—Why Unrestricted Illegal Immigration? Inquiring Minds Want to Know... (revised)

Below is a very informed article by Dr. Peter Patton.  


Why Unrestricted Illegal Immigration?

Why are the Leftist establishments in the EU and the US pushing for unrestricted illegal immigration?

In the European Union, declining birthrates have created a problem for unsustainable social security Ponzi-like pension schemes. We will have the same problem in the United States by 2030. The population replacement rate for a given population is 2.3 live births per cohabiting (formerly married) couple; in some European countries it has fallen to 1.7 to 1.1 per couple and is now trending downward below 2.0 in the US as well. This is the now well-known but then unexpected consequence that has long-since gainsaid the Rev. Thomas Malthus’ famous prediction in 1798. He said that better living conditions, food, and medical care would cause populations to increase to unsustainable proportions and outpace the limited food supply.  It did not happen, because as families became more affluent they had fewer children in order to maintain their improving lifestyles. Also, Malthus could not have predicted the discovery of petroleum, the invention of motor driven farm implements, and petroleum based fertilizers and insecticides all of which have dramatically increased agricultural production.

A government administered Ponzi-like pension scheme like our Social Security System requires several young workers paying social security taxes to support just one retired worker.  So, to fulfill their promises to pensioners, EU countries are importing immigrant workers as “refugees” from the Middle East and Africa to replace retirees and pay these costs; but these immigrants and refugees do not speak European languages nor are they well enough educated to enter a high-tech workforce, and many are illiterate as well. So, they just add to the welfare burden of their new host county and make the looming pension shortfall yet worse by consuming the social services reserves now, rather than later. Hence the growing Populist revolt in the EU.

Any elite establishment needs an underclass to govern, and for which to administer social services. This is their self-appointed role as a de facto aristocracy or their noblesse oblige. What the establishment needs in order to be aristos (or better than) is an underclass of uneducated socially-static wage slaves or peons. That is why the US establishment (both Democrats and Republicans) are encouraging unrestricted immigration from Mexico and Central America. They want these wage slaves to pay their salaries as bureaucrats and government employees now, and their retirements later. They are quite correct to tell us that we do not have enough productive workers currently in harness to sustain our intended future. Karl Marx wisely pointed out long ago that there are only two kinds of people: direct producers of wealth, and everyone else. Clearly government workers and all other establishment bureaucrats are drones and hence a drag on the direct producers of wealth. They consume wealth without ever producing any. We have to carry them around on our backs because they are not productive.

The obvious, but alas untenable, solution is to convert educated bureaucrats into direct producers of wealth, not to import a lot of uneducated semi-literate people who cannot do the work and will drain social services budgets further. This solution has been unsuccessfully attempted several times in history. Henry I of England tried to settle the unproductive Jewish Khazars in England on farms without success. Tsar Alexander II, the liberator of the serfs in Russia, spent millions of Rubles trying to resettle unproductive Jewish Khazars on free and very fertile productive land in the Ukraine and Central Russia and even offered to subsidize them for ten years, but most of them sold the animals and farm equipment straightaway and leased the land they were given at exorbitant rates to former serfs. Then they moved to the nearest village to start a business distilling grains into schnapps. No European county has so far come up with a successful policy to deal with the itinerant Gypsies.

A more modern example is the Cultural Revolution in China under Chairman Mao. The ten years it was undertaken caused a great deal of social dislocation, but converted very few bureaucrats into productive farmers or direct producers of wealth of any kind.  Clearly some sort of re-education process will be needed, because people who have spent their lives so far doing useless unproductive work will resist having to do anything useful, i.e., real work.  The famous Gulag Archipelago under Lenin and Stalin may have been a bit more effective; at least during their ten year sentences in the labor camps, inmates did effective work like digging major canals and constructing factories. Those who survived then “graduated” with useful skills like carpentry, masonry, steel work, welding, operating heavy machinery, etc. Normally they were exiled to a remote province that needed their new skills but were never able to return to their former bureaucratic employments.

The past as present and future: Why were Africans brought as slaves to the Caribbean to work on British sugar cane plantations? Because the British and French plantation owners worked the natives to death (or they died of European disease for which they had no antibodies), and soon discovered that Europeans could not handle either the climate or malaria.  Africans could. A similar story obtained in the American South. And now, do we want to do the same thing again with wage slaves rather than legal slaves? The only difference is that our Mexican wage slaves can change employment if they somehow develop the language and technical skills to do so. However, the establishment class will make it difficult for the wage slave underclass to do so by a portfolio of dependency related social services, which their cadres of junior bureaucrats will eagerly administer for the benefit of their underclass dependents.

Re-education of non-productive bureaucrats is just not feasible. Our K-12 education system is the most expensive in the world per pupil, and notably ineffective because too much is being spent on non-productive bureaucrats and too little on productive classroom teachers! Our Higher Education system is not producing enough STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) graduates to meet current needs so we have to import them from Europe. Wayne State University has just dropped its single math course required to graduate, and has substituted a diversity class for it. Our colleges are proudly turning out degree holders in Black Studies, Chicano Studies, Women’s Studies, Feminist Studies, and the exciting new major, Fat Studies. No way can these graduates aid the problem of too few direct producers of wealth, unless they get jobs digging ditches. A Russian Gulag Archipelago or Chinese Cultural Revolution style re-education program simply would not work in our culture and legal system either. So, it seems the only reasonable solution is to limit immigration to educated, English speaking, direct producers of wealth, and preferably STEM trained workers at that. There are plenty of them on waiting lists from European countries anxious to become legal immigrants to the United States. Limiting illegal immigration is the Populist solution that the EU is being forced to consider in all seriousness.

Rest assured that this is not an appeal from a nativist.  My family immigrated to Massachusetts from Scotland in 1742; my earliest ancestor in this country fought as a Captain in General Washington’s army.  As a STEM trained professional, I have held green cards in four European countries in the 1960s.  I think I made a significant contribution in all of those countries, but I did not stay.                        Peter C. Patton, Ph.D.


My comments:

“Legal” immigration is half of the problem.  Around 1920 our politicians treasonously blocked immigration from white Christian nations and opened it exclusively full tilt to nonwhite nations.

[See: Race or Mongrel - A Brief History of the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Races of Earth: a Theory That the Fall of Nations is Due to Intermarriage with Alien Stocks: a Demonstration that a Nation’s Strength is Due to Racial Purity: A Prophecy that America Will Sink to Early Decay Unless Immigration is Rigorously Restricted (1908) Also Including The End of Darwinism - Not Change, But Persistence is Characteristic of Life, Every Change is Essentially A Persistence, Only What Persists Can Change (an Essay), Alfred P. Schultz, M.D., 414pp., pb., 22.00 + P&H, which I print.]

The problem is perverted thinking.  There is no statue of limitations on fraud—not on fraud committed by politicians who wave a magic wand and call illegals, “legals”; not on fraud committed by illegals who cross the border and have babies on our soil.  20 generations can pass and no lawful action or right can arise out of fraud.  Those who recognize fraud as legitimate are fools.  Christ Himself, the Personification of Wisdom declared, “But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate Me love death” (Proverbs 8:36)—hence the current trend toward the brainwashing-induced suicide of Christendom.

The “official” reason is that workers are needed and people are needed to pay into the social services—but as Dr. Patton points out, most of the imported Third-world aliens drain from the system, rather than contribute to it.  Thus, the very excuse the politicians use here in the U.S., as well as in the U.K., Germany, Sweden, etc., is itself a lie.  In fact, the reasons Caucasians have been having less children, is because the corrupt politicians continue to raise taxes and regulations that makes living expenses rise, so many who would want children choose not to (but have no desire to just crank them out like a dog in heat and let them be raised on the streets, as many Third-World peoples do, even when they invade our nations).  Furthermore, the communist propaganda brainwashing in the schools of “white guilt” causes brainwashed whites to even feel guilty about reproducing (or if they do, they shack up with a Third-world savage to help assist the destruction of our people and the wholesale giving to the savages our nations and all that our ancestors labored to pass on to us.

[I always feel ashamed that I don’t have a black comforter on my bed...I think I suffer from white quilt...]

This is in addition to the aliens taking over many entire neighborhoods and towns.  This is in addition to all the resources that aliens (who have an average of 6[?] children each?—per wife!) consume from health care, and from dishonestly living on public assistance for decades (whose offspring will live for the next several decades on public assistance as they continue to reproduce in the same numbers and soon outpopulate us, and slowly murder us, until they make their final move to take over completely).

[Were they on welfare back in their own countries?  Why then do they all of the sudden need to be on welfare in our countries?  Did they work back in their own countries?  Why then do they not work in our countries? —more importantly, why did they not stay in their own countries?  Do they not like their own people?  If they fled because their own countries were not safe, why were their countries not safe?  What is it about their people that they cannot provide a safe nation for their own poeple to live in?  Why do they demand “rights” in our nations (how often do you entertain “guests” who “demand” things of you in your own home?) and then try to turn our nations into the type of nations from which they fled?  If they truly fled from “oppression” should they not be eternally grateful to have no rights, but have privileges as second-class limited-guests in a safe country?  Why can they not abide by the laws of our nations?  Why would they "flee" to a nation whose laws they have no intention of obeying?  Why do they commit crime in our nations if they were so “oppressed” themselves...?  What is it about their religion and their nature—their DNA—that does not understand “do unto others as you would have others do unto you?”  Why do we allow psychopaths to enter our society?  Why do we not punish alien criminals?  These are all questions that need to be addressed in detail while all nonwhite, nonchristian immigration is put permanently on hold.  The answer to all this is because God is causing us to reap what we have sown for violating His Law and violating Christ’s very command (which we shall see shortly).]

This is not counting the increase in violent crime, prison, police, court costs, (tens of billions of dollars); the destruction of the host-race, culture, religion, society.

[Though the statistics in it are a decade old, see my book, The Other Side, 460pp., plastic comb-bound, 22.50 + P&H, which shows the sheer magnitude of the problem (and Treasonous lies of the politicians)—which grows exponentially every few years.]

Explain it however you want, the treasonous politicians are importing revolution.  That is High Treason: a capital offense.  Every single politician, from highest to lowest, who has not FOUGHT this treason, is party to it and deserves to swing with those who promote it.

The aliens, in any host nation that they infiltrate will vote (even as they vote in the U.S.) for the party that gives them the most free stuff; stolen from the taxpayers—which is communism: redistribution of the wealth.  The politicians, of course, give themselves a large piece of the pie for all their “hard labor” and “sacrifice” in creating chaos, terrorism, revolution, and giving away other peoples’ money.  Treason is hard work, you know.  Of course, the politicians never redistribute their own wealth.  How odd is that from such “philanthropists”...?  No, they keep that in private off-shore accounts (and consume a large amount with their gargantuan carbon footprint in each of their several mansions and when they fly all over the world living the “good life” at your expense) and they set up tax-free “foundations”, while giving your money to your enemies and inviting them to live among you to dispossess you.  Isn’t that thoughtful of them?  Each politician should have a statue in his honor.  They are so noble and should be worshipped.

They produce nothing.  In fact, as I explain in another Rumination, they have the “Anti-Midas Touch”—everything golden that they touch turns to lead (or crap).  It can’t be a “coicidence”.  No one is that unlucky or that incompetent.  Clearly, it is all planned and they are running our nation into the ground as the true American people stand around and do nothing (or sit and watch t.v., watching savages play with a ball, watching movies and concerts by leftist degenerates who then use that money to help further destroy Christendom; which I discuss in another Rumination).

The aliens eventually—INEVITABLY—in a few decades, will out-breed and out-vote (and murder and mongrelize by degrees) the host nation until the remaining host population is the persecuted and ravaged minority.

[They outbreed themselves in their own lands, that is why they want ours.  That is the fruit of what we have sown in violating God’s Commands to NOT help the heathen; to NOT love the wicked or those who hate our God; to NOT do good unto them; to show them NO pity; to NOT seek their peace or prosperity FOREVER; to make NO treaties with them.  You reap what you sow.  Because we have sent them money, food, water, medicine, technology, built them infrastructure, educated them, taught them to read and write after first developing their own written language, dictionaries, and grammars for them, taught them to wear clothing, build houses, grow food, kept them from killing each other in incessant, intestine wars, sold them weapons, etc. (ALL through the unconstitutional misappropriation of U.S. taxpayer money, resources, and armed forces; as well as “tax-free” charities that use the money donated to them to help aliens and alien nations), we have upset the natural balance of life and they have so outpopulated that their own nations cannot contain them.  Thus, they turn on the host like the proverbial dog that bites the hand that feeds him.  Christ Himself said, “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you” (Matthew 7:6).  I guess Jesus was just speaking in riddles or telling some interesting fictional story, right?  How odd that a certain breed of these Third-World aliens commonly call each other “dog” in nearly every conversation.  That’s just a “coincidence”, I guess.  How odd that God said that because of our sins He would send the very worst of the heathen among us to possess our houses; and that in the end time the Dragon / Serpent (Satan) will spew forth a Flood (the Third World) to drown the woman and her child (God’s people).  Gosh, there are so many “coincidences”... I guess that is just another “coincidence”—that there are so many “coincidences”.]

The treasonous politicians think that they can control the alien masses (but Dr. Frankenstein thought that he could control his monster too).  They would do well to remember Marie Antoinette and that there is a Just God in Heaven, as Thomas Jefferson declared, “whose Justice will not sleep forever”.

The corrupt politicians, as always, are the problem.  As Jefferson said, “No government is better than bad [evil] government”.  Normal problems are like small easily extinguished individual campfires.  Government involvement in anything is like spraying 1,000 gallons of highly pressurized gasoline onto each fire, just before the fire would have gone out on its own.

White families also have fewer children, partly because they have been brainwashed with materialism and into wanting the coziest lifestyle—selfishly, at the cost of their ancestral family and their ancestral nation; and in rebellion against God to “be fruitful and multiply and SUBDUE the earth and HAVE DOMINION.  In keeping with the Law of the Harvest (you reap what you sow), if you don’t subdue and take dominion—someone else will take it from and subdue you.  If you don’t weed a garden so the good plants can thrive—the noxious weeds will take over and choke the life from the good plants.

Again, to reiterate: The true peoples of the host nation of the nations of Christendom are taxed (illegally) more and more to pay for all the godless wars as well as the ever-burgeoning Police and Welfare State, in order to provide for all the needs of the politicians and the ARMY of “government” agencies and employees, and to provide for all the “needs” of the endless migratory bevy of aliens who flock to our nation; and to continue to support the alien nations so they can continue to incubate more Third World aliens to come and prey upon us.

So over-taxed and over-regulated are they that the only “unnecessary expenditure” that white families of the host nation think that they can “cut out” from the “budget plan” is to make sure they don’t have any more children.

[And it is no loss, for if those white children did come into existence most will just end up being aborted, raped, or destroyed by marrying a savage, due to the politicians’ refusal to punish alien criminals, and due to the schools and media teaching white people to hate themselves and throw themselves on the savages to atone for their ancestors’ sins of “racism”, “Colonialism”, “exploitation”, “slavery” (and the extinction of dinosaurs or whatever other bogus notion they can concoct) and thus breed themselves and our race out of existence.]

But are not those non-existent children supposed to be part the parents’ “Retirement Plan”...?  Parents don’t spend 18+ years raising children and paying for all their needs for the “fun” of it...!  It is an investment.  Yet the corrupt “government” has forced the host nation, treasonously, to “invest” in aliens abroad and aliens in our own lands—to the point of our own extinction.

Why does everyone think that a fictitious entity (the “government”) is the answer to everything?  How can something that does not actually exist be an answer to anything?  The “government” isn’t an answer to anything (for it does not actually exist, and our enemies masquerade as that entity; the true and only Constitutionally lawful Government of the U.S. is NOT a corporation or endless agencies or our elected and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS; the TRUE people—not imported aliens, regardless how many generations they have been grazing and reproducing on our soil).  People erroneously believe that that the “government” is the answer because they believe in the communist fairy tales with which they have been brainwashed from childhood; their minds having been bombarded from every angle and polluted with propaganda.  When everything goes wrong, they just continue to believe the bogus excuses of the traitorous, subversive politicians, and give them Carte Blanche to continue to destroy our nation, Christendom, and civilization itself.

Again, Jefferson said, “A government big enough to provide everything that you need is big enough to take everything that you have”.  “Government” is a myth that derives its power from those stupid enough to believe in it; to believe that it exists in and of itself.  A family does not exist in and of itself, but is comprised of its individual, separate entities: father, mother, children, extended family (that is, in the traditional, normal, mentally healthy, moral form of what is known as “family”).  Government does not exist of itself nor for itself; if it does, then let it pay itself without taxing anyone and without counterfeiting and without stealing the people’s land and other property!  The land does not belong to a fictitious “government”—the land belongs to the LAWFUL people.  Congress (who are our representatives, not our rulers—and if they misrepresent us they have committed High Treason) has NO authority to change the Constitution.  The Constitution is to be interpreted according to the Common Law and the intent of the Founders at the time that they drafted the Constitution and ratified it.  The U.S. adopted the Common Law of England (codified by Alfred the Great, which was based on the Law of God as contained in the Holy Bible and practiced by the Germanic and Celtic peoples, often even in their pagan blindness).  CHRISTIANITY is part of the Common Law.  The Common Law also states that “Individual liberties are antecedent to all government”.

[See my, The Liberty Document, 220pp.; plastic comb-bound 15.00 + P&H and my series, America, Christianity, Liberty & Truth (inquire).]

The only lawful Government is the (true) people: for the (true) people and by the (true) people—not imported aliens who flood into our nation, reproduce on a tax-payer funded breeding program, and then steal the vote and steal the nation.  Our Founders had NO such notions in mind (except under the heading of “High Treason”—and there is NO statute of limitations on fraud and High Treason, of which, nearly all politicians are guilty).  Government employees and public servants who think that “they” are “the law” are criminals and traitors.

Aliens, on the other hand, are like predators and vermin (“parasite”, also, fits so naturally with the concept of “host” nation, and the invaders’ nature and behaviour).  They simply breed continually by instinct with no concern for how the offspring are raised—they will constitute an army so why invest love and affection in the next 13-year old suicide bomber?  Many “good Christian” white couples have been so utterly brainwashed that they adopt alien children (or even have the white mother impregnated with alien embryos!) under the Antichrist delusion that doing so “pleases Jesus”.  Do you really think that Jesus, the Master, will be pleased when He returns to find His children breeding with the dogs on top of the table...! —in violation of His specific commands to the contrary?  Most “Christians” think “yes”—and thereby show that they are not Christians: They are not Christ’s sheep—they don’t know or follow [obey] His Voice, but that of a stranger (Wolfowitz).

Furthermore, a compromised food chain, pesticides, artificial preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial colors, chemical texturizers, etc., vaccines, drugs, radiation, dirty electricity, all sorts of chemical and electro-magnetic pollution, etc., all purposely allowed or encouraged (all known to cause disease), can also contribute to infertility and disease (which provide steady business for the doctors and drug companies) and shortened life span.  Add to that a good supply of soy (fed as hamburgers to school children in their formative years) which (not even considering the GMO health hazzards) contains estrogen-like, hormone-like substances that can screw with children’s hormones in their formative years and screw with their mental health, including their understanding of gender (see my Rumination on GMO soy).  Couple that with a perverse propagandizing of children in school, tv, movies, music, children’s books, “church”, as well as in perverted home environments normalizing perversion, etc., and you have combined all the elements for the “perfect storm” for homo-perversion, the further demoralization and destruction of society.*

[* Both Greece and Rome fell due to mongrelization and homoperversion—the two last stages of death of any civilization.  And yet the subverters sing that “Diversity is our strength” and praise the homoperverts that make “wonderful contributions” to our society (but they can’t think of any of these “wonderful contributions” to actually mention them).  The truth is, die-versity is our demise.]

All these things help to lower the birth rate and comprome the integrity of the sustained host population.  Add to the disease caused by the aforementioned pollution the new diseases being imported with the Third World revolutionists.  Add to that outright murder by the aliens—tens of thousands a year in the U.S., and alarmingly rising rates in other nations of Christendom, and the greater picture of our depopulation and the overgrowth of the aliens becomes even more stark.

[Also, add to all the above an UNBIBLICAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL punishing of men and immorally skewed “legal” system that gives the mother the lioness’ share of parental “rights” (including the right to kill her own unborn children) and you add to the homopervert population as well as lower the birth rate of white babies.  As I show in my Rumination on GMO soy, GMO soy combined with single mothers who emasculate the children’s father and flaunts the power of the woman, in addition to social programming, causes boys to grow up effeminate (if not homo) and the girls to grow up masculinized (if not lesbians).  The white birth rate is also lowered by women murdering the fetus in them, but also I imagine that most ANY man (regardless of how “wonderful” his wife or girlfriend is) ALWAYS is a factor in the man’s mind whether to have children or marry at all.  Not only are the parental powers skewed in the woman’s favor if the relationship deteriorates, but the man is forced to pay for it all (and even though the average family in the U.S. cannot afford 2 houses or apartments, and 2 electric bills, etc., and 2 cars—the man is forced to pay for both and yet gets none of the benefits of “family”).  This is a sad endictment upon women, who in the Spirit of Jezebel, have risen up and helped to destroy Christendom.]

To further understand the extent of the problem, realize that the corrupt, subversive, treasonous politicians have purposely lobotomized several generations of our people from childhood.  They are raised experimenting with sex and drugs and addicted also to ignorance, irresponsibility, leisure, amusement, entertainment, games, and sports.  The politicians have dumbed down our educational system and propagandized them with immorality and socialism instead of truth.  They have thus created an entire slave-labor drone class to serve them and their families.  Few Americans today have any skills—despite the fact that “Yanky engenuity” used to characterize Americans, back when they still had the Puritan Work Ethic.  The public schools graduate seniors with a 5th-grade education (the level on which the U.S. Army manuals are written) and most public school graduates could not pass the entrance exams to college, if they could afford the tuition.  Many have been fooled by the government’s enticing offer, and are now in debt hundreds of thousands of dollars, whether they eventually graduated or whether they earned a worthless degree that does not even help them get a job.  Being in additional massive credit-card and car-loan debt, thanks to the Talmudic “buy now, worry about paying later” mentality, does not help them any.  Some are even fleeing the nation to escape debt.  However, if you are a nonwhite, you have a good chance of having your college tuition completely paid for—and even ivy league schools, for over a quarter century, have had to create remedial math and English classes for the flood of unqualified nonwhites they must admit in order to receive government funds.  Many incoming nonwhites cannot even fill out the application, construct simple sentences, or do basic math—and yet they were graduated from high school and will soon be granted “degrees”.  In spite of having a worthless paper degree and no real skill or intelligence, they will be further preferred for jobs because they are a “minority” and have a “college degree”.

Students at Wayne State University in Michigan no longer have to take a single math course to graduate; instead, they may have to take a required “diversity course”.


The University of Akron, Ohio, is closing 80 degreed programs and opening a “gaming center” instead: “competitive video gaming, known as esports.... [it will] open three facilities to accommodate varsity, club, and recreational gamers.... [and will have] the largest amount of dedicated esports space of any university in the world...”


An alarming percentage of the youger generation have as their only skills:

- playing video games, playing sports, knowing how to get the most money from public assistence programs;

- being “consultants” for: knowing the rights of mosquito larvae and hoot owls; nonwhite, non-christian, homo, and / or feminist activism; whether or not anything might possibly be misconstrued to be insulting or discrimanatory to anyone other than white, male Christians;

Add to all these non-producers (unskilled, uneducated youth, aliens, people on welfare, and politicians):

- a den of lawyers;

- a pack of doctors and drug companies who create disease so that they can then “control” it with (ironically) a continual panoply of drugs;

[This is not to say that doctors and hospitals serve no function, but what they do is based on control, coercion, and fraud.  Insurance is a ponzi scheme.  I just learned from a neighbor that 20-minute medivac chopper ride is billed to the insurance company for $40,000.  I know 3 different people that went to the hospital for tests, for a broken hand, etc., and were slapped with a $26,000 bill.  The one with the broken hand, when he informed the hospital that he did not have insurance, quickly offered him $800 paid-in-full if he paid then.  This is BLATANT fraud.  How can insurance pay?  There must be government funding, subsidies, bail-outs, etc. so the taxpayers are raped continually; and it seems no one is aware of it.  Anyone who can think and do simple math can see through it.  It is fraud, racketeering, false billing, extortion.  If the governmentis involved and billing taxpayers somehow, adding it to the national debt, hiding it as payments for something else, it is Treason.  Governments, doctors, the AMA, the FDA etc., have NO RIGHT over someone elses life; NO right to tell anyone what type of herb or drug they can take, what type of medical treatment they can pursue; they have NO right to force anyone to be vaccinated or purchase insurance.  This is TOTALITARIANISM.]

- a gaggle of teachers teaching nonsense, fiction, make-believe, socialism propaganda, outright lies, and the normalization of mental derangement; colleges churning out graduates with degrees in propaganda and psychosis fantasy as if it were reality, such as: LGBTQ studies (and other perverse forms of grotesque, blasphemous, antichrist immoral mental disorders); Latino studies; African-American studies; Feminist studies; colleges churning out graduates with degrees in “guessing”, trained by professors who let students bring cheat sheets to the final exams, choose TWO possible answers on multiple choice questions, throw out the lowest test score!  Can you spell: w-o-r-t-h-l-e-s-s  d-e-g-r-e-e ...? and a-c-a-d-e-m-i-c  f-r-a-u-d ...?

Add to this the disappearance of family farms, importation of the food supply, government control of the food supply, people lacking the skills and knowledge  and the drive to actually grow their own food (something that the majority of the earth’s population has known and practiced for 6,000 years!); mega-corporations (whose only concern is profit); the closing of U.S. factories and factories being shipped outside the U.S.;

Combine this with decreasing rights for true citizens to defend themselves from abusive renegade politicians and their armies of police, or from the violent savage alien criminals whom they import and breed.

Add all of this together and it paints a pretty dismal picture.  It has all been planned.  The “government” wants everyone dependent upon it—even though it produces nothing, is known to be utterly corrupt, and screws up anything that it touches!  Christ said that unless the Father draws those final days of tribulation short no flesh of the elect of His people would survive.  That is why Satan wants to destroy the true peoples of Christendom, who are the true Israel of God, from off the face of the earth and mongrelize us out of existence.  God promised to preserve a remnant.  If He fails to do that, He is not the Omnipotent, Perfect God that He has held Himself out to be and thus Satan will renew efforts and hopes that he can eventually defeat God altogether.  We are the weakest link.  We are the bargaining chips.  We are on the menu!

Most people respond to such stressful cognitive dissonance by shutting down mentally and losing themselves in their work, hobby, leisure, or amusement and adopting the Epicurean mentality.  The whole antichrist plan of the subverters who have hijacked our nation and all of Christendom is to keep the host population in a constant state of stress, chaos, terrorism, war, work, work work, tax, tax, tax, so they don’t have time to think of what life actually used to be like when they were actually free.  The mind-set of the current poor-excuse-for-a-population is that they are “free” because they have the right to decide whether they will have McDonald’s or Burger King for dinner.  Yahoo... free... free... thank God I’m free at last...!

The average person impotently thinks, “I am only one person, what little can I do?” —but if 150 million people stopped thinking that way we would not be in the situation we are in: on the Titanic teetering on the edge of Niagara.  Edmund Burke said, “All that is required for evil to triumph over good is for good people to do nothing”.  However, I would add, “If good men do nothing in the face of evil, then they are not really good... are they?”  God said, “To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin”.  It is also sin even to those who don’t know (because they should know), but that was not the thrust of that passage of Scripture.  The thrust of that verse is that intelligent, informed people who don’t do what is right sin against God.

People have been brainwashed (and practically treated with electro-shock therapy) with politically correct fairy tales for so long, it is like a prison cell without bars.  

This reminds me of an old movie I remember with James Garner as a new sheriff in a western town.  He inherits the sheriff’s office and the jail that had begun being remodeled, but the work had stopped, and the jail cells had no bars!  No one really obeyed the law, so the previous sherrif saw no need to finish the jail.  James Garner took a can of white paint and simply painted a  3-inch wide, 10-foot long line on the floor to indicate where the jail cell bars were supposed to be.  He then also took some red paint and dribbled it sporadically around one small section of the white line.  When he put his first prisoner in the jail cell, the prisoner laughed, asking what was going to keep him in?  Garner pointed out that the white line represented where the jail cell bars were supposed to be, and that the prisoners were on the “honor system” until the bars were installed.  While the still-sneering prisoner was thinking to himself, “Yeah, right, what’s going to make me stay on this side of the line?”, he noticed the dribbled red (paint) and a bit unnerved asked what it was.  Garner told him nonchalantly, “Oh, That was the last person who stepped over the line”.  

[I am also humorously reminded of a story a friend told me.  He had been on a plane, years ago, and the person next to him was a Russian coming to visit the U.S. for the first time.  He was noticeably nervous, and my friend learned that this Russian had grown up watching American westerns, and for some reason, he thought that is what America was like in 1970, as Hollywood depicted westerns in the 1800s.  He thought there were going to be showdowns in the street with people slapping leather and drawing down on one another.  While funny—if that was our only problem, we would still be in pretty good shape.]

That, of course, was funny in a well-done movie, but sadly, it also represents how the true people of Christendom have imprisoned themselves into learned helplessness by their own ignorance, lust, and rebellion against God.  50 million to 150 million rightful citizens.  A few thousand corrupt politicians telling us that we have to “obey the Law” (i.e. “them”).  However, the only Law is the U.S. Constitution (based upon the original individual State Constitutions, all based on the the morality of the Bible, interpreted according to the Common Law)—and all laws that contradict it are VOID.  Politicians are VOID.  They are IMPOTENT.  Their only “power” is conjured up when ignorant people believe that the politicians have any power or authority.  Politicians are public servants.  They are supposed to do what WE tell them.  If they don’t, THEY are the criminals.  THEY need to watch “Hang Them High” and a few westerns to remember what justice is.  THEY need to remember that Thomas Jefferson, genius Founder and author of the Declaration of Independence, and close consultant for the hammering out of the U.S. Constitution, and our Third President said,

“In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him [politicians] down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution .... Experience has shown, that even under the best forms [of government] those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny .... History in general, only informs us what bad government is.  Blest is that nation whose silent course of happiness furnishes nothing for history to say .... Resistence to tyrants is obedience to God .... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants .... God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such ‘rebellion’*.”

[* The single quotes around ‘rebellion’ are mine.  This term can only be used sarcastically.  Since the politicians are the servants of the people, it is impossible for the masters to ‘rebel’ against their servants.  In reality, if the people rise up against the politicians, it is not a ‘rebellion’—but it is actually a quelling of the rebellion of their servants.  Note mine.  R.A.B.]

People think that there is no hope and they are right.  Without returning to the One True God and the true Reformed faith, which were responsible for the Golden Ages of our Republics—and without jettisoning all multiculturalism and all gender perversion and all interfaith blasphemy and all corrupt, perverse, communistic, humanistic philosophy and pseudo-laws—there is no hope.

In fact, God has sent the delusion and fear upon His own people to incapacitate those who refuse to honor and obey Him; who refuse to admit the problem; who think that the problem is actually anything and everything but what the problem actually is; who claim there is no problem (other than straight, racist white Christian males who cling to outdated notions).  Until God's people repent and do what is right and realize that morality never changes and that what God declared to be immoral 4,000 years ago still is today (and always will be), then we will continue to be destroyed.  Why should God deliver us from what we are willing to tolerate? from what we have even embraced...?  Thus, God will cull off the bad blood of His flock until the only ones who are left are those who are actually repenting (which entails knowing what God commanded, stopping doing what He forbade, asking forgiveness through the Sacrifice of Christ, and starting doing what He commanded). 

God save Your people!