—Healthy Oils / Fats — Comparison Chart

[Note: This above information should be considered and it may be that NO seed or nut oils should be consumed.

Dr. Mercola in the past several years has provided a lot of documentation that Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils are toxic in any amount (and that it has nothing to do with “ratio”) and that all seed oils are greatly responsible for a whole host of health problems, degenerative disease, and obesity in the U.S. and that all seed and nut oils should be avoided at all costs. 

See 2 PDF links by Mercola that should appear at the very bottom of this page.

Mercola's articles are very important for health.  I have known for years that omega 6 oils can be unhealthy, but I did not know the extent of it and its implication in many auto-immune diseases, cancer, alzheimers, diabetes, etc. This is well worth the read.

The flaw is that he did not clearly tell the reader what he means by "seed oils", which I believe would include all nut oils (macadamia, peanut, sesame, walnut, hazelnut, etc.) and grain oils (corn, rice bran, grapeseed, pumpkin seed, and of course canola which was the first GMO crop and only people who are ignorant or honest push their canola oil as "organic", which it cannot be since it is a GMO crop); which is truly a shame, so all such oils need to be used very sparingly or not at all.

Olive oil is in a class by itself, but contains some Omega 6 and the industry has been rife with corruption and using poor quality oil and also cutting it with other oils (seed oils).

Perilla oil (mexican mint) is supposed to have the perfect blend of 3, 6, and 9—however, according to this information, having the right balance does not stop the toxicity of the 6s and their destruction of key components in the body.

Presumably this would not includ avocado oil, which is not made from the seed (which only has 2% oil) of the avocado, but from the flesh (like the olive is from the pulp, not the pit); but again, many oils are unethically blended with unhealthy oils.

However, he is writing a book on the topic, which I imagine will have more detail; but though a long read, it is very important for all—and just imagine how it will be resisted, due to the fact that there will be large and powerful company who grow millions of acres of these crops and make billions off selling the oil.... and realize that unless the seeds are used to make oil, they are discarded at a loss as waste or used as fertilizer, so even companies that grow the crops for the fruit, will lose money in not being able to sell the seed for oil, if people stop buying such oils.

Coconut and red palm oil, presumably are fine, because though they are seeds, they are not polunsaturated acids (PUSA) but saturated; red palm is also full of healthy caratenoids, but it does have a strong flavor that you may not like in every mean, but is great for fries, meat to be used in chili or spaghetti, even eggs. Coconut oil, though it has a subtle coconut flavor, may take getting used to; but both oils solidify at about 74F, but will last almost forever in cool dry dark basement.  Coconut oil also heals and preserves the brain and is used in parkinsons and alzheimers in therapeutic doses (5 or 6 T a day) and can help stop or reverse; because it has been learned that each brain cell has all the information all the others do, so when some areas are damaged, it is like when storms knock down power lines and calls have to be rerouted, and coconut oil helps brain cells share information.

However, I certainly disagree with his telling people to fry in lard (pork fat) or tallow (beef fat), which God forbids.  God forbids pork entirely, and no fat or blood of clean animals; this does not mean that you have to be neurotic and dissect every bit of fat off your steak, but you should cut off huge chunks; the internal fat is usually in smaller amounts and melts; the outer huge chunks often will not even melt if boiled for hours; but the fact can be fed to your cat, dogs, chickens, and any that solidifies on the top of a soup or stew in the fridge in any huge amount, and grease from ocassional frying, can be poured into an old yogurt container, and a handful of birdseed put in, and put in the freezer until full, to save for the winter and give your birds homemade suet.  For hamburger, the amount of fat needed to hold the meat together would seem to be best; and if making yourself, the marbled inner fat far preferable to any outer fat.

Butter, and especially grass fed butter (I still have not figured out how to get the butter to eat the grass, but I am working on it) is what should be used (and not margarine, which clogs the arteries and is made from the bad oils, mostly).]

 [Note: All below information may be superceded by the above.]

Important Health Information and Books


 Copyright 2012 © by Sacred Truth Publishing.  All rights reserved.




Healthy Oils / Fats — Comparison Chart

Alpha-Linolenic acid [an Omega-3; an isomer of Gamma-Linolenic acid.]

Arachidic acid[a.k.a. eicosanoic acid; a saturated fatty acid; a minor constituent of peanut (1.5%) and corn (3%) oil (from the Latin name for peanut, arachis).  ]

Arachidonic acid [a poluunsaturated Omega-6 oil, counterpart to the Arachidic acid, found in peanuts.]

Behenic acid [a Saturated Fatty Acid; though poorly absorbed by the body it is a cholesterol-raising oil.]

Cholesterol = a waxy steroid of fat.

Fatty acids(long-chained molecules with an alkyl/methyl group at one end and a carboxylic acid group at the other end).  The viscosity (thickness) and melting temperature of fatty acids increases inversely to the number of double bonds (the fewer double bonds, the higher the viscosity/melting temp.).

HDL (high density lipo-proteins [lipo/lipids = fat]) are the good cholesterol.

[If HDL levels are high enough, a high LDL number is not as indicative of health risk.]

Gamma-Linoleic acid [an isomer of Alpha-Linoleic/Omega-3] vegetable oils.

Gamma-Linolenic acid [an Omega-6; first isolated from Evening Primrose oil].

Lauric acid (a saturated fatty acid) found most commonly in tropical oils, but also small amounts in human breast milk (6.2% of total fat), cow milk (2.9%), and goat milk (3.1%).

LDL (low density lipo-proteins [lipo/lipids = fat]) are the bad cholesterol.

Monounsaturated Fats[MUSF] (fatty acids with only 1 "double bond" in the fatty acid chain, with all the rest of the carbon atoms in the chain having on single bonds.  Monounsaturated fats have higher melting points than polyunsaturated fats and a lower melting point than saturatedfatty acids. Monounsaturated fatty acids are liquids at room temperature and semi-solid or solid when refrigerated.  MUSF tend to lower LDL.  MUSF also help lower allergic reactions.

Myristic acid (a saturated fatty acid); named after the Latin name for nutmeg, Myristica fragrans; its main sources are nutmeg butter, coconut and palm oils, butter fat (and also in animals fats in minor amounts).

Omega-3 oils/fatty acids [Alpha-Linoleic Acid] (essential* polyunsaturated), marine and plant oils.

Omega-6 oils/fatty acids [Linoleic-Acid] (essential* polyunsaturated), vegetable oils, poultry, eggs.

[* This means the body does not produce any (or enough) on its own and that it is "essential" that these oils being obtained directly through diet (foods with these oils, the oils themselves, or via supplements).  These oils protect against inflammation (the "silent killer"; see book list at bottom of page) and heart disease.  Dry skin and hair maybe a sign of deficiency of these oils.  Further, Omega-3 are less abundant and Omega-3 and -6 will compete for enzymes within the body, which are needed in order to be effective, and if there is more Omega-6 in the diet, they will "win" the enzymes (Omega-6 interferes with Omega-3 absorption).  Thus, it would be good to supplement Omega-3 by itself.  Essential fatty acids also help boost brain power and prevent degenerative disease.]

Omega-7 oils/fatty acids (monounsaturated) animal, marine, vegetable oil (highest in Macadamia nut oil [17%] and Sea Buckthorn seed oil [40%]).

Omega-9 oils/fatty acids [Oleic-Acid] (nonessential polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) animal and vegetable fats/oils.

Palmitic acid most commonly from palm fruit/kernel and coconut oil, but also found in meat, cheese, butter, dairy.

Palmitoleic acid [an Omega-7 monounsaturated fatty acid.]

Polyunsaturated Fats [PUSF] (fatty acids with 2 or more double bonds between carbon molecules in their long chains); they tend to remain liquid even when refrigerated; PUSF tend to lower HDL and LDL.

Saturated Fats [SF] (triglycerides that contain only saturated fatty acids; nodouble bonds between individual carbon atoms; thus naturally fully saturated with hydrogen atoms); they are usually solid even at room temperature.  SF tends to raise LDL and HDL.

Squalene;possibly an anti-cancer agent (the primary non-land source is shark liver oil, which is not a Biblically clean product); its main terrestrial sources are: Amaranth seed, rice bran, wheat germ, and olives.  All plants, animals, and humans produces squalene. 

Stearic acid (saturated fat) animal fat (30%) and vegetable fat (5%; but in cocoa and shea butter 28-45%).

Stearidonic acid (a.k.a., moroctic acid; an Omega-3 polyunsaturated fat).

Trans fat(unsaturated [sometimes mono-, sometimes poly-] fat with a trans-isomer fatty acid); rare in nature.  many companies advertise their vegetable oils or products as having "Zero Trans Fat" or "Zero Cholesterol" as if this was something special.  No natural oils (or even animal fat) has Trans Fat or Cholesterol.  In general, only oils that have been partially hydrogenated (most notorious, margarine and vegetable shortening—which should be avoided) contain trans fat.  Consumption of trans fat raises LDL and lowers HDL (thus increasing risk of coronary heart disease and stroke and other health problems). 

[Margarine (and presumably vegetable oil) manufacturers are allowed to omit "trans fat" information from their products' nutrient labels.  My question is, if they are allowed to omit them, I wonder if they are allowed to misrepresent them by playing them down.  I mean, if 1 T. has 30g. of trans fat and they label it that it has 15g. of trans fat per T., that is also true; though only half the truth.  Anything with "partially hydrogenated" oil in the ingredients has trans fat, but we don't know how much because manufacturers are not required to so disclose (can anyone say, "under-the-table bribe"...?  Trans fats interfere with metabolism of natural fats (and signaling the brain that it is satiated), interfere with the bodies utilization of essential fatty acids, and have been linked to cancer, immunodeficiency, and premature aging of the skin; they also raise blood cholesterol levels almost as much as saturated fats (but without the good benefits of natural saturated fats).]

Note: The nutritional profile for the below oils (gram/mg. amount) should be considered general, not exact.  Nutritional content will vary based upon a variety of factors (species of plant, area grown, fertility of soil, rainfall, sun, other seasonal variations, maturity of plant, maturity of crop, time of day/month harvested, processing method, etc.).

Key for the below chart

SF = Saturated Fat

PUSF = PolyUnSaturated Fat

MUF = MonoUnSaturated Fat

DV = Daily Value %

1 T. = 14g.


Cooking quality/application (with smoke points listed):

- Low heat oils: (under 374°): butter (302°), coconut (351°), hemp (329°), lard (280° - 394°), margarine (soft) (302° - 320°), (as well as those with higher heat smoke point, listed below).

- Medium heat oils: (374° - 446° F): almond (430°), brazil nut (408°), clarified butter/ghee (374°  - 482°), cottonseed (421°), grapeseed (399°), macadamia (410°), olive oil (REFINED) (437°), olive oil (VIRGIN) (419 °F), olive oil (EXTRA VIRGIN) (374 °F), walnut (399°), (as well as those with higher heat smoke point, listed below).

- High heat oils: (above 446° F): avocado (520°), canola (468°), corn (457°), mustard (489 °F), olive oil (EXTRA LIGHT) (468 °F), peanut (448°), red palm (446°), rice bran (489°), safflower (509°), sesame (unrefined) (351°), sesame (semi-refined) (450°), soybean (466°), sunflower (475°).


Almond oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1-SF / 2.5-PUSF / 10-MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 2349mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 5.3mg. (26% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol). / 49% total oil content / 8% SF / 26% PUSF / 66% MUSF.]


Argan oil - [Its fatty acids contain: Palmitic 12.0% / Stearic 6.0% / Oleic 42.8% / Linoleic 36.8% / Linolenic <0.5%.  It also contains tocopherols (vitamin E), phenols, phenolic acid, carotenes, squalene, and fatty acids, (up to 80% unsaturated fatty acids).  It may also be more resistant to oxidation than olive oil; though the shelf life is considered 12-18 months.]


Avocado oil - 1T. / 124 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1.5-SF / 2-PUSF / 10-MUSF / 124mg. Om-3 / 1754mg. Om-6.

[12% SF / 14% PUSF / 74% MUSF.]


Black Currant seed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 12g. / 0g. - SF / 7.2g. - PUSF / 4.8g. - MUSF

[Alpha-Linoleic - 1.56g.; Gamma-Linoleic - 2.04g. /  Linoleic - 5.16g. / Oleic - 1.08g. / Palmitic - ?g. / Stearic - ?g. / Stearidonic - .24g.]


Borage seed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 12g. / 0g. - SF / 12g. - PUSF / 0g. - MUSF

[Gamma-Linoleic-2.88g. /  Linoleic-3.55g. / Oleic-1.44g. / Palmitic-1.02g. / Stearic-.72g.]


Brazil nut oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: ?g. / g. - SF / g. - PUSF / g. - MUSF.

[68.6% total oil / 28.6% SF / 39.25% PUSF / 32% MUSF.]



[cow's milk] Butter- 1T. - 70 cal. / total fat: 3.7g. / 4.7g. - SF / .3 - PUSF / 2.3 - MUSF / 112mg. Om-3 / 170mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 475 I.U. (10%) vitamin A. / 66% SF / 4% PUSF / 30% MUSF.]


[clarified] Butter[a.k.a. "ghee" (India)] clarified butter has a longer shelf-life and higher smoke point.  Clarified butter/ghee also have extremely low traces of lactose.

[65% SF / 3% PUSF / 32% MUSF.]


Canola oil - 1T. / 119 cal. / total fat: 13g. / 1g. - SF / 3.6g. - PUSF / 8.3g. - MUSF (about 58%); 1031mg. Om.-3; 2532mg. Om.-6.

[Other info: 9.6mcg. or 12% DV of vitamin K. / 6% SF / 32% PUSF / 62% MUSF.

Canola oil would be a healthy oil if not for it being derived from a completely GE plant (GMO). 

Radio-active plywood will probably work just as good to build a house (and who knows, someone may sell it at a great price!), but what would be the health risks of living in such a house?]


Cashew oil - MUSF 58% /


Chia seed oil -


Cocoa butter - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. /  8.1g. - SF / .4g. - PUSF / 4.4g. - MUSF / 13.5mg. Om-3 / 375mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 3.3mcg. (4%) vitamin K.]


Coconut oil - 1T. / 116 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 11.7g. - SF / .2g. - PUSF / .8g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 243mg. Om-6.

[92% SF / 2% PUSF / 6% MUSF.]


Cod Liver oil - 1T. / 122 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 3.1g. - SF / 3g. - PUSF / 6.3g. - MUSF / 2664mg. Om-3 / 126mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 13500 I.U. (270% DV) vitamin A; 1350 I.U. (338% DV) vitamin D.]


Corn oil - 1T. / 119 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1.7g. - SF / 7.4g. - PUSF / 3.7g. - MUSF / 157mg. Om-3 / 7224mg. Om-6.

[13% SF / 62% PUSF / 25% MUSF.]


Cottonseed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 3.5g. - SF / 7g. - PUSF / 2.4g. - MUSF / 27mg. Om-3 / 6950mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 4.8mg. (24% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol) and 3.3mcg. (4%) vitamin K. / 24% SF / 50% PUSF / 26% MUSF.]


Evening Primrose oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 12g. / 0g. - SF / 8g. - PUSF / 12g. - MUSF

  [Alpha-Linoleic - g.; Gamma-Linoleic - ?g. /  Linoleic - g. / Oleic - g. / Palmitic - ?g. / Stearic - ?g.]


(chicken/turkey) Fat- 1T. / 115 cal. / total fat: 13g. / 3.8g. - SF / 2.6g. - PUSF / 5.7g. - MUSF / 128mg. Om-3 / 2487mg. Om-6.

[Chicken/turkey fat are healthy, in moderate amounts that cannot be easily trimmed off; but excess fat should be trimmed or if a soup is made, after it cools in the refrigerator, the excess that hardens can be skimmed off and given to the cat or dog (or allowed to liquify at room temperature, added to birdseed to it, and store in an old yogurt container in the freezer to put out for the birds as suet during the winter).  The same can be done with any liquified beef fat/grease and even left-over cooked oil.]


Fish oil (general) - 1T -122 cal. - total fat 14g. - 4g. - SF / 4.3g. - PUSF / 4.6g. - MUSF / 3253mg. Om-3 / 272mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 44.8 I.U. (11% DV) vitamin D.]


Flax seed oil - 1T. / 125 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1g. - SF / 10g. - PUSF / 3g. - MUSF

 [Alpha-Linoleic - g.; Gamma-Linoleic - ?g. /  Linoleic - g. / Oleic - g. / Palmitic - ?g. / Stearic - ?g.

55% Omega-3.]


Grapeseed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1.3g. - SF / 9.4g. - PUSF / 2.2g. - MUSF / 13.5mg. Om-3 / 9400mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 3.9mg. (19% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol). / 12% SF / 71% PSUF / 17% MUSF.]


Hazelnut oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1g. - SF / 1.4g. - PUSF / 10.5g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 1364mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 6.4mg. (32% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol).]


Hemp seed oil - 1T. / 125 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 1.5g. - SF / 11g. - PUSF / 2g. - MUSF / 250mg. Omega-3 (a-LA) / 25mg. Omega-3 (SDA) / 800mg. Omega-6 (LA) / 50mg. Omega-6 (GLA) / 200mg. Omega 9.

[9% SF / 79% PUSF / 12% MUSF.]


(pork) Lard- 1T. / 115 cal. / total fat: 13g. / 5g.-SF / 1.4g. - PUSF / 5.8g. - MUSF (about 40%) / 128mg. Om-3 / 1300mg. Om-6.

[41% SF / 2% PSUF / 47% MUSF.]

[Pork and all pork products should be avoided at all cost.  It is a highly diseased/parasitic meat and God has His reasons for forbidding it.  The swine, like many vermin and insects are natural garbage disposals on land (even as shrimp, crab, lobster, and other crustaceans are in the water).  See the book, So, You Call Yourself A Christian... (which is a primer on God's Law and the dietary laws and Peter's vision specifically) and What's Keeping God From Delivering the U.S., Britain, and Europe From Destruction...? (which deals with God's Law in general) in list below, for information concerning how God did not abolish the dietary laws under the New Covenant.]


Linseed oil;[Another name for Flaxseed oil (taken from the Latin name of the plant, Linum); however, Linseed oil is usually the name used of the industrial grade used on furniture(it is used as a drying / hardening / polymerizing / binding / plasticizing / impregnating agent added to other finishes, oils, resins, varnishes, solvents) or other similar industrial applications.  Due to its quick oxidization rate (as with motor oil or other petroleum products/solvents), Linseed / Flaxseed oil left on a rag can eventually spontaneously combust (burst into flames).]


Macadamia oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2.2g. - SF / 3g. - PUSF / 11g. - MUSF.

[16% SF / 24% PUSF / 85% MUSF.]


Margarine (spread; 20% fat) - 1T. / 26 cal. / total fat: 3g. / 1.4g. - SF / 1.2g. - PUSF / 1.1g. - MUSF / 24mg. Om-3 / 1176mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 10.6mg. (13% DV) vitamin K; .7mg. (3% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol). / 20% SF / 33% PUSF / 47% MUSF.]


Margarine (stick; 60% fat) 1T. / 77 cal. / total fat: 9g. / 1.6g. - SF / 2.4g. - PUSF / 4.2g. - MUSF / 249mg. Om-3 / 2133mg. Om-6. [Trans fat: 3g.].

[Other Information: 4.4mg. (18% DV) vitamin K; .7mg. (3% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol). / 80% SF / 6% PUSF / 14% MUSF.]

[Though lower in calorie (and originally made from pork fat), margarines are very unhealthy (though they were marketed as "healthy" and for that reason the majority of people in the U.S. for the past 50 years eat margarine instead of butter, which is far healthier, though more fattening.  But the average margarine and shortening clog the arteries worse than butter does.]


Marula nut oil; extracted from the kernels (nuts) of the African Marula tree (Sclerocarya birrea); it has high levels of anti-oxidants and therefore is very stable.

[SF: Palmitic acid 11%; Stearic acid 6.5%; Arachidonic acid .45%  / PUSF: Linoleic aid 5.5% / alpha-Linolenic acid .4% / MUSF: Oleic acid 75%.]


Mustard seed oil;13% SF / 21% PUSF / 60% MUSF.

[Of the MUSF: 42% erucid acid / 12% oleic.  Of the PUSF: 6 Omega-3 (A-linolenic-acid) / 15% Omega-6 (Linoleic-acid).]

Nutmeg butter - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat 13.5g. / 12.2g. - SF / 0g. - PUSF / .6g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 0mg. Om-6.

[Not the healthiest profile.]


Olive oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2g. - SF / 1.5g. - PUSF / 10g. - MUSF (about 75%) / 103mg. Om-3 / 1318mg. Om.-6.

[Other Information: 1.9mg. (10% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol) and 8.1mcg. (10%) vitamin K. / 14% SF / 11% PUSF / 73% MUSF.]

Palm Kernel oil- 1T. / 119 cal. / total fat: 13.5g. / 11g. - SF / .2g. - PUSF / 1.5g. - MUSF / 216mg Om-6.

Peanut oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2.3g. - SF / 4.5g. - PUSF / 7g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 4321mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 2.1mg. vitamin E (a-tocopherol) or 11% DV. / 18% SF / 33% PUSF / 49% MUSF.]

Perilla oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 12g. / g. - SF / g. - PUSF / g. - MUSF

[Alpha-Linoleic - 6.6g.; Gamma-Linoleic - ?g. /  Linoleic - 1.8g. / Oleic - 1.56g. / Palmitic - ?g. / Stearic - ?g.]


Pine nut oil;

[Fatty acid profile: Linoleic acid 49.0% ± 2.3 / Oleic acid 23.8% ± 2.1 / Pinolenic acid 17.1% ± 2.0  / Palmitic acid 6.3% ± 2.2 / Stearic acid 2.5% ± 0.1 .]


Pistachio oil- 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2g. - SF / 8g. - PUSF / 5g. - MUSF

[Pistachio oil is high in Vitamin E, containing 19mg/100g. It contains 12.7% saturated fats, 53.8% monounsaturated fats, 32.7% linoleic acid, and 0.8% omega-3 fatty acid.]


Prune kernel oil; a newer vegetable oil (probably not easily found) from the kernels of the d'Agen prune plum.  The oil has a flavor similar to bitter almond.

[35% total oil by weight / 70% Oleic acid / 20% Oleic acid.] 


Pumpkin Seed oil - 1T. / 120 cal. / total fat: 14g. / 2g. - SF / 6g. - PUSF / 5g. - MUSF / 0g. Om-3 / 6g. Om-6 / 5g. Om-9.


Quinoa oil; due to its antioxidants, it makes a good cooking oil, as well as a salad or other oil.

[It contains high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, which types of oils tend to go rancid rather quickly, but like corn oil, it contains high levels of anti-oxidants which prevent this (such as vitamin E tocopherols); so Quinoa oil is stable and has a long shelf life.  Similar in profile to corn, it contains more essential fatty acids than corn and also yields more than corn by weight: Quinoa yields 5.6% oil, whereas corn yields 3.5%.  It is rich in essential fatty acids, primarily Linoleic, but also Linolenic.]


Red Palm oil - 1T - 130 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - 6.7g. - SF / 1.5g. - PUSF / 5g. - MUSF / 27mg. Om-3 / 1228mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 2.2mg. vitamin E (a-tocopherol) or 11% DV / 52% SF / 10% PUSF / 38% MUSF.]


Rice bran oil- 1T. / 125 cal. / total fat 14 / 2.5 - SF / 5g. - PUSF / 6g. - MUSF / 25% DV vitamin E.  

[25% SF / 37% PUSF / 47% MUSF / Palmitic Acid  190 mg / Stearic Acid  2.5 g / Oleic Acid  6.5 g / Linoleic Acid  5 g / Linolenic Acid  135 mg / Tocotrienols  3.5 mg / Phytosterols  90 mg. / Myristic: 0.6% / Palmitic: 21.5% Stearic: 2.9% / Oleic acid 38% / Omega-3 fatty acids α-Linolenic: 2.2% / Omega-6 fatty acids Linoleic: 34.4%.]


Safflower oil - 1T -119 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - .8g. - SF / 10.1g. - PUSF / 1.9g. - MUSF / 0mg. Om-3 / 10,073mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 4.6mg. vitamin E (a-tocopherol) or 23% DV / 10% SF / 77% PUSF / 13% MUSF.]


Salmon oil - 1T -122 cal. - total fat 14g. - 2.7g. - SF / 5.4g. - PUSF / 3.9g. - MUSF / 4767mg. Om-3 / 208mg. Om-6.


Sea Buckthorn oil;


Sesame oil- 1T - 120 cal. - total fat 14g. - 2g. - SF / 6g. - PUSF / 5.4g. - MUSF / 40.5mg. Om-3 / 5576mg. Om-6. 

[14% SF / 43% PUSF / 43% MUSF.] 

Shea(nut) butter- 1T - 120 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - 6.3g. - SF / .7g. - PUSF / 5.9g. - MUSF / 40.5mg. Om-3 / 662mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: Oleic acid (40-60%), Stearic acid (20-50%), Linoleic acid (3-11%), Palmitic acid (2-9%), Linolenic acid (<1%) and Arachidic acid (<1%).]


Soybean oil - 1T - 119 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - 2.1g. - SF / 7.8g. - PUSF / 3.1g. - MUSF / 917mg. Om-3; 6807mg. Om-6.

[Other info: 24.8mcg. or 31% DV of vitamin K / 15% SF / 61% PUSF / 24% MUSF/ 6% Omega-3 / 50% Omega-6]

[Soybean oil would be a healthy oil if not for the estrogen-hormone-like substances and the GMO contamination of the crop.


Note: nonGMO soybeans are healthy, but in normal amounts, and very small amounts for children until after puberty... soybeans have estrogen-like hormones and some claim that soybeans and most soybean products (which are in far more foods than the average person realizes, such as hydrolized vegetable protein); the list of soybean products is large: soymilk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, some hotdogs and hamburgers (sometimes mixed with real meat and sold as beef or chicken), of course outright soydogs and soyburgers, as well as vegetarian dogs and burgers, soybean oil is in so many products and many salad dressings and other products).  Soybeans, according to some studies can make boys predisposed to being effiminate/homo later with hormones screwed up in formative years.  Too many soybeans are not good for adults either, which can screw up the delicate hormone balance.  However, miso and tempeh are fine, but tofu still has those hormones... See article By Jim Rutz © 2010; the original title was: "Soy is Making Kids ‘Gay’ " — then after a huge backlash in response he re-titled it: "The Trouble with Soy".  Here is the link to this very important article:


http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53327 ]


Sunflower oil - 1T - 119 cal. - total fat 13.5g. - 1.5g. - SF / 8.9g. - PUSF / 2.6g. - MUSF / 8870mg Om-6.

[Other Information: 5.5mg. vitamin E (a-tocopherol) or 28% DV. / 11% SF / 69% PUSF / 20%.]


(beef/mutton) tallow- 1T - ? cal. - total fat ?g. - 6.4g. -SF / .75 - PUSF / 5.4 - MUSF (about 50%) / 180mg Om-3 / 865mg. Om-6 [14mg. cholesterol.]

[Normal amounts of beef fat (inside tissue/normal marbleizing, not the outer-carcase tissue fat) are healthy, in moderate amounts that cannot be easily trimmed off.]


Vegetable & Lard shortening (average)- 1T - 115 cal. - total fat 13g. -  4 - SF / 2g. - PUSF / 5.7g. - MUSF / 140mg. Om-3 / 1237mg. Om-6.

[Trans fat: 1.7g. phytosterols.] [7.1 cholesterol]


Walnut oil- 1T - 120 cal. - total fat 14g. - 1.2g. - SF / 8.5g. -  PUSF / 3.2g. - MUSF / 1404mg. Om-3 / 7141mg. Om-6.

[9% SF  / 63% PUSF / 23% MUSF.]


Wheat germ oil - 1T - 120 cal. - total fat 12g. - 2.5 - SF / 8.3g. - PUSF / 3g. - MUSF / 932mg. Om-3 / 7398mg. Om-6.

[Other Information: 20.2mg. (or 101% DV) vitamin E (a-tocopherol)—the greatest proportion of vitamin E of any food.] 


 Check out my foundational work, a very important book (though it is not health related, I mention it here for those who might not view the other pages at this site):

Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance