Kellogg’s PORN Flakes? — modern Cereal Killers?

It is one thing to sell your soul to make a sale—especially to a tiny percentage of the population whose business would not affect your profit margin in the slightest.  It is another matter entirely to champion perversity and go trolling for new victims.  It is bad enough that foods are laced with disease-causing GMOs, denuded white sugar, artificial colors, flavors, texturizers, preservatives, aluminum, anti-freeze (propylene glycol), HFCS, MSG (and its evil step-sisters disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate)—often immorally hidden under false names, etc.  Now foods seem to be laced with immorality and propaganda.  What’s next? condoms in each box of Lucky Charms or Pop Tarts...?

See the below article:…

According to wikipedia:

In January 2012, Kellogg's gave the Calhoun School a $250,000 grant for a "three-part youth-based project on issues of white privilege and institutionalized racism".[66]


Contact info:

At the email form, choose department: "Social Responsibility / Ethics"

It shows that the phone # is a required field, but I just typed "none" and the email said it went through.

I wrote to them:

Hi.  I will never purchase any Kellogg product ever again, and will encourage all my friends and family and contacts not to do so either.  It is reprehensible that you are promoting perversion and engaging in helping destroy the lives of young children, who are easily confused and impressionable.  Your business was not built upon this agenda; nor was it funded by this crowd.  You have betrayed the very people who made you wealthy.  Why do you cater to a very small minority AND OFFEND THE MAJORITY of your clientele?  You sin against God and you help to destroy this nation, which was founded as a Christian nation upon Biblical morality and you sin against all of Christendom.  You are traitors to the United States.  You have sold your soul to the Devil for a pound of strange flesh.  Your quarterly profit reports will be MEANINGLESS in face of Eternal Judgment.  Why should any moral American—those responsible for your being a billion dollar a year corporation—buy your product ever again...?  If you have no soul and don't care about morality or Eternity or obeying God, why is your headquarters not in the State of Israeli, Saudi Arabia, Africa, China, or any other Third World Nation?  Do you realize how hypocritical and how immoral it is to become fabulously wealthy by a Christian clientele—and then stab them in the back?  I would consider buying your products if Kellogg's comes out officially and APOLOGIZES TO GOD and ALL OF CHRISTENDOM for your SUPREME ABOMINATION.  If not, I shall never purchase a single product produced by your company or any sister-companies / acquisitions.  If I cannot find a comparable product made by a company that has not sold its soul and that is not an enemy of Christendom, then I shall simply do without (and probably be far healthier).

Christians need to STAND UP... those who don't DENY CHRIST.

Hopefully Kellogg's reconsiders (and also improves the health quality of their food) or goes the way of Target, Barilla pasta (Barilla Antichrista — Your Time Has Pasta You Buy...! No More Pasta Fagioli for Me...!) and any other company that is equally immoral in stabbing in the back those who made them wealthy, and sinning against God and all of Christendom.

Please email Kelloggs at the link above and express your own sentiments or copy and paste mine.  PLEASE DON'T EVER BUY A SINGLE PRODUCT THAT THEY MAKE OR SELL, THEY OR ANY OF THEIR SISTER COMPANIES OR ACQUISITIONS.

Don't glut your belly, and reveal your belly to be your god, just for convenience or because of a product that you may like.  When you do so, you deny Christ and sin against all of Christendom and PARTICIPATE in the DESTRUCTION OF CHRISTENDOM by supporting those who then take money that they receive from you to help fund antichristian agendas.

"To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin."

"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rebuke them."

"He who denies Me before men, him will I deny before My Father Who is in Heaven."

Don't help promote and fund this confusion, perversion, and abomination:


New universal "gender" symbols

[Only the first two are real; the others are mental delusions, perversions, derangements.]