—Puritan-founded Yale university disinformation specialist: Nobody Is Normal




The truth is: Before the importation of the Third-world sub-normal population and the adoption of all sorts of false religions, pagan customs, and perversions of mind and body in the schools, media, churches (not to mention all the drugs and toxic vaccines, the pollution of the food supply with GMOs, pesticides, and a plethora of other dangerous chemicals, MSG which destroys the brain, artificial sweeteners that destroy the brain, a myriad of artificial flavor and color chemicals, stabilizers, enhancers, texturizers, preservatives, etc., and doctors prescribing Ritalin, Prozac, and other psychotropic drugs as if they were a Pez candy dispenser) the peoples of Christendom WERE normal. Not everyone was identical and as with most all things, the Bell Curve was still noticeable; but when people are of the same race, the same faith, the same morality, the same political beliefs—there is a trend of normalcy.

Thus, the concept of “normalcy” has had to be discarded to maintain the current fraudulent culture-destroying propaganda that all races are the same.  Thus, yet another “inconsistency” in their philosophy is noticed: In order for them to maintain the lie that everyone is the same, they have to declare that no one is the same.  Makes perfect sense.  Correct, when you have just shattered a platen glass window, the window is no longer the same, and the individual pieces are all unique.  But how is that “better”...?  It is only better for the glass company and glaziers; not the homeowner or business owner or insurance company (unless you can get the government to mandate window insurance, then the insurance companies have a smashing business...!).

[Another “false construct”, so it seems, must be jettisoned from reality: The “experts” also absurdly claim that “race” is a mere “social construct” (a collective delusion).  It is truly amazing how certain diseases attack only certain “social constructs” and how animals of thousands of species are so “rigid” in maintaining “social constructs” even though they don’t have higher cognitive powers of reasoning and never had their minds “polluted” by the “evil social constructs” of modern society.  I guess “male-ism” and “female-ism” are social constructs too.  However, realize, that just because mentally deranged persons can imagine a plethora of “alternate fantasy genders”, does not invalidate reality nor invalidate their irrationality and immorality.  It is amazing how separate “social constructs” remained separate for millennia, until the modern push to mongrelize the white race out of existence (as thanks for our having lifted them out of barbarism, somewhat).  Champion boxer Muhammed Ali confessed that God created the different races to be separate and that he wanted his kids to look like him; and that blue birds mate with blue birds and red birds with red birds, etc.]

In order to embrace abnormality and perversion as the new morality they have BRED (like culturing bacteria in a Petri dish) abnormality in the universities, churches, and media to destroy Christendom.

And now they are rewriting history as well as sociology, psychology, anthropology (and even “theology”, replacing it with humanism, under the guise of it being “Christianity”)—and then pass off that subversive propaganda as if it is on the only “truth” that ever existed.  Similarly, homoperversion before 1974 or so was considered a mental disorder, and so listed in the DMS (by which mental orders are diagnosed)—but with the Talmudic wave of the hand and voting of the Talmudic “experts” who wanted to destroy society, what had been considered mental illness was not considered “perfectly normal”.  Welcome to the new abnormal normal, even though no one is normal.

In fact, Swiss psychiatrist Karl Gustav Jung believed different races had different psyches; and that is what caused the Jewish Sigmund Freud to blow his lid, if I recall correctly, having been travelling on the same train with Jung, while reading one of Jung’s works Freud came to the place in the writing in which Jung claimed that Jews had a different psyche than Caucasians.  Freud burst into Jung’s car and demanded to know if that is what he believed.  When Jung replied in the affirmative, Freud demanded for the train to stop and let him off.  Co-Nobel prize winner co-discoverer of DNA Watson was lambasted and blackballed when a few years ago he came out and declared that blacks are not equal, their minds are different, and it is unfair to both whites and blacks to expect them to act in a civilized manner in white society.  Of course the destroyers of Christendom already have been working on the solution for many decades — have the nonwhite races destroy the white race through mass intermarriage (first openly formulated by the contemptuous Austro-Hungarian-Turko-Greek-Japanese “nobleman” Richard Nikolaus “Eijiro” von Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) in what was called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan; see my, A Bolshevik Primer — and the Planned Extermination of Christendom, 176 pages, pb., with 145 Illustrations, 14.50 + P&H within the US.).  Because he was of mixed race and was bitter about not being white, he set out to destroy the white race.  That was his plan and it is in its final stages of completion; being carried out at an accelerated speed, and like an enemy who has hijacked a plane and has it full throttle in a nose dive with the throttle broken off so no one can pull the plane up out of a death dive appointment with ground zero.

The plan is to destroy God’s people, the true people of Christendom.  We are the only ones being genocided.  If we are all murdered or mongrelized out of existence, Christ has no bride to which to return and God will have failed to preserve a remnant.

We are the stakes of Satan’s Cosmic “All-In” poker gamble for all of eternity.  He knows his time is short.  My chronological studies* indicate the year c. 2024 / 2025 to be the 6,000 year from creation, and thus the 120th Jubilee (deliverance / rest) from creation; which would be the time for Christ to return, destroy the wicked, cast Satan for 1,000 years into the Bottomless Pit (the deepest bowels of the Lake of Fire) and establish the Millennial Kingdom here on earth.  That explains the all-out sprint to destroy us.  If God can fail to preserve a remnant as He promised, then God is not the Omnipotent, Perfect God of the Bible as He claims to be, and Satan will then renew his hopes that he can defeat God altogether, eventually.

[* See my: A Coordinated Chronological Table of the Patriarchs: From Adam to the 12 Tribes of Israel and the death of Moses... From Creation to the Exodus... [Covering 26 generations and 2,553 years of history, with around 3,000 co-ordinated dates.] - 38” x 50” full-color wall chart; 8 different dating methods: calander of events of the Flood; difference between Masoretic and Septuagint chronologies; 27.50 + 7.50 P&H in a protective rolled tube.]