Uriah the “Hittite”...? (Updated)

Apologetic Expositions (#8) - I Chronicles 11-21 - Uriah “the Hittite”...?  Zelek “the Ammonite”...?  Ismah “the Moabite”...? —and other similar stumbling blocks REMOVED, including: David, Bathsheba, Joab, why David wasn’t put to death for the affair with Bathsheba and the treachery against Uriah; and why it was a sin for David to number the people; 82pp., 7.00 + P&H.

See also:

- Apologetic Expositions: Thorough, Consistent, Logical Studies Concerning Exclusive, Irrevocable Promises God Gave to His People Israel: Proving God’s Word Does Not Change or Contradict Itself; Refuting Popular, Modernist Interpretations of Seemingly-Isolated Passages of Scripture Grossly Taken Out of Context or “Spiritualized” into Inefficacy: Verse-by-verse exegeses.

[Biblical Israel is not to be confused with the Jews / Israelis; see my book, Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, illustrated, 192pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H; Hb., 28.00 + P&H.]

- (#9) The Unique “Ethiopian” Eunuch was not a Nubian (Acts 8) & Neither was Simon of Cyrene, nor was Simeon "Niger", nor was Lucius of Cyrene (Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Acts 2:10; 11:20; 13:1); 83pp., 7.00 + P&H.

Another New Booklet: The Unique “Ethiopian” Eunuch was NOT a Nubian, NEITHER was Simon of Cyrene, etc.

- (#2) Acts 13, Gentiles were “Israelites in dispersion;” not nonIsraelites; 88pp., 7.00 + P&H.

- (#3) Acts 15, Gentiles were the “Israelites in dispersion;” not nonIsraelites, 88pp., 7.00 + P&H.

- (#4) II Corinthians 3, (detailed coverage I & II Corinthians) Paul nowhere says the Law was abolished; 88pp., 6.00 + P&H.

- (#7) Epistle of I John: To Sin or Not to Sin?  Love = Obedience, 80pp., 7.00 + P&H.

- (#5) Galatians 3, (detailed overview of entire epistle) showing Paul nowhere says the Law was abolished & Covenants / descent from Abraham is not “spiritualized”; 88pp., 7.00 + P&H.

- (#1) Isaiah 56, God’s Covenants have not failed; Promises God gave to Israel not generalized to all. God changes not.  Neither does His Will or Word.  He is Sovereign.  We must accept what He declared--not misinterpret in light of modern liberal ideology.  Hebrew words for “stranger” and “man” clearly interpreted,  88pp., 7.00 + P&H.

NEW (#1) Isaiah 56, rewritten / expanded edition; 244pp., paperback, 15 00 + P&H. 

- (#6) John 4 - Samaritan Woman at Well & Samaritan Leper —Israelites Living in Samaria, 46pp., 5.50 + P&H.

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