—What is the Role of Public Servants? What is the DUTY of the true people? Re-election or Criminal Prosecution? —including a few thoughts on Sheriff Joe Arapaio being a HERO and ROLE MODEL



My comments:

The issue is not “re-election” or “voting the bastards out” only to vote new bastards in.  The issue is removing / recalling ANY AND ALL politicians the VERY FIRST TIME that they VIOLATE their campaign promises (which constitutes FRAUD) and the VERY FIRST TIME that they violate their oath of office (which constitutes TREASON).

The Government is the people—the true people; not counterfeits (not aliens or endless crosses).

When they are elected, all politicians need to be informed what their oath means actually means (and the penalty for violating it), because clearly they do not understand it—it means:


—NOT being loyal to imported aliens,

—NOT being loyal to other politicians,

—NOT being loyal to special interest groups,

—NOT being loyal to big business,

—NOT being loyal to subversive secret organizations and international bankers and billionaires,

—NOT being loyal to foreign nations,

—NOT being loyal to foreign people.

Politicians need to be given a simple geography test / lesson.  Pull out a globe or a world map.  Ask them if they can identify the location of the United States of America.  Also give them a quiz about our FOUNDING—from books written during that ERA; NOT books that have been written modernly; and not books written after the so-called “Civil” War (except a very few that were honest and not propaganda).  Ask them about the Puritans—to name as many as they can—and their Puritan Doctrine; and likewise, the Reformers and Reformed Doctrine.  Then ask them detailed questions about the U.S. Constitution, States Rights, and the Common Law.  If they cannot correctly answer those questions they have NO BUSINESS holding ANY public office (not even pooper scooper).

Those who pass the first test, then point out to them on the map / globe the location of the United States of America, show them clearly the geographic / political boundaries of the United States, and then say to them:

“THIS is United States... everything else is NOT US!  Is there anything about that, that you do not understand?  As a public servant, your job is only within these boundaries.  The people who elected you are only the lawful citizens of within these boundaries.  You don’t represent anyone outside these boundaries.  The lives of people outside these boundaries is none of your concern; neither are their “feelings” or “opinions” in regard to anything.  If you want to represent those people, move to any of those nations.  Do you understand what ‘Treason’ is, and what its penalty is?  Is there anything that you don’t understand about this?”

There is no statute of limitations on FRAUD—and people here illegally and their children even to 1,000 generations will always be illegal because of the initial fraud of their entering illegally and / or the initial and repeated fraud of the corrupt politicians who unconstitutionally have been allowing / inviting aliens to enter the U.S.—which the politicians have NO authority to offer.  No one outside the U.S. has ANY “RIGHT” to the U.S. or to how the U.S. is governed.

Only a fool cannot understand that a lifeboat will be swamped and all will die if it is overloaded beyond capacity—and especially if those who are attempting to board the lifeboat are the survivors of the enemy vessel who are swarming the lifeboat; and especially when the enemy survivors are flooding the ship for the purpose of throwing the rightful people out of the ship!

—THAT is a perfect picture illustration of modern “immigration” and “voting” policies within Christendom, based upon the corrupt politicians’ illegally inviting aliens into our country, putting them on a taxpayer-funded breeding program, and giving them the “right” to outvote us and inherit the wealth of our ancestors, entire neighborhoods, mega-cities, the entire nation all of Christendom—to outvote those of us whose forefathers sacrificed to build the nations of Christendom.  Politicians commit High Treason by unconstitutionally giving aliens the “right” to vote or the right to run for office and thereby change our nation into the type of nation from which they fled—nations that we once ruled under Colonialism, which, when we ruled them, were safe and prosperous; which now are Hell-pits of barbarism and savagery.  These mindless parasites want to change our nation into they type of nation from which they fled: nations that were once safe and functional which they destroyed after they rejected our benevolent rule.  Our benevolent rule of their nations was to keep them in their nations and out of ours!  This exposes the real reason that Colonialism is demonized.

This is suicide.  And we are supposed to ignore the disease, public theft (of taxpayer money which politicians have no right to pocket themselves, and no right to give to people who won’t work, and no right to give to other nations or aliens within our nation); we are supposed to ignore all the rape, murder, and other crimes as “mere hiccups” in the transition of a free Christian Republic into barbarous totalitarian anarchy and chaos (which they call “Democracy”) ...?
All such politicians should be TRIED for TREASON and FRAUD and SENTENCED to the HIGHEST POSSIBLE PUNISHMENT.

Jefferson said that anyone who assumes a public trust should consider himself as “public property”.  They are our servants; we are the Masters.  Since when do the servants live better than the masters (salary, perks, health care, protection, retirement) and since when do mere servants tell the Master what to do?  ONLY FOOLS keep saying, “We’ll show them in 4 years”.  “4 years” is the POLITICAL HORIZON and a POLITICAL MIRAGE.  IT NEVER COMES.  FOOLS CHASE AFTER IT or WAIT FOR IT.  The REAL issue is traitorous politicians and other government servants (such as judges) being tried for their crimes against the people and against God.  The sentence should not be “prison” (which further robs the people), but the scaffold or firing squad and the confiscation of all their property.  It is should not be an issue of their being up for re-election.

“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for our rulers.” —John Jay

[FIRST CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT!  Do you think that he understood the U.S. Constitution better than the fools and aliens and traitors who currently defile that august assembly today?]

If non-Christians want a non-Christian nation to live in where they are “equals”—STAY IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY.  Otherwise, be content to ride in the back of the bus; or ride the bus in your own nation in the front or the back where you will be robbed, raped, and murdered by your own people.  Millennia of history has shown your people utterly incapable of ruling other than by a despotic totalitarianism backed by the military.  Blow away the rainbow-colored cotton candy daydreams.  They are not reality.  Reality will never change.  Even black pastor James Manning of Atlah, in New York City confesses this truth.  The poster-childs of egalitarian nonwhite, nonchristian rule of former Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and South Africa show the utter fraud, incompetence, and corruption—two wealthy, prosperous, safe nations DESTROYED by letting the savages have any say, then by turning the nations that the whites built over to the savages.  The result is always the same.  The whites end up running for their lives and those who don’t are raped, tortured, and slaughtered; and all their wealth and the wealth of the nation is looted by the handful of powerful blacks who gain control of the government.  The majority of the nonwhites fair little better than the whites, once they realize that the former white heaven, on whose outskirts they were allowed to live, has been reduced to a barbaric banana republic in which the strong prey upon the weak and there is no one to save them.

Our nation was founded for OUR people based upon the inalienable rights established by OUR RELIGION given to us by OUR GOD (the ONLY God).  The U.S. Constitution (and all previous documents of freedom, The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, original State Constitutions, The Mayflower Compact, etc.) were founded upon American Common Law, which was derived from English Common Law, which was codefied by King Alfred the Great in his Dooms (Laws) which has its roots in the Law of the Bible.

[See The Dooms of Alfred the Great (laws of England established a.d. c.890  based upon Bible / God’s Law) 58pp., 6.00 + P&H; bilinear, Anglo-Saxon (Old English) & English translation.]

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men* are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;** that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government layings its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall most likely effect their safety and happiness.  Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light or transient causes, and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.... And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” —The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson

[* By “all men,” Jefferson only had in mind Christian Caucasians.  Those who don’t like this hate the truth and that is why they want to destroy the U.S. and Christendom—out of irrational hatred and jealously that they are not capable of developing their own nation or civilization.  Were it not for us, most of them would not even be wearing clothes.  The Constitution, like the Bible, is not to be “re-interpreted” by modern corrupt notions.  There is no “private” or “new” interpretation, but the one understood at the time it was given.  Jefferson himself said,
“On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”

** “pursuit of happiness,” and “property” (which are both used interchangably) are established by law as being identical in their meaning.  You cannot be taxed on a right!  A man owns his own body.  A man owns his own labor.  A man owns the extension of his own labor—his property.  Any assault on this or attempt to regulate or tax it is tyranny.]


Sherrif Joe Arapaio “convicted” of rounding up illegals...?


I don’t know if this is true or not... but an unconstitutional law is invalid... nonexistent... it can create no obligation or responsibility, can incur no penalty... no one needs to obey an unconstitutional law and no police or court is bound to enforce it (in fact, to enforce it is itself a crime).  It is the DUTY of all elected officials to protect the U.S. from ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Arapaio IS A HERO and the rest are cowards and traitors.  All of these antichrist leftist judges need to be removed from the bench... and all the treasonous, corrupt politicians too.  Send them all to Africa, Mexico, and the Middle East (or the middle of the ocean for all I care).  The plethora of politicians is simply more proof positive that the U.S. creates MORE GARBAGE than the rest of the world.  So it’s time to spread it around and stop allowing it to breed in suits and ties and black robes at $250,000 a year.  There is no statute of limitations on TREASON!