CONFEDERATED HATE - The Issue is not that the Flag is about “Hate”—it is about why many hate the Flag!

Heroes of the Nations: - Robert  E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy 1807-1870 (1898) Henry Alexander White, Ph.D., 42 illustrations / maps on unnumbered pages; blank on back side; (thus, 84 book pp.); extra / better quality illustrations added by modern publisher onto the blank side of those pages; + info added by Modern Publisher on Lee’s & Lee’s wife’s genealogies; photo and brief bio. of author; c.578pp. total; pb., 26.00 + P&H.

General Lee Matters


Coming Soon (inquire)

- Confederate Portraits (1912) Gamaliel Bradford (reprinted modernly as “Confederate Lives: Soldiers and Statesmen”), chapters on Joseph E. Johnston, J.E.B. Stuart, James Longstreet, P.G.T. Beauregard, Judah P. Benjamin, Alexander H. Stephens, Robert Toombs, Raphael Semmes, (and a chapter on Gettysburg), 291pp., 6x9, pb., with added photo / bio of the author and other illustrations. 20.00 + P&H.


Also available:


- Abraham Lincoln and the Rothschilds: The Real Cause of the Civil War [Feb. 12th / Feb. 19th 1940 issues of Rev. Charles E. Coughlin’s “Social Justice”]; 13pp.; + In-Depth Appendix concerning The Jewish ancestry of John Wilkes Booth and Various Questions Concerning the Ancestry and Religious Faith of Abraham Lincoln, 27pp., by R.A.B., illustrated; 40pp., 4.00 + P&H.



- White America (1923, 1937 edition) Earnest Sevier Cox, 220pp., paperback 16.00 + P&H.

WE matter...!



- Some Collected Works of Earnest Sevier Cox [Let My People Go (1925) Virginia Racial Integrity Legislation (c.1925) The South’s Part in Mongrelizing the Nation (1926) The Virginia Memorial to Congress (c.1934) The Price of Failure, Three Million Negroes Thank The State of Virginia (1940) Monument to Herman (1959); with extensive notes by RAB, illustrations added, and photos and brief biography of Cox, 232pp., pb., 18.50 + P&H.

True History Matters!

Even the Slaveowners didn’t tax the slaves for their food, clothing, housing, land, or anything they bought or owned...!

The U.S. received less than 1% of the worldwide slave traffic.

The U.S. was only involved in slavery for about 200 years, while other nations were involved for 4,000 years.

Less than 3% of white people in the U.S. owned slaves.

It was LESS EXPENSIVE to hire a laborer than to own a slave.

Free blacks in the U.S. owned slaves.

Whites treated their slaves humanely, even like family.

Blacks in Africa sold their own people to Jewish slave traders; and blacks in Africa conquered, tortured, killed, and ate weaker tribes of their own people and treated their slaves worse than dogs.

American Indians owned and sold black slaves.

The majority of blacks here in the U.S. did not have any ancestors in the U.S. who were slaves during the time of slavery.

The majority of whites here in the U.S. did not have any ancestors in the U.S. who owned slaves during the time of slavery.

The majority of blacks and whites in the U.S. came to the U.S. after the time of slavery.

Many States in the U.S. did not even exist at the time of slavery.

No blacks alive today in the U.S. were ever slaves, and none have a father or a grandfather who were slaves in the U.S. at the time of slavery.

Over 100 years and TRILLIONS of Dollars in welfare programs for blacks.

Over 100 years of crimes and murder committed by blacks; and all the cost of police, courts, prisons.

Most of our inner cities, mega-cities, and neighborhoods that our ancestors established have been taken over by blacks.

There are still places in Africa and the Middle East that have slaves.

How can all whites owe all blacks “reparations” for anything...?  If anything, they owe up reparations.

It is an anti-intellectual fraud to destroy the nation.

Even if each is given $250,000... like the monthly welfare check, they will blow through it (even as many pro athletes do) and then when it is gone demand more and if they are not appeased they will just burn and destroy.

They will never be satisfied.

People who live irresponsibly in a demented fantasy will never be satisified.

When catered too you enable them to forever be irresponsible and then throw a tantrum when they don’t get what they demand, which they are told by agitators that they deserve... believing African-American ghost stories simply because they have been taught to and repeated to them since childhood—which have nothing to do with reality / truth.


See also:

- Some Astute Observations Concerning the Peoples Encountered on an African Expedition while in Search of the Source of the Nile River — Excerpted from “The Albert N’Yanza: The Great Basin of the Nile and Exploration of the Nile Sources” (c.1866) by Sir Samuel White Baker, edited by RAB, superbly shows the nature and character of the blacks, turks, and arabs, 88pp., 6.00 + P&H. excellent! very eye-opening, highly recommended; fascinating info.

- On the Edge of the Primeval Forest (1922) & More From the Primeval Forest (1931) & From My African Notebook (1938) Albert Schweitzer, 426pp., 3 books in 1 pb., with Biographical intro., photos, 26.00 + P&H. [“More from the Primeval Forest” once printed as “The Forest Hospital at Lambarene”.] fascinating books, give glimpses into courage, patience of this great man (his poor theology and misguided altruism notwithstanding) glimpses into minds, natures he tried to help.


See also:

- Christ in the Camp, Jones, 624p. Hb (revival in Southern Army) 25.00 + P&H.
- The Great Revival in the Southern Armies, Bennett, 428p., Hb (narrative by eye-witness) 30.00 + P&H.
- The Life & Campaigns of Lt-Gen Stonewall Jackson (1865), Dabney, 742p. Hb., 40.00 + P&H. pb., 30.00 + P&H.
- Life & Letters of Gen. Robert E. Lee (1906), Jones, 486p., Hb., 35.00 + P&H.
- Life & Letters of Stonewall Jackson by Mary Anna Jackson, his widow, 512p., Hb., 35.00 + P&H.
- Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, Wyeth (written in 1899 by confederate soldier), 776pp. pb., 50.00 + P&H.