— Mystery of the Law and Grace Solved!, The
The Mystery of The Law and Grace Solved!
Robert Alan Balaicius
190 pages, several illustrations
Many mysteries of Scripture are clearly resolved; a moving account of what Christ actually suffered for us and what being “covered in blood of Christ” fully means; the mystery of “Christ in you” and “you in Christ” revealed; the harmony of the Law & Grace easily resolved; proof that the Promises & Covenants God gave to Israel have not been "spiritualized" away, nor generalized to all peoples—this study covers most every passage outside the gospels (and some within the gospels) which the average person uses in their feeble attempts to show that God somehow changed His Covenants (breaking His Word to His people) to include everyone;
paperback, 12.00 donation + P&H;
Hardback, 22.00 donation + P&H.