Someone emailed and asked:

I know someone who does not use a social security number or driver’s license; he thinks that he is building Christ’s kingdom by establishing a new name, an identity separate from and outside of the current system.  I fail to see how the legal ramifications that he has is being persecuted in any fashion like the apostles were. We are under bondage and in captivity and have to submit to the current system up to the point where we are not breaking Yaweh’s laws.  I fail to see how he is bringing the kingdom of God by not having a state issued driver’s license and no social security numbers for any of his family. He has only drawn unneeded attention to himself.  Often those without social security numbers and drivers licenses are always dependent upon someone else who currently is in the system.  Some I know are quite enraged about having to have or get a number and or driver’s license.


My reply/comment:

You don’t understand the ramifications and implications of the SS# and driver’s license if you don’t see the importance of such patriots.  The only language the antichrist and traitorous, subversive politicians understand is “lawsuit”.  If you violate someone’s rights for freely exercising his Constitutional rights, you are liable for criminal and civil lawsuits.  If enough people stood up for what is right the enemy would back down and the criminal politicians would go to jail.  Social Security number, birth certificate, and marriage license are the legal traps that corrupt, renegade public servants use to claim ownership of your body and that of your children.  The driver’s license is what they use to control your movement and tax and fine you for it; and continually regulate you more and more.

The late George Gordon of Isabella, Missouri (who passed away September 2014) and Bob Halstrom of Barrister’s Inn School of Common Law (founded 1979), in Boise, Idaho, and also a separate person, “Pastor Paul Revere” (an invented name, I believe) of Embassy of Heaven, Sublimity, Oregon, with varied success drove on the highway without state license or plates, rescinded SS#, didn’t pay income taxes, etc. (and the late Howard Freeman of Montana was successful in the latter category)—but it requires knowing the law and not giving in to scare tactics, persecution, intimidation, etc. (and also being willing to be arrested, spend time in jail, be harrassed, have your car impounded, etc.).  In most cases you cannot hire a lawyer, because most lawyers are ignorant of Constitutional and Common (like most doctors know nothing about health, herbs, or vitamins; they only know about drugs and surgery and AMA “approved” methods).  Furthermore, when you hire a lawyer, you are declaring yourself to be incompetent and giving your power of attorney to a lawyer—and the Juris Corupus Secundum reveals that a lawyer’s loyalty is to the court first and secondly to the client.  

[See also: Secret Oath of Lawyers, 32pp., booklet, 3.00 + P&H.]

Obviously, those who plan to make an escape from Alcatraz or Stalag 13 who actually competently study a valid plan will be more successful than those who just make a run for it and never think it through, being completely ignorant.  Pharaoh does not like those whom he thinks are “his slaves” running off “his plantation” as if they were free.

The SS# is an unconstitutional slave identification number, as is marriage license, drivers license, etc.  Each of these identifications makes you a ward of the state, without constitutitonal rights, only privileges that they grant to you (requiring you to jump through any hoop they put before you), which can be ammended or stripped from you completely at their whim.

The corrupt politicians say that we need all these identifiers—which would not be needed if they did not flood the nation with aliens and if criminals were swiftly and constitutionally sentenced for their crimes.  However, criminals are very important to the “government”—they are a tool that they use to herd the law abiding citizens into the containment area and then through the cattle chute onto the cattle trucks to send to market to make money off.  

More and more each year, these “identifiers” and restrictive documents and licenses become greater and greater—fingerprinting, retinal eye scan, DNA sample, microchip implants, spy satellites, traffic cameras, security cameras on every street corner, TVs that spy on you, cell phones and computers that spy on you, phone taps and computerized surveilance of phone conversations or conversations in public like in test sites in Donut shops, etc.), sale of all social media communications to the “government” by social media companies, etc. ...

[The easiest way to catch wild hogs or turkeys or horses or whatever is to fence in the size containment area that you want, and leave the wide gates open... generously supply dried corn and apples or whatever “bait” (government hand-out) that you can.  Eventually, they will appear like clockwork in morning and evening, or even hang out all day long, milling about the area.  Eventually, once the entire herd or flock is inside, you simply close the gates.  Curiosity may kill the cat, but greed is a far-more-powerful motivater.  This is what they have done to the people—lavishing all sorts of “benefits” on the less moral, less honorable segment of the population (which will soon multiply quickly), despite the simple logic that there is no “free lunch”, SOMEONE has to pay for it.  While fruit grows on trees, fully cooked cafeteria meals do not (and though fruit grows on trees, someone must cultivate the land, plant the trees, water, fertilize, weed, control insects and thieving birds and rodents, etc., pick the fruit, hall to market—the story of the Little Red Hen comes to mind).  Once the majority of the population has run after the dangling carrot, or reached for the brass ring, or daily come for the free corn and water, then they are informed that it is not free and they are read the riot act in the fine print of the unspoken contract.  God declares, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.  If the people even did a tiny bit of study they would realize that fraud invalidates any scheme.  However, even if the majority knew of the fraud, they would still embrace it (even as the Israelites wanted to go back to Egypt once they realized that being on their own in the wilderness required work).]

NONE of these totalitarian surveillances were needed for centuries, and again, they would not be needed if they did not import criminal alien refuse into our nation and put them on a taxpayer-funded breeding program.  Over 2 million prisoners in the US, 90+% of them are not our people (and the majority of those who are our people would not have become criminals had our education system not been de-Christianized and if Hollywood and other smut purveyors not been given free rein.  At $65,000 / year average incarceration cost per prisoner that is $130 BILLION per year (not counting cost of police, courts, surveilence, parole officers, security guards, etc.—or loss of life and property of the true victims).  And yet the same political traitorous bastards pass laws to allow deranged homoperverts and freaks to use any bathroom they choose (the only thing that will change these immoral laws is once children or women start getting raped in bathrooms, like the homopervert predators do in rest area bathrooms along the nation’s highways; see story at the end of a homopervert predator in England).  

Judge-prostitutes fine Christian bakers for not celebrating someone else’s perversion; politician-prostitutes are trying to pass laws that will impose a fine of a quarter of a million dollars for referring to someone by some gender prefix other than his current “gender of the day” by which he demands to be known, demanding everyone to enter his perverse mental delusion with him.  Isn’t that a bit DRACONIAN?  Half a million dollars for using the wrong pronoun?  Is this nation INSANE...?  What then should be the fine for rape or murder...? $100 KABLILLION...?

What about someone who thinks he is a horse? and wants to be called “Stud ____” or “Mare ___” ...? or someone who thinks she is a female dog and wants to be called “Bitch _____” ...?  Where does it end...?  It is madness to cater to those who are mentally deranged.  Freaks and perverts come out of the woodwork during “pride parades” dance naked and commit sex acts in public, and Christians won’t stand up for anything.  They let more and more aliens in and pay them to breed and breed and breed, so they can tax us more to open more prisons, put more surveilance into effect, hire more cops, start new policing and spying agencies, etc.  It is a non-stop not-so-merry-go-round.  It is job perpetuity called treason whose goal is totalitarian takeover.

Q. Why does your government give your hard-earned money to your enemies?

A. To have someone to protect you from.

The SS# is a fraudulent contract—based on lies and coersion—(and it is unconstitutional, violating the freedom to contract / not contract, as are all insurance policies that are forced upon people; and the SS# is a double-indemnity insurance policy, but one “sold to you” with a gun to your head and a hand in your wallet—and a “contract” in which you have no say in whether you ever collect any of it back again (they even give Social Security payments to people who have never paid into it).  They are also trying to pass a law in which they will tax you on the already devalued money once you start to get it years from now—they want to tax you on money that they already taxed you on, money which they then stole from you, which, by the time they begin to “pay it back to you” (which they now call a “benefit”—that is, something that you don’t deserve) is worth only a fraction of it was worth when it was stolen from you.  It is claimed that they are doing this for you (with friends like that who needs enemies), but the real reason is so everyone is dependent on the corrupt government which stingily doles out a scanty check to those who earned it, while paying godless sums of money to all those who never paid a penny into the program and hardly ever worked a day in their lives (so that the nonproducers reproduce faster than the producers).  In reality, it is a massive ponzi scheme that is already bankrupt because of mismanagement, fraud, and embezzlement; and therefore, they must keep the charade going because if those dependent on the checks realized there is no money, there would be a geriatric revolution overnight (once the Metamucil and Centrum Silver kicked in, in the morning).

The SS# is also fraudulent (and fraudulent contracts are void ab initio and the law is on the side protecting the person defrauded, not the one doing the defrauding) because when it was first passed it was promised that it would never be used for identification or taxation purposes.  To be legal, the Social Security Administration Act would have to be repealed; then, a new Act passed and those who agree to it would participate in it.  However, contracts cannot be changed without the consent of both parties.  If one party violates their end, the contract is void and the other party is free of any obligation.

Further, after having paid into it your whole life, if you are part of it, you find what they give you is not enough.  Additionally, they take that money and give it to Muslims, Jews, Mexicans, etc., who come here and have never paid into it.  They were also giving it to homosexuals with AIDS because no one would hire them.  It is fraud; it is theft.  They also, in bad faith, don’t tell you that if you simply bought gold or silver with that portion of your paycheck each week, you would have 20 times more money than what you get with the social security check.  The reason is, they want to be in control of the money—and no one has a right to take your money from you and no one can be entrusted with that much money; have people not learned enough from ENRON and other ponzi schemes?

The power to tax is the power to destroy.  Taxation without TRUE, HONEST representation, is TYRANNY and TREASON.  It is communism and immoral and unconstitutional and unbiblical to give a vote to those on welfare, those in government service, those receiving government contracts, aliens, etc.  It is conflict of interests, and those who are not bonafide freemen have no right to vote on how other peoples’ money will be taken from them and given to those on welfare, in government “service”, alien invaders, foreign nations, special interest groups, etc.  

Corporations have no rights  (but those with the highest-paid lawyers can usually “buy justice”).  Corporations only have privileges and exist at the whim of the government.  Corporations can be regulated and taxed out of existence.  The SS# makes each individual a “corporation sole” (a corporation comprised of one individual) and in court that corporation sole is represented by your NAME BEING IN FULL CAPS, which is not you, but the corporation sole that the pseudo-government thinks is you, which corporation they own.  Likewise, the STATE or the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in a lawsuit will have the name of THEIR FICTITIOUS ENTITY (CORPORATION) IN FULL CAPS and that refers not to the true government of the State or the United government of those individual States, it refers to the STATE or FEDERAL CORPORATION.... and as long as you play by their rules you will lose, because like the rules in a Casino, they were not made to be “fair” but they were made to make the House rich and you poor.  Stop playing the game.

The SS# is not “the” Mark of the Beast, but it is “a” Mark of the Beast (because the SS# is unique to the US; though other nations have their equivalent of it).  God declares damnation not merely on those who have the Mark of the Beast on their forehead or their right hand, but those who WORSHIP THE BEAST AND HIS IMAGE.  What exactly is worship?  It is obedience and it is work.  “Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work”... that Hebrew word translated labour can also mean “worshipper”.  It might possibly be rendered obeisance, which better preserves the elements of subjection, service, worship, and obedience.  Can a person truly rest if he has not worked 6 days as commanded?  Can a person truly worship God if he is not in subjection? —of course not; even as a person cannot repent without actually turning from sin.  A person can certainly go through the motions of asking forgiveness, even as an Israelite in the Old Testament could have sacrifices offered for sin—but if either does not first repent of the sin, God does not hear the prayers.  Likewise, God does not receive the worship of those in sin (sin of omission or sin of commision; ignorant or wilfull).

We worship God not merely by dressing up, singing hymns, and listening to a sermon—but by fearing and obeying God every single day in all that He commanded.  If we fear and obey men rather than God, then indeed, we worship those men and not God.

It is a constitutional right to travel freely even as it is a constitutional right to own and bear arms.  Rights are taken away because few care to be inconvenienced to stand up for them.  Standing up for freedom is not always easy; but the alternative is slavery.  If enough stood up the enemy would have to back down.  Like when people take down a croc or a gaitor... 8 or 9 men have to jump on the creature to weigh it down so it can then be tied up.  Those men are all trusting the other to do the right thing or they are all dead.

Drivers licenses, registration, inspection, license plates, insurance, “wheel tax”, seat belt laws, random traffic stops, checkpoints, unlawful search and seizures, etc. are just continued totalitarian socialism that will only grow more costly and more restrictive and more abusive.  Yet illegal aliens, without licenses or insurance—who are here illegally—who violate the traffic laws and cause an accident, are simply set free; but an American citizen would be arrested.  What’s wrong with this picture?  

Once people get in line and do what they are told, more and more restrictions / fines (extortion by the Law Enforcement Growth Industry: the police and the court system) are raised.  A speeding ticket used to be $10.  Now it is $150 dollars plus $150 court costs in many places.  Talk about Draconian “laws” littering incurs a $3,000 fine here in my small town, even though they have prisoners picking up trash for .10 cents an hour each.  And all would take is for a cop to “say” that he “saw” you litter; or even “plant” a candy wrapper in the back of your pickup and follow you just waiting for it to blow out.  Then hundreds of dollars of court costs even if all you want to do is plead guilty and get it over with.  10 prisoners working for .10 an hour if they work an 8 hour day picking up garbage costs all of $8 and they can reasonably cover 15 miles.  ONE PIECE of litter, if a person is caught and fined, will pay for OVER A YEAR of 10 prisoners working every day 8 hours a day.  WHAT are they doing with the money?  It is a dictatorship!  It is unconstitutional!  It is violation of their oath of office to preserve the Constitution and maintain law and order (keeping men from truly injuring one another)—not raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars per small town and padding the retirement of the local judge and politicians and cops who serve as their prostitutes to drum up business.  It is socialism and if people don’t stand up it will only get worse.

No, we are not under bondage.  God has not raised up a prophet and told us to “go quietly into that good night”... so until then, we are commanded, “Stand fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ has made you free and become not again entangled with the yoke of bondage”.  While that verse has spiritual application in reference to not being hoodwinked by the Talmudists into following their regulations in addition to the Law of God and thinking that anything that we do earns salvation—it cannot be separated from other areas of bondage and entanglement.  We are to walk even as Christ walked and Christ exposed corruption.  It is a sin to steal, and therefore, it is a sin to let other people steal from you and it is sin to watch passively as others are robbed.  Kidnapping is a sin and that’s what false arrest and imprisonment is.  Scripture also tells us, “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rebuke them”.  If Christians actually lived the Bible instead of acting as if it is merely a random collection of inspiring thoughts, we would not be in the state of corruption and oppression that we are in.

I am not saying that everyone should stop paying taxes, rescind SS# and drivers paraphernalia.  All societies need slaves and if people are more content to be slaves than free, why should anyone try to convince them otherwise?  Let them all bow down when the music starts to play.  But for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  Those attempting to rule over us are not our masters—but our servants!  That is immoral in and of itself.  If a fool wants to let his servant make him the slave while the servant assumes the role of master, if the fool is content with that, there is no sense trying to change his mind.  People suffer because not enough will stand up and do what is right.  Had enough people stood up and done what is right, Finicum would not be dead—and a million other similar abuses and crimes by illegals would never have happened.

If anyone gets “angry” or upset or enraged over this topic... that shows that he is functioning in the flesh and are is carnal and is not being led by the Holy Spirit—and it also shows that he is reacting emotionally and not intellectually and that he is a communist and does not even realize it.  Similarly, if someone knows what is right and does it and others refuse to do what is right, becoming enraged is the wrong response for him also.  being grieved in ones soul is the proper response.  “Be angry and sin not.”  “Be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good.”  That does not mean do nice things for evil people; it means demonstrate a godly hatred, if it be called for, not a carnal hatred.  “The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”  Also, those who will not stand up will have on their hands the blood of those who did stand up, and were slapped down (like Lavoy Finicum).  In this life God says such will reap what they sowed and when they are being oppressed, God will make certain that no one comes to their rescue—and God Himself will shut His Ears to their cries; and God will judge them in the next life also, for their cowardice, disobedience, irresponsibility, and for all those who suffered because they did not stand up when they very well could have.

Let each be persuaded in his own mind.  Let each pray, study the issue, seek God’s Counsel, the counsel of godly, intelligent, informed men, and do what is right.  Is it ever the wrong time to do the right thing?  Is it ever the right time to do the wrong thing?  Those who decide to stand up and do what is right should then never blame someone else (who suggested that he stand up) if it doesn’t immediately turn out to be peaches and cream.  All those who will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.  So if the average Christian is not suffering persecution while evil is all around him, what does that say?  It says to me that he is not living godly, but that he is a friend of the world—and friends don’t always have to agree with what the other does; sometimes they just keep their mouths shut and look the other way—and that describes 95% of all “Christians” who are friends with the world (which God calls “adultery”) and therefore, the enemies of God.  

Don’t be irresponsible and dishonest and ignorant and blame someone else because when you stood up to do what is right the result was not immediate utopia.  Because you and others TOOK SO LONG TO STAND UP, THAT is why the consequences may not be tutti-fruitti... not because you stood up.  If you let anything go on far longer than you should (termites in a house, rust on a car, cancer in your body, taking care of a hornet’s nest), when you finally do something to address the problem and you find out how costly and painful it is, only a fool would blame the person who finally convinced him to do something.  The alternative is shut up and die!  
Each person has the DUTY before God to do what is right, and that entails actually studying (instead of watching tv, movies, sports) to learn what is right.  “Study to shew thyself approved...”  “Be ye doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  You reap what you sow.  Do they want their children and grandchildren to be slaves (sex or otherwise), if Christ should tarry another century? (a scary thought)  Exactly when should people stand up?  30 seconds before the guillotine?  The American Revolution and the Protestant Reformation would NEVER have happened had the US and Europe been full of the IRRESPONSIBLE COWARDS that they are filled with today.  Such don’t deserve freedom.

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.” —Benjamin Franklin

“And how we burned in the labor camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive, and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if people had not simply sat there, palling with terror, but had understood that they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up an ambush of a half-dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? The cursed machine would have ground to a halt. If, if, if! We didn't love freedom enough. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” —Aleksandr Solzhenitzen

“What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a price on its goods, and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.” — Thomas Paine, 1776

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”  —Samuel Adams  (speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776)

[—Philadelphia, founded by my kinsmen and ancestors, which has now spuriously and abominably been declared a “Sanctuary City”.  The Birthplace of Freedom is now a den of thieves and vipers.]

It matters not, in terms of right or wrong, whether a man “gets the support” of the people to fight the system.  The majority will usually be wrong.  Most are followers and they follow only due to fear, not moral conviction.  The majority are lazy and cowards—until they are in a group dynamic, then they have a false sense of security, a false sense of “right” and the collective moral conscience of a sociopath.

It matters not if anyone “can see” whether what he does is furthering God’s Kingdom on earth.

How did the majority of people view John the Baptist, Moses, Elijah, or Jeremiah?  You don’t have to be a bonafide prophet for the world (or even “Christians”) to think that you are odd or even wrong.

However, it does need to be understood that just because someone endeavors to detatch himself from unconstitutional bureaucratic corruption does not mean that he is godly and does not mean that he is working toward the Kingdom.  Acts alone are meaningless.  The act has to be accompanied by the right nature and the right motive.  God commands, ye that love the Lord hate evil.  However, just because someone loves evil does not mean that he loves the Lord.  Someone can hate evil for other reasons (maybe only personal reasons, because it wronged him or his family).  However, you can only love God one way and that is obedience (and one of those commands is to hate evil—and that does not refer to a passive thought).

“We ought to obey God rather than men.”

If enough people stood up (like the “good start” with 1 million people signing the Target pledge boycott), the socialist USSA system would grind to a halt.  The machines of totalitarian regimes need fuel, and that is provided by money—and that is procured from flesh and blood (and it sheds the blood if the flesh resists).  However, each contribution funds the machine to run over everyone else.  If people stopped paying taxes so that politicians could no longer live like kings, start foreign wars, engage in espionage and assassinations, flood our nation with antichrist hostile aliens, give the aliens greater rights in our country, while passing laws telling us how much water we can have in our toilet bowl and what type of shower faucet we can have in the bathroom, etc., etc., etc., etc., the evil system would grind to a halt; it would run out of gas.  The very fact that USELESS politicians vote to declare a certain day “Dill Pickle Day” or vote to tell us how much water we can have in the back of our toilet per flush—is firm evidence that they have nothing valid to do, and like Congress was supposed to be, they should only work for a few months of the year (at a moderate salary) and then go home and work a real job.  The less they are convened in Congress, the less opportunity they have to commit Treason and do irreversible damage.

People weave their own nooses (and the nooses of their kinsmen) by paying into a fraudulent, unconstitutional criminal immoral system, and therefore, they are accomplices in the domestic and international crimes (including foreign wars and persecution of moral christians) that are funded by that blood money.

People do nothing because they are immoral and they think that their “reasons” justify their immoral apathy and passiveness.  If someone kidnapped your wife and children and said that unless you robbed a bank for them (shooting and killing everyone in the bank), then they were going to kill your wife and children—what would you do?  It’s a tough decision—but there is only one moral decision and that is not to murder innocent people and steal other people’s money, even if it costs you everyone you hold dear.  Life is not fair.  It would be immoral of you to sacrifice others’ lives for your own family’s lives, and according to God’s Law of the Harvest, He would see to it that you lost your own in the end too.  You reap what you so.  In such situations you have to trust in God and do what is right and pray that He opens a way out.  

Regardless, if you commit evil to save your own skin, you are evil... just as evil as the ones who put the gun to your head.  The only difference is for what price you will submit to evil.  George Bernard Shaw once met a woman at a party whom he could tell was overcome by his larger-than-life persona.  He asked her if she would sleep with him for a million dollars.  She said that she would.  He then bargained her down and down until he asked if she would do it for $10,000.  She replied, “No, what kind of woman do you think I am?”  He replied, “I already know what kind of woman you are, I am just trying to find out what your cheapest price is.”  A crude story but it also serves to illustrate my point in other areas of morality.  

Those who do nothing while seeing evil all around them share in its guilt and they commit whatever evil they have to in order to save their own skin.  The problem is, you reap what you sow—and once you get on that immoral not-so-merry-go-round, it becomes a “vicious circle” and it is impossible to “get off” without injury.  If you allow your neighbor’s wife and daughter to be raped, and do nothing... and it happens to all your neighbors, it will eventually happen to you.  We are to love our kinsman as ourselves.  If you don’t want your wife and daughters raped, you SHOULD NOT TOLERATE ANY of your kinsmen’s wives or daughters being raped.  To do nothing is an accomplice and guarantees you will eventually suffer the same—because God is Just and because he commanded that evil be put out from among us, not tolerated or ignored..

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”

The criminal-traitor-renegade politicians are selling our nation(s) out from under us; they have amassed an astronomically staggering so-called “National” Debt and raise taxes and devalue the money through government counterfeiting causing inflation (and they have also stolen the millions of tons of silver, copper, nickle, etc., from our coinage so that it is basically lead).  Even if the debt were actually the debt of the U.S.* HOW could it be paid off when they have stolen all the value from the money?  There is no gold in Ft. Knox to back the paper... why else would they refuse to allow it to be audited?  What makes them think that they have the authority to refuse an audit?  Since when do employees tell the boss that he has no right to check up on them to make sure they are not robbing the company blind? Why else do they refuse to give back the gold of those states of the U.S. or nations that are demanding it? —because it is not there and then need time to rob someone else to pay the others off.  There is some gold there as a decoy, like a real $100 on top and bottom of a stack of plain paper or counterfeits.  They have robbed Peter to pay themselves and Paul for so long, in a giant  heist / ponzi scheme that once enough people demand an audit, thousands of bankers and politicians will be jumping off roofs; by their own will, or having a helping hand at being “suicided” to prevent them telling what they know.  Then the law of the jungle will prevail among the criminals, and no honor among thieves will result in those who are guilty realizing that they need to “kill their collaborators before their collaborators kill them” and because loose lips sink ships.  The first canary to sing gets the “deal” (token fine and light prison sentence), so it will then be open season on canaries!

[* —which it is not: It is the debt of the corrupt politicians who voted to misspend taxpayer money and it is the debt of every person receiving welfare and every person / company / nation / special interest group / “charity” that somehow receives any public funds: any person or business that files for bankruptcy, receives bailout money, subsidies, aid, grants, etc.; all government employees who receive benefits of any type beyond a reasonable salary.  It is their collective debt in proportion to what they received and it is also the politicians’ individual personal debt in proportion to how they voted on all such misappropriations of taxpayer funds.  A law ought to be passed that if Congress does not stay within the bare-bones budget, that any excess expenditures do not become U.S. debt, but comes out of their salaries or bank accounts.  BOY, the budget would be balanced fast and religiously followed if that law were passed, would it not?  Then pass it!  See also: Congress Is Not Authorized To Misappropriate Even $1 of Your Tax Money For Charitable Causes, (also called “Not Yours To Give...” “Sockdolager” and “Tale of Davy Crockett”) Congressman Davey Crockett, 12pp., booklet, 1.25 + P&H.]

The entire illusion of the con, the entire house of cards is perpetuated by everyone continuing to play along, and “ooh” and “ahh” at the Emperor’s Magnificent Suit of Invisible Clothes... and just keep paying taxes and giving up their guns while they watch the barbarians with machetes flooding through the gates.... “Duhhhh....! uh... say, what are all those machetes for...?”  “Oh, those, don’t worry about them; we just plan on... uh... doing... hmmm... gardening, we plan on doing a lot of gardening”.  “Oh, that’s nice... —oh look! a football game is coming on...!  Yipee...!”

Despite her secular philosophy devoid of God, Ayn Rand was right in her superb, gripping novel, Atlas Shrugged* concerning the remedy to at least stop the evil machine.

[* Inquire concerning current editions and prices.  Highly recommended.  It is really passé, since our nations have been invaded and overrun with aliens and there is no chance that we can take it back, and our problem is no longer merely economic or dealing with corrupt politicians.  It is surviving “Planet of the Apes” until God in His Mercy delivers us (which He will not do until we repent—which requires turning from sin: which is impossible since “Christians” think that God abolished His Law).]

The conclusion: Stop playing an unfair, rigged, immoral game that you are under no obligation to play.

Our nation—all of our nations, Christendom—was founded in the principle of freedom.  A free man is who he says he is and he has the freedom to do whatever he wants except to the point that he would violate the Law of God and damage a kinsman.  A man has the right to work and own property and no government has the right to tax him on it or tell him how or how he cannot work or use his property or spend his money.  That is socialism.  Those who are fine with that deserve nothing but our scorn.  When is enough enough?  What if Martin Luther never stood up?  What if Jefferson and Madison and Adams and Franklin never stood up?

Franklin, in a wry play on words (“hang” also means, “stick together”, as the expression, “hang out together” reveals) expressed:

“We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly, we will all hang separately.” —Benjamin Franklin (remark made at the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776)

French-speaking Savoyard philosopher, writer, lawyer, and diplomat Joseph-Marie, Comte de Maistre (1753-1821) expressed,

“Every nation has the government that it deserves.”

This, of course, mirrors the Law of the Harvest, in that you reap what you sow, and Scripture also declares,

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Proverbs 29:2)

However, rulers are merely a reflection of the moral/spiritual fibre of the people whom they represent.  Looking at our “rulers” (public servants), THIS NATION and ALL OF CHRISTENDOM DESERVES JUDGMENT! —and God said that Judgment begins at the House of God, because God’s children know better and because they are supposed to be a moralizing influence on society—not cowering, neutered in the corner watching sitcoms, movies, or sports.  Like Jack Nichols said in Batman as the Joker, speaking of Gotham City (New York), “What this town needs is an enema!”  INDEED IT DOES—a Niagara Falls-sized enema!
Edmund Burke, the great Christian statesman said,

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is that good men do nothing.”

[The reason that good men do nothing is because they are not actually good; it is mere delusion with which they amuse and placate themselves.  Every tree is known by its fruit.]

James 4:17 says,

“To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

As I explain in many of my books and Ruminations, God commands those who love Him to HATE EVIL—that which HE has declared to be evil; not what an evil government and apostate church call evil (they call evil what God calls good; and vice versa).  If we do not hate evil, then God will give us more of it until either it kills us or we learn to hate it as He commanded.

Why should God deliver us from what we are willing to tolerate?  He won’t.  Until God’s people HATE EVIL (which necessitates reading His Word to learn what HE calls evil), then He will only give us more evil.  It is such a simple lesson.  Is it not time that simple minds actually learned it?

As Lee Iococca said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way”.  God has sought for Him righteous men to stand in the gap.  Who will stand up?

“Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.” (Proverbs 21:13)

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)

“33But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven.  34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10)

Those who don’t stand up for what Christ taught and commanded—for what Christ would have stood up for—deny Christ.  Denying Christ is not merely saying, “I don’t know Him” — it is remaining silent when what He taught and commanded is trampled on.  In such situations, silence is denial: for when the wicked stand up and flaunt their evil and oppress the vulnerable and the righteous, the wicked throw down the gauntlet and in essence declare, “Who is a Christian?  Stand up now!”    Confessing Christ is not merely having a bumper sticker or t-shirt or singing a hymn on Sunday.  It is confessing Him when it counts—daily—in the face of evil.  Those who don’t will on the outside hear Christ reply from behind closed doors within, “I know thee not”.  “Even a child is known by his doings.” (Proverbs 20:11)  Talk is meaningless unless backed by actions on a regular basis.  Christ said that He desires that we are either hot or cold, but those who are lukewarm He will vomit out of His mouth and they shall have no part in Him.  He shall deny them before the Father, for they have denied Him before men each time they tolerate and ignore evil.  Such shall hear, “Depart from Me ye that work iniquity [lawlessness; the opposite of what God commanded] I never knew you”.
“the curse causeless shall not come.” (Proverbs 26:2)


See also:


6-years at taxpayer expense... that is a crime too!  That’s probably about £300,000 ($500,000) ... I think he should just be pounded 300,000 times... stoned by the entire populace after a criminal trial has convicted him of being guilty.  The sodomites in prison will simply allow themselves to gratify their perverse urges every time they are overcome with perverto-lust, and when they get out, they will simply see every weaker person as fresh meat.  God commanded evil to be put out from among us and cut off; not incubated.