— Who Was the Serpent in the Garden? and The Waters that Covered the Earth
Who Was the Serpent in the Garden?
A Case of Reptilian Rebellion or Angelic Anarchy...?
[Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Genesis 3]
Charming and Smashing the Serpentile Myth Concerning Original Sin in the Garden that Makes Nonsense of the Scriptures
“The Waters That Covered the Earth:”
A Flood of Questions / A Deluge of Controversy
[Sacred Truth Expository Commentary on Genesis 6-9]
Limited Time: Special Internet Offer: 10% off if ordering Who Was the Serpent? and What Was the Mark that God Placed on Cain? at the same time.
Robert Alan Balaicius, 778pp., pb., 40.00 + P&H.
Some of the most original and enlightening information on these and many other topics; also an in-depth refutation, exposing the doctrinal and logical errors of Erwin Lutzer's book, The Serpent of Paradise.