—Healthy Oils — Description and Sources / Links

[Note: This above information should be considered and it may be that NO seed or nut oils should be consumed.

Dr. Mercola in the past several years has provided a lot of documentation that Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils are toxic in any amount (and that it has nothing to do with “ratio”) and that all seed oils are greatly responsible for a whole host of health problems, degenerative disease, and obesity in the U.S. and that all seed and nut oils should be avoided at all costs. 

See 2 PDF links by Mercola that should appear at the very bottom of this page.

Mercola's articles are very important for health.  I have known for years that omega 6 oils can be unhealthy, but I did not know the extent of it and its implication in many auto-immune diseases, cancer, alzheimers, diabetes, etc. This is well worth the read.

The flaw is that he did not clearly tell the reader what he means by "seed oils", which I believe would include all nut oils (macadamia, peanut, sesame, walnut, hazelnut, etc.) and grain oils (corn, rice bran, grapeseed, pumpkin seed, and of course canola which was the first GMO crop and only people who are ignorant or honest push their canola oil as "organic", which it cannot be since it is a GMO crop); which is truly a shame, so all such oils need to be used very sparingly or not at all.

Olive oil is in a class by itself, but contains some Omega 6 and the industry has been rife with corruption and using poor quality oil and also cutting it with other oils (seed oils).

Perilla oil (mexican mint) is supposed to have the perfect blend of 3, 6, and 9—however, according to this information, having the right balance does not stop the toxicity of the 6s and their destruction of key components in the body.

Presumably this would not includ avocado oil, which is not made from the seed (which only has 2% oil) of the avocado, but from the flesh (like the olive is from the pulp, not the pit); but again, many oils are unethically blended with unhealthy oils.

However, he is writing a book on the topic, which I imagine will have more detail; but though a long read, it is very important for all—and just imagine how it will be resisted, due to the fact that there will be large and powerful company who grow millions of acres of these crops and make billions off selling the oil.... and realize that unless the seeds are used to make oil, they are discarded at a loss as waste or used as fertilizer, so even companies that grow the crops for the fruit, will lose money in not being able to sell the seed for oil, if people stop buying such oils.

Coconut and red palm oil, presumably are fine, because though they are seeds, they are not polunsaturated acids (PUSA) but saturated; red palm is also full of healthy caratenoids, but it does have a strong flavor that you may not like in every mean, but is great for fries, meat to be used in chili or spaghetti, even eggs. Coconut oil, though it has a subtle coconut flavor, may take getting used to; but both oils solidify at about 74F, but will last almost forever in cool dry dark basement.  Coconut oil also heals and preserves the brain and is used in parkinsons and alzheimers in therapeutic doses (5 or 6 T a day) and can help stop or reverse; because it has been learned that each brain cell has all the information all the others do, so when some areas are damaged, it is like when storms knock down power lines and calls have to be rerouted, and coconut oil helps brain cells share information.

However, I certainly disagree with his telling people to fry in lard (pork fat) or tallow (beef fat), which God forbids.  God forbids pork entirely, and no fat or blood of clean animals; this does not mean that you have to be neurotic and dissect every bit of fat off your steak, but you should cut off huge chunks; the internal fat is usually in smaller amounts and melts; the outer huge chunks often will not even melt if boiled for hours; but the fact can be fed to your cat, dogs, chickens, and any that solidifies on the top of a soup or stew in the fridge in any huge amount, and grease from ocassional frying, can be poured into an old yogurt container, and a handful of birdseed put in, and put in the freezer until full, to save for the winter and give your birds homemade suet.  For hamburger, the amount of fat needed to hold the meat together would seem to be best; and if making yourself, the marbled inner fat far preferable to any outer fat.

Butter, and especially grass fed butter (I still have not figured out how to get the butter to eat the grass, but I am working on it) is what should be used (and not margarine, which clogs the arteries and is made from the bad oils, mostly).]

 [Note: All below information may be superceded by the above.]

Healthy Oils — Description and Sources / Links

Oils are a very important food group, but are very high energy (calorie) and thus if you are watching your weight, don't consume too much of even good fats and oils, despite the fact they are healthy.  Too much of even good things can become unhealthy.  Fats are high energy (9 calories per gram) and thus, any fat that is consumed, if not burned off by exercise, will be stored as fat (the same goes for protein {4 calories per gram} and carbohydrates {4 calories per gram}).  Daily food intake should be monitored in relation to how many calories are burned each day.  The average daily diet should contain 30% or less fat (and 10% or less of that being saturated fat).  Fats are important for many reasons; but they also help slow digestion so that proteins and carbs are used more efficiently (see books at the end of this page on metabolism).  Eating slowly is essential to good digestion and good digestion is essential to good metabolism.

[It of course is easier to store a box or two in a warehouse storage facility, 1 or 2 boxes a day, cramming them in tightly.  However, it will be far harder to move all the boxes out in a short period of time (especially if gravity, time, and placing more and more boxes on the top has weighted the whole down even tighter).] 

Virgin, raw, unprocessed, cold-processed, expeller is always best.  All cold-processed is expeller, but not all expeller is cold-process.  If it does not say cold processed, it is not; if it does not say expeller, it is probably extracted with the poison hexane.  Some reliable and good brands (some organic, some not) are: Hain, Flora, Spectrum, NOW Foods, La Tourangelle, Swanson Health Products.  Good sources for them are: iherb.com, amazon.com; vitaminlife.com; vitacost.com; netrition.com; and swansonvitamins.com.

Lesser known oils or speciality oils are more expensive, since less people know about them and use them, it costs more to produce them.  As a general rule, if you can get them for under .60 cents/ounce, it is a pretty good price (but it varies from product to product).  Like most all foods, whether fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, etc., some oils will contain nutrients (and nutrient profiles, which work uniquely in their unique synergistic composition) that others do not; therefore, it is good to use as wide a variety of good oils as possible. All oils can go rancid, so the cooler (and darker) they can be stored, the better.  A cool, dark basement (I have had olive oil for over a decade that is still fine) is a great place, a refrigerator (especially once opened) is ideal; a deep freezer would probably keep any oil fresh for decades. 


Some very healthy oils for use in cooking and salad dressings are:


Note: People with nut-allergies may be allergic to nut oils.   


Almond oil,Amaranth seed oil; Studies show the oil to have bad cholesterol lowering and good cholesterol raising effects.   The oil is prized for its ability to stabilize temperatures (both high and low) of other oils or compounds to which it is added.[Amaranth is a beautiful, readily self-seeding annual; it grows over 8 feet tall in good soil (but so tough it will also grow in rock hard clay soil or even a gravel driveway, though it may not get very tall or produce that much).  It is a showy plant that produces a huge maroon-colored plume that contains tiny (size of the head of a pin), shiney, black seeds which are rich in nutrients.  I consider it an ideal "survival" plant.  It produces millions of seeds (about a cup of grain per plant) and wherever it has been planted and allowed to mature, it will always come up; however, it is not aggressive.  In fact, it does not transplant well at all and new seedlings can be raked to kill them (or harvested like sprouts).  The leaves can be eaten like spinach and the whole plant is good for livestock/poultry (reportedly curing diarrhea in livestock).  The tiny seeds can be ground into flower, used like rice or couscous.  It is very similar to Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa), which is a high altitude plant.  The seeds can even be popped like miniature popcorn (as can white sorghum grain, but amaranth is much smaller), but it takes a little finesse.  Amaranth will send out little sucker plumes at each leaf-group stem coming off the plant, but these can be easily snapped off and eaten or given to livestock/poultry.  Pulling off all these suckers and even most of the lower leaves (as is done with sorghum) causes more energy to go into the main seed-head and also allows for more upright growth, otherwise the plant can spread out 4 feet or more.  There is a golden/orange "Grain Amaranth" variety also available.  See Horizen Herbs(whom I have ordered from for over a decade) for an excellent catalog of many great medicinal and heirloom herb and vegetable seeds: http://www.horizonherbs.com/ ]

[The oil content of the grain/seed is only about 6.5%; which is quite low and therefore, the oil will probably never be that popularly produced.  The melting point is around 80° F.  The oil it does have contains: 46-50% Linoleic acid; 22-26% Oleic acid; 19-20% Palmitic acid; 5-6% Squalene; and 3% Stearic acid.]


Argan oil- an intersting oil.  It comes from the pit of the fruit of a long-lived, deep-rooted, thorny tree (Argania spinosa) the sole species in its genus.  It is an olive-like tree that grows in the southern, semi-desert region of Morocco, bordering the Sahara desert.  Goats actually climb up onto the top of the tree to eat both the leaves and the fruit (see photo at right from wikipedia, by Marcos Arcangeli).  Traditionally the undigested seeds were collected from goat droppings.  A certain percentage of them are probably so-collected today.  The oil is used in place of olive oil (giving a distinctive nutty taste), as a dipping/finishing oil, salad, and cooking oil (and it is also used for cosmetic, medicinal, and other non-food purposes).


Apple seed oil [a.k.a. sapuyul];

[Unsaturated fatty acid content of apple seeds is 89% (Linoleic 50% and Oleic 39%).]

While not a common oil, it is available and has some important qualities.  It is primarily used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.  Apple seeds have an amaretto/almond-like flavor, and so does the oil, which is used as a cooking oil in some tropical countries.  The oil reportedly helps ease cramps and prevent diarrhea; it may also help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.  Some studies show it has some chelating effects, such as removing heavy metals (like lead and mercury) from the body and help combat cholesterol. 

The seeds contain levels of cyanide* (B-17 or Laetrile) as do apricot pit kernals, which some studies have shown to be powerful cancer-killing/preventing agents.  Thus, the old adage, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," may not merely be an old wive's tale (and no wonder doctors want to outlaw apples—or at least, apple seeds or heirloom apple trees).  The normal rule of thumb (for healthy individuals) is not to consume more apple seeds or apricot kernals than would be contained in the amount of the fruit you would eat in a day.  The seeds also contain high levels of sulphur,** which may also account for their cancer-fighting ability (as Dr. Budwig's*** research revealed that sulphur was a key factor in fighting cancer).  Reportedly, apple seed oil (added to shampoo) helps keep hair from falling out.  The oil is also high in vitamins C and beta-carotene, and is reportedly one of the most stabile of oils.

[* A lot of hype has been generated about the "danger" of these seeds and kernals (yet pharmaceutalical companies use them).  Squirrels eat large amounts of both and don't seem to die of cyanide poisoning.  Mnny (if not most) members of the Greater Rose*Afamily have levels of cyanide.  Cherry tree leaves while in the wilting stage, give off cyanide (but are safe in the green or dried stage) and thus should not be given to livestock at that stage.

*A most (but not all) nontropical, noncitrus stone or seed fruits, such as apple, peach, apricot, nectarine, plum, almond, cherry, hawthorne, pear, etc. (and the flowering rose).

** as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

*** German bio-chemist Dr. Johanna Budwig; she used flaxseed oil and cottage cheese to cure cancer, claiming cancer is a fungus and begins in the mouth (from her information in the rare, now out-of-print The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments).  See also

See also:



See also the book list at the end of this page: Cancer Is A Fungus and How To Cure Almost Any Cancer At Home For $5.15 A Day. 

For more possible sources, do your own google search for "apple seed oil."  It seems to be pricey and harder to find, but a good food grade might be good for cancer prevention / eradication. 


Avocado oil; a very healthy oil; it has a very unsually high smoke point, making it a good high-heat cooking oil, as well as a salad oil (or, as most oils, a very good moisturizing oil for the skin).Ben oil; it is derived from the pressed seeds of the Drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera); so named because of the shape of its seed pods (also called horseradish tree due to the flavor of its roots).  Ben oil (named for the high quality of Behenic acid; the fatty acid being name after the Persian name, Bahman, of the month in which the roots were harvested) has been used for thousands of years (by ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians) for making perfume, and to a lesser extent for food (it has a mild but pleasant flavor).  It has an unusually long shelf life.[The seeds yield a respectable 22-38% of oil.  Oleic acid 65.7%; Palmitic acid 9.3%; Stearic acid 7.4%; Behenic acid 8.6%.]

[Behenic acid is contained in other plants, such as canola seed as well as peanut skins (a ton of peanut skins will reported yield 13 lbs. of Behenic acid).]


Brazil Nut oil; very high in oils and nutritious, it is becoming more available, but like other specialty oils, it is still expensive (less expensive if you can buy it in bulk). A rainforest product, it is rich, has a nutty flavor, and full of heart-healthy fatty acids (similar to olive oil), vitamins, and minerals (one of best sources of selenium); naturally stable (with medium-chain fatty acids) it is a good cooking oil (as well as for salads or a topical skin moisturizing oil).  It reportedly has an average shelf life (at room temperature) of 2 years.  


Cashew oil; 

Cocoa butter[or Cocoa oil]; product of the oily beans/fatty seeds from inside the seed pod of the tropical cocoa tree (Theombra cacao; an evergreen tree of the Mallow Family), which beans are fermented, roasted, cracked, and then the butter (54-58%) is separated from the solids (which are dried and ground in to cocoa powder).  The cracked bean pieces (called cacao nibs) are also sold as snacks or used in chocolate.  The cocoa butter is used as the main ingredient of white and milk chocolate, while the solids/nibs are used in the more healthy dark/bitter chocolates.  The cacao bean is also used in the Mexican mole sauce and tejate (a thick, pasty, coarse ground maize corn beverage).  It is a saturated fat (hence, referred to more commonly as butter than oil) and has a melting temperature between 93° and 100° F.  It is one of the most stable fats known, due to its anti-oxidants which prevent rancidity.  Like Shea butter, it is also used commonly in cosmetics, moisturizing creams, lotions, topical oils, salves, etc.  Of course, only a natural extraction method (not using hexane or other chemicals) should be used (internally or externally). 


Coconut oil [or Coconut butter]; it turns solid like butter around 74° F. or below, it also is nonsmoking and has many, many health properties both internal and external (see The Coconut Oil Miracle in the book section at the bottom of this page).  Buy only hexane free, nonhydrogenated (organic will be hexane free).  Nutivahas an excellent product and is frequently on sale at Amazon; subscribe and save/free shipping.  Compare the price per ounce (do the math yourself, their site is notorious for mis-pricing the price per ounce); though larger containers of any product are usually less per ounce, sometimes smaller containers will be less expensive per ounce if they are having a sale on that size.  Coconut oil is 86% saturated fat.  Although it does not contain cholesterol (as no vegetable oils do) vegetable oil saturated fat consumption increases both LDL and HDL cholesterol in the body.  Although a saturated fat, it is considered a "low-fat" fat.




The very best price (as of May 2012) is if you buy a 5-gallon bucket (but not Nutiva brand).  This may seem like a lot (and it is), but stored it has a very long shelf life; price will only always go up on everything in the world as governments continue to counterfeit, artificially manuipulate the interest rate (a hidden tax, the purposely controlled devaluation of the currency—which is grand larceny as well as treason and violation of oath of office), and as fuel prices continue to skyrocket due to artificial manipulation (price gouging and raping hundreds of millions of American consumers).  Store up what you can in a cool dry place.  Or, chip in with neighbors, friends, family, people from church, etc., and purchase a 5-gallon (or several) bucket jointly, and split it up, to get the best price. 


Grapeseed oil; it has a very long shelf life and will not smoke; it is a very healthy oil.  Practically no flavor, a very clean-tasting, neutral-flavored oil.  At Amazon, Roland has a 5-liter (1.32 gallon) jug of grapeseed oil, at a good price when it is in stock:


Hazelnut oil, contains more antioxidants than most "refined" nut oils; it is very high in Omega-9 oils, the best mono-unsaturated fat.  La Tourangelle and Roland brands are both available at Amazon.NOW Foods has a good product, as does Swanson's which is cold-processed.


Hemp seed oilis also very healthy, but reportedly very laxative and small amounts should be used.  Nutivahas a good product.  It can be used as a salad (or drizzling over pasta or vegetables once cooking is complete) or low heat oil; but since it has a 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 (thus, a high Om-3 content), it should not be used for high-heat cooking and should be stored in as cool a place as possible.



Linseed oil;[Another name for Flaxseed oil (taken from the Latin name of the plant, Linum); however, Linseed oil is usually the name used of the industrial grade used on furniture or other similar industrial applications.]


Macademia Nut oil; Macadamia oil (which is being called the "new olive oil") has a mild buttery flavor (good for mayonnaise); it is highly shelf-stable and is also heat table (up to around 250° F.); in one oxidative potential test it performed better than rice bran oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, almond oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, and hazelnut.  It is best for low-heat cooking (not sauteeing or high-heat grilling), it has a smoke point between 410° and 453° F.  Coming in second under coconut oil, macadamia oil has the lowest omega-6 fatty acids (least stable linoleic acid) of any traditional cooking oil.  It also has over 80% high monounsaturated fatty acid content (higher than even olive oil) and 16% saturated fat.  It also contains some good antioxidants.  Macadamia oil also has Omega-7 fatty acids (Palmitoleic acid; a monounsaturated fat that is a common constituent of human adipose tissue).  Macadamia oil is a good oil for salads, cooking, and also for sunblock and skin moisturizing.



Mustard seed oil;used in cooking in certain parts of India, those unaccustomed to it find its flavor (similar to horseradish or wasabi, to which mustard is related) disagreeable and irritating to the sinuses.  It can be made from black mustard (Brassica nigra), brown Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), and white/yellow mustard (Brassica hirta).  It is a high heat oil (smoke point 489°F.  Various brands are available from Amazon.com:


Okra seed oil; used (okra is a very healthy plant; its slimy properties being excellent to coat the GI tract to prevent lesions/pallaps from forming, according to some, such as Dr. William Kelley in One Answer To Cancer [inquire concerning availability]).

[Total oil content impressively about 40% and high yield of oil from an entire crop (about 794kg.ha.; one study showed it was only surpassed by sunflower seeds for oil production).  High in unsaturated fats such as Oleic and Linoleic acid.]

[Other Information: Wikipedia interestingly records:

"Okra seeds may be roasted and ground to form a caffeine-free substitute for coffee.  When importation of coffee was disrupted by the American Civil War in 1861, the Austin State Gazette said 'An acre of okra will produce seed enough to furnish a plantation of fifty negroes with coffee in every way equal to that imported from Rio.' " 


Olive oil (and there is also a Kalamata Olive oil, but it is not made from Kalamata olives, but made in the Kalamata region of Greece);

Pistachio oil; 


Pumpkin Seed oil; though distinctively American (the pumpkin is a new world vegetable) pumpkin seed oil has been popular in Europe for centuries.  It has a unique balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils (the latter making it less stable).  It is a very dark oil, with a nutty flavor; heat destroys the nutrient value, so it is a salad oil, herb/oil dip, or a very low heat oil (or add to a soup or stew or over vegetables after cooking is complete). 



Quinoa oil; in the same Family as Amaranth, Quinoa (a species of goosefoot) is not a true grain/cereal, but a grass (closely related to a wide variety in this Family, such as beets, spinach, and tumbleweeds).  It is a high-altitude plant, growing around 7,000 to over 13,000 feet in the Andes mountains (which has been cultivated for several millennia); though lower-altitude species have been developed.  It reportedly has been used to treat eczema.


Red Palm oil; a rather new oil to the American market (it has been used for millennia in the tropics (west Africa, southeast Asia, Brazil, South Pacific Islands).  In fact, it is the second most-used oil in the world (and would be #1 if not for all the soybean oil used in the U.S.).

It is made from the oil-rich fruitof the red palm tree—not to be confused with the other food oil also made from the oil-rich nut inside the fruit; the nut oil is not as healthy and is not red; red palm fruit oil is 41% saturated, while red palm kernel oil is 81% saturated fat); processed red palm oil is nearly colorless, but the unrefined is red because it is loaded with anti-oxidants (protect the body from free radicals and are also natural preservatives for the oil itself to keep it from rancidification), Vitamin E, carotenoids (which give it its reddish color, looking almost like carrot juice).  There are 8 Vitamin E isomers: 4 are tocopherols (the most commonly used in vitamins) and 4 are tocotrienols, which are far more potent anti-oxidants and red palm oil is abundant in tocotrienols.  Red Palm oil also has 15 times more beta-carotene (pre-vitamin A) that carrots and 300 times more than tomatoes.

[Note: it is a very heavy, strong tasting oil (almost a barbeque flavor), and may not be suitable for use with every dish; however, some dishes, it may improve the flavor.  It also will stain, due to all the beta-carotene.]

It is a good high-heat cooking oil; like coconut oil, it solidifies at moderate temperatures.  It can also be used for baking and is a delicious oil that be mixed with other oils for salad oil or mayonnaise.  

Rice bran oil;also rich in phytosterols as well as both tocopherols and tocotrienols, also increases HDL and lowers LDL.  Also contains gamma-orzanol (an antioxidant) and in tests 90% of women taking rice bran oil daily as a supplement for 4-6 weeks experienced a decrease in hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms; antioxidant stability of the oil is maintained even when frying at highest temperatures.  100% pure rice bran oil (made from non-GE rice bran) (oryza sativa).  High smoke point of 415° F. so it is suitable for stir frying, deep frying, sauteing.  A very clean-tasting, neutral-flavored oil (but second only to grapeseed).  Lead and arsenic may be a consideration with rice, rice bran, rice bran oil.


Safflower seed oil

[Other information: Safflower flower petals (and a very little turmeric powder) can be used as an inexpensive substitute for saffron.  Of course, the taste will not be exact; but it is close in the estimation of some people's palates.]

Sesame Seed oil;good high-heat cooking oil (up to 350° F.); it is rich in vitamins/minerals; reportedly good for skin and joint conditions (psoriasis, eczema, rheumatism, arthritis).  It is reported to block out up to 25% of the sun's harmful UV-rays.  Not all brands are cold pressed (and some brands toast the seeds first).  Swanson Certified Organic Sesame Seed Oil is cold processed.  


Shea(nut) butter[or Shea(nut) oil]; a saturated fat [hence, it is more commonly called butter than oil] from the African Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa).  It is used in cooking in Africa, and as a substitute for cocoa butter in chocoloate making, but is more commonly used in cosmetics, topical oils, moisturizing creams, lotions, salves.  However, recent studies show that Shea butter  (in thereputic doses) has anti-inflammatory properties and may help with peri-menopausal, menopausal, and joint joint inflammation aches and pains (25% after 3 months on the product: FlexNowTM).  It also has some ability to block out UV rays and is used in some sun-block lotions.  It is a saturated fat, so it should be consumed in moderation.  Of course, only a natural extraction method (not using hexane or other chemicals) should be used (internally or externally).

Sunflower seed oil;

Walnut oil, great for cardiovascular system; a very healthy oil, good source of Omega-3 and Omega-9.  Walnut oil contains some of the highest levels of tocopherols (vitamin E isomers); but is also the most prone to rancidity and oxidation among healthy oils.  Swanson's has a good cold-processed brand; and others such as Hain, NOW Foods, and Spectrum are also good.  Swanson's has a flat rate $4.99 shipping regardless of order size (sometimes free shipping):


Other healthy oils:

[The below are used more as supplements, not in cooking, but possibly in salad dressings, over cottage cheese, drizzled over vegetables after cooking, mixed with herbs/spices for a bread dip, etc.,]

Açaí oil; from the açaí palm (Euterpe oleracea);

[Palmitic acid 22& / Stearic acid 2% / Arachidic acid 2.5% / Palmitoleic acid 2% / Oleic acid (Omega-9) 60% / Linoleic acid 12%.]

Babassu butter/oil; it is extracted from the seeds of the Babassu palm (Attalea speciosa) and is very similar to coconut butter/oil and is becoming a common replacement in some areas.  Its melting point is similar to the temperature of the human body, so once applied topically it melts and absorbs quickly (and this heat transfer can produce a cooling sensation).

[Lauric acid 50% / Myristic acid 20% / Palmitic acid 11% / Oleic acid 10% / Stearic acid 3.5%.]


Black Currant seed oil; 12-14% Omega-3 / 15-20% Omega-6 / 2-4% linoleic (as stearidonic acid).  It may help protect the heart, be anti-inflammatory, and thus also help arthritis/rheumatism.

Borage seed oil; contains one of the highest amounts of gamma-linolenic-acid of all sources.  It and Evening Primrose oil and Black Currant seed oil are often used interchangeably.  However, Borage seed oil may contain amabaline (which can cause liver damage) so Borage seed oil should be certified free of unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids.  It is not advised during pregnancy.

Chia seed oil; the seed contains more anti-inflammatory, brain-boosting Omega-3s than flax seed oil; loaded with anti-oxidants; more potassium than bananas; more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach.  While the seed is cheap (purchased bulk); the oil is not (about $5.75/ounce).

Evening Primrose oil;8.5% gamma-linolenic acid / 70% linoleic acid.  Helps relieve PMS symptoms and may possibly help protect against breast cancer.

Flaxseed oil;Flax seed and Flaxseed oil both go rancid rather quickly (and both should be stored under refrigeration or even in the deep freezer).  For this reason, it does not make good high-heat cooking oil; though it is not generally used for cooking, it can be at lower heat (but I personally find it has a slight fishy taste, so I would not use for a salad or cooking oil; but only take in capsule form).

Linseed oil;[Another name for Flaxseed oil (taken from the Latin name of the plant, Linum); however, Linseed oil is usually the name used of the industrial grade used on furniture(it is used as a drying / hardening / polymerizing / binding / plasticizing / impregnating agent added to other finishes, oils, resins, varnishes, solvents) or other similar industrial applications.  Due to its quick oxidization rate (as with motor oil or other petroleum products/solvents), Linseed / Flaxseed oil left on a rag can eventually spontaneously combust (burst into flames).]

Perilla oil;similar profile to fish oil, but without unpleasant aftertaste; extracted from seed (35-45% oil) of the Perilla fructescens plant (a member of the mint family).

Pine nut oil;a finishing/dipping/medicinal oil (quite hard to find and expensive).  It reportedly has a refrigerated shelf life of 12 months.


This company also has a larger selection at better prices on Siberian and Korean pine nut oil (produced from the seeds of various species of pine and cedar) which yield the highest levels of anti-oxidants and pinolenic acid (an isomer of Gamma-Linolenic acid; however, it is not an Omega-6) and even wholesale prices (and have other oils such as Sea Buckthorn oil, Rose-hip oil, Hawthorn berry seed oil, and others:


This company also has Siberian Pine nut oil as well as some others oil, and their prices are about 1/3 of the other 2 links above:


Some sources claim pine nut oil is good for a host of benefits: supresses appetite, weight management, improves brain energy, soothes digestive system, improving metabolism, etc.


Sea Buckthorn oil;The oil from the seeds of the Sea Buckthorn (related to Russian Olive/Autumn Olive/Goumi) has been used in sunscreens and to protect astronauts from radiation burns.]

This company that has pine nut oil also has sea buckthorn oil:


Wheat germ oil, (extracted from the germ/endosperm of the wheat kernel, which comprises only 2.5% of the wheat berry/kernel/grain by weight).  It has a strong flavor and is rather unstable.

... as well as Omega-3 Fish oils (already mentioned) or Cod Liver oil or Salmon oil


Oils to avoid:

Canola oilshould be avoided since it is by its very nature a GMO crop.  There is no such thing as a "canola plant."  Canola (which is an acronym of sorts for "CANada OiL - A)" is a genetically modified form of the rape plant (in the kale family) and the oil is extracted from the seed.

Corn oil should be avoided since it is not a very healthy oil and since it is a highly contaminated GMO crop.

Cottonseed oilshould be avoided; while it may not be the most unhealthy oil in and of itself, it is a highly contaminated GMO crop.

Peanut oil;it is not a very healthy oil.  It is good for high-heat frying (which type of food should be eaten sparingly anyway—and extra psyllium powder should be consumed with such a meal to help "clean up the grease spill); it does add a very characteristic flavor to certain oriental dishes, but should not be consumed too frequently.

Soybean oil should be avoided since it is quite possible that the estrogen-hormone-like substances naturally ocurring in soybeans may possible also be in the oil, and since soybeans are a highly GMO contaminated crop.


Note: nonGMO soybeans are healthy, but in normal amounts, and very small amounts for children until after puberty... soybeans have estrogen-like hormones and some claim that soybeans and most soybean products (which are in far more foods than the average person realizes, such as hydrolized vegetable protein); the list of soybean products is large: soymilk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, some hotdogs and hamburgers (sometimes mixed with real meat and sold as beef or chicken), of course outright soydogs and soyburgers, as well as vegetarian dogs and burgers, soybean oil is in so many products and many salad dressings and other products).  Soybeans, according to some studies can make boys predisposed to being effiminate/homo later with hormones screwed up in formative years.  Too many soybeans are not good for adults either, which can screw up the delicate hormone balance.  However, miso and tempeh are fine, but tofu still has those hormones... See article By Jim Rutz © 2010; the original title was: "Soy is Making Kids ‘Gay’ " — then after a huge backlash in response he re-titled it: "The Trouble with Soy".  Here is the link to this very important article:




Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance