why should God deliver us from that which we are willing to tolerate...?

—Kansas City shooter was former FBI informant... was this mind control...?

This has mind control all over it... first of all he was an FBI informant... secondly, it seems clear they deployed him (a la Charles Bronson in Telephon or the classic but borning Manchurian Candidate, and modern spin offs of it I believe with Denzel Washington which was much more interesting). This was clearly to punish free speech... as the below articles try to make a link between this and the award-winning historian David Irving (who is himself part Jewish) who spoke 3 whole weeks ago in Kansas City, offering scholarly proof concerning fraudulent history.

Is it also coincidental (I sent out an email last week concerning David Cole, who is Jewish, who in 1989 or so was also speaking out against the fraudlent version of history and the jewish organization JDL put out an assassination bounty on his head for $20,000 and he faked his own death and went into hiding, but was recently outed under his new name David Stein, and that he had infiltrated the political-religious right and was rather successful and made quite a good living in corrupting that segment of politics.

Similarly, Frazier Glenn Miller resurfaced as Frasier Glenn Cross. Is that a coincidence? Like von Braun (?) who shot a security guard at the Holocaust Museum in DC a few years ago...

This has mind control all over it. Really... Miller was an FBI informant (probably an infiltrator from the get go); those trying to destroy our freedom WANT essentially harmless nut cases like this guy, to hold up as a monumental threat (while ignoring the factual threat of Zionism, Islam, La Raza, etc.). The media, and movies, tv series, etc., continually hold the skinheads up as som great danger in the US, though there are only about 1,200 skinheads nationwide (and prob. 5% are government plants), and most of the time they are probably drunk, sleeping on a mattress in their mother's basement. HOWEVER, there are 100,000 violent, nonwhite gang members in Los Angeles county alone--and nonwhite gangs number in the millions and commit real crimes every single day (not even counting the "knockout game"), but they never are reported only the news, but one crazy white guy kills a few Jews and it is national headlines.

While what he did is reprehensible, clearly it was mind control. Think about it. If he, or von Braun a few years ago, wanted to actually do something... why target "innocent" nobodies...? von Braun shot a security guard. Miller allegedly shot 3 people of no great standing. If either of them wanted to fight what they see as evil, why did either of them not actually plan something that would be effective? to take out the top leaders, to strike at the head of the beast...? The fact that they did not shows they were either not that intelligent (and that cannot describe von Braun; and it is doubtful Miller is a moron) or more likely that it was some form of mind control, —

McVey himself claimed he had participated in an Army intelligence mind control program and they put a chip in his brain.... as I reported 20 years ago; after the OKC bombing,

It is also very interesting to note that after McVeigh was arrested, Dr. Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West (1924-1999; born in Brooklyn, N.Y, to a Ukrainian immigrant father Albert Jerome West and a Jewish piano teacher, Anna Rosenberg), head of Neuro-Psychological Institute, UCLA, was called in as an expert. Dr. West was the intelligence community’s premier expert in mind control, having led experiments at UCLA—some of them on children (as well as one terribly botched “experiment” in which he overdosed a bull elephant on LSD at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Oklahoma City!).


Mind control is a very commonly used method in warfare and politics, that most people are completely ignorant about; thinking it is only "science fiction." Half of what passes for science fiction is current technology that has not been released to the public. J. Edgar Hoover said, “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”

Again, as with all of these "incidents"... Qui bono...? They faked a school shooting and now the media ignores the fact there were never any autopsies or dead bodies... right around the time of legislation to take away our only way of defending ourselves from the corrupt, illegitimate, renegade government's program of importing and breeding criminals, and from corrupt government itself. Since their fake events did not achieve what they wanted... they invented a real one... but a senseless one... and with a shotgun... not a handgun or a so-called "assault rifle."

If a person so filled with hate as von Braun or Miller were going to give up their life, facing possible death penalty (the killing of us common people every single day by the hundreds across our nation is not worthy of the death penalty, but it is a real possibility in these "events").... you would think if they were going to commit some crime that would change their life forever, even end it in a shoot out or the death penalty, don't you think they would do something that would really put a dent in the evil they oppose...? not shoot a pee-on or two?... a security guard...? and no disguise, no escape route; they planned on being caught or shot. That does not follow the M.O. of someone truly in the "role" they were assigned to play.

Qui bono...? who benefits...? look at the facts, not the hype, the pictures, the violin strings, the spin doctors and hallmark moments meant to tug at your heart... every single person that is murdered across the U.S., across Europe, in south africa, etc., had a real life and a real story, and they are stepped over by the government and the media as mindless goats or chickens step over their own that have died... I imagine the media will be full of stories of the lives of those who died... all to distract from the real issue... why would relatively intelligent people (the current a former FBI informant)... give up their lives by an act that did relatively nothing? "Allegedly" Miller and his former group decades ago had plans to assassinate Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center... if von Braun or Miller, having merely gotten tired of living, decided to end their live by violence, why would they not choose a high profile target, instead of a nobody coming out of a mall...? and why would Miller ask "are you Jewish" and then yell "Heil Hitler"...? it all smacks of mind control... too neat, too tidy... too mindless. Just some ideas.


Also, I received this in an email:

On the shooting deaths of three Jews in Kansas City yesterday by alleged "white supremacist" Frazer Glenn Cross, here is the real skinny on  Cross, who just so happens to be a federal rat, was in all likelihood at the time of these shootings in the federal witness protection program.        

The following revelations are made by attorney Kirk Lyons who defended the accused in the Ft. Smith sedition trial in Ft. Smith Arkansas in 1988 where Glenn Miller(alias Cross) testified against the defendants as a federal witness.        

This missive was sent to me by my good friend Louis Beam, one of the defendants at Ft. Smith.        

All of the defendants in that trial were subsequently acquitted despite Miller's lies and false witness.         


Posted by Kirk David Lyons

I know this creep Frazier Glenn Miller - from my bad old days as a defender of liberty by defending the undefendable.        

As a klan leader in North Carolina in the 1980's Miller was caught being serviced by a black male hooker (named "Peaches") in the back of a car in Raleigh, North Carolina.      

[Does this sound like the behaviour of a bonafide "white supremist" leader...?  It is also reported, but unconfirmed, that one of his wives was a Mexican and he has several children with her.  note mine.  RAB]  

 The police let him go without arresting him but turned photos & info over to the FBI - then the feds came a calling and turned him into a confidential informant/agent provocateur. He was used by them to issue a "declaration of war" to deliberately cause a violent armed uprising among his fellow White Patriot Party members, so that when his former friends were put on trial for sedition (1987-1988 in Fort Smith Arkansas nicknamed Order Trial federal Roadshow #3) - the feds would have an armed uprising to throw at the jury - and all 15 defendants of this infamous, illegal, unconstitutional trial would have been found guilty (as my client Louis R. Beam, who before being captured was on the FBIs 10 most wanted list, assured me - "Kirk, I've done many things in my life, but I didn't do this!").        

Then Miller showed up at the Sedition Trial as a prosecution witness to testify against all the defendants so he could get a good deal on his sentence (since the armed uprising was thwarted by the courageous efforts of two very good men and he was accused of receiving $200,000 of stolen money, I think, from the "Order").        

His testimony was destroyed on cross examination. After a 2-month trial the jury acquitted all 15 defendants in a stinging rebuke to the feds 8 million dollar prosecution. Miller went to prison - but the feds were not done with him. In Shelby North Carolina two of his former associates were on trial for 1st degree murder in the execution style slaying & firebombing of several men in a homosexual bookstore. Miller was prepared to testify that these two men had confessed the crime to him while they were on the run with him with the entire arsenal of the NC unorganized militia and issuing the "declaration of war."        

Knowing something wasn't right these two men rescinded the declaration on their own initiative - thus ruining Miller's get out of jail free card with the feds. What was worse Miller was actually the mastermind behind the slaying.        

Apparently some years before Miller had been secretly filmed by mob photographers, frolicking naked in the North Carolina woods with two, also naked, young men. The ultimate recipient of the photos happened to be a mobster that happened to own the Shelby Bookstore. He was blackmailing Miller and Miller was making payments to keep him quiet. Miller lied to the feds about how much "Order" money he got because the last payment was intended for his "friends" at the Shelby Bookstore. But instead of making a payoff, he made it a hit.  Since he went to the feds first - it was easy for him to finger the crime on his two associates - and the feds were willing to go along with him.        

Miller testified at the Shelby Bookstore Murder trial and the legal team, I was very proud to be a part of, destroyed his credibility - you see he didn't have an airtight alibi for when the hit happened.  The Shelby County DA had put my client on trial first, because he believed he had the weaker case. Get conviction he thought then try defendant number two. Instead, the jury acquitted my client, and as a result the other man was never brought to trial.        

But it gets better - Miller went into federal witness protection after he got out of prison.        

I don't know his circumstances, but he might well have still been in witness protection when these recent shootings occurred.        

But don't take my word for this - if I know this much, then I'm sure your good friends at the Southern Poverty Law Center have the proof of what I say and the documents to prove it.        

They're already touting him as some murderous right wing extremist -  no - he belongs to them - he has been federal/SPLC community     property at least since 1986.





See also


for more legislation toward totalitarian police state in making violent and corrupt "law enforcement" untouchable.


—Harrison, Arkansas slated for destruction for opposing one-world plan to destroy the

Each week it seems more and more are "relocated" by the genocidal govt in even my small town... we now have a Chinese, Tai, Japanese, and Mexican restaurant (and store somewhere else in town, I am told)... oddly, no German, French, Swiss, Swedish restaurants (or Scots/Irish that founded the area)... hmmmm... oh I guess that is just a coincidence... maybe those peoples don't have any real cuisine... probably all the restaurants in France are Japanese and Mexican, what do French know about food...? all the wine is probably imported from Israel or Australia.  After Katrina (when the Feds relocated a plethora of voodoo practicing blacks all around the nations in "small town America" they then had a brilliant idea: We can do this all year round and destroy this nation so no one cares or resists our plan for world domination; everyone will just shut up and do what we are told or the welfare checks will stop.

This is genocide... and no one even bats their eyes... our nation is being taken from us and give to others... our forefathers did not sacrifice their all and their very lives so that savages would inherit it and their heirs would commit suicide (due to the brainwashing of our school, media, churches, and governments that have been subverted).

Why is it that all other races and religions have rights in OUR nations, but us...? the heirs of the founders.... have Mexico [see also below hypocrisy revealing story] and China and the State of Israeli and Arabia and Africa and India flung open the doors of their nation and invited white Christians to their nations, and rolled out the red carpet and offered to give us voting rights to change their nations and way of life...? it is SUICIDE what we are doing... and everyone just quietly drinks the Kool-aid, not wanting to be accused of "racism" (a black magic incantation that causes everyone to turn into jelly fish, out of fear of politically correct fantasy over reality).

Here is a billboard in Harrison Arkansas; it actually was put up in response to an Anti-white billboard that was not only insulting, but apparently not considered subversive or a hate crime...

 anti-racist billboard


Here is the establishment's response to it (I guess they want to change everything, including add bad neighborhoods).

bringing black

Yesterday I was driving home from a visit with my brother and stopped at a convenience store

in Harrison Ark. There was a tour bus parked outside filled with blacks. I met one of them in the

aisle and he glared at me trying to stare me down. Then this morning I got this email from my

brother (below) and looked up this link and am attaching it. See attached photo too.


From: xxx

This is from a friend of mine that lives in Harrison.


Mexico is angry...

Wow! And make certain you read, at the bottom of this page, the part that says it will take 30 more seconds to read.!   Please forward to all you know and ask them to forward to all they know.

  The shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from the State of Sonora , Mexico do not like it.  Can you believe the nerve of these people? It's almost funny.  The State of Sonora is angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico ! !

   The state legislators from the Mexican State of Sonora traveled to Tucson to complain about Arizona 's new employer crackdown on illegal's from Mexico .  It seems that many Mexican illegal's are returning to their hometowns and the officials in the Sonora state government are ticked off.

A delegation of nine state legislators from Sonora was in Tucson on Tuesday to state that Arizona 's new 'Employer Sanctions Law' will have a devastating effect on the Mexican state. At a news conference, the legislators said that Sonora, - Arizona's southern neighbor - made up of mostly small towns - cannot handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools that it will face as Mexican workers return to their hometowns from the USA without jobs or money.

   The Arizona law, which took effect Jan. 1, punishes Arizona employers who knowingly hire individuals without valid legal documents to work in the United States .  Penalties include suspension of, or loss of, their business license.  The Mexican legislators are angry because their own citizens are returning to their hometowns, placing a burden on THEIR state government instead of ours.

   'How can Arizona pass a law like this?' asked Mexican Rep Leticia Amparano-Gamez, who represents Nogales .  'There is not one person living in Sonora who does not have a friend or relative working in Arizona ,' she said, speaking in Spanish.  'Mexico is not prepared for this, for the tremendous problems it will face as more and more Mexicans working in Arizona and who were sending money to their families return to their hometowns in Sonora without jobs,' she said 'We are one family, socially and economically,' she said of the people of Sonora and Arizona .

   Wrong! The United States is a sovereign nation, not a subsidiary of Mexico , and its taxpayers are not responsible for the welfare of Mexico's citizens. It's time for the Mexican government, and its citizens, to stop feeding parasitically off the United States and to start taking care of its/their own needs.

   Too bad that other states within the USA don't pass a law just like that passed by Arizona ..  Maybe that's the answer, since our own Congress will do nothing.!

*New Immigration Laws*

Be sure to read to the bottom or you will miss the message...

1.. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.

2.. All ballots will be in this nation's language.

3.. All government business will be conducted in our language.

4.. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.

5.. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.

6.. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or any other government assistance programs. Any who are a burden will be deported.

7.. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

8.. If foreigners come here and buy land, their options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.

9.. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation.

10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you.

Too strict.?  The above laws are the current immigration laws of MEXICO!

If it's good for American's to obey Mexican laws, then it's good vice versa.!!!

This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass it on. An idea whose time has come: Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law. The self-serving must stop.

This is a good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come. Have each person contact a minimum of twenty people on their address list, in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have read the message. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.

You are one of my 20.  If you don't have twenty, pass it on to whatever number you can!


also not reported is the fact that southern Mexico has built an enormous WALL to keep Guatelmalans out of Mexico... "racism" is apparently only a "one way white street."

Also, see:



— Daniel Re-visited? U.S. - Russian - China...?

I've wondered if B-HO (pronounced bee-hoe; B.H.Obumma) is the Destroyer (Abaddon); a destroyer does not have to have a brain; however, I certainly doubt he is any of the unholy trinity (Antichrist, beast, false prophet), since he is too stupid and really he is merely a puppet figure, his strings are pulled by Soros/Rocky/Rothschild.  However, IF prophecy has DUAL fulfillment, maybe below are some interesting things to consider.  Note: I don't claim this to be actual fulfillment, nor am I adamant about most of the below... these are just ideas... just some interesting things that seem to parallel.  Clearly, there are 3 different persons in succession spoken of which seem to relate to B-HO... since someone else pulls these corrupt politicians' strings, it is no surprise they all act in pretty much the same fashion.   RAB

Daniel 11

15So the king of the north [Is the king of the North Putin/Russia...?] shall come, and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not withstand, neither his chosen people [i.e. the king of the north's cream of the crop of his military], neither shall there be any strength to withstand.

16But he that cometh against him [Is the arrogant SOB that comes against him B-HO...?] shall do according to his own will [this is what it "seems" that he and the first wench do... whatever they want... at the people's expense, whether the people want it or not; even if the rest of the world think he's a fool and laugh at him], and none shall stand before him: [not because of his own strength, but because of the power he has usurped and everyone is too foolish or cowardly to do anything; and they will share in his guilt and his judgment]  and he shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed. [the destroyer...?]

17He shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: and he shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her: [perverse U.N. or U.S. troops raping those whom they subject or "police"] but she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him.

18After this shall he turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince for his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him.

19Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land: [destroying his own "presumed" nation, the one over which he has usurped power] but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found. [this may not necessarily mean he is killed, but that cowardly bastard that he is, he goes into hiding]

20Then shall stand up in his estate [this does not necessarily mean he is actually one who defeated the former, he may be secretly taking orders from the former in hiding] a raiser of taxes [since all of our so-called appointed public servants have taxed us into oblivion, this can be applied to anyone, but no one more than B-HO; there are many forms of taxation, whether called a tax or not: devaluation of the currency and inflation through government counterfeiting is a hidden tax; and whether they call the monetary rape of the people for B-HO-care a "tax" or a "fine" is irrelevant; both are illegal and who is kidding whom, it is a tax however you want to split the hair... they know whatever they do is illegal, so they need to argue philosophically, sophomorically, about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, to distract people into realizing the only reality is that no matter what they are trying to do, it is illegal... call it a "forced benefit" if you like, but it is still ILLEGAL... like the MAFIA telling businesses that they need to pay them "protection money."  To protect against what...? Oh, to protect you against all those bad things that may happen to you if you don't pay us that protection money.] in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, [we can only hope and pray] neither in anger, nor in battle. 

21And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, [this person, does seem to not be under the control of the former, who is clearly said to be destroyed, not merely, "not be found"] to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. [like all politicians, they tell people what they want to hear, and the fools believe... but, what the people do not realize is that the VERY FIRST TIME a politician breaks a campaign promise--he has committed fraud and he is no longer the legitimate holder of that office (if he was not legitimate before, that is a moot point at this juncture, for now he has exposed himself to be illegitimate because no action based on fraud can stand; he makes it as if he was never elected the minute he violates a promise upon which he was allegedly elected, and thus his election was based on fraud); the minute a politician breaks a campaign promise, or the minute he violates the constitution, he should be tried for High Treason and executed... not given a pension for life... $200,000 per speech, health care, free travel expense, secret service protection, a national library to house his "papers" (with B-HO, his "official papers" will be those he was potty trained on)... and other royal treatment, which is all 100% unconstitutional and illegal.  Flatteries of course can refer to LIES and / or BRIBES.]

22And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

23And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.

24He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: ["bail out" and other spoiling of the people by robbing them and giving money, contracts, etc., to a select few] yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds [throw against those who oppose him, his machines of war], even for a time.

25And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south [China and South Korea?  Clearly the tiny South Korea by itself would not be a world power, but combined with China, yes... China is clearly a nation of the South--though at other times, it may be described as the east, which it also is, but the juxtaposition is made with the north, so it becomes, the south, and is more referred to as the east when the west is the being discussed...?  India of course is also a large, heavily populated nation of the south, but due to its internal ineptness, may never amount to anything, but, if China takes over S. Korea and India and then is the head of those 3, that would be a force to be reckoned with] with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.

26Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him [his own comrades and / or family whom he "honored" by having eat at his table with him as friends--even as he executed his own uncle, maybe he also will be executed in revenge by someone else closely related], and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain. [as with B-HO and every other illegitimate head of any nation, what makes the corrupt political world-go-round is "cronyism" -- but, the fools cannot see the writing on the wall in the understanding of one simple adage: "There is no honor among thieves" and the fulfillment of God's Law of the Harvest: Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap" and "those who sow [carelessly] to the wind, shall reap a whirlwind;" that is, one of the principles of the Law of the Harvest—you reap MORE than you sow.]

27And both these kings’ hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.

28Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land. [This phrase holy covenant is only used 3 times in the O.T.; 1 time here in this verse, and then 2 x in v.30; it is mentioned once in the N.T. (Luke 1:72), which is clearly in reference to the Covenant God made with His people--not the "jews" of course, but the true peoples of Christendom who are the only legitimate heirs of those Covenants; however, whether or not the holy covenant in Daniel refers to the Covenant of God with His people is uncertain; rather, it seems doubtful, since it has not been mentioned previously in Daniel, so most likely it refers to the international treaty these powerful nations signed.  However, if it does refer to the Covenant God made with his people, since these corrupt powers are not God's people, then being against the Holy Covenant refers to being against the people of the Holy Covenant.  But again, this seems doubtful.  Once again, God's true people find themselves scattered among the heathen and surrounded by those outside the Covenant.  Like debris carried along after a storm in the mighty Mississippi, they are swept along as prophecy unfolds as unpleasant history, and there is nothing they can do about it; in fact, they are barely mentioned in the story; much like 3 tyrannosaurus rex fighting over a smaller animal one of them had intended on eating, when the other 2 stumbled along... God's people are in this predicament, merely prey that is about to be devoured, being battled over by the forces of evil.  Only if they turn their hearts back to God and admit their utter helplessness, will God deliver.  Had we not turned from the Covenant ourselves, these beasts would never have made us the tail and themselves the head, as prophecied in Scripture.]

29At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.

30For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. [that is, it seems he will hold conference to conspire with others who are planning to violate this international treaty]

31And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. [whether this refers to the daily sacrifice of God's people to God, is uncertain—for that daily sacrifice was taken away LONG ago; and I refer not to the Levitical Sacrifice in the Temple (Herod's Temple not being God's Temple and which sacrifices ended millennia ago), but the corruption of the true Christian faith, which now, like a smoldering flax (candle wick) flitters as it is about to fade out of existence.  The abomination that maketh desolate may refer the replacement of the true Christian faith with the one-world, inter-faith, multicultural, liberal, modernistic, humanistic B.S. that is now passed off as Christianity.]

32And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God [or gods] shall be strong, and do exploits. [Whether this "God" refers to the true God and this "people" refers to His people, is not certain, other places in this passage the word "God" can also be translated 'gods' as in v.37; it is the word Elohiym, which can be the 'Majestic Plural' in relation to Yahweh, or it can refer to pagan gods or even judges; these flatteries are most likely BRIBES.]  

33And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. [those of the elect of the remnant shall be a witness and try to instruct their brethren, but shall be persecuted for it...?]

34Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. [God may give a respite, by His Grace, to some of the persecuted elect, and He may be as to them a little sanctuary, as the Israelites in the land of Goshen were spared the plagues, and as God informs us that though the Dragon will make war with the holy seed of God's people, and spew forth a flood (third world peoples) to destroy (genocide through murder and mongrelization) them, God will open up the earth to divert the flood and deliver them--only those of His people who have the Testimony of Jesus Christ and who keep the Commandments of God, which is sign of true conversion, the sealing of the Holy Spirit unto obedience.]

35And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. [make white, that is, a white-hot fire is the hottest flame, the purpose being to purify.]

36And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. [there is no doubt that the God of gods seems to refer to the one true God.  Exalting himself above all gods most likely refers to exalting himself above all other rulers; rulers in ancient time were considered "divine".]

37Neither shall he regard the God [or gods] of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. [if this is B-HO, he cannot regard the gods of his fathers, because he is a mongrel and his very existence is self-contradictory, so he clearly could not honor the gods of his fathers, since they are different gods on the various sides of his corrupt bloodlines, and also since he has set himself up as god.  He does not regard the desire of women... maybe this refers to his homoism; but most likely it refers to not caring about the cries of women in their time of need, having no compassion on the (once) frailer and daintier and more delicate element of society (most women today are manly, so they have reduced themselves to a place where they deserve no special consideration as the weaker vessel, having been "liberated" and thereafter having "usurped manly power"; he will have respect for no gods whatsoever, or any person, even what was once considered the most honorable element of society worth protecting, because he thinks of himself as god.... to turn a phrase of the out-of-touch Marie Antoinette, B-HO might say to the starving populace, "Let the eat watermelons."]

38But in his estate shall he honour the God [or gods] of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. [money is power and power is the only god they honor.]

39Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. [as they are now doing, selling off the US not only to foreigners they have flooded (FLOODED as God said in Revelation that the Dragon would cast forth out of his mouth a FLOOD of FOREIGN peoples to destroy God's remnant) our nations with , but as they are also TREASONOUSLY selling off large chunks of our nation to FOREIGN NATIONS (most prominently to China) —which sales are ILLEGAL and FRAUDULENT and VOID.

40And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.

41He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. [These nations described were involved in the first fulfillment, in Daniels day or thereafter, peoples as specific nations no longer exist, rather, they are modern Jewry, the Samaritans who took over the Land of Israel in true Israel's captivity, were Edomites and Ammonites (as Ezra and Nehemiah show) and these are the zionists, ashkenazi/sephardic khazars impersonating God's people, who are involved in all the intrigue and corruption and conspiracy in all nations, for they have God's perpetual curse on them, even as have the equally corrupted Arabs and persians (who bear little to no relation to the founders of those peoples); the Arabs also having the curse of God on them, similar to those on Edom/Esau... being a "wild(ass) of a man; he being against every man and every man against him.]

42He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. [again, the inhabitants of Egypt bear no relation to the historical, Biblical, original Egyptians and God had already prophecied that in judgment Egypt would fall and never again be a mighty people.]

43But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. [again, the pilfering of insignificant nations and the subjugation of them.... one of the ways to accrue power (as did the Huns in their rapacious stampede across Europe in the first few centuries of the first millennia A.D.) is to conquer smaller peoples, steal their resources, and then force them to fight in your army with you, sort of how a lava flow engulfs everything in its burning path, or as a mudslide or flood.... and carries it on as it gains momentum and mass.]

44But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. [It seems that the switch to referring to the king of the south, to the land of the east, is because the perspective again is that of the west, since Egypt and Ethiopia were brought into the picture, an the north is still the north from this perspective, and it is not the king of the north specifically that is being referred to, but the geographic location.]

45And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. [where this mighty nation is between 2 seas (the U.S.?) is, at least in the Second Fulfillment, of course is debatable, but the one thing we can hope in, is the final 2 phrases: "yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."  Maranatha...!]


also: in his new book,  Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case For an Islamic Antichrist,

Joel Richardson (Jewish ancestry?) suggests that instead of Russia/Moscow being Meshech/God/Magog, that it is Turkey/Islam.  This is very intriguing and possible, except for a few points that don't seem to mesh (no pun intended) with the theory, which may be one-sided, in that Islam is the only problem (when in reality, it does seem Islam is itself secretly controlled by Zionism).

1. Is Turkey a "world power"...? is there any likelihood of it becoming one...?  Ethnically, the Turks and Jews (who are Turko-Mongoloid Khazars, not related to the ancient Israelites) are very closely related.
    2. It makes it sound as if Islam is the only problem.  Islam would not be a problem if it were not for Zionism, the Muslims would never have invaded Christendom.
    3. It seems to me the Anti-christ is Zionism, the false prophet may indeed be Islam, and the beast, well, China is symbolized by the dragon... that is a rather prominent beast, is it not...?  However, is Russia in the picture...?  How "Christian" is Vladimir Putin if he is such good friends with certain Rabbis and is even in conference with them with a big smile on his face and laughing as if they were all drinking vodka and telling stories and jokes.  Knowing the VILE things the jews say in the Talmud about Christians and Christ, how could Putin, if truly a Christian, be so buddy buddy with those who HATE CHRIST and whom Scripture has declared are ANTICHRIST and who are guilty of all the righteous blood shed upon the earth all the way back to Abel (which shows their descent from Cain and Canaan).
    4. The prophecy of Daniel 7:5 clearly mentions a bear with 3 ribs between its teeth.  Was this Jewish Antichrist Bolshevism that murdered 66 to 180 million white Christians (adamkind; a rib being taken from Adam's side to form Eve)...?  Is Putin just playing a role, pretending to be a good ole devout Russian Orthodox "Christian"...? Is there truly much difference between Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Anglican, and Catholic...? except the 3 former don't recognize the Pope (at least not currently) but still have a panoply of gods in their superstitious worship of saints and angels.  The Anglican church cannot be considered Christian, as they are thoroughly corrupt with women priests, homosexual priests, aliens, and all sorts of vileness as bad as the Catholic church.  Greek and Russian orthodox are steeped in primordial superstition and candles and smoke and deified saints.  They are part of the harlot church (as is the modern Protestant church, which has apostacized greatly to the point of not being recognizable).
        Some interesting things below if one can see the big picture, and realize that Zionism controls all.  Maybe the kings of the South refer to Islamabad and the king of the north to zionist russia which "pretends" to have a "problem" with "antisemitism" -- even though antisemitism was outlawed and punished by death by the Jewish Bolsheviks when they murdered the Tsar and his family and took over Russia and eastern Europe (with the help of the corrupt rulers of Britain, the US, and Germany)... it was Jews themselves who set up many antisemitic organizations in various countries... using reverse psychology and creating the illusion that they were martyrs... as some prominent jews have declared, without antisemitism, the jews would have ceased to exist, for they hate each other so much, if not for some outside enemy (real or imagined) to rally them together, they would have devoured each other long ago.



— 2 of the Godliest Men in Scripture and What We Can Learn From Them - Who will Survive the Onslaught to Come...? — Here's HOW.

Two of the Godliest men in Scripture, and yet they each confess their own sins, rather then thinking that they had done nothing to contribute to God's Judgment on their people.

ALL of God's people need to DAILY search our own hearts (which can only be done by reading His Word and praying that the Holy Spirit would guide us into the truth and reveal it to us; and we each need to daily repent of our sins and our carnality and doing our own pleasure, and cry out that He would pour out His Holy Spirit upon all His people to bring us all to repentance... and if we do not, we shall surely be destroyed... and only a remnant will be saved (and it won't include those who thought they had done nothing requiring repentance, and it won't be those who are more concerned with the superbowl than they are the daily rape and murder and perversion and abuses and injustices against our people across the globe).  Who else will stand in the gap...? 

Choose you this day.  We all often choose our own delusions.  They are a form of escapism: denial; irresponsibility.  God said the curse causeless shall not come.  Likewise, blessing and deliverance will not come unwarranted.  Which do you want...?  Curse or blessing/deliverance.  You reap what you sow.  Your daily actions prove which you have chosen.  If God's people had be / were fulfilling their God-appointed role as Light, Salt, Watchmen on the Wall, evil would not have overtaken Christendom to the point that Christendom is about to be toppled by Islam, Zionism, and the rest of the savage Third World (Asia, Hispania, India, Africa, etc.). 

And yet the majority are either in utter decadent unconcern, blending in with the world to the point they are unrecognizable, or they are in profound and pious denial—psychotic delusion—as if they actually had a "mental break" from reality, and are so out of touch they think we are going to rise up and set our own house in order.  We didn't do it when were were 90%, we didn't do it when we were 50% and we sure as hell are not going to do it when we are 10% because GOD IS NOT WITH US until we REPENT... just look around anywhere... the writing is on the wall... Mene, Mene Tekel Upharsin.  You have been weighed in the balance, you have been found severely under the required weight for deliverance, the kingdom shall be taken from you.  Numbers don't matter since God is Supreme, but it seems He is whittling down the congregation of His people to ALMOST NOTHING--until all the chaff has been beaten and blown away and consigned to the flames... before He delivers His true tiny remnant who ARE on their knees before Him.  Rend your hearts and not [merely] your garments; and those who don't even go through the motions, the hypocrisy of rending their garments, well, they will be the first sacrificed to the barbarians when they overtake us like a flood.

    Nehemiah 1

1The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. And it came to pass in the month Chisleu, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the palace,

2That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem.

3And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction
and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.

4And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven,

5And said, I beseech thee, O LORD God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments:

6Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant,    
which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my father’s house have sinned.

7We have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the commandments, nor the statutes,
nor the judgments, which thou commandedst thy servant Moses.

8Remember, I beseech thee, the word that thou commandedst thy servant Moses, saying, If ye transgress, I will scatter you abroad among the nations:

9But if ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments, and do them; though there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the heaven, yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there.

10Now these are thy servants and thy people, whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power, and by thy     strong hand.

11O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.  For I was the king’s cupbearer.

    Daniel 9

    13As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth.    

14Therefore hath the LORD watched upon the evil, and brought it upon us: for the LORD our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we obeyed not his voice.

15And now, O Lord our God, that hast brought thy people forth out of the land of Egypt with a mighty     hand, and hast gotten thee renown, as at this day; we have sinned, we have done wickedly.

16O Lord, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain: because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach to all that are about us.

17Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord’s sake.

18O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousnesses, but for thy great mercies.

19O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name.

20And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God

—New Mexico & US Supreme Court pervert Justice against straight, Christian photographers?

This is an abomination and perversion of justice.  Neither the supreme court of NM or of the US has any authority to do this... they have just committed individual, not official acts violating this photographer couples' rights; this is not an official act, it is not a legal ruling; no action can arise out of fraud; no one need obey an unconstitutional law; an unconstitutional law is void ab initio; can incur no penalties; no judge is bound to enforce it and no individual bound to obey it; any law that contradicts the Constitution is null and void and is no law; Jefferson said the judges are not the ultimate arbiters of the law, but the people.

The queer couple were not injured (an injury would be if they were beaten up for asking).  Would a black photography couple be punished by the court for refusing to do a KKK wedding?  Would a Jewish photography couple be persecuted by the court for refusing to do a Skinhead or neo-Nazi wedding...? 


People have the right to contract and the right not to contract and that right exists on both sides (which is another reason Obamacare is unconstitutional).  People have a right to buy what they want, if they can purchase it (but I can't sue Rolls Royce because I want to buy a Rolls but they have the price set too high to discriminate against poor people).  People have a right to sell. 


Try going to a dog breeder to buy a puppy.  I wanted to buy a Rhodesian Ridgeback at one time... the owners are PSYCHOTIC.  She asked me more questions and probed deeper than the average proctologist.  She asked, are you going to have the dog as a pet or a show dog? I replied, I had not thought about it, for a pet, but maybe show, who knows...? She said, you can't do both it has to be one or the other. (first shock).  Then she asked how I would keep it.  I said chained up by the dog house in a nice area, to prevent the dog from chasing cars.  She said no, chains are cruel.  (second shock).  I forget what else she asked, but then the clincher... get this... she said, "Even if I let you buy one of my dogs I will still have legal rights to the dog and can repossess it at any time I feel you are not treating it right."  (I said, have a nice day, [click]; I felt like saying, oh, you still have legal right to the dog, great, you can come clean up its poop on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and I'll expect your monthly check for part of the food bill, veterinary care, and obedience school.) 


People have a right to sell to whom they want to sell.  People do it all the time.  If they don't like the philosophy or religion of a certain group (that is, if they are conservative, moral Christians, then they are open game to discriminate against), the liberals will not let some be distributors for their product if they maintain a traditional, conservative, Christian moral code. 


And, likewise, groups like Wal-Mart and others discriminate against people like Maurice Bessinger, who has a restaurant in the South and had a popular line of bbq sauce Wal-mart and most other large chains carried, UNTIL they learned of his conservative, southern Christian views, and they dropped all his products which cost him MILLIONS... yet that was not considered a damage...? the only reason they dropped his products was political/religious.


--yet a perverted couple is suing a Christian photographer who declined EVEN THOUGH PLENTY of other photographers said YES... this CLEARLY is not a damage and they CLEARLY were never going to use this photographer... THESE TROLLS WERE TROLLING for a lawsuit and THAT shows BAD FAITH.


There were plenty of others willing to photograph their perversion.  It seems now every religion EXCEPT the Christian religion--the FOUNDING religion, has rights.  Imprecatory prayers are in order for all evildoers involved who are persecuting and robbing this godly couple, and stripping them of their God-given rights... the perversion of the court is abominable and a violation of the Constitution, to suggest that this godly couple's surrendering their Christian faith is the price of citizenship... that is blasphemy against Christianity and a violation of the public servants, the judge's oath to uphold the constitution of the US and NM and the PRESERVE the rights of the lawful people... those deemed lawful at the time NW wrote its constitution and those deemed lawful when the US constitution was drafted.


Declining to serve someone for any reason is not a damage... (if the couple's photography business was incorporated, then they need to unincorporate and then carry on their business as unincorporated, because corporations have no rights but are at the mercy of the whim of the corrupt state)...



-----original email----

Supreme Court Will Not Hear Case of Photographer Who Refused Gay Wedding

By Napp Nazworth , Christian Post Reporter
April 7, 2014|1:41 pm
supreme court (Photo: REUTERS/Gary Cameron)

The exterior of the U.S. Supreme Court is seen in Washington March 5, 2014. U.S. Supreme Court justices on Wednesday appeared to look for a compromise that would enable them to avoid overruling a 26-year-old precedent that made it easier for plaintiffs to negotiate large class action settlements.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a case, Elane Photography, LLC vs. Willock, in which a wedding photographer was punished for declining to photograph a same-sex wedding ceremony.

"This essentially means the end of legal options for John and Elaine Huguenin for now," Alan Sears, president, CEO and General Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, said. ADF represented the Huguenins, owners of Elane Photography.

In 2006, Vanessa Willock sent an email to several wedding photographers in New Mexico asking if they would be willing to photograph her same-sex "commitment ceremony." (New Mexico did not redefine marriage to include same-sex couples until December 2013.)

"This is a same-gender ceremony. If you are open to helping us celebrate our day we'd like to receive pricing information," the email stated.

Elaine Huguenin informed Willock via email, "We do not photograph same-sex weddings, but again, thanks for checking out our site! Have a great day."

In court testimony, Huguenin made clear that she would serve the couple in other contexts. She was not declining to serve gays. She was declining to serve gay weddings because she believed that doing so would be in violation of her religious beliefs. Huguenin had also previously declined service to clients who asked her to photograph nude images and violent images.

Willock filed a complaint against Elane Photography, arguing that the company violated an anti-discrimination ordinance. The case made its way to the New Mexico Supreme Court, which found Elane Photography guilty and ordered the company to pay close to $7,000 to Willock.

"The injustice is difficult to overstate," Sears of ADF stated. "Make no mistake, this issue is all about the government forcing a citizen to communicate a message against her will and against her beliefs.

"To add insult to the outrage, a justice on the New Mexico Supreme Court has even gone so far as to tell the Huguenins that surrendering their freedom is 'the price of citizenship.'"

Russell D. Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, also expressed disappointment in the Supreme Court's decision to not hear the case. The case is about freedom of conscience, he argued.

"At issue is the fundamental question of whether the state can pretend to be a god over the conscience," Moore said. "No one is seeking to outlaw photographers from working at same-sex marriage or civil union ceremonies. At issue is whether these persons will be forced by the coercive power of the state to participate in something they believe to be sinful.

"The audacity of the New Mexico Supreme Court in saying that the crucifixion of conscience is the price of citizenship is breathtaking. This ruling is more in the spirit of Nero Caesar than in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson. This is damaging not only to the conscience rights of Christians, but to all citizens. When we decide, as a country, that state power trumps the rights of conscience, we are treading on self-evident, inalienable rights, granted not by government but by God."

ADF Senior Counsel Jordan Lorence, on the other hand, argued that the case was about freedom of speech.

"The First Amendment protects our freedom to speak or not speak on any issue without fear of punishment. We had hoped the U.S. Supreme Court would use this case to affirm this basic constitutional principle ...," he said.

Lorence added that ADF has several other clients in similar cases which the Supreme Court will have opportunities to weigh in on the issues, including wedding florists and bakers, and a t-shirt printer who declined to design a "pride festival" shirt.


ELANE PHOTOGRAPHY - SCOTUS - U.S. Supreme Court Declines the Elane Photography Case  


Alliance Defending Freedom
ELANE PHOTOGRAPHY - SCOTUS - U.S. Supreme Court Declines the Elane Photography Case