— Hives (Urticaria) — There Is Hope - Relief - There is No Need To Suffer Any Longer — There is an Inexpensive Remedy / Control WITH IMPORTANT UPDATED [May 2024] INFORMATION at the end

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Hives (Urticaria)

There Is Hope - Relief - There is No Need To Suffer Any Longer

There is an Inexpensive Remedy / Control


[Updated information at the end]


My personal physical suffering:


Note: I do not list this all here for a "pity party" or to say, "woe is me"—but so that the reader will know that I do know all too well what real suffering is.  During these prolonged periods of suffering, I have dedicated myself to serving God and His people through research and writing—and focusing on that goal has helped get me through unbearable suffering.

From the age of 5 or so I had Juvenile Rheumatory Arthritis; for the past 20 years I have suffered with profound insomnia/sleep apnea,* fibromialgia, arthritis, and one of the worst cases of chronic hives that probably anyone has had to endure (all possibly from childhood vaccines).  I have also had bursitis off and on over the years (and bad for the past 5) and in the past 2 years somehow (at different times) minorly tore muscles in both my biceps (not even knowing how I did it).  I used to be a remarkable athlete, body-builder, and carpenter/landscaper... but over the past 20 years, without consistent physical exercise the body atrophies and weakens.  Sports and physical labor helped me 21 years ago, but since I have lived secluded and devoted myself to ministry for more than 2 decades, I do not get the consistent exercise that I used to get.  Hopefully I can remedy this after my current trial is over.

[* I wake up suffocating, my brain being starved of oxygen; but I don’t have a c-pap machine because it wouldn’t work since my sinuses are usually clogged.  I remember having apnea at times (though I didn’t know what it was at the time) as early as 16 (the men in our family seem to all have had it), when I was in prime physical, athletic shape and youth.]


I also suffer with sinus problems and have to use nose spray every 10-60 minutes and thus, over the past 20 years, on average, I only get about 2-3 hours of sleep a night (when I eventually do get to sleep, due to the insomnia), in 20 minute increments (and thus, never get to deep levels of sleep), because I either wake up not breathing (from apnea) or I wake up because I can’t breathe through my nose (sinus problem).  I have only slept through the night once or twice in 20 years and have not woken up feeling refreshed in 20 years.  I feel like I have a hangover most of the time, and as the day goes it wears on me more and all my senses are heightened (possibly aggravating or mimicking fibromialgia): every noise hurts my head and ears and even vibrations or something pressing or hanging on me slightly (even a sheet or a t-shirt) can be painful.  I also for the past several years have been plagued with tinnitis that sounds like a violin/flute quartet tuning up.  So loud it is, I originally thought it was some noise in the house and I went room to room looking for the source. So loud, it keeps me from falling asleep sometimes (and can be maddening).


Some people suffer terribly with hives. This has been the source of my greatest physical suffering. Most people don’t have a clue concerning what the suffering entails... most people think, "Oh, it is just a little bit of itchiness... no big deal" —however, that is not the case.  Few health problems are as tortuous.  When it is bad and covers a large percentage of the body it is no less painful than an impacted tooth.


Hives can be mild, like a minor rash or mosquito bites, but they can also feel like a very bad case of poison ivy* (without the oozing blisters) and a very severe sunburn—or all 3 combined—with very little, if any relief.  In my case, it was nearly 24/7, 12 months a year, over 16 years...!  

[* If the reader has never had a severe case of poison ivy, then he cannot comprehend the depths of this suffering either.]


I have had numerous more severe episodes that last for about for 3 weeks straight, without any relief (antihistamines brought zero relief and I could take a pack of 24 a day).  One time, during my worst episode (3 years ago) for the first week it felt like bad poison ivy and sunburn over 85% of my body (with many hives swelling out greatly, as I will explain below).  During the second week, the hives felt like yellow jackets* stinging me all over.  During the third week, the worst case I ever experienced, it felt like I was literally being chewed alive by rats... with no relief... no sleep...  On top of that, the antihistamines I took in such quantity (which dehydrate and constipate), in order to try to get some relief, gave my joints acute, unbearable arthritic pain: Sitting in a chair I had to change position every 2 seconds.

I probably looked like a drug addict going "cold turkey" through severe withdraw.  The antihistamines also made me jumpy and jittery: if someone walked into the room quickly and said something, I would literally jump (something I never do); every sound and every vibration was intensified 10x; it also felt like the world’s worst hangover (since in this 3 weeks of suffering I was not able to sleep even an hour a night), drained/fatigued (mentally and physically), headache, nausea, aches, fuzzy feeling—on top of the torment... it is an awful picture to paint; an even more horrific thing to live with.  Death would have brought relief (and was becoming a greater thought in my mind).

[* Why do you think they are called "hives"...? —because when the hives break out they can look and feel like you were stung by a whole colony or hive of bees.  The Latin name (for hives) urticaria comes from the Latin name of the herb/plant commonly called "stinging nettles," urtica—which, if you have never experienced (coming into contact with the plant), is impossible to imagine.  The plant’s leaves and stems are covered with a downy hair that are actually tiny hypodermic needles with which they inject their plant enzymes into your skin and the stinging is very intense (though of short duration).  However, the plant is a healthful herb, making a tonifying tea or pot herb, the needles being rendered innocuous by boiling.]


The "mere itching" even under the mild cases can be so bad that you scratch yourself until you are raw.  However, in most cases, it is not a topical, dermatological problem... "short term" hives can temporarily result from eating or coming into contact with something toxic or to which your body is allergic (shell fish, pork, chitlins, a plant, or chemical/drug or even a "sun rash"); but that is not the kind to which I am referring.  I am referring to the "long term" type of hives that result from something systemic; something internal (not in terms of injestion).  It may start only for a few hours a day, during certain seasons... during certain hours of the day (often late at night)... then increase longer and longer until you are consumed by them 24/7 - 12 months of the year, regardless of climate or location.  While stress, pollens, molds, certain foods, or medicines, etc. do not "cause" chronic hives; they do often aggravate them.


When the hives are severe and when they cover a significant percentage of your body, the pain is so consuming it can cause you to feel manic.


Individual welts (or welt "colonies" resulting from welts that continue to swell and eventually expand and incorporate those around them) can be larger than your hand and swell out over 1/2 an inch and more... not only is there incredible—unbearable—painful, stinging and itching, but there also is swelling pain and incredible heat... Eyes can swell closed for days at a time... Lips can swell up (and feel like you were punched in the mouth or as if someone has your lip pinched between a pair of pliers) for several days and when the swelling subsides, the outer layer of skin on the lips may split and the neurological trauma can even make the roots of your teeth hurt...


Hives can form in any joint, such as in the fingers, to the point they feel very tight with great pressure—like wearing leather gloves 2 sizes too small—you cannot bend your fingers more than 25-50%, and you have to remove any ring while there is time.  The hives in the joints can feel like a sprain and inhibit movement not only by tightness and pressure, but by also sharp pain...  The center of the soles of the feet can swell up so that it hurts to walk.


Hives can also develop inside the ears, sinuses and bronchials, chest and lungs (and suffocation is possible)... (and if the throat closes up—and you also have sinus problems that can clog your nasal passages sometimes 100% for many hours, the prognosis is not good at all).


Imagine this incredible suffering without relief, 24/7 for weeks at a time, or with only temporary relief—albeit, all-too-short—for years...! (and the antihistamines that bring temporary relief make you so exhausted, often without your realizing why—that is the nature of being drugged).


There is also the emotional trauma of not being able to be in public when the severest of outbreaks occur (which, as I have said, can last for weeks)... in mild cases, it is embarrassing... in bad cases, those who see you may need therapy to get over the horror they witnessed.  When it gets bad, it is not a rational thought, but it makes me feel like wanting to get a knife and cut all my skin off.

[Forgive the following lengthy digression, but I publish it in case there may be some who may benefit from it.]


I suffered indescribably for 16 years (nearly 24/7)... most people never learn the cause of their hives, let alone how to control them. After suffering greatly for many years (trying every-known, natural remedy, after allergy clinics produced no results) a friend showed me an issue (Nutrition and Healing September 2007, "Clinical Tip 140: The suprising condition behind chronic hives") of Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D.’s newsletter (see also: http://wrightnewsletter.com/about/), which mentioned hives possibly being caused by Hypochlorhydria (deficiency of the body producing adequate stomach acid).  Further, as we age, the body produces less and less stomach acid. Wright also reported that childhood asthma was cured in 50% of patients with addition of the enzymes (which I will mention below) in conjunction with sublingual B12 or injections. 

The enzymes can also help clear up dermatitis and eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and numerous other problems (see: http://nutrientsearch.com/Nutrients/Betaine_HCl.html).

See also Wright’s book, Why Stomach Acid Is Good For You.*  Wright also reports that tests can be done to determine if one has Hypochlorhydria.

[* Inquire concerning availability/price.]


Doctors such as Wright recommended taking large doses (up to 2,700-3,900 mg. per meal) of specific digestive enzymes. He recommended though starting with 1 capsule before a meal until you are eventually taking 5 or 6 with each meal daily (see the brand I recommend below).  This will be easier for your GI tract to grow accustomed to the enzymes.


Here is the kicker: It often takes 2 or 3 months before you may notice any relief—but once they kick in you should be hive free (after which I have found I only needed to take maintenance doses every now and then; with meals or alone).


This "remedy" is very hard to follow and believe in... it is like flying blindly across the south Pacific Ocean, just hoping you will find an island before you run out of fuel and crash with no land anywhere in sight.  Sometimes it is also hard to recognize that the enzymes eventually "kicked in"—if you did not know (or forgot) that it takes so long to show any benefit: For you may have stopped taking the supplement, thinking it was doing no good, then months later, when you get relief, you don’t have a clue why they subsided briefly.

[Classical conditioning teaches us that if the response is too far removed from the stimulus, no association may ever be drawn even in the most astute mind.]


I began taking these enzymes, with meals—and even in between meals, frequently, on an empty stomach,* out of desperation, when the suffering was so bad that I wanted life to end (during the last of those intense 3 weeks).  It takes time for them to kick in.  Don’t give up.  Have faith.

[* Your body will know how much you can take; if your stomach rumbles too much or if you have to run for the toilet, you need to take less—or less often—for a while, then increase the dose once your stomach can handle it.]


Once I got the hives under control, I continued to take the enzymes for many months. With zero hives, I stopped taking the enzymes.  I eventually stopped taking any regular "maintenance dose" for maybe a year before the hives began to return.  I waited too long before I realized that I needed to go back on the enzymes in large doses, so it took a few months or more to get the hives under control—which also happened around the time I was under my greatest stress (during a time when God was putting me through an incredible trial, nearly a year without any hope in sight)—but they were only mild outbreaks: Though they started during the day, they soon subsided to only very late at night (and mild compared to what I used to suffer through).  I did have to take again 1 (or sometimes 2) antihistamines/night (which was a hated chapter of my life that I thought had passed*) while waiting for the digestive enzymes to kick in (though sometimes I did doubt that the enzymes would resolve the problem, I just continued to take them with meals, in between, and then later also while fasting).

[* I used to (jokingly) declare to my friends that I was a "test pilot" for the antihistamine industry. I took so many over 16 years I eventually developed GERD or acid reflux which was unbearable in itself.  Antihistimines, like many drugs (usually made from petrolium or pine tar), are synthetic hydrochloride (hydrochloric acid) compounds.  My stomach burned incredibly all the time and if I burped it felt as if molten lava came up and I felt I might pass out.  I had to begin taking acid reducers.  However, once the digestive enzymes kicked in, I no longer needed either antihistamines or acid reducers.  I used to need antihistamines so desperately, it was as if they were my life-support...  I was more concerned if I had antihistamines in my wallet than money or my driver’s license...  I had them in every room, every vehicle, my tool box, work shop... etc. (unfortunately, I am still this way with nose spray).  The hives in the past were so bad that the antihistamines gave 0% relief during the several weeks/year that the hives would break out beyond the realm of control.  I took antihistamines in great frequency and high doses—I did not want to take them at all; but the suffering was so great it was all that sometimes brought relief... the torment was unbearable.  I print this here in case others are suffering and looking for relief so that they might know that there is hope and that they do not have to suffer and there is a cure or at least an inexpensive, natural control.  I don’t believe that it is a digestion problem alone (for fasting for 4-8 weeks did not clear up the hives; nor any cleanse, colonics, juicing, diet etc.]


I believe my case is an exception; I believe God wanted me to again suffer with the hives as I again suffered through a terrible ordeal (to teach me various things He wanted to teach me and to continue to teach me to trust in Him).


After 6 months of my ordeal, I found out my hives were not subsiding, but getting worse.  This had to be due to the great amount of stress and mental/emotional anguish I was under.  The hives began to become severe again and all I could do was cry out to God for deliverance, while I took antihistimines as needed (sometimes 6-8 a night) and I continued to take the enzymes.  I began to doubt if they would clear up.  It seems God was putting me through, not merely the desert, but the forge.


After about 7 months I stopped taking the enzymes, figuring, if they were going to help, all I had taken would eventually kick in and there was no need to keep taking 24 (6 tablets 4x a day). 


After 11 months the hives are 100% gone.


For a full year now (as of June 2013) I have not had a single hive, and while I may not take the enzymes with every single meal, I do at least 80% of the time.   Now, as of June 2021 I have not had a single hive.


I now take 5-6 enzymes once a day as maintenance.


Dr. Jonathan Wright also warned that if you experience a bad reaction, stop taking the enzymes and he stated that HCl (hydrochloride) products/supplements should never be used with anti-inflammatory medications (including aspirin, Butazolidin, Inodicin, Motrin, etc.) since it may increase the risk of internal bleeding.  He also says you should consult a doctor and be tested (which I did not do) for low stomach acid before taking large doses of the enzyme.

[I use Betaine Hydrochloride (HCL) with Pesin (plus other enzymes) (Gluten-Free) by Country Life: 2 tablets = 912 mg.* - 250 tablets - UPC Code: 015794051046 - retail $18.00-20.00 (which is highly inflated by the sellers as the MSR [manufactuerer’s suggested retail] price, to make it look like a great deal; currently (2022) $13.00 per bottle would be a good price).  Sometimes Amazon.com or Swanson vitamin has them on sale; even under $10.00 / bottle sometimes.  Source Naturals is also a good brand.  If you have never ordered from Swanson before, follow this link for $ or a % off your first order, and fill out the order form first, if possible, before adding items to your cart: https://www.talkable.com/x/aFDsPQ

* Thus, 1 tablet would be 456 mg.; 6 would be 2736 mg.; 8 tablets would be 3648 mg.

Corrupt gov’t/Big Business is trying to outlaw supplements (or control them with only "Drug Companies" then being allowed to manufacture them; so they are 10x more expensive, require a prescription—thus an additional $100-$150 doctor’s bill—and so they will be 10x less potent/effective—i.e. worthless; as they have done in Australia).  Thus, it would be wise to stock up on these and other supplements and store them in a cool, dry place.  An old broken refrigerator/upright deep freezer (seal must be good) in a basement is ideal—if you don’t have an old upright deep freezer/refrigerator check local thrift shop; or appliance store/Lowes (for old ones they hauled off); or use plastic 5-6 gallon buckets with lids and label them alphabetically.]






A few other tips for relief from hives:


I found that getting into a warm bath and gradually increasing the water hotter and hotter until I could not stand it any longer, then keeping it like that for an hour would bring some relief, though short in duration... (though also exhausting).


Also, herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze’s hot/cold water therapy can also help (but you really need a deep well rather than city water, except maybe during the winter, otherwise the cold will not be cold enough... however, if you have several tubs/showers you can fill one tub with cold water and ice and use the other tub (or shower) with hot water and do the hot/cold water therapy in the 2 tubs (or cold tub/hot shower).

[Only you can determine if you think you should do this.]


Whether the tub or the shower be careful not to slip when going from one to the other.  Dr. Schulze recommends getting the shower water as hot as you can stand it, count 30-60 seconds, then switch the water to full cold (or go to the ice tub)... again, 30-60 seconds. If showering turn around in the shower to get the water on your head, neck, back, chest, stomach.... (don’t start counting in the shower until the cold water is fully cold, as it will take 15-30 seconds or so for the pipes to cool down from the very hot water, especially if you have copper pipes)... when you switch to hot water in the shower, bring the temperature up gradually, don’t turn the faucet to full hot, so that you don’t burn yourself; once you have the shower as hot as you can stand it, then start counting.  You do this 7 sets of hot-cold, starting on hot and ending on cold.  This hot-cold water therapy is supposed to be great for many adverse health conditions.  If you think you might faint or lose your balance, put a folding metal or a plastic chair in the shower (put 2x4s under legs, and wash cloths under the 2x4s to protect the tub).  This sometimes gave me temporary relief from hives.

I also found that antihistamines (or too many) gave me acute arthritic symptoms in my joints... However, a palmful or 2 Tablespoons of celery seed taken in a glass of water would usually give me relief from those chemical-induced arthritic symptoms in about 20 minutes (and it also worked if I got joint pain from drinking a glass or two of red wine with sulfites).  You can get celery seed cheap, bulk (around $10 for three 1-lb. bags), Frontier brand, at Amazon.com.

Most people never learn the cause/pathology of their hives.  Sometimes the symptoms are mistaken as being the result of many different things; but often they are an end unto themselves.  If the body is severely taxed by whatever is causing the hives, the immune system is weakened and a person can develop allergies or sensitivities (including hives) which are secondary, not causal.  By mistaking a "symptom" as a disease itself, or as the cause, doctors may prescribe a treatment for the symptom, not the problem—like treating termites on a house with another coat of paint... it may look better temporarily, but the problem will continue to erupt.  A weakened immune system and even candida albicans* (systemic yeast overgrowth throughout the entire body, which both men and women can get from many things, such as antibiotics and yeast in the diet) can mimic scores of physical ailments, which doctors misdiagnose, and if the true cause is not realized, the treatment will be in the wrong direction and a waste of time and money, with un-needed frustration and aggravation on top of the suffering. Homemade kefir*2 (made with "milk kefir grains"*3 which never need to be replaced, but grow and divide and reproduce) can help with many health problems (including candida) and can be easily made with nothing else and no other cost than milk (no equipment/heating needed).

[*1 See also: Detecting Your Hidden Allergies, by Dr. William Crook, M.D. (contact me for info on this book); I was on Crook’s "Cave Man" diet for 11 months. It didn’t help the hives, but helps many problems (it helped my hay fever) and rests the immune system so it can be revitalized. Two reputable, successful doctors claim that cancer is caused by candida and both can be cured/prevented with either baking soda/maple syrup (Italian Dr. Tullio Simoncini at cancerisafungus.com) or cottage cheese/flax-seed oil (German biochemist Dr. Johanna Budwig at http://lightsv.org/bud1.htm).

*2 The best all-around kefir site is: http://users.chariot.net.au/~dna/Makekefir.html; known also as "Dom’s Kefir-making in-site".

*3 or more properly I believe they should be called "blooms"—they are a colony of friendly yeast and bacteria, not a grain.]


As the Russian commander in the movie Red Dawn announced to his soldiers, "If a fox is stealing the eggs from the hen house, you do not punish the chickens" (paraphrase).  The fox is the culprit and punishing the chickens will not only be useless, it will be counter-productive.  So it is with treating the symptom instead of the root cause.  Yet the gods of medicine think they know all*—until they injure someone, then they claim they are "not responsible," that they are "only human," and that is why they carry "qwack" insurance and merely "practice" medicine (for they never truly master it; yet they claim to be experts who alone know what is best for your body).  Now, they are even having traitors in the legislature pass laws completely indemnifying them from any deleterious outcomes as a result of their "practicing" medicine (first primarily in the use of harmful and deadly vaccines, but later to be applied to any harm they cause)

[* —and they think that they have the right to tell us what treatment we can and cannot have, what supplements can and cannot be on the market, who can produce them and what stringent guidelines they have to meet and all the hoops manufacturers have to jump through; making the vitamins less potent, synthetic** instead of natural, and more and more costly, also cutting out competition (competition keeps prices down).

** —which are toxic. See: Supplements Exposed....***

*** See book list at the bottom of "Important Health Information":

http://stm.christogenea.org/index.php?option=com_content&;view=article&id=40:important-health-information-and-books&catid=7:bulletin-board&Itemid=4 ]




NOTE: No medical advise is given herein.


I am only sharing my personal experience and sharing what I did and what brought me relief, regardless of whether I write in the first or second person.  You should only do what you believe is right for you... if you are ignorant and incompetent and believe your AMA doctor has all the answers, then by all means, forget you have ever read this and go back to being his volunteer guinea pig at your own expense...

My doctor is the Great Physician and He guides me in His Own Time and His Own Way to heal and give relief once I have leaned on and trusted Him and learned of His Grace in times of need (and once I have learned the lessons for which the suffering was ordained).  If God is in control then He is in control of our problems, health or otherwise.  Seeking other gods will not fix the problem, but increase His displeasure.  Medicine and doctors have their role; but have exeeded their bounds.


Though I give no medical advice, until any doctor himself has suffered from this condition 24/7 for 16+ years, I believe I have more experience and knowledge in this area than any overblown ego he may have causes him to think that he has in this matter...  It is irrelevant what is "approved."  What is relevant is what works.  The world existed quite well for 6,950 years on herbs* before the advent of pharmecueticals made from petroleum (lining the pockets of the oil and drug companies).  More people die from aspirin each year, than in all of recorded history from herbs.  NO ONE has the right to tell another suffering person the treatments he may or may not pursue.  That is unconstitutional and immoral; it is communist totalitarianism, it is barbaric, it is a sadistic hate crime, and it is a crime against humanity!  It is the height of ignorance for those who do not have the answers, to demand that everyone follow solely their ignorant, sterile (expensive, harmful) advice (which enriches themselves).

[* Since herbs are natural they cannot be patented to make billions of dollars; which is one of the reasons for the hybridization and genetic modification of plants. Inquire for a list of available books on the dangers of GMOs.]




If you have suffered with hives and find relief after reading what I have published here, concerning Dr. Wright’s suggestion for hives, and my personal experience implementing it, please email me to let me know, as I sincerely hope that some people may find incredible, much-needed relief as a result of my having taken the time to write out and publish this personal information and share my personal experience: Since I do not believe that the majority of medical doctors or even alternative doctors are aware of this simple remedy . I know: For I contacted many and tried their suggestions without result, and others said they would have recommended trying any of the many things I told them I had tried—fasting, colonics, juicing, supplements, herbal cleanses, anti-yeast medications and supplements, "cave man diet," HBO (hypobaric-oxygen), ozone, even acupuncture once, etc., etc.—and they confessed they did not have a clue as to what might help.  These digestive enzymes in large quantities are the only thing I found to help and help completely—it just takes about 2-3 months (under normal circumstances) of vigilance and dedication in taking them with every meal (and even in between on an empty stomach) until they finally kick in for me (under normal circumstances). 



Last year I realized that the terrible body odor smell under my armpits was due to the Betaine HCL.  It was very acidy, and not even several soapings in the shower, H2O2, rubbing alcohol, etc., would help (stepping out of the shower, my underarms smelled no better).  I finally realized that it was the HCL... but what a dilemma... sort of like realizing that breathing air makes you fat... what do you do?  Well, I have been carefully, for many months now, been substituting the below supplements in place of the Betaine HCL with pepsin—but I still take the Betaine HCL every third or forth time.  It is like playing chicken with a train... to find the frequency and dose of the B-HCL that will prevent hives, but not make me smell so bad that I am offensive to myself (and who knows who else).  I don't know if these other combined supplements will without B-HCL completely prevent hives (and it is a scary thought if they do not).  Regardless, for several months now I have cut back 80 to 90% of the B-HCL and the toxic underarm acidy odor has gone away.

1. Choline & Inositol

2. Pancreatin (Swanson 4x)

3. Papain / Papaya enzyme (they smell so wonderful you want to open the capsules and eat them)

4. Bromelain

5. raw Apple cider vinegar (capsules or the vingegar itself, presumably, a tablespoon, drinking some fluid afterward so the acid does not eat the enamel off your teeth).

Anyway, anyone else who has been taking B-HCL to prevent hives... who now realizes you have developed body odor... no, you are not turning into an old fart (well, maybe not) and your body is not dissolving... it may be the HCL, so if you can get these other supplements and attempt to find the keen balance your body needs, you may be able to correct this new problem too.


UPDATE: Well, after not having hives for several years, they returned... I must not have been taking enough HCL and the other enzymes don’t do (at least, to prevent hives) what HCL does.  Once they clear up I will try every other time, alternating HCL and the other enzymes.  It has been about a month now with hives, and they are mostly just annoying, and I ignored them without any antihistamines for a few weeks, but now have to take some.  Hopefully they will clear up soon, and before they become torturous.

Also, other supplements which may help (since they help inflammation / inflammation conditions in general) are:

Vitamin D


High doses of C 




Magnesium chelate / Magtein / Magnesium L-threonate



stinging nettle leaf / herb and root


B-3 Niacin / Niacinamide, both flushing and non-flushing forms. 

(Note: The flushing can be unpleasant, but it is actually part of the benefit... so if you can tolerate it, it will help.  For more information on Niacin and its many wonders, and my explanation of its flushing side-effects, see: 

What Are the Most-Important Health Nutrients? Can You Really Prevent or Reverse Disease? AND THE CORONA HYSTERIA

which also contains links to youtubes on Niacin, C, and Iodine.)





Having been plagued with eye muscles that spasm continually for about 13 years, and the acidy underarm smell (which I never had in my life), I finally put 2 and 2 together — that both began to occur sometime after I began taking large doses of betain HCL with pepsin.


I tried going off the Betain HCL onto other good digestive enzymes (pancreatin, apple cider vinegar, okra pepsin, choline/inositol, papain, bromelaine, etc.), so I would not have offensive armpit odor that even a shower and soap does not remove..


However, to my horror, the enzymes did not work, and the hives came back with a vengeance; it took about 11 months to get under control, then instead of going away completely, went from about 5% back to 50% intensity, so I must have slacked off a little; or getting older requires more of the enzymes?  I was around 58 years old at that time; I will soon turn 62.


I first thought the eye spasms were due to the amount of tea I drink, the caffeine possibly depleting iron.


Supplementation did not really help; though Magtein seemed to for awhile (which works symbiotically with calcium).


Then I thought maybe TOO MUCH calcium (which can be as toxic as too much iron; according to Dr. Mercola and others) from the calcium in the Betaine HCL with pepsin.


I believe it may be both depletion of iron and too much calcium?


I have begun decaffeinating my tea (soaking the 1 T. tea ball first in a cup of heated water for 45 sec., then discarding, once it cools, onto my plants, as well as the tea leaves/coffee grounds, then making the tea with another cup of hot water.


Also, every single time I take Betaine HCL, I also take magtein and vitamin K; K helps remove free calcium from blood stream and inject into the bones (and I use nonchina, noncorn Xylitol, which strengthens/remineralizes bones and teeth, so I imagine it does the same thing); and vit. K works best in conjunction with D, Zinc, and Lecithin (sunflower).


Anyway, I take the time to type out and share this anecdotal info in case any of your patients begin to notice similar problems.


after several months, for the first time in 13 years, eye spasms (which were continual, night and day, nonstop) are down to about 5% of what they were.

May 2024 update

After having had my hives under control for 5 years, I went off the Betaine HCL because I finally realized after a decade that was what was giving me acidy armpit odor; I went on numerous other digestive enzymes, papain, bromelain, apple cider vinegar, pancreatin, okra pepsin, etc.)... but clearly that was not anything to control the hives, and they returned with a vengeance... and I suffered incredibly for 4 years, though taking the Betaine HCL religiously; but been hive free about 2 months now (May 2024) after having been taking grassfed ox bile (Eleva brand) along with the Betaine HCL, and I also take Choline & Inositol and sunflower Lecithin, in addition to K2 (MK7), D3 and A, zinc, E, and C along with the Betaine HCL.  the K2 is to remove excess free calcium from bloodstream, the D3 helps K2 to work; but D3 depletes body of A; and zinc is called messenger A since it helps move A around the body from where it is stored in certain organs, to where it is needed.

I share this in case it may help some whom the Betaine HCL alone is not helping... when suffering, anything (within limits) is worth trying.


My father was an M.D. who was also a (Christian / nonhumanist) psychiatrist and also alternative medicine practitioner; and I myself have studied natural health for 45 years.


Anyway, I hope maybe this data helps.


Anyone who has found help from the information that I have shared, please consider a donation.  No one pays me to do all that I do.




Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance

— #1 - Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance [The Foundational Work, this is the book to start with] UPDATED

— Flu's and Don'ts of Flu Season or Any Season

Those who trust the media, government, and medical "professions" please stop reading and go to any mainstream news network, the official government health sites, or "fantasy.com"... those who want to read some alternative ideas, using your own mind to make an informed decision to take your health and your life into your own hands and take personal responsibility, then by all means read on and consider the ideas that I myself have implemented for 40 years...

Hot Peppers / gourmet powder available

While supplies last

Carolina Reaper, pepper powder (whole pepper ground, seeds and all), 4oz. in glass jar. 35.00 + 7.00 shipping.

or 2oz. in the same 4.oz jar for 20.00 + 7.00 shipping

This is currently the hottest pepper in the world.

Carolina Reaper Pepper (a variety of Scorpion pepper) - Worlds Hottest Chile Pepper 2013 Guiness World Record Averages 1,569,300 Scoville units (some reach over 2.2 million)


Also available: very rare.

Devil's Claw / Aji fatalii

— Should a Christian Eat Pork? Did God Abolish the Dietary Laws? Is Pork Safe to Eat? & Wrong-minded Study Condemns Red Meat as a Cancer Cause

I don't know if this is true or not, but one person said

Try this test: eat pork, bacon, ham, sausage, etc. & then take a Blood Test in 30 minutes, it will show positive for cancer.

I would not be surprised if this is true.

All animals God forbade us to eat as being unclean and abominations, cause inflammation (leading cause of most degenerative disease: heart, arthritis, etc.).  If you go to a doctor for allergies or heart problems, he will hand you a sheet of paper that is a list of "foods" that you need to stop eating—and pork and shellfish and all foods containing such (such as gelatin. Jello, unless it specifically says 'beef gelatin') top the list.  Swine have parasites that not even cooking at the highest temperature will kill.

Christians' bodies are polluted with pork even as a person whose body is accustomed to certain chemicals or poisons slowly over time...
someone whose body is not used to such chemicals or poison will have  violent reaction if consumed.  The person whose body is used to such poison is not healthier; his health suffers short term, though he does not realize it; and it suffers long term.  The less astute do not realize that the "violent reaction" is the body's self-defense mechanism that God gave it so that such poison is avoided.

I have not knowingly eaten pork (or anything unclean) for over 30 years.  There have been times that someone lied to me and told me something was not pork (such as back in college) and within a minute I began to feel nauseous, heart rate increased, felt fuzzy...

Once the body is clean of it, it recognizes it as a foreign substance that is poison.

So it would not surprise me if pork causes a blood test to show positive for cancer.  Theory maintains that each year most people probably develop cancer a half dozen times, but the immune system fights it off.  Thus, eating what God declared to be an abomination is playing Culinary Russian Roulette.  The pig is always loaded; so are shellfish/catfish, etc.  The roulette is whether your body can fight it off.  Pork and shellfish also cause inflammation, which weaken the immune system, leading to heart disease, arthritis, and of course, cancer would then be a shoe in.

Christ did not abolish the dietary laws.  The dietary Laws were not for salvation.  Not eating a pig is not what saved the soul of the saints in the old testament.  Eating a ham sandwich will not keep you out of heaven if you are truly saved, but it may get you there quicker.  And if you are so ill concerned that you don't even care if you are sinning against God by eating what He forbade because your god is your belly (Philippians 3:19), then that may be an indicator that you are not converted.  Conversion means a change of heart or mind from humanistic self-serving sinfulness, to doing what God commanded.  Those who never turn from what God forbade to do what He commanded, how can there be any conversion?  Obeying only those laws that you want to obey isn’t really obedience.  It is doing what you want and God is not your “Lord”.  A Lord is someone you bow down to and obey.

Obeying God also has benefits.  God did not invent His Law to put a damper on our party.  He gave us His Law for our good.  Obeying God will keep you healthy from all the poisons and abominations that will destroy your body.  Once your body is cleansed of it, just smelling bacon cooking will make you nauseous.  There are plenty of beef bacon, beef sausage, beef / turkey / chicken cold cuts, etc., (read the labels carefully, since they often foolishly contain pork fat or certain sausages may be in pork casing) so that "giving up" pork to obey God is no "sacrifice" at all.  It may be a little inconvenient to have to read labels or ask the server what dish contains... but if inconvenience is a reason for disobeying God, maybe you really don't know God and don't care about eternity.  Is not a trip to the emergency room a little more than an "inconvenience"?  If common practice of some people was to put donkey dung in some of the food they sold in the grocery store or in certain meals at a restaurant, would you not ask?  It is no inconvenience to read labels for pork or shellfish products, because anyone with a brain already reads labels and asks at restaurants or delicatessens, because they don't want MSG (and its evil step sisters disodium guanylate / inosolate or something like that), high fructose corn syrup, aluminum, propylene glycol (antifreeze, put in most all creamy products, creamy salad dressings, cheap ice cream, and anti-antiperspirant) or any of the many other poisons commonly put in food.

Christ said "not one jot or tittle shall pass from the law" and "I did not come to destroy the Law".

Keeping the Law is what God requires of His children, if they are honorable and obedient.  The dietary laws were to keep us healthy.  Writing bad checks won't keep you out of heaven either; but may land you in jail.  God did not give economic laws for salvation either.

The Apostle John wrote, "He who says 'I know Him' [God] and keepeth not His Commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him."

John also wrote, "sin is transgression of the Law".  Had the law been abolished, there would be no need to repent or be saved; for if there is no law there is no sin.

The lie that God abolished His Law is one of the greatest Mind Heists that has been pulled off against Christendom.  If we regard iniquity in our hearts God will not hear our prayers.  How then can God's people repent of their sins that keep God from hearing their prayers--when they don't think that what they are doing is sin? thinking the law abolished?

God said don't make yourselves abominable, either with eating unclean animals or amalgamating with unclean peoples.

Why do you think Christendom is being inundated by the enemy and God is not hearing our prayers?  We have violated His Law with impunity, and embraced everything that He said to eschew.

The curse causeless shall not come.

Repentance is the only solution.  Repentance means turning from what God forbade and turning to what He commanded.

Christians who have an "ah-ha" moment with this realization, need to stop listening to the false doctrine of the apostate / harlot church and read the Word of God.  God cannot lie or change His Mind or contradict Himself, so if you think that He has contradicted Himself (like saying the Law was abolished) it is a misreading and the problem is in your mind, not the Word of God.

Not one jot or tittle.  If you don't believe Christ's Voice and follow it, you are not of His sheep.  It does not matter if someone else's voice is confusing or not; just follow Christ's Voice.  How simple is that?

For more info on God's Law not being abolished, see my:

So, You Call Yourself A Christian..., 76pp., 5.50 + P&H (shows Peter's vision and no other N.T. passage abolished dietary Laws; and it is a short primer showing God did not abolish His Law)

What's Keeping God from Delivering America, Britain, and Europe from Destruction?, 112pp., pb., 10.50 + P&H.

[See also my upcoming: Ten Commandments for You(th)—for Everyone!, 440pp., 6.25x9.25]
See also my Does God Repent? Can God Change His Mind? 484pp., pb., 22.50 + P&H; which shows God is Sovereign, and by His Very Nature He cannot change or change His Mind or have a better idea, or make a mistake or contradict Himself. 
See also my more-detailed report here:
 Wrong-minded Study Condemns Red Meat as a Cancer Cause

Could it be that all the hormones, antibiotics, and chemicals they pump animals full of is what causes the cancer and not the meat itself?  Could it be that corrupt cattlemen feed their cattle feed with urea which causes cattle to retain water so that they weigh more when they are sold?  Goat feed can't have urea, it will kill a goat, who cannot metabolize it.  Could this be why people with arthritis have been told to avoid red meat?  Is it a coincidence that one of the causes of arthritis is URIC ACID CRYSTALS in the joints?  I WONDER WHERE those uric acid crystals come from? could it be from UREA...?  Hmmmmm.  No, that doesn't make any sense at all, does it?

Those who have overlooked this link that doesn't require a rocket scientist, and those "experts" who did the below "study"* are probably the same "experts" who concluded that guns kill people and that throwing more money at poverty or illiteracy and low intelligence among certain population groups will fix magically fix the problems.

[* Actually, "study" is a misleading term; because no study is done in such things. "Experiment" is more appropriate, but it is not an experiment concerning mice and meat / sugar and cancer; it is an experiment to see HOW STUPID THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE AND WHAT DEGREE OF STUPIDITY THEY WILL BELIEVE AND PAY TAXES TO FUND!]

—Liposomal Vitamin C... could it save your life...?

here is an email from someone who has ordered the Amla fruit powder/vitamin c and organic non-gmo sunflower lecithin liquid (which is hard to call a liquid, its as thick as molasses in january) from me, and who ordered one of those inexpensive sonic jewelry cleaners off Amazon as a result of a previous email I sent out on this (if you missed that email, let me know and I will look for it and resend).  While I have not had time to study or try it myself, it seems that the supersonic vibrations of the jewelry cleaner (which runs for 4 minutes, and you then stir it and turn it on, for a total of 30 min.) cause the vitamin c to break down to a finer molecular level similar to nano-technology.  The Lecithin, I imagine, keeps it in suspension, preventing the smaller molecules from reforming into larger ones when refrigerated?  I am just guessing at this.  Since this liposomal (fat-bodied, I am guessing is what this means, held in a lipid suspension, the lecithin) vitamin C is absorbed on a far greater scale by the body, instead of the majority being eliminated by the body in urine (which is why the urine turns bright yellow when you take a lot of vitamin c, because of the greater amount of acid being dumped).  Therefore, using this liposomal c, your don't need to take as much because the little you take is almost entirely absorbed by the body, instead of 85% or so being eliminated in the urine.

The person who sent me this email and the below formula that she found works best has done all the research and leg work.  She has contacted numerous people of various web sites of people selling vitamin c crystals to make this liposomal c.  She has gotten varying reports, one saying only the c crystals will work and dried fruit powders like amla will not.  She thinks possibly he says this because he wants to sell more product.  I surmise that since amla and camu camu (or rose hip) powders are not pure dissolving, but are the whole fruit, starch, fiber, etc., that maybe 100% of the fruit powder will not be nanno-fied.  If this is true, then the simple remedy would be to soak the amla/camu/rose hip powder (the first 2 being far more powerful than c crystals) in warm water, and then strain through a cloth filter and then only use that pure liquid to make the liposomal c.  (and don't throw the left over filtered amla/camu/rose hip "mud" away that was in the filter, it will still have c and vitamin properties, so don't waste it, just eat it straight and chug some water, or add to yogurt, jelly, a smoothie, etc.).  However, she has said she is getting perfect results using the straight amla powder.

regardless, thought I would share this with any who are interested in health and their life.

What is the importance of C? among fighting flu and virus and cancer, see the amazing below story.

Too many people trust doctors... they think of them as gods with their best interest at heart; but they no more have the best interest of their patients at heart than do lawyers, and lawyers take an oath that they will be loyal to the COURT first and to the client second.  Similarly, even doctors with consciences (the few there be) have their loyalty to the AMA.  They can only recommend procedures and products the AMA approves, even if the AMA product will cost $100,000 and the patient will probably die--and even when the alternative natural product may only cost $10 and the patient will live... that is the fraud of modern medicine.  And who taught that to me...? my father who was a medical doctor and a psychiatrist who opted out of the fraud of both of those controlled industries and was a dedicated Christian counsellor for 40 years in his own counselling clinic in which his sole prescription was the WORD OF GOD.  Most problems result from sin, guilt of sin, and God's Judgment for sin; help a person get his relationship with God right, and if he is truly in submission to God, the problems generally disappear.  This is not to say that there are not actual cases of mental problems (but if Christ can deliver a demon possessed man and raise the dead, then delivering someone from an organic mental illness is no problem--the issue is faith, and like the woman before the unjust judge, and like Jacob clinging to Christ/the angel of the Lord, declaring, "I cannot let thee go except Thou bless me!")  This is not to say that there may not be some cases of mental/emotional illness due to toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, vaccines, chemical imbalance, or even organic hereditary factors that may not be helped with a little administration of vitamins, minerals, or even in some cases medication, and that herbal organ cleanses, chlorella, and MSM/sulfer, and legitimate EDTA chelation products that will remove these heavy metals and toxins from the body.  However, if a man's heart is not right with God, then God may see to it that every single method of relief will fail, even as the woman who had an issue of blood for 11 years and had spent all her substance paying doctors who only made the problem worse... once she met Christ and truly believed, she was delivered.

There are a plethora of reports like these below and it is VERY VERY TRAGIC AND SAD that the average intelligent person, including most "Christians" who claim to believe God (but whose true faith is shown by their actions)... first turn to doctors... and this is why communist OBAMACARE is being FORCED on the nation... (and I WILL NOT SUBMIT)... because the majority, the masses (the majority are on welfare, illegals, or government employees who all get free health care--and thus none of them should be allowed to vote since they have a conflict of interests and they have no right to force other people to pay for their benefits, which they themselves don't have to pay for)... because of this misplaced eternal faith in the almighty doctors, everyone thinks they need health care insurance or they could not sleep at night... if anything would happen what would they do...? clearly their faith is not in God and clearly they have guilty consciences for not living as they should or they would not have such fear or guilt.  our nation was once the most prosperous nation on earth and for over 200 years of our history people existed quite well without insurance... because health care was affordable... doctors charged normal fees that people could afford; but now they charge $200/hour for the 10 minutes they see you, and often refer you to other specialists who charge you the same, then they give you an expensive prescription which rarely cures the problem (which they don't want) but only controls it for as long as you take it so you are hooked for life taking their drug... or the tell you that you need some operation that will cost $100,000.  And because people believe these lies, and allow tyrants to tell them they have no choice over their own bodies, which is the most sacred of rights, they live in fear and think they need pharaoh to take care of them (so don't cry when you realize you are slaves) and God... well, He is never in their thoughts... He is relegated to near-non-existence, a mere cultural myth.... lip service.

I am Yahweh that healeth thee.  Look to me and believe, He urges us.  Those who don't believe won't look.  Those who believe won't stop looking until they are healed.  Faith often has a testing period (otherwise, everyone would believe).  True faith does not give up and will not seek "alternatives" or "second opinions" or "other gods."  You reap what you sow.

However, Scripture also clearly reveals that God requires us to be responsible for what we can do.  One cannot violate God's dietary laws, eat only cake and ice cream, never exercise, smoke, abuse alcohol, do drugs, take harmful pharmaceuticals for a "quick easy fix" in the attempt to circumvent the law of the harvest (you reap what you sow)... and expect to receive God's blessing.  Obedience and repentance entail turning from what is wrong and doing what is right. ... God may require a testing period to see if our faith is real, or whether we are merely "giving God a chance" and plan on seeking other gods once it seems to us that God is not answering on our time table.


-------- Original Message ---

I just made liposomal vitamin c with the liquid sunflower lecithin and it turned out great. This is the recipe I used. 1 1/2 cups of distiller water 5 Tbls liquid lecithin and 3 Tbls Amla. I put the Amla in 1/2 cup of the distiller water then set it aside. Then I put the lecithin in 1 cup of the distiller water in a separate container then used a stick blender (you can use a regular blender on low) and mixed it for about 3 minutes. I added the Amla/water mixture (I just stirred it around a bit) to the lecithin/water then blended for about 4 more minutes. It will be quite thick when mixed together. I poured this mixture into the sonic cleaner then set my timer to 30 minutes and turned on the cleaner. Keep cycling it and stirring. Mine took the whole 30 minutes to get the proper consistency. It will go from a creamy consistency to a snotty like consistency. As you stir it you can watch it happen. When you transfer this to your container it should just slide off of the sides.


 See the article at this site about a New Zealand man who was in a coma whom the doctors wanted to unplug.

—Protect and Heal your Brain, Heart, Kidneys & Grow New Brain Cells

Also, concerning the very last article, amazing; how can we believe anything, now they say that people with the least amount of salt intake have the highest chance of heart attack and those with the highest intake have the least.  I have used HARDLY ANY added salt in my died for over 30 years... great...!  Does anyone have a time machine they are not using...?  I have Celtic Sea Salt and Himalayan pink salt in stock (inquire if interested) and have been adding them moderately to my diet.

also, adding cayenne / hot pepper to your diet, each meal if possible (I have for 16 years) in any form (powder, sauce, fresh, dried) will help prevent heart attack and stroke, can stop a heart attack or stroke while happening (1/4 t. of hot pepper powder in 3-4 oz. of warm water drank straight down) - and that will also stop any most any bleeding internal or external from any other cause, in about 20 seconds.  Hot pepper eaten with each meal or taken in supplement form will also help recover from heart attack or stroke, and increase circulation, will double the effectiveness of any herb or vitamin taken with it; and will also help heal stomach ulcers.  Cayenne may be contraindicated with some medications, and it does act as a mild blood thinner; it also helps relieve pain by helping the body to secret endorphins.

Note: If you have a health problem and believe in doctors, consult your doctor.

Also, if on medication, such as Coumadin, cayenne and fish oil and many other natural foods which are mild blood thinners can be dangerous, so consult your doctor; see also:




See also:
These prices good as of October 21, 2014:
Choline & Inositol / NOW / 500mg. 100 capsules - $12.99 - sale price $8.27  [This should be taken with food or can upset the stomach.]
Rutin / Thompson / 500mg., 60 tabs - retail $4.59  - sale price $2.57 [This should be taken with food - actually, a full meal, it is strong.]

DMAE 351mg Source Naturals 200 caps - retail $23.98 - sale price $13.43 + P&H

Huperzine A / 200 mcg. 120 Source Naturals / retail $39.50 - sale price $22.12 + P&H.

Sunflower source liquid Lecithin - NOW brand, 16oz., (Phosphatidyl Choline (19%), Phosphatidyl Inositol (12%), Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine (7%) - retail $12.99 - sale price $9.93

You can order direct from iHerb for free shipping.  If you have not ordered from them before, use referral/coupon code QIP222 http://www.iherb.com?rcode=qip222
and you will get a discount ON YOUR FIRST ORDER of $10 on purchases of $40 or more, or $5 if the order is less than $40..  They also have extra discounts for 4 or more or 12 or more; and if your order is over $250 you get an additional 14% discount.  Orders $60 and up get 2-day expedited free UPS shipping.  Free standard shipping for orders under $60.

or you can order from me, but I can't offer free shipping.

also, coconut oil in theraputic doses (3-4 Tablespoons a day minimum?) is a must, it helps the brain cells to communicate with each other; even if info is destroyed in one cell, the other cells have the same info but they need to communicate and the coconut oil helps them do that.  see these titles which I stock:

Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure?: The Story of Ketones (2011) Dr. Mary Newport, coconut oil, a high-energy fuel nourishes brain, helps prevent & some to recover from Parkinson's/Alzheimer's; 398 pages, pb., 17.00 + P&H (reg. 19.00)

Stop Alzheimer’s Now!: How to Prevent & Reverse Dementia, Parkinson's, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis & Other Neurodegenerative Disorders, Bruce Fife / Russell L. Blaylock, 352pp., pb., 18.00 (reg. 20.00) + P&H.


Medical University: Single Flavanoid (Found in 6 Foods) Reduces Cognitive Impairment Drastically
Christina Sarich
by Christina Sarich
September 18th, 2014
Updated 09/18/2014 at 7:49 am

Medical University: Single Flavanoid (Found in 6 Foods) Reduces Cognitive Impairment DrasticallyA singular flavanoid can protect the brain against cognitive deficit and other cellular damage, according to studies from the Fourth Military Medical University. The news comes from Xi’an, People’s Republic of China, and shows great promise for those suffering from mental impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and other debilitating cognitive conditions.

The study abstract concludes:

    “Our results provide new insights into the pharmacological actions of rutin and suggest that rutin has multi-targeted therapeutical potential on cognitive deficits associated with conditions with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion such as vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.”

Rutin is a biologically active flavonoid found in the following foods:

    Buckwheat – Possibly the best source of rutin, and much better than boiled oats, uncooked buckwheat leaf flower offers about 675 mg in a 1.1 cup serving. Uncooked buckwheat groats contain 230 mg of rutin per 1 kg, dark buckwheat flour has 218 mg per 1 kg and buckwheat noodles provide 78 mg.

    Elderflower Tea – When dried, the white flowers of the elderflower make a delicious and rutin-filled tea. According to the Czech Journal of Food Science, elderflower tea contains approximately 10.9g/kg of rutin per brewed cup.

    Amaranth Leaves – In Western cultures, most people are familiar with the edible seeds of amaranth, though in Chinese and Southeast Asian cooking the leaves are also gaining traction, partly due to their high rutin content. You can expect around 24.5g/kg from the dried leaves. Seeds only contain trace amounts of the important nutrient.

    Unpeeled Apples – Keep the peel on your apples to enjoy lots of rutin. Just be sure that they are organic, since apple peels are especially prone to pesticide build-up. Apple skins are 6x as powerful as the flesh at preventing high blood pressure due to this flavanoid, too.

    Unfermented Rooibos Tea – While rooibos tea contains fewer antioxidants than black or green teas, it is a good source of rutin, providing around 1.69 mg/g.

    Figs – These little gems contain about the same amount of rutin as apples, so be sure to add them to your diet.

Rutin protects the brain against several damaging effects through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, though its effect on cognitive deficits and brain damage caused by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion formerly remained unknown.

The scientists found that rutin works primarily through anti-inflammatory mechanisms, and reducing hypofusion in the brain.

The researchers stated:

    “Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion is a critical causative factor for the development of cognitive decline and dementia in the elderly, which involves many pathophysiological processes. Consequently, inhibition of several pathophysiological pathways is an attractive therapeutic strategy for this disorder.”

The researchers used Sprague-Dawley rats with permanent bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (BCCAO), in their experiments, and after 12 weeks of being treated with rutin for its neuroprotective properties, they all excelled in behavioural tests, as well as biochemical and histopathological analyses.

    “Moreover, BCCAO rats exhibited central cholinergic dysfunction, oxidative damage, inflammatory responses and neuronal damage in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, compared with sham-operated rats. All these effects were significantly alleviated by treatment with rutin.”

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/medical-university-finds-single-flavanoid-found-6-foods-reduces-cognitive-impairment-drastically/#ixzz3GyY9jxQM
Follow us: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook

These Common Pharmaceutical Meds Destroy Your Brain
Christina Sarich
by Christina Sarich
September 22nd, 2014
Updated 09/22/2014 at 9:46 am

These Common Pharmaceutical Meds Destroy Your BrainYou wouldn’t think that taking a little pain pill would cause long term cognitive impairment, but that’s just one of the commonly prescribed (or even OTC) pharmaceutical medications which were studied in a six-year test to see what kind of neurological damage was caused. Unfortunately, the research found that these pharmaceuticals, commonly taken for a variety of common medical conditions including insomnia, allergies, or incontinence, cause long-term damage to the brain. The findings point to a class of drugs called anticholinergics, which block acetylcholine, a nervous system neurotransmitter.

    “We found that taking one anticholinergic significantly increased an individual’s risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and taking two of these drugs doubled this risk. This is very significant in a population – African-Americans – already known to be at high risk for developing cognitive impairment,” said Noll Campbell, PharmD, first author of the study.

The surprising thing is that many of the drugs are commonly used, brands like Benadryl, Dramamine, Excedrin PM, Nytol, Sominex, Tylenol PM, and Unisom are included in the anticholinergic drug list, but so are Paxil, Detrol, Demerol, and Elavil – antidepressant medications. Sure its great if you don’t feel depressed anymore, but not if it is because the drugs are just killing the brain cells that might ordinarily register sadness or anxiety.

You don’t have to take multiple forms of these drugs, either. Just one anticholingeric drug will lead to cognitive impairment. Taking two – doubled the risk. Seniors specifically should avoid these types of drugs since the levels of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are on the rise. According to the University of Michigan, dementia strikes about 50% of people who reach the age of 85. Of those, about 60% go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease. It seems that these drugs may play a role in this development and progression.

Read: 8 Natural Antibiotics to Replace the Meds

Anticholinergic drugs block a nervous system neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease typically have a marked shortage of acetylcholine. Here is another analysis showing which pharmaceuticals are most likely to result in cognitive damage.

    “Simply put, we have confirmed that anticholinergics, something as seemingly benign as a medication for inability to get a good night’s sleep or for motion sickness, can cause or worsen cognitive impairment, specifically long-term mild cognitive impairment which involves gradual memory loss. As a geriatrician I tell my Wishard Healthy Aging Brain Center patients not to take these drugs and I encourage all older adults to talk with their physicians about each and every one of the medications they take,” said Malaz Boustani, M.D., IU School of Medicine associate professor of medicine.

Why wait until you are in your 60s to see if you will develop severe cognitive impairment from taking these drugs? There are numerous herbal remedies for insomnia, as well as pain, and none of them block important neurotransmitters. Besides, pharmaceutical pain killers have even been shown to kill more people than cocaine and heroin combined.

List of Culprit Drugs:

    Excedrin PM
    Tylenol PM

Prescription meds in these categories:


Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/list-pharmaceutical-meds-destroy-brain/#ixzz3GyYcxJCc
Follow us: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook



Avoiding salt increases risk of fatal heart attack and stroke
salt and pepper shakers   

salt and papper again(Health Secrets) Most of us have heard the mantra about avoiding salt most of our lives. In fact, the federal government recently urged most Americans to again sharply cut their already reduced salt intakes. Salt has been said to lead to high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. But like most truisms, this one should be taken with a grain of salt. Two separate studies have found that diets low in salt may actually increase the risk of fatal heart attack and stroke. And the lower the salt intake, the greater the risk.

Both studies were published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), but received virtually no coverage in mainstream media. In the first, 3681 participants without cardiovascular disease were followed from 1985 until 2008. Researchers found that those with the lowest sodium levels, equivalent to consuming 2500 mg per day or an average of slightly more than one teaspoon of salt each day, had no greater protection against high blood pressure, heart disease, or death from cardiovascular causes than those who consumed the highest levels of 6000 mg of salt per day on average.

Deaths from heart disease and hospitalizations for coronary heart failure actually decreased with higher sodium intake. A total of 50 deaths occurred in the third of participants having the lowest sodium intakes, and 24 deaths occurred in the third who had medium sodium intakes. Only 10 deaths occurred in the third with the highest intakes. The findings showed the lowest risk for death was in those consuming between 4000 and 6000 mg of salt per day.

The second study confirmed the findings of the first, adding that baseline sodium excretion did not predict the incidence of hypertension, and associations between systolic blood pressure and sodium excretion did not translate into reduced morbidity or improved survival.

These studies vindicated the work of Dr. Michael Alderman, from the Albert Einstein School of Medicine, who has been trying to tell us for years that salt is not the culprit for hypertension and heart disease.  A study he headed in 1998 came to the same conclusion as the JAMA studies, finding that people following low salt diets had a dramatically higher mortality risk. He has long noted that eating less salt increases insulin resistance that in turn can increase cardiovascular risk and the risk of other degenerative disease.

These findings come on the heels of other supposedly “bad things” that have been found to be good, such as sunshine, butter, red wine, fat and chocolate. They suggest it’s time to enjoy salt again.  Your life may depend on it.

Why having optimal salt is critical

Salt is composed of sodium and chloride ions that are essential for life. Salt works with potassium to regulate the fluid balance of the body, and is used for electrical signaling in the nervous system. For these reasons, as well as for the taste of salt, it has been an extremely valuable commodity during human history.

Saltiness is one of the basic human tastes, an indication that optimal salt intake is critical to human life and function. Salt is found in all the body fluids, including blood, spinal fluid, lymphatic fluid, and synovial fluid (the fluid found in the cavities of joints).  Salt works in the lining of blood vessels to keep blood pressure normalized. The intravenous fluid given to hospital patients to prevent dehydration or stabilize shock contains salt. The human embryo is bathed in and develops in salty amniotic fluid.

Signs of hyponatremia (low salt) include loss of energy, lethargy, fatigue, nausea, headache, confusion, appetite loss, muscle weakness, and muscle spasms and cramps.  If hyponatremia is extreme, loss of consciousness, coma and death will follow.

Salt for human consumption is produced in two different forms:

    Unrefined salt (sea salt)
    Refined salt (table salt)

Sea salt is coarse and varies in color from whitish to light pink or light gray, depending on its mineral content.  Refined salt is highly milled and white in color.  Most of the refining process is geared toward making the salt look pretty so it will sell, and making sure it has a long shelf life.

Sea salt is usually obtained by evaporation of sea water. Rock salt deposits are another source of naturally occurring salt. Salt in these forms is about 84% sodium chloride and 16% other minerals. Both of these forms of salt are organic.

Table salt is salt from either of these sources refined to become almost completely pure sodium chloride. As such it is no longer organic because the other naturally occurring minerals and trace minerals besides sodium and chloride have been stripped away in a heat process that alters the molecular structure of what remains.

Then an anti-caking agent is added, such as sodium silicoaluminate, a form of aluminum, or sodium ferrocyanide, which contains cyanide ligands.  Other anti-caking agents that may be used include tricalcium phosphate, magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide, aluminosilicate and calcium aluminosilicate. The latter two are also forms of aluminum, a mineral with high toxicity in the human body.

Anti-caking agents keep refined salt from mixing with moisture inside the shaker and also inside your body. This means that the refined salt you eat cannot perform one of the most basic functions of salt in your body, which is to balance hydration.  This may be why many people are thirsty after eating foods prepared with refined salt.

Other bodily functions are disrupted by refined salt too. Since all the balancing minerals have been removed, water molecules must surround the sodium chloride molecules to break them up into sodium and chloride ions in order to help the body neutralize them. To accomplish this, water is taken from cells, leaving cells open to dehydration and premature death.

Sea salt is the major source of unrefined salt, freshly dried from the sea as in Celtic Sea Salt, or mined from inland ocean beds as in Himalayan Salt. In both instances, the salt is a naturally occurring complex of sodium chloride and the minerals and trace minerals with which it naturally occurs. It is this natural form of salt that is compatible with and supportive of the body. It is this form of salt that the body recognizes. However, be aware that salt is big business, and many products labeled as sea salt have been highly refined. They are finely milled, white salt that flows freely and is indistinguishable from refined salt.

Be sure the salt you buy is labeled as unrefined. Real health food stores or healthy image grocers like Whole Foods are the best places to find high quality sea salt.  Look for salt that is fairly coarse and pale pink or light gray in coloration.  Sea salt is also available from online health retailers.  Along with a delicious salty taste, here are some of the life enhancing minerals you will receive: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, silicone, iodine, phosphorus and vanadium.

For more information:





I stock this book

Sodium Bicarbonate: Nature's Unique First Aid Remedy (Using the Healing Power of Baking Soda), by Dr. Mark Sircus, 199pp., pb., 17.00 + P&H.

Healing the Kidneys with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

Posted by Dr Sircus on November 11, 2009 | Filed under MedicineSodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

Sodium bicarbonate is not only an excellent agent for natural chemotherapy, bringing as it does higher O2 levels through increased alkalinity to the cells, it is also one of the most basic medicines we have for kidney disease. New research by British scientists at the Royal London Hospital shows that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.[1] We don’t need a thousand years of tests to understand something as simple as water and it is quite the same with bicarbonate, which is always present in the best drinking waters.
Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it.[2]
The simple household product used for baking, cleaning, bee stings, treating asthma, cancer and acid indigestion is so effective in treating kidney disease that it prevents patients from having to be put on kidney machines. The findings have been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Bicarbonate is a truly strong universal concentrated nutritional medicine that works effectively in many clinical situations that we would not normally think of. It is a prime emergency room and intensive care medicine that can save a person’s life in a heartbeat and it is also a supermarket item that you can take right off the shelf and use for more things than one can imagine – including diaper rash.
Dr. SK Hariachar, a nephrologist who oversees the Renal Hypertension Unit in Tampa Florida stated, upon seeing the research on bicarbonate and kidney disease, ”I am glad to see confirmation of what we have known for so long.  I have been treating my patients with bicarbonate for many years in attempts to delay the need for dialysis, and now we finally have a legitimate study to back us up. Not only that, we have the added information that some people already on dialysis can reverse their condition with the use of sodium bicarbonate”.
John, a dialysis technician at the same center as Dr. Hariachar, who used to be on dialysis himself for 2 years as a result of kidney failure, had his kidneys miraculously start functioning to the point where dialysis was no longer needed. He states that he was prescribed oral doses of sodium bicarbonate throughout his treatment, and still takes it daily to prevent recurrences of kidney failure. Dr. Hariachar maintains though, that not everyone will be helped by taking bicarbonate. He says that those patients who have difficulty excreting acids, even with dialysis using a bicarbonate dialysate bath, that, “oral bicarbonate makes all the difference.”

Kidneys Produce Bicarbonate

The exocrine section of the pancreas has been greatly ignored in the treatment of diabetes even though its impairment is a well documented condition. The pancreas is primarily responsible for the production of enzymes and bicarbonate necessary for normal digestion of food. Bicarbonate is so important for protecting the kidneys that even the kidneys get into the act of producing bicarbonate and now we know the common denominator between diabetes and kidney disease. When the body is hit with reductions in bicarbonate output by these two organs,’ acid conditions build and then entire body physiology begins to go south. Likewise when acid buildup outstrips these organs normal bicarbonate capacity cellular deterioration begins.
The kidneys alone produce about two hundred and fifty grams (about half a pound) of bicarbonate per day in an attempt to neutralize acid in the body.
The kidneys monitor and control the acidity or “acid-base” (pH) balance of the blood. If the blood is too acidic, the kidney makes bicarbonate to restore the bloods pH balance. If the blood is too alkaline, then the kidney excretes bicarbonate into the urine to restore the balance. Acid-base balance is the net result of two processes, first, the removal of bicarbonate subsequent to hydrogen ion production from the metabolism of dietary constituents; second, the synthesis of “new” bicarbonate by the kidney.[3]
It is considered that normal adults eating ordinary Western diets have chronic, low-grade acidosis which increases with age. This excess acid, or acidosis, is considered to contribute to many diseases and to contribute to the aging process. Acidosis occurs often when the body cannot produce enough bicarbonate ions (or other alkaline compounds) to neutralize the acids in the body formed from metabolism and drinking highly acid drinks like Coke, Pepsi and we are even seeing reports on bottled mineral water being way too acidic.
Acid-buffering by means of base supplementation is one of the major roles of dialysis. Bicarbonate concentration in the dialysate (solution containing water and chemicals (electrolytes) that passes through the artificial kidney to remove excess fluids and wastes from the blood, also called “bath.”) should be personalized in order to reach a midweek pre-dialysis serum bicarbonate concentration of 22 mmol/l.[4] Use of sodium bicarbonate in dialysate has been shown in studies to better control some metabolic aspects and to improve both treatment tolerance and patients’ life quality.Bicarbonate dialysis, unlike acetate-free biofiltration, triggers mediators of inflammation and apoptosis.[5]
One of the main reasons we become acid is from over-consumption of protein. Eating meat and dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer, research suggests.[6] We would find the same for breast and other cancers as well. Conversely mineral deficiencies are another reason and when you combine high protein intake with decreasing intake of minerals you have a disease in the making through lowering of pH into highly acidic conditions. When protein breaks down in our bodies they break into strong acids.
Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught.
These acids must be excreted by the kidneys because they contain sulfur, phosphorus or nitrogen which cannot break down into water and carbon dioxide to be eliminated as the weak acids are. In their passage through the kidneys these strong acids must take a basic mineral with them because in this way they are converted into their neutral salts and don’t burn the kidneys on their way out. This would happen if these acids were excreted in their free acid form.
Substituting a sodium bicarbonate solution for saline infusion prior to administration of radiocontrast material seems toreduce the incidence of nephropathy.[7]- Dr. Thomas P. Kennedy
American Medical Association
Bicarbonate ions neutralize the acid conditions required for chronic inflammatory reactions. Hence, sodium bicarbonate is of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Sodium bicarbonate is a well studied and used medicine with known effects. Sodium bicarbonate is effective in treating poisonings or overdoses from many chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs by negating their cardiotoxic and neurotoxic effects.[8] It is the main reason it is used by orthodox oncology – to mitigate the highly toxic effects of chemotherapy.
Sodium bicarbonate possesses the property of absorbing heavy metals, dioxins and furans. Comparison of cancer tissue with healthy tissue from the same person shows that the cancer tissue has a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc.
Sodium bicarbonate injection is indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis, which may occur in severe renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, and circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration, extracorporeal circulation of blood, cardiac arrest and severe primary lactic acidosis. The acid/alkaline balance is one of the most overlooked aspects of medicine. In general, the American public is heavily acid, excepting vegetarians, and even their bodies have to face increasing levels of toxic exposure, which help turn the body to acidic pH conditions.
Transdermal Magnesium Therapy Book Cover
For more detailed information feel free to consult my book Sodium Bicarbonate E-Book that’s with a reasonable price, or for a more personal approach check my Consultations page.

[1] http://cdn1.drsircus.com/wp-content/plugins/sem-external-links/external.png); background-position: 100% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat;">www.nelm.nhs.uk/en/NeLM-Area/News/2009—July/20/Bicarbonate-supplementation-may-slow-renal-decline-in-chronic-kidney-disease/
[2] Origin of the Bicarbonate Stimulation of Torpedo Electric Organ Synaptic Vesicle ATPase. Joan E. Rothlein  1 Stanley M. Parsons. Department of Chemistry and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.
[3] Levine DZ, Jacobson HR: The regulation of renal acid secretion: New observations from studies of distal nephron segments. Kidney Int 29:1099–1109, 1986
[6] http://cdn1.drsircus.com/wp-content/plugins/sem-external-links/external.png); background-position: 100% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat;">news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7655405.stm
[7] JAMA 2004;291:2328-2334,2376-2377.
http://cdn1.drsircus.com/wp-content/plugins/sem-external-links/external.png); background-position: 100% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat;">www.urotoday.com/56/browse_categories/renal_transplantation_vascular_di… sodium_bicarbonate_may_prevent_radiocontrastinduced_renal_injury.html
[8] These include, Benzotropines (valium) cyclic antidepressants (amytriptayine), organophosphates, methanol (Methyl alcohol is a cheap and potent adulterant of illicit liquors) Diphenhydramine (Benedryl), Beta blockers (propanalol) Barbiturates, and Salicylates (Aspirin).   Poisoning by drugs that block voltage-gated sodium channels produces intraventricular conduction defects, myocardial depression, bradycardia, and ventricular arrhythmias. Human and animal reports suggest that hypertonic sodium bicarbonate may be effective therapy for numerous agents possessing sodium channel blocking properties, including cocaine, quinidine, procainamide, flecainide, mexiletine, bupivacaine, and others. may be having these problems.

Lithium orotate (not only maintains brain health and controls mood, but can grow 3% new brain cells.  See Dr. Wright's info at the end of this list)

Lecithin (sunflower, non-gmo) feeds the brain (and is essential for every cell)

Magtein / Magnesium L-Threonate.  feeds the brain (and is essential for every cell / every bodily process)

lion's mane mushroom powder caps

mucuna pruriens (high in l-dopamine)

L-Taurine (single amino acids, need to be on empty stomach by themselves)

L-Theanine (by itself on empty stomach)




hawthorn berry

hibiscus flower


turmeric with bioperine / black pepper extract and coconut oil; also galangal, which is related to turmeric


Huperzine A

Lion's man mushroom

choline and inositol





milk thistle

green tea extract

iodine / kelp


Omega 3s,


garlic oil / powder caps,

Folic Acid,


resveratrol / grapeseed extract

Japanese knotweed


MSM also works as a chelating agent

also, oral chelation and other supplements can help remove toxins and heavy metals from the brain

Glutathione and N-Acetyl Cysteine are two of the worst-smelling supplements.

must be a lot of sulfur compounds in them?

regardless, once you put the lid back on the bottle, the smell goes away.

the pill does not linger on the palate.

these emails are sort of a follow up on the EDTA calcium disodium emails I sent

last week with youtubes of that Italian health guru in NYC or wherever showing

how to take the EDTA with MSM and baking soda and vit. c.

[1/2 teaspoon each of MSM, Baking Soda, PURE Vit. C powder, 1/4 teaspoon of the EDTA... add all to 3 oz of water EXCEPT the vit. c.  Must be PURE vit. c powder, no buffering agent like calcium which will prevent it from reacting with the baking soda.  swirl the first 3 ingredients in the water, then add the vit c. and drink immediately before it stops fizzing... if you have a few burps, good, that means it fizzed in your stomach; supposedly the fizzing gets it into your blood stream faster.  after you drink it, add a little more water to glass & swirl & drink so not to waste any residue.

The video gives more details but here is the basic recipe -
1/4 tsp EDTA (I bought this from purebulk.com)
1/2 tsp MSM
1/2 tsp ascorbic acid 
3 oz water.]

it should only be taken once a day for 5 or 7 days, then off for a few days.

I checked the origin of the product carried by Pure Bulk and it is Argentina,

though most of everything else they sell (MSM, xylitol, etc., is all from China)

again, if enough people are interested I will order the EDTA bulk and it will bring the price down.

Oral chelation, of course, does not accomplish even a fraction of what intravenous chelation does, but it is something
cheap you can do at home on your own.

See this link, which also has info on Dr. Jonathan Wright's information on Lithium
See this also, olive leaf extract also helps the brain

—Read this before you next "pig out" - Stay Away From Pork (It's Poison) and God outlawed it.

 While the first point in the article at the end of my introduction is true, it is not everything and has to be understood with other factors; it depends not merely what an animal eats, but also how it digests what it eats (as the article goes on to explain).

A chicken will basically eat the same things a pig will, but the chicken is clean because of how it digests it and because God designed and declared it to be clean.

A horse and a groundhog and muskrat eat the same thing that a cow eats (grass), but only the cow digests it properly... and it is not merely the digestion (which is described in Scripture as “chewing the cud”; only those animals with separate stomachs that regurgitate chew the cud and also eat hay or straw which contains a bacteria that aids in the digestion of the cellulose fiber in plants).

God separated animals at the very time that He created them—by their very design (not by “eenie, meenie, minee, moe” or flipping a quarter).  Not only are they clean or unclean to us for food, but God Himself recognizes them as clean or unclean—long before the Flood, after which God allowed eating meat, He separated the clean from the unclean at creation, and clean and unclean were known because only clean animals were allowed for sacrifices (and thus Christ was not called “the spotless swine of God” and we Christ followers are not called His “piggies”).

The split hooves and chewing the cud do not “make” the animal clean or unclean: God made the animals clean or unclean and He designed identifying traits into the clean animals to distinguish them.
Clean mammals both chew the cud and have split hooves.

Clean fish have both scales and fins.

Clean birds, we are not given any characteristics concerning, but instead, God gives us representative examples of each and expects us to be astute enough to then know the difference.  Seed eating, insect eating, grass eating birds (songbirds and fowl / poultry / gamebirds) are clean; birds of prey and scavengers are not.  It seems that there has been some mistranslation due to obscurity of some Hebrew words; the swan is undoubtedly clean, as are duck and goose; the Hebrew word translated “swan” most probably should have been translated owl.  Some, without authority, claim “web-footed” fowl are unclean, but that is only because they confuse birds with mammals, which they are not; split hooves apply only to mammals; based upon the split hoove fallacy in relation to birds, no bird can be eaten since none “chew the cud” either.  Likewise, further improperly applied, no fish could be eaten, since fish don’t chew the cud and don’t even have feet, so they can’t be cloven footed.

God also forbids the eating of fat and blood.  While the marblized internal fat does not need to be dissected with a microscope as if you are a neurotic obcessive-compulsive, all exterior fat that can be cut off should be cut off and not eaten; and any excessive fat on gravy / broth that solidifies on the top when refrigerated, would be best to remove.  Fat should not be added to sausage, and certainly not blood.

Chickens if not penned up will usually eat only grass, seeds, and bugs; if penned up, they then are willing to scrape the bottom of the barrel and eat rotting whatever happens to be found under their own mucky feces; they will eat dog feces, etc., whatever is available.  They foul their own water continually by standing in it and pooping in it; but they rarely get sick.  But of course ideally, free ranging the birds is best because they keep moving one area to another and don’t have to settle for vile food, but will eat the fresh grass, seed, and bugs and have fresh water.  However, it is hard to raise poultry free range (unless you have several large fenced in areas because of predators and because they will hide their eggs.  Many breeds will fly out of a six foot-high fence and covering the top of the fence with chicken wire on a large area is impractical.  So penning them up is necessary; though having various chicken runs or pens hubbing off the same common area of a henhouse, so that they can be rotated each week, is best (as it is with cattle and sheep and goats).   Likewise, 3 days before slaughter, if you take chickens, sheep, goats, cattle, etc. off corn or grain and feed them only grass, will cut down most problems with e-coli.  Keeping the chicken areas as clean as possible and of course keeping the water clean is a constant battle unless you have a sophisticated water fountain system that they cannot stand in, with a hose left on and a float valve (which I don’t have, because in winter, freezing of course becomes a problem); otherwise, any water container you have for the chickens, they will stand in, poop in, and even their drinking dirties the water; their beaks and feet are continually in the mud (which is mostly their own feces) and just taking a drink cleans their beak, and standing in the water cleans their feet, and then their drinking water after a few days looks like a muddy pond with a half inch thick of sludge in the bottom.  Ideally would be to have a piece of property with a stream running through it, and divert a small channel of water to a fenced chicken area.  But unfortunately, the ideal is rarely found.  While chickens do not get sick quickly, conditions and water should be kept as clean as possible (for protozoa such as coccidiosis will eventually breed and that will be deadly; though in 20 years I have never had a problem with it).

Also, God’s Law even informs us the clean and unclean species of insects (yuk, I don’t believe even if starving to death I would ever eat insects, as long as there are trees and grass and herbs I would live on tea).  It seems that the translation of some insects is in error due to confusion.  It seems clear that the Scriptural litmus test for insects being permissible for food is that the insect must have wings and also must leap rather than merely crawl.  This would leave out crickets and fleas, though while they leap they do not have wings, and it would leave out all beetles, for while most have wings, they all crawl and none leap.  This would also leave out some insects commonly referred to as locusts, such as ciccadas, which look like large horseflies, and are not related to true locusts which are a grasshopper, since while ciccadas fly, they have legs that crawl and don’t leap.  So it appears that the only type of insect permissible for food is the grasshopper type; I have not studied them in detail, so I don’t know if leap hoppers and katydids actually hop, or if they merely crawl and fly.  Regardless, if you want to eat an insect, pull off its wings and see if it jumps or just crawls.  The larval stage of clean insects would seem to be permissible (even though they neither fly nor leap, but will eventually), but this is initiating my gag reflex so I will leave off talking about insects.

Any other living creature (creeping, swimming, flying, or whatever) that does not fall into any one of these 4 categories is off limits.

God did not really give us any law concerning plant life.  He gave us principles concerning “green herbs” “bearing seed within themselves”.  Thus they utilize photosynthesis which is oxygenating and purifying.  Mushrooms seem to be off limits.  They grow primarily in feces and in the dark, do not use photosynthesis and are not seed bearing, but produce spores.  Eating most green herbs, if they are not meant for food, will produce rather violent reactions rather quickly (poison ivy only bothers humans, but can be deadly and hellish, it and its cousins are some of the most toxic natural substances on earth; also poison hemlock, the stems, leaves, flowers of potato, tomato, pepper, horseradish, and rhubarb plants, some wild potato-like tubers, and many weeds are toxic, though some are called “low dose botanicals” that need to be used with caution, if at all).  So we don’t need to be told which not to eat (though it would be nice; but then God’s hard-hearted people would complain that there was one more thing they weren’t allowed to eat), since they can be discovered short term.  However, eating unclean animals, or fungus, is often very harmful long term and by the time you ever draw the connection in your mind (the pork chop and shrimp being the result of your cancer, or rattlesnake, frog, alligator, bear, squirrel, rabbit, etc.), the stimulus being so remotely apart from the effect (if the connection is ever recognized) it is often too late.  However, there are some animals, that if eaten, will kill you right away (Fufu / Japanese blowfish); but in all cases, they are unclean animals and God forbade them, so if one rebels against God, it is Russian Roulette.  

The average person is also spoiled and weak willed.  Even when a person thinks that he is starving, that is no excuse to eat unclean animals.  The average person who has a few extra pounds he could shed can go a month or two without eating anything.  It is even healthy because after 3 days of no food (drinking only water), the body increases white blood cell production; and also begins to cannibalize diseased tissue, tumors, cancer, etc.  The key is drinking plenty of pure water and stay hydrated (at least 8 to 10 glasses of pure water a day; not tap water with fluoride and chlorine).  If a person feels light-headed when standing up, take a few deep breaths first, wait a few seconds, and stand up slowly.  Fasting will also lower blood pressure.  If fasting for over a week, it would be good to take psyllium fiber to absorb toxins, and also keep the bowel moving to prevent hemorrhoids.  Psyllium and plenty of water will also help you feel full.  The most important thing is staying hydrated and keeping your mind occupied.  In a starvation situation, the needles of pine, spruce, fir, etc. can be boiled in water for tea, as can many leaves.  Many flowers are edible.  It would always be a good idea to keep and read every now and then, a book on wild edible plants (see book list in the back).  God provided a ram in the thicket for Abraham to prevent taking Isaac’s life; God had ravens bring Elijah meat and bread.  He can provide for us or we can fast until He does.

Regardless, God made our bodies and told us what fuel they are to run on, and not to violate the manufacturer’s instructions or it would void the warranty.  If we violate the dietary laws, it won’t keep us out of Heaven—but may get us there sooner.  The violations of God’s dietary laws will erupt in disease and poor health.  It is not often noticed because it is gradual.  Degenerative disease, cancer, tumors, etc., don’t “usually” develop fully over night, but over years of giving them fetid conditions; people get used to poor health, thinking it is “normal”, because it is gradual.  

Unfortunately, violating God’s dietary laws rarely erupts like a bout of food poisoning in which your body violently rejects it in a very short period of time (unless you have observed God’s dietary laws for such length of time that your body is free of such contaminants, and if you are observant and in tune with the messages that God sends you through your body).  But even then, like people who abuse alcohol, some people “get used to it” and then it does not affect them as violently (though it does damage)... their body builds up a higher threshold of tolerance to the pain and so they can (it seems) violate the laws of God’s nature with impunity... but they are slowly destroying their liver, brain, and other organs and will pay for it in the end.

If a normal person drank the excess some alcoholics do, it might result in acute alcohol poisoning and the person could die immediately.  Whereas the alcoholic builds up a sort of immunity to the “adverse sensations”, though it will kill him in the end.  The cumulative factor always wins.  Being stung by 1 too many bees, or bitten by 1 too many snakes, has often been the straw that broke the camel’s back of people who thought that they had built up a tolerance to the poison.  So it is with chemicals and toxins we are bombarded with in drugs, food, water, and the air we breathe, clothing we wear, and everything else.

The toxin build up is stored in the organs and we don’t have a “spit valve” like a trumpet—so if a person wants to be healthy he must every year or two do herbal cleanses (and use psyllium powder on a regular basis—with each meal— and even in between, in order to keep the large intestines clean, and periodically, undertake a 3-5 day juice fast and quadruple the psyllium amount consumed to a heaping table spoon every couple of hours) to absorb the toxins that dump from cleansing the organs (liver, kidney, gall bladder) so that the toxin build up is removed so it does not turn into disease (or just make you feel miserable for few days; and so your intenstines do not re-absorb the toxins).

It is also the same way with eating unclean food... as with alcohol, drugs, and toxins and other chemicals, those whose systems are free or relatively free of such things, will react violently if he ingests just a little... that’s God’s way of saying “NO”.  If in our stubborn rebellion, we continue, our bodies will learn how to process it, to at least keep the body running... but like overworking and overheating a car engine, not changing the oil or filter, you are eventually going to blow the engine.  Building up the tolerance of the toxins is the “stupid factor”.  Yes, you may be able to abuse your body short term and get away with it temporarily, but it is slow suicide and self-masochism, as well as rebellion and sin against God.  Though some people for attention and fame will eat broken glass, or engage in thrill-seeker, daredevil stunts, eventually, they pay the ultimate price.

In some parts of Europe it is common practice to make certain spirits with an extract of absinthe, a herb that is a member of the wormwood family; wormwoods are extremely bitter and are very low-dose botanicals that should only be used sporadically, by those in need of them, if they know what they are doing.  However, in regions that use absinthe in their spirits and liqueurs, those raised drinking them build up a tolerance to it over time, from childhood, at it does not affect them (at least, not short term); but it could kill a foreigner who drank even a normal serving, not being used to it.

I have not eaten pork or any unclean food for 30 years.  There is plenty of beef bacon and similar products which taste almost identical, but actually, once your system is cleansed of it, you don’t really want it; and even smelling pork bacon cooking, the grease in the air, makes me a bit queasy.  However, one time about 24 years ago at my Christian college, at lunch I asked a person in charge if a certain dish had pork in it; he said no.  A few minutes after eating it I started to feel mildly dizzy, nauseous, heart palpitations.  I stopped eating, asked another person in charge, telling him that I was allergic to pork, and he grew concerned and told me that did have pork in it, stop eating it and if ever I had a question, to ask him and he would even make me something special if there was not anything without pork, that I should be able to eat (like pizza) since my tuition paid for food.  He was kind and I was also (don’t ever be rude about it; you represent God), and he even brought me pork free-pizza to my table, without me even having to wait in the cafeteria line.  Others around me asked why I got such special service.  I just told them he was my brother.  I later shared that with him and he chuckled, and then would call me “bro” and smile whenever he would see me.  If you pay attention to the signals God and your body send, you will be better off and He will bless you.

I tell people that I am “deathly allergic” to certain (unclean) foods, not merely that it is a religious conviction.  If you say it is a religious conviction, many will not care and won’t think anything of it; thinking it a mere quirk or preference that doesn’t matter: “what you don’t know won’t hurt you”.  But, if you tell them you are deathly allergic to it, they are afraid of a lawsuit and will actually read the ingredients (even digging through the garbage) and tell you the truth.  Of course, if the food service persons are friendly and Christians and ones you are on good terms with and visit frequently, you can also share with them that you used to eat pork, shrimp, etc., but when you realized God’s Laws were not abolished, you stopped eating them, and after many years of having your body free of them, your body reacts violently if you do eat it.  Thus, it gives an opportunity to witness.  Of course, most Christians who think they know the Bible will try to tell you that those laws were abolished, so it is good to read my, So You Call Yourself A Christian..., What’s Keeping God...?, and Does God Repent?, so you can competently answer them, if they really care about what God’s Word really says.  Ask them: “If there is a chance that it is a sin against God, would you not want to know so that you could stop sinning?”  How they answer will determine how you proceed with them.  Clearly everyone is deathly allergic to poison; but if their bodies have built up a tolerance to it, they will die later than sooner.  I prefer neither sooner nor later, but good health and a pure conscience before God.  Sin (even ignorant sin) causes spiritual death, and breaks fellowship with God to the point that He will not hear our prayers until we repent—and will most often even chasten us (and if He doesn’t, we are not His children, but bastards), most often allowing us to reap what we have sown (cancer, etc.).  He does overlook our ignorant sin when it is beyond our ability to comprehend, but He does still hold us accountable because He expects us to study His Word (and know what He expects of us) and to walk circumspectly in the light, not grope carefree in the darkness.

A mainstream Christian friend of mine, with whom I worked carpentry, was mildly mocking me one day because I would not eat pork.  The next day he told me that night he had a pepperoni pizza and got violently ill and he began to have second thoughts about what he said to me and his possible misunderstanding of the Scriptures and that he might swear off pork altogether.  I don’t know if anything ever came about from it, in terms of his concept of his “convictions” changing based upon actual study of the Word of God and true conviction of the Holy Spirit, to then translate into practice in his life or (whether like an alcoholic) if he just eventually ignored it and went back to his old ways; as Scripture tells us the “natural” man (unconverted mind and spirit) who beholds himself in a mirror and then goes away and immediately forgets what he saw.  Also, some men have such evil wives, that if they disagree with his decision not to eat pork, she will feed it to him any way that she can, even secretly.  God convict such evil people.

Peter’s vision had nothing to do with abolishing the dietary laws (see my booklet, So, You Call Yourself A Christian...), and neither did Christ’s death abolish the Law of God (see So, You Call..., What’s Keeping God...?, and Does God Repent...?).  God gave us the Law for our good.  He made our bodies and our life (what collective life then becomes society) and He alone knows how our bodies and our society should function.  He gave His Law to keep us healthy, pure, out of debt, out of war, etc.  Violating these laws brings judgment (you reap what you sow).  The keeping of God’s Law never was for salvation, but for the reason He instituted each law.  The blood sacrifices for atonement offered a temporary covering (which is what atonement means) until Christ came to truly take away the sin and its final (not immediate) curse / judgment / penalty (eternal death).  One of the greatest lies of Satan is that God abolished His Law.  It is the perfect crime and mind theft.  By keeping God’s people in sin, God will not hear their prayers, and if God’s people do not realize that they are in sin, thinking the Law was done away with, then there is no way they can repent because they don’t even think that they are in sin.  But this does not give us a free pass, because God commanded that we study and meditate upon His Word and Law day and night—and if we were obedient, we would come to the knowledge of the truth and realize how false shepherds have lied to us.  But the average Christian rarely does this, so he only allows the preacher to tickle his ears with feel-goodism and “Touched by an Angel” Theology (“God loves you just the way you are: you don’t need to change anything”)—but it is touched by the wrong angel, a fallen angel... all the while our civilization is being stolen from us and freedom and Christendom itself are on the brink of disaster, nearing the threshold of the point of no return.  God continually calls His people to repentance.  He is now.  Order my books and see the pure and simple, logical Truth of God’s Word.  

God is Holy.  He commanded us to be Holy because we are His children and He made us in His Own Image and when we sin, it is a poor reflection on Him; an insult; a shame to Him.  John the Baptist and Christ came with the same message: Repent.  It is the same message today.  If the Law was done away with there is nothing to repent of.  But the Law was not abolished.  Drinks are not “free” and the bar tab is running ... and the bill will soon be due and demanded to be paid in full.  The violating of God’s Laws (including the dietary laws) is merely one of Satan’s way of defiling and polluting Christ’s bride.  What will you have in yourself to offer Christ?  Will you be accepted or rejected?  Keeping the Law does not save; it is a proof of salvation, because Scripture says, “Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh” (the violation of God’s Law).  Those who don’t care whether they sin against God or not, most probably, were never truly converted and it is sobering to note that Scripture does talk about those “Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things” (Philippians 3:19).  Lord means “Sovereign, Boss, Master, Emperor, King, Supreme.”  How can Christians call God / Christ their “Lord” when they go about their life doing what they want and not what God commanded?  Did not Christ ask, “Why call ye Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not the things I say?”  The unspoken answer is: “Because I am not your Lord”.  Christ said, “Not one jot or tittle (the most insignificant pen stroke, the tail or dot of a letter in the mechanical writing) of the Law shall pass away.  It would be easier for the heavens and earth to pass away.  “Whosoever shall break the least of these commandments and teach others so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven” —if they are even admitted there... because Christ also said that any tree that does not bear fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire, and that if we are truly in Him we will bear His fruit (not our own) and “If you love Me, keep My Commandments” (which are God’s Commandments) and “Not all who call unto Me, ‘Lord, Lord’, shall enter the Kingdom, but they who do the Will of My Father Who is in Heaven”.  On the Day of Judgement, Christ told us that there will be many who will say to Christ, “but did we not do all these good works in Thy Name...?” and Christ will reply unto them, “Depart from Me ye that work iniquity [anomia, “lawlessness”], I never knew you”.  If you are in violation of God’s Law and you do not have Judgment in your life, it is possible that you are not converted, because God says that He chastens His children, and if ye be without chastisement then ye are bastards and not His.  This is what is referred to in that we are to “work out” our salvation with “fear and trembling”.  It has nothing to do with “earning” salvation, which is all of Christ—but it has to do with “examining yourselves whether you be in the faith” or merely are self-deluded, because “faith without works is dead” and “be ye doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving your own selves”.  True love results in obedience, true faith produces good works—obedience to the Law of God.  Choose you this day.  How you live your life reveals whether you are of God or not.  Obedience is a choice.  Ignorance is a choice.  Make the right choice.  God said he who turns his ear from the hearing of God’s Law, his prayer shall be an abomination.  God that said He set before us life and death and urged us to choose life.  Christ, the personification of wisdom said, “He who sins against Me wrongs his own soul; all those who hate Me love death.”


Pig & Pork Facts

The pig or swine is a very popular food item with most Christians.  Yet Christians are unaware that the God they profess to believe in had condemned the eating of swine’s flesh.  The condemnation was based on some very sound biological principles.  Here are some facts on pork that prove it to be a very unhealthy food to eat:

— A pig is a real garbage gut.  It will eat anything including urine, excrement, dirt, decaying animal flesh, maggots, or decaying vegetables.  They will even eat the cancerous growths off other pigs or animals.  [This is gross, but a weak point, chickens do the same.]
— The meat and fat of a pig absorbs toxins like a sponge.  Their meat can be 30 times more toxic than beef or venison.
— When eating beef or venison, it takes 8 to 9 hours to digest the meat so what little toxins are in the meat are slowly put into our system and can be filtered by the liver.  But when pork is eaten, it takes only 4 hours to digest the meat.  We thus get a much higher level of toxins within a shorter time.
— Unlike other mammals, a pig does not sweat or perspire.  Perspiration is a means by which toxins are removed from the body.  Since a pig does not sweat, the toxins remain within its body and in the meat.
— Pigs and swine are so poisonous that you can hardly kill them with strychnine or other poisons.
— Farmers will often pen up pigs within a rattlesnake nest because the pigs will eat the snakes, and if bitten they will not be harmed by the venom.
— When a pig is butchered, worms and insects take to its flesh sooner and faster than to other animal’s flesh.  In a few days the swine flesh is full of worms.
— Swine and pigs have over a dozen parasites within them, such as tapeworms, flukes, worms, and trichinae.  There is no safe temperature at which pork can be cooked to ensure that all these parasites, their cysts, and eggs will be killed.
— Pig meat has twice as much fat as beef.  A 3-oz. T-bone steak contains 8.5 grams of fat; a 3-oz. pork chop contains 18 grams of fat.  A 3-oz. beef rib has 11.1 grams of fat; a 3-oz. pork spare rib has 23.2 grams of fat.
— Cows have a complex digestive system, having four stomachs.  It thus takes over 24 hours to digest their vegetarian diet causing its food to be purified of toxins.  In contrast, the swine’s one stomach takes only about 4 hours to digest its foul diet, turning its toxic food into flesh.
— The swine carries about 30 diseases which can be easily passed to humans.  This is why God commanded that we are not even to touch their carcase (Leviticus 11:8).
— The trichinae worm of the swine is microscopically small, and once ingested can lodge itself in our intestines, muscles, spinal cord or the brain.  This results in the disease trichinosis. The symptoms are sometimes lacking, but when present they are mistaken for other diseases, such as typhoid, arthritis, rheumatism, gastritis, MS, meningitis, gall bladder trouble, or acute alcoholism.
— The pig is so poisonous and filthy, that nature had to prepare him a sewer line or canal running down each leg with an outlet in the bottom of the foot.  Out of this hole oozes pus and filth his body cannot pass into its system fast enough.  Some of this pus gets into the meat of the pig.
— There are other reasons grounded in biological facts that could be listed to show why pigs and swine should not be eaten.  But a true Christian should only need one reason why not to eat this type of food because God prohibited it.

“And the swine, because it divides the hoof, yet does not chew the cud, it is unclean unto you: you shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.” —Leviticus 11:7,8; Deuteronomy 14:8

Those who say Christ abolished the Law condemning pork are motivated by their stomach not Scripture.  The problems with pork are biological, and Christ never changed the laws of biology.