—Presidential Insights (Limerick & Cartoon)

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Obamahama or Hail to the Thief

by Ima Trueblood American


There once was a black named Obama
Who said he’d never celebrated Ramada-ma
he aspired to steal
the highest office with zeal
though related to the tyrant Sadam-a.

There once was a black named Obama
who rose as fast as a high-speed Yamaha-ma
He’ll be an illegal president
since he’s just a mere resident
and his election will be a crude sham-arama

There once was a black named Obama
who was backed by the Zionist cabal-ahama
and though born outside the U.S.
it caused him no distress
for friends in high places will spare him the drama.

There once was a black named Obama
who came selling a deceitful panorama
He’s an Obamination it’s clear
with an ivy-league sneer
God deliver us from this black "male" (?) Aholibamah.*

[* words ending in -ama are sparse, so I had to get creative; Aholibama was one of Esau’s Canaanite wives; Esau married outside of his racial family and brought disgrace upon his people.  When the “U.S.” “elects” a foreigner to the highest post of our land, it will be equally disgraceful.]

There once was a black named Obama
who will fleece us like so many llamas
though as commander-in-chief
he’ll bring comic relief
it will be a horrendous psycho-drama.

There once was a black named Obama
who probably wears funky pajamas
the high office will suffer
from this inexperienced duffer
and the first lady(?) will be called the “first Big ole mama.”


First sh*t-hole President[ial imposter] of the United States