My Proposed ideas for Honest GMO Labeling Symbols

The corrupt powers that be, regulators of truth and matter, as they gain stronger monopoly of power, engage in deceit and fraud, and hire a bevvy of talmudic lawyers to circumnavigate justice and find, or create legal loopholes through which they can sliver to defraud and harm the unsuspecting, believing themselves to be judgment proof.  The original marketing words and symbols that were required on products, to indicate GMO ingredients, have been changed (as it was for many things befor

What is Income...? and Politicians / Judges responsible for the debt and carnage caused Americans by Third World Immigration (Invasion)

The information in this article is almost entirely invalid.  It merely exposes the corrupt government misinterpreting its own corrupt pseudo-law.  When you play a game that someone else claims to own, who can change the rules at any time (like selling on Amazon, or like corrupt, renegade, treasonous politicians who delusionally think that THEY are the “Law” and that THEY are the “government” — which they are NOT), then you are a fool.  The solution is NOT to p

Beyond Belief... IMPOSSIBLE — and yet it is reality...!

I shared with my email list yesterday a link and my comments concerning the movie Enemy of the State, where a neighbor of mine, back c.1997, thought the technology (surveillance) in the movie was outlandish science fiction and I told him that it was not only real, but probably technologically at least 10 years old... he was incredous.

23 New Booklets (Updated September 1, 2024)

NOTE: The NEWEST additions to this homepage appear halfway down; under the promo for the book, Bulala.  I have left other popular and important Ruminations and Poems and illustrations in the upper portion of this homepage.  Those checking back periodically looking for newer postings, scroll down below Bulala (and order a copy while passing it; orders are placed via sending an email and informing me of what titles you want and I will give you a total).


[Newest updates toward the end of this listing.]




