— Disinformation and Military War against Raw Milk, The
very good synopsis with a few exceptions.
raw milk was consumed by the whole population of earth for about 5900 years of our history... over half the world still consumes raw milk. Raw milk is full of healthy bacteria, enzymes, vitamins and minerals destroyed in the heating process... the entire modern diet is likewise, not only over processed and rendered dead/inert, but it is then laced with chemicals and even High Fructose Corn Syrup to make people addicted and obese (HFCS is not only unhealthy, it does not signal the brain that it is satisfied or full) and even yeast (which contributes to candida albicans, which can mimic up to 85% of disease doctors misdiagnose) and aluminium--nearly all baked good/mixes have aluminum in them (and aluminum leads to cancer, alzheimer's and early senility) as well as propylene glycol (antifreeze) and MSG and its evil stepsisters disodiums guanylate and inosinate and artificial sweeteners such as equal and nutrasweet (which are poison, can cause a whole host of serious health problems, and including holes in the brain and tumors and cancers).
No, many of the so-called sages and experts of the past century WERE NOT intelligent... what makes the modern world go around is nepotism and cronyism... having a degree from a certain university does not make a person intelligent (and having a degree does not mean he even made a passing grade, since some degrees are BOUGHT by powerful people)... the purpose of government agencies has not been the dissemination of truth, but control... it has not been to keep people healthy, but control (and increase of taxes to pay for all these over priced and over-manned agencies). The FDA and health inspectors are not needed. They are strong arm groups to control... I know someone who worked at a Wendy's and Hardees in the ghetto in a northern state, and informed me that the health inspector would routinely call, say, on a Monday, and say, "We are going to have a surprise inspection on Thursday" --had they not received the call, there is no way they would have ever passed. Bribes and kickbacks are rampant, and the FDA and health inspectors are like the mob, they can ruin any business they want and invent whatever violations they choose, and there is no recourse.
The other point is the nonsense of evolution and that man evolved and only discovered fire after 400,000 years of eating raw meat. This is foolishness. The problem is not eating cooked meat, but that modernly, there is not enough raw vegetables and grains and real fiber in the diet, and man does not exercise enough... scripture refers to a fool who catches fowl and is too lazy to build a fire to cook it. Nowhere does God inform us in His Word that we are supposed to eat raw meat. Everywhere it is cooked. The blood must be drained, and if that practice is not followed it is not that cooked meat is the problem, but meat that has retained any pathogens in the meat because the blood has not been drained. The problem is also the high ratio of meat consumed (and meat pumped up full of hormones and antibiotics) in ratio to the raw vegetables and grains/fiber. Meat is acidic. raw vegetables are alkaline and balance... if there is not enough raw vegetables to help balance, the body then robs the bones of calcium to neutralize the acidity of the meat. Too much meat without the balancing raw vegs is also a strain on the kidneys. Too much meat and fats without grains/fiber lead to too much fat being assimilated and stored; fiber is the sponge that soaks up the grease spill (fats and oils, likewise, are acidic). Too much protein that the body does not convert to muscle (which it won't do if you don't get enough exercise) is itself stored in the body as fat. Too much meat in the diet without fiber, will also lead to constipation (whether people recognize it as such or not) and the longer food is in the colon the greater the chance for bacteria to grow, and for the body to reabsorb it, and that is how a lot of disease begins.
Further, the problem is chiefly due to corrupt politicians (the communist manifesto has CONTROL of the population in every area; control movement, control property ownership, tax tax tax, deflate value of money, the state indoctrinates the children in public schools, control communication, and control the food supply)... in addition to that BIG BUSINESS cares only about one thing: making money, not producing a healthy product; food is laced with poisons, fake color, flavor, preservatives and the people are fed crap so the big food companies can make more profit. The Big milk companies (as the big livestock and poultry raisers) are FILTHY (that is why laws have been passed making it illegal for anyone to film or report what actually goes on in these animal lots) and they cannot compete with the cleanliness of the small, organic, private farms... and the reason storm troopers are sent in to shut down WITH AUTOMATIC WEAPONS peaceful farmers producing raw organic milk is because the BIG business is threatened, as is the fairy tales the FDA has concocted.
Finally, the reason vegetables have e-coli problems (so my local veterinarian tells me) is because the filthy Mexicans who pick our food, while they are in the field, do their business when nature calls and go right back to picking without washing their hands with soap and water. This is partly the fault of the farms for not providing portable outhouses and warm water and soap so they can properly clean up--or oversight to make sure they do... and there is no oversight to prevent white-hating Mexicans from PURPOSELY infecting the food, even as is common among jews and puerto ricans and blacks and dirty italians in New York city or other major cities, where there have been some news reports leak out (and I know some people who worked and saw first hand) of some spitting on the food of people they don't like, urinating in the pickle-barrels (and worse...!), working around food when they have the flu, and other things which are, in reality, felonies of mayhem, terrorism, and hate crimes and in some cases, attempted murder (such as sodomites who have AIDS and whose reprobate minds are given over to 'homosexual rage' and they purposely infect food so others will get AIDS).
It's not a pretty world. Problems won't be solved by ignoring them. Like John Wayne said, "Life is tough; it's even tougher if you are stupid."
so, while some good history here, I believe it is nearsighted and wrong in some points, as I have explained above. RAB
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