— Chosen Victimhood Mentality Reconsidered


I received the below link and read the article


Here are some of my thoughts in response to the article at the link above:

Interesting piece.  Interesting that the synagogue of Satan looks to Satan for new forms of violence for revenge.  Actually, I would not be surprised in the slightest, if these 3 youth were themselves sacrificed by those claiming to be victims, to then have a “reason” to retaliate.  It would not be the first time.  As far as their claim that the “goyim” are the filthy ones, history records an entirely different picture.  Even General George Patton (before his assassination) freely expressed his disgust concerning the unnecessary filth of those who are now claiming that the “goyim” are the filthy ones.  He also expressed how he believed that the entire war (WWII) was a farce, an injustice, and that we entered the war on the wrong side and destroyed the best nation in Europe.  Many astute Jews and nonJews alike have recognized that the Jews need “persecution” (real or imagined) to pull them together against a common enemy (real or imagined) to keep them from destroying each other.  Many Jewish leaders, both religious and secular, have argued that Jews need enemies—that without so-called “anti-Semitism”, Judaism and Jews cannot survive.  Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism and a secular Jew, expressed “our enemies have made us one ... It is only pressure that forces us back to the parent stem.”

In a prediction that reflects an approach to the survival of Judaism strikingly similar to that of the founder of the Lubavitch Hasidim, Herzl warned that if our “Christian hosts were to leave us in peace ... for two generations,” the Jewish people would “merge entirely into surrounding races.”  Albert Einstein agreed: “It may be thanks to anti-Semitism that we are able to preserve our existence as a race; that at any rate is my belief.”  Jean-Paul Sartre, a non-Jew, went even further, arguing that the “sole tie that binds [the Jewish people together] is the hostility and disdain of the societies which surround them.”  He believed that “it is the anti-Semite who makes the Jew” (that is, it is the host-nation that opposes the parasite, that gives the parasite his strength and even moulds his determination).

Wim van Leer (son of a Dutch-born Jewish industrialist), a columnist for the (English daily) Jerusalem Post:

“Hatred became an indispensable prop for the maintenance of Jewish cohesion and identity, for whenever the cold eye of ostracism was mellowed by a kindly glint, whenever humanism and liberalism reared their ugly heads, Jewish identity melted away in the warm bath of assimilation.”  [The New York Times (March 3, 1980), “In Israel, We Revel in Our Ostracism.”]  [from A Greater “Miracle” Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered...,® Clèraubat, pp. 35-37]

Also, Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) was an American syndicated journalist, who received his B.A. in English from Eastern Michigan University and did graduate work there and received a fellowship there to lecture on Shakespeare and English.  He was a penetrating thinker and writer; he was a senior editor of the National Review (21 years overall) and also wrote for or edited the Roman Catholic newsweekly The Wanderer producing the column “Washington Watch”; a monthly column in Catholic Family News; "a column titled “Bare Bodkin” the paleo-conservative Chronicles magazine; and articles for The Human Life Review, Celebrate Life!, The Free Market, Harper’s magazine, and The American Spectator.  His writing were nationally syndicated for over 5 years by Universal Press Syndicate (2 columns a week published in about 70 newspapers).  He was also a commentator on CBS’s radio series “Spectrum.”
He was fired from the National Review in 1993 because of his “Antisemitic” writings; that is—for speaking the truth without trying to hide the identity of those who were guilty. With keen insight he once wrote in the New York Times that


“[Jewish power is unique in that it is] off-limits to normal criticism.... Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it.  A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you.”

In a New York Times article, Sobran quoted the Israeli columnist, Ari Shavit, who described his feelings after the killing of a hundred civilians in a military skirmish in southern Lebanon,

“We killed them out of a certain naïve hubris.  Believing with absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as our own.” (May 27, 1996) [from A Greater “Miracle” Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered...,® Clèraubat, pp. 469,470]