Stupid Hypocritical Liberals and their Mindless, Grandiose Ideas
I posted a question at Amazon under a rat trap asking if it was strong enough to kill a squirrel... someone replied
“No! A more humane approach would be more appropriate. Like trap and release in a more appropriate location.”
I reposted a question at Amazon:
Q: “Will those who think it is cruel to kill squirrels please give me your street address and pay shipping so I can release the squirrels at your house?”
Liberals have grandiose ideas, but ZERO solutions... that is zero solutions that they are willing to sacrifice to implement; and they don't care how much money, time, and effort that others have to sacrifice in order to implement their ideas, nor the futility or consequences of their ideas. Unless you drop off wild animals (or even house cats or dogs) 15 miles or so away, they find their way back; and such never stop to realize that just like garbage, the people (or other animals) who live where someone else might dump them, don't want them either.
Squirrels eat my birdseed. I don't mind that (though I DO mind them DESTROYING birdfeeders and bird houses, chewing massive ugly holes in them, to get to the seed). However, most destructively, they eat ALL my pears and apples (they don't wait for them to ripen (one squirrel will steal dozens a day, every day... they would love living in Los Angeles where thieves are not punished if you steal under $800 each theft), and then the crows and European hornets want their share too; I wonder if I can catch and release the crows and hornets in that liberal's neighborhood and if she will pay shipping. Some years I get NONE, though I have a dozen trees. One year I collected 110 gallons of black walnuts from a tree on my hayfield. I dumped them in the back of the house to cure, come spring, I had 11 nuts left. I don't mind sharing. I do mind being robbed blind. The majority of people who mindlessly consume everything HAVE NO CLUE concerning the cost and work that it takes to produce everything. They think elves magically stock the store shelves each night after some fairy godmother waves her magic want to cause all those things to magically materialize.
It costs a lot of money and effort to raise food... but if squirrels or any other wild animal eats half the crop... then those prices have to DOUBLE for EVERYTHING that you buy; and then there is the greater chance that those foods will be contaminated with e-coli or such from squirrel or rat poop. If squirrel populations are not controlled, it will become like the rat problem (and I am not talking about the politicians, that is another issue) in NYC, LA, or San Francisco... then disease spreads, on top of the destruction of property. So it is with parasites and disease in a body; so it is with illegals invading someone else's nation.