Of Lawsuits and Barbarians

Someone commented concerning an email from the other day “Blue Buffalo’s Dog Food 2 Class Action Law Suits” (in which an “all-natural” dog food, an expensive and “top of the line” brand, was found to have lead in it and caused the deaths and illness and suffering in numerous dogs, and there was a class-action lawsuit and high-dollar settlement):
“Dr. Carol is in my neck of the woods; 1.5 mi from me.  I wonder whether the settlement amount is a bit excessive?”
My reply (to this and another question from someone else) —  (this is detailed, but a detour well worth it, and some links to some incredible songs at the end... and I hope all will read through to the end, pray, consider, absorb, and listen to the moving songs and see what real music should sound like).

Most court settlements are draconian—because most all of government is draconian... and not only draconian, but draconianly backwards!  Example:


Most lawsuit settlements are draconian because of a corrupt government and a bevy of lawyers; who should be rounded up, dehorned, branded, and rendered into steers, have their unjust gain confiscated which they have stolen from victims and put them out to pasture.  It is also due to a corrupt “Judicial” system and those involved should be de-frocked, flogged, have their wealth confiscated which they have stolen from the people by their perversion of the law, and be tried for High Treason.  There is no “Justice” System in our nation any more.  It is a “LEGAL” system—and it is a TALMUDIC legal system; even as we do not have a “Justice of the Peace” (like Sheriff Andy of Mayberry RFD) any more, but a Police FORCE (like SWAT).  Furthermore, draconian court costs are orchestrated to intimidate victims and prevent them from daring to seek justice.  “Justice” is only for those who can “afford” its high price-tag.  Justice goes to the highest bidder who is a member of the right club.  Everyone else: You’re already guilty for not being super-rich and a dues-paying club member.  

What are taxes for if not to pay the judges and other PUBLIC SERVANTS who were ENTRUSTED WITH DEFENDING OUR RIGHTS?  What then are all the crippling “court costs” for...?  But corrupt politicians and “statesmen” like to butter their bread on both sides.  The corrupt State [renegade “public servants” with a god-complex] taxes people [their masters] on everything imaginable, as this popular poem (of unknown author) expressed—which I have greatly changed, added some different sentiments and new lines and improved the cadence:

Tax - Tax - Tax

[Poem by “unknown” and R. A. Balaicius.]

Tax all his land, Tax all his bread, so po.li’.ti.cians can all be fed
Tax his tractor, Tax his mule; Teach him “Taxes are the rule”.
Tax his dog and tax his cat, so Congressmen can all be fat.
Tax all his work, Tax all his pay, SHOUT— “It is the ‘A’.mer.i’.can Way’.”
Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, and Tax his coat.
Tax his ties, and Tax his shirt, Tax his work, and Tax his dirt—tax him till it really hurts.
Tax his tobacco, Tax his drinks, Tax him if he dares to thinks.
Tax his cigars and Tax his beers, and if he cries—then tax those tears.
Tax his car, Tax his gas, and if you can then tax his ass.
Tax both his ears and tax his nose, tax him till all he does is groans.
Tax everything he ever owns, tax kitty litter ... doggy bones.
Tax everything he could desire, tax fireplace and tax the fire.
Tax every thing he ever bought; and if he dreams then tax those thoughts.
Tax him hard and let him know, resistance earns a fatal blow.
Tax from the cradle to the grave, make sure he knows that he’s your slave.
When he screams and hollers loud, tax him back into the crowd;
Tax and tax and tax him more, Tax him till he’s good and sore.
Tax his his final resting place, tax him till there’s no free space;
Tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he’s laid.
Put these words upon his tomb, “Taxes drove me to my doom...”
What a fitting epitaph, “He was a coward to the last”.
And When he’s dead, don’t dare relax—levy in.her.it.ance tax.
And now please deposit fifty cents; to tax these words and feudal rents.

Corrupt unbridled elitism (by treasonous, self-serving politicians) is what is responsible for draconian laws and draconian lawsuits.  An UNNECESSARILY complicated (rather, incomprehensible) tax language and code (that the “experts” can’t even agree on) and specific legal procedure, or rather RELIGIOUS RITUALS which can only be administered by the OFFICIAL PRIESTS who bow before the “MINISTERS” of Justice wearing RELIGIOUS ROBES who have a god-complex and sit on an altar high above everyone else and think that they have power over life and death; who think that it is “their” courtroom and that “they” are the Law although it is NOT their courtroom and they are not the Law!  The Law is the Constitution (and the true people are the “government”; those who think that they are the government are our servants)—which Congress has NO authority to change—and any bill that managed to go through the motions to be passed and “signed into law”, if it violates the Constitution is INVALID and NO ONE needs to obey it and no Police or Court needs to enforce it.  It is not the Judge’s courtroom, it is the courtroom of that district or county and the judge is the SERVANT of the true people (not aliens) of that jurisdiction to DEFEND THE RIGHTS of the true people from criminals (including the government); he is NOT the master and he has no authority to make law and he is to rule by the Constitution according to the intent of the Framers when they wrote it and interpreted in light of the COMMON LAW, not police code or local ordinance and not CIVIL or MARITIME or ADMIRALITY “law” or “jurisdiction”.  The Constitution is NOT a living breathing document (i.e. one that “changes” with the times).  It is a sacred inviolable will chiseled in stone.

Government agencies like the FDA and health inspectors don’t make food any safer; their “regulation” and “oversight” only raises the price of food for the consumer (and add to that the corrupt Kosher* Tax and now halal certification).

[* An undisclosed sum of extortion is paid annually by each company, which must also use “kosher sources” for each ingredient that goes into the product, and a list of “kosher companies” is provided (kosher cousins?).  Would not the Jews and Muslims and atheists raise a stink to high Heaven if Christians lobbied and demanded that all food companies pay a “CHRISTIAN TAX” and put little crosses on the packaging of every food product?  Would that not raise shrieks from the synagogues...?  What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  Where’s their “tolerance” and “love”...?]

Corrupt people in business know how to cut corners, give bribes, look the other way.  Food services in the ghetto get advance notice from the Health Inspector to let them know that in 3 days there will be a “surprise” inspection (otherwise, they could never pass, and it would be “racist” if the majority of fast food franchises in black neighborhoods could not pass inspection).  Those businesses that choose the wrong side of a political event or who make waves or who don’t pay the bribes, well then... “e-coli” or “salmonella” are “discovered” in some batch of their food and the producer has to recall and destroy the entire batch, possibly losing millions.  They learn to play ball or they are ruined and put out of business.  It is no different than the mob demanding “protection money”.  

“But what do I need to pay protection money for?”  

“—to prevent all the bad things that might happen to you if you don’t pay the protection money!”  

Question: “Why does your ‘government’ give your money to your enemies and actually import them?”

Answer: “To have someone to protect you from.”

Constant wars.  Constant chaos.  Import terrorism (the “pot boiling” / “pressure cooker” tax) and punish law-abiding citizens but don’t punish run-of-the-mill daily criminals (the “crock-pot” or “slow cooker” tax).  Put the terrorists and other alien criminals on a taxpayer-funded breeding program.  This creates “Job security” for the corrupt “government”.  It sabotages the nation by crippling the economy (which also keeps the citizens in a constant state of chaos).  It contributes to people control (the control of honest, law-abiding citizens, not the criminals).  People who are broke, in debt, and who are afraid to travel “choose” to stay home.  This is “Mind Control”.  It is the inversion of truth; propaganda, brainwashing, desensitization, fosters “learned helplessness” and compliance of the law-abiding citizens, making the easier prey for the criminals (including “government” the biggest criminal of all, which actually holds the monopoly on crime).  Disease has just as much right to your body as you do!  Stop being an anti-microbite disease-aphobe!  Fragment society with aliens.  Divide and conquer.

Can you say “Totalitarianism”...?  No...?  But it’s such a ‘fun’ word to say: It practically bounces off the tongue like a roller coaster rride and the teeth sound like the drumsticks of a drum in a rat-a-tat-tat.  Try it.  Go ahead.  Say it, over and over.  It’s fun...!  

Well, it may be fun to say (maybe even as fun as saying “antidisestablishmentarianism”)—but it is much less fun to be under!  But desensitization is the modus operandi... so just keep saying it until it becomes meaningless and until you consider it normal, until you no longer detest it and are no longer afraid of it, but welcome it.  Try to use the word in every single sentence, you know, like those immoral, soul-less, conscience-devoid, mindless pigs and dogs do with the f-word; or calling others “racist” or “anti-semite” or “sexist” to cower them into submission.  

Now, it is easier to consider how the treasonous government desensitizes the true people (especially the younger generation that has never known anything else) simply to “accept” government corruption, increased taxes (with hardly any of the services going to the taxpayers), illegal aliens and terrorism, rape, murder, crime, more and more surveilance, police, policing agencies, laws,* fines, fear, chaos, regulation, surrendering of rights, skyrocketing prices and inflation and lowering of quality of products, increased disease, welfare recipients, foreign aid, personal and so-called “National” debt, etc. as “normal” and “just part of life” and to acquiesce to the immobilizing false notion that “it’s always been like this”...

[* There are now over 300,000 Federal “laws” alone, contained in 35 large hardback volumes occupying over 17 feet of shelf space—and it is still growing!—with six-point to seven-point [both of these are actually only 8-point, which is as low as this web page program allows] sized print; whereas, before the “New Deal” (1933-1938) there was only 1 volume.]

—and it is even “fun”; and if you won’t believe that it is fun, well then “it’s your fault and it’s what you deserve so just shut up and take it!” ... (ahh... that’s better, the glazed over-look in your eyes indicates that you’ve accepted your rightful place of submission to evil) ... so just believe “that it is how it has always been” and “there’s nothing that you can do about it”.  

[Again, there is a valuable lesson to be learned from the original movie The Time Machine (in how the future, Nordic, peaceful society just ignored and refused to talk about the reality of the savage Morloch’s routinely dragging off one of their own, kicking and screaming, to be killed and eaten).]

Young people who weren’t alive 80 or even 45 years ago never knew any other life, so to them it is “normal”—in an abnormal, subverted, perverted society—and so they just keep chanting the immobilizing, desensitizing mantra that they are taught: “there’s nothing that we can do about it; it’s normal; it’s always been like this; it will always be like this”.  

“So you might as well all just eat, drink, and be merry as you party on the Titanic in the fog as it drifts toward the edge of Niagara Falls—oh, that ‘roar’ that you hear... that’s just the applause of everyone on shore who is so happy for all of you there on the Love Boat, just keep partying and don’t pay it any mind.  Communism is your friend, Ginger.  Jesus bad.  Atheism good.  Christianity bad.  Communism good.  Nationalism bad.  Babylon good.  Purity evil.  Mongrelization good.  Traditional genders bad.  Freaky mental-diseased perversion good.  Freedom dangerous.  Statism safe.  Burn all those old musty books from 100 to 200 years ago that showed how wonderful life was and how wonderful that life can be if you obey God; which books show how our nations were Christian, safe, prosperous, happy, just, moral, European, Republican,* free.  Just look out the window into the streets (well, no, not at the garbage, or the graffiti, or the broken windows, ignore the chemtrails if you can even see them through the smog)... look at the people, the “wonderful kaleidoscopic rainbow” of 12 different genders and the virtual Salvador Dali and Picasso reality... that is the only reality; there never was anything different, if you hear someone speak of that forbidden propaganda, just realize that they have mental problems and it was just a dream they had and when they woke up it never wore off (just report them to the proper agencies and we will make sure that they get the much-needed help that they deserve).

[* Our Founders CLEARLY told us that they SPECIFICALLY gave us a REPUBLIC and NOT a democracy.  Democracies don't last because they are easily corrupted.  In fact, the U.S. Constitution even says, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government...” (Article IV., Section 4).  Any politician, educator, or journalist who refers to us as a “Democracy” or that our government is built upon “Democratic principles” IS A FOOL or PART OF THE CONSPIRACY or BOTH.  If they mouth that STUPIDITY then NOTHING ELSE that comes out of their mouths can be trusted.  Turn them off and don’t listen to them.  Close the book and don’t read it.  You don’t need a fool (or someone with HUGE blindspots in his understanding) trying to teach you anything.  You shouldn’t want a liar (or confused person) teaching you anything.  Understand also.  Republicans today, the modern Republican party bears no resemblance to the Republican principles upon which our nation was founded; any more than “Americans” today look anything like the Americans that founded our nation and which peopled it during our Golden Age.  Understand.  Democrats today are Socialists.  Republicans today are Socialists-Lite.  They all follow the Communist Manifesto;* they don’t know the U.S. Constitution or the Common Law.  It is a foreign, unlearnable language to them.


* My augmented printing of The Communist Manifesto (1848) [Originally titled: “Manifest of the Communist Party”] by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (56pp.) — with Illustrated Historical Introduction — & A Comparison of the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto, “Democracy,” and Marxist, Unconstitutional U.S. Law, with the Bill of Rights / the 10 Amendments to the Constitution and the 10 Commandments - also containing the Declaration of Independence, Common Law Citations, Court Rulings and Quotes on Freedom, by R.A.B.; Including background info., photos and more: Karl Marx, Philips Corporation family, Adam Weishaupt, Bernard Lazare, Winston Churchill, Dr. Oscar Levy, Maurice Samuel, Marcus Eli Ravage, Samuel Roth, Vladimir Lenin, David Ben-Gurion, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Harry Waton, Friedrich Engels, Moses Hess, Theodore Herzl, Jacob Schiff, Judah P. Benjamin, Albert Pike, John Wilkes Booth, Charles Booth, William Booth, Rabbi Isadore Loeb, Dimitry Manuilsky; exposes Marxist roots of modern banking conspiracy, and those who opposed it: quotes by Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, several U.S. Presidents who spoke out against it and tried to stop it and were assassinated (Lincoln, Garrison, Kennedy). 132pp. total, pb., 12.50 + P&H.  See also: Lincoln - Money Martyred, Dr Search, pb., 153pp. 14.00 + P&H; Lindbergh on The Federal Reserve, 249pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H; and The Currency Conflict (1876) President James Garfield (murdered) 30pp., 3.00 + P&H and Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President, Candice Millard, 432pp., pb., 17.00 + P&H (doctors murdered President Garfield, just like they did George Washington).]

All those things written in the old history books are all just a narcotic dream invented by communist-hating conservatives jealous of the successes of Marxism.  Their utopia never existed; their god is the invention of a week mind that needs a crutch and narcotics (but don’t you worry, we have all the drugs that you will ever need to help your transitional period until you believe what we tell you).  Life has always been random chaos and tragedy and we in the government are here to protect you from it all—by giving you a ton of it.  That may sound contradictory; but truth is often contradictory... it’s like vaccines, we need to innoculate you against it over and over and over again, until you are finally immune to it.  We are the experts; you are stupid; trust us.  We know everything; you know nothing.  We have the right to rule you because we are rich and powerful; your duty is to obey us without question.  Believe us, we only have your very best interest at heart.  That’s it, lay down your weapons like a nice peaceful Christian...  I’m your Uncle and your Big Brother.  I’ll take really good care of you!

As Benjamin Franklin said,

“Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don’t.”

—so don’t beat your swords into plowshares just yet...!

There can be no real peace until the Prince of Peace ascends His Throne here on earth after having subjected all His enemies beneath His Feet.  Those who beat their swords into plowshares before He is here and gives that order... are following a false christ and rebel against the true Christ Who said, “Occupy till I come!”  Now, that Greek verb, translated, “occupy” actually means, “busy yourself”.  However, we are to be about our Father’s Business—and the duty of the Remnant is to keep itself unspotted from the world and to survive...!

The corrupt politicians who claim to have the right (based upon nothing) to be our dictators (who only use the people as cattle to fatten and feed to the Federal beast) are the real criminals.  Their entire existence is based upon fraud (and no action can arise out of fraud and there is no statute of limitations on fraud).  They lie to get elected and maintain that they cannot be legally held responsible for breaking campaign promises.  

[REALLY...?  Well then, like the movie Brewster’s Millions, everyone should vote “none of the above” because Jefferson (a TRUE Republican) said, “No government is better than bad [corrupt, evil] government”.  Think about it; the only ones who need government are the people on welfare, foreign nations, those who receive subsidies and grants from the U.S. government who takes it from the hardworking middle class American and gives it to everyone else (after first pocketing the lion’s share for themselves).  The average hardworking middle class American does not need the government because he is not a leech and takes care of himself and his family; which is getting harder and harder to do, as government robs more and more to bankrupt the nation and then claim we need to switch to Socialism—despite the fact that no socialist State has ever been successful and they all fail: they are incapable of being morally or financially successful).]

However, the first time that a politician lies or breaks a campaign promise or violates the Constitution in any way (including voting in favor of something that is unconstitutional—which accounts for about 95% of all government votes) HE UNELECTS HIMSELF and he is no longer a legitimate representative.  He has committed His Treason—but all of his buddies in the Congressional “good ole boys, and girls, and queers club” and all the members of the “black wall” (corrupt judiciary) and all the members of the “blue wall” (corrupt police) will never allow any of the politicians to be prosecuted.*  If they were not corrupt when they entered their office, they are shortly thereafter.  The rest see to that quickly, or he is smacked down; disbarred, or wakes up in a hotel room after having been drugged and finds a bunch of photos with him and a hooker.  Then he doesn't make any waves but steps back in line and learns to practice when in Rome do as the Roman Senate.

[* —except for the very rare sacrificial scapegoat, once every decade or two; but it is only for show and to appease and DISTRACT the masses who don’t realize that 100% of the politicians are guilty of treason.  The dull-minded public is easy to fool into believing that “justice was served” and the “good guys” prosecuted the “bad guys”, so freedom is safe and everyone go back to watching the ball game or the movie and just rest assured that the politicians have it all under control.*  It is a smokescreen so the rest of them can get away it their crimes, and the nominated scapegoat will serve a few years in prison and be rewarded with a few million when he gets out (while serving time in the luxury wing of the prison).

* —that’s why we are $21 Trillion dollars in debt!  $21 Trillion in Eisenhower dollar coins would form over 100 stacks TO THE MOON! do you really think there is that much gold and silver on earth?  And the same corrupt tribe who has every nation and government by the testicles has also “bank-corrupted” every other nation.  So make that about 1,000 stacks to the moon.  Do you know how many miles away the moon is from earth?  238,900.  Do you think there are that many precious metals on earth?  If all the gold that has been discovered on earth were put in one piece it would only comprise 67 cubic feet.  Silver is more abundant.  Do the math.  So how have nations gotten into debt far exceeding the wealth on earth...? —only by the unmitigated fraud of the politicians and bankers.]

The corrupt politicians and appointees in the sundry socialist agencies allow—even approve—all sorts of poisons and drugs and vaccines and they start all sorts of wars and import aliens to rape and murder, and yet they want to take away your guns so that you cannot protect yourself.  With armored SWAT teams and with automatic weapons they raid peaceful farmers selling raw milk (which all people on earth drank for 5,930 years, and which 3/4 of the world still does) or they SWAT anyone who claims that a certain food or vitamin is good for you!  Ocean Spray juice company can’t even advertise that cranberries are good for you, but all companies can engage in outright deceit concerning unhealthy, even toxic ingredients (MSG, HFCS—both called by a dozen different subtle, misleading names) and legally lie about the product (“not from concentrate” orange juice does not mean it is not from concentrate, but that it is not from concentrace until after it has been pasteurized; and “natural vanilla flavor” can mean that it comes from a beaver’s anus gland that happens to have a vanilla flavor).

Food has nutrients.  Those nutrients are what the body needs for health.  But the dictators decree that you cannot say that lemons or spinach are any better for you than a McPig sandwich smothered in toxic preservatives, chemical flavors and neuro-excitotoxins, conditioners, hormones, antibiotics, GMO-freako-DNA (I think they’ve spliced human genes into the pigs, so what you are eating may be the equivalent of your mother), artificial colors, and sugar, sugar, and more sugar—all the wrong kinds of sugar, on a bun with bromine, no fiber, GMO wheat, and more fake, chemical everything.

And along with that Happy Meal... you have the right to be sick and go to an AMA-approved doctor ($200 office visit if you are lucky) to give you multiple good-n-plenty prescriptions ($500 each) so that you can guzzle down a handful of pharma-meds (made from good-ole Rockefeller petroleum) with your Mountain Doo Big Gulp laced with yellow dye #2 and green dye #5, and so densely saturated with sugar that 1 more molecule would cause it to fall out of suspension and precipitate into a crystal, jolted up with more caffeine than coffee and brominated vegetable oil to cover any deadly non-health benefits that may have been overlooked—and all of that is just fine, but, no one better say that cranberry juice is good for you (whether it is only 30% real fruit juice or 100% real fruit juice).  So, get your vaccinations and your daily fluoride treatment, take your prescriptions and eat the government-approved soy-, yeast-, aluminum-, MSG-, HFCS-, sugar-, sugar-, and more refined white sugar and HFCS-laced, ultra-processed, fiber-denuded, nutrient-depleted, good ole toxic American diet full of pesticides, preservatives, artificial everything, and embrace obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease like every good American knows that he should.  Fear not: We have an ARMY of dedicated doctors and pharmacists (there may even be a few who speak something other than a third-world language) waiting to take really good care of you... if you have insurance and if those who are the arbitrary judges over your life think that you need any treatment at all.   On the other hand, an Amish man is given 45 years in prison for selling a natural herbal salve—no one was hurt, no one complained, but the FDA and a corrupt court made an example out of him.  See:

KY Amish Farmer Jailed over a Salve Label; the FDA Wants Him Jailed for Life


But you must live in fear if you don't have insurance--don't even think about all those terrible things that could happen to you if you don't have it (how people existed for 5,900 years of earth's history without it is truly a MIRACLE).  If you don’t realize all that could happen to you, sit right down and read a Medical manual on pathology, parasitology, and epidemiology and learn to appreciate irrational hypochondriatol fear.  Don’t even think about not having insurance: It will incapacitate you.  But you need to have INSURANCE no matter how high the price tag—it’s worth it!  Ignore the fact that insurance itself is what makes doctor’s bills shoot 10x higher once the doctors realize that although 90% of the working class cannot afford to pay such prices, INSURANCE IS MAGIC... and it pays EVERYTHING (if you sell your soul—just tack it on the so-called “National” Debt for the next generation to worry about; and don’t worry, the politicians will sell our debt to China, and we know how “understanding” they will be when they demand it to be paid).  But if  you don’t have insurance you should not be able to sleep at night, you should have a nervous break down; you should be afraid to get in your car, or be around anything that could jump down your throat and be a choking hazard.  Of course, all illegal aliens can enter the nation illegally, commit whatever crimes they want, and we will provide the very best health care for anything they will ever need—FOR FREE.  We’ll even turn an illegal Guatemalan man into an illegal Mexican woman if that is what he-she wants, and Uncle Sam will pick up the tab (and pass the bill on to you after he adds his own charges for his benevolence in arranging it all).  Even more wonderful, those lovely peoples are now bringing with them exotic diseases—including leprosy—and the few that want to work we’ve put in the food service industry so that we can all benefit from all the “culture” that they have to offer us.  But you hard-working Americans who have worn your joints out working so hard to pay all the taxes that we demand of you (and like Atlas, force you to bear the weight of the entire world on your back), you don’t really need a new hip or a new set of knees... a pair of crutches or a walker or second-hand wheel chair is just fine for you, so that it will free up all that money so that Pablo can be turned into Carmelita.

40,000 people die every year in the U.S. from aspirin / NSAIDS and from the carnage from FDA-approved drugs and doctors.  There were 452,780 deaths and 2,816,297 people seriously injured during 11 years (2000 - 2010) as recorded by the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System for prescription drugs.  But that is just a drop in the bucket.  Nearly 1,000,000 people die each year in the U.S. from modern medicine (drugs and doctors / hospitals).  YET ONE person dies from a pain-relieving herb (the leaf of a tree in the coffee family) called kratom—even though it cannot be proved that he actually died from kratom because he took drugs with it—and yet the FDA like Hitler or Stalin decrees that kratam (not the other drugs that he took) has to be outlawed for the public good (so that people cannot take their health into their own hands and circumvent doctors and drugs—which is their right).  Flu vaccines are only 10% effective, but that mind-blowing exposure of their fraud it not nearly as reprehensible as all those who die outright or have their lives ruined forever from adverse reactions or the children born with autism or auto-immune disorders or degenerative disease.  DOCTORS and the FDA and AMA should be outlawed...! and tried for their crimes.  Drug companies or insurance companies offer doctors something like a $3,000 bonus for each child patient into whom they inject the full panel of 100+ childhood vaccinations.


It is flagrant conflict of interests, fraud and racketeering, as well as child abuse and attempted murder; and the vaccines incubate disease so that they will erupt and appear 30-40 years later in life so there is always steady business for the doctors and drug companies—but disease will erupt immediately in a certain percentage of those inocculated and a certain percentage of those inoccuated will die or be disabled for life—and such statistics are hushed up and if need be, explained away as “anomolies”.  But there are millions of “anomolies”.  Even Registered Nurses and Medical Doctors have spoken out about it—and they are passed off as “disgruntled employees,” “whistleblowers”, “mavericks”, “trouble makers”, “mentally imbalanced”, or “confused”.  Furthermore, nurses or doctors who expose the gods of medicine often have their licenses revoked.
Each year in the U.S. about 40,000 people die in auto accidents and 2.3 million are seriously injured or disabled in about 5.5 million car accidents costing about $230 billion a year.

[* Global statitstics: 1.3 million dead / 20-50 million injured / at the cost of $518 billion each year from car accidents.]  

Here’s the solution—take all vehicles away from everyone WHO HAS NEVER HAD an accident... right...? make sense...? but the criminals and those who have caused accidents (and of course all politicians) let them drive around freely.  Here’s another statistic: Over 90% of all road fatalities occur in low and middle-income countries, which have less than half of the world’s vehicles.  In reality, “income” has NOTHING to do with it.  We are talking about people who don’t have a high enough I.Q. to be entrusted with a half-ton, metal killing machine on wheels.

There were a total of 17,250 reported murders and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the U.S. in 2016.  YET it becomes national, nonstop news and calls for taking guns away from all law-abiding citizens when a mere 17 school children are ALLEGEDLY killed in a high school in Florida, in which numerous glaring discrepancies abound and no bodies are ever verified.  Compare this to the alleged Sandy Hook elementary school shooting (in which no bodies were ever verified), which school had been closed for years, the electricity was not even on and the building had been being used as a warehouse; while actors posing as grieving parents are shown on video, even laughing and joking around before their time came to “turn on the tears”.  Compare this to the Gay Nightclub in Orlando and the alleged “shooting” (during a time in which the nightclub was closed, and video clips show actors carrying “victims” BACK TO the scene of the shooting (not away from it), and then setting the “victims down” who then laugh and walk perfectly fine—from which “terrorist attack” an alleged victim, “Angel Colon” is caught on news video tape in a hospital bed talking about being shot in the hand when claims that he blocked his face with his hand from a shotgun blast, and neither hand is bandaged, and he has not a scratch on him and he frequently, melodramatically drops his hands down onto his lap / thighs—despite allegedly having been shot in the leg and allegedly having his leg broken! (see a previous Rumination covering this laughable nonsense).  So, there are 17 un-confirmed deaths by an allegedly disturbed Jewish-Cuban boy and all law-abiding Americans are supposed to surrender their weapons even though there are nearly 18,000 murders a year and the criminal politicians import millions of criminal, hostile aliens, and release from custody hundreds of thousands of illegals who committed crimes, even murder, back into the general public even though they are not supposed to be in the country; they can waltz in, steal, rape, murder, and not be prosecuted (or even flee to any one of several U.S. cities that have been hijacked into being “Sanctuary Cities” for illegals)... and yet the U.S. politicians want to take away the guns of law-abiding Americans.  Illegals should be outlawed: what part of illegal don’t you understand? —and children of illegals should be outlawed.  It does not matter if they are 10 generations later, they are still illegal.  “No action can arise out of fraud”.  How many rapes and murders (not to mention assault, arson, vandalism, theft, tens of billions of dollars a year of welfare fraud, medical care, education, food stamps, housing, etc.) take place every single day, every single year since so-called “Civil Rights” and ever since the corrupt politicians changed our immigration nearly exclusively to Third-world countries?  ALL THIS BLOOD IS ON THE POLITICIANS’ HANDS!  Outlaw Politicians.  Thomas Jefferson said no government is better than bad (evil) government.

Certain illegitimate segments of the U.S. population sire a dozen children or more whom they will never raise, care for, or support and the immoral woman who let themselves be impregnated a dozen times then live on public tax money thinking that everyone else is responsible.  Here is the solution—sterilize everyone who has NEVER sired an illegitimate child... but don’t sterilize the habitual fornicators and irresponsible savages that breed like dogs in the street —who even call each other “dog” and are proud of it!  That makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?

How many hundreds of thousands—millions—of people die from government / politician-initiated wars...?  Should not government and politicians be outlawed then?  Jefferson said that the only role of good government is to keep men from injuring one another.  By that definition 90% of modern government is unconstitutional and should be outlawed (they import, incubate, and create the “perfect storm” for such crime and injury to abound).  “Injuring one another” is not a loosey goosey term that is open to broad and vague definition / interpretation.  Calling someone a name is not an injury.  Letting parents homeschool their children (which is their RIGHT) is not an injury.  Not interfere with an Amish man selling a natural, herbal salve is NOT an injury (and the Amish and Mennonites PREDATE the United States itself).  Not hiring a person regardless of the reason is not an injury.  Hiring practices are contract law and we have the unlimited right to contract (which means the right to discriminate—unless you are a corporation, which has no rights, only privileges dictated by a corrupt state).  We have the FREEDOM to practice our religion—the only religion recognized by the Founders of our Republic—and GOD tells us whom we are allowed to hire, do business with, help, marry, fellowship with, do good unto, etc. (solely with moral kinsmen).  

The U.S. supposedly still has a majority of whites comprising the population, so why in the past 40+ years have the majority of athletes (high dollar jobs) been nonwhite?  Remember—it has nothing to do with “ability”, it must be based on quotas / percentages (in good, old communist fashion).  Why are men not allowed to play on women’s sports teams?  Why do high school, college, and professional sports not have handicapped people on the teams?  Is that “fair”...?  There is no such thing as “equality” and that is due to a little fact called “reality”.  There is no such thing as “justice” in the U.S., any more, because morality, common sense, and Constitutional law, essentially, have been outlawed.

Sadly, today “Justice” is for sale to the highest bidder—the wealthy elite who can afford to spend a few million in a lawsuit without blinking; while the average man would lose everything he owns trying to seek justice, which would be a spin of the roulette wheel of all he owns against a billionaire who could lose 1,000 times and not even feel the loss.  That’s why billionaires and millionaires run roughshod all over the little guy and the politicians allow it because it is those billionaires and millionaires who donate to their political campaigns so that they can, after being elected, get paid $200,000 / year to do nothing but screw up what used to work—with full benefits and retirement and power they should not have: power to destroy our nation and our people, as well as other nations.

Well, in accordance with the “trickle down theory” of anything, it is nice to know that when God finally is stirred, Judgment will be trickle down too.

Someone asked me yesterday when God will be so stirred.

I replied,

God will be so stirred when God’s people get off their butts and get on their knees, stop (100%) watching criminals play with a ball; when God’s people stop (100%) watching movies and tv with filthy language, which blaspheme everything that God’s Word dictates and which corrupt all moral values and brainwash people in believing lies instead of the truth and glorify immorality and deride and ridicule morality; when God’s people stop (100%) listening to the music of perverts (regardless of genre)—all these leftists take the money that stupid alleged Christians and conservatives spend watching or listening to them, and then donate some of it to leftist causes that are working to destroys us by funding the Obamas, Pelosis, Clintons, Mccains, and the rest of the political filth that pollutes our land.  Every single member of Congress is guilty of High Treason and needs to be tried, convicted, and sentenced for it (the lawful sentence being death—life and freedom is not a “game”; millions of lives have been destroyed while they attempt to enrich themselves).  Entertainment and leisure and recreation used to be a periodic reward for having worked hard... now for most (especially those on welfare) it is a 24 / 7 / 365 way of life!

But why should God deliver us from what we are willing to tolerate?  God will get serious about delivering His people when His people get serious about repenting.

French diplomat, scholar, Joseph de Maistre said “Every nation has the government it deserves”.  God said you reap what you sow and “the curse causeless shall not come” and “be sure your sin will find you out”.  Most Christians think that they fart cotton candy.  The invading savages and antichrist aliens, the homoperverts, the atheists the treasonous politicians are not the problem.  GOD’S PEOPLE are the problem.  The enemies are the symptom of the problem.  God has sent them not for us to evangelize, but for them to chasten US—even destroy us—until we repent.  Once God’s people repent of their sins then God will destroy the chastening rod and deliver us His people.

Repentance from sin is not merely a fond, faint, swooning concept, a flutter of the heart, a brief flash of emotions, a nearly immeasurable tinge of remorse.  Repentance entails STOPPING doing everything that God forbade, asking God to forgive our sins by applying the Blood of the Sacrifice of Christ on our behalf—and then begin DOING all that God commanded!  Without that there is no repentance; only a pseudo-spiritual delusion (and God is not fooled).  While, of course, it is impossible for us to know and do everything, immediately, after having not known what He commanded, having been deceived by false Bible teachers for so long, what is required is to “study to show thyself approved” and to make daily corrections to doing what God commanded as one learns.  THIS is what Paul meant when he informed the Israelites of the dispersion in Acts 15:

“20But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.  21For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath Day.”

[See my Apologetic Exposition on Acts 15.]

This, of course, did NOT mean that those innumerated laws were the “only” ones that Paul commanded.  Paul had no authority to set aside the Law of God and that is a mindless, spurious interpretation.  Paul mentioned the blatant, serious offences of which these Israelites of the dispersion were guilty.  Since they could not learn and correct everything immediately, Paul mentioned the things that they needed to stop right away.  Murder is not mentioned.  Does that mean they had to stop murdering?  Of course not.  Clearly, murder was not an issue and they knew other laws, therefore, there was no need for Paul to mention them.  In the second verse, Paul points out that the Law of God is taught weekly on the Sabbath and therefore, the Israelites of the dispersion, the new converts, would there weekly be instructed in other matters, and thus, make corrections as they learned.  So it is with us today.

These sins from which we are to repent and turn include allowing evil to go unpunished; allowing renegade politicians to blaspheme Christ, our faith, our forefathers, our Constitution and destroy our families, tax without authority, pass pseudo-law after pseudo-law without authority, hand out injustice in the courts, import aliens to rape and destroy and tax us to give them our money so that they can “enjoy the good life” and “the American Dream”—to which they have no right...!  Let them work and develop their own dream in their their own nation!  The American Dream used to be enjoyed only by those who worked hard to earn it; so called “Civil Rights” (which system is antagonistic and opposed to Constitutional and Common Law) ruined that dream by instituting communism and totalitarian force to make those who had the dream comply and give the lion’s share of it away to those who never worked to earn it and who don’t even belong in this nation.  Corrupt politicians further sin against the people, and against God, when they give our jobs to the few aliens who want to work, and when they give away our economy to China, India, Pakistan, Taiwan, Mexico, etc. and strengthen our enemies in every possible way: such as by giving alien nations medical aid, food, water, disaster relief, educating them—which God forbade us to do (Deuteronomy 23:6; II Chronicles 19:2;* II John 1:10,11*).

[* These two passages refer to our kinsmen who live sinfully or reject Christ.  How much more, therefore, the very same principles apply to aliens from whom God commanded to be separate forever.  

“17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch [join] not the unclean thing [people]; and I will receive you, 18And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” (II Corinthians 6)

People (not some vague, indescript “thing”) is the topic in the verses that precede this passage in II Corinthians 6 (as well as the verses that precede the passage to which Paul refers, in Isaiah 52:11:

“Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch [join] no unclean thing [people]; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD.”

The Hebrew word translated as “touch: is #5060 nawgah “touch, join, draw near... and euphemistically, to lie with a woman”; and the Greek #680 haptomahee means, “to attach oneself to, that is, to touch (in many implied relations)”.  The circumstance and situation in Isaiah was when the remnant from Babylon would leave Babylon—they were to leave Babylon behind, and those who sinned and married alien women were to put them and those children away, not take them with.  In II Corinthians 6 the inference of v.18 is that those who did not separate themselves from aliens would not continue to be God’s children (that is, they would be disowned).  Scripture also informs us:

“7If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?  8But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.” (Hebrews 12)]

Understand: There is a difference between our kinsmen who function as our personal enemies (when they live sinfully and selfishly, including many who claim to be “Christians”—violating the Word of God, Old and New) and those alien and mixed people who are God’s enemies with whom God forbade us to have any dealings, with whom He forbade us to intermarry, and whom He forbade us to seek their peace or prosperity forever, or do good unto or love.  Christendom is being destroyed because the self-appointed shepherds [pig herders and wolf breeders who have taken it upon themselves to lead the sheep] either don’t know the difference between sheep and wolves, pigs, and dogs and they don’t know the difference between wheat and thistles, or olives and briars, or dove and rattlesnakes—or they are in league with antichrist.  Really, it takes some special kind of delusion to be that stupid; but stupidity is the only thing that might save them; that is, if they are truly ignorant of helping antichrist, though they be truly converted to Christ (it seems incredible, indeed, but some will be the lowest in the Kingdom, while others will be in the lowest Hell).  Those who don’t know the difference help destroy the family of God and help rape the bride of Christ.  God will not be pleased.  Christ clearly forbade this, as Did God.  Those who sow to the flesh corruption shall reap death; those who sow carelessly, rebelliously, and sow wind shall reap a hurricane.

God’s Word, His Standard of Morality is the only Wisdom.  Christ the Personification of Wisdom crieth out,

“He that sinneth against Me wrongeth His own soul; all they who hate Me love death.” (Proverbs)

However, God reveals,

“My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains [large nations]: they have gone from mountain to hill [small nations], they have forgotten their restingplace [God Himself].” (Jeremiah 50:6)

False prophets (or should that be “profits”...?) in the pulpit, evil shepherds and blind shepherds who are dumb dogs and cannot bark [warn the flock] have turned God’s people away from the sheepfold and into the pack of wolves.  The watchmen on the wall—THEIR [those of God’s people whom they led astray and did not warn] BLOOD shall be required of them by God, for every woman in Christendom who has been raped; for every man in Christendom who has been beaten, tortured, or murdered; for every family in Christendom who has been deceived into marrying their children to the invading aliens... with the twisted notion that it somehow is the highest way of showing Jesus how much you love Him—even though He said, “Give not that which is holy to the dogs and cast not pearls before swine lest they turn and trample and rend you”... yet the preachers of New-Babylon teach the Master’s children that Master will be so pleased when He returns and finds His children breeding on the top of the table with the dogs...!  All this and more shall be required of the pastors and God shall exact all His due.  As Longfellow so eloquently expressed,

“The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all.”

God’s Thoughts and Ways are not ours.  Hint: If what you believe to be God’s Will and what you believe the Gospel to be PLEASES THE WORLD... you are on the WRONG ROAD!  God said that the world will HATE us for keeping His Pure Doctrine and all that He commanded.  The world hates what God commanded and the world LOVES what God forbade and that which God hates.  You are on the wrong side if the world is pleased by your doctrine... if you are all just one big happy family.  If you think that you are supposed to be “one big happy family” with the world you don’t even know God.  Your understanding of God’s Word is “Playschool Theology”—mere Sunday School stories, pretty images, stripped of all their meaning.

Consider this, though it is the very opposite of God’s Thoughts and Ways: Christ declared,

“13Enter ye in at the strait [constricted] gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to Destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14Because strait [constricted, bottle-necked, cramped, one-laned] is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it.” (Matthew 7)

It is the opposite in terms of the majority rarely being right.  If you live in Florida and you learn that the mother-of-all-hurricanes is coming and you frantically get on I-95... if you, eventually, notice that there is no one on the road travelling in the direction that you are travelling—while the road in the other direction is bumper to bumper... if you don’t get a sinking feeling and have an “ah-ha experience”, just keep driving and don’t worry it will all be over soon.

So it is in the opposite (or inverse) sense, when it comes to morality and godliness.  When it comes to morality and godliness, the majority (especially in these end times) IS ALWAYS WRONG!  If you want to see what the formula for success is, you need to read what our nations were like 200-500 years ago; read the works of and biographies on our FOUNDERS (not its modern destroyers) and the REFORMERS and the PURITANS (not the modern perverters of the true faith).  We cannot have peace and prosperity and safety and blessing and freedom without believing what they believed; without sacrificing what they sacrificed, without standing up for what they stood up for—without refusing to compromise... without living as they lived; without the same conditions that they cultivated and preserved.  Hint: It was not one-worldism, interfaith, paganism, or gender confusion.  God promised to preserve an elect remnant of HIS people, not just any people who, like tares and thorns sown by an enemy into your field, that will choke the life from the good seed and eventually supplant the lawful seed—and that is why the world hates us and is attempting to destroy US.

Elijah challenged the people of God—

“How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him.” (I Kings 18:21)

What does the rest of the verse say...? "and the people answered him not a word"...!  Modern "Christians" would have fit in quite comfortably—and been conquered and led into captivity, even as we soon shall be conquered, but there will be no mass deportation to captivity: it will be a killing field.  You reap what you sow. Your loyalty is to God, not the world; so God will let your false gods ravage you.

"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4)

"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15)

What say ye?  Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, and if not, then embrace destruction and perdition—you deserve it.  Those too ashamed to confess Christ and stand up for what is right—what He stood for... will be denied by Him before the Father.  You reap what you sow.  And those who think that He stood for multicultural gender confusion believe in spiritual fiction of the most-blasphemous sort.

Bring ye forth FRUIT MEET (PROPER) for Repentance.  Faith without works is dead.  It is not that works contribute to faith; true faith will produce the works (obedience to all that He commanded) that before the foundation of the world God ordained that we should walk therein!  Works (the type that God commanded) are the natural by-product of real faith.  Any faith that does not produce the works that God commanded, is counterfeit faith, sterile, impotent.

The false doctrine of "free grace" and "free will" have polluted the minds of Christendom.  Grace is not free.  It cost Christ more than you can ever comprehend.  The result of that, if you are of the redeemed, is that you are not your own; you were bought with a price.  Glorify God in your body and your spirit WHICH ARE GOD'S.  God commanded us to observe ALL that He commanded us throughout all our generations FOREVER. 

Those who think morality has changed in the slightest have NO CONCEPT of morality or HOLINESS and don't even understand the concept of "God".  God is MASTER, LORD, SUPREME, SOVEREIGN.  Most "Christians" act as if they are not only their own moral free agents, but they actually live as if they are their own god—they SERVE THEMSELVES and OBEY THEIR OWN LUSTS and SACRIFICE ALL TO THEMSELVES... that is, when they are not bowing down to an evil government, an ILLEGITIMATE government that by our very constitution is not the boss, but the servant.  They have NO RIGHT and NO AUTHORITY to change our Constitution, our Faith, our way of life—their sacred duty is to GIVE THEIR LIVES TO DEFEND AND PRESERVE IT, but instead, they give the lives of the people of the US--the true citizens, who are the true government, and thus politicians are guilty of sedition and the attempted overthrow of the government of the United states--instead, they sacrifice the people as cannon fodder and debris to be thrown under the wheels of the machinery of the state to keep them from getting stuck in the mud, FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF ENRICHING THEMSELVES.  This is not good government; this is not lawful government; this is not legitimate government; it is renegade public servants running around committing war crimes and crimes against humanity and abominations with your freely donated tax money!


To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin!

Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rebuke them!

But God's people in delusion think that they don't do anything wrong... they think: "Why should God be mad at me?  I don't kill or rape any one!"  That is like someone determining his degree of health by comparing himself to a rotting corpse in the ground, rather than to an athlete--a pure athlete, not one who uses drugs.  Our goodness is not determined by comparing ourselves to others more wicked than ourselves, but by measuring ourselves against God's Holy Standard Christ and His Word.  Christians have been deluded into thinking that God abolished His Law.  The bar tap continues to mount even if you stupidly think that the drinks are free because some other drunk told you so!  Your Master, your Father gave you strict, implicit orders.  Why then should you believe some flunky over the clear words of your Master and Father?  Such will not hear, "Well done thou faithful servant" or "this is My son in whom I am well pleased".

The Law was never for salvation.  The Law is God's Standard of Morality and Morality NEVER changes.  God NEVER changes.  Morality is every area of life in which God declared, "Thou shalt not!" or "This shalt thou do!"  Evil never becomes good; darkness never becomes light; abominations never become wholesome; sin never becomes nonsin; immorality never becomes moral.  (What is so difficult about this to understand?)  Those who think that any of these things can change in any degree are under PROFOUND DELUSION.  The Law was never for salvation; it is the HOUSE RULES that God EXPECTS His children to keep. 

Every tree is known by its fruit.  Those who say that they know God and keep not His Commandments (ALL OF THEM) are liars (that is, they do not even know God) and the Truth is not in them.  Christ said that if we love Him we will keep His Commandments and that He had no commandments of His own, but those of His Father who sent Him.  Christ was tempted in all areas like as we are YET WITHOUT SIN.  Christ set the example for us to follow.  HOW FOOLISH to set the example and then do away with all that the example was!  Christ said that His sheep know His Voice and follow [obey] Him; and that they will not follow the voice of a stranger.  Why are the majority of Christians following something other than what Christ said? —because they are not of his sheep (or they are profoundly spiritually mentally retarded, or hopefully one day God will open their eyes to the realization of their ignorance and apostasy).  Christ said, THINK NOT that I am come to destroy the Law.  Christ said, NOT ONE JOT OR TITTLE shall pass from the Law.  Yet the majority of Christians believe the very opposite.  Why? —because they are not following the Shepherd of their souls but swineherders!

The Old Testament was just as much a Covenant of Grace as the New (Revised) Covenant.  Salvation was not obtained by obeying the Law; obedience is expected of honorable children.  One does not become his father's child through obedience; that is determined by the will of the father in the act of procreation; one establishes himself as an honorable son through obedience.  Salvation in the Old Testament was obtained through faith in God's Promise to forgive; and by having the sacrifices offered for sin--having turned from the sin and confessed it--and that sacrifice of innocent animal victims provided a temporary atonement (covering) of sin, until Christ Himself came.  Christ did not abolish the Law; He said that He did not; He abolished the CURSE of the Law--the death penalty, the judgment that was against us because He paid the debt for us.  His Body replaced the sacrificial system.  That is all that was abolished or replaced.  Those who think otherwise are spiritually cross-eyed and don't know their Shepherd's Voice.  Christ forgave sins and said, "Go and sin no more".  There is no need to repent of anything, or to be forgiven of anything, if the law was abolished.  But, God said in Jeremiah 31:31ff--quoted again in Hebrews 8:8ff. that God would write His Law on the hearts of His people.  Why would God say that He would write the Law on our hearts if He abolished it?  That makes about as much sense as a boy getting the name of his girlfriend tattooed on his chest even though he plans on breaking up with her!  John in his epistles (the last books of the Bible to be written, even after Revelation) talks about repentance, asking forgiveness, obeying God's Law and it defines sin as transgression of the Law.  If the Law were abolished then it is impossible to sin.  Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.  What are the lusts of the flesh? —everything God forbade.  Why do Christians believe that Christ (or Paul or some other Biblical author they don't understand) abolished the Law? —because that's what Satan wants Christians to believe.  Why? —because when we are in sin (ignorant or willful) GOD WILL NOT HEAR OUR PRAYERS!  "If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me."  "He who turns his ear from the hearing of the Law even his prayers shall be an abomination."  "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight."  "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you."  "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love."  "If ye love Me keep My Commandments."  

Thus our current dilemma.  95% of God's people think that the Law was abolished; hence, they are in sin; hence God will not hear their prayers; and if they think the law was abolished, how can they ever realize that they are in sin and repent? —if they know the Voice of their Shepherd, if they obey and meditate upon (not read a chapter as fast as they can and forget it before the dust settles back on the Bible the moment they close it) what they read... the Holy Spirit will lead them into Truth and understanding and the renewing of their minds.  But the Holy Spirit will not reveal Truth to those who go right out and fill their minds with the world's filth.  God will not fill a vessel already full of other things (especially polluted things). 

When was the last time (IF EVER) that you heard a preacher, in person, on the radio, or tv, preach the Full Counsel of the Word of God...?  Most Christians don't even know the Full Counsel of the Word of God or sound doctrine--and if they heard it they would reject it.  They are not Christ's sheep.  Stop supporting the STATE CHURCHES of which Christ is not the head, but the State is the head and its lackey is a COWARDLY, fuzzy morality "preacher for hire" who does the bidding of his real master, the State.  Support true pastors and teachers and prophets who boldly preach the full truth, the truth that needs to be heard... uncomfortable truths, unpleasant truths, but truths that are a matter of life or death... not a "Touched by an Angel" Theology (God loves you just the way you are, no need to change a thing!); not a feel-good humanism; not to tickle their ears and fluff their auras with smooth sayings.

Some of the things I have said may shock you.  Better for you to be shocked now while you have time to stop following false christs and start to follow the True Shepherd and what He commanded... than for you to be shocked on the Day of Judgment when you hear, "depart from Me, ye that work iniquity [lawlessness] I never knew you."  Those to whom Christ said He will declare this are those who think they are good Christians, who even think that they were doing many "wonderful things" in His Name.  But if it is the opposite of what Christ commanded, then you are His enemy.  His sheep know His Voice and follow Him... not into the melting pot of Babylon, but away from it... who keep themselves unspotted from the world.

As my cousin Martin Luther expressed,

"Let me be called and counted proud, mad, anything, everything that naught is, so that I be not found guilty of sinful silence, and of betraying the trust committed unto me, by a dastardly deserting the cause of God."

Maybe the majority of our people, the majority of Christians really don't value freedom and civilization as much as I do.  However, understand, if you are forced to go to war—that is, like in Mel Gibson's Patriot, when the war comes to you... you may not come back alive, or maybe your sons and daughter's won't survive it... but all it takes to prevent that is standing up and declaring the truth and refusing to compromise NOW ... sure you may lose some friends, but if they hate the truth they should not be your friends... and you may encourage or embolden others to stand up too.  If not, as Franklin cleverly expressed, "If we do not hang together we shall certainly all hang separately".

God's people need to realize no one else is the problem.  Each of us is the problem.  We are responsible for our own hearts and minds and what proceeds forth out of them in actions (or what doesn't proceed forth but should).  If we are derelict from God's Commands, it does not matter if we are A.W.O.L. one mile from base or 5,000 miles.  Each of us is the problem.  This is a corollary of the mental delusion that "I am just one person, what good is the little that I could do? it won't change anything".  My people are destroyed because they lack understanding.  O ye of little faith.  If 50 million Christians stopped believing and repeating that lie we would not be in the mess we are in.  Scroll back up to the most recent illustration and take another look.  If 50 million Christians stood up and demanded corrupt politicians be tried and sentenced for their crimes and demanded that our borders and our constitution and our faith and our people to be respected and demanded that the laws and faith upon which this nation were established to be restored, obeyed, and vigilantly preserved, things would change overnight.  A few hundred thugs burn down Ferguson, or attack peaceful demonstrators and next thing you know all of our national monuments are being removed.  It is time to stand up and that will first be accomplished by falling on your knees and not getting back up until you have truly submitted yourself to God.  Then read His Word--not the polluted modern interpretations of it; but just as our U.S. Constitution is to be understood in the spirit in which it was written, in the time in which it was written, so also is the Word of God.  Truth and morality do not become obsolete; they do not change.  Immoral people slowly move the sacred boundaries and Christians are either too distracted or too ill-concerned to notice and do anything about it.  Each of us is the problem.  Once each true Christian gets on his knees and prays and asks God to reveal the knowledge of what sin is and convict him of sin, then God will arise from His Throne, deliver, and dispense Justice this world has never seen.  Or would you rather continue to sit complacently in your easy chair and watch the criminals play ball, the actors and singers blaspheme, while ignoring all our women being raped and murdered, men being murdered, children brainwashed into atheism and homoperversion, our laws trampled, and our nation being pulled out from under us and given to the savages?


One of Don Francisco's songs "Everybody else but me" says, "everybody else but me, everybody else but me, He was talking to the hypocrite and pharisee, everybody else but me".

Everyone watch this.  (and try not to smile or laugh), but it is true—your religion is not true if it is an uncomfortable suit you put on once a week and have off before you reach the front door.  Your religion is only real if you live it every moment, with every breath.  And if you don't think it that important, just remember that the enemies do live their religion with every breath and it is focused on wiping us off the planet.

"Everybody else but me"


Don Francisco is a Christian music legend, in a class all by himself—not merely an exceptionally gifted lyricist and musician, but a storyteller, a troubadour par excellence. 

By far his most famous song, "He's Alive".


(I sang He's alive at a small Christian gathering one time and someone said it is rare that he gets shivers, but he did... I think some glass eyes shattered and pacemakers went haywire too.  I haven't truly sung for about 28 years, but I think the court order has expired now.)

This one comes close... it is truly Amazing! both this and the above paint an incredible pictoral history with words and music, see if you don't get goosebumps and shivers.

Open Your Heart (crucifiction, burial, resurrection) - turn up the sound the recording is a bit quiet

please listen to these and let me know what you thought... the only ones I have to share anything with are those on my email list...


others (these all are classics and everyone should listen to them at least once):  I used to offer a full selection of wonderful music in my catalog, but hardly anyone ever ordered.  I may still be able to get CDs; inquire if interested.

Steeple Song


Got to Tell Somebody (Raising of Jarius' daughter from the dead)


Prodigal's Song


Balaam (aka Balaam's Donkey); this one is light and comical, but true





The only ones that can be compared to Don Francisco are John Michael Talbot (who despite being confused into thinking Catholicism is the true faith, is an incredible song-writer and singer and dedicated, despite his not understanding Biblical church structure and ritual or certain doctrines, which rarely creep into his songs; an incredible song-writer, musician and singer) and Will McFarlane.

Country Music Legend Will McFarlane (six years playing guitar with Bonnie Raitt—I don't think I have a clue who this person is, but I imagine she is famous to some people; he was recently inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame) made his first Christian Music debut back about 1983 or so and the freshness and heart of his lyrics as a new Christian surpassed that of most long-time "Christian" artists.  His first album "Right From The Start" was great; as was his second, released many years ago, "A Colony of Heaven"; his new one "Axe to the Root" has recently been released, but I have not heard any of it.  I imagine I will get it eventually, but I don't care to do anything alone, including listening to good music; though I try to sing each day, even songs I wrote 30 years ago that no one has ever heard, it's hard to sing with a broken heart.  But as I reflect I remember songs and wanted to share some with anyone reading.

Here are some youtubes to listen to; he is a gifted lyricist and his musical ability has been established.  His rich voice and heart come through in an exceptional way.  Listen at least to this first one.

Good Samaritan


[Note: contrary to opinion, not all Samaritans were mixed/mingled/corrupt peoples.  Like New York City or Chicago, LA, etc. or any of our larger cities that have been completely taken over, the majority were not God's people; while Northern Galilee and Southern Judaea after the captivity, regained majority control over those thirds of the land, the Israelites in the middle third in Samaria did not; thus, Samaritans were generally looked down upon—and even Christ forbade His disciples to going to their towns; the majority were not God's people and the small percentage of God's people who lived among them, generally became just as bad, polluted like Lot was in Sodom (and salt must remain separated; if it is polluted by its environment, it is contaminated and no longer salt, only "salt-like" and full of bacteria and impurity and good for nothing); Samaritans content to live among evil aliens will soon be absorbed by them.  You reap what you sow.  God commanded "come out and be ye separate and join not the unclean people".  See my Apologetic Expositions on John 4.  People do not "become" God's children by having faith or doing good works.  Those who are God's children in whom God's Spirit truly dwells, will have faith due to the Presence of the Holy Spirit and if they have true faith that true faith will naturally and inevitably produce the works that God commanded—separation, not one-worldism; pure doctrine, not humanism—as naturally and inevitably as a baby nightingale will grow into an adult that will sing the same beautiful song that the Creator put in its DNA—not a rap "song".]

And this wonderful praise / worship song

Unto the King


A Colony of Heaven


You Call Me a Dreamer


Set your heart on things above



John Michael Talbot (and his brother Terry), you will find his youtubes all over the internet.  His Album, "the Regathering" and also "the Birth of Jesus" I believe both use the London Philharmonic Orchestra... but most of his songs are his simple guitar and rich voice... a remarkable troubadour.

He has literally dozens of albums / CDs (as does Francisco; they and Dallas Holm, whom I sent emails out about before; are two of the longest-serving dedicated, sound, Christian music names out there; 40 years or more each)

Talbot is usually straight scripture, including the prophets, marvellously produced... not fluff

One Faith


For Zion's Sake


Build Up


What Child is This / Emmanuel


And with his brother Terry Talbot and Friends... a wonderful album

I will only list a song or two of Terry and also the one more artist below; I have dial up and it takes forever to find and load things.

I am He


Face to Face


Wake Up America


[He and those who sing with him have great tight vocals and harmony... about Christ coming as a thief in the night, that is true, but it is not to steal us away in the rapture; it is the wicked that shall be taken.  The Rapture is jesuit-zionist counter-reformation propaganda—funded by Jacob Schiff--bankroller of the Bolshevik Revolution that murdered the Romanov family and exterminated 180 million christians in the Russias and Eastern Europe; Schiff bragged he was having the Bible rewritten with zionist propaganda, which was injected into the Christian church through the fraud Scofield, who forged his own seminary credentials, lied at his ordination ceremony--having abandoned his wife and children; many big names in theology at first jumped on his bandwagon but later distanced himself from him once they actually began to study his theology and notes; but the damage was done as their names were on the board endorsing him; the Rapture is now believed by about 95% of the Christian church, though it was nonexistent before Scofield's notes in the early 1900s.  None of the Reformers or Puritans or Pillars of the Christian faith of the modern era--none believed it, not Mueller or Spurgeon, etc.  The Rapture teaches complacency and irresponsibility in not worrying about society or corrupt government thinking Jesus is going to snatch us away... but the Bible says the wicked shall be taken and the righteous shall not be moved... in the Flood, the wicked were taken and Noah was preserved alive in the ark and Christ said as in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the son of man returns, but this time He will cleanse the earth with fire, not water; and the tares are to gathered first then burned with fire, then the wheat shall be gathered into the storehouse / Kingdom.  See my The Futurist and Rapture Conspiracy, 164pp., 13.50 + P&H.]


I guess one other who should be included here is the remarkable Michael Card.  He I believe is a Presbyterian with a Ph.D. in theology (if I recall correctly).  He is another master.  I will list a song or two, one of his most famous was recorded by many artists,

"Mary Did you know?"


Joseph's Song



Now that I've held him in my arms.


here are some of his other classics which you should be able to find youtubes for, which others (Amy Grant, Alabama) have also sung

You can find other songs by him (and the other artists above) by looking at the other items offered at the sidebars, or at the official websites or doing a search)

Okay, that's it, I sat down to share a few thoughts and it ended up taking about 12 hours.  I hope it has been useful somehow, revealing, inspiring, educational, informative.  I will post this at my website so 3 other people can read it too.

 If you find value in my work... support it!  share it with others... tell them to support it and share it with others... and stand up!