— End of Freedom on Planet Earth, The

The End of Freedom on Planet Earth:Why God Can’t (Shouldn’t & Won’t) Bless America

& The Mass of Evidence concerning the 9-11 Tragedy

and the Last Days of Our Republic

Robert Alan Balaicius

328 pages, illustrated;














A scathing indictment against politicial (and spiritual) corruption... an incredible synthesis of a mass amount of information concerning the 9-11 Tragedy, and how it relates to a plethora of other "coincidences" and "tragedies" the truth of which has been kept from the world (how tangled the web of deceit is, who was involved, who has benefited, etc.)... profound insight and analysis of the facts that no one else has put together or been willing to declare as boldly... the intricate depths of the web of deceit and corruption... How politicians have used immigration, the media, the public schools, and the churches to sack and pillage America... Shocking statistics... Exposes the common root of most evil... The traitor’s of America’s dirty laundry held out for all to see... what the Constitution and our Forefathers had to say... What can we expect next...? The dangers America and the world need to know... Is there any hope for our Republic...? A wealth of information in one book... Learn the facts and inform others while there is time. This book covers political topics in great detail (zionist control of America, immigration, political corruption, oppressive legislation, taxation, regulation, control, etc., as well as the 9-11 tragedy--and others committed by the same peoples: Bay of Pigs, TWA Flight 800, Attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, Murrah Federal Building, Iran Contras, drugs $ & politics. Israeli Prime Ministers & U.S. Presidents are war criminals/terrorists, etc.) yet contains enough spiritual insight to be palatable to secular peoples. How Christianity is being outlawed. How white Christian will become an extinct species as 3rd worlders steal the "American Dream" other have worked for. A powerful book for Freedom. NOTE: This book is not merely about 9-11. The evidence presented in relation to 9-11 is just the tip of the iceberg. This book ties the entire conspiracy together from nearly every possible angle.


Hardback, 26.00 donation + P&H,

paperback currently SOLD OUT,

plastic comb-bound, 16.00 donation + P&H.


    Colonel Donn de Grand Pre* had this to say about End of Freedom...:

"You are to be commended for the excellent job you did in synthesizing an incredible amount of information into one readable volume.  What is even more impressive is the time frame in which you accomplished it."**

[* a decorated Army Air Corps fighter pilot (WWII and Korea) and OSS (Office of Strategic Services), he was appointed by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara as Director of Grounds Weapons Systems; he was also former arms salesman to Pentagon. He wrote several books exposing the conspiracy in the U.S. "government" and Zionism’s quest for world domination. Inquire for details concerning Colonel Grand Pre’s books.

** End of Freedom...was one of the first books out on the topic.] 

Lt.-Col. Jack Mohr and Eustace Mullins also had the highest of praise for End of Freedom....