Which Flavor of Communism Will Win...? “Democrats” or “Republicans”...?

The nation is divided over this because half the nation is: 1. a Gimmie-grant / Rape-fugee/ alien invaders and their descendents (who are not lawful citizens*), 2. a native born person on welfare, 3. a government employee, 4. corrupt Big Business who wants the government to keep robbing Peter to pay Paul, 5. youth who have been brainwashed in the public schools who think that communism is good and that money grows on trees.  Thus half of the people voting in the U.S. (who should not be voting, since it is a conflict of interests for some and since the others are ignorant, immoral, aliens, or descendents of aliens and have no right to vote).  These immoral people, those with conflict of interests, aliens, and brainwashed people don’t care about rule of Law, what is right, the Constitution, the Word of God, or civilization.  They only care about pursuing their own agenda and forcing it on everyone else.

[* There is no statute of limitations on fraud.  The descendents of those who entered illegally can never be legal; those aliens (and their descendants) unconstitutionally granted citizenship by corrupt politicians, likewise, are not lawful citizens.]

The bastards ILLEGALLY just raised my property tax AGAIN.  WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH?  UNTIL THEY HAVE IT ALL?  Why did they raise property tax?  TO PAY THE SALARIES of all the new commissioners they just elected?  That’s 26 years (more actually) of property tax for which I have never received a penny in return.  THAT IS OUTRIGHT THEFT.  I don’t have children and if I did they certainly would not be in any public school (and especially not in this county).  Taxation on what a person owns (including his labor) is communism and it is unconstitutional.  Do government employees, servants forget those hallowed words: LIFE, LIBERTY and PROPERTY / Pursuit of happiness...?

[Property and Pursuit of happiness are synonyms and the two terms are used interchangeably throughout the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of the Confederation, American Common Law, English Common Law, and the Corpus Juris Secundum].

People would do well to read again, if they never have—and if they never have SHAME on them—(or even watch the more modern movie or cartoon version of) George Orwell’s Animal Farm.*  Watching Seinfeld and Oprah and the Superbowl will not help preserve your God-given, unalienable rights!

[* (1946) a classic; 114p., pb. 10.00 + P&H; ; DVD cartoon, 24.00; DVD 2-in-1, Animal Farm movie & Moby Dick 13.00 + P&H; skillfully reveals the duplicity and corruption of socialism / communism through an allegory in which animals take over a farm, then the pigs begin to change the established rules to be in favor of the pigs at all the other animals’ expense.]

The ONLY Constitutionally LAWFUL tax is for services that the taxpayer wants and needs but cannot provide for himself (which things are very few in nature: the nation’s roads, bridges, and defense from foreign powers).  It is not the “government’s”* right to tax people for the government employees’ extravagant lifestyle, salaries, paid holidays and sick days, top-of-the-line health care, “expense accounts”, assistants, bodyguards, exclusive shopping malls under Washington D.C., or pensions.  The government has no right to tell us how much water we can have in our toilets or what type of faucet we can have on our shower (passing such laws so that a few individuals can get filthy rich selling those new toilets / toilet parts / faucets).  Our public servants have no right to have marble and mahogany temples (courts, legislature, etc.) or state-of-the-art office buildings.  Similarly it is an unauthorized use of tax money for national guard armories in each county with brand new brick buildings with steel roofs, paved parking lots, central heating and air—barracks on blocks is all that is needed.  Corrupt politicians waste the people’s money because they think that what can be done, should be done—and that is why we are over $20 trillion in debt.

[* The “government” is actually a fictitious entity.  The “government” does not exist.  The government is THE PEOPLE—not any people, but the lawful heirs of the founders of this nation.  Government bureaucracies are criminal operations run by renagade, treasonous public servants who have a god complex; who should all be tried and sentenced for their crimes against the true government: the people.]

Our public servants have ZERO authority to tell us that we must share our nation with aliens from any country—for any reason—or to tell us that we must give our money to support anyone foreign or domestic) or any nation—for any reason: not even for natural disasters.  Giving to those in need is the venue of charity, not taxation.   Furthermore, charity is to be governed by what the Word of God says (and that does NOT entail helping our enemies become strong, it does not entail helping the Third World who worships pagan gods—let their gods save them—so that they can overpopulate their nations to then flood into our nation to take from us what our ancestors have built.  

Already all of our major cities have been stolen from us.  What price can you put on an entire mega-city like Philadelphia, New York, Miami, DC, LA, Chicago, Minneapolis and many others—and literally hundreds of other large cities...?  All these cities have been overrun by aliens (and put on a taxpayer-funded breeding program).  Millions of people had to abandon entire neighborhoods when aliens began to take over and crime skyrocketed.  The majority of all big cities now have been completely stolen by aliens, which our ancestors built and paid for.  Some have even been declared, “Sanctuary Cities”, which function as if they are not part of the U.S., but receive State Federal Tax money—and illegal alien criminals can flee to them and not be prosecuted for their crimes.  

Now they have their sights on our entire nation—the theft of an entire nation; and not our nation only, but Canada, and every nation in Europe, U.K., Australia, and South Africa—an entire continent, ALL OF CHRISTENDOM!  

After hurricane Katrina corrupt politicians realized that instead of sending the aliens into the big cities, they can send them to every city, big or small.  They even brazenly now tell us that no city has the right to retain the ethnic identity of those who founded it (though I don’t see any plans to ship Africans into Chinatown or Chinese into Muslim enclaves like Dearborn and Detroit).  Now my small town of 3,000 has 2 mexican restaurants, 1 japanese, 1 Thai, 1 chinese, and more and more aliens are being bused in.  The local factory just DOUBLED its building size (and I mean ENORMOUS) and imported 150 Mexicans from Indiana.  This is reverse discrimination.  Why did they not take out ads in the newspapers of local communities?  When the unemployment rate is so high, why are jobs given to aliens?

Over half of all government jobs should be liquidated and returned to the private sector.  Politicians don’t need an army of staff and secretaries and assistants and they would not even be able to justify such if they did not overreach into the private sector and try to control everything.  Congress is supposed to meet for a few months during the summer being paid a PART TIME SALARY—and then go home to work a real job the rest of the year, while also meeting at times with those whom they are supposed to represent.  Government has become a STATIST GROWTH INDUSTRY whose self-promoting purpose is to spread and spread and control everything.  
[In this corrupt tiny town, there are now signs (that I noticed a few years ago) that say, “Littering $3,000 fine”.  THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS!  THIS IS A COMMUNIST POLICE STATE.  THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS for littering... even though they have prisoners picking up trash for .10 cents an hour.  WHAT are they doing with the money from the “fines”...?  This is CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT and it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL it is ILLEGAL and it is TYRANNY!  Now, I have never littered in my life and I think those who do are pigs.  But a $3,000 fine is unconstitutional.  If a police catches someone littering, the first time he should be made to go pick it up and be given a warning.  The next time He should be required to give 1 hour community service picking up trash.  $3,000 is racketeering.  It is also so easy to “set someone up”.  All that needs to be done is for a person to toss a styrofoam cup, handful of grocery sacks or paper towels in the bed of someone’s pickup while he is in a store.  Then a cop follows him until the wind blows it out and —BOOM... or rather Ka-CHING!  $3,000.  Better yet, have all the trash on welfare (who are most-probably the ones littering) pick up trash for 8 hours a day (in all weather except the most severe) and earn their “paycheck” all year long.  If someone on disability can mow his own lawn and drive around shopping all day, he can pick up trash.  Pain is a common denominator of life.  If your back will hurt sitting on a couch watching t.v., then it can hurt just as well casually picking up trash with an extended trash picking pole that does not even require bending over.]

Communists will vote for Hillary.  Most will not think of themselves as communists, but that is what they are.  Americans (and all Europeans) have been brainwashed into being communists and they don’t even know what communism is or that they are actually communists.  All they have to do is google “10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto” and compare them to the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution known as “the Bill of Rights” and unless they are uncommonly dense, they will have an “ah-ha” moment and declare: “OH MY GOD, I AM A COMMUNIST!” —and then hopefully they will repent.  Communism punishes those who are productive and rewards those who are unproductive because its plan is to weaken the nation until the GOVERNMENT itself takes over everything and establishes a FULL BLOWN TOTALITARIAN STATE.

[—or order my book, my annotated edition of The Communist Manifesto (1848) [Originally titled: “Manifest of the Communist Party”] by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (56pp.)— with Illustrated Historical Introduction — & A Comparison of the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto, “Democracy,” and Marxist, Unconstitutional U.S. Law, with the Bill of Rights / the 10 Amendments to the Constitution and the 10 Commandments - also containing the Declaration of Independence, Common Law Citations, Court Rulings and Quotes on Freedom, added by Robert Alan Balaicius; Including photos, background information, and photos of these and more: Karl Marx, Philips Corporation family, Adam Weishaupt, Bernard Lazare, Winston Churchill, Dr. Oscar Levy, Maurice Samuel, Marcus Eil Ravage, Samuel Roth, Vladimir Lenin, David Ben-Gurion, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Harry Waton, Friedrich Engels, Moses Hess, Theodore Herzl, Jacob Schiff, Judah P. Benjamin, Albert Pike, John Wilkes Booth, Charles Booth, William Booth, Rabbi Isadore Loeb, Dimitry Manuilsky, 128pp. total, pb., 12.50 + P&H. Also exposes the Marxist roots of the modern banking conspiracy, and those who opposed it: quotes by Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, as well as several U.S. Presidents who spoke out against it and tried to stop it and were assassinated (Lincoln, Garrison, Kennedy).]

Our nation was NOT established as a democracy—any politician, lawyer, judge, educator, journalist, historian, or other “expert” who refers to the U.S. as a democracy (which about 99.9% do) is either an IGNORAMUS or a CONSPIRATOR (or both).  Our Founding Fathers specifically told us that they did NOT give us a democracy because democracies quickly fall into corruption and are short lived.  They gave us a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

All of the original State Constitutions were OVERTLY CHRISTIAN and therefore, the Federal Constitution that joined them together in a limited, specific manner, did not have to be a theological treatise (on which none would be able to agree).  The federal constitution that united the individual States* whose Constitutions were Christian, by its very nature, had to also be Christian.  But the subversives have worked overtime and perverted the State Constitutions declaring them to have been “unconstitutional” (which is getting the federalist cart before the state horse—and is arrogantly anti-intellectual for corrupt, ignorant minds 250 years later to determine that the Founders did not know what was constitutional or not!) and stripped them of their Christian identity.

[* Notice: This is the proper emphasis: “these united States”; not “the UNITED STATES”.  When anything appears in full caps in legal documents it refers to a fictitious civil entity, a corporation.]

Democracies are one step from full-blown Communism (and in the latter stages as we are now, there is little difference).  Is it any surprise that so many modern “nations”*1 (which are actually communist, though the people don’t realize it) call themselves “Democratic Socialists” or “Social Democrats”.  Some states (who seem to have multiple personality disorder) even call themselves “Democratic Republics”.  CONFUSION seems to be their modus operandi.  Keep the people in confusion and dumbed down and they won’t jump out of the pot when the water temperature is raised.  The U.S. used to be the world leaders in education.  To get into college you had to be able to read, write, and debate in English, Latin, and Greek.  Now, our average public schools turn out “graduates” 5th grade level education who have very little true knowledge or skills.*2  But that is not an accurate picture.  Many inner city youth are given “diploma’s” and “graduated” even though they cannot pass a single test; because they are not going to learn no matter how many years they are kept in school, so they are merely freed in a “catch and release program” (and they will graduate to another “catch and release program”—the criminal justice and prison system).  Yet what is it called to purposely dumb down the entire populace so that they can never rise above their own ignorance?  SLAVERY!  

[*1 Technically, a Nation is a sovereign political entity comprised of a homogenous group of people.  A State is a melting pot.  Thus, most nations of the world today are not nations, but states.  However, the individual Colonies in the U.S. were called states, but at a time before the meaning of state came to mean a collectivized assortment of alien peoples.  The U.S. Colonies as “States” would today more precisely be referred to as provinces.

*2 Obama ILLEGALLY outlawed apprenticeships, calling it “slavery”.  No one need obey this spurious act perpetrated under color of law.  The President (that is, those who are lawfully able to be elected as President) is the Executive Branch and the Supreme Court is the Judicial Branch—neither of which can make law.  Furthermore, no law that even the Legislative Branch passes is valid unless it is Constitutional—that is, Constitutional in light of the spirit and mind of the Founders at the time they ratified the U.S. Constitution.  The Constitution is not “a living breathing document”—that is treasonous subterfuge fabricated by those who want to scrap it altogether; and their method of destroying it is the “step down” program, by which it is slowly changed from the original until it bears no resemblance to it.  Congress has no right to change the Constitution; and that includes spurious interpretations.]

Ivy league schools (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. —which were all founded as Christian institutions) have, for the past quarter century, been required to implement remedial [that is, attempting to “remedy ignorance”] classes for incoming “quota” freshmen, who are unable to fill out the application, do basic math or construct simple sentences (who only “passed” high school because of their age and the time limit for them to learn “expired” so they were simply given a diploma)—and yet they are 4 years later given college degrees!  

The corrupt government has purposely dumbed down,* systematically lobotomized 4 or 5 entire generations of our children (herding them together with the children of savages) and demoralized* them—to the point that all they can ever be is cogs in the government’s totalitarian machinery... serfs on the Federal Plantation.  

[* —two methods of communism.  Add to that the fluoridation of the water supply and the plan becomes more clear.  Fluoride fogs the mind, renders the will pliable, lethargic, passive; which communists have done historically to their people, and which farmers long ago used to do to aggressive bulls.  The treasonous politicians also import millions of aliens, to fragment society so that it is not cohesive, racially, spiritually, morally, culturally, politically, intellectually so that the people cannot stand together as one against corrupt politicians.  The economy is also crippled by the work force being flooded by aliens (and shipping jobs overseas and not having tarrifs on goods coming into the country) which puts Americans out of work and also requires higher taxes for all the welfare benefits and for the greater police presence and courts and prisons for the 10-fold increase in crime.  With a large number of aliens and white trash on welfare, who rely on government handouts more and more and an entire voter base is created that will ever vote for the socialist government party that promises to give them the most for doing nothing... and a whole generation of good little communists is born.  Little do they realize that once the communists take over, all those on welfare will be forced to work or die (there is no honor among thieves).]

Yet the politicians pass laws in which their children get into ivy league schools, and they have passed laws requiring that only people with degrees can advance in any career, to assure that the government self-styled elite will always be in control; cementing the class structure.

Democrats, by their very nature and beliefs, are communists; whether they realize it or not.  Most Republicans are too, but likewise, they don’t realize it; they are merely just in favor of “a little less” communism (“Communism-Lite”), but don’t realize that communism, political corruption is like Christ said of the scribes and pharisees (who were the lawyers and politicians of their day), “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump”.  Sin spreads, just like weeds, if not uprooted.  Cancer spreads, if not cut out (there is no such thing as “Cancer-Lite”; if you think there is, by all means, be my guest).  Infection festers, if not excised.

ALL TAXES on Americans should be cut in half (and taxes for aliens and “resident foreigners” should be DOUBLE what the tax of lawful Americans is—that’s how it used to be: for the privilege of being in our nation—OUR nation, and they should never forget that).  Taxes on Americans should NOT be raised as Hillary will do.  Corrupt government needs to cut their own salaries by two-thirds--cut ALL their own benefits (since when does the SERVANT live better than the MASTER?).  If they want high-paying jobs then they should work in the private sector (if they actually have any marketable skills, which people like Obama and Hillary do not*).

[* The only reason such politicians are “hired” as consultants by Big Business is because it because is a way of funnelling money “legally” to someone who has no talent but promotes the communist agenda.  Likewise, being paid $100,000 for a one-hour speech is clearly corruption and money laundering—and colleges who pay for such “speeches” are in collusion with the communists and their agenda.]

All imported crap from China and India and all other Third-world nations must be stopped—stop helping enrich and strengthen our enemies while cutting off our own nose, feet, and hands!  Stop all U.S. industries and merchants from importing goods from factories they have moved overseas.  Stop government control of wages and everything else that they have no business attempting to regulate (health care, transportation, communication, industry, finance, etc.).   All aliens should be sent home—not given housing, food stamps, spending money, cell phones, and free health care.  If we Americans forced our way into Mexico, would we get free health care, food stamps, government housing, protection against “discrimination”...?  If white people are so “evil” why do they invade our nation and live here better than they do in their own nations? and why would we not be given the same treatment if we invaded theirs?  Since when do criminal invaders get to live for free? have babies for free (in fact, be given more money for each baby they have), receive free schooling for their children, free medical care, housing, food, etc.  It is suicide.

Corrupt government needs to get out of the money-making business—in more ways than one.  STOP COUNTERFEITING.  Stop giving ALL taxpayer money to EVERY foreign nation—every single one!  That is TREASON, GRAND THEFT, CORRUPTION, and UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  It is ILLEGAL—regardless of how long it has been being done.  There is no statute of limitations on fraud.

THERE IS NO LAW that says that ANY individual has to support aliens or lazy people in our country who refuse to work (or even those who are “disabled”—whether truly disabled or who pretend that they are) and there is no law that says that ANY individual has to support foreign countries.  STOP ALL WARS.  LEAVE ALL OTHER NATIONS ALONE.  SEND THEIR PEOPLE BACK TO THEM.  Call all our troops home, sell all U.S. military bases and embassies back to the foreign nations and pull out.  NO alien born in the U.S. is a U.S. citizen any more than if my dad broke into Donald Trump’s living room and had my mom give birth to me there, would I be a dependent that Trump had to support for the rest of his life.  No descendant of illegal aliens and no descendants of aliens that corrupt politicians blanketly (unconstitutionally) “naturalized”--NONE of them are U.S. citizens.

NO ACTION ARISES OUT OF FRAUD and there is NO statute of limitations on fraud.  A fraud is always a fraud.  The law is on the side of those being deceived, not on the side of those doing the deceiving (politicians).  Presidential Executive orders are ILLEGAL, Unconstitutional, VOID.  Every bill signed into law by Congress and the President that is unconstitutional is VOID.  Any bill signed by a presidential imposter is VOID.

ALL prisoners should be forced to work every single day (except on the day of rest) for their own food and cost of incarceration, health care, etc.  They should NOT be loaned out to businesses or government agencies to do their work for them and pay them .10 cents an hour.  They should work to raise their own food and the excess sold to pay for their incarceration and to repay THEIR PRIMARY VICTIMS—the people whom they injured; and to repay their secondary victims, the taxpayers.  Aliens who commit crimes, and all murderers and rapists and drug dealers and high dollar criminals who rob people of hundreds of millions of dollars (or any amount that they can never pay back) should be executed, not put in prison for the rest of their lives costing the taxpayers over $50,000 each / per year.  The U.S. has over 2.2 million prisoners (over 25% illegals).  Not counting the loss of human life and property, not counting police costs, court costs to convict (1 out of 500), the cost of incarcerating 2.2 million prisoners @ $50,000/year is $110 BILLION a year, minimum (high security prisons can be nearly double that $50,000 / year).  This $110 BILLSION minimum is every single year, and it only INCREASES, in both number and price per incarceree as time goes on and as the dollar is devalued.

Corrupt government needs to GET OUT of ALL commerce and industry.  The purpose of government is not to make money, but to keep citizens from (ACTUALLY) injuring one another (name calling or not hiring someone or not providing a service is not an injury, but a RIGHT) and to also rally the people together against a common enemy, foreign or domestic—and that is ABOUT ALL that government has the lawful right to be involved in.

And the “government”* has no authority and no right to call white black and black white, good evil and evil good; to change the established morality of Christendom and declare our enemies to be “the wonderful diversity that is our strength”.  Furthermore, diversity is NOT our strength, but our demise.  Homogeneity is our strength.  Godliness and morality is our strength.  Hard work and integrity is our strength—ALMOST ANYTHING BUT “diversity” is our strength.

[* —which as modernly understood is a fictitious entity; the true government is the TRUE people—not elected public servants and not the aliens illegally imported and bred conspiratorially to replace the true people.]

The government is not supposed to be a hospital or a retirement plan or a police state or a bevy of bureaucrats and lawyers who produce nothing but only feed off society.  Health care and retirement plans are private industry’s job—the individual’s job, his family’s job, his church’s job (if he has a church and if the church is Biblical).  The purpose of community is oneness, which is impossible if it is heterogenic (alien and perverse).  Furthermore, charity is an option, not something that can be demanded at gunpoint—that is called THEFT.   

However, community has purposely been shattered and fragmented by the importation and breeding of aliens and mass release of perverts into society so that GOVERNMENT then claims that it has to assume the roles in which a weakened community and church and family can no longer function.  That is a “self-fulfilling prophecy” (actually, planned conspiracy) as well as graft.  It is no different than the mob.  That is what modern government is” a “protection racket”.

It is not the federal government’s lawful job to invent laws that the states have to follow.  The states are to make their laws and those laws cannot violate the ORIGINAL State Constitutions and the COMMON LAW, which was founded upon the Laws of the Bible, which constitute the Supreme Law of the Land.

Furthermore, according to U.S. Law, a woman cannot lawfully be elected president.  Therefore, why would anyone think that Hillary will not continue to violate the law if “elected”, when she violates the law even running for an office that she cannot lawfully hold...?  Furthermore, she is guilty of racketeering and grand theft in robbing her supporters of hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars for “campaigning” for an office she cannot legally hold.  Furthermore, it robs the taxpayers in several ways: the “tax write offs” that corporations and individuals claim for the money they donated to Hillary’s (unlawful) campaign as well as the taxpayers “matching funds” given for her running for an office she cannot lawfully hold.  Furthermore, she funneled part of that money to her friends for “jobs” during the campaign, and she has certainly used a percentage for herself, and she gets to “lawfully” keep a certain percentage of all that money—and it is all a criminal enterprise.  In light of her utter disregard for the truth and rule of law over her entire career, how can ANY MORAL PERSON vote for her, knowing she will continue to commit crimes and ruin lives and people around her will mysteriously die...?

All of Anti-president Obama’s “czar” offices need to be closed forever.  This is not supposed to be a communist nation in which czars are appointed by a DICTATOR, but a REPUBLIC in which the people elect their PUBLIC SERVANTS (not their “rulers”).

The Supreme Court should be wiped clean and start over with those who understand the U.S. Constitution and who SWEAR to preserve it.  Furthermore, any time that any Politcians / Statesman or Supreme Court member violates the Constitution, violates his campaign promises he needs to be tried for treason and executed if found guilty.  There is too much at stake: FREEDOM, CIVILIZATION, our ENTIRE LIVES to entrust it to TRAITORS and CROOKS.  ALL politicians should be forced to take monthly drug tests and submit to monthly lie detector tests and sodium pantethol or other “truth serum” to make sure they have not done anything unconstitutional / treasonous / conflict of interest / shady, etc. (that is, to make sure they have not done anything unconstitutional in light of what the U.S. Constitution as it was originally established to mean—not according to modern liberal, subversion notions of what they would prefer it to mean).  These tests would not be a violation of their privacy or 5th Amendment rights—for politicians WAIVE those rights when the assume a public office; because the opportunity and threat of treason is too great to trust anyone (let alone those whom we know to be dishonest).  Thomas Jefferson said, “When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.” (from Raynor’s Life of Jefferson, p.356)