—So-Called “Indigenous” peoples of the U.S. and South Africa—Some Things to Consider & “South Africa was Not Colonized”, by Dr. Don Boys


Here are some thoughts that I have to offer.

One minor thing that I would disagree with concerning the ownership of land is the paying taxes.  That is a socialist deception and tyranny.  If you have to pay someone else in order that you may keep your own property, it is not your property.  Our Founders did not establish land / property tax.  You cannot constitutionally or morally be taxed on something that you own.  That is called TYRANNY.  Corrupt government encroaches more and more... until it owns all.  But it all starts somewhere, innocuously, small—even with the lie that it will merely be “temporary” (HA!).  First they provide some service (whether you need or want it or not—which is not a “service” if you don’t want it, it is an intrusion and it is a violation of the right of contract) and they then order you to pay up; and like a thieving salesman, once the foot is in the door they think that they own the house... they heap more and more “services” upon you (in addition to licenses, fees, and fines), not that you benefit from them, and then they raise the annual property tax—without your consent (which is taxation without representation and a violation of the sanctity of property rights, which are inviolable)—to enrich themselves.  They then branch out to provide 1,001 “services” (like planting wildflowers along thousands of miles  of interstate, and planting shrubbery... and then paying someone to maintain it... and invent some entire department and pay some department head $100,000 / year salary with full medical benefits, sick days, paid holidays, and retirement, and an army of employees (with similar benefits) under his command—and charge it all to the taxpayers.  The encroachment and taxation never ends.  It is a self-perpetuating, continually breeding and feeding uncontrollable monster.

“The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, [i.e., a band of thieves] says to a man, ‘Your money or your life.’ And many, if not most, taxes are paid under the compulsion of that threat.” —Lysander Spooner (1870)

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence,—it is force!  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” —George Washington

The legitimate people [not aliens, foreign or domestic] are the true government.  The government employees and politicians and statesmen are our servants.  It is THEY who are in rebellion when they exceed the lawful bounds of their office, which is a sacred trust, not “power”.  

Because that simple truth is forgotten, renegade public servants become terrorists acting against the true government, and bulldoze over anyone in their path who attempts to resist their crimes and treason.  Thus, hundreds of government bureaucracies are developed, and eventually each “needs” a hierarchy of officers and assistants, consultants, etc.  It never ends.  It is an elaborate scam.  It has continued to the point that now “government” (that is, government employees, politicians, etc.) and those on welfare or receive government grants, subsidies, contracts, loans, aid, etc. constitute over 50% of the population*—which means that there is 1 person producing to support each government employee (who provides very little service to the taxpayers themselves) or welfare recipient.  The only legitimate use of taxpayer money is to provide services FOR THOSE VERY TAXPAYERS AND NO ONE ELSE for bonafide services that they need but cannot provide for themselves.  There are very few things that truly fall into this category: 1. nations roads and bridges; 2. national defense—which is a farce when corrupt politicians invade the nations of our enemies after having destabilized their nations and caused them to hate us even more; then our treasonous politicians invite our enemies to live among us; to live for free, and reproduce 8 times faster than we do.  Our treasonous politicians, without authority, then make the aliens our “equals”, give them equal rights, rights to vote, run for office, and vote us out of our own nation.  95% of taxpayer $ does not go to the taxpayers, but to government employees, aliens, people on welfare their whole lives, special interest groups, the super-rich (in baling out their failed businesses), and foreign nations (mostly, our enemies)—and that is communism.

[* This means that we can never get the nation back by a vote, as George Bernard Shaw noted, “Those who rob Peter to pay Paul can always count on [the support of] Paul”.  Furthermore, our nation has been swamped with about 100 million “legal” (a false notion) and illegal aliens, who outbreed us and are unconstitutionally given taxpayer money to live off, allowed to commit crimes nationwide, reproduce, and are given a vote.  The only thing that will save all of Christendom is God’s people actually repenting before God (which entails knowing what He commanded and that He did not abolish His Law—which was never for salvation, but is the unchanging Moral Code by which He commanded us to live).  If God’s people truly repent of their myriad sins against God, God will then send a pestilence to take care of the enemy among us.]

Anything that may have legitimacy is rendered illegitimate by force and fraud and corruption.

The gasoline tax is what is SUPPOSED to pay for the General Highway Fund for all roads and bridges and if the money was not wasted by corrupt bureaucrats, the money would provide for all such things and there would be no need for outrageous tolls in some places; or taxes in other areas.  Everything is mismanaged, wasted, and embezzled with our servants giving themselves salaries and benefits greater than the master has, and then they cry that they need to raise taxes, again and again.  Corrupt government follows the laws of gases: they expand to fill whatever container in which they are placed.  They overspend and mis-spend, on every level, because if they don’t spend it all the agency above them assumes they did not need it all, so next year the give them less—so as a rule they spend everything, whether anything needs to be purchased or done, solely to use up the money.  This is fraud on the highest level.

What defines ownership of land is the ability to defend it.  One person cannot claim 1 million acres if he cannot defend it as his.

The Indians stole the land from those before them, whether from other indians or Iberians, Phoenicians, Celts, etc.  Indians stole, murdered, tortured.  Those who are not civilized cannot demand “rights” since they recognize no rights of others.  The only right they recognized was “Might is Right”—until they met someone mightier than them! after which, they whine about “rights” and philosophical concepts of which they are utterly ignorant, solely because they have learned that stupid white Christians can be put on a guilt trip.  I sent out in an email last week, pointing out that the Indians (who are not “native” Americans) even sold about 600,000 blacks.  Unlike white people, the Indians did not purchase their slaves—they kidnapped them.  When will the Indian Casinos begin to pay reparations?  Then what about reparations to the whites whose wives and children they kidnapped, and all those whom they tortured and murdered, the cattle and horses they stole, the houses they burned down, and for the TERRORISM that they carried out for centuries...?  

Some tribes of American Indians probably descend from the Canaanites.  Did the Canaanites have any rights in the land of Canaan, since “the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof” and since they were God’s enemies, cursed with a perpetual curse?  The Canaanites also were an inbred Hamitic people, Canaan having married a woman descended from Cain.  Yet they spoke Canaanite, a language very similar to Hebrew... though they were a Hamitic-Cainite people.  I propose that the Canaanites either absorbed or killed the previous inhabitants of what came to be called Canaan; and that these previous inhabitants were Hebrews.  The coastal regions of the “land of Canaan” had also been called Palestine, after the Philistines (Pelishtites); a non-cursed, pure, white Hamitic people (and God did not turn Ham black).  The Philistines were impure only when they began intermarrying with the Canaanites (which explains Goliath and his family, as being descended from Amorite tribes in Gath).

John Eidsmoe, on page 286 of in his [in my opinion, rather liberal] book, Columbus and Cortez: Conquerors For Christ (1992) [15.00 + P&H], quotes John Greenway from his article “Will The Indians Get Whitey?” from the National Review, March 11, 1969 who wrote,

“A Polynesian chief once observed to a white officer: I don't understand you English.  You come here and take our land and then you spend the rest of your lives trying to make up for it.  When my people came to these islands, we just killed the inhabitants and that was the end of it.”

Can such savages claim any rights when they had lived, like Esau, by the sword, with no concern for any rights of others?


Kennewick man and other discoveries are evidence that the indians were not here first, and their older confessions admitted that they were not here first, but killed the blue-eyed people before them... but now that they have learned that there is money to be made, they have revised their own “history”.  Their “history” is oral traditions, which are not trustworthy.  They are fables and embellished legends.  They would not even have written languages were it not for white missionaries, or a half-white who invented the Cherokee alphabet and written language.  They cry oppression—yet were it not for all the “oppression” they would not enjoy any of the conveniences of life, none of which they invented.  They would still be running around half naked, be engaged in endless tribal wars in which they rob, kill, kidnap, and rape each other, living in teepees made of skin, dragging firewood out of the forest, hunting with crude bow and arrows, and migrating once winter came.  If they are so oppressed, let them surrender their casinos, cadillacs, cell phones, double wide trailers, pickup trucks, flat screen TVs, monthly government checks, free health care, etc. and let them go back to living in the wild.

J. Rousas Rushdoony started out living on an Indian reservation as a missionary.  The conditions were rather primitive.  He asked the Indians about the Indian wars and their attitude toward it.  They said simply, We fought a war and we lost.  If we had won, we may not have treated the White man any better than he has us.  (from an audio tape sermon by Rushdoony from the 80s.)  Actually, the Indians would have massacred all the white men and kidnapped the women and children to be their slaves and sex toys.  However, there was no bitterness or resentment or notions of “oppression” and the Indians accepted that war is never pretty, especially when you lose a war; and that war always has a winner and a loser and if you don’t want to lose and don’t think that you can win, then don’t go to war.  But it was only in the 1970s that losing the war became political lever.  The courts stepped in and used ancient treaties as a way to extend control over White men.

Have the Indian casinos paid any “reparations” to the blacks?  A black would have to prove that he actually had ancestors in the U.S. at the time of slavery who were slaves owned by the Indians.  But, how many ancestors would count in order for a modern black to claim “oppression” and that he was owed reparations?  I would say at least 50%.  Regardless, if the shoe was on the other foot, how many blacks in Africa would pay reparations to the white people they raped, enslaved, tortured, killed—and like the American Indians—ate*...?  Unlike the Blacks and American Indians NO WHITE SLAVE OWNERS EVER ATE THEIR BLACK SLAVES!  WHO, then, deserves “reparations”...?

[* See: The Frontiersman, by Alan Eckert, and others in the series, all of which are in stock.  Email for a complete list.  This superb series of gripping historical novels is based on fact, and shows how the Indians were and how the whites were, both in general, and individual examples.]

Most Blacks here in the U.S. to day don’t have ANY ancestors who were slaves in the U.S. unless the millions who have since flooded our shores intermarried with the Blacks who were slaves.  How does that qualify for “oppression” if they chose to move here (invade our nation) and then married into those who had slave ancestors?  That does not sound like oppression to me!  Similarly, though the program was created (and the very nation of Liberia founded) to allow Blacks to return to their African homeland*—HARDLY ANY chose to return once they were freed.  How is that “oppression”...?

[* See: Some Collected Works of Earnest Sevier Cox [Let My People Go (1925); Virginia Racial Integrity Legislation (c.1925); The South’s Part in Mongrelizing the Nation (1926); The Virginia Memorial to Congress (c.1934); The Price of Failure; Three Million Negroes Thank The State of Virginia (1940); Monument to Herman (1959); with extensive notes by RAB, illustrations added, and photos and brief biography of Cox, 232pp., pb., 18.50 + P&H.]

Also, the British did not have a hand in the development of South Africa—but in subverting it.  Jewish powers in Britain wanted the gold and diamond mines, and thus stirred up the blacks and coloreds, even as the British paid the Indians to rape and murder the U.S. Colonists.

[See also this book that I published, which also shows the parallels between early American pioneers, Amish, Mennonite, and the Dutch South African Boers (farmers).  Bulala: A True Story of South Africa, Cuan Elgin, [Robert Alan Balaicius, Editor, contributor] 392pp., pb., 18.38 + P&H [1838 = Day of Covenant, most special day in Afrikaner history.] gripping tale of small, brave, Christian nation born of conflict, turmoil, tragedy; love, dedication, hard work—exciting account, history of South Africa (earliest times to end of 2nd Anglo-Boer War) woven as rich tapestry into novel; exciting: cross between Shaka Zulu & Little House on Prairie.]

Blacks in South Africa also hate the Malay / Indians, who despite the same “oppression” by the white people (the “oppression” refers to being forced to live in their own neighborhoods among their own people—how is that “oppression”...?) were able to become successful.  Apartheid (“apartness”) PROTECTED Black and Indian communities from “White oppression”.  Whites could not own businesses except in white areas; ditto for Blacks and Indians.  Blacks could not be successful without handouts, stealing, or someone else developing everything for them... and so they simply cry “oppression” (a word that the Jews taught to them, otherwise, they would not know it either; and they would not know that it works as “black magic” to cause whites to cower under the myth of false white guilt); this is also evident in Haiti or any other former-white colony.  Whites made any area successful; blacks only destroy.  There are youtubes on the internet of Chinese who make the same acessment.

The liberals would not scream if lions, elephants (tigers are in asia) etc., were being killed if it was the blacks doing the killing (even as the feminists don’t raise a peep when it is black and middle eastern muslims raping white women en masse).  When the blacks took over South Africa and Rhodesia before it, the “noble savages” savagely destroyed the animals reserves, killing all the animals just for fun... just like the “noble savages” in the U.S. decimated the buffalo herds by stampeding them off a cliff, to only harvest the meat or hides of a few.  I’ve seen a video of the blacks in Africa with a chain tied between 2 jeeps mowing down an entire herd of zebra, just for the fun of it; and 50 blacks throwing spears into a bull elephant, and killing every animal on the reserves that were all established by the whites.

[See also these titles that I reprint:

- Back to the Long Grass; My Link with Livingstone (1923) Daniel Crawford 460pp., pb., 26.00 + P&H. (Sequel / Companion to “Thinking Black”).  50.00 + P&H for the set.

- The Negroes in Negroland; The Negroes in America; and the Negroes Generally; Also, the Several Races of White Men, Considered as the Involuntary and Predestined Supplanters of the Black Races. A Compilation (1868) H. R. Helper, 250pp., plastic comb-bound, 16.00 + P&H.

- Some Astute Observations Concerning the Peoples Encountered on an African Expedition while in Search of the Source of the Nile River (Excerpted from The Albert N’Yanza: The Great Basin of the Nile and Exploration of the Nile Sources) (c.1866) by Sir Samuel White Baker, edited by RAB, superbly shows the nature and character of the blacks, turks, and arabs, 88pp., 6.00 + P&H. excellent! very eye-opening, highly recommended; fascinating info.

- On the Edge of the Primeval Forest (1922) & More From the Primeval Forest (1931) & From My African Notebook (1938) Albert Schweitzer, 426pp., 3 books in 1 pb., with Biographical intro., photos, 26.00 + P&H. [“More from the Primeval Forest” once printed as “The Forest Hospital at Lambarene”.] fascinating books, give glimpses into courage, patience of this great man (his poor theology and misguided altruism notwithstanding) glimpses into minds, natures he tried to help.

- Thinking Black: 22 Years Without a Break in the Long Grass of Central Africa (1913) [reprinted by Negro Universities Press, NY, in 1969] Daniel Crawford (1870-1926) a.k.a. “Konga Vantu”, Scottish missionary of Plymouth Brethren in central-southern Africa], I began reading this to see if it was worthwhile, someone had told me about it. I find it very interesting, intriguing, enlightening, thought-provoking, entertaining, humorous, profound... to me, it has an odd tone of thought; if I can put my finger on it, I believe it seems as if he merely describes things and does not explain them; there is no explaining random chaos, there is only describing it... that is all he can do with topic at hand... he was a missionary, but with honest insight into the blank mind of those primitives he was around... the book seems to begin with no purpose, no explanation, you just awake and find yourself in his safari trekking through the hot and humid bush... with his unique manners of description and humor and blunt insight. In the beginning he mentions the Portuguese he encountered in Mozambique at the first area from which he embarqued and noted how indolent the Portuguese were, and expressed that it was believed that they would not drink coffee for breakfast under the assumption it might keep them up the rest of the day.  504pp. + 20pp. photos, pb., 28.00 + P&H.  Its sequel is Back to the Long Grass (see); 50.00 + P&H for the set.

- Where Black Rules White: A Journey Across and About Hayti (1910), H. Hesketh Prichard, 384pp., plastic comb-bound.  Interesting history and experience, anecdotal. 15.00 + P&H.]

Finally, South Africa was indeed colonized—after the whites developed civilization out of the jungle, the blacks moved in en masse and “colonized” someone elses nation—and then stole it! and are now talking genocide to kill off all the whites and steal all private property, claiming that the whites stole it from the blacks; although at the time that the Dutch Boers settled South Africa, the Blacks (Xhosa, Zulu) had not migrated that far south and all that were there were the short, brownish-yellow hottentot and bushmen (Khoi-Khoi and Khoi-san)—whom the BLACKS massacred when the Blacks indeed migrated that far south.  Why do the Blacks not pay reparations to the Khoi?

God arise from Your Throne and defend Your people!  Convict them of their sins.  Send Your Holy Spirit to convict them with the knowledge of sin and their own guilt before You so that You will turn to us once again and defend and deliver Your children!

[See also these books of mine:

- Calling the Remnant of Christendom: Come Out From Among Them and Be Ye Separate...!, 88pp., 6.00 + P&H.

- Deliverance or Delusion...? —Which Do We Want...?, 88pp., 6.00 + P&H.

- Going Ape Over Political, Academic, Journalistic, and Ecumenical “Monkeybusiness”: A Swiss Tale, 84pp., 7.00 + P&H.  Satirical short story; exposé and explanation of the invasion of Christendom by the Third World; and the only solution.

- Ten Commandments For Youth —For Everyone!  For Youth and Young-minded* Adults - An Explanation of the Ten Commandments and A Memory System using Bible Numerics; c.440pp., 6.25 x 9.25, pb., 25.00 + P&H; not on a child’s level, but for older youth and adults [* young minded, of course, refers to the opposite of “you can’t teach an old dog a new trick” and also Christ taught that if one wanted to see/enter the Kingdom he had to become as a little child, that is child-like faith and obedience.] My exposition on the 10 commandments, shows that the 10 commandments are not 10 individual laws, but 10 categories of law under which the entire law of God is organized. I also show that Christ’s “turn the other cheek” was not a general, broad based, universal statement, but only referred to accepting just punishment in court if one had truly sinned and damaged kinsman and thus to accept the punishment gracefully, showing your true remorse for having damaged a brother. But modern christianity has perverted this Sermon on the mount teaching to mean we should just bend over and accept abuse and lie down and die. Christ taught Occupy till I come, and Paul wrote, have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but REBUKE them... this is not consonant with “turning the other cheek” to God’s enemies, the enemies of Christendom, immoral people, criminals, etc., which is not what Christ was teaching.

- What’s Keeping God from Delivering America, Britain and Europe from Destruction...?, 112pp., pb., 9.50 + P&H.

- Who Is Responsible for the DEATH of Christendom...?; 21pp., 2.00 + P&H.

- Why Christendom is on the Verge of Extinction & The Cause of and Solution to All our Problems, 88pp., 6.00 + P&H.]